
     THIS AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is dated as of this 2nd day of September,
1998, by and between Mega Art Corp., a New York corporation,  with an office for
purposes  of this  Agreement  at 229  West  28th  Street,  New  York,  NY  10001
(hereinafter  the "Company" or  "Employer"),  Ehud Aloni with an address at Pier
40, 2nd Floor,  West Side Highway and West Houston  Street,  New York,  New York
10014  (hereinafter  the  "Employee"),  and for  purposes  of  Section 4 of this
Agreement  only,  Unidigital  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  and the  Company's
parent,  with an office for purposes of this  Agreement at 229 West 28th Street,
New York, New York 10001 (hereinafter "Unidigital").



            (a)  Company  wishes to engage the  services  of  Employee to render
services  for  and on  its  behalf  in  accordance  with  the  following  terms,
conditions and provisions; and
            (b) Employee  wishes to perform  such  services for and on behalf of
the Company, in accordance with the following terms, conditions and provisions.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual covenants and conditions
herein  contained the parties hereto  intending to be legally bound hereby agree
as follows:

            1. EMPLOYMENT.  Company hereby employs Employee and Employee accepts
such employment and shall perform his duties and the  responsibilities  provided

herein in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement principally
in New York City, New York.

     2.  EMPLOYMENT  STATUS.  Employee shall at all times be Company's  employee
subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

     3.  TERM.  The  term of this  Agreement  (the  "Term")  shall  commence  on
September  2, 1998,  and shall  terminate  on August 31, 2001 (the  "Termination
Date"), for a total term of three (3) years,  unless earlier terminated pursuant
to the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

     4. POSITION.  During Employee's employment hereunder,  Employee shall serve
as President  of the Company.  In such  position,  Employee  shall have the full
power and  authority  to manage and  conduct  all of the  business  of Mega Art.
Employee  shall report  directly to William E. Dye (or his  successor) and to no
other person,  entity or committee other than William E. Dye (or his successor).
Employee  shall  devote such time  necessary  to perform  his duties  hereunder;
provided,  however,  that subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
Employee shall be permitted to pursue certain business activities outside of his
employment hereunder,  provided that such activities do not materially adversely
interfere with the Employee's  ability to perform his duties and  obligations to
the Company  hereunder.  Employee  shall be provided  with an office,  staff and
other working  facilities  consistent with his positions and as required for the
performance of his duties.  In addition,  Company and Unidigital  agree to cause
Employee to (i) be  nominated as a director of the Company and to


use their best efforts to cause Employee to be elected to the Board of Directors
of the Company  (the  "Board")  and to be retained as a director of the Company,
and (ii) be appointed to serve on the Executive  Committee of Senior  Management
(or such other similar committee) (the "Executive  Committee") of Unidigital and
to cause Employee to be retained as a member of the Executive Committee,  during
Employee's employment during the Term, as it may be extended.

     5.     COMPENSATION.

            (a) For the  performance of all  Employee's  services to be rendered
pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement,  Company  will pay and  Employee  will
accept the following compensation:

                  Base Salary.  During the Term,  Company shall pay the Employee
an initial base annual salary of $200,000 (the "Base Salary") payable in regular
installments  in accordance with the Company's  usual payment  practices  (which
currently is in equal  bi-monthly  installments).  Employee shall be entitled to
such further  increases,  if any, in his Base Salary as may be  determined  from
time to time in the sole discretion of the Board.  Employee's Base Salary, as in
effect from time to time, is  hereinafter  referred to as the  "Employee's  Base

                  Bonus. During the Term, Employee shall be eligible for and may
receive bonuses.  The amount of such bonuses, if any, shall be solely within the
discretion of the Board or the Compensation  Committee thereof and may be in the
form of cash or stock options. The Board or the Compensation  Committee,  as the
case may be, will,  commensurate  with the


Company's  policies  and  practices,  consider  certain  factors  in making  its
determination  hereunder,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  the  performance,
profitability and cash flow of the Mega Art division.

