SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                     Washington, D.C. 20549

                            FORM 11-K

(Mark One)
[X] Annual Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities
    Exchange Act of 1934

          For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004


[ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934

 For the transition period from ____________ to ________________

          Commission File Number _____________________

A.   Full title of the plan and the address of the plan, if
     different from that of the issuer named below:

                          EARNINGS PLAN

B.   Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan
     and the address of its principal executive office:

              Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
                      1801 Art Museum Drive
                   Jacksonville, Florida 32207

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Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings Plan Index
December 31, 2004 and 2003
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Report of Independent Registered Certified Public
  Accountants                                             1

Financial Statements

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits           2

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits 3

Notes to Financial Statements                            4-7

Supplemental Schedule

Schedule H, Line 4i -- Schedule of Assets (Held at
  End of  Year)                                           8

Note:    Other  schedules required by 29 CFR 2520.103-10  of  the
Department  of  Labor's Rules and Regulations for  Reporting  and
Disclosure  under ERISA have been omitted because  they  are  not
applicable,   or  are  not  required  for  participant   directed
investment transactions.

  Report of Independent Registered Certified Public Accountants

To the Participants and Administrator of
Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings Plan:

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets
available for benefits and the related
statements of changes in net assets available for benefits
present fairly, in all material respects, the net
assets available for benefits of Patriot Transportation Holding,
Inc. Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings Plan (the "Plan") at
December 31, 2004 and 2003, and the changes in net assets available
for benefits for the year ended December 31, 2004 in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Plan's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our
audits of these statements in accordance with the standards of the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion
on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental
schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) is presented for
the purpose of additional analysis and is not a required part of
the basic financial statements but is supplementary information
required by the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for
Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974. This supplemental schedule is the responsibility of the
Plan's management. The supplemental schedule has been subjected
to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic
financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all
material respects in relation to the basic financial statements
taken as a whole.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Jacksonville, FL
June 9, 2005

Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings Plan
Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
December 31, 2004 and 2003
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

                                       2004           2003

Investments at fair value
 Investments                        $  19,474,420  $ 17,044,766
 Participant loans                      1,114,691     1,127,833
                                     ------------   -----------
     Total investments                 20,589,111    18,172,599
                                     ------------   -----------
Contributions receivable
 Employer                                  12,335        11,819
 Employee                                  28,774        27,351
                                     ------------   -----------
     Total contributions receivable        41,109        39,170
                                     ------------   -----------
     Total assets                      20,630,220    18,211,769
                                     ------------   -----------
Excess contributions payable                  845         3,321
                                     ------------   -----------
     Total liabilities                        845         3,321
                                     ------------   -----------
     Net assets available for
       benefits                     $  20,629,375  $ 18,208,448
                                     ============   ===========

The  accompanying notes are an integral part of  these  financial

Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
Year Ended December 31, 2004
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

Additions to net assets attributed to
   Investment income
    Dividend and interest income                   $     262,573
    Net appreciation in fair value of investments      1,608,335
    Other income - loan interest                          59,825
      Total investment income                          1,930,733

    Employer                                             708,964
    Employee                                           1,647,717
    Rollovers                                             19,838
      Total contributions                              2,376,519
      Total additions                                  4,307,252

Deductions from net assets attributed to
  Distributions to participants                        1,886,325
      Total deductions                                 1,886,325
      Net increase                                     2,420,927

Net assets available for benefits
      Beginning of year                               18,208,448
      End of year                                   $ 20,629,375

The  accompanying notes are an integral part of  these  financial

Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2004 and 2003
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

1.   Description of the Plan

     The following description of Patriot Transportation Holding,
     Inc. (the "Company") Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings
     Plan (the "Plan") provides only general information.
     Participants should refer to the Plan agreement for a more
     complete description of the Plan's provisions.

     The Plan is a defined contribution plan available to all
     employees of the Company. The Plan is subject to the
     provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
     1974 (ERISA).

     Each year, participants may contribute up to 100% of pretax
     annual compensation, as defined in the Plan subject to
     Internal Revenue Service allowable limits. Participants may
     also contribute amounts representing distributions from
     other qualified defined benefit or defined contribution
     plans, conduit IRA accounts, 403(b) accounts, and 457(b)
     plans. The Company contributes 50% of the first 6% of the
     participant's deferred earnings contributions. The Company
     may make a profit sharing contribution to the Plan each year
     in an amount determined by the Board of Directors of the
     Company subject to certain limitations relating to the
     aggregate compensation of participants. No profit sharing
     contributions were made by the Company for the 2004 Plan

     Participant Accounts
     Each participant's account is credited with the
     participant's contributions and the employer's
     matching contribution and an allocation of the employer's
     profit sharing contributions and Plan
     earnings. The benefit to which a participant is entitled is
     the benefit that is available in the
     participant's vested account.

