Washington, D.C. 20549

                 Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

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[ ]  Confidential,   for  Use  of  the   Commission   Only  (as   permitted   by

[ ]  Definitive Information Statement

First American Capital Corporation

(Name of Registrant As Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

 X   No fee required

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):


(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


(5)  Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:


(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


(3)  Filing Party:


(4)  Date Filed:

                          1303 SW First American Place
                              Topeka, Kansas 66604


              To be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 11:00 a.m.

To Our Shareholders:

     NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that a  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  (the
"Meeting") of First American Capital Corporation (the "Company") will be held on
Tuesday,  January 23, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. Central Time, at the corporate  offices
of First American  Capital  Corporation,  1303 SW First American Place,  Topeka,
Kansas  66605  to  approve  the   following   amendments   to  the  Articles  of
Incorporation of the Company (the "Amendments") and a reverse stock split of the
Company's Common Stock (the "Common Stock") whereby every three shares of Common
Stock will be reverse split into one share of Common Stock  (collectively,  with
the Amendments, the "Approvals").

The  Amendments  will (i) increase the number of shares of Common Stock that the
Company is authorized to issue to 25,000,000  (ii) increase the number of shares
of authorized  preferred  stock to 1,550,000;  and (iii) reduce the par value of
each share of Common Stock from $0.10 to $0.01.

The  Company  is not  asking  you to submit a proxy to vote  your  shares at the
Meeting.  At the Record Date (as defined below),  8,000,000 shares of the Common
Stock were issued and outstanding. Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one
vote. Shareholders who are the legal holders of more than fifty percent (50%) of
the voting rights of the Company have executed proxies (the "Proxies") approving
the proposed Amendments.  You are welcome to attend the Meeting in person and to
vote your  shares.  However,  the  Proxies are  sufficient,  without any further
action,  to provide the  requisite  approval of the  Approvals by the votes of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

You are  encouraged  to read the  attached  Information  Statement  for  further
information  regarding the action to be taken at the Meeting.  This  Information
Statement  is  being  furnished  to you  solely  for the  purpose  of  informing
stockholders of the matters  described  herein in compliance with Regulation 14C
of the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended.  Holders of record of
shares of Common Stock at the close of business on December  11, 2006,  the date
set by the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board") for the determination
of the holders of Common Stock  entitled to Notice of and to vote at the Meeting
(the "Record Date"), will be given a copy of this Information Statement.

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                        FIRST AMERICAN CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                        By:  /s/ Harland E. Priddle
                                        Name:  Harland E. Priddle
                                        Title:    Secretary


                          1303 SW First American Place
                              Topeka, Kansas 66604


***We Are Not Asking for a Proxy and You are Requested Not To Send Us a Proxy***

This Information Statement is first being mailed or furnished to stockholders on
or about  January 2, 2007 and the Meeting  will be held on Tuesday,  January 23,
2007, more than 20 days  thereafter.  We will pay all costs  associated with the
preparation  and  distribution  of this  Information  Statement,  including  all
mailing and printing  expenses.  We will also, upon request,  reimburse brokers,
banks and similar organizations for reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred
in forwarding this Information Statement to their clients.

               Approval of Amendments to Articles of Incorporation

Summary of Transactions with Brooke Corporation

On October 6, 2006,  the Company  entered into a definitive  Stock  Purchase and
Sale Agreement (the  "Agreement")  to sell shares of Common Stock that equate to
approximately  55% of the  shares to be  outstanding  on a fully  diluted  basis
thereafter  to Brooke  Corporation  ("Brooke")  of Overland  Park,  Kansas,  for
$3,000,000  in cash and  execution  of a  Brokerage  Agreement  (the  "Brokerage
Agreement")  pursuant to which,  among other things,  CJD & Associates,  L.L.C.,
Brooke's brokerage subsidiary ("CJD"), will cause all new managing general agent
loan brokerage business to be transacted  through First Life Brokerage,  Inc., a
subsidiary  of the Company  ("FLB").  Brooke agrees that if $6,000,000 of pretax
profits are not generated by FLB over a three-year  period in accordance  with a
specified  schedule,  then  Brooke  shall  contribute  funds to the  Company  as
additional  consideration for the issuance of the shares of the Company's Common
Stock acquired pursuant to the Agreement to the extent the pretax profit goal is
not made under such schedule.

