This Consulting Agreement is entered into between Pratt, Wylce & Lords, 
Ltd. a Nevada Corporation (PWL) and Trinity Works, Inc. (Client), (the 
"Agreement") with reference to the following facts.

Client has expressed a desire to enter into this Agreement with PWL for 
PWL to provide consulting services through which Client will become a 
publicly traded company (the "Services") PWL is in the business of 
providing such services and desires to enter into an Agreement with Client 
to provide such "Services".  This Agreement is for the purpose of defining 
the services provided and the rights and responsibilities of both parties.


1.  PWL agrees to prepare or cause to be prepared a suitable business plan 
for Client.  This business plan will be prepared in a format acceptable to the 
securities industry and will be prepared from information provided by Client 

2.  PWL will recommend a structure for Client's entry into the public 
market.  This structure will be approved by Client.  The structure will
 include distribution to shareholders, creditors, and other parties and will 
include agreed upon capital formation requirements of Client.

3.  PWL will prepare, through its securities counsel, a Private Placement 
Memorandum or other private bridge financing in the amount of a minimum
 of $300,000 and a maximum of $600,000.  PWL will also use its contacts 
and sources on a best efforts basis to locate suitable licensed sources to 
assist in the completion of the PPM.

4.  PWL will, if requested, provide or arrange to be provided, such
 accounting services as necessary to complete audits of Client's books in
 order to proceed with the preparation and filing of the registration.  (Clients

5.  PWL will prepare and file, through its securities counsel, a Registration 
Statement on Form S1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(SEC).  Securities to be registered in said registration include the stock 
issued to PWL, and other such stock as agreed upon by both parties.

6.  Upon the effectiveness of the Registration Statement, PWL agrees to
 distribute to its shareholders up to 40% of the voting common shares it 
receives from Client as set forth herein.

7.  PWL will prepare such packaging and promotional materials as PWL
 and Client deem necessary as outlined in Exhibit C.  Client will approve all 
materials prior to completion.

8.  PWL will prepare a form 15c2-11 and coordinate its distribution to the
 brokerage community at its own expense for the purpose of establishing a 
market for the stock and arrange a listing on the Over the Counter Market.

9.  PWL agrees to use its expertise and business contacts to arrange for the 
establishment of a market for Client's stock once the Statement of 
Registration is effective and the stock distribution complete.  "Market" is 
defined as a listing on the Over the Counter Market (either NASDAQ or
 Bulletin Board) with a minimum of 3 market makers quoting the stock.

10. PWL agrees to use its expertise and business contacts to arrange for the 
continued promotion of Client's stock.  This promotion will be evidenced 
by the implementation of a financial relations program created by PWL and 
described in Exhibit C and paid for by Client according to the fees disclosed 
in this agreement.

11. PWL agrees to arrange for the inclusion of the Company in either 
Moody's company listing services for the purpose of expanding the 
marketability of the stock.  PWL will obtain the application for the Client 
and assist the Client in preparing the applications.  PWL will pay the initial 
fees on behalf of the client.

12. PWL agrees to provide consulting services on as needed basis to Client 
for a period of 1 year from this Agreement at no additional cost to client and 
will make itself available to render advice to Client concerning but not 
limited to shareholder relations, market strategy, broker relations and 
additional capitalization and any other subjects as may fall under the services 
provided within this contract.


1.  Client agrees to provide PWL such financial, business and other material 
and information about Client, its products, services, contracts, litigation, 
patents, trademarks and other such business matters which PWL may 
request and which PWL considers to be important and material information 
for the completion of this contract.

2.  Client agrees to provide PWL or its attorneys and accountants all 
material requested in order to prepare a registration document.  These
 materials include but are not limited to articles of incorporation and all 
amendments thereto, by laws of the corporation, its minutes and resolutions 
of all shareholders and board of directors meetings, a copy of the share 
register showing the names, addresses and social security number of 
shareholders and the dates of issuance and the numbers of shares owned by 
each resume for each officer and director of the corporation and audited 
financial statements providing balance sheets for the two previous years and 
Statement of Operations for the three previous years.

3.  Client agrees to provide PWL with monthly financial statements Balance 
Sheets and Profit and Loss statements utilizing "GAP" accounting until the 
effective date of the registration and the Client also agrees to notify PWL of 
any changes in the status or nature of its business, any litigation,  or any 
other developments that may require further disclosure in the registration or 
other documents.