     Participants direct the investment of their contributions
     into various investment options offered by
     the Plan. The Plan currently offers a money market fund,
     mutual funds, Company stock and
     Florida Rock Industries, Inc. stock as investment options
     for participants. All participants who
     have not made an election are deemed to have elected to have
     contributions made to their accounts invested in the STI
     Classic Prime Quality Money Market Fund.

     Participants are fully vested in their voluntary
     contributions plus actual earnings thereon. Vesting
     in the Company's matching and profit sharing contributions
     plus actual earnings thereon is
     determined under the following schedules based on years of

                         Matching Contributions
               Years of Service                   Percentage
                    1                               20%
                    2                               40%
                    3                               60%

                    4                               80%
                    5                              100%

                         Profit Sharing Contributions
               Years of Service                   Percentage
               Less than 3                           0%
                   3                                20%
                   4                                40%
                   5                                60%
                   6                                80%
                   7                               100%

     If participants are employed on or after their retirement
     age, the company's matching and profit sharing contributions
     are fully vested. In the event of termination by retirement,
     death or disability of the participant, 100% of the employer
     contributions will be distributed to the participant or the
     participant's designated beneficiary.

     Payment of Benefits
     On termination of employment, death or disability of a
     participant, benefits for distribution shall be determined
     based upon the participants' vested account balance on the
     date of distribution, which shall be made as soon as
     administratively feasible or later if so elected by the
     participant in amounts as provided in the Plan.

     Forfeited Accounts
     The nonvested portion of a terminated participant's account
     shall be allocated to the accounts of the remaining
     participants in the same manner as employer profit sharing
     contributions. Any forfeiture from an employer profit
     sharing account shall be allocated in the plan year in which
     the forfeiture occurs. Any forfeiture from an employer
     matching account shall be reallocated in the immediately
     following plan year. Unallocated forfeitures totaled $59,784
     and $83,957 at December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively.

     Participant Loans
     Participants may borrow from their fund accounts a minimum
     of $1,000 and a maximum equal to
     the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of their vested account
     balance. Loans bear interest at the
     prevailing rate used by commercial lending institutions at
     the date the loan originated. Participants may have only two
     loans outstanding at any time. Loans must be secured by 50%
     of the participant's vested account balance in the Plan and
     no other collateral may be pledged. Loans are required to be
     repaid within five years except residential loans, which are
     payable within 15 years. Loan repayment will be deducted
     from the participant's payroll over the term of the loan.
     Upon termination of employment with the Company, the
     outstanding balance of the loan, including accrued interest,
     is due immediately.

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     Basis of Accounting
     The financial statements of the Plan are prepared under the
     accrual method of accounting in
     conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
     the United States of America.


     Investments in mutual funds, the money market fund and the
     common stock of the Company and
     Florida Rock Industries, Inc. are stated at fair value based
     upon quoted market prices. The Plan
     presents in the statement of changes in net assets available
     for benefits the net appreciation or
     depreciation in fair value of investment which consists of
     the realized gains or losses and the
     unrealized appreciation or depreciation on these

     Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a trade-
     date basis. Interest income is recorded on
     the accrual basis when it is earned. Dividends are recorded
     on the basis of the ex-dividend date.
     Loans to participants are recorded at the unpaid balance of
     the individual loans as of year end which approximates fair

     Use of Estimates
     The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
     accounting principles generally
     accepted in the United States of America requires management
     to make significant estimates and
     assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
     liabilities and changes therein, and
     disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. Actual
     results could differ from those estimates.

     Benefit Payments
     Benefits are recorded when paid.

     Risks and Uncertainties
     The Plan provides for various investment options in any
     combination of mutual funds, the money market fund and the
     common stock of the Company and Florida Rock Industries,
     Inc. Investment
     securities are exposed to various risks, such as interest
     rate, market and credit. Due to the level of
     risk associated with certain investment securities and the
     level of uncertainty related to changes in
     the value of investment securities, it is at least
     reasonably possible that changes in risks in the near term
     would materially affect participants' account balances and
     the amounts reported in the
     statements of net assets available for benefits and the
     statement of changes in net assets available for benefits.

3.   Investments

     Investments which exceeded 5% or more of the Plan's net
     assets at December 31 are summarized as follows:

                                                      2004       2003

     Investments at fair value as determined
     by quoted market price
     STI Classic Prime Quality Money Market Fund  $ 7,088,466  $ 6,576,041
     STI Classic Capital Appreciation Fund          3,445,131    3,628,096
     Florida Rock Industries Inc. common stock      2,658,469      979,341
     Vanguard 500 Index Fund                        2,081,013    2,027,324
     Participant Loans
     Participant loans                              1,114,691    1,127,833

     During 2004, the Plan's investments (including gains and
     losses on investments bought and sold, as well as held
     during the year) appreciated in value as follows:

     Mutual fu                                    $   551,651
     Common stock                                   1,056,684

    Net appreciation in fair value of investments $ 1,608,335

     4.   Related Party Transactions

          Funds managed by the custodian and loans to
          participants comprise the entire investment portfolio.
          Fees to the custodian are deducted from investment
          income. Therefore, all investment transactions are
          considered to be with parties-in-interest. Certain
          administrative expenses are paid for by the Company
          without charge to the Plan. These fees totaled $16,966
          for the year ended December 31, 2004, and are not
          included in these financial statements.

