EX. 4.02

                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT

          THIS  CONSULTING  AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement"),  dated as of November
l7th,  2001,  between View Systems,  Inc. a C  corporation  having its principal
office at 1100 Wilso Drive, Baltimore, MD 21223 (the "Company") and Paul Lemmon,
with executive  offices located at 106 Main Street,  Suite 615,  Houlton,  Maine
04730 (the "Consultant").


          This  Agreement  is made with  reference  to the  following  facts and

          A. The  Company  wishes to engage the  services of the  Consultant  to
advise and consult with the Company on certain business and financial matters in
foreign markets as set forth in this Agreement.

          B. The Consultant is willing to accept such  engagement,  on the terms
set forth in this Agreement.


          In  consideration  of the foregoing  premises and the mutual covenants
and agreements set forth herein, and for other good and valuable  consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Company and the
Consultant hereby agree as follows:

1. Engagement.

          1.1 The Company hereby engages the services of the  Consultant,  as an
independent  contractor for a period of three months  beginning on March 1, 2002
and ending on June 1, 2002 (the "Term"),  and the Consultant hereby accepts such
engagement, for the purposes set forth in Section 1.2.

          1.2 The scope of the services to be rendered by the  Consultant to the
Company include and are limited to the following:

               (a) The  Consultant  shall advise and consult with the  Company's
board of directors and  executive  officers  regarding the Company's  merger and
acquisition strategies,  including the evaluation of targets and the structuring
of transactions in Europe and Asia;

               (b) The  Consultant  shall consult with the Company  regarding an
image campaign in foreign markets;

               (c) The  Consultant  shall  provide  consulting  services  to the
Company,  consisting of subject proposals and consultation regarding the timing,
distribution,  preparation  and  organization of discussions and interviews with
members  of the  financial  press,  as well as  preparing  written  response  to

               (d) The Consultant  shall be responsible for coaching the members
of the board of management of the Company to prepare them for  presentations  at
press/analyst  conferences and one-on-one  meetings;  this includes  rehearsals,
preparation of lectures and working through fact lists,  which shall be prepared
by the Company;

               (e) The Consultant will attempt to identify  potential  strategic
partners, customers and working relationships in foreign markets;

               (f) The Consultant  will assist the Company with  translating the
Executive  Summary of the  Company  from  English to German and other  necessary

               (g)  The  Consultant  shall  provide  the  Company  with  one (1)
round-trip  business  class air  ticket for  travel  from the  United  States to
Germany and Hong Kong;

               (h)  The   Consultant   shall   provide  the  Company   with  all
intra-continental  train and air tickets needed to travel to scheduled  meetings
during the two week initial tour;

               (i) The Consultant shall cover all lodging  expenses  incurred by
the Company during the two week scheduled tour;

               (j)  Expenses  arising  from  any  additional  related  functions
including but not limited to:  printing,  advertising,  and the  contracting  of
external  advisors/consultants,  shall be borne the Company  when prior  written
consent of the Company has been obtained by the Consultant; and

               (k) The Consultant  shall devote such time to this  engagement as
is  reasonably  necessary,  but the  Consultant  need not  devote  full  time or
attention to the  engagement.  The Company  recognizes  that the  Consultant has
numerous clients and engagements, and that this engagement is not exclusive.

          1.3  Notwithstanding  any of the services to be performed  above,  the
Consultant is prohibited from rendering,  and hereby  acknowledges  that none of
the foregoing  consulting services permit or require him to render,  services in
any  way  connected  to  capital  raising  or  promoting,  making  a  market  or
conditioning the market with respect to the Company's capital stock or any other
services or activities  that would cause any shares of common stock  issuable by
the Company as payment of all or part of the Consulting Fee to be ineligible for
registration for resale on Form S-8 with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2. Consulting Fees and Expenses.

          2.1 In  consideration of the services to be performed  hereunder,  the
Consultant  shall  receive  the  fee  of  Two  Hundred  Fifty  Thousand  Dollars
($250,000) in cash, common stock of the Company or any combination  thereof (the
"Consulting  Fee").  The Company  shall be  permitted  to pay all or part of the
Consulting  Fee, at its option,  in cash or in shares of its common stock or any
combination  thereof.  If the Company's  common stock is issued,  the Consultant
shall receive the stock in certificated  form and the Company agrees to register
for  resale  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on a  registration
statement on Form S-8, any shares of common stock issued hereunder as payment of


all or part of the Consulting  Fee. In connection with the receipt by Consultant
of  shares  of the  Company's  common  stock  as  payment  of all or part of the
Consulting Fee, the Consultant agrees to execute, from time to time, one or more
of the Company's standard forms of Investment  Representation  Letter, a copy of
which has been delivered to Consultant,  and such other  instruments as shall be
reasonably  requested  by the  Company  in  connection  with the  payment of the
Consulting  Fee in shares of the Company's  common  stock.  The amount of common
stock  issuable by the Company as payment of any portion of the  Consulting  Fee
shall be  determined by dividing the dollar  amount of the  Consulting  Fee then
payable by the average of the two  lowest closing  bid prices  occurring  within
five (5) trading days prior to the date on which payment is due.

