                    A  Professional  Law  Corporation

                         Baton  Rouge,  LA  70821-4407
                         P.O.  Drawer  4407
                         2431  South  Acadian  Thruway
                         Suite  600
New  Orleans, LA 70130-6121     Telephone (504)928-6800     Houston, TX 770002
Suite 2100 Poydras Center     Fax (504) 923-0573          Texas Commerce Tower
650  Poydras  Street                                      600 Travis, Ste 2860
Telephone  (504)  523-1385                                  Tel (713) 227-5505
Fax  (504)  524-6891                                        Fax (713) 227-2733

     January  28,  1997

Casino  Magic  of  Louisiana,  Corp.
Jefferson  Casino  Corporation
1701  Old  Minden  Road
Bossier  City,  LA  71111

     RE:          Opinion  Letter  -  Casino  Magic  of  Louisiana,  Corp.
          $115,000,000  13%  First  Mortgage  Notes  due  2003
          Our  File  No.  C0622-010


     We  have  acted as special counsel to Casino Magic of Louisiana, Corp., a
Louisiana  corporation  ("CM-LA")  and Jefferson Casino Corporation ("JCC"), a
Louisiana  corporation,  in  connection  with  the  issuance  and  sale  of
$115,000,000  First  Mortgage  Notes  Due  2003  in August 1996 (the "Series A
Notes")  and  deliver  this  opinion  at  your  request in connection with the
exchange  offer  (the  "Exchange  Offer") pursuant to which up to $115,000,000
First Mortgage Notes due 2003 with Contingent Interest ( the "Series B Notes")
are  being  offered  by  CM-LA  (guaranteed like the Series A Notes by JCC) in
exchange  for  the  Series  A  Notes.     The Series B Notes are substantially
identical  to  the Series A Notes except that we understand the Series B Notes
are  being  registered  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933, as amended (the
"Securities  Act")  pursuant  to  a Form S-4 registration (No. 333-14535) (the
"Registration  Statement"),    The  Series  A  Notes  and  Series  B Notes are
collectively  referred to herein as the "Notes".  The Series B Notes, like the
Series  A  Notes,  will  be  issued pursuant to the Indenture dated August 22,
1996, between CM-LA, JCC and First Union Bank of Connecticut, the Trustee (the
"Trustee").  We understand that in connection with the Registration Statement,
the  Indenture  is  being  qualified under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as
amended  (the "TIA") and, although we are not securities law counsel for CM-LA
and  do  not  otherwise  opine  pursuant  hereto  as  to  compliance  with the
Securities Act or the TIA, we render this opinion at your request with respect
to  the  matters expressly set forth herein in compliance with requirements of
the  TIA.    We  further  consent  to  the  filing  of
this  Opinion  by  you  as  an  exhibit  to  the  Registration  Statement.  We
understand  that  the  Notes  were  issued  for the development, construction,
equipping  and
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opening  of  a new dockside riverboat casino and entertainment complex located
in  Bossier  City,  Louisiana  ("Casino  Magic-Bossier  City").  All terms not
defined  in  this  Opinion shall have the same meaning as that provided for in
the  Indenture.
     In  the  capacity  described  above and to the extent described above, we
have  examined  the  following:

          A.     Mortgage by CM-LA in favor of First Union Bank of Connecticut
as  trustee  for  the  benefit  of  the  holders  of  the  Notes.

          B.      Security Agreement between CM-LA, as debtor, and First Union
Bank  of  Connecticut, as trustee for the benefit of the holders of the Notes.

          C.        Security Agreement between JCC, as debtor, and First Union
Bank  of  Connecticut, as trustee for the benefit of the holders of the Notes.

          D.        Collateral Assignment by and among CM-LA in favor of First
Union  Bank  of  Connecticut  as trustee for the benefit of the holders of the

          E.      Contracting Party's Consent to Assignment for the benefit of
First  Union Bank of Connecticut, as trustee for the benefit of the holders of
the  Notes.

          F.      Stock Pledge and Security Agreement by JCC in favor of First
Union  Bank  of  Connecticut  as trustee for the benefit of the holders of the

          G.       Cash Collateral and Disbursement Agreement by and among the
Disbursement  Agent,  First  Union  Bank  of  Connecticut,  as trustee for the
benefit  of  the holders of the Notes, the Independent Construction Consultant
and  CM-LA.

          H.          Accounts Pledge Agreement by CM-LA as Debtor in favor of
First  Union Bank of Connecticut, as trustee for the benefit of the holders of
the  Notes,  and  the  Agent.