The  transactions  will be effected  pursuant to the Agreements in two steps. On
December 8, 2006, the Company and Brooke closed on the first set of transactions
pursuant to the Agreement  (the  "Closing")  and Brooke  acquired for a price of
$2,552,132 and execution of the Brokerage Agreement,  3,742,943 shares of Common
Stock,  representing  approximately 46.8% of the Company's authorized and issued
Common Stock (the "Initial  Shares"),  and a warrant (the "Warrant") to purchase
an additional  1,643,460  shares of Common Stock to be  authorized  for issuance
pursuant to the  Amendments,  which,  when  exercised,  will  increase  Brooke's
aggregate  ownership  to  approximately  55% of the shares of Common  Stock on a
fully diluted basis. The Warrant is exercisable at a price of $447,818.

Before the Warrant can be exercised,  however,  the  stockholders of the Company
must  approve the  Amendments.  The newly  authorized  Common Stock will have no
preemptive rights.

Together,  Brooke, holding the Initial Shares and voting the shares of the Board
pursuant to the Proxies,  will have sufficient voting power to cause a quorum to
be present at the Meeting and to cause the Approvals to be approved. The meeting
and voting process is described more fully below.

The following is a description of additional  elements of the transactions to be
implemented pursuant to the Agreement.

The MGA Loan Brokerage Business

Prior to the  Closing,  CJD was  engaged  in the  business  of  consulting  with
managing  general agents and managing  agencies  regarding (i)  acquisitions  of
managing  general  agencies,  (ii)  financing  of  such  acquisitions  or  other
activities or needs of managing  general  agencies,  and (iii) other  borrower's
assistance  services.  Additionally,  CJD also was  engaged  in  directing  such
managing   general  agents  and  managing  general  agencies  to  Brooke  Credit
Corporation ("BCC") for the purpose of obtaining  commercial loans from BCC (the
"MGA Loans") for such  acquisitions,  activities or needs,  as well as providing
collateral preservation services to BCC with respect to the


MGA Loans,  for which CJD received a fee from the borrower that may be funded by
BCC's  loan  to  the  borrower  and/or  compensation  from  BCC  for  collateral
preservation services.

Pursuant  to the  Brokerage  Agreement,  as of and after  Closing,  the MGA Loan
Brokerage  Business has been and will be  transacted  through FLB, such that (1)
FLB conducts new MGA Loan Brokerage Business arising after the Closing,  (2) FLB
continues to conduct the business of brokering  life,  health,  disability,  and
annuity  products  underwritten  by  insurance  companies  other than First Life
America Corporation,  a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company ("FLAC"); and (3)
CJD  agrees  not to  conduct  any new MGA Loan  Brokerage  Business  or any Life
Insurance Brokerage Business after the Closing.  CJD continues its business as a
wholesale  property and casualty  insurance  broker,  specializing in excess and
surplus  lines  brokerage  services  pursuant to which CJD assists  unaffiliated
insurance agents and franchisees of Brooke Franchise  Corporation in finding for
their customers insurance coverage for hard-to-place and niche risks.

Servicing Agreement

As a cost savings measure for the Company,  as of and after the Closing,  Brooke
has  agreed  in  a  Servicing  Agreement  to  provide  many  administrative  and
public-company  compliance services to the Company,  including,  but not limited
to, human resource services, payroll accounting, legal services, accounting, tax
and auditing services,  risk management,  and corporate marketing services.  The
$5,000 monthly cost for these services  should provide  material cost savings to
the Company. The Servicing Agreement is to terminate December 31, 2007.

Minority Stockholder Protections / Liquidity Opportunities

Brooke has agreed to use commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Company to
obtain a listing of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock for trading on the
American  Stock  Exchange or the Nasdaq  Capital  Market as soon as is possible,
provided that such shares are eligible to be so listed.

Until the  earlier of the date of listing of the Common  Stock of the Company on
an  exchange  or the date that is 3 years after the date on which the Warrant is
exercised,  a committee (the "Committee") comprised of at least 3 members of the
Board that are  "independent"  (as that term is  defined  in the stock  exchange
listing  rules) will be granted  certain  authority  and powers set forth in the
Charter of the  Independent  Directors  Committee.  The Committee  will have the
authority  to approve or  disapprove  any  amendments  or waivers to many of the
ancillary documents to the Agreement,  certain transactions with Brooke, certain
major   corporate   transactions,   and  several  other  types  of   significant
transactions or corporate  actions.  The purpose of these  provisions is to give
certain  protections  to the  minority  shareholders  of the Company  during the
post-Closing period, until the stock is listed or for 3 years. These protections
are in addition to those provided by state law fiduciary duties.

