THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the 14th day of March, 2005,
by and between Venitech, LLC, 5742 S. Nucla Court, Centennial, CO
80015, ("Licensor") and Fresh Ideas Media, Inc. a Nevada corporation,
with offices located at 558 Castle Pines Pkwy Suite B4-158, Castle
Rock, Colorado, 80108, ("Licensee") (together the "Parties").

- ------------------
WHEREAS, Licensor has developed a certain Business Concept, ("Business
Concept") under Venitech, LLC, and as a result has developed certain
methods of marketing the Business Concept including, but not limited to
methods of selling, marketing, advertising, art and design concepts,
forms, printing, agreements and other items relating to the Business
Concept all herein collectively called Intellectual Property
("Intellectual Property".)

WHEREAS, Licensor has filed, or will file, for the certain Registered
Trademarks "Community Alliance" and "Our Best Wishes" and certain
copyrighted material, pertaining to the Business Concept (as
hereinafter defined) and has used and currently is using, the Trade
Mark(s) and copyrighted materials in commerce and

WHEREAS, Licensee desires to acquire the exclusive license to use the
registered trademarks of "Community Alliance"  and "Our Best Wishes"
along with the Intellectual Property, related Trade Marks, when or if
applied for and received, copyrighted materials and all aspects of the
Business Concept (Licensed Business) in a given territory and Licensor
desires to grant to Licensee the exclusive right to use the registered
trademark "Community Alliance" and "Our Best Wishes" and related
Intellectual Property, Trade Marks, when or if applied for and when
received, copyrighted materials and all aspects of the Business Concept
in a given territory, and

Whereas the following definitions shall apply:

"Business Concept" means the overall description of the business
created by the Licensor using the Trade Marks, Copyrighted Materials,
Trade Secrets and Intellectual Property, thus creating a viable

"Trademark(s)" "Licensed Marks" and "Copyright(s)" means any work
containing Trade Marks that Licensor has or will apply for pertaining
to the Business Concept, in particular "Community Alliance" and "Our
Best Wishes" and/or copyrightable subject matter that Licensor owns or
has the right to license to others that relates to the Licensed
Business, including without limitation works registered with the
Copyright Office of the United States or any foreign country or works
for which an application to register the work with the Copyright Office
of the United States or any foreign country has been filed.  It is
understood that Licensor may file for additional Trademarks pertaining
to the Business Concept in the future and that if or when such
trademarks are filed, such trademarks shall be included in the Business
Concept and shall automatically become a part of this Agreement and
therefore be licensed to the licensee.

"Licensed Business" means the business using the Trade Marks,
Copyrighted Materials, and Intellectual Property described herein in
the course of business in the Licensed Territory.

"Intellectual Property" means all of the methods of selling, marketing,
advertising, art and design concepts, forms, printing, agreements,
Trade Marks, copyrighted materials and other items and trade secrets
relating to the Business Concept and improvements made thereto or in
the future.

"Advertising Product" means the custom take-home school folder
publications, which are provided to schools as the vehicle to place
advertisements for community businesses, custom greeting cards sent to
consumers allowing advertisements for community businesses and other
products developed by Licensor for advertising purposes.

"Trade Secrets" means all items described under "Intellectual Property"
which shall include all business methods developed by Licensor
pertaining to the Business Concept, including methods of selling,
marketing, advertising, art and design concepts, forms, printing,
agreements and other items relating to the Business Concept, either
existing now or developed in the future.

"Know-How" means the methods, skills, procedures, forms, and operations
developed by Licensor as related to the Business Concept including all
items described above under Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets
that are known, possessed and used by Licensor as of the Effective Date
of this Agreement and developed after the date of this Agreement and
that relate to Business Concept and the License granted hereto.

"Marketing Materials" means the documents, forms and literature
provided to Licensee for the purpose of selling advertising to
business, contracting with schools, and other uses relating to the
Business Concept.

"Publications and Designs" means folders, greeting cards, and other
publications relating to the Business Concept and all graphic design
services provided by the Licensor to the Licensee in relation to the

"Territory" means the specific geographic area as described below in
Article 4, under TOTAL TERRITORY.

"Sub-license" means a license granted by the licensee to any person or
company allowing them to use the Business Concept, Trade Secrets, Trade
Marks, Intellectual Property, Know-How, Marketing Materials,
Publications and Designs in a given territory, under the terms and as
described in this Agreement.

"Sub-license Territory" means any specifically defined area that
Licensee determines is suitable for a territory to be sold to a Sub-

"Subsidiary" means any corporation or other entity which is 100%
directly or indirectly owned by Licensee.

"Affiliate" means any corporation or other entity which is at least 50%
owned by Licensee.

"Annual Period" means each twelve (12) month period commencing on the
signing of this Agreement and each 12 month period thereafter.
Each 12 month period from the date of this Agreement shall constitute
and be referred to herein as an "Annual Period".

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual agreements
contained herein, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:


Upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensor hereby grants
to Licensee, during the term of this Agreement, and in the territory
described below, the sole and exclusive right and license to use and
develop the Business Concept, including Copyrights, Trade Marks, if and
when applied for by Licensor, Intellectual Property and Know-how, in
connection with developing and operating the Business Concept in the
Territory and on all brand identifications, promotional material,
publicity, sales, advertising, newspaper, magazine, and similar media
presently existing or that may exist in the future, in connection
solely with the creation,  introduction, marketing, distribution, sale
and advertising of the Business Concept.


For the grant of the License and the use of the Intellectual Property,
Trade Marks, Copyrighted Material, Business Concept and Know-How as
described herein, and the Territory as described herein, Licensee
agrees to pay to Licensor a License fee of Thirty Thousand Dollars
($30,000.00).  The amount of $30,000 shall be paid as follows: Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to be paid on or before 120 days of the
signing of this Agreement.  In addition, Venitech, LLC shall receive
thirty percent (30%) of every "Sub-license" fee received by Fresh Ideas
Media, Inc. from every "Sub-license" sold until the total amount of
thirty thousand ($30,000.00)  is paid in full.  Thereafter, Venitech,
LLC shall receive an amount of Twenty Percent (20%) of every "Sub-
license" sold by Fresh Ideas Media, Inc. Payments shall be made to
Venitech, LLC by Fresh Ideas Media, Inc. within 10 days from the time
that any payment has been received from a Licensee as payment toward
the License purchased by that Licensee.