          I.          I  have  examined UCC-1 filings which were necessary for
confirmation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by the Indenture, Notes and
Purchase  Agreement.

          J.        First Preferred Ship Mortgage granted by CM-LA in favor of
First  Union  Bank of Connecticut as trustee for the benefit of the holders of
the  Notes  on  the  M/V  Mary's  Prize,  Official  Number  1028011.

          K.          First Preferred Ship Mortgage granted by Casino Magic of
Louisiana,  Corp.  in  favor  of  First  Union  Bank  of  Connecticut,

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               as  trustee  for the benefit of the holders of the Notes on the
M/V  Crescent  City  Queen,  Official  Number  1028319.

          L.         Title Commitments dated July 19, 1996 issued by Louisiana
Title  to  JCC, No. LT 16190-A, B, C and D, covering property in Bossier/Caddo
Parishes,  Louisiana.

          M.     Indemnity Agreement between Stewart Title Company, JCC, CM-LA
and  Casino  Magic  Corp.

          N.          Indenture by CM-LA as issuer, JCC as guarantor and First
Union  Bank  of  Connecticut  as trustee for the benefit of the holders of the
Notes,  and  the  forms  of  Notes  attached  thereto.

          O.          Department of Transportation, U. S. Coast Guard, General
Index  or  Abstract  of  Title  for  M/V  Crescent City Queen, Official Number
1028319  dated  the  19th  day  of  August,  1996.

          P.          Department of Transportation, U. S. Coast Guard, General
Index  or  Abstract  of Title for M/V Mary's Prize dated the 29th day of July,

          Q.        Louisiana Uniform Commercial Code Certificate of Search on
Business  Name  "Casino  Magic  of  Louisiana,  Corp.".

          R.        Louisiana Uniform Commercial Code Certificate of Search on
Business  Name  "Jefferson  Casino  Corporation".

     Documents  shown  in (L) through (R) are collectively referred to as "the
Transaction Documents".  The documents reflected in  (A) through (K) above are
collectively  referred to as "the Collateral Documents".  All documents listed
above  are  collectively  called  Documents.

     Basing  the  opinions  set  forth in this Opinion on "our knowledge", the
words  "our  knowledge"  signify  that, in the course of our representation of
CM-LA  and  JCC, no facts have come to our attention that would give us actual
knowledge  or  actual  notice  that any such opinions or other matters are not
accurate  or  that any of the Documents are not accurate and complete.  Except
as  otherwise  stated  in this Opinion, we have undertaken no investigation or
verification  of such matters.  Further, the words "our knowledge" and similar
language  used  in  this  Opinion  are  intended  to  be limited to the actual
knowledge  of the attorneys within our firm who have been directly involved in
representing  CM-LA  and  JCC  in  connection  with the Indebtedness or who we
reasonably  believe  have  knowledge  of  the  affairs  of  CM-LA  and  JCC.

     In  reaching  the  opinions  set forth below, we have assumed, and to our
knowledge  there  are  no  facts  inconsistent  with,  the  following:

          (1)       Each of the parties to the Documents, other than CM-LA and
JCC,  has  or  will  duly  and  validly  execute  and  deliver  each
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               such  instrument,  document,  and  agreement  to be executed in
connection  with  Casino  Magic  -  Bossier  City    to  which such party is a
signatory,  and  such  parties' obligations set forth in the Documents are its
legal,  valid  and  binding  obligations, enforceable in accordance with their
respective  terms.

          (2)      Each person, other than CM-LA and JCC, executing any of the
Documents,  whether individually or on behalf of an entity, is duly authorized
to  do  so.

          (3)          Each  natural  person executing any of the Documents is
legally  competent  do  to  so.

          (4)        All signatures of parties other than CM-LA and JCC on the
Documents  are  genuine.

          (5)       We have relied on the representations and warranties as to
factual  matters  made  by  CM-LA,  JCC  and  their officers as being true and

          (6)        Documents submitted to us as originals are authentic, all
Documents  submitted  to  us as certified or photostatic copies conform to the
original  document, and all public records reviewed are accurate and complete.

          (7)          The  terms and conditions of the Notes and Indenture as
reflected  in the Documents have not been amended, modified or supplemented by
any  other  agreement  or understanding of the parties or waiver of any of the
material  provisions  of  the  Documents.

          (8)       The terms of the Indenture and the Notes will apply to and
prevail  over  conflicting  provisions  in  the  Collateral  Documents.

