(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                              DECREE-LAW Ner: 27/98
                  FIRST ADDENDUM TO OFFICIAL JOURNAL Ner: 5/98
                        Published on July.... and entered
                       into force on July.... July, 1998.

Whereas the  exploration  and  exploitation of natural  resources,  namely,  the
hydrocarbons  reveal to be as a relevant  addition to the production of national
wealth  that is  needed to the  development  of the  Country,  as well as to the
establishment of welfare to the Saotomean citizen;

Whereas  the  establishment  of  a  company  whose  business  activity  will  be
exploration and  exploitation  of hydrocarbons is the needful  condition to meet
this purpose,

Whereas,  moreover,  it is advisable the contribution  from the  internationally
experienced  foreign companies to assure technical and financial  co-partnership
to materialize this business activity, Now therefore,

The  Government of the  Democratic  Republic of Sao Tome and Principe  under the
article 99,  sub-paragraph  d) of the  Constitution  enacts and I promulgate  as

                                    Article 1

It is hereby  established Sao Tome and Principe National  Petroleum  Company,  a
public company, shortly named "STPETRO, S.A."

                                    Article 2

It is hereby approved the Statute of STPETRO, S.A. that is attached to
this diploma.

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                    Article 3

This decree-law enters into force under legal terms.

            Approved by the Council of Ministers on June 16th, 1998.
                  The Prime Minister and Head of the Government

                                               (Illegible Signature)
                                                 Raul Braganca Neto
                                           The Minister of Justice, Labor
                                              and Public Administration

                                               (Illegible Signature)
                                                Amaro Pereira de Couto
                                    On behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
                                                  and Communities

                                               (Illegible signature)
                                            Homero Jeronimo Salvaterra
                                              The Minister of Defense
                                                   and Interior

                                               (Illegible Signature)
                                           Joao Quaresma Viegas Bexigas
                                      On behalf of the Minister of Planning
                                                    and Finance

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                               (Illegible Signature)
                                                Acacio Elba Bonfim
                                         The Minister of Education, Culture
                                                    and Sports

                                               (Illegible Signature)
                                            Albertino Homem dos Santos
                                                 Sequeira Braganca
                                         The Minister of Social Equipment
                                                  and Environment

                                               (Illegible Signature)
                                             Arlindo Afonso de Carvalho
                                     On behalf of the Minister of Agriculture
                                                   and Fisheries

                                               (Illegible Signature)
                                             Hermenegildo de Assuncao
                                                   Sousa e Santos
                                       On behalf of the Minister of Wealth

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe
Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment
of STPETRO, S.A.,  Saotomean National Oil
Company; First Addendum to official Journal
Ner.:5/98, Published on July .., 1998.
Entry into force: on July.., 1998).

                                                (Illegible Signature)
                                         Eduardo do Carmo Ferreira de Matos
                                         The Minister of Commerce, Industry
                                                     and Tourism

                                                (Illegible Signature)
                                               Cosme Bonfim Afonso Rita

                                  It has  been  promulgated  on July  9th, 1998.

                                                    Be Published.

                                            The PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC

                                                (Illegible Signature)
                                     Miguel ANJOS DA CUNHA, LISBOA TROVOADA

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                   STATUTE OF
                              SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
                           NATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY
                             A PUBLIC COMPANY NAMED
                                "STPETRO, S.A. "

                                    CHAPTER I
                         ESTABLISHMENT, HEADQUARTERS AND
                              COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES

                                    ARTICLE I
                           ESTABLISHMENT AND DURATION

1. There is hereby  established a public company  incorporated under the Laws of
the  Democratic  Republic  of  Sao  Tome  and  Principe,  pursuant  to  relevant
provisions of the applicable laws and regulations to sharing companies,  that is
named Sao Tome and Principe National Petroleum Company, shortly, "STPETRO, S.A."