All payments to be paid to Licensor pursuant to this Agreement shall be
sent or delivered to Licensor at its notice address as hereinafter
specified and shall be in United States currency.
Any payment not mailed by certified mail by licensee or otherwise
delivered to licensor on or before the date by which that payment is to
be paid shall be delinquent and overdue and shall be cause to revoke
this Agreement under terms described herein.


The TOTAL TERRITORY granted to the Licensee by the Licensor by this
Agreement shall be the entire United States, with the exception of the
states of Colorado, Texas, Florida, Nebraska and Oklahoma.  It is
expressly understood and agreed by the parties that the Licensee will
not, at any time, allow the Business Concept or any part of the
Business Concept, to be used in the above 5 states, whether by the
Licensee, any affiliate or subsidiary or by any Sub-licensee.  Any use
of the Business Concept or any part of the Business Concept in the
above 5 states, by the Licensee, any affiliate or subsidiary of the
Licensee or any Sub-licensee of the Licensee shall make this Agreement
null and void and the Licensor shall have the right to cancel this
Agreement and take over the entire territory granted by this Agreement.


Licensor and Licensee has defined a possible minimum of 98 defined Sub-
licensee Territories within the Total Territory granted to Licensee.
However, it is understood that the proposed License Territories are
simply proposed and may change.  The Sub-license Territories shall be
defined at the total discretion of the Licensee.


Licensee may, during the term of this Agreement, grant to third party,
whether an individual or a company, the rights to the Business Concept,
including the use of the Intellectual Property, Trade Marks,
Copyrighted Material, Business Concept and Know-How as described
herein, in a given territory, providing that the Sub-licensee abides by
the terms of the Sub-license Agreement provided by the Licensee to the
Sub-licensee and that the Sub-licensee does nothing contrary to the
terms of this Agreement.

Any Sub-license granted by the Licensee shall not conflict in any way
with this Agreement.  A suitable Sub-license Agreement to be used by
the Licensee shall be presented to the Licensor for approval by

The Licensed Marks, either applied for or to be applied for by Licensor
of "Community Alliance" and "Our Best Wishes" or any derivatives
thereof may not be used in any way other than as described in this
Agreement and any Sub-license Agreement as agreed to by the Licensor.
Licensee is not entitled to create, reproduce, publish, sell,
distribute, transmit, download or otherwise use any "Electronic Media"
containing the "Licensed Marks", or to license any party to do any of
the foregoing, except solely under a Sub-license as agreed to by
Licensor.  "Electronic Media" includes, but is not limited to, all
forms of electronic, magnetic, digital, optical and laser-based
information storage and retrieval systems, floppy diskette-based
software, CD-ROM, interactive software and compact discs, ROM Card,
silicon chip, on-line electronic or satellite-based data transmission
and other such systems, and any other device or medium for electronic
reproduction, publication, distribution or transmission, whether now or
hereafter known or developed, without the express written consent of
the Licensor.


It is hereby understood and agreed that the minimum number of Sub-
licensee Agreements that the Licensee is obligated to sell within the
first twelve (12) month period starting at the signing of this
Agreement shall be three (3).  If a minimum of three Sub-licensee
Agreements are not sold by the Licensee during the 12 month period,
Licensor, at their option, may consider this Agreement null and void
and will have the right to sell a License in all or any part of the
Territory.  Thereafter, for any 12 month period, the Licensor agrees to
sell a minimum of four (4) Sub-licenses.


Licensor will not grant any other license effective during the term of
this Agreement for the use of the Business Concept or any part thereof
to any other individual or company, in the Territory granted under this
license, so long as this Agreement is in place and has not been
breeched by the Licensee.

Licensor may use or grant others the right to use the Business Concept
and anything pertaining thereto, in the states of Colorado, Texas,
Florida, Nebraska and Oklahoma.


Subject to the rights of termination set forth in this Agreement, the
initial term of this agreement shall commence on the date hereof and
shall terminate on May 15, 2010.  Licensee shall have the right to
renew this Agreement for an additional three-year period provided:

A. Guaranteed Minimum sales of Sub-license Agreements are sold as
per Article 6 of this Agreement.
B.  All fees which are due and payable by the Licensee to the
Licensor are paid as per the terms of this Agreement.
C. Licensee is not otherwise in default hereunder;
D. Licensee gives Licensor notice in writing of its intent to
renew no later than January 15, 2010.


The Parties acknowledge that all non-public information relating to the
business and operations of Licensor and Licensee which they learn or
have learned from the other during or prior to the term of this
Agreement is confidential. The Parties acknowledge the need to preserve
the confidentiality and secrecy of such information and agree that,
both during the term of this Agreement and after the expiration or
termination hereof, they shall not use or disclose same, and shall take
all reasonable steps to preserve in all respects such confidentiality
and secrecy, it being understood that a Party shall have complied with
the foregoing obligation if such Party understands at least the same
measures and precautions it uses to safeguard its own confidential
information. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply with
respect to:

A.  any information that is granted to a Sub-licensee under a
Sub-licensee Agreement and is a part of the Business Concept as
described herein.
B.  any information that is generally available to the public
other than as a result of disclosure in violation of the
C.  any information that is known to Licensor prior to disclosure
by Licensee or independently developed by Licensor;
D.  any otherwise confidential information that is disclosed to
Licensor by a third party and such disclosure by the third party
is not, to the best knowledge of Licensor, in violation of any
confidentiality agreement of that party to Licensee; or
E.  information that is required to be disclosed by judicial or
administrative order or required to be disclosed to enforce the
terms and conditions hereof.

