LEASE SCHEDULE

  Lease Schedule No. 002                               Dated:  April 20, 1998

  Under Master Lease Agreement No. 10319               Dated:  February 28, 1998

This Lease Schedule is executed pursuant to the subject Master Lease Agreement
("Master Lease"), the terms and conditions of which are incorporated herein by
reference. The equipment described in Schedule A hereto ("the Equipment") is
leased pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Lease Schedule and the
Master Lease.

LESSEE:                                      LESSOR:


6800 SQUIBB RD                               5995 MAYFAIR ROAD

OVERLAND PARK, KS  66202                     NORTH CANTON, OH  44720

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Equipment Description, Cost, and Location: Stated on Schedule A, attached hereto
and incorporated herein.

Stipulated Loss Value: Stated on Exhibit, 1 attached hereto and incorporated 

Acceptance Date: As stipulated on the Acceptance Certificate referring to this
Lease Schedule to be separately executed by Lessee upon delivery and acceptance
of the Equipment and acknowledged by Lessor. Use of the Equipment in production
by Lessee may be treated by Lessor, in its discretion, as conclusive evidence of
acceptance of the Equipment. Regardless of the status of the installation, the
Equipment shall be deemed in all cases to be accepted, and the Acceptance Date
established, no later than 60 days after shipment of the Equipment to Lessee.

Lease Term:  Commences on the  Acceptance  Date and  continues  for 60 months 
after the Basic Rent Commencement Date.

Basic Rent  Commencement  Date:  1st day of the month immediately following the
Acceptance Date of the Lease Schedule.

Rent:  An amount equal to the sum of:
      (i) Interim Rent in an amount equal to 1/30th of the Basic Rent (defined
below) multiplied by the number of days from and including the Acceptance Date
to the Basic Rent Commencement Date, which amount shall be payable on the Basic
Rent Commencement Date and
      (ii) 60 monthly rental payments each in the amount of $1,764.01 or, if
different, in the amount set forth on the Acceptance Certificate ("Basic Rent")
plus any applicable sales/use tax commencing on the Basic Rent Commencement Date
and on the 1st day of each month thereafter ("Rent Payment Date") for the entire
Lease Term.

In the event that the Basic Rent set forth in the Acceptance Certificate, as
prepared by Lessor, differs from that set forth herein, the Basic Rent shall be
as set forth in the Acceptance Certificate.

The parties agree that this lease is a "finance lease" as defined by Article
2A-103(g) of the Uniform Commercial Code. Lessee acknowledges that it has either
a) received, reviewed and approved any written supply contract from the
manufacturer or supplier ("Supplier") covering the Equipment purchased from
Supplier by Lessor for lease to Lessee, or b) has been informed of the identity
of the Supplier, that it may have rights under the supply contract, and that
Lessee may contact Supplier for a description of any such rights.

This Lease Schedule will apply only to Equipment accepted on or before
________________, (the "Commitment Expiration Date").

Dated as of _________________________      By execution hereof, the signer
                                           certifies that he/she has read,
                                           accepted and duly executed this Lease
                                           Schedule to the Master Lease
                                           Agreement on behalf of Lessee.


By: /s/ Robert J. Warren                  By:  /s/ Dave Windhorst
    _______________________________             ______________________________

Title:  Vice President & Treasurer        Title: President
      _____________________________             ______________________________