     5.   Plan Termination

          While the Company has not expressed any intent to do
          so, it may terminate the Plan at any time. In the event
          of such termination, the accounts of all participants
          would become fully vested and the Company, by written
          notice to the Trustee and the Committee, may direct
          either complete distribution of the assets in the trust
          fund to the participants or, continue the trust and the
          distribution of benefits at such time and in such
          manner as though the Plan had not been terminated.

     6.   Income Tax Status

          The Plan obtained its latest determination letter on
          May 14, 2004, in which the Internal Revenue Service
          stated that the Plan, as then designed, was in
          compliance with the applicable requirements of the
          Internal Revenue Code ("IRC").

     7.   Financial Instruments

          Certain financial instruments potentially subject the
          Plan to concentrations of credit risk. These financial
          instruments consist of the SunTrust investment
          accounts, Company stock, Florida Rock Industries, Inc.
          stock and contributions receivable. The Plan limits its
          credit risk by maintaining its accounts with what the
          plan administrator believes to be high quality
          financial institutions.

     8.   Reconciliation of Financial Statements to Form 5500

          The following is a reconciliation of net assets
          available for benefits per the financial statements at
          December 31, 2004 to Form 5500:

          Net assets available for benefits per the financial
          statements                                           $20,629,375
          Excess contribution payable                                  845

          Net assets available for benefits per the Form 5500  $20,630,220

          The following is a reconciliation of contributions per
          the financial statements for the year ended December
          31, 2004 to the Form 5500:

          Total contributions per the financial statements     $ 2,376,519
          Excess contribution payable                                  845
          Total contributions per the Form 5500                $ 2,377,364

Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings Plan
Schedule H Line 4i - Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2004
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

                                   Description of investment     Current
 Identity of issue,                including maturity  date,      Value
 borrower, lessor or               rate of interest, collateral,
 similar party                     par or maturity value

*STI Classic Prime Quality Money
   Market                          Money Market Fund            $7,088,466
*STI Classic Capital Appreciation
   Fund                            Equity Fund                   3,445,131
*Florida Rock Industries, Inc.     Common Stock                  2,658,469
 Vanguard 500 Index Fund           Equity  Fund                  2,081,013
 Longleaf Partners Fund            Equity Fund                   1,002,312
*Patriot Transportation Holding,
   Inc.                            Common  Stock                   607,020
*STI Classic Life Vision
  Moderate Growth Fund             Balanced Fund                   482,380
*STI Classic Life Vision
  Aggressive Growth  Fund          Balanced Fund                   475,296
  Chase Growth Fund                Equity Fund                     379,109
 T. Rowe Price U.S. Treasury
   Intermediate                    Bond  Fund                      321,255
 T. Rowe Price New Horizon         Equity   Fund                   295,471
*STI Classic Life Vision
 Conservative Fund                 Balanced Fund                   255,808
 T. Rowe Price Capital
   Appreciation                    Bond  Fund                      171,552
 T. Rowe Price Equity Income Fund  Equity Fund                     123,426
 Fidelity Advisor Inflation
   Protected  Bond                 Bond  Fund                       46,992
 Templeton Foreign Fund            Equity    Fund                   20,661
 MFS Research  Bond Fund           Bond    Fund                     20,059

Participant  Loans       Participant loans with interest rates
                          Ranging from 4.0% to 10.5%             1,114,691

* Party-In-Interest as defined by ERISA.


The  Plan.    Pursuant  to  the requirements  of  the  Securities
Exchange  Act  of  1934,  the  trustees  (or  other  persons  who
administer  the  employee benefit plan)  have  duly  caused  this
annual  report  to  be  signed by the undersigned  hereunto  duly

                           PATRIOT  TRANSPORTATION  HOLDING, INC.,

                           By: /s/ Ray M. Van Landingham
                             Ray M. Van Landingham
                             Vice President, Chief Financial
                             Officer, and Secretary of Patriot
                             Transportation Holding, Inc.
                             (Principal Financial Officer)

Date: June 29, 2005

 Consent of Independent Registered Certified Public Accountants

We  hereby  consent  to the incorporation  by  reference  in  the
Registration  Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-125099)  of  Patriot
Transportation  Holding, Inc. of our report dated  June  9,  2005
relating   to   the   financial   statements   of   the   Patriot
Transportation Holding, Inc. Profit Sharing and Deferred Earnings
Plan, which appears in this Form 11-K.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Jacksonville, Florida
June 29, 2005