          2.2 All payments shall be in United States dollars

               $150,000  for  services  relating  to going  public in Europe and
$100,000 for services  relating to going public in the Far East.  These fees may
be paid in equity (shares of View Systems) at the agreed upon rate.

          2.3  Consultant  shall  have  the  right  for two (2)  years  from the
execution  date of this  Agreement  to  purchase  up to  100,000  shares  of the
Company's  common  stock at an exercise  price equal to the closing bid price on
March 1, 2002.

               A. Termination.

          This  Agreement  may  not  be  terminated  during  the  course  of the
agreement,  as both parties  acknowledge that  introductions will be made during
the  first  two  weeks  of the  agreement  who's  potential  value  exceeds  the
compensation identified in this agreement.

                  B.       Miscellaneous.

                    a. The  relationship  between the Company and the Consultant
created by this Agreement is that of independent contractors.  The Consultant is
not, by virtue of this Agreement,  and shall not for any purpose be deemed to be
hereunder, an officer, employee, agent or affiliate of the Company. The services
to be rendered by the  Consultant  pursuant to this Agreement do not include the
services or activities of an Investment Advisor, as that term is defined by U.S.
federal or state laws and, in  performing  services  under this  Agreement,  the
Consultant shall not be deemed to be an Investment Advisor under such laws.

                    b. The Company hereby agrees to defend,  indemnify, and hold
the Consultant harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, judgments,
penalties,  costs, and expenses  (including attorney fees and court costs now or
hereafter  arising  from the  enforcement  of this clause)  arising  directly or
indirectly from the consulting services provided by the Consultant under Section
1.2 of this Agreement (except to the extent of Consultant's  gross negligence in


the performance of those services), or from the activities of the Company or any
of its  shareholders,  officers,  directors,  employees,  agents or  affiliates,
whether such claims are asserted by any governmental agency or any other person.
The Consultant hereby agrees to defend,  indemnify, and hold the Company and its
agents and  employees  harmless  from and against  any and all claims,  damages,
judgments,  penalties,  costs, and expenses  (including  attorney fees and court
costs now or hereafter  arising  from the  enforcement  of this clause)  arising
directly or indirectly from Consultant's  gross negligence (or that of any agent
or employee of Consultant) in the performance of the consulting services, or any
conduct outside the scope of the consulting services, provided by the Consultant
under  Section 1.2 of this  Agreement,  whether  such claims are asserted by any
governmental  agency  or any  other  person.  These  indemnities  shall  survive
termination of this Agreement.

                    c. This  Agreement  shall be governed  by, and  construed in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Maryland  without respect to conflicts
of laws  principles.  The courts of  Baltimore,  Maryland  shall have  exclusive
jurisdiction for any action arising out of or related to this Agreement.

                    d. This Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement of the
parties with respect to the subject  matter hereof and  supersedes  any prior or
contemporaneous  agreements  or  understandings  relating to the subject  matter

                    e. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall inure to
the benefit of, and be binding upon,  the  respective  successors  and permitted
assigns of the parties  hereto.  This agreement may not be assigned  without the
prior written  consent of the  non-assigning  party.  No person shall be a third
party beneficiary of this Agreement except as specifically provided herein.

                    f. The provisions of this  Agreement are  severable.  If any
provisions  of  this  Agreement  shall  be  held  to  be  invalid  or  otherwise
unenforceable,  in  whole  or in  part,  the  remainder  of  the  provisions  or
enforceable parts thereof shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to
the fullest extent permitted by law.

                    g. No amendment,  modification or alteration of the terms or
provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be  binding  unless  the same  shall be in
writing and duly  executed by the  Principal  Investors,  except that any of the
terms or  provisions  of this  Agreement may be waived in writing at any time by


the Party which is entitled to the benefits of such waived terms or  provisions.
No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to or shall
constitute a waiver of any other provision  hereof (whether or not similar).  No
delay on the part of any  party in  exercising  any  right,  power or  privilege
hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof.

                    h.  This   Agreement   may  be  signed  in  any   number  of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the
signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument.  Telecopies and fax
copies of  original  signature  pages  shall be  deemed to be  originally-signed
signature pages for all purposes of this Agreement.

                            [signature page follows]


          IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  parties  have  executed  this  Agreement,
effective as of the date first above written.

THE CONSULTANT:                                 THE COMPANY

Paul Lemmon                                     View Systems, Inc.

By_______________________________               By______________________________
   Name:  Paul Lemmon                             Name:  Gunther Than
                                                  Title:  CEO

Date signed:_____________________             Date signed:______________________
