
     This  REGISTRATION AND EQUITY RIGHTS AGREEMENT (this  ("Agreement") is made
and entered  into as of November  25, 1998,  among  UNIDIGITAL  INC., a Delaware
corporation  (the "Company"),  CIBC WOOD GUNDY CAPITAL CORP.  (together with its
successors and assigns, the "Purchaser") and certain stockholders of the Company
identified as "Substantial Holders" on the signature pages hereto (collectively,
the "Substantial Holders").


     This Agreement is made pursuant to (i) the Securities  Purchase  Agreement,
dated as of November 25, 1998 (as amended,  supplemented or otherwise  modified,
the "Securities  Purchase  Agreement"),  by and among the Company, the Purchaser
and certain guarantors parties thereto, and (ii) the Warrant Agreement, dated as
of November  25, 1998 (as  amended,  supplemented  or  otherwise  modified,  the
"Warrant Agreement"),  between the Company and the Purchaser. In order to induce
the Purchaser to enter into the Securities  Purchase  Agreement and purchase the
Notes  thereunder,  the Company has agreed to provide the registration and other
rights  set  forth in this  Agreement.  The  execution  of this  Agreement  is a
condition  precedent to the purchase of the Notes under the Securities  Purchase


     The parties agree as follows:

     1. Definitions.  To the extent  capitalized terms are not otherwise defined
herein,  such terms shall have the meanings provided in the Securities  Purchase
Agreement. As used in this Agreement, the following capitalized terms shall have
the following meanings:

     "Demand Registration" has the meaning provided in Section 3(c).

     "Indemnified Parties" has the meaning provided in Section 6(a) hereof.

     "NASD" means the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

     "Piggyback Registration" has the meaning provided in Section 3(a) hereof.

     "Proposed Purchaser" has the meaning provided in Section 6 hereof.

     "Prospectus" means the prospectus  included in any Registration  Statement,
as such prospectus may be amended or supplemented by any supplement thereto, for
any  Underwritten  Offering  of any  securities  covered  by  such  Registration
Statement  and  by all  other  amendments

and supplements to the prospectus,  including post-effective  amendments and all
material incorporated by reference in such prospectus.

     "Registered Holder" means any holder of Registrable  Securities (other than
the  Company  or any of its  affiliates)  designated  as the  registered  holder
thereof on the books of the Company maintained for such purpose. For purposes of
this  Agreement,  the Company may treat such  Registered  Owner as the  absolute
owner of such Registrable  Securities for all purposes and may treat such holder
as the Person  entitled  exercise  all rights with  respect to such  Registrable
Securities, including rights created hereby.

     "Registrable  Securities"  means the Registrable  Warrant Shares;  provided
that a  security  ceases  to be a  Registrable  Security  when it is no longer a
Transfer Restricted Security.

     "Registrable  Warrant  Shares"  means the  Warrant  Shares  issuable to the
holders of Warrants upon exercise of such Warrants.

     "Registration Expenses" has the meaning provided in Section 5 hereof.

     "Registration  Statement" means any  registration  statement of the Company
which covers any of the  Registrable  Securities  pursuant to the  provisions of
this   Agreement,   including  the   Prospectus,   all   amendments   (including
post-effective  amendments) and supplements to such Registration Statement,  all
exhibits  and all  material  incorporated  by  reference  in  such  Registration

     "Tag-Along Purchase Offer" has the meaning provided in Section 6 hereof.

     "Tag-Along Sale" has the meaning provided in Section 6 hereof.

     "Tag-Along Securities" has the meaning provided in Section 6 hereof.

     "Tag-Along Seller" has the meaning provided in Section 6 hereof.

     "Transfer  Restricted  Securities"  means the  Registrable  Securities upon
original issuance thereof;  provided that a Registrable Security shall no longer
be a Transfer Restricted Security when such Registrable  Security is sold to the
public pursuant to an effective  Registration  Statement or pursuant to Rule 144
under the Securities Act.

     "Underwritten  Offering"  means a registration of an offering of securities
with the Commission pursuant to which such securities of the Company are sold to
an underwriter for reoffering to the public pursuant to the Securities Act.


     2. Securities Subject to this Agreement.

     (a) Registrable Securities. The securities entitled to the benefits of this
Agreement are the Registrable Securities.