2. STPETRO,  S.A., is an oil company  established  between the Government of the
Democratic  Republic of Sao Tome and Principe  (herein after  referred to as the
"Government") and Environmental  Remediation  Holding  Corporation (herein after
referred to as the ERHC), under the terms and conditions set up in the Agreement
between the aforementioned parties dated May 27, 1997.

3. STPETRO,  S.A., is established for an indefinite time period from the date of
registration  of this Statute with the Notary Public in the Democratic  Republic
of Sao Tom6 and Principe.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                              COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES

1. The main  commercial  activities  of STPETRO,  S.A.,  are  petroleum  and gas
exploration and  exploitation,  petroleum  refining,  gas processing and sale of
petroleum and petroleum products as well as, securing financing, development and
procurement of petroleum and gas related activities and facilities.

2. STPETRO, S.A., shall carry on any and all the activities connected or related
to the petroleum and gas industry, as well as any other commercial activity that
is not in a collision course with its main commercial activities.

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                    ARTICLE 3
                            HEADQUARTERS AND BRANCHES

1. The  headquarters  of  STPETRO,  S.A.,  are  located  in Sao Tome City in the
Democratic  Republic  of Sao Tome and  Principe  (herein  after  referred  to as
"DRSTP",  and its Administrative  Council may deliberate the transfer thereof to
any place in the Saotomean territory.

2. STPETRO, S.A., through its Administrative Council, will have the authority to
open branches,  agencies and  representative  offices  thereof at any time as it
deems necessary at any place in the Saotomean territory and/or elsewhere abroad.

3. The Administrative Council of STPETRO, S.A., may establish at a time it deems
necessary affiliated companies abroad.

4. STPETRO,  S.A., is interdicted to establish affiliated banks in the territory
of the DRSTP; however, it may acquire shares of the banks operating therein.

                                    ARTICLE 4
                           (ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION)

STPETRO, S.A., shall comply with the laws, regulations,  and compulsory rules on
environmental protection on carrying on its commercial activities

                                    ARTICLE 5

STPETRO,  S.A.,  and its  branches,  agencies and  representative  offices based
and/or registered in the DRSTP shall hold the Saotomean nationality.

                                    ARTICLE 6
                        (LEGAL PERSONALITY AND CAPACITY)

1. STPETRO, S.A., shall have legal personality and capacity to perform under its
name and its commercial activities.

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

2.  STPETRO,  S.A.,  is a legally  autonomous  private  entity and shall  enjoy,
therefore,  the complete and absolute  managing and financial  autonomy in legal
course of its commercial activities through its competent bodies.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                          (CAPITAL STOCK CONTRIBUTION)

1. The initial  capital  stock  contribution  for STPETRO,  S.A., is one hundred
thousand (Us$100, 000.00) Dollars of the United States of America.

2. The capital  stock may be  increased  up to the  proportional  amount that is
deemed  to meet in the  best way its  commercial  activities,  according  to the
decision of the General Assembly of shareholders  taken by majority of the votes

3. Any new shares may be submitted to the public  subscription  upon approval of
majority shareholders and subject to the provisions set forth herein.

4. In case of  failure  of  subscription  of new  shares  by the  Treasury,  the
Saotomean State shall appoint one or more  state-owned  entities to perform such
subscription  on  its  behalf,   in  order  that,  at  least,  to  preserve  the
proportionality of capital stock that it owns.

                                    ARTICLE 8

1. The initial  capital stock is divided into ten thousand  (10,000) shares each
having a face value of ten (USD10.00) Dollars of the United States of America.

2. All these shares shall have been fully paid up prior to their issuance.

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                    ARTICLE 9
                        (SUBSCRIPTION OF INITIAL SHARES)

         The  initial  shares  shall  be  subscribed  and  fully  paid up by the
founders-shareholders as follows:

         (A)  The Government or state-owned entity appointed by the former: five
thousand one hundred (5,100) shares,  the equivalent of fifty-one  (51%) percent
of the initial capital stock, and

         (B)  Environmental Remediation Holding Corporation:  four thousand nine
hundred (4,900) shares the equivalent of forty-nine (49%) percent of the initial
capital stock.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                                (TYPE OF SHARES)

1. The shares  hereby  created  shall be issued as bearer  shares with  transfer
restrictions as set forth in the Article 15.