Pursuant  to the  Agreement,  Brooke has agreed  that,  until the date that is 3
years after the Closing, Brooke will not to sell any shares of Common Stock that
would  result in Brooke  holding  less than a majority  of the  then-outstanding
shares  without prior notice to and approval by the  Committee.  Brooke also may
not cause the Company to file a registration  statement under the Securities Act
of 1933,  as  amended,  covering  resales of any shares of Common  Stock held by
Brooke or its affiliates in an underwritten  secondary  offering of those shares
unless it offers to  include  in such  registration  statement  a  proportionate
amount of shares of the Common Stock of other stockholders of the Company in any
such offering.

In  addition,  within 3 months after the  Closing,  the Company will  commence a
modified  "Dutch  auction" style tender offer for  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock on substantially the terms provided in the exhibit to the Agreement titled
"Dutch Auction Tender  Offer."  Pursuant to the Dutch Auction Tender Offer,  the
Company will offer to repurchase any shares of the Common Stock that its holders
(other than Brooke) tender to the Company at a price  determined as set forth in
the Dutch Auction  Tender Offer until a maximum  aggregate of at least  $500,000
has been paid by the  Company for such  repurchases  (less the amount that legal
fees  reasonably  incurred by the Company  directly in connection with the Dutch
Auction  Tender Offer exceed  $50,000).  The Dutch Auction  Tender Offer will be
consummated  within  30 days  after  the  commencement  thereof  or longer if an
extension of time is requested by Brooke and is approved by the Committee.


Reverse Stock Split

Pursuant to the  Approvals,  a reverse  stock split of the Common  Stock will be
effected,  whereby every 3 shares of Common Stock  outstanding will be converted
into ownership of 1 share of Common Stock, and fractional  shares will be cashed
out at the  equivalent of $1.72 per whole share.  Shareholders  may, but are not
required, to submit existing stock certificates to effectuate the reverse split.
Upon sale or  transfer  of the Common  Stock,  new  certificates  will be issued
reflecting  the updated  number of shares and the par value  resulting  from the
Amendments.  Prior to issuance of new  certificates,  each existing  certificate
will represent  ownership of the total whole number of shares owned prior to the
approval  of the  Amendments  and  divided  by 3.  For  example,  a  certificate
representing   ownership   of  1,000   shares  of  Common  Stock  prior  to  the
effectiveness  of the Merger will  represent  ownership  of 333 shares of Common
Stock  after  the  split  is  effected.  Cash  will  be paid  for the  resulting
fractional share.

Voting Procedures

At the Meeting,  Brooke will vote the Initial  Shares in favor of the Approvals.
At the  Closing,  Brooke  executed and  delivered to the Company an  irrevocable
proxy, coupled with an interest,  to Harland Priddle, who is to vote the Initial
Shares in favor of the  Approvals in the event that Brooke  breaches its duty to
vote the shares as agreed by the  parties.  At the  Closing,  each member of the
Board of Directors of the Company executed and delivered to Brooke's designee an
irrevocable  proxy  ("Director  Proxy") to vote the shares they hold in favor of
the Approvals.  Brooke and the directors who have executed the Director  Proxies
are restricted  from selling or otherwise  disposing of or alienating its or his
interest in the shares of the Company prior to the  shareholder  approval of the

One share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote and all shareholders as of the
Record  Date may attend the Meeting to vote their  shares  and/or any shares for
which they hold a valid proxy.  However,  shareholders who are the legal holders
of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting rights of the Company,  as of the
record date,  have already  executed  Proxies to vote in favor of the Approvals.
While you are welcome to attend the meeting  and vote your  shares,  the Proxies
are sufficient, without any further action, to provide the necessary stockholder
approval of the action at the Meeting. The Amendments will become effective upon
the filing thereof with the Kansas Secretary of State after the approval thereof
by the shareholders at the Meeting.