     (b) Registered Holders of Registrable Securities.  A Person shall be deemed
to be a Registered  Holder whenever such Person owns  Registrable  Securities of
record (as  registered on the books of the Company  maintained for such purpose)
or has provided evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Company that such Person
has the  right to  acquire  such  Registrable  Securities,  whether  or not such
acquisition has actually been effected and disregarding  any legal  restrictions
upon the exercise of such right.

     3. Registration Rights.

     (a) Right to Piggyback  Registration.  Subject to the last sentence of this
clause  (a),  whenever  the  Company  proposes to  consummate  any  Underwritten
Offering pursuant to which any securities of the Company are to be sold, whether
in connection with a sale of such securities by the Company, by any other Person
or both, and the  registration  form to be used may be used for the registration
of the Registrable  Securities (a "Piggyback  Registration"),  the Company shall
(i) give written notice to each Registered  Holder at least 30 days prior to the
anticipated  effective  date for such  Underwritten  Offering,  of the Company's
intention  to effect  such  offering,  which  notice will  specify the  proposed
offering  price  range,  the  kind  and  number  of  securities  proposed  to be
registered, the distribution arrangements and such other information that at the
time would be appropriate to include in such notice,  and (ii) subject to clause
(b) below,  include in such Piggyback  Registration  all Registrable  Securities
with  respect to which the  Company  has  received  written  requests  from such
Registered  Holders for inclusion  therein  within 20 days after delivery of the
Company's  notice.  Except  as may  otherwise  be  provided  in this  Agreement,
Registrable  Securities with respect to which such request for inclusion in such
Piggyback Registration has been received will be included by the Company in such
Underwritten  Offering  and  offered to the public in a  Piggyback  Registration
pursuant to this Section 3 on the terms and  conditions at least as favorable as
those  applicable  to the other  securities  to be sold by the Company or by any
other Person as part of such Underwritten Offering.

     (b)  Priority on  Piggyback  Registration.  The Company  shall use its best
efforts  to  cause  the  managing  underwriter  or  underwriters  of a  proposed
Underwritten  Offering  described in clause (a) above to permit the  Registrable
Securities  requested to be included in such  Underwritten  Offering on the same
terms and  conditions as the  securities  being sold by the Company or any other
Person  included  therein.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if  the  managing
underwriter  of such  offering  delivers a written  opinion to the Company  that
either because of (x) the kind or combination of securities which the Registered
Holders, the Company and any other Persons or entities intend to include in such
offering or (y) the size of the  offering  which such  Registered  Holders,  the
Company and such other Persons  intend to make, are such that the success of the
offering  would  be  materially  and  adversely  affected  by  inclusion  of the
Registrable Securities requested to be included,  then (i) in the event that the
size of the offering


is the basis of such managing underwriter's opinion, the amount of securities to
be offered for the accounts of such Registered Holders shall be reduced pro rata
(according  to the  securities  proposed to be included in such  offering by all
Persons  other than the  Company)  to the extent  necessary  to reduce the total
amount of securities  to be included in such offering to the amount  recommended
by such managing underwriter;  provided that if securities are being offered for
the account of other  Persons as well as the  Company,  then with respect to the
Registrable  Securities intended to be offered by such Registered  Holders,  the
proportion by which the amount of Registrable  Securities intended to be offered
by such  Registered  Holders is reduced shall not exceed the proportion by which
the  amount of such  class of  securities  intended  to be offered by such other
Persons  is  reduced;  and (ii) in the event that the kind (or  combination)  of
securities  to be offered is the basis of such managing  underwriter's  opinion,
(1) the Registrable  Securities to be included in such offering shall be reduced
as described in clause (i) above (subject to the proviso thereof) or, (2) if the
actions  described  in  clause  (1)  would,  in the  judgment  of  the  managing
underwriter,  be insufficient to substantially eliminate the adverse effect that
inclusion of the Registrable  Securities  requested to be included would have on
such offering,  such Registrable  Securities will be excluded from such offering