            (b) Company shall deduct and withhold from  Employee's  compensation
all necessary or required taxes, including, but not limited to, Social Security,
withholding  and any other  applicable  amounts  required  by law or any  taxing


            In addition to the  Employee's  Base Salary,  during the Term hereof
and so long  as  Employee  is not  terminated,  Employee  shall  receive  and be
provided  health  and  insurance  benefits  at the  Company's  cost,  and during
Employee's employment hereunder, Employee shall receive and be provided employee
benefits  (including,  without  limitation,  if offered by the  Company,  fringe
benefits, vacation, automobile,  retirement plan participation and life, health,
accident and disability insurance,  etc. (collectively,  "Employee Benefits") on
the same basis as those benefits are generally made available to the most senior
executives of the Company or other subsidiaries of Unidigital. Employee shall be
entitled to receive not less than three weeks of paid  vacation  per year and if
such vacation time is not taken by Employee,  in the then current year, Employee
at his option may accrue  vacation or receive  compensation  at the then current



            (a) Reasonable  travel,  entertainment  and other business  expenses
incurred  by  Employee  in the  performance  of his  duties  hereunder  shall be
reimbursed by the Company in accordance with Company policies then in effect.

             (b) Company shall provide  Employee a new  automobile,  every three
years, including all related maintenance,  repairs,  insurance parking and other
costs.  The base annual  automobile  rental expense shall not exceed $18,000 per

      8.    TERMINATION.

     (a)    For Cause by the Company. (i) Employee's employment hereunder may be
terminated  by the Company for cause.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  "cause"
shall mean (A) Employee's  unjustified  failure to perform his duties hereunder,
for the  benefit of Mega Art  through  August 31,  1999,  and for the benefit of
Unidigital and its subsidiaries  thereafter,  or to follow reasonable directions
of William E. Dye with  respect to such  duties,  provided  such  failure  has a
material  adverse  effect on Mega Art through August 31, 1999, or Unidigital and
its subsidiaries  thereafter,  (B) willful  misconduct by Employee in connection
with his  employment,  (C) Employee's  conviction of, or plea of nolo contendere
to, any crime  constituting  a felony under the laws of the United States or any
State  thereof,  or any  crime  constituting  a  misdemeanor  under any such law
involving  moral  turpitude,  or (D)  Employee's  material  breach of any of the
provisions  of this  Agreement,  provided  that the  Company  delivers a written
notice detailing the alleged  misconduct to the Employee and the Employee


has an opportunity to refute the allegations set forth in such notice in person,
or by  teleconference,  in front of the Board within five (5)  business  days of
receipt of such notice.  Any  termination  for cause without the notice required
under this Section 8(a) shall be deemed a termination without cause.

                  (ii) If Employee is terminated for cause, he shall be entitled
to receive  Employee's  Base Salary from Company through the date of termination
and Employee  shall be entitled to no other  payments of Employee's  Base Salary
under  this  Agreement,   including,  without  limitation,  the  Non-Competition
Consideration  (as defined  below).  All other  benefits,  if any,  due Employee
following  Employee's  termination  of employment  pursuant to this Section 8(a)
shall be determined in accordance with the written plans, policies and practices
of the Company.

            (b) Disability or Death. (i) Employee's  employment  hereunder shall
terminate  upon  his  death  or  if  Employee  becomes  physically  or  mentally
incapacitated  and is therefore unable (or will as a result thereof,  be unable)
for a period of six (6)  consecutive  months or for an  aggregate of twelve (12)
months in any twenty-four  (24)  consecutive  month period to perform his duties
(such incapacity is hereinafter referred to as "Disability"). Any question as to
the existence of the Disability of Employee as to which Employee and the Company
cannot agree shall be determined in writing by a qualified independent physician
mutually  acceptable to Employee (or a  representative  of the Employee) and the
Company. If Employee and the Company cannot agree as to a qualified  independent
physician,  each shall appoint such a physician and those two  physicians  shall
select a third who shall make such


determination in writing. The determination of Disability made in writing to the
Company  and  Employee  shall be final and  conclusive  for all  purposes of the

                  (ii)  Upon  termination  of  Employee's  employment  hereunder
during the Term for  Disability,  Employee shall receive from the Company 50% of
Employee's Base Salary through the end of the Term and the amount  equivalent to
50% of the cash bonus paid in the  immediately  preceding  fiscal year,  if any,
received by the Employee  under the terms of this  Agreement,  provided that any
payment  under  this  Section  8(b)(ii)  shall be  reduced  by the amount of any
disability benefits paid to Employee under any other disability plan, program or
arrangement  maintained  and paid for by the  Company  or its  affiliates.  Such
payments  shall be  payable  in  regular  installments  in  accordance  with the
Company's   usual   payment   practices   (which   currently  is  in  bi-monthly
installments).  Except as provided for in this Section 8(b)(ii), in the event of
termination  as a result of  Disability,  Employee  shall not be entitled to any
further payments of Employee's Base Salary and the Non-Competition Consideration
under this Agreement.