PWL will receive a total fee equal to $95,000 for the above services 
rendered which includes any and all expenses by PWL in accordance with 
this Agreement,:

Development of corporate and capitalization structure, preparation of 
registrations including all attorneys fees, preparation of 15c211, 
establishment of initial markets. (items 2,5,8,9)      $95,000

Packaging of Corporation & Stock Promotion (item 7 & 10) basic  

Registration with Moody's (item 11)   $included

Provide Consulting Services for 12 months  $included

Cash fees to PWL are to be paid $75,000 upon the funding of the minimum 
amount of the Private Placement as indicated in item 1.3 and the balance 
upon closing the Private Placement.


In addition to the above cash consideration, PWL will receive from Client 
348,000 shares of common stock in Client (the Stock).  Said amount of 
stock is based upon the structure as indicated in Exhibit B.

Stock will be paid to PWL the execution of this agreement.


1.  PWL represents warrants and convenants the following:

2.  PWL is a corporation duly organized and existing under
the laws of Nevada and is in good standing with the jurisdiction of its 

3.  PWL will disclose to Client all material facts and circumstances which 
may affect its ability to perform its undertaking herein.

4.  PWL will cooperate in a prompt and professional manner with Client, 
its attorneys, accounts and agents in the performance of this Agreement.


1.  Client represents warrants and covenants the following:

2.  Corporation will cooperate fully with PWL in executing the 
responsibilities required under this contract so that PWL may fulfill its 
responsibilities in a timely manner.

3.  Client will not circumvent this Agreement either directly or indirectly nor 
will it interfere with, impair, delay or cause PWL to perform work not 
described in this Agreement.

4.  Client and each of its subsidiaries is a corporation duly organized and
 existing under the laws of its state of incorporation and is in good standing 
with the jurisdiction of its incorporation in each state where it is required to
be qualified to do business.

5.  Client's articles of incorporation and bylaws delivered pursuant to this
 Agreement are true and complete copies of same and have been duly 

6.  Client will cooperate in a prompt and professional  manner with PWL, 
its attorneys, accountants and agents during the performance of the 
obligations due under this Agreement.

7.  Client represents that no person has acted as a finder or investment 
advisor in connection with the transactions contemplated in this letter other 
than those listed on Exhibit A, and Client will indemnify PWL with respect 
to any claim for a finders fee in connection with this Agreement.  Client 
represents that no officer, director or stockholder of the company is a 
member of the NASD, and employee or associated member of the NASD, 
or an employee or associated person or member of the NASD.  Client 
represents that is separately has disclosed to PWL all potential conflicts of 
interest involving officers, directors, principal stockholders and/or 


PWL agrees that all information received from Client shall be treated as 
confidential information and PWL shall not share such information with any 
other person or entity, except the SEC, attorneys and accountants, without 
the express written consent of Client, unless such disclosure will not cause 
damages to Client.

Client agrees not to divulge each and any named source (lending, 
institutions, investors, individuals, Brokers, etc.) which have been 
introduced by PWL for a period of one year from the execution of this 
Agreement.  Furthermore, Client agrees not to circumvent, either directly or 
indirectly, the relationship that each PWL has with said sources.


Any notices from either party to the other shall be deemed received on the 
date such notice is personally delivered.  Any notice sent by fax 
transmission shall be deemed received by the other party on the day it has 
been transmitted.  Any notice sent by mail by either party to the other shall 
be deemed received on the third business day after is has been deposited at a 
United States Post Office.  For purposes of delivering or sending notice to 
the parties to this Agreement such notices shall be delivered or sent as 

If notice is delivered to PWL:    If notice is to be
                                  delivered to Client:

Pratt, Wylce & Lords, Ltd.        Trinity Works, Inc. 
804 Colorado Blvd.                1931 East Ben White Blvd
PO Box 1427                       Suite 900
Idaho Springs, CO 80452           Austin, TX 78741
Telephone # 303-567-0839           Phone # 512-440-7852
Fax # 303-567-0841                 Fax # 512-440-7143