                 Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof

At  the  Record  Date,   8,000,000  shares  of  Common  Stock  were  issued  and
outstanding. Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote.

The  following  table sets forth  information  as of the Record  Date  regarding
beneficial  ownership  of the Company  Common  Stock by (i) the only  persons or
groups  known by the  Company to own  beneficially  more than 5% of the  Company
Common Stock outstanding or subject to exercisable warrants; (ii) the directors,
individually;  (iii) each nominee, individually;  (iv) each executive officer of
the  Company,  individually;  and (v) all  officers  and  directors  as a group.
Additionally,  the table sets forth in pro forma  format the  anticipated  share
ownership  data  for  those  categories  of  holders  assuming  approval  of the
Amendments and exercise of the Warrant by Brooke.  Except as otherwise  noted in
the  footnotes  to the  table,  the  beneficial  owners  have  sole  voting  and
investment power as to all of the shares beneficially owned by them.


                                                                                             Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                                                                Shares        Percent of       Shares        Percent of
    Name and Address                Status of Holder            Owned           Class          Owned           Class

Brooke Corporation
10950 Grandview Drive
Suite 600                           Beneficial owner
Overland Park, KS  66210            of more than 5%           3,742,943          45.93%      5,386,403         55.00%


Paul E. Burke, Jr.
2009 Camelback Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047                  Director                     50,000              *          50,000             *

Edward C. Carter
4100 Wimbledon Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047                  Director                     85,000           1.04%         85,000             *

Thomas M. Fogt
8200 W 101st Ter
Overland Park, KS 66212             Director                    100,200**         1.23%        100,200**        1.02%

Kenneth L. Frahm
Box 849
Colby, KS 67701                     Director                     40,000              *          40,000             *

John G. Montgomery
P. O. Box 129
Junction City, KS 66441             Director                     45,000              *          45,000             *

Harland E. Priddle
8214 South Haven Rd.                Director;
Burrton, KS 67020                   Officer                      40,000              *          40,000             *

John F. Van Engelen
4624 NW Kendall Dr.                 Director;
Topeka, KS  66618                   Officer                      51,000***           *          51,000***          *

Gary E. Yager
3521 SW Lincolnshire
Topeka, KS 66614                    Director                     40,000              *          40,000             *

- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------- --------------
All Directors and Officers as a                                 451,200           5.54%        451,200          4.61%
Group  (8 persons)

*    Indicates less than 1% ownership.

**   Includes shares issuable  pursuant to a warrant to purchase  100,000 shares
     of  Common  Stock at $1.72 per  share,  which  was  issued  at the  Closing
     pursuant to the Agreement and is currently exercisable.

***  Includes shares issuable pursuant to a warrant to purchase 50,000 shares of
     Common Stock at $1.72 per share,  which was issued at the Closing  pursuant
     to the Agreement and is currently exercisable.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


All current  members of the Board of  Directors,  except Paul E. Burke,  Jr. and
John F. Van Engelen (who were designated by Brooke prior to Closing),  submitted
written resignations from the Board at the Closing to be effective upon exercise
of the Warrant (the  "Resigning  Directors").  All Resigning  Directors  will no
longer be members  of the Board of  Company  after  exercise  of the  Warrant by
Brooke.  The Company  also entered into an  Employment  Agreement  with John Van
Engelen to serve as President of First Life America Corporation (the "Employment
Agreement").  The Employment  Agreement shall run through June 30, 2007,  paying
Mr. Van  Engelen  $144,800 in  addition  to any unpaid  performance  based bonus
carried over from Mr. Van Engelen's previous employment agreement with FACC.

                         Financial and Other Information

The  financial  data required  pursuant to Item 13 of  Regulation  14A is hereby
incorporated by reference to First American  Capital  Corporation's  most recent
10-KSB and  10-QSB  reports  on file with the SEC.  A copy of both  reports  are
included  with this  Information  Statement.  Representatives  of the  principal
accountant  for the  Company  are not  expected to be present at the Meeting and
therefore  will  not be  making a  statement  nor be  available  to  respond  to
questions at the Meeting.

You may access  additional  information  regarding  the Company,  including  all
reports  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,   through  the
Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR archives at www.sec.gov.


By:   /s/ Harland E. Priddle
Name:  Harland E. Priddle
Title: Secretary