2. STPETRO,  S.A., may issue nominative or special shares or other types thereof
at any time as it deems necessary and convenient,  pursuant to the deliberations
of the General Assembly taken by the majority of the votes cast.

3. STPETRO,  S.A., may issue  certificates  in combination of five,  ten, fifty,
hundred and thousand shares.

                                   ARTICLE 11
                              (STOCK REGISTRATION)

1. All types of shares shall be  registered  and numbered  under the name of the
buyer or  subscriber  in the  appropriate  registry  or database  maintained  by

2. The registry or database of shareholders  shall also include the domicile and
address of each shareholder or share subscriber

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                   ARTICLE 12
                                 (SHARE DEPOSIT)

1. The  shareholder has the faculty to take physical  possession  whether of the
share or the original of the share certificates;  provided that the former shall
be  maintained  on  deposit  at  the  headquarters  of  STPETRO,  S.A..  If  the
shareholder  elects to take physical  possession of the shares,  the original of
share certificates shall not be issued.

2.  If the  share  certificate  remains  on  deposit  with  STPETRO,  S.A.,  the
shareholder shall receive a share receipt acknowledging said deposit.

3. Said share receipts may be transferred,  but said receipts will have no legal
value until said  transfer  is recorded in the  registry or database of STPETRO,

                                   ARTICLE 13
                              (SHARE CERTIFICATES)

1.  STPETRO,   S.A.,  grants  the  Administrative  Council  authority  to  issue
certificates representing five, ten, fifty, hundred and thousand shares.

2 The Administrative Council may only issue such certificates after full payment
of the price of total number of shares that have been subscribed.

3. All shares and bonds, as well as the documents in which they are combined and
their respective  certificates,  shall be jointly signed by the President of the
Administrative   Council  and  another  member  thereof,  as  appointed  by  the
Administrative  Council, whose signatures shall be certified by the Secretary of
the Administrative Council and shall set the embossed seal of STPETRO, S.A.

4. The signatures referred to in the provision paragraph "3" herein above may be
reproduced mechanical means.

                                   ARTICLE 14

1. STPETRO,  S.A., may issue any type of bonds  according to the decision of the
Administrative Council, pursuant to the relevant provisions of applicable Laws.

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

2. STPETRO, S.A., may issue certificates  representing five, ten, fifty, hundred
and thousand bonds as well as documents that combine this same amounts.

3. The  Administrative  Council may only issue such bond certificates after full
payment of the number of bonds that has been subscribed.

4. The General Assembly may grant powers to the  Administrative  Council on bond

                                   ARTICLE 15
                                (PRIORITY RIGHT)

1. There is hereby  conferred a priority right on the  subscription and purchase
of new  shares or bonds to the bearer on any type  shares or bonds,  as the case
may be, according to the proportionality of the owned shares and/or bonds.

2. Any shareholder or holder of bonds of record is required to offer for sale or
transfer  in  priority  to any  shareholder  or bond  holder of record  prior to
offering  such  shares  to  any  individual  or  business  entity.  Notice  of a
shareholder or holder of bonds intent to sell, shall be given to STPETRO,  S.A.,
in  accordance  with the  procedures  to be  established  by the  Administrative

3. Any shares or bonds which have not been  subscribed by other  shareholders or
holders of bonds, may be publicly subscribed.

                                   CHAPTER II
                       THE RULING BODIES OF STPETRO, S.A.

                                   ARTICLE 16

                      (THE RULING BODIES OF STPETRO, S.A.)

         STPETRO, S.A., is ruled by the following bodies:

                  (A)      The General Assembly of the Shareholders,

                  (B)      The Administrative Council, and

                 (C)      The Council of Auditors.


(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                    Section I

                                   ARTICLE 17
                        (POWERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY)

1. The General  Assembly is composed of all the  shareholders  with the right to
vote,  and the  shareholders  without the right to vote may attend its  sessions
under the terms of this Statute.