          (9)      The Trustee is a properly appointed trustee pursuant to the

          (10)       That CM-LA has and will continue to timely perform all of
the  conditions  and  requirements of and under its Certificate of Preliminary
Approval  from  the  Louisiana  Riverboat  Gaming  Commission;  its operator's
license  from  the Department of Public Safety and Correction, Office of State
Police  Riverboat  Gaming  Enforcement  Division  and all other conditions and
requirements  imposed  by the Louisiana Gaming Control Board and its rules and
regulations  in  Louisiana.

     We  have  no  knowledge  that any of the assumptions are untrue, but have
performed  no  investigation  or  verification  of  such  assumption.

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     Based  on    and subject to the assumptions, exceptions, limitations, and
qualifications  set  forth  herein,  it  is  our  opinion  that:

          a.         CM-LA and JCC each have the requisite corporate power and
authority  to  execute,  deliver  and  perform  its  obligations  under  the
Transaction  Documents  to  which  it  is  a  party;  each  of the Transaction
Documents  to  which  it  is  a  party  has been duly authorized, executed and
delivered  by  or  on  behalf  of  CM-LA  and  JCC,  as  the  case  may  be.

          b.        All necessary corporate action has been taken to authorize
the execution, delivery and performance under the Documents by CM-LA and JCC. 
The  individual  or  individuals  who have executed the Documents on behalf of
CM-LA  and  JCC  have  the  authority  to  bind CM-LA and JCC to the terms and
conditions  and  to  the performance of their obligations under the Documents.

          c.       No authorization, consent, approval or other action by, and
no  further notice to or filing with, any state or federal court, governmental
authority  or  regulatory  body,  including the Louisiana Department of Public
Safety and Corrections, Riverboat Gaming Enforcement Division of the Office of
State  Police  ("Division"),  the  Louisiana  Riverboat  Gaming  Commission
("Commission")  or  the  Louisiana Gaming Control Board ("Board"), is required
for  the due execution, performance, validity, enforceability, and delivery by
CM-LA  and JCC of the Documents except as may be limited by Sections AAA, BBB,
CCC,  and    DDD  of  this  opinion.

          d.     The Collateral Documents governed by the laws of the State of
Louisiana,  have been duly executed and delivered by the CM-LA and JCC, to the
extent they are a party thereto and (assuming the due authorization, execution
               delivery by the other parties thereto) constitute legally valid
and  binding  obligations  of  CM-LA  or  JCC, as the case may be, enforceable
against  CM-LA or JCC, as the case may be, in accordance with their respective
terms  except  as  enforceability  may  be limited by Louisiana gaming law and
applicable  bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium on similar laws
affecting  the  enforcement  of  creditors'  rights  generally  and  general
principals of equity regardless of whether such enforcement may be sought in a
proceeding  in  equity  or  at  law.

          e.          The  Mortgage  creates  (1) a valid mortgage lien on the
portions  of  the Mortgaged Property described therein consisting of immovable
property  and  all  fixtures (component parts), (2) a valid pledge lien of the
right to receive proceeds attributable to the insurance loss of such Mortgaged
Property  and  (3)  a  valid  collateral  assignment  lien  on  the
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               presently  existing  and  anticipated  future  leases  of  such
Mortgaged  Property  and  the  rents  therefrom  (collectively  the "Louisiana
Mortgage  Lien"),  all  in favor of the Trustee for the ratable benefit of the
holders  of  the Notes, as the security intended to be created by the Mortgage
for  the  payment  of  the  obligations under the Indenture, the Notes and the
Guarantee.  The Mortgage is in appropriate form for recording in the immovable
property  records  of  a Louisiana parish.  The Mortgage has been filed in the
mortgage  records  of  the  Clerks  of  Court  of  Bossier and Caddo Parishes,
Louisiana;  by    such recordation, the Louisiana Mortgage Lien created by the
Mortgage  has  been  duly  perfected; and such recordation is the only action,
recording  or  filing  necessary  to  perfect  the  validity  of the Louisiana
Mortgage  Lien  and

          f.          The M/V Crescent City Queen and the M/V Mary's Prize are
documented  in  the  name  of  CM-LA.    The  Ship  Mortgages constitute valid
preferred  mortgage liens on the Vessels (including all appurtenances thereof)
pursuant  to  Chapter  313  of  Title  46 of the United States Code (the "Ship
Act"),  prior  to  all other liens other than those expressly granted priority
under  the  Ship  Act  over  the  lien  of  such  preferred  mortgages or tort

