Columbia  Financial Group is an investor  relations,  direct marketing,
publishing,  public  relations  and  advertising  firm  with  expertise  in  the
dissemination  of  information  about  publicly  traded  companies.  Also in the
business of providing investor relations  services,  public relations  services,
publishing,  advertising  services,  fulfillment  services,  as well as Internet
related services.

         Agreement made this 17th day of June, 1999, between View Systems,  Inc.
(hereinafter  referred to as "Corporation"),  and Columbia Financial Group, Inc.
(hereinafter  referred  to as  "Consultant"),  (collectively  referred to as the


         The  Corporation  desires to engage the services of the  Consultant  to
perform for the  Corporation  consulting  services  regarding  all phases of the
Corporation's  "Investor  Relations" to include  direct  investor  relations and
broker/dealer   relations   as  such  may  pertain  to  the   operation  of  the
Corporation's business.

         The  Consultant  desires to consult  with the Board of  Directors,  the
Officers of the  Corporation,  and certain  administrative  staff members of the
Corporation,  and  to  undertake  for  the  Corporation  consultation  as to the
company's  investor  relations  activities  involving  corporate  relations  and
relationships with various  broker/dealers  involved in the regulated securities


         1.   The respective  duties and obligations of the contracting  parties
              shall be for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date
              first appearing above.  This agreement may be terminated by either
              parties only in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
              in Paragraph 7 below.

                         Services Provided by Consultant

         2.   Consultant will provide consulting services in connection with the
              Corporation's    "investor    relations"    dealings   with   NASD
              broker/dealers  and the  investing  public.  (At no time shall the
              Consultant  provide services which would require  Consultant to be
              registered and licensed with any federal or state  regulatory body
              or  self-regulating  agency.)  During the term of this  Agreement,
              Consultant will provide those services  customarily provided by an
              investor  relations  firm  to a  Corporation,  including  but  not
              limited to the following:

                            Columbia Financial Group

             1.   Aiding a Corporation  in developing a marketing  plan directed
                  at informing  the  investing  public as to the business of the
                  Corporation; and

             2.   Providing  assistance and expertise in devising an advertising
                  campaign in  conjunction  with the  marketing  campaign as set
                  forth in (1) above; and

             3.   Advise the Corporation and provide  assistance in dealing with
                  institutional  investors  as  it  pertains  to  the  Company's
                  offerings of its securities; and

             4.   Aid and assist the Corporation in the Corporation's efforts to
                  secure  "market  makers"  which will  trade the  Corporation's
                  stock to the public by providing  such  information  as may be
                  required; and

             5.   Aid and  advise the  Corporation  in  establishing  a means of
                  securing nationwide interest in the Corporation's  securities;

             6.   Aid and assist the Corporation in creating a "web site"; and

             7.   Aid and assist the  Corporation in creating an  "institutional
                  site program" to provide ongoing and continuous information to
                  fund managers; and

             8.   Aid and consult with the  Corporation in the  preparation  and
                  dissemination of press releases and news announcements; and

             9.   Aid and consult with the  Corporation in the  preparation  and
                  dissemination of all "due diligence" packages requested by and
                  furnished to NASD  registered  broker/dealers,  the  investing
                  public,   and/or  other  institutional  and/or  fund  managers
                  requesting such information from the Corporation.


         3.   In  consideration  for the services  provided by Consultant to the
              Corporation,  the  Corporation  shall pay or cause to be delivered
              and in existence  to the  Consultant  or on the  execution of this
              agreement  or as  otherwise  provided  the  following:  a. 200,000
              shares  restricted stock b. 400,000 five year warrants at 2.00 per

                            Columbia Financial Group


         4.   At the time of  Consultants  execution  of the  referred to in #3,
              Compensation  above, shares delivered by Corporation to Consultant
              will,  at  that  particular  time,  it says  "restricted"  be free
              trading, or, if not, if a registration is contemplated, the shares
              shall have the normal and usual "piggy back"  registration  rights
              and subject to the underwriter's  reasonable judgment will, at the
              expense of the Corporation, be included in said registration.

                          Representation of Corporation

         5.   a. The Corporation,  upon entering this Agreement, hereby warrants
              and  guarantees  to the  Consultant  that all  statements,  either
              written or oral,  made by the  Corporation  to the  Consultant are
              true and  accurate,  and  contain no  misstatements  of a material
              fact.  Consultant  acknowledges that estimates of performance made
              by Corporation  are based upon the best  information  available to
              Corporation officers at the time of said estimates of performance.
              The Corporation  acknowledges  that the information it delivers to
              the  Consultant  will  be  used  by the  Consultant  in  preparing
              materials  regarding  the  Company's  business,  including but not
              necessarily limited to, its financial condition, for dissemination
              to the public.  Therefore,  in accordance with Paragraph 6, below,
              the  Corporation  shall hold harmless the Consultant  from any and
              all  errors,  omissions,  misstatements,  except  those  made in a
              negligent or  intentionally  misleading  manner in connection with
              all information furnished by Corporation to Consultant.

         6.   ___________________________, Inc.
              1. Authorized: __________ shares.
              2. Issued: ___________ shares.
              3. Outstanding: _______ shares
              4. Free trading (float): _______ shares. (approx.)
              5. Shares subject to Rule 144 restrictions: ____ shares (approx.)