The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.


Best Efforts. During the term of this Agreement, Licensee will use its
best efforts to exploit the rights herein granted throughout the
Territory and develop the Business Concept in each state granted under
this Licensee Agreement, and/or sub-license the Business Concept in
every state granted under this License Agreement.

Licensee shall use the "Licensed Marks" if or when applied for and
received, and conduct its business under the "Licensed Marks" in a
manner designed to enhance the reputation and integrity of the
"Licensed Marks" and the goodwill associated therewith.

Licensee shall not take any action that in any way might tend to
diminish or disparage the value, goodwill, or reputation of the
Business Concept, "Licensed Marks" or Licensor.

Licensee shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all uses of the
Business Concept or any part thereof, including the "Licensed Marks" by
any of Sub-licensee=s comply with applicable law.

Licensee and/or any Sub-licensee shall have the responsibility of
paying any city, county state and/or federal taxes which may become due
as a result of their activities relating to this Agreement or any Sub-
license Agreement.


Licensee shall not register any Domain Names or domain names
incorporating the Business Concept or the "Licensed Marks", or any name
or mark similar to the "Licensed Marks", with any domain name
registrar, without the express written consent of the Licensor.


A.   Licensee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Licensor,
its principals, directors, officers, employees, and/or agents from and
against any and all liabilities, penalties, claims, demands, suits, and
causes of action of any nature whatsoever, whether groundless or
otherwise, and any and all damages, costs, and expenses sustained or
incurred (including cost of defense, settlement, and reasonable
attorneys' fees), asserted by or on behalf of any person or entity
arising out of the production, marketing, distribution, use, offer for
sale, or sale of any Products and/or products and materials under the
Intellectual Property by Licensee or under this Agreement, or out of
any breach of representation or warranty by Licensee, or out of the
negligent acts or omissions or Licensee, its agents, representatives,
and/or employees in connection with the production, manufacture,
distribution, use, offer for sale, or sale of any Product and/or
products and materials under the Intellectual Property by Licensee or
under this Agreement. Further, Licensee must defend any such actions
with counsel of its own choosing.  The provisions of this paragraph and
Licensee's obligations hereunder shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.

B.   Licensor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Licensee,
its principals, directors, officers, employees, and/or agents from and
against any and all liabilities, penalties, claims, demands, suits, and
causes of action of any nature whatsoever, whether groundless or
otherwise, and any and all damages, costs, and expenses sustained or
incurred (including cost of defense, settlement and reasonable
attorneys' fees), asserted by or on behalf of any person or entity
arising out of an allegation of superior rights by a third party in and
to the Business Concept or any part thereof.  Further, Licensor may
defend any such actions with counsel of its own choosing, has the right
to settle or compromise any such dispute or action when in its sole
judgment settlement or compromise is warranted, and has the sole right
to decide whether to appeal any adverse decision of a tribunal in any
action.  The provisions of this paragraph and Licensee's obligations
hereunder shall survive the expiration or termination of this

C.   Licensor will give Licensee notice of any action, claim, suit or
proceeding in respect of which indemnification may be sought and
Licensee shall defend such action, claim, suit or proceeding on behalf
of Licensor. In the event appropriate action is not taken by Licensee
within thirty (30) days after its receipt of notice from Licensor, then
Licensor shall have the right, but not the obligation, to defend such
action, claim, suit or proceeding. Licensor may, subject to Licensee's
indemnity obligation under subparagraph A above, be represented by its
own counsel in any such action, claim, suit or proceeding.  In any
case, the Licensor and the Licensee shall keep each other fully advised
of all developments and shall cooperate fully with each other in all
respects in connection with any such defense as is made.  Nothing
contained in this paragraph shall be deemed to limit in any way the
indemnification provisions of the subparagraph A above except that in
the event appropriate action is being taken by Licensee by counsel
reasonably acceptable to Licensor, with respect to any not-trademark or
intellectual property, action, claim, suit or proceeding.  Licensor
shall not be permitted to seek indemnification from Licensee for
attorneys' fees and expenses incurred without the consent of Licensee.
In connection with the aforesaid actions, claims and proceedings, the
parties shall, where no conflict of interest exists, seek to be
represented by common reasonably acceptable counsel.  In connection
with actions, claims or proceedings involving trademark or other
intellectual property matters which are subject to indemnification
hereunder, Licensor shall at all times be entitled to be represented by
its own counsel, for whose reasonable fees and disbursements it shall
be entitled to indemnification hereunder.


Licensee acknowledges that (i) the owner of the Business
Concept, Intellectual Property, "Licensed Marks" pertaining to the
Business Concept, when and if applied for, and Domain names in the
Territory, (ii) the rights of Licensor in the Business Concept,
Intellectual Property, "Licensed Marks" and Domain Names are valid and
enforceable. Licensee covenants and agrees not to challenge Licensors'
ownership of the Business Concept, Intellectual Property, "Licensed
Marks", and Domain Name.

Licensee shall not attempt to acquire any ownership rights in the
Business Concept, Intellectual Property, "Licensed Marks" or Domain
Names or any other right adverse to Licensors' interests in the
Business Concept, Intellectual Property, "Licensed Marks" or Domain
Names. Nothing herein shall be deemed, intended, or implied to
constitute a sale or assignment of any part of the Business Concept,
including the Intellectual Property, the "Licensed Marks" or Domain
Names to Licensee. Licensee agrees that its use of the Business
Concept, Intellectual Property, "Licensed Marks" or Domain Names under
this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of Licensors, and this
Agreement does not confer on Licensee any goodwill or ownership
interest in the "Licensed Mark", other than as implied by this

Licensee hereby covenants that it shall not: (i) use the "Licensed
Marks" pertaining to the Business Concept, if and when applied for and
received by Licensor, in any way that may tend to impair their validity
as proprietary Trade Marks or service "Licensed Marks"; (ii) take any
action that would jeopardize or impair Licensor's ownership of the
"Licensed Marks" or the legality and/or enforceability of the "Licensed
Marks", or Licensor's right to use the "Licensed Marks"; (iii) either
directly or indirectly, apply for the registration or renewal of
registration of the "Licensed Marks" or any variation thereon, or any
trademark, service mark, domain name, or other matter which contains or
is similar to, the "Licensed Marks", without the prior written consent
of Licensors; (iv) or attempt to register in any jurisdiction, directly
or indirectly, any trademarks, service marks, domain name, or other
matter containing or similar to any trademarks, service marks, domain
name, or name as to which Licensors or their Affiliates have any
registration or proprietary rights; or (v) sub-license any of the
"Licensed Marks", except as permitted by this Agreement.