                  (iii) Upon  termination  of  Employee's  employment  hereunder
during  the  Term  as  a  result  of  death,  the  Employee's  estate  or  named
beneficiary(ies)  shall receive from the Company (A)  Employee's  Base Salary at
the rate in effect at the time of Employee's  death through the end of the month
in which his death  occurs  and,  on a pro rata  basis,  the cash  bonus paid to
Employee during the immediately  preceding  fiscal year, and (B) the proceeds of
any life insurance policy  maintained for his benefit by the Company pursuant to
Section 6 under this Agreement.


                  (iv)  All  other  benefits,  if any,  due  Employee  following
Employee's  termination  of  employment  pursuant to this  Section 8(b) shall be
determined in accordance  with the written plans,  policies and practices of the
Company  and  shall be at least  equal to those  received  by  employees  of the

            (c)  Without  Cause by the  Company.  If  Employee's  employment  is
terminated by the Company without cause (other than  Disability or death),  then
Employee shall be entitled to receive (i) the  Employee's  Base Salary and, on a
pro rata basis, the cash bonus paid to Employee during the immediately preceding
fiscal year,  from the Company  through the end of the Term,  payable in regular
installments  in accordance with the Company's  usual payment  practices  (which
currently is in  bi-monthly  installments),  and (ii) the  Earn-Out  Payment (as
defined under that certain  Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated as of August 3,
1998,  and as amended by that certain  letter  agreement  dated August 28, 1998,
among Unidigital,  the Company, and the stockholders of the Company).  All other
benefits,  if any, due Employee following  Employee's  termination of employment
pursuant to this Section 8(c) shall be determined in accordance with the written
plans,  policies and practices of the Company. If Employee breaches or threatens
to breach any of the covenants set forth in either  Section 9 or 10, or both, of
this  Agreement,  Employee  shall not be entitled to any further  payments under
this Section 8(c).

            (d) For Good Reason by  Employee.  (i) The  Employee  may  terminate
employment  hereunder for good reason  immediately and with prompt notice to the
Company.  "Good reason" for  termination by the Employee shall be limited to the
following  conduct of the


Company:  (A) material breach of any provision of this Agreement by the Company,
which  breach  shall not have been cured by the Company  within ten (10) days of
receipt of written  notice of said breach;  (B) failure to maintain the Employee
in a position  commensurate with that referred to in Section 4 of this Agreement
including,  without  limitation,  the  alteration  of the  officer  to whom  the
Employee  reports  without the prior written  consent of the  Employee;  (C) any
action by the Company which results in a material  diminution of such  position,
authority,  duties or responsibilities,  excluding for this purpose any isolated
action  not taken in bad faith and which is  promptly  remedied  by the  Company
after  receipt  of  written  notice  thereof  given by the  Employee;  or (D) if
Company's  principal  executive offices are moved outside of a one hundred (100)
mile radius of New York City.

                  (ii) If Employee  terminates  his  employment for good reason,
then  Employee  shall be entitled to receive  payments  in  accordance  with the
provisions set forth in Section 8(c).

            (e)  Termination  by Employee  Without Good Reason.  (i) If Employee
wishes to  terminate  his  employment  with the  Company  without  good  reason,
Employee  must afford the  Company  with at least six (6) full  month's  written
notice of  termination.  Such  termination  shall not be deemed a breach of this

                  (ii) If Employee  terminates his employment under this Section
8(e),  he shall be entitled  to receive  Employee's  Base  Salary  from  Company
through  the date of  termination  and  Employee  shall be  entitled to no other
payments of  Employee's  Base Salary under this  Agreement,  including,  without
limitation,  the  Non-Competition  Consideration  (as


defined below). All other benefits,  if any, due Employee  following  Employee's
termination  of employment  pursuant to this Section 8(e) shall be determined in
accordance with the written plans, policies and practices of the Company.