     (c) Right to Demand Registration. If at any time after six months after the
date  hereof  the  Purchaser  or  Registered  Holders  owning  at  least  25% of
Registrable  Securities then outstanding notify the Company in writing that they
intend to offer or cause to be  offered  for public  sale all or any  portion of
their  Registrable  Securities  pursuant to an Underwritten  Offering (a "Demand
Registration"),  the Company will notify all Persons  (including  all Registered
Holders)  who  would be  entitled  to notice of a  proposed  registration  under
Section  3(a) above of its receipt of such  notification  from the  Purchaser or
such  Registered  Holders,  as the case may be. Upon the written  request of any
such  Person  delivered  to the  Company  within 21 days after  delivery  by the
Company  of such  notification,  the  Company  will  either  (i) elect to make a
primary  Underwritten  Offering  in  which  case  the  rights  of  such  Persons
(including all  Registered  Holders) shall be as set forth in Section 3(a) above
or (ii) elect to make a secondary  Underwritten  Offering  pursuant to which all
Registrable  Securities  as may be  requested  by any  Registered  Holders to be
registered  or included in such  offering  shall be included in such offering in
accordance  with the terms of this clause (c);  provided  that the rights of the
Registered  Holders  to have  all of  their  shares  of  Registrable  Securities
included  in any such  offering  pursuant to this clause (c) shall be subject to
(but only to) the limitation on offering size described in clause (y) of Section
3(b) above (an "Offering  Size  Cutback").  Any term or provision  hereof to the
contrary  notwithstanding,  (i) the Company  shall in no event be  obligated  to
effect more than two Demand  Registrations;  provided  that,  each time a Demand
Registration  is subject to an Offering Size Cutback  resulting in the reduction
by 25% or more of the total amount of Registrable Securities initially requested
for inclusion in such Demand  Registration by Registered  Holders, an additional
Demand Registration shall be available to the Registered Holders,  (ii) prior to
any Offering Size Cutback becoming effective as to any Registrable Securities in
respect of any Demand Registration, the Company shall withdraw any securities it
had intended to sell as part of such  registration  and (iii) the Company  shall
not be required to effect more than one registration in any twelve-month period.
The Company shall use its best


efforts  to ensure  the  Company's  eligibility  for  registration  on Form S-3,
including the filing of any reports with the Commission.

     (d) Selection of Underwriters.  With respect to each Demand Registration or
Piggyback  Registration,  the  Company  will use its best  efforts  to  select a
managing  underwriter  or  underwriters  of  nationally  recognized  standing to
administer the offering;  provided that the Company shall not be required to use
an underwriter if such Demand  Registration  or Piggyback  Registration,  as the
case may be, could be effected on Form S-3.

     (e)  Furnish  Information.  It  shall  be  a  condition  precedent  to  the
obligations  of the Company to take any action  pursuant to this  Agreement with
respect  to the  Registrable  Securities  of any  Registered  Holder  that  such
Registered  Holder  shall  furnish to the  Company  such  information  regarding
itself,  the  Registrable  Securities  held by it,  and the  intended  method of
disposition  of such  securities as shall be  reasonably  required to effect the
registration of such Registered Holder's Registrable Securities.

     (f) Underwriting Requirements. In connection with any offering involving an
underwriting  of shares being issued by the  Company,  the Company  shall not be
required to include any  Registered  Holder's  securities  in such  underwriting
unless such  Registered  Holder accepts the terms of the  underwriting as agreed
upon between the Company and the underwriters selected by the Company; provided,
however,  that  (i) such  terms of the  underwriting  shall  be  reasonable  and
- -------
customary  for  underwritings  of similar  type and size and (ii) no  Registered
Holder  participating  in such  underwriting  shall  be  required  to  make  any
representations  or  warranties  or  provide   indemnification   except  as  may
reasonably relate to such Registered  Holder's ownership of shares and authority
to enter into the  underwriting  agreement  and to such  underwriter's  intended
method of distribution.

     4.  Hold-Back   Agreements.   Each  Registered   Holder  whose  Registrable
Securities are covered by a Registration  Statement  filed pursuant to Section 3
hereof  agrees,  if requested by the managing  underwriters  in an  Underwritten
Offering,  not to effect any public sale or  distribution  of  securities of the
Company  of the  same  class as the  securities  included  in such  Registration
Statement,  including  a sale  pursuant  to Rule 144  under the  Securities  Act
(except as part of such  Underwritten  Registration),  during the 30-day  period
prior to, and during the 180-day  period  beginning on, the closing date of each
Underwritten  Offering  made  pursuant to such  Registration  Statement,  to the
extent timely  notified in writing by the Company or the managing  underwriters;
provided,  however,  that each such  Registered  Holder  shall be subject to the
- --------   -------
hold-back restrictions of this Section 4 only once during any 365-day period.

