PROMISSORY NOTE

$550,000.00                                                        March 9, 2000

     FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,  the  undersigned,   Unidigital,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation (the  "Obligor"),  hereby promises to pay to the order of Ehud Aloni
(the  "Holder"),  the  principal  sum of Five  Hundred  Fifty  Thousand  Dollars
($550,000.00)  payable as set forth below.  The payments of principal  hereunder
shall be made in coin or currency of the United  States of America  which at the
time of payment  shall be legal  tender  therein  for the  payment of public and
private debts.

     This  Note  shall  be  subject  to  the  following   additional  terms  and

     1.   Payments. Principal shall be payable in eleven (11) equal installments
          of  $50,000.00  commencing  on March 15,  2000 and  continuing  on the
          fifteenth  (15th) day of each month  thereafter until such time as the
          Note is  paid in  full.  In the  event  that  any  payment  to be made
          hereunder  shall be or become due on a  Saturday,  Sunday or any other
          day which is a legal bank  holiday  under the laws of the State of New
          York, such payment shall be or become due on the immediately preceding
          business  day.  In the event the Obligor  fails to make any  principal
          payment within fifteen (15) days of the date upon which such principal
          payment is due and payable, the Holder shall deliver written notice to
          the Obligor of such failure (the  "Default  Notice").  If such failure
          continues  for a period of five (5) days after  receipt of the Default
          Notice by the Obligor,  then the Obligor  shall be obligated to pay to
          the  Holder a  one-time  lump sum  penalty  fee of  $50,000.00  within
          fifteen (15) days of the Obligor's receipt of the Default Notice.

     2.   Restrictions on Transferability.  This Note may  not be transferred in
          any  manner  other  than  by  will  or  by  the  laws  of  descent  or

     3.   No Waiver. No failure or delay by the Holder in exercising any  right,
          power or privilege  under this Note shall operate as a waiver  thereof
          nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or
          further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right,  power or
          privilege. The rights and remedies herein provided shall be cumulative
          and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. No course
          of dealing  between  the  Obligor  and the Holder  shall  operate as a
          waiver of any rights by the Holder.


     4.   Waiver  of Presentment and  Notice of  Dishonor.  The Obligor and  all
          endorsers,  guarantors and other parties that may be liable under this
          Note hereby waive  presentment,  notice of  dishonor,  protest and all
          other demands and notices in connection with the delivery, acceptance,
          performance or enforcement of this Note.

     5.   Place of Payment. All payments of principal of this Note shall be made
          at the home of the Holder,  377 West 11th  Street,  Apt. 3A, New York,
          New York 10014 or at such  other  place as the Holder may from time to
          time designate in writing.

     6.   Events of Default.  The entire unpaid principal  amount of this  Note,
          at the  option  of the  Holder  exercised  by  written  notice  to the
          Obligor, forthwith become and be due and payable, without presentment,
          demand,  protest or other notice of any kind,  all of which are hereby
          expressly  waived,  if any one or more of the following events (herein
          called  "Events  of  Default")  shall  have  occurred  (for any reason
          whatsoever   and  whether  such   happening   shall  be  voluntary  or
          involuntary  or come  about  or be  effected  by  operation  of law or
          pursuant to or in compliance with any judgment, decree or order of any
          court  or any  order,  rule or  regulation  of any  administrative  or
          governmental body) and be continuing at the time of such notice,  that
          is to say:

          a)   if  default  shall  be made  in the  due and  punctual payment of
               the  principal of this Note when and as the same shall become due
               and  payable,   whether  at  maturity,   or  by  acceleration  or
               otherwise,  and such default shall have continued for a period of
               five (5) days after receipt of the Default Notice by the Obligor;

          b)   if the Obligor shall:

               (i)   admit  in writing its inability to  pay its debts generally
                     as they become due;

               (ii)  file  a  petition  in  bankruptcy  or  a  petition  to take
                     advantage of any insolvency act;

               (iii) make an assignment for the benefit of creditors;

               (iv)  consent  to the appointment  of a receiver  of the whole or
                     any substantial part of his property;

               (v)   on  a  petition  in  bankruptcy  filed   against  him,   be
                     adjudicated a bankrupt; or

               (vi)  file  a  petition  or  answer  seeking  reorganization   or
                     arrangement under  the Federal   bankruptcy   laws  or  any
                     other applicable law or  statute  of  the  United States of
                     America or any State,  district or territory thereof;


          c)   if  a  court of  competent  jurisdiction  shall  enter  an order,
               judgment,  or  decree  appointing,  without  the  consent  of the
               Obligor,  a  receiver  of the  whole or any  substantial  part of
               Obligor's property,  and such order, judgment or decree shall not
               be vacated or set aside or stayed within 90 days from the date of
               entry thereof; and

          d)   if,  under  the  provisions  of any  other law for the relief  or
               aid of debtors, any court of competent  jurisdiction shall assume
               custody  or  control  of the  whole  or any  substantial  part of
               Obligor's  property  and such  custody  or  control  shall not be
               terminated  or stayed  within 90 days from the date of assumption
               of such custody or control.

     7.   Remedies.  In case any one or more of the Events of  Default specified
          in Section 6 hereof shall have occurred and be continuing,  the Holder
          may proceed to protect and enforce his rights either by suit in equity
          and/or by action at law,  whether for the specific  performance of any
          covenant or agreement contained in this Note or in aid of the exercise
          of any power  granted  in this  Note,  or the  Holder  may  proceed to
          enforce  the  payment of all sums due upon this Note or to enforce any
          other legal or equitable right of the Holder.

     8.   Severability.  In the event that one or more of the provisions of this
          Note shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in
          any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not
          affect  any other  provision  of this  Note,  but this  Note  shall be
          construed as if such invalid,  illegal or unenforceable  provision had
          never been contained herein.

     9.   Governing Law. This Note and the rights and obligations of the Obligor
          and the Holder shall be governed by and construed in  accordance  with
          the laws of the State of New York.

     10.  Representations of the Obligor.  The  execution and  delivery of  this
          Note has been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action by the
          Obligor.   This  Note   constitutes  the  valid  and  legally  binding
          obligation  of the  Obligor,  except  as  such  enforceability  may be
          limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization  or similar  laws
          affecting  auditors rights generally and general principles of equity.
          The  execution  and delivery of this Note and the  performance  of the
          obligations  hereunder will not conflict with, or result in a material
          breach of any of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute
          a material  default  under,  any contract,  agreement or instrument to
          which the Obligor is a party.

                                  * * * * * * *


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Note to be executed and
delivered on the date first written above.

                                             UNIDIGITAL INC.

                                             By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                                Name:  William E. Dye
                                                Title:   Chief Executive Officer