            (f) Change of Control.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  "Change of
Control" shall mean (i) any  transaction or series of  transactions  (including,
without limitation, a tender offer, merger or consolidation) the result of which
is that any  "person"  or "group"  (within  the  meaning of  Sections  13(d) and
14(d)(2) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the  "Exchange
Act"),  becomes the  "beneficial"  owner (as defined in Rule 13(d)(3)  under the
Exchange  Act) of more than fifty percent  (50%) of the total  aggregate  voting
power of all  classes of the  voting  stock of  Unidigital  and/or  warrants  or
options to acquire such voting stock,  calculated on a fully diluted  basis,  or
(ii) a sale of assets  constituting  all or  substantially  all of the assets of
Unidigital  (determined on a consolidated  basis). In the event of such a Change
of  Control,  the new entity (if the Company is not the  surviving  corporation)
shall be obligated to perform the Company's  obligations under the terms of this
Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  such  Change in Control  shall not
release the Company from its liability for the full and faithful  performance of
all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any purported assignment of this
Agreement  that is not  agreed to by  Unidigital's  successor  shall be deemed a
termination without cause.

            (g) Loft Lease.  In the event that  Employee is  terminated  for any
reason whatsoever, or upon the expiration of the Term hereof, the Company or its
successors or


assigns  shall take all  necessary  action to assign the lease of a certain loft
located at 529-535 West 20th Street, New York, New York to Employee.

      9. NON-DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION.  Employee acknowledges that by virtue of
his  position  he  will be  privy  to the  Company's  and  Unidigital's  and its
subsidiaries' confidential information including, but not limited to, scientific
and proprietary  information,  research,  development,  patents and applications
thereto,  technical  information,  computer programs,  know-how,  trade secrets,
knowledge, designs, drawings, specifications,  concepts, data, reports, methods,
processes,  documentation,  methodology,  pricing,  marketing plans, acquisition
plans, customer lists, salaries, business affairs, suppliers,  profits, markets,
sales  strategies,  unique  servicing  techniques and any other  information not
available  to  the  general   public   (hereafter   collectively   "Confidential
Information").  Without the prior written consent of the Company, Employee shall
not, during the Term and for a period of two (2) years thereafter, intentionally
disclose all or any part of the  Confidential  Information to any person,  firm,
corporation,  association  or  any  other  entity  for  any  reason  or  purpose
whatsoever,  nor  shall  Employee  and any  other  person  by,  through  or with
Employee,  during  the  Term  and  for a  period  of two (2)  years  thereafter,
intentionally make use of any of the Confidential Information for any purpose or
for the  benefit  of any other  person or  entity,  other  than  Company  or its
affiliates, under any circumstances. Company and Employee agree that a violation
of the foregoing  covenants will cause  irreparable  injury to the Company,  and
that in the  event of a breach  or  threatened  breach  by the  Employee  of the
provisions of this Section 9, Company shall be entitled to an injunction.


     The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding,  no information,  written or
oral,  shall be construed or considered  "Confidential  Information" and thereby
subject  to the  restrictions  of this  Section  9 if such  information  was (i)
generally  available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by the
Employee or anyone to whom the Employee  transmits the  information in violation
hereof,  (ii)  in  the  possession  of  the  Employee  or  known  to  him  on  a
non-confidential  basis prior to its disclosure to him,  (iii)  available to the
Employee on a non-confidential basis from a source other than Company who is not
bound by a  confidentiality  agreement  with  Company,  (iv)  available in trade
publications,  reference  books or other  resources and which may be compiled by
any  person  desirous  of  preparing  a report  or  memorandum  containing  such
information, or (v) required by law to be disclosed.


            Without the prior written approval of the Board first obtained:

            (a)  During the term of this  Agreement  and for a period of two (2)
years  after the  termination  of this  Agreement  (the  "Restrictive  Period"),
Employee  covenants and agrees that,  within fifty (50) miles of the location of
any  facility at which the  Company,  Unidigital  or its  subsidiaries  conducts
business on the date hereof or at the date of termination, he shall not directly
or indirectly  (i)  manufacture,  market or sell any products or services  which
have the same or substantially the same function and primary  application as any
existing  products or services  manufactured  by the Company,  Unidigital or its
subsidiaries on the date hereof or at the date of termination or (ii) engage in,
manage,  operate,  be connected


with or acquire any  interest in, as an employee,  consultant,  advisor,  agent,
owner,  partner,  co-venturer,   principal,  director,  shareholder,  lender  or
otherwise, any business competitive with the business of the Company, Unidigital
or its  subsidiaries  as  conducted  on  the  date  hereof  or at  the  date  of
termination  (a  "Competitive  Business"),  except that the Employee may own not
more than five  percent  (5%) of the  outstanding  shares of any  publicly  held
corporation which is a Competitive  Business which has shares listed for trading
on a securities  exchange registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission
or  through  the  automatic   quotation   system  of  a  registered   securities
association.  Employee  further  covenants and agrees he shall not,  directly or
indirectly,  in any  manner  whatsoever  interfere  with,  solicit or disrupt or
attempt to interfere with,  solicit or disrupt the relationship,  contractual or
otherwise,  between  Company,  Unidigital or its  subsidiaries  and any of their
respective  customers,  suppliers,  lessees or employees  during the Restrictive

