[Kansas City Southern Letterhead]

January 11, 2008


Daniel Morris, Esq.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
Mail Stop 3561
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

     Re:  Kansas City Southern
          Definitive 14A
          Filed March 30, 2007
          File No. 001-04717

Dear Mr. Morris:

     Kansas City Southern ("KCS," "we," "us," "our" or the "Company") is pleased
to provide the following response to your comment letter dated December 10, 2007
to Mr. Michael R. Haverty,  Chief Executive  Officer of KCS, with respect to the
above-referenced proxy statement.

     In connection with this response, KCS acknowledges that:

     o    The  Company is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
          disclosure in its filing;

     o    Staff  comments or changes in disclosure in response to staff comments
          do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
          a filing; and

     o    The  Company  may  not  assert  staff  comments  as a  defense  in any
          proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
          securities laws of the United States.

     For your  convenience,  each  response to your  comments is preceded by the
comment to which it relates.

     1. While we note your response to prior comment 6, please  confirm that you
will  disclose in future  filings  where actual  payments  fall within  targeted

     The Company will in future proxy statements  disclose where actual payments
to the named executive officers ("NEOs") fall within the targeted parameters for
each element of compensation  that was the subject of a benchmark  analysis.  To
the extent  any  compensation  element  materially  exceeds  or falls  below the
targeted parameters,  the Company will disclose the reasons why the Compensation
Committee felt that such level of compensation was appropriate.

     2. While we note your  response to prior  comment 9, we re-issue  the prior
comment.  Specifically,  please address whether there were specific  targets for
business unit and individual performance. If not, please so state. If so, please
disclose the targets for 2006 and post-2006, to the extent known. If you believe
that  disclosure  of the  goals  is not  required  because  it would  result  in
competitive  harm such that you may omit the disclosure  under  Instruction 4 to
Item 402(b) of Regulation S-K, please provide a detailed  supplemental  analysis
supporting  your  conclusion.  Please  refer to prior  comment 9 for  additional
guidance, as appropriate.

     With the exception of Mr. Zuza's 2006 AIP award (which was based 25% on his
individual performance), individual and business unit performance goals were not
considered in determining AIP awards for 2006.

     In  addition  to the  Company  financial  performance  goals  for  2007 AIP
compensation disclosed in the proxy statement, the following business unit goals
will be taken into consideration in awarding 2007 AIP bonuses:

     o    Our U.S. operations must meet a specified operating ratio;

     o    Our Mexico operations must meet a specified operating ratio;

     o    Our  marketing  department  must meet its business  unit and corporate
          financial goals; and

     o    Each department must meet its budget and corporate financial goals.

     Each of the  foregoing  departmental  goals will only  account for 5% of an
NEO's AIP bonus for 2007.

     Our CEO has tasked the NEOs with achieving four major strategic  goals, and
will  recommend to the  Compensation  Committee  that the officers'  progress in
meeting these strategic goals be evaluated in awarding the 30% component of 2007
AIP bonuses to be determined by individual performance.

     3. While we note your  response to our prior  comment  10, we re-issue  the
prior comment. In future filings, please disclose the rationale for setting your
payment and  benefits  at the  current  levels.  In so doing,  disclose  why you
believe  that the  current  levels  are  appropriate  and  consistent  with your
compensation objectives.

     The  post-termination  compensation  and  benefits  described  in the proxy
statement are required  under the terms of employment  agreements  with the NEOs
identified in the proxy  statement.  A number of these  agreements  were adopted
some years ago. The  post-termination  compensation  and benefits  payable under
these  agreements  may be amended  only with the  consent of the  executive  and
cannot  be  unilaterally  changed  by the  Company.  Most  if not  all of  these
agreements  pre-date  the  service of the  current  members of the  Compensation

     The Committee's compensation consultant performed a competitive analysis of
these provisions in 2006 and determined that such compensation and benefits were
within competitive ranges for the Company's peer group.

     4. While we note your response to our prior comment 12, please confirm that
your future  disclosure will provide a more detailed analysis of how and why the
compensation  of Mr. Haverty and Mr. Shoener  differs so widely from that of the
other named executives. Please also confirm that you will provide analysis on an
individualized  basis to the extent that the policies or  decisions  relating to
Mr. Haverty  and/or Mr.  Shoener are  materially  different than the other named
executive officers.

     As stated in our letter dated September 21, 2007,  three of the NEOs listed
in the Summary Compensation Table were not employed during the entirety of 2006,
making the compensation paid to Messrs.  Haverty and Shoener seem  comparatively
higher than it actually was. We also stated in that letter that Messrs.  Haverty
and Shoener do not  participate in any  compensation  programs that are not made
available to other executives.

     As stated in our 2007 proxy  statement,  the  Committee  generally  targets
executive  officer base  salaries at  approximately  the market median among the
peer group companies.  We believe the total compensation paid to Messrs. Haverty
and Shoener for 2006 was within the  midrange  of the peer group  companies  for
executives of comparable  position and tenure.  We compete with other  companies
for executive  talent,  and seek to pay

executives at  approximately  the market median for their  positions in order to
remain  competitive for executive  talent.  The  Compensation  Committee has not
established  maximum ratios between the compensation paid to our CEO and COO and
the compensation paid to other NEOs.

     Mr. Haverty has been with KCS  approximately  12 years, and both he and Mr.
Shoener have deep  executive  experience in our industry.  We believe the unique
roles, responsibilities, experience, accountability, leadership and achievements
of Messrs.  Haverty and Shoener as our  Company's  chief  officers are worthy of
consideration in setting their compensation. In future proxy statements, we will
provide a more  detailed  discussion  and  analysis of these  incumbent-specific
factors and their relationship to the compensation of our CEO and COO.

     We appreciate the  opportunity  to provide this  response.  If you have any
questions  or  would  like  to  discuss  these  responses,  please  call  me  at

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                  /s/ Brian P.Banks

                                                Brian P. Banks
                                                Associate General Counsel and
                                                Corporate Secretary

cc:  Rodney E. Slater, Esq., Chairman-Compensation Committee
     Michael R. Haverty, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
     Patrick J. Ottensmeyer, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
     William J. Wochner, Esq., Senior Vice President & Chief Legal Officer