

                                                                  March   , 1998

[Name of Bank]

                          Re: Blocked Account Agreement

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         1.       We hereby notify you that we have granted a security  interest
                  in our demand deposit account number           maintained with
                  you  (the  "Bank  Account")  to  Canadian   Imperial  Bank  of
                  Commerce,  as Agent, 425 Lexington Avenue,  New York, New York
                  10021 (the "Agent").

         2.       We hereby  irrevocably instruct you, and by your acceptance of
                  this Blocked  Account Agreement you  hereby agree, to make all
                  transfers  of  funds to be made by you  after the  delivery of
                  this Blocked  Account  Agreement out of  or in connection with
                  the Bank Account  in accordance with  the  instructions of the
                  Agent, subject to  paragraph . If the  Agent shall at any time
                  instruct  you to  make  transfers  of  funds   from  the  Bank
                  Account directly  to the Agent,  such  transfers shall be made
                  to such  account  as the Agent shall  specify   maintained  at
                  Canadian  Imperial  Bank  of   Commerce,  New  York,  New York
                  10021, or otherwise in  accordance  with  the  instructions of
                  the Agent.

         3.       We also  hereby  notify you and agree that the Agent  shall be
                  irrevocably  entitled (until the Agent shall notify you to the
                  contrary) to exercise any and all rights (without notice to us
                  or further  consent by us) in respect of or in connection with
                  the Bank Account including,  without limitation,  the right to
                  specify  when  transfers  of funds are to be made out of or in
                  connection  with the Bank Account and the  withdrawal of funds

         4.       We also hereby  notify  you,  and by your  acceptance  of this
                  Blocked  Account  Agreement you hereby  agree,  that all fees,
                  expenses  and other  charges  arising out of or in  connection
                  with the Bank Account  shall remain our  obligation  and shall
                  not be an  obligation  of the Agent;  provided  that the Agent

                  be  notified  by you of any default in our payment of any such
                  obligation  and the Agent shall be entitled (but shall have no
                  obligation)  to cure any  such  default  within  a  reasonable
                  period of time after its receipt of such notice.

         5.       We also hereby notify you that in the event that any provision
                  of any instrument,  certificate or other document delivered by
                  or on behalf of us in  connection  with the  Account  shall be
                  inconsistent with any provision of this notice, the provisions
                  of this notice shall govern.

         6.       Subject  to  paragraph  7, you   hereby  waive any right  that
                  you may  now or hereafter have to security  interests,  bank's
                  or other  possessory liens,  rights to offset or  other claims
                  against the funds  in the Bank Account. You  agree to hold the
                  funds in  the Bank  Account as the  bailee and  custodian  for
                  the benefit of  the Agent,  to  indicate  on your  records the
                  assignment  of  the funds in the Bank  Account in favor of the
                  Agent and to  provide the Agent, at the request of  the Agent,
                  with  information  concerning  the amounts on  deposit in  the
                  Bank  Account.  Subject to paragraph  8, you agree  not to pay
                  to us  all or any  part of the  funds in the Bank  Account  or
                  any  income, distributions,  profits  or proceeds of the funds
                  in  the Bank Account without the  prior written consent of the

         7.       Notwithstanding  anything contained herein to the contrary, we
                  agree and the Agent  agrees  that you shall be  entitled to be
                  reimbursed  from  funds in the  Bank  Account  for  your  fees
                  related to your services in  connection  with the Bank Account
                  and  for  amounts  in  respect  of  returned   and   otherwise
                  uncollected items previously credited to the Bank Account.

         8.       By its  acknowledgment  and acceptance of this Agreement,  the
                  Agent  hereby   instructs  you,  until  such   instruction  is
                  rescinded   by  the  Agent  or   superseded   by  a  different
                  instruction  from  the  Agent  (which   instruction  shall  be
                  rescinded  by the  Agent  only so long as an Event of  Default
                  under  the  Credit  Agreement  to  which  we are a  party  has
                  occurred and is  continuing),  to permit us to withdraw  funds
                  standing to the credit of the Bank Account.

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         Please  acknowledge  your  agreement to the foregoing by signing in the
space  provided  below on two copies hereof sent  herewith,  and returning a one
such signed copy to the undersigned and another such signed copy to the Agent

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                   [NAME OF CREDIT PARTY]


                                                   AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED:

                                                     [NAME OF  BANK]


                                                   CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF
                                                     COMMERCE, as Agent

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