Licensee shall not join any name or names with the Licensed Mark(s) so
as to form a new mark, unless and until Licensor consents thereto in
writing. Licensee acknowledges the validity of the Licensed Mark(s),
the secondary meaning associated with the Licensed Mark(s), and the
rights of Licensor with respect to the Licensed Mark(s) in the
Territory in any form or embodiment thereof and the goodwill attached
or which shall become attached to the Licensed Mark(s) in connection
with the business and goods in relation to which the same has been, is
or shall be used. Sales by Licensee and any Sub-licensee shall be
deemed to have been made by Licensor for purposes of trademark
registration and all uses of the Licensed Mark(s) by Licensee and or
any Sub-licensee shall inure to the benefit of Licensor. Licensee shall
not, at any time, do or suffer to be done, any act or thing which may
in any way adversely affect any rights of Licensor in and to the
Licensed Mark(s) or any registrations thereof or which, directly or
indirectly, may reduce the value of the Licensed Mark(s) or detract
from its reputation.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, all uses of
the Licensed Mark(s), materials using or incorporating the Licensed
Mark(s) and items used in connection with the Licensed Mark(s) are
subject to Licensor's review and approval.

The "Licensed Mark(s)" may only be used under the License in the same
manner, including in the same style, typeface, and graphic appearance,
as supplied by Licensor.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement, Licensee may not combine the "Licensed Mark(s)" with any
other trademark or service mark (including any logo, design, or
symbol), domain name (except for the Domain Names), name, prefix or
suffix, or any other modifying word or term or matter without
Licensors' prior written approval.

Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason,
Licensee, except as specified below, will immediately discontinue use
of the Licensed Marks, will not resume the use thereof or adopt any
colorable imitation of the Licensed Mark or any of its parts.


Licensee shall immediately notify Licensor of any unauthorized use
and/or suspected infringement of the Business Concept, Intellectual
Property or Licensed Marks. Such notification on shall include, without
limitation, immediately forwarding to Licensor any and all documents
relating to any such unauthorized use or suspected infringement and
providing Licensor with any and all facts and circumstances relating to
such unauthorized use or suspected infringement.

Licensor shall have the primary, and in the first instance sole, right
to institute a suit for infringement, unfair competition, or other
action with respect to any unauthorized use or suspected infringement.
Licensor shall have the sole discretion to determine how to handle or
otherwise deal with any infringement or unauthorized use of the
Intellectual Property , including the right to settle or otherwise
compromise any dispute or suit and shall promptly notify Licensee of
its decision. Licensor shall have no duty to initiate such litigation
if in its sole judgment such litigation is not wanted or is not in its
best interests.

Licensee agrees that it shall, at all times, reasonably cooperate with
Licensor and its counsel, with respect to any unauthorized use or
suspected or alleged infringements at Licensor's expense, including,
but not limited to, having Licensee's principals, directors, employees,
officers, and/or agents testify, and making available any records,
papers, information, specimens, and the like when requested by
Licensor.  Licensee may join and be represented in, at its own expense
by its own counsel, any proceeding relating to any unauthorized use or
suspected infringement to prow its own interests.

If Licensor decides in its discretion not to take any action with
respect to an unauthorized use or suspected infringement, then Licensor
may, at its own option and sole expense, take such action on its our
behalf as it deems appropriate and any damages, recovery, settlement,
or compromise obtained thereby shah be for the account of Licensee.
Any damages and/or recovery received pursuant to such litigation or
settlement or compromises shall be the sole and exclusive property of


If Licensor, on the one hand, or Licensee, on the other, fails to
discharge a material obligation or to correct a material default
hereunder, Licensee or Licensors, respectively, may give written notice
to such other Party specifying the material obligation or material
default and indicating an intent to terminate this Agreement if the
material obligation is not discharged or the material default is not
cured. The Party receiving such notice shall have sixty (60) days from
the date of receipt of such notice to discharge such material
obligation or cure such material default. If such material obligation
is not discharged or such material default is not cured by the end of
such sixty (60) day period, the non-defaulting Party may terminate this
Agreement immediately by written notice given at any time after the end
of such period; provided that the material obligation has not been
discharged or the material default is continuing on the date of such
termination notice.

Licensor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon thirty
(60) days written notice to Licensee in the event that Licensee has not
sold a minimum of four Sub-licenses within a 12 month period from the
signing of this Agreement and a minimum of eight Sub-licenses for each
12 month period thereafter, during the life of this Agreement.

Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Licensee will
promptly discontinue any and all use of the Trade Mark, Intellectual
Property, copyrighted materials and all other aspects of the Business

Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Licensee will,
destroy and/or delete the Intellectual Property from all of Licensee's
publications, stationery, business cards, promotional materials,
computer hard-drives, and all other documents related to the Business

Any amounts paid by the Licensee up to the termination of the
Agreement, for whatever reason, shall be non-refundable.