          g.      The (1) execution of the Stock Pledge and Security Agreement
by  JCC,  (2)  filing  of  JCC's  Financing  Statements  in  the Office of the
Louisiana  Secretary  of  State and the payment of fees due in respect thereof
and  (3)  obtaining  and  maintaining  possession  of  any  instruments  not
constituting part of chattel paper in accordance with Article 9 of the UCC, or
the  taking  and  maintaining  of possession of any certificated securities in
accordance with Article 8, have caused the Trustee, for the ratable benefit of
the  holders of the Notes, to have, as security for the payment of obligations
under  the  Indenture,  the  Notes  and  the  Guarantee, a valid and perfected
security  interest  or  lien  in  that  portion  of  the Collateral located in
Louisiana  and described therein and intended to be created by such Documents,
all of which are capable of being perfected by the filing of a UCC-1 Financing
Statement  in  favor  of the Trustee or by being held in the possession of the
Trustee, as the case may be, and the actions, recordings and filings described
in  clauses (1) and (2) are the only actions, recordings and filings necessary
to  publish  notice  of  the  validity  of  such  security  interests or liens
resulting  from such filing and to perfect such security interests or liens as
may  be  perfected  by filing, and the possession described in (3) is the only
action  necessary  to  perfect  such  security interest as may be perfected by

          h.         The (1) execution of the Security Agreement by CM-LA, (2)
filing  of  CM-LA's  Financing Statements in the Office of any parish Clerk of
Court  in  Louisiana  and  the  filing  by  that
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               Clerk  of  Court  in  the  office of the Louisiana Secretary of
State  and (3) payment of fees due in respect thereof, caused the Trustee, for
the  ratable benefit of the holders of the Notes, to have, as security for the
payment  of  obligations  under  the Indenture, the Notes and the Guarantee, a
valid  and  perfected  security  interest  or  lien  in  that  portion  of the
Collateral  located  in  Louisiana  and  described  therein and intended to be
created  by such Documents all of which are perfected by the filing of a UCC-1
Financing  Statement in favor of the Trustee, and the actions, recordings, and
filings described in clauses (1), (2) and (3) are the only actions, recordings
and  filings  necessary  to  publish  notice  of the validity of such security
interests  or  liens  resulting  from such filing and to perfect such security
interests  or  liens  as  may  be  perfected  by  filing.

          i.          Assuming  the  Disbursement  Agent will duly comply with
requirements  of  Section 2 of the Disbursement Agreement, the Trustee for the
benefit  of  Noteholders, shall at all times through the payments of the Notes
in full will possess a valid and perfected first priority security interest in
the  "Accounts"  created  under  the  Disbursement  Agreement  (other than the
Disbursed Funds Account") and all funds, assets, or other investments credited
thereto  or  deposited  therein.

          j.       The Collateral Assignment executed by CM-LA and the Trustee
creates a valid and binding assignment of CM-LA's right, title and interest in
all  of  the  agreements  subject  to  such  Collateral Assignment upon proper
execution  of  the  Contracting  Party's  Consent  to  Assignment.

          k.        The (1) deposit of the proceeds from the sale of the Notes
into  the  Interest  Reserve  Account,  the  Operating  Reserve  Account,  the
Construction  Disbursement  Account  and  the  Completion Reserve Account, (2)
execution  of  the  Cash Collateral and Disbursement Agreement and the Account
Pledge  Agreement  by  CM-LA and (3) filing of CM-LA's Financing Statements in
any  parish  Clerk of Court in Louisiana and the filing by that Clerk of Court
in the Office of the Louisiana Secretary of State, caused the Trustee, for the
ratable  benefit  of  the  holders  of the Notes, to have, as security for the
payment  of  obligations  under  the Indenture, the Notes and the Guarantee, a
valid and perfected security interest or lien in the proceeds from the sale of
the  Notes  deposited  in  the Interest Reserve Account, the Operating Reserve
Account,  the  Construction  Disbursement  Account, and the Completion Reserve
Account,  and  the  investment  of  such  proceeds and the actions and filings
described  in  clauses  (1),  (2)  and  (3)  are  the only actions and filings
necessary  to  publish  notice  of  the validity of such security interests or
liens  and  to
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               perfect  such security interest or liens as may be perfected by

     In  addition  to  the assumptions set forth above, the opinions set forth
above  are  also  subject  to  the  following  qualifications:

          I.       We express herein no opinion with respect to the Indenture,
First  Mortgage  Notes, Purchase Agreement or Registration Rights Agreement to
be  executed  other than the authority of CM-LA and JCC to execute and deliver
these  documents.