     The foregoing  provisions shall not apply to any such Registered  Holder if
such  Registered  Holder is prevented by applicable  statute or regulation  from
entering any such agreement;  provided, however, that any such Registered Holder
                              --------  -------
shall  undertake,  in  its  request  to  participate  in any  such  Underwritten
Offering,  not to effect  any public  sale or  distribution  of any  Registrable
Securities  held  by  such  Registered  Holder  and  covered  by a  Registration


commencing  on the  date of sale of the  Registrable  Securities  unless  it has
provided  45 days  prior  written  notice  of such sale or  distribution  to the
underwriter or underwriters.

     5. Registration Expenses. All reasonable expenses incident to the Company's
performance of or compliance with this Agreement,  including without  limitation
all (i) registration and filing fees, fees and expenses  associated with filings
required  to be made  with  the NASD  (including,  if  applicable,  the fees and
expenses of any "qualified  independent  underwriter"  and its counsel as may be
required by the rules and  regulations  of the NASD),  (ii) fees and expenses of
compliance with securities or blue sky laws (including fees and disbursements of
counsel for the underwriters in connection with blue sky  qualifications  of the
Registrable  Securities and  determination  of their  eligibility for investment
under the laws of such jurisdictions as the managing underwriters may request or
determine), (iii) printing expenses (including expenses of printing certificates
for  the  Registrable  Securities  in a  form  eligible  for  deposit  with  The
Depository  Trust  Company  and  of  printing   prospectuses),   (iv)  fees  and
disbursements  of counsel for the Company and for the sellers of the Registrable
Securities, and customary out of pocket expenses and fees paid by issuers to the
extent  provided  for  in  an  underwriting   agreement  (excluding   discounts,
commissions or fees of underwriters, selling brokers, dealer managers or similar
securities   industry   professionals   relating  to  the  distribution  of  the
Registrable  Securities,  transfer  taxes or legal  expenses of any Person other
than the  Company  and the  selling  holders),  (v) the cost of  Securities  Act
liability  insurance  if the  Company so desires  and (vi) fees and  expenses of
other  Persons  retained by the Company (all such  expenses  being herein called
"Registration  Expenses") will be borne by the Company,  regardless  whether the
Registration  Statement becomes  effective.  Each Registered Holder will pay any
fees or disbursements  of counsel to such holder and all underwriting  discounts
and commissions  and transfer  taxes, if any, and provide other fees,  costs and
expenses of such holder (other than Registration  Expenses) relating to the sale
or disposition of such Registered Holder's Registrable Securities.  The Company,
in any event, will pay the Company's own internal expenses  (including,  without
limitation,  all salaries and expenses of its officers and employees  performing
legal or  accounting  duties),  the  expense of any annual  audit,  the fees and
expenses  incurred  in  connection  with the  listing  of the  securities  to be
registered on each securities exchange on which similar securities issued by the
Company are then  listed,  rating  agency fees and the fees and  expenses of any
Person, including special experts, retained by the Company.

     6.  Tag-Along  Rights.  If at any time after the Issuance  Date, any of the
Substantial  Holders (each, a "Tag-Along  Seller") desires to sell,  transfer or
otherwise  dispose  of  any  Common  Stock  (or  other  securities  convertible,
exchangeable  or  exercisable  into  Common  Stock)  beneficially  owned by such
Person,  other than in respect of a Permitted  Transfer  (defined  below) to any
transferee (the "Proposed  Purchaser"),  in a single  transaction or a series of
related transactions (such transaction or series of related transactions being a
"Tag-Along  Sale"),  such Tag-Along Seller shall, prior to consummating any such
Tag-Along Sale,  require the Proposed Purchaser to provide not less than 30 days
prior written notice of such proposed Tag-Along Sale and to offer in such notice
(the "Tag-Along  Purchase Offer") to purchase from each Registered Holder a "pro
rata  portion" of the amount of  Registrable  Securities  which such  Registered
- ----
Holder desires to include in such proposed  Tag-Along Sale (all such Registrable


subject to a proposed Tag-Along Purchase Offer are herein collectively  referred
to as  "Tag-Along  Securities").  Within  20 days of  receiving  such  Tag-Along
Purchase Offer,  each Registered Holder electing to participate in such proposed
Tag-Along  Sale shall  provide  written  notice of such election to the Proposed
Purchaser  and the  Tag-Along  Seller,  together  with  the  number  and type of
Tag-Along  Securities such Registered Holder desires to include in such proposed
Tag-Along  Sale (which  number of  securities  may be in excess of the amount of
securities  initially  proposed  to be sold  or  otherwise  disposed  of in such
proposed  Tag-Along Sale). To the extent one or more Registered Holders elect to
participate in a proposed Tag-Along Sale pursuant to this Section, the number of
shares of Common Stock,  as the case may be, that the Tag-Along  Seller may sell
in such transaction shall be proportionately reduced.