A. If this Agreement expires or is terminated for any reason, Licensee
shall cease to use any part of the Business Concept, Intellectual
Property or "Licensed Mark".
B. In the event of termination in accordance with Article 18 above,
Licensee shall pay to Licensor, the Sales Royalty or any other fees
then owed to Licensor pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise.
C. Notwithstanding any termination in accordance with Article 18 above,
Licensor shall have and hereby reserve all rights and remedies which it
has, or which are granted to it by operation of law, to enjoin the
unlawful or unauthorized use of the Business Concept, Intellectual
Property or Licensed Mark, and to collect any amounts due and payable
by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement and to be compensated for
damages for breach of this Agreement.
D. All Sub-Licenses sold will be assigned to the "Licensor".


 (A)   To be effective, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement,
all notices and demands, consents, and other communications under this
Agreement must be in writing and must be given by (a) depositing the
same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or
registered, return receipt requested, (b) delivering the same in person
and receiving a signed receipt therefore, (c) sending the same by a
nationally recognized overnight delivery service, or (d) telecopy
(promptly confirmed by telephone and followed by personal or nationally
recognized overnight delivery). For purposes of notices, demands,
consents, and other communications under this Agreement, the addresses
of the Parties (and their respective counsel

(B)   Notices, demands, consents, and other communications mailed in
accordance with the foregoing clause (a) shall be deemed to have been
given, made, and received three (3) Business Days following the date so
mailed. Notices, demands, consents, and other communications given in
accordance with the foregoing clauses (b) and (d) shall be deemed to
have been given, made, and received when sent on a Business Day or, if
not a Business Day, then the next succeeding Business Day. Notices,
demands, consents, and other communications given in accordance with
the foregoing clause (c) shall be deemed to have been given, made, and
received when delivered or refused on a Business Day or, if not a
Business Day, then the next succeeding Business Day. Any Party may
designate a different address to which notices or demands shall
thereafter be directed and such designation shall be made by written
notice given in the manner hereinabove required, provided that at all
times each Party shall be required to maintain a notice address in the
continental United States.

Notices shall be sent to:

If to Licensor:

Venitech, LLC
5742 Nucla Court
Centennial, CO 80015
Telephone: 720-394-3522
Facsimile: 303-568-7805
Attention: Robert McCorkle

If to Licensee:

Fresh Ideas Media, Inc.
558 Castle Pines Pkwy, Suite B4-158
Castle Rock. Colorado 80108
Telephone: 303-814-0076
Facsimile: 303-730-7947

Notice of the change of any such address shall be duly given by either
party to the other in the manner herein provided.


Licensee shall comply in all material respect with all applicable Laws
now and hereinafter enacted in connection with the Business Concept,
its use of the "Licensed Marks", and the performance of its other
obligations under this Agreement.

Licensee, at its sole expense, shall be responsible for obtaining and
maintaining all licenses, permits, and regulatory approvals which are
required by any Governmental Entity with respect to this Agreement and
to comply in all material respect with any requirements of such
Governmental Entity. Licensee shall furnish Licensors with written
evidence from such regulatory authorities of any such licenses,
permits, clearances, authorizations, or regulatory approvals at
Licensors' request.  Any Sub-license granted by the Licensee, likewise
shall be responsible for obtaining any permits, licenses, or regulatory
approvals, if required, in their respective territory.  Licensee shall
furnish Licensors with written evidence from such regulatory
authorities of any such licenses, permits, clearances, authorizations,
or regulatory approvals at Licensors' request.


Licensee shall, at its own expense, notify Licensors, within ten (10)
Business Days after it becomes aware thereof, of (i) any use,
application to register, or registration of any word, name, phrase,
term, logo, or design, or any combination of any of the foregoing, that
might constitute infringement or other violation of the "Licensed
Marks"; or (ii) any claim of any rights in a Mark, or in any
confusingly similar mark, adverse to Licensors' interests in and to
such Mark, or any claim that Licensee's use of a Mark infringes or
otherwise violates the rights of any other Person.

Licensee agrees, at its own expense and as Licensors may reasonably
request, to (i) cooperate fully with Licensors in the prosecution and
elimination of any infringement or other violation of the "Licensed
Mark(s)", including, but not limited to, joining in a suit or
proceeding against a Person making such infringing or other violating
use; and (ii) execute any further agreements or documents as may become
necessary or useful in connection therewith.


Neither this Agreement nor the license or other rights granted
hereunder may be assigned, sublicensed or transferred by Licensee,
whether to a Subsidiary or Affiliate except as approved by Licensor in
advance, in writing, which approval will not be unreasonably denied.
This Article does not apply to the rights granted to a Sub-licensee by
the Licensee, in a particular Territory, under the terms of a standard
sub-license agreement.

Licensor retains the right to assign any and all of its rights and
interests in this Agreement and the Intellectual Property subject to
the limitations set forth herein. This Agreement shall be binding upon
any such assignee as well as upon any successor of Licensor in
ownership or control of the intellectual Property.
Other than the license granted herein, all right, title, and interest
in and to the Intellectual Property is owned and expressly reserved by
Licensor for its own use and benefit subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

Except as relates to the enforcement of any rights granted to Licensee
hereunder, Licensee will not at anytime challenge the validity or
enforceability of the Intellectual Property and/or of any registrations
thereof, or challenge the Licensor's ownership right, tide, or interest
in or to the Intellectual Property or that of any successor, assignee,
affiliate, or subsidiary of Licensor.


Licensee acknowledges and agrees that (i) the Business Concept,
including Intellectual Property and Trade Mark constitute valuable
property of Licensors and have acquired a valuable reputation and
goodwill; (ii) violation by Licensee or its directors, officers,
employees, agents, subcontractors, or Sub-licensees of any provision of
this Agreement may cause Licensors irreparable injury not compensable
by money damages for which Licensors may not have an adequate remedy at
law; and (iii) if Licensors institute an action or proceeding to
enforce the provisions of this Agreement and seek injunctive or other
equitable relief as may be necessary to enjoin, prevent, or curtail any
breach thereof, threatened or actual, then Licensors shall not be
required to prove irreparable injury, and shall be entitled to such
relief without the posting of any bond or other security.