2 The Board of General Assembly is composed by one Chairman,  one Vice-President
and one Secretary, elected by the General Assembly.

3. All shareholders,  other ruling bodies of STPETRO,  S.A. and members thereof,
are  bound  to all  actions  of the  General  Assembly  taken  according  to the
applicable Laws and Regulations.

4. The General Assembly shall:

      (A) Appoint and dismiss the Chairman, the Vice-President and the Secretary
          of the General Assembly, for a five-year term, eventually renewable,

      (B) Appoint and dismiss  the  members  of  bodies,  fix  their  wages  and
          privileges, other ruling bodies, fix their wages and privileges,

      (C) Approve or disapprove the annual  report  and  balance  sheet  of  the
          Administrative Council and the annual report of Council of Auditors,

      (D) Adopt any amendments to this Statute,

      (E) Deliberate on strategy and general options for the development  of the
          commercial activities of STPETRO, S.A.,  that shall be proposed by the
          Administrative Council, and

      (F) Deliberate  on dividend  distribution, the constitution of reserves or
          any subject in the agenda.


(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                   ARTICLE 18
                                 (RIGHT TO VOTE)

1. The shareholder  has the right to attend the meeting of the General  Assembly
as voter.

2.  However,  only the bearer of at least one hundred  (100)  voting  shares may
exercise the right to vote.

3. The buyer of voting  shares is compelled to give notice to STPETRO,  S.A., on
such, acquisition two (2) months prior to any meeting of the General Assembly to
enable the shareholder the authority to exercise the right to vote.

4. A bearer of bonds,  authorized  and issued by STPETRO,  S.A.,  may attend the
meeting of the General Assembly only as observer, without the right to vote.

                                   ARTICLE 19
                             (NOTICE OF THE MEETING)

1. The  General  Assembly  shall be  convened  by its  Chairman  on his/her  own
initiative  or under  compulsory  request  within a minimum of thirty  (30) days
notice  prior to the date of the  meeting  by the  shareholders  owning at least
twenty-five (25%) percent of the capital stock.

2. The Chairman of the General  Assembly shall give notice of any meeting of the
General  Assembly to the  shareholders  at least  twenty (20) days prior to such
meeting and stating the day, time, location of the meeting and the agenda.

3. Whenever  possible,  the location of the meeting shall be at the headquarters

4. Without  prejudice  to the  provision of the  paragraph  11211 herein  above,
notices of the meeting shall be given through the mail, mass

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

media and posted at the  headquarters,  agencies,  branches  and  representative
offices of STPETRO, S.A.

                                   ARTICLE 20

1. A quorum of any meeting of the General  Assembly shall be the majority of the
voting capital stock and at least two shareholders' attendance.

2. However,  in the case of an insufficient  quorum for a meeting of the General
Assembly, a second notice shall be given for such meeting and, accordingly,  the
General Assembly shall be convened and all deliberations and actions taken shall
be valid,  enforceable  and  effective  whatever  the  number  of  shareholders'
attendance and the capital stock that has been represented.

                                   ARTICLE 21

         Any  shareholder  may grant  powers of attorney to anyone to act on his
behalf at the General  Assembly  provided he has  addressed  and  delivered  the
appropriate  document to the  Chairman of the General  Assembly  ten.  (10) days
prior to the meeting.

                                   ARTICLE 22

1. A group of one hundred (100) fully paid up shares equals one (1) vote.

2. Without  prejudice to the  provision of paragraph  "I" herein above and other
provisions of this statute, the shareholder will be


(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

entitled to exercise the right to vote if the  shareholder  has  registered  the
shares under  his/her/its name on the registry or database of STPETRO,  S.A., at
least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting

                                   Section II
                           THE ADMINISTPATIVE COUNCIL

                                   ARTICLE 23
                         (COMPOSITION AND RUNNING OF THE
                             ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL)

1. The Administrative Council shall be composed of five Administrators,  elected
by the  General  Assembly,  two being  the  President  and the  Chief  Executive

2. If the President of the Administrative Council is absent or unable to act and
during the vacancy he will be replaced by the Chief Executive Officer.