     For  purposes  of this  Section,  "pro rata  portion"  (or words of similar
imports)  shall mean a fraction  the  numerator  of which is the total number of
shares of Common Stock  initially  proposed to be sold in such Tag-Along Sale by
the  Tag-Along  Seller  (without  regard  to any  reduction  resulting  from the
operation of this  Section) and the  denominator  of which is the sum of (x) the
total number of shares of Registrable Securities (determined on a fully-diluted,
as-if-converted  basis) owned by each Registered Holder and (y) the total number
of shares of Common  Stock  (determined  on a  fully-diluted,  as-if-  converted
basis) owned by each  Substantial  Holder  immediately  prior to such  Tag-Along
Sale.  Also for purposes of this Section,  "Permitted  Transfer"  shall mean any
transfer or sale by a Tag-Along Seller of any securities subject to this Section
6 (i) upon the  death  or  disability  of such  Tag-Along  Seller,  or (ii) to a
testamentary  trust (or similar  entity) for the sole  benefit of such  seller's
spouse, parents, siblings or children;  provided that the voting rights for such
securities shall remain with such seller until his death or disability.

     No holder of Tag-Along Securities  exercising its rights hereunder shall be
required to make any representations or warranties except as to (x) its title to
the securities to be sold by it, (y) such holder's power and authority to effect
such transfer and (z) such matters pertaining to compliance with securities laws
as the Proposed Purchaser may reasonably require;  provided,  however,  that, in
                                                   --------   -------
the event the Proposed Purchaser require.

     Any term or provision of this Section to the contrary notwithstanding:

          (a) The  provisions  of this  Section  shall not apply to (i) any sale
     pursuant to a bona fide Underwritten Offering sold pursuant to an effective
     registration  statement under the Securities Act or (ii) any sale of shares
     of Common Stock effected  pursuant to and in accordance with an open-market
     sale under Rule 144 of the Securities Act.

          (b) Any sale or transfer of  Registrable  Securities  by a  Registered
     Holder  pursuant to this Section shall be on the same terms and  conditions
     as the proposed Tag-Along Sale by the Tag-Along Seller.

          (c) The  provisions  of this Section  shall be null and void and of no
     further  force or effect  after any period of 20  consecutive  trading days
     during which (i) the aggregate


     market  value of all shares of the  Company's  Common Stock  (exclusive  of
     Common  Stock held by executive  officers and  directors of the Company and
     Persons  having direct or indirect  beneficial  ownership of 10% or more of
     the Common  Stock)  which is publicly  traded on such  national  securities
     exchange or the NASDAQ equals or exceeds  $35,000,000  and (ii) the average
     number of shares of the  Company's  Common Stock listed for trading on such
     national securities exchange or the NASDAQ, as the case may be, during such
     period equals or exceeds 3,000,000 shares per day.

     7. Indemnification.

     (a)  Indemnification  by the Company.  The Company  agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless,  to the full extent permitted by law, each Registered  Holder its
officers,  directors and employees and each Person who controls such  Registered
Holder (within the meaning of the Securities  Act) (the  "Indemnified  Parties")
against all losses, claims,  damages,  liabilities and expenses incurred by such
party in connection with any actual or threatened action arising out of or based
upon any untrue or alleged untrue  statement of a material fact contained in any
Registration Statement,  Prospectus or preliminary Prospectus or any omission or
alleged  omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary to make the statements  therein not  misleading,  except insofar as
the same arise out of or are based upon any such  untrue  statement  or omission
made in reliance on and in conformity with any information  furnished in writing
to the  Company  by such  Registered  Holder or its  counsel  expressly  for use
therein.  The Company  shall also  indemnify  underwriters,  their  officers and
directors and each Person who controls  such Persons  (within the meaning of the
Securities  Act) to the same  extent  as  provided  above  with  respect  to the
indemnification of such Registered Holder, if requested.