This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
the laws of the state of Colorado.  The parties agree that the
procedures set forth herein shall be the exclusive means for resolving
any claim, dispute, or controversy arising from or relating to this
Agreement, whether sounding in contract, tort, equity, or otherwise,
including any dispute over the validity and/or scope of this Section or
of any other aspect of this Agreement. Any dispute arising under this
Agreement will be first referred for resolution to each party's
respective management designee. To the extent that such designees
cannot resolve the dispute within ten (10) business days of referral to
them, the parties agree to try in good faith to settle the dispute by
non-binding mediation under the Commercial Mediation Rules of Judicial
Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. ("JAMS"). Any and all
mediation hearings shall be held in Denver County, Colorado, unless the
parties agree otherwise.  If and to the extent after five (5) days of
mediation with the mediator, the dispute is not settled, or if the
mediator declares an impasse prior to the end of the five (5) day
period, then and only then the aggrieved party may pursue arbitration
as set forth herein. Any arbitration hereunder shall be conducted under
the Dispute Resolution Rules of JAMS as modified herein. Arbitration
proceedings shall take place in Denver County, Colorado, before a
single arbitrator who shall be a lawyer. The parties shall request that
JAMS provide them with a list of five (5) arbitrators and each party,
beginning with Licensee, shall alternately strike one name from such
list until one arbitrator remains and such arbitrator shall conduct the
proceedings. All arbitration proceedings shall be confidential. Neither
party shall disclose any information about the evidence produced by the
other party in the arbitration proceedings, except in the course of
judicial, regulatory, or arbitration proceeding, or as may be demanded
by government authority. Before making any disclosure permitted by the
preceding sentence, a party shall give the other party reasonable
advance written notice of the intended disclosure and an opportunity to
prevent disclosure. In connection with any arbitration provisions
hereunder, each party shall have the right to take the deposition of up
to two individuals and any expert witness retained by the other party.
Additional discovery may be had only where the arbitrator so orders,
upon a showing of substantial need. Only evidence that is directly
relevant to the issues may be obtained in discovery. Each party bears
the burden of persuasion of any claim or counterclaim raised by that
party. The arbitration provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent
any party from obtaining injunctive or other equitable relief from a
court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the obligations for which
such party may obtain provisional relief pending a decision on the
merits by the arbitrator. Each of the parties hereby consents to the
jurisdiction of Colorado courts for such purpose. The arbitrator shall
have authority to award any remedy or relief that a court of the State
of Colorado could grant in conformity to applicable law, except that
the arbitrator shall have no authority to award attorneys' fees or
punitive damages. Any arbitration award shall be accompanied by a
written statement containing a summary of the issues in controversy, a
description of the award, and an explanation of the reasons for the
award. The arbitrator's award shall be final and judgment may be
entered upon such award by any court.


(a)      Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement for any

(i)      Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Licensee's
License immediately and automatically shall terminate, and all
rights in the Business Concept, including the Intellectual
Property, including any "Licensed Mark" granted to Licensee under
this Agreement shall revert to Licensor; and

(ii)      Licensee shall, within sixty (60) days from the
termination of this Agreement (such period, the "Transitional
Period"), discontinue using the "Licensed Marks" and remove the
"Licensed Mark" from all promotional and advertisement materials,
stationery, computer and electronic systems (including all
Internet websites), and any and all documents (whether in
written, electronic, optical, or other form) in the possession or
control of Licensee, and during the Transitional Period (the last
day of such period being the "Cessation Date") all of the
obligations of Licensee hereunder shall remain in force;
provided, however, that Licensee shall not be required to remove
the "Licensed Marks" from internal business records.

(b)      Upon expiration of the Transitional Period, Licensee shall:

(i) destroy all materials utilizing the "Licensed Marks" and
provide confirmation of same to Licensors;

(ii) not use any trademark, service mark, domain name, or name
that is confusingly similar to or dilutive of the "Licensed
Marks", and at Licensors' request Licensee will assign any rights
to the "Licensed Marks" to one or more of the Licensors or an
Affiliate of one of the Licensors, as requested by Licensors;

(iii) remove all content from any Internet website corresponding
to the Domain Names, and shall

(x) post, at the request of Licensors and subject to the
prior written approval of Licensors, a notice or legend
which shall state that the license granted hereunder has
been terminated and any other information reasonably
requested by Licensors, including hypertext links to one or
more of Licensors', or its Affiliates', other Internet
websites; or

(y) redirect the Domain Names to a website of Licensors'

(iv) take all steps necessary, and fully cooperate with Licensors
and/or their Affiliates, to remove the "Licensed Marks" from
Licensee's trade and assumed names and Sub-licensee's corporate
names and cancel any recordation of such names with any
Governmental Entity; and

(v) change any corporate, trade, and assumed name that uses the
"Licensed Marks" to a name that does not include the "Licensed
Marks" or any variation, derivation, or colorable imitation


 (A)   RIGHT AND AUTHORITY:  The Parties respectively represent and
warrant that they have full right, power and authority to enter into
this Agreement and perform all of their obligations hereunder and that
they are under no legal impediment which would prevent their signing
this Agreement or consummating the same. Licensor represents and
warrants that it has the right to license Licensee the Business Concept
including the Licensed Marks, when and if granted, and that Licensor
has not granted any other existing license to use the Licensed Marks on
products covered hereunder in the Territory and that no such license
will be granted during the term of this Agreement except in accordance
with the provisions hereof.

Not withstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement,
Licensor shall not have the right to negotiate or enter into agreements
with third parties pursuant to which it may grant a license to use
prior to the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

(B)   RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES:   This Agreement does not create a
partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between the parties,
and neither Licensee nor Licensor shall have the right, power, or
authority to act as a legal representative of the other, and neither
party shall have any power to obligate or bind the other, or to make
any representations, express or implied, on behalf of or in the name of
the other in any manner or for any purpose.  This Article shall also
apply to any Sub-licensee which may enter into an agreement with the

(C)   VOID PROVISIONS:   If any provision or any portion of any
provision of this Agreement shall be held to be void or unenforceable,
the remaining provisions of this Agreement and the remaining portion of
any provision held void or unenforceable in part shall continue in full
force and effect.