            (b) During the  Restrictive  Period,  Employee  covenants and agrees
that within a radius of fifty (50) miles from each of the place(s) of Company's,
Unidigital's or its  subsidiaries'  business or any other area in which Company,
Unidigital  or its  subsidiaries  are  engaged  in  business  (at  the  date  of
termination), he shall not render any services to any person, firm, corporation,
association or other entity to whom any Confidential  Information in whole or in
part,  has been  disclosed or is threatened to be disclosed in violation of this

            (c) Company  and  Employee  agree that a violation  of either of the
foregoing  covenants will cause irreparable  injury to the Company,  and that in
the event of a


breach or  threatened  breach by Employee of the  provisions of this Section 10,
Company shall be entitled to an injunction.

            (d)  During  the  Restrictive   Period,  in  consideration  for  the
restrictive  covenants  set forth in this Section 10,  Company shall make annual
payments  to the  Employee  of $25,000  (the  "Non-Competition  Consideration"),
payable in regular  installments  in accordance with the Company's usual payment
practices  (which  currently  is in equal  bi-monthly  installments);  provided,
however,  that if Employee  breaches or  threatens to breach the  covenants  set
forth in either  Section 9 or 10, or both,  of this  Agreement,  he shall not be
entitled to any further payments under this Section 10(d).

            (e)(i)     The  Restrictive  Period  (together  with  the  Company's
obligation  to  pay  the  Non-Competition  Consideration)  shall  be  terminated
immediately in the event that Unidigital:

                        (A) admits in  writing  its  inability  to pay its debts
            generally as they become due;

                        (B) files a petition in bankruptcy or a petition to take
            advantage of any insolvency act;

                        (C) is adjudicated  bankrupt on a petition in bankruptcy
            filed against it; or

                        (D) through the Company, terminates the Employee without
            cause or the Employee  terminates his employment  hereunder for good

                        (ii)  The   Restrictive  Period   (together   with   the
Company's obligation to pay the Non-Competition  Consideration) shall be reduced
to a period of six (6)


months  after the  termination  of this  Agreement in the event that the closing
price of Unidigital's  common stock on the Nasdaq National Market (or such other
quotation system or exchange on which Unidigital's  common stock is then traded)
as reported by Nasdaq on the date of termination  of this Agreement  (other than
termination for cause by the Company or termination by the Employee without good
reason  prior to the end of the Term  hereof)  is less than  $4.00 per share (as
proportionately  adjusted  for any  increase or decrease in the number of issued
shares  of  Unidigital's  common  stock  resulting  from a  stock  split,  stock
dividend, combination or reclassification of Unidigital's common stock).

            (f) Employee  acknowledges  that the restrictions  contained in this
Section 10 are reasonable. In that regard, it is the intention of the parties to
this  Agreement  that the provisions of this Section 10 shall be enforced to the
fullest  extent  permissible  under the law and  public  policy  applied in each
jurisdiction in which enforcement is sought. Accordingly, if any portion of this
Section 10 shall be  adjudicated or deemed to be invalid or  unenforceable,  the
remaining  portions  shall remain in full force and effect,  and such invalid or
unenforceable  portion shall be limited to the particular  jurisdiction in which
such adjudication is made.

      11. BREACH OR THREATENED  BREACH OF COVENANTS.  In the event of Employee's
actual or threatened  breach of his obligations under either Section 9 or 10, or
both, of this  Agreement,  in addition to any other  remedies  Company may have,
Company  shall  be  entitled  to  obtain a  temporary  restraining  order  and a
preliminary  and/or  permanent  injunction  restraining the other from violating
these  provisions.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  to prohibit
Company from pursuing and obtaining any other  available


remedies which Company may have for such breach or threatened breach, whether at
law or in equity, including the recovery of damages from the other.