3. If the President of the Administrative Council is absent or unable to act for
a period of thirty (30) days or more,  and a new President has not been elected,
the Chief Executive Officer may select his temporary  substitute to serve on the
Administrative Council until such position is filled or the President returns to
active duty.

4. The Administrators may also act as Managing Directors.

                                   ARTICLE 24

1.Without prejudice to the powers and functions vested in it by other provisions
of this Statute,  applicable Laws and Regulations,  the  Administrative  Council

         (A) Adopt the rules of procedures on general managing of STPETRO, S.A.,

         (B) Define the rules of managing of the manpower,


(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

         (C) Authorize  the  realization  operations  and  transactions,  of all
             extraordinary operations and transactions,

         (D) Decide  to  establish  representatives' offices, branches, agencies
             and represenatives' offices,

         (E) Make  the  necessary  arrangements  with other entities as it deems
             convenient to STPETRO, S.A.,

         (F) Adopt the internal rules of procedures,

         (G) Appoint and  dismiss the Managing Directors and fix their wages and
             privileges, as the case may be, and

         (H) Purchase,  sell  or mortgage property of STPETRO, S.A., as well as,
             according to the deliberation of the General Assembly.

2. The  Administrative  Council may delegate some of its powers and functions to
the President of the Administrative Council or to the Chief Executive officer.

                                   ARTICLE 25

         Without   prejudice  to  the  powers  and  functions  stated  in  other
provisions of this Statute,  applicable Laws and  Regulations,  the President of
Administrative Council of STPETRO, S.A. is specially vested in the powers of:

         (A)      Acting on behalf of STPETRO,  S.A., separately or jointly with
                  Chief   Executive   Officer   or  with   another   member   of
                  Administrative Council, in any and all transactions related to
                  the  commercial  activities of STPETRO,  S.A.,  and he/she may
                  delegate some of his/her powers,

         (B)      Coordinating  and  controlling  the  realization  of  all  the
                  services  of  STPETRO,  S.A.,  and  deciding  as he/she  deems
                  necessarily  on all the  subjects  in  order  to  perform  the
                  commercial purposes of STPETRO, S.A., and

(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

         (C)      Review,  recommend and inspect  policies and/or  procedures in
                  any  departments,   branches,   agencies  or  representatives'
                  offices, as the case may be.

                                   ARTICLE 26
                             (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES)

1. STPETRO, S.A., shall be only bound upon signatures of:

         (A)      jointly the President of the Administrative Council and
                  the Chief Executive Officer,

         (B)      jointly the General Manager and another member of the
                  Administrative Council,

         (C)      Any member of the Administrative Council and attorney-
                  in-fact   under   specific  power   of  attorney   and
                  recognized by the Administrative Council, and

         (D)      An attorney-in-fact,  recognized by the Administrative Council
                  and   attorney-in-fact   under   specific  power  of  attorney
                  accordingly entitled to bind STPETRO, S.A..

2. In  addition,  the  President  may  authorize  members of the  Administrative
Council,  the  Managing  Directors,  officers  and/or  employees  to sign  daily
documents  related  to  normal  course  of  operation  of  STPETRO,   S.A.  Such
authorization shall be granted and recorded in the Corporate Minutes of STPETRO,
S.A.  Copy of said  Minutes  shall be  distributed  to each person to which such
authority has been granted.


(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe
Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment
of STPETRO, S.A.,  Saotomean National Oil
Company; First Addendum to official Journal
Ner.:5/98, Published on July .., 1998.
Entry into force: on July.., 1998).

                                   Section III
                             THE COUNCIL OF AUDITORS

                                   ARTICLE 27
                           (COMPOSITION AND OPERATION)

1. STPETRO, S.A., shall be subjected to quarterly internal audits.

2. The internal audit will be carried out by the Council of Auditors  consisting
of at least three (3) members.

3. The  President of the Council of Auditors  shall convene and lead one meeting
at least every three (3) months or whenever he deems necessary and convenient.