(D)   LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:  Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, in the event Licensee incurs any expenses,
damages or other liabilities (including, without limitation, reasonable
attorneys' fees) in connection with the breach by Licensor of any term
or provision hereof, Licensor's liability to Licensee thereunder shall
not exceed the remuneration, excluding reimbursement of expenses,
actually paid to Licensor by Licensee hereunder.

(E)   CONSTRUCTION:  This Agreement shall be construed without regard
to any presumption or other rule requiring construction against the
party causing this Agreement to be drafted. If any words or phrases in
this Agreement shall have been stricken out or otherwise eliminated,
whether or not any other words or phrases have been added, this
Agreement shall be construed as if those words or phrases were never
included in this Agreement, and no implication or inference shall be
drawn from the fact that the words or phrases were so stricken out or
otherwise eliminated.

 (F)   FORCE MAJEURE:  Neither party hereto shall be liable to the
other for delay in any performance or for the failure to render any
performance under the Agreement (other than payment or any accrued
obligation for the payment of money) when such delay or failure is by
reason of lockouts, strikes, riots, fires, explosions, blockade, civil
commotion, epidemic, insurrection, war or warlike conditions, terrorism
or threat of terrorism, the elements, embargoes, act of God or the
public enemy, compliance with any law, regulation or other governmental
order, whether or not valid, or other similar causes beyond the control
of the party effected. The party claiming to be so affected shall give
notice to the other party promptly after it learns of the occurrence of
said event and of the adverse results thereof. Such notice shall set
forth the nature and extent of the event. The delay or failure shall
not be excused unless such notice is so given. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Agreement, either party may terminate this
Agreement if the other party is unable to perform any or all of its
obligations hereunder for a period of six (6) months by reason of said
event as if the date of termination were the date set forth herein as
the expiration date hereof. If either party elects to terminate this
Agreement under this paragraph, Licensee shall have no further
obligations for the License Fee beyond the date of termination (which
shall be prorated if less than an Annual Period is involved) and shall
be obligated to pay any Sales Royalty which is then due or becomes due.

(G)   BINDING EFFECT:    This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of
and shall be binding upon the parties, their respective successors,
Licensor's transferees and assigns and Licensee's permitted transferees
and assigns.

(H)   CAPTIONS:   The captions used in this Agreement have been
inserted only for reference purposes. The captions and order of such
captions shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify, or in any manner
affect the scope, meaning, or intent of any of the provisions and/or
terms of this Agreement nor shall any captions be given any legal

(I)   WAIVER INTEGRATION, ALTERATION:   No provision of this Agreement
shall be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver is contained in
a written notice given to the Party claiming such waiver has occurred.
A waiver or consent, express or implied, of or to any breach or default
by any Person in the performance by that Person of its obligations with
respect to this Agreement is not a consent or waiver to or of any other
breach or default in the performance by that Person of the same or any
other obligations of that Person with respect to this Agreement.
Failure on the part of a Person to complain of any act of any Person or
to declare any Person in default with respect to this Agreement,
irrespective of how long that failure continues, does not constitute a
waiver by that Person of its rights with respect to that default until
the applicable statute-of-limitations period has run.  Acceptance of
payments by Licensor shall not be deemed a waiver by Licensor of any
violation of or default under any of the provisions of this Agreement
by Licensee.

(J)   MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT:   Any modification or amendment of
this Agreement shall be effective if made in writing and signed by both

 (K)   ILLEGAL OR UNENFORCEABLE:   If, any part, term, or provision of
this Agreement shall he found illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict
with any valid controlling Law, the validity of the remaining portions
of any provisions, and any other provisions in this Agreement, shall
not be affected thereby.

(L)   THIRD PARTIES:  Third Parties. Except as specifically set forth
or referred to herein, nothing herein expressed or implied is intended
or shall be construed to confer upon or give to any person, corporation
or other entity other than the parties hereto and their successors or
assigns, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

(M)   ASSIGNMENT/DELEGATION:   Licensee shall not assign or delegate or
otherwise transfer their obligations under this Agreement without the
prior written consent of Licensor.  Any assignment or other transfer in
violation of the foregoing sentence shall be void and of no force and
effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of the Parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

(N)   PARAGRAPH HEADINGS:   The paragraph headings in this Agreement
are for convenience of reference only and shall be given no substantive

(O)   COUNTERPARTS:  This Agreement may be executed in several
counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original but all of which
will constitute one and the same instrument.

(P)   INVALIDITY:  Wherever possible, each provision hereof shall be
interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under
applicable law, but in case any one or more of  the provisions
contained herein shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal,
or unenforceable in any respect, such provision shall be ineffective
only to the extent of such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability
without invalidating the remainder of such invalid, illegal, or
unenforceable provision or provisions or any other provisions hereof,
unless such a construction would be unreasonable.

(Q)   AMENDMENT:   Except as expressly provided herein, this Agreement
may be amended only by a written agreement executed by all of the
Parties. Following such amendment, this Agreement, as amended, shall be
binding upon the Parties.

(R)   EFFECT OF WAIVER AND CONSENT:  No provision of this Agreement
shall be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver is contained in
a written notice given to the Party claiming such waiver has occurred.
A waiver or consent, express or implied, of or to any breach or default
by any Party in the performance by that Party of its obligations with
respect to this Agreement is not a consent or waiver to or of any other
breach or default in the performance by that Party of the same or any
other obligations of that Party with respect to this Agreement. Failure
on the part of a Party to complain of any act of any Party or to
declare any Party in default with respect to this Agreement,
irrespective of how long that failure continues, does not constitute a
waiver by that Party of its rights with respect to that default until
the applicable statute-of-limitations period has run.

