January 9, 2001

Rubin Investment Group
4929 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 428
Los Angeles, California  90010

Attn:  Daniel J. Rubin

Re:   Warrants to Purchase Stock of View Systems, Inc. (the "Company")


                  This  letter  concerns  Common  Stock  Purchase   Warrants  to
purchase  shares of our common  stock  issued to you on February  18,  2000,  as

                           (i) a First Common Stock Purchase Warrant (the "First
Warrant") to purchase  1,500,000  shares at $2.00 per share which were to expire
as to 1,000,000  shares on July 18, 2000 and as to 500,000  shares on August 18,
2000.  You  exercised  your rights  under the First  Warrant for the purchase of
265,000 shares at a modified price of $.50 per share.

                           (ii) a Second  Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant  (the
"Second Warrant") to purchase  1,000,000 shares at $2.00 per share which were to
expire on February  18,  2003.  (The First  Warrant  and the Second  Warrant are
collectively referred to as the "Warrants".)

                  The above  described  Warrants were issued  pursuant to and in
consideration  of the terms and  conditions of an executed Term Sheet between us
dated February 11, 2000, a copy of which is attached (the "Term  Sheet").  Under
the Term Sheet you agreed (i) to invest $300,000 to $750,000 in public relations
on behalf of the Company  relatively  evenly over six months,  and (ii) to exert
best efforts to improve shareholder value of the Company.

                  We had  modified  the terms of the  Warrants  for your benefit
several times since the date of the Term Sheet, in further efforts to induce you
to perform your  obligations and in  consideration  of your further promises and
commitments.  These  undertakings  by you  included  your  conducting  media and
stockholder  relations  and other  services on behalf of the Company,  arranging
financings  for  the  Company,  and  assistance  to the  Company  in its  sales,
operations and financing efforts.  However,  as of the date hereof, you have not
performed any of your obligations and commitments under either the Term Sheet or
our  additional  agreements.   Furthermore,  we  have  been  advised  that  your
activities in the Company's  stock are being  investigated by the Securities and
Exchange   Commission  for  certain  alleged   wrongdoing,   including   alleged
manipulation  of  the  Company's  stock  prices.  Your  failure  to  honor  your
commitments,  promises and  undertakings has caused very substantial harm to the

                  This letter is to inform you that the  Company  has  therefore
terminated and canceled the Warrants, and has given instructions to its Transfer
Agent  not to  issue  any  shares  of stock of the  Company  upon any  purported
exercise of any portion of the Warrants.

                                               Very truly yours,

                                               VIEW SYSTEMS, INC.

                                               By:/s/ Gunther Than
                                                  Gunther Than, President