                                Limited Liability

         7.   With regard to the  services  to be  performed  by the  Consultant
              pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,  the Consultant shall not
              be liable to the Corporation, or to anyone who may claim any right
              due to any  relationship  with  the  Corporation,  for any acts or
              omissions  in the  performance  of  services  on the  part  of the
              Consultant,  except when said acts or omissions of the  Consultant
              are due to its willful misconduct or culpable negligence.

                            Columbia Financial Group


         8.   This  Agreement  may be terminated by either party upon the giving
              of not less than sixty (60) days written notice,  delivered to the
              parties at such  address or addresses as set forth in Paragraph 8,
              below.   In  the  event  this   Agreement  is  terminated  by  the
              Corporation,   all   compensation   paid  by  Corporation  to  the
              Consultant shall be "back-charged"  to Consultant,  and payable to
              the Corporation as follows:

               a.  In the event the Agreement is terminated by the Consultant in
                   months 1 through 6, Consultant shall repay to Corporation two
                   thirds  (2/3rds)  of the fees paid  pursuant  to  Paragraph 3

               b.  In the event the Consultant  terminates this Agreement during
                   months 7 through 10, the  Corporation  shall be entitled to a
                   return of fifty  percent (50%) of the fees paid in accordance
                   with  Paragraph 3 above;  thereafter,  all fees paid shall be
                   deemed earned.

               c.  In the event of a termination by either party,  any repayment
                   of funds or stock due from  Consultant to Corporation  may be
                   paid either in cash or the equivalent number of shares of the
                   Corporation  received by Consultant  from the  Corporation in
                   accordance  with Paragraph 3 above,  payable at the option of
                   the Consultant.

The  valuation of said shares for purposes of repayment of shares,  shall be the
bid  price  of said  shares  as of the  date  shares  are  tendered  back to the
Corporation.  If there is no bid  price,  then the price  shall be agreed to, by
separate  writing to be  determined  by the parties  upon the  execution of this


         9.   Notices to be sent  pursuant to the terms and  conditions  of this
              Agreement, shall be sent as follows:

                  Timothy J. Rieu                    Gunther Than
                  Columbia Financial Group, Inc.     View Systems, Inc.
                  1301 York Road, Ste. 400           28 Dekker Drive
                  Lutherville, Maryland  21093       Golden, CO  80401

                            Columbia Financial Group

                                 Attorney's Fees

         In the event any  litigation  or  controversy,  including  arbitration,
arises out of or in connection  with this Agreement  between the parties hereto,
the prevailing  party in such litigation,  arbitration or controversy,  shall be
entitled to recover from the other party or parties,  all reasonable  attorney's
fees expenses and suit costs, including those associated within the appellate or
post judgment collections proceedings.


         10.  Inconnection  with  any  controversy  or claim  arising  out of or
              relating to this  Agreement,  the parties  hereto  agree that such
              controversy shall be submitted to arbitration,  in conformity with
              the Federal  Arbitration  Act (Section 9 U.S.  Code Section 901 et
              seq),  and shall be conducted in accordance  with the Rules of the
              American  Arbitration  Association.  Any  judgment  rendered  as a
              result of the arbitration of any dispute herein,  shall upon bring
              rendered by the  arbitrators  be submitted to a Court of competent
              jurisdiction  with the State of Pennsylvania or in any state where
              a party to this action  maintains its  principal  business or is a
              Corporation incorporated in said state.

                                  Governing Law

         11.  This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the
              laws of the State of Maryland and the State of  Colorado,  and all
              obligations  of the  parties  created  under it are  performed  in
              Baltimore  County,  MD, and Golden,  CO venue for said arbitration
              shall be in Baltimore  County,  MD and Golden,  CO and all parties
              hereby consent to that venue as the proper  jurisdiction  for said
              proceedings provided herein.

                                  Parties Bound

         12.  This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the
              contracting   parties  and  their  respective  heirs,   executors,
              administrators,  legal  representatives,  successors,  and assigns
              when permitted by this Agreement.

                            Columbia Financial Group

                               Legal Construction

         13.  Incase  any  one or  more  of the  provisions  contained  in  this
              Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid,  illegal, or
              unenforceable  in any  respect,  the  invalidity,  illegality,  or
              unenforceability  shall not affect any other  provision,  and this
              Agreement  shall  be  construed  as if the  invalid,  illegal,  or
              unenforceable provision had never been contained in it.

                           Prior Agreements Superseded

         14.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the sole and only  Agreement  of the
              contracting  parties and  supersedes any prior  understandings  or
              written  or  oral  agreements  between  the  respective   parties.
              Further, this Agreement may only be modified or changed by written
              agreement signed by all the parties hereto.

                  Multiple Copies or Counterparts of Agreement

         15.  The  original  and one or more  copies  of this  Agreement  may be
              executed by one or more of the parties hereto.  In such event, all
              of such  executed  copies  shall have the same force and effect as
              the executed original, and all of such counterparts taken together
              shall have the effect of a fully executed original.  Further, this
              Agreement may be signed by the parties and copies hereof delivered
              to each party by way of facsimile transmission, and such facsimile
              copies  shall  be  deemed  original  copies  for all  purposes  if
              original copies of the parties' signatures are not delivered.

                            Columbia Financial Group


         16.  Headings  used  throughout  this  Agreement  are for reference and
              convenience,  and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or
              intent of this Agreement or effect its provisions.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have set their hands and seal as of the date
written above.

                                 BY: _________________________________
                                     Timothy J. Rieu, President
                                     Columbia Financial Group

                                 BY: _________________________________
                                     Gunther Than
                                     View System, Inc.
                                     28 Dekker Drive
                                     Golden, CO  80401