          II.        We express no opinions as to the laws of any jurisdiction
other  than  the  laws  of  the  State of Louisiana and the laws of the United
States  of America.  We assume no obligation to supplement this Opinion if any
applicable  laws  change after the date of this Opinion, or if we become aware
of  any facts that might change the opinions expressed above after the date of
this  Opinion.

          III.     In rendering such opinion, counsel has relied as to matters
of  fact,  to  the  extent  such  counsel  deems  proper,  on  certificates of
responsible  officers  of  CM-LA  and  JCC  and  certificates or other written
statements  of officers of departments of various jurisdictions having custody
of  documents  respecting  the  existence  or  good  standing  of  CM-LA.

     We  confirm  that:

          (i)     we do not have any financial interest in the Project, or the
Agreement,  other  than  fees  for legal services performed by us, payment for
which  has  been  provided;

          (ii)          other  than  as  counsel for CM-LA and JCC, we have no
interest  in them and do not serve as a director, officer or employee of CM-LA
and/or  JCC.    We  have no undisclosed interest in the subject matter of this

     The  following  are  Exceptions,  Qualifications,  Limitations  and

          AAA.         We know that the Louisiana gaming licenses, permits and
approvals  are  issued  only  for  a  limited term and are by nature revocable
privileges  and  that  the maintenance of a license is subject to a continuing
approval  of  the  issuing  agencies.

          BBB.      The enforceability of the obligations under the Collateral
Documents  may be limited by the applications of the Louisiana gaming laws and
of  general  principals and materiality, reasonableness, fair dealing and good
faith  and  we  express  no
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               opinion  regarding  the  availability of the remedy of specific
performance, self-help, or any other equitable remedy or relief to enforce any
right  under  the  Collateral  Documents  or  any other agreement or document.

          CCC.      We call it to your attention the fact that further filing,
re-filing,  recordation,  registration,  or re-registration may be required to
preserve  and  maintain  to  the extent established and perfected the security
interests  in  the  Vessels.  These subsequent requirements may include, among
others,  filing  required  to  be  made  by  CM-LA  to change its location and
application for approval of the United States Maritime Administration prior to
the sale of stock, security or ownership interest in CM-LA or the company that
would  result from CM-LA's failure to meet the requirements of 46 U.S.C.  802.

          DDD.       With respect to the Ship Mortgages, we express no opinion
as  to  (1)  the  right  of  Trustee to operate the Vessels; (2) the validity,
creation  or  perfection  of  any  lien  purported  to  be granted, created or
perfected  under  the  Ship Mortgages other than under Title 46, United States
Code,  Chapter  313;  (3) the right to enforce the Ship Mortgages in any court
other  than  the  appropriate  U. S. District Court; (4) the right to sail the
Vessels  pursuant to a Power of Attorney; (5) the right of unlimited access to
the  Vessels,    and  (6)  whether  the Ship Mortgages create a lien on rates,
leases,  rents,  earnings,  revenues  and  proceeds  arising  out  of  gaming
operations,  such  lien  may  not  be governed by 46 U.S.C. Chapter 313 nor by
Louisiana  law.

          EEE.          Insofar as they relate to the creation, perfection and
effect  of  perfection  or  non-perfection of a security interest, in personal
(movable)  property,  the  opinions  set  forth  in this letter are limited to
collateral which is governed by Louisiana law for the creation, perfection and
effect  of  perfection  or  non-perfection  of a security interest in personal
(movable)  property, as set forth in the Louisiana UCC.  We express no opinion
as  to  laws  of  any  other  states  other than the State of Louisiana by the
creation,  perfection and effect of perfection or non-perfection of a security
interest  in  collateral  subject to the laws of any other state or the United
States  except  for  the Ship Mortgages.  We note that the Trustee's rights to
enforce  a  lien  and  foreclose  on,  possess  and/or  exercise any rights or
remedies  with  respect  to  any  collateral  pursuant  to  the  terms  of the
Collateral Documents maybe limited, prescribed and prohibited under the gaming
laws  of  the  State of Louisiana and the rights of the Trustee are subject to
these  gaming  laws  with  respect  to  any assignment, transfer, enforcement,
foreclosure,  sale,  inspection and/or possession.  In this connection we note
that  the  gaming  laws  require  that  the  transfer  of  a  gaming
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               license  or a transfer by any person who owns five (5%) percent
or  more  of  the  economic  interest  of  such  gaming license along with the
approval  for the proposed transferee must be approved by the Louisiana Gaming
Control  Board before such transfer shall be effective.  Additionally, we note
that  the  gaming  laws provides that a gaming license is revocable and can be
issued  for  only  a maximum five (5) year term.  With respect to any security
interest  in  a  gaming  license or approvals required therefor, we express no
opinion as to any general intangible which by its terms cannot be transferred,
prohibits  the  transfer  thereof,  or  in  which  Louisiana law prohibits the
transfer  of  a  security  interest.