4. The members of Council of Auditors shall be appointed by the General Assembly
for five (5) year terms, eventually renewable, and its actions shall be taken by
the majority of votes.

5.  The  General  Assembly  shall  appoint  one  of the  auditors  to act as the
President of the Council of Auditors.

6. The  Council of Auditors may procure an external and  independent  accounting
company whenever it deems convenient,  being the charges arising thereby paid by

                                   ARTICLE 28
                             (FUNCTIONS OF AUDITORS)

1. Without  prejudice to the powers and functions  stated in other provisions of
this  Statute,  applicable  Laws and  Regulations,  the  Council of  Auditors is
specially vested with powers of:

         (A) Auditing  the  administration  and  management  of STPETRO, S.A.'s,
             checking  account and inspecting any and all acts at any time as it
             deems it necessary and convenient,

         (B) Checking the accomplishment of the  applicable  Laws,  Regulations,
             this Statute and other relevant rules and instructions,


(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

         (C) Auditing the accuracy of books,  accounting registry and documents
             related thereto,

         (D) Checking  the  cash  account,  amount  of  funds,  cash   reserves,
             hydrocarbon reserves and other values and assets,

         (E) Checking the accuracy of annual Balance Sheet and Report,

         (F) Elaborating its report on its activities,

         (G) Presenting its judgment on main managerial documents,  namely,  the
             the annual budget, Balance Sheet, inventory and annual accounts and

         (H) Causing the Administrative Council  to  take into consideration any
             subject  related to commercial activities and operation of STPETRO,

         (I) Attending  any  meeting  of  the Administrative Council whenever it
             deems necessary, and

         (J) Causing  an  audit  of  the  annual  Balance Sheet and Report by an
             independent and reputable Certified Accounting Firm.

                                   CHAPTER III
                             ALLOCATION OF PROCEEDS

                                   ARTICLE 29
                             (DIVIDEND AND RESERVES)

     The General  Assembly shall hold an ordinary meeting no later than the 31st
of  March  in  each  year  to  deliberate  and  act an the  proposals  from  the
Administrative Council concerning the application of the results of the previous
year in conformity with the following requirements:

         (A) A  minimum  of  twenty  (20%) of the income of STPETRO, S.A., to be
             affected  to  the  legal  reserve. The Administrative Council shall
             recommend  the  maximum  amount  which  shall be maintained in such
             legal reserve,

         (B) The earnings when approved by  the  Administrative  Council  to  be
             distributed as dividends to the shareholders, and

         (C) The earnings to be distributed to redeem bonds.


(Democratic Rep. of Sao and Principe Decree-Law Ner.: 27/98, on Establishment of
STPETRO,  S.A.,  Saotomean  National  Oil  Company;  First  Addendum to official
Journal  Ner.:5/98,  Published  on July .., 1998.  Entry into force:  on July..,

                                   CHAPTER IV
                             SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES

                                   ARTICLE 30
                            (SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES)

         All the disputes between  STPETRO,  S.A., and its  shareholders,  their
heirs or representative arising from this Statute shall be settled, in priority,
according to the  procedures of the  Arbitration  procedure to be established by
the Administrative Council.

                                    CHAPTER V
                                FINAL PROVISIONS

                                   ARTICLE 31

         STPETRO,  S.A.,  shall  cease  its  legal  existence  according  to the
provision of applicable Laws and pursuant to the  deliberation and action of the
General Assembly taken by a majority of voting shares representing  seventy-five
(75%) percent of the total amount of the voting capital stock.

                                   ARTICLE 32

         This Statute may be modified by the General Assembly of Shareholders by
a majority  of  seventy-five  (75%)  percent  of the total  amount of the voting
capital stock.

                                   ARTICLE 33

         All notices and other  communications  shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been given if delivered in person or sent by prepaid  first class
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the last known address
of any party hereto.