(S)   HEADINGS:   The headings of the Articles and Sections herein are
inserted for convenience

(T)   INTERPRETATION:  Each definition in this Agreement includes the
singular and the plural. The words "include" or "including" when used
in this Agreement shall mean "including, without limitation". The word
"or" shall not be exclusive. Except as otherwise stated, reference to
Articles, Sections, Schedules and Exhibits means the Articles,
Sections, Schedules and Exhibits of this Agreement. The Schedules and
Exhibits are hereby incorporated by reference into and shall be deemed
a part of this Agreement.

(U)   SEVERABILITY: If, any part, term, or provision of this Agreement
shall be found illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any valid
controlling Law, the validity of the remaining portions of any
provisions, and any other provisions in this Agreement, shall not be
affected thereby.

ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH LAWS. Any legal suit, action, or proceeding
against any of the Parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement
shall only be instituted in any federal or state court in Denver,
Colorado, and each Party hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive
jurisdiction of any such court in any such suit, action, or proceeding.
The Parties hereby agree to venue in such courts and hereby waive, to
the fullest extent permitted by law, any claim that any such action or
proceeding was brought in an inconvenient forum. Each of the Parties
hereby irrevocably waives all right to trial by jury in any suit,
action, or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement.

(W)   ENTIRE AGREEMENT:  This Agreement contains the entire
understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to
the subject matter hereof, supersedes all other agreements,
representations, understandings, and warranties, express or implied,
oral or written understandings and agreements relating thereto
concerning the Business Concept and any part thereof, and may not be
modified, discharged or terminated, nor may any of the provisions
hereof be waived, orally.



By:  /s/Robert McCorkle
     ------------------------             Date: March 14, 2005
Robert McCorkle  - Managing Director


By:  /s/Phil E. Ray
     ----------------------                Date: March 14, 2005
Phil E. Ray, President


WHEREAS, Fresh Ideas Media, Inc. a Nevada Corporation, did, on March
14, 2005, enter into a License Agreement with Venitech, LLC, a Colorado
corporation, which License Agreement gave Fresh Ideas Media, Inc.
certain license rights throughout the United States to a certain
Business Concept involving "School Folders" and other products,
including, but not limited to methods of selling, marketing,
advertising, art and design concepts, forms, printing, agreements and
other items relating to the Business Concept and referred to
collectively as Intellectual Property, and such License Agreement also
included the Registered Trademarks, "Community Alliance" and "Our Best
Wishes" and

WHEREAS, Fresh Ideas Media, Inc. desires to assign the License
Agreement entered into by Fresh Ideas Media, Inc. and Venitech, LLC to
Community Alliance, Inc. and Community Alliance, Inc. desires to accept
the assignment, and in so doing, accept all responsibilities associated
with the License Agreement, and does hereby accept all terms of the
License Agreement, and all amendments thereto in the future, including
any and all payments required to be paid under the License Agreement.

THEREFORE, Venitech, LLC does, under Article 24, Paragraph M of the
License Agreement, hereby grant permission to Fresh Ideas Media, Inc.
to assign the License Agreement to Community Alliance, Inc., providing
that Community Alliance, Inc. does agree to comply and fulfill all
terms of the License Agreement.

Venitech, LLC

By:  _____________________________________
        Ruth Daily - Director

Date:  March 24, 2005


Addendum to Licensing Agreement between Venitech, LLC and Fresh Ideas
Media, Inc. dated March 14, 2005 and the Addendum To Licensing
Agreement Dated January 16, 2007.

WHEREAS, Article 6, of the License Agreement, MINIMUM PROFORMANCE BY
LICENSEE, reads as follows:


It is hereby understood and agreed that the minimum number of Sub-
licensee Agreements that the Licensee is obligated to sell within the
first twelve (12) month period starting at the signing of this
Agreement shall be three (3).  If a minimum of three Sub-licensee
Agreements are not sold by the Licensee during the 12 month period,
Licensor, at their option, may consider this Agreement null and void
and will have the right to sell a License in all or any part of the
Territory.  Thereafter, for any 12 month period, the Licensor agrees to
sell a minimum of four (4) Sub-licenses.

Whereas, on January 16, 2007, the parties agreed to amend Article 6 of
the Agreement, which Amendment read as follows:


It is hereby understood and agreed that the minimum number of Sub-
licensee Agreements that the Licensee is obligated to sell within the
first twelve (12) month period starting at the signing of this
Agreement shall be three (3).  If a minimum of three Sub-licensee
Agreements are not sold by the Licensee during the 12 month period,
Licensor, at their option, may consider this Agreement null and void
and will have the right to sell a License in all or any part of the
Territory.  Licensee shall sell an additional four (4) Sub-licensees
between March 14, 2006 and August 14, 2007 and thereafter Licensee
agrees to sell a minimum of four (4) Sublicenses during every 12 month
period from August 14, 2007.

Whereas, now the parties desire to amend the Licensing and the Addendum
to Licensing Agreement, it is hereby agreed to by all parties involved
that the above Article 6 of the Addendum to Licensing Agreement shall
be amended to read as follows.


It is hereby understood and agreed that the minimum number of Sub-
licensee Agreements that the Licensee is obligated to sell within the
first twelve (12) month period starting at the signing of this
Agreement shall be three (3).  If a minimum of three Sub-licensee
Agreements are not sold by the Licensee during the 12 month period,
Licensor, at their option, may consider this Agreement null and void
and will have the right to sell a License in all or any part of the
Territory.  For an additional payment of $10,000, Licensee shall not
have a minimum number of Sub-licensees for the years of 2006 and 2007.
Licensee shall sell a minimum of two (2) Sub-Licensees in 2008 and each
year thereafter.

This addendum to the above named License Agreement is entered into by
the Parties on this the 30 day of October, 2007.

Venitech, LLC

By: /s/Ruth Daily
    Ruth Daily - Director

Fresh Ideas Media, Inc.

By: /s/Phil E. Ray
    Phil E. Ray - President