          FFF.       We express no opinion as to the enforceability of (1) any
provision  of the Collateral Documents purporting to establish any evidentiary
standard  or  to  waive  either  legality as a defense to the performance of a
contract,  obligations or any other defenses to such performance which cannot,
as  a  matter  of  law,    be effectively waived; (2) any indemnity provisions
contained  in  the Collateral Documents; (3) the right of the Trustee or other
party  for compensation for services as keeper or receiver without appointment
and approval by the appropriate judicial proceeding; (4) any provisions in the
Collateral  Documents  purporting  to  establish  jurisdiction  or  venue with
respect  to the parties thereto; (5) any waiver of jury trial contained in the
Collateral  Documents;  (6) any provisions which confer self-help or equitable
remedies; (7) any provisions which establish methods for service of process or
notice  of  sale  contains  any  submissions  or  consents to jurisdictions or
otherwise restricts limits or denies access to courts or to legal or equitable
remedies (8) any provision which allows or authorizes the delay or omission of
enforcement  of  any  remedy,  indemnity or consent judgment to the extent the
delay  or mission is contrary to a course of dealing or conduct established by
the  parties,  (9) any provision which establishes non-culpability for actions
taken  by  or  on  behalf  of any  party thereto or any other person, (10) any
provision which provides for the appointment of a receiver or consent guardian
to the extent the appointment of a receiver or consent guardian is governed by
applicable  statutory  requirements and to the extent of such provision of any
of  the  Documents  may  not  be  in  compliance  with  any  such  statutory
requirements,  (11)  any  provision  which  provides  for  the  grant  of  an
irrevocable power of attorney, (12) any provision which restricts or prohibits
the  further  encumbrance  of  any  property  other than insofar as failure to
comply  with  any  such provision may constitute an Event of Default, (13) any
provision  which  defines  rights  relating to exculpation, subrogation (other
than  the  waiver  thereof),  waiver or ratification of future acts, trespass,
conversions, negligence or fraud, (14) any provision which permits the Trustee
to  accelerate  the  maturity  of  the  Notes  evidenced  and
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               governed  by  the Collateral Documents without notice to Casino
Magic  of Louisiana or JCC, (15) any provision which establishes standards for
commercial  reasonableness  as  to  the  extent  such standards are manifestly
unreasonable,  (16)  any  provision  which  prohibits  the  amendment  of  any
agreements  other  than with respect to the creation of an Event of Default or
(17) any provision which provides for the severability of any provision of any
of  the  Documents  where the severed provision is material to such Documents.

          GGG.          Perfection  of  the  Lien and perfection of a security
interest  in  movable  collateral may lapse by passage of time under Louisiana
Law  and  may require additional filing or re-filings to extend the perfection
of  these  liens.

          HHH.        In light of such exceptions and assumptions as those set
forth  above,  we  note that certain provisions of the Documents are or may be
unenforceable  in  whole  or in part under the laws of the State of Louisiana,
but  the  inclusion  of  such  provisions  does not affect the validity of the
Collateral  Documents and the Collateral Documents contain adequate provisions
for  enforcing payment of the obligations secured by the Documents and for the
realization  of  the  principal  rights  and  benefits  afforded  thereby.

     The  foregoing  opinions  are  for  your  exclusive reliance and no other
person  shall be entitled to rely upon the opinions herein expressed.  Without
our  prior  written consent, this letter may not be quoted in whole or in part
or  otherwise  referred  to  in  any documents and may not be furnished to any
other  person or entity, except that you may furnish copies hereof (a) to your
independent  auditors  and  attorneys,  (b)  to any state or federal authority
having  regulatory  jurisdiction  over you, including, as noted above, through
the  filing of this opinion as an exhibit to the Registration Statement or (c)
pursuant  to  order or legal process of any court or government agency; or (d)
in  connection  with  any legal action to which you are a party arising out of
the  above  transactions.


                              /s/  Hoffman  Sutterfield  Ensenat

                              HOFFMAN  SUTTERFIELD  ENSENAT