     (b)  Indemnification  by  Selling  Registered   Holders.   Each  seller  of
Registrable  Securities  under  an  Underwritten  Offering,  severally  and  not
jointly,  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, to the full extent permitted by
law, the Company, its officers that sign any applicable  Registration  Statement
and its  directors  and each other Person who  controls the Company  (within the
meaning of the Securities Act) against all losses, claims, damages,  liabilities
and expenses  incurred by such party in connection with any actual or threatened
action arising out of or based upon any untrue or alleged untrue  statement of a
material  fact  contained in such  Registration  Statement or any  Prospectus or
preliminary  Prospectus  distributed in connection  therewith or any omission or
alleged  omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading;  provided,  however,
                                                             --------   -------
that such  seller will be liable  hereunder  in any such case if and only to the
extent that any such loss, claim, damage,  liability or expense arises out of or
is based upon an untrue  statement  or alleged  untrue  statement or omission or
alleged  omission  made in  reliance  upon and in  conformity  with  information
pertaining to such seller, as such,  furnished in writing to the Company by such
seller  specifically  for  use in such  Registration  Statement,  Prospectus  or
preliminary Prospectus;  provided,  further, however, that the liability of each
                         --------   -------  -------
seller  hereunder  shall be limited to the  proportion of any such loss,  claim,
damage,  liability or expense which is equal to the  proportion  that the public
offering  price  of  Registrable  Securities  sold by  such  seller  under  such
Registration  Statement  bears  to  the  total  public  offering  price  of  all
securities  sold


thereunder, but not to exceed the proceeds received by such seller from the sale
of Registrable Securities covered by such Registration  Statement.  Such sellers
shall also, severally and not jointly,  indemnify  underwriters,  their officers
and directors  and each Person who controls such Persons  (within the meaning of
the  Securities  Act) to the same extent as provided  above with  respect to the
indemnification of the Company, if requested.

     (c)  Conduct  of  Indemnification   Proceedings.  Any  Person  entitled  to
indemnification hereunder will (i) give prompt notice to the indemnifying Person
of any claim with respect to which it seeks  indemnification and (ii) permit the
indemnifying  Person to assume the defense of such claim with counsel reasonably
satisfactory to such  indemnified  Person;  provided,  however,  that any Person
                                            --------   -------
entitled to  indemnification  hereunder  shall have the right to employ separate
counsel  and to  participate  in the  defense  of such  claim,  but the fees and
expenses  of such  counsel  shall be at the expense of such  indemnified  Person
unless (a) the indemnifying  Person has agreed to pay such fees or expenses,  or
(b) the  indemnifying  Person has failed to assume the  defense of such claim or
(c) in the reasonable judgment of any such indemnified Person, based upon advice
of its counsel, a conflict of interest may exist between such indemnified Person
and the indemnifying  Person with respect to such claims (in which case, if such
indemnified  Person  notifies  indemnifying  Person in writing  that such Person
elects to employ  separate  counsel at the expense of indemnifying  Person,  the
indemnifying Person shall not have the right to assume the defense of such claim
on behalf of such  indemnified  Person).  If such  defense is not assumed by the
indemnifying  Person,  the  indemnifying  Person  will  not  be  subject  to any
liability for any settlement made without its consent (but such consent will not
be  unreasonably  withheld).  The  indemnifying  Person  will not be required to
consent to entry of any  judgment  or enter into any  settlement  which does not
include as an unconditional term thereof the giving by the claimant or plaintiff
to such indemnified Person a release from all liability in respect to such claim
or litigation.  If the indemnifying Person is not entitled to, or elects not to,
assume the defense of a claim, the indemnifying  Person will not be obligated to
pay the fees and expenses of more than one counsel for all  indemnified  Persons
by the indemnifying  Person with respect to such claim, unless in the reasonable
judgment of any such indemnified Person a conflict of interest may exist between
such indemnified  Person and any other  indemnified  Person with respect to such
claim, in which event the indemnifying Person shall be obligated to pay the fees
and  expenses  of such  additional  counsel  or  counsels,  but only of one such
additional counsel for each group of similarly situated  indemnified  Persons in
any one jurisdiction.

     (d)  Contribution.  If for any reason the  indemnification  provided for in
clause (a) or (b) is unavailable to a Person entitled to  indemnification  or is
insufficient  to hold it harmless as  contemplated by such clause (a) or (b), as
the case may be, then the  indemnifying  Person shall  contribute  to the amount
paid or payable  by such  indemnified  Person as a result of such  loss,  claim,
damage, liability or expense in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect not
only  the  relative  benefits  received  by  such  indemnified  Person  and  the
indemnifying  Person, but also the relative fault of such indemnified Person and
the indemnifying Person, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations;
provided  that no  Registered  Holder shall be required to  contribute an amount
- --------
greater  than the dollar  amount of the  proceeds  received  by such  Registered
Holder with respect to the sale of any Registrable Securities.  No Person guilty
of  fraudulent


misrepresentation  (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the  Securities  Act)
shall be  entitled  to  contribution  from any Person who was not guilty of such
fraudulent misrepresentation.