Neither party has made any representations to the other which are not 
specifically set forth in this Agreement.  There are no oral other agreements 
between the parties which have been entered into prior or 
contemporaneously with the formation of this Agreement.  All oral 
promises, agreements, representations, statements and warranties 
hereinafter asserted by one party against the other shall be deemed to have 
been waived by such party asserting that they were made and this 
Agreement shall supersede all prior negotiations, statements representations,
warranties and agreements made or entered into between the parties to this 


Neither party may assign any benefit due or delegate performance under this 
Agreement without the express written consent of the other party except as 
noted herein:  Jody M Walker atty.-at-Law shall contract with the Client and 
shall be paid by PWL for the preparation and filing of the S1 registration.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the 
laws of the State of Colorado.  It shall also be construed as if the parties 
participated equally in its negotiation and drafting.  The Agreement shall not 
be construed against one party over another party. 


In any action concerning the enforcement, breach, or interpretation of this 
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs of suit 
and reasonable attorneys fees from the other party, in addition to any other 
relief granted by the court.


The waiver of any provision of this Agreement by either party shall not be 
deemed to be a continuing waiver of any other provision of this Agreement 
by either party.


If any provision of this Agreement or any subsequent modifications hereof 
are found to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the 
remaining provisions shall continue to remain in full force and effect.


The individuals signing this Agreement below represent to each other that
 they have the authority to bind their respective corporations to the terms and 
conditions of this Agreement.  The individuals shall not, however have 
personal liability by executing this officers of the Client and PWL 

Dated this 25th of October, 1995   Dated this 25th of 
                                   October, 1995
Pratt, Wylce, & Lords, Ltd.        Trinity Works, Inc.

by                                 by
President                          President


                     EXHIBIT A

The following individuals will be compensated by Pratt, Wylce, & Lords, 
Ltd. in the amounts shown:

Clinton Clark                  $17,500
Alan Filson                    $20,000
Alan Filson                     25,000 Shares

The following individuals will be compensated by Trinity Works, Inc. in 
amounts shown.

Clinton Clark                    87,000 Shares

The above compensation is the total compensation to the above named 
parties unless disclosed in writing.




Trinity Works, Inc. and PWL will mutually agree upon the following 
reorganization plan Alternate reorganization structures may also be chosen 
with the approval of both parties.

Trinity Works, Inc. will reorganize its corporate structure as follows:

Trinity Works, Inc. will authorize the issuance of 50,000,000 of common 
stock and adjust the total issued and outstanding to provide current 
shareholders with 1,615,000 shares. The Board of Directors will then 
approve the following:

The issuance of 348,000 shares of common stock to Pratt, Wylce & Lords, 
Ltd. and 87,000 common shares to Clinton Clark as compensation pursuant 
to this agreement.

The distribution of 100,000 A Common stock purchase Warrants 
exercisable at $4.00, 100,000 B Common stock purchase Warrants 
exercisable at $6.00 and 25,000 Class C common stock purchase warrants 
exercisable at $10.00.  The warrants will be distributed pro rata to 
shareholders of record following the issuance of the 1,615,000 shares as 
previously mentioned.

The authorization and issuance of 400,000 shares of common stock subject 
to a Private Placement Memorandum.  Said shares shall be sold at a rate of 
$1.50 per share.


                     EXHIBIT C


- -     1-2 sided, 2 color Corporate Profile (5000 reprints)
- -     1-11 x 14 bi-fold full color Corporate Profile with 2-       
      1/4 page pictures. (3000 reprints)

- -     Full Color Glossy pocket folder (1000 reprints)

- -     5 Minute Corporate Video

- -     Card Deck mailing to 100,000 US investors plus 50,000
      US brokers

- -     Utilization of a publicist provided by PWL from the        
      effective date of the registration to the end of the 

Financial relations and promotions will be implemented by Pratt, Wylce &
 Lords, Ltd.'s. Financial Relations Manager.

NOTE:  Additional financial relations may be required in order to complete 
capitalization.  If so, additional financial relations work may be required. 
 This work will include but may not be limited to the following:

Press Releases strategically placed in Investors Business Daily
Full page Corporate profiles in Financial World or other similar 
Additional mass distribution, direct response mailings by a "stock deck" or 
other similar instrument.
Other lead generation, financial relations packages as agreed upon by Client 
and PWL.

Approximate cost    Approximately 5% of the exercise price of the Warrants 
to be exercised.

All financial relations and broker relations work will be done with the 
approval of PWL and Client.