$10,000,000                                                   New York, New York
                                                                  March 24, 1998

                  FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,   the  undersigned  UNIDIGITAL  INC.,  a
Delaware corporation (the "Borrower"), hereby unconditionally promises to pay on
the Revolving Credit  Termination Date to the order of CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF
COMMERCE  (the  "Lender"),  at the office of Canadian  Imperial Bank of Commerce
located at 425 Lexington  Avenue,  New York, New York 10017,  in lawful money of
the United States of America and in immediately  available  funds, the principal
amount  of the  lesser  of (a) TEN  MILLION  DOLLARS  ($10,000,000)  and (b) the
aggregate  unpaid  principal  amount of all  Revolving  Credit Loans made by the
Lender to the  undersigned  pursuant  to  Section  4.1 of the  Credit  Agreement
referred to below.

                  The  undersigned  further agrees to pay interest in like money
at such office on the unpaid  principal amount hereof from time to time from the
date  hereof at the rates per annum and on the dates as  provided in Section 4.1
of the Credit Agreement  referred to below,  until paid in full (both before and
after judgment).

                  The holder of this Revolving Credit Note is authorized to, and
so long as it holds this Note  shall,  record the date,  Type and amount of each
Revolving  Credit Loan made by the Lender  pursuant to Section 4.1 of the Credit
Agreement,  each  Continuation  thereof and each  Conversion of all or a portion
thereof to another  Type  pursuant to Section 6.2 of the Credit  Agreement,  the
date and amount of each payment or prepayment  of principal  thereof and, in the
case of Eurodollar  Loans, the length of each Interest Period and the Eurodollar
Rate with respect  thereto,  on the schedules  annexed hereto and constituting a
part hereof,  or on a  continuation  thereof  which shall be annexed  hereto and
constitute a part hereof,  and any such recordation shall constitute prima facie
evidence of the accuracy of the  information so recorded,  provided that failure
of the Lender to make any such  recordation  (or any error in such  recordation)
shall not affect the  obligations of the Borrower  under this  Revolving  Credit
Note or under the Credit Agreement.

                  This  Revolving  Credit  Note is one of the  Revolving  Credit
Notes  referred  to in the  Credit  Agreement,  dated as of March  24,  1998 (as
amended,  supplemented  or  otherwise  modified  from time to time,  the "Credit
Agreement"),  among the Borrower,  the lenders from time to time parties thereto
(the "Lenders") and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce,  as Administrative Agent
for the Lenders  thereunder,  is entitled to the benefits thereof, is secured as
provided therein and is subject to optional and mandatory prepayment in whole or
in part as provided  therein.  Terms used herein which are defined in the Credit
Agreement shall have such defined  meanings unless  otherwise  defined herein or
unless the context otherwise requires.

                  Upon  the  occurrence  of any  one or more  of the  Events  of
Default specified in the Credit Agreement,  all amounts then remaining unpaid on
this Note shall become,  or may be declared to be,  immediately due and payable,
all as provided therein.

                  The Borrower expressly waives diligence, presentment, protest,
demand and other notices of any kind.

                  This Revolving Credit Note shall be governed by, and construed
and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.

                                        UNIDIGITAL INC.

                                      By /s/ William E. Dye
                                        Name:  William E. Dye
                                        Title:  Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                                                       SCHEDULE A to
                                                                                                               Revolving Credit Note
                         LOANS, CONVERSIONS AND PAYMENTS
                               OF BASE RATE LOANS

                                         Amount of
                         Amount of       Base Rate
                         Eurodollar      Loans            Unpaid
            Amount       Loans           Converted        Principal
            of Base      Converted       into             Amount of      Balance of
            Rate         into Base       Eurodollar       Principal      Base Rate       Notation
Date        Loan         Rate Loans      Loans            Repaid         Loans           Made by
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                                                                                                                       SCHEDULE B to
                                                                                                               Revolving Credit Note

                         LOANS, CONVERSIONS AND PAYMENTS
                               OF EURODOLLAR LOANS

         Euro-                                                     Amount of
         dollar          Amount of              Interest           Eurodollar
         Loan            Base Rate              Period and         Loans                              Unpaid
         (and            Loans                  Eurodollar         Converted           Amount         Principal
         Contin-         Converted              Rate with          into Base           of Prin-       Balance of
         uations         into Euro-             Respect            Rate                cipal          Eurodollar            Notation
Date     Thereof)        dollar Loans           Thereto            Loans               Repaid         Loans                 Made by
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