      12.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES BY EMPLOYEE.  Employee hereby warrants
and represents that he is not subject to or a party to any restrictive covenants
or other  agreements that in any way preclude,  restrict,  restrain or limit him
(a) from being an  Employee  of Company,  (b) from  engaging in the  business of
Company in any capacity, directly or indirectly, and (c) from competing with any
other  persons,  companies,  businesses  or entities  engaged in the business of

      13.  ARBITRATION.  Except as set forth in Section 11, any  controversy  or
claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement,  the performance  thereof of
its breach or threatened  breach shall be settled by arbitration in the State of
New York,  County of New York in accordance with the then governing rules of the
American  Arbitration  Association.  The  findings of the  arbitration  panel or
arbitrator  shall be final  and  binding  upon the  parties.  Judgment  upon any
arbitration award rendered may be entered and enforced in any court of competent
jurisdiction.  In no event may the arbitration  determination  change Employee's
compensation,  title,  duties or  responsibilities,  the entity to whom Employee
reports or the principal place where Employee is to render his services.

      14. NOTICES.  Any notice required,  permitted or desired to be given under
this  Agreement  shall be  sufficient  if it is in  writing  and (a)  personally
delivered to Employee or William E. Dye, as an authorized member of Company, (b)
sent by overnight delivery,  or (c)


sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to Employer's or
Employee's  address as provided  in this  Agreement  or to a  different  address
designated in writing by either  party.  In all instances of notices to be given
to Company, a copy by like means shall be delivered to Company's counsel care of
Buchanan Ingersoll Professional  Corporation,  500 College Road East, Princeton,
NJ 08540,  Attn:  David Sorin,  Esq. In all  instances of notices to be given to
Employee,  a copy by like means shall be delivered to Employee's counsel care of
Orrick,  Herrington & Sutcliffe  LLP, 30 Rockefeller  Plaza,  New York, New York
10112,  Attn:  Rubi  Finkelstein,  Esq.  Notice is deemed given on the day it is
delivered  personally or by overnight delivery,  or five (5) business days after
it is mailed, if transmitted by the United States Post Office.

      15.  ASSIGNMENT.  Employee  acknowledges  that his services are unique and
personal. Accordingly, Employee may not assign his rights or delegate his duties
or obligations under this Agreement. Company's rights and obligations under this
Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Company's
successors and assigns.  Company has the absolute right to assign its rights and
benefits under the terms of this Agreement.

      16.  WAIVER  OF  BREACH.  Any  waiver  of a breach  of  provision  of this
Agreement, or any delay of failure to exercise a right under a provision of this
Agreement,  by either  party,  shall not operate or be  construed as a waiver of
that or any other subsequent breach or right.


      17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the
parties.  It may not be changed orally but only by an agreement in writing which
is signed by the parties.  The parties hereto agree that any existing employment
agreement between them shall be terminated as of the date of this Agreement.

      18.  GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with
and governed by the internal laws of the State of New York without giving regard
to conflicts of law principles.

      19. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or non-enforceability of any provision of
this Agreement or application  thereof shall not affect the remaining  valid and
enforceable provisions of this Agreement or application thereof.

      20. SURVIVAL.  The obligations of Employee set forth in Sections 9, 10, 11
and 13  represent  independent  covenants  by which  Employee is and will remain
bound  notwithstanding  any  breach  by  the  Company,  and  shall  survive  the
termination of this Agreement.

      21. CAPTIONS.  Captions in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of
convenience  and  reference  and shall not be used to  interpret or construe any
provisions of this Agreement.

      22.  GRAMMATICAL  USAGE.  In construing or  interpreting  this  Agreement,
masculine  usage shall be substituted for those feminine in form and vice versa,
and plural


usage shall be substituted or singular and vice versa, in any place in which the
context so requires.

      23.  CAPACITY.  Employee  has read and is familiar  with all the terms and
conditions of this  Agreement and has the capacity to understand  such terms and
conditions  hereof. By executing this Agreement,  Employee agrees to be bound by
this Agreement and the terms and conditions hereof.

      24.  COUNTERPARTS.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

                            [signature page follows]


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has executed this Agreement
as of the date first hereinabove written.

                                    MEGA ART CORP.

                                        /s/ William E. Dye
                                    By: ----------------------
                                        Name:  William E. Dye
                                        Title:  Chief Executive Officer


                                    /s/ Ehud Aloni
                                    Ehud Aloni

      For purposes of Section 4 of this  Agreement  only,  the  undersigned  has
executed this Agreement as of the date first hereinabove written.

                                    UNIDIGITAL INC.

                                        /s/ William E. Dye
                                    By: ----------------------
                                        Name:  William E. Dye
                                        Title:  Chief Executive Officer