     8. Rule 144.  The Company  covenants that it will file the reports required
to be filed by them under the  Securities Act and the Exchange Act and the rules
and  regulations  adopted by the  Commission  thereunder,  and it will take such
further  action as any  Registered  Holder may  reasonably  request,  all to the
extent  required  from time to time to  enable  such  Registered  Holder to sell
Registrable  Securities without registration under the Securities Act within the
limitation of the exemptions  provided by (x) Rule 144 under the Securities Act,
as such  Rule may be  amended  from  time to time,  or (y) any  similar  rule or
regulation  hereafter  adopted  by  the  Commission.  Upon  the  request  of any
Registered  Holder, the Company will deliver to such Registered Holder a written
statement  as to  whether  it has  complied  with such  information  and  filing

     9. Miscellaneous.

     (a) Remedies.  Each  Registered  Holder,  in addition to being  entitled to
exercise all rights  provided  herein or granted by law,  including  recovery of
damages,  in  connection  with the breach by the Company of its  obligations  to
register the Registrable  Securities will be entitled to specific performance of
its rights under this Agreement.  The Company agrees that monetary damages would
not be adequate  compensation  for any loss incurred by reason of a breach by it
of the provisions of this Agreement and agrees,  to the extent  permitted  under
applicable law, to waive the defense in any action for specific performance that
a remedy at law would be adequate.

     (b) No Inconsistent  Agreements.  The Company will not on or after the date
of this Agreement enter into any agreement with respect to its securities  which
is inconsistent  with the rights granted to the Registered  Holders  pursuant to
this Agreement or otherwise  conflicts with the  provisions  hereof.  The rights
granted to the Registered  Holders hereunder do not in any way conflict with and
are not  inconsistent  with the rights  granted to the holders of the  Company's
securities under any other  agreements.  The Company has not previously  entered
into any  inconsistent  agreement  with respect to its  securities  granting any
registration rights to any Person.

     (c) Amendments and Waivers. The provisions of this Agreement, including the
provisions of this sentence, may not be amended,  modified or supplemented,  and
waivers or consents to departures  from the provisions of this Agreement may not
be given unless the Company has  obtained  the written  consent of holders of at
least 51.0% of the outstanding  Registrable  Securities  (excluding  Registrable
Securities held by the Company or any of its affiliates).

     (d) Notices. All notices and other communications provided for or permitted
hereunder  shall be made in writing  by  hand-delivery,  registered  first-class
mail, facsimile or air courier guaranteeing overnight delivery:


          (i) if to a Registered  Holder,  at the most current  address given by
     such  holder  to the  Company  and  recorded  by the  Company  in its books
     maintained for such purpose (including the Warrant Register,  as defined in
     the Warrant  Agreement)  which  address  initially  is, with respect to the
     Purchaser,  the  address  set  forth  next to the  Purchaser's  name on the
     signature pages of the Securities Purchase Agreement; and

          (ii) if to the Company, initially at the address set forth next to the
     Company's name on the signature pages of the Securities Purchase Agreement,
     and  thereafter  at such  other  address,  notice  of  which  is  given  in
     accordance with the provisions of Section 11.01 of the Securities  Purchase

     All such  notices  and  communications  shall be  deemed  to have been duly
given:  at the time  delivered by hand, if personally  delivered;  five business
days  after  being  deposited  in the mail,  postage  prepaid  if  mailed;  when
electronic  confirmation thereof is received, if delivered by facsimile;  and on
the  next  business  day if  timely  delivered  to an air  courier  guaranteeing
overnight delivery.

     (e)  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of
and be binding upon the  successors  and assigns of each of the parties  hereto,
including without  limitation,  and without the need for an express  assignment,
subsequent Registered Holders.

     (f)  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts and by the parties hereto in separate  counterparts,  each of which
when so  executed  shall be  deemed  to be an  original  and all of which  taken
together shall constitute one and the same agreement.

     (g)  Headings.  The  headings  in this  Agreement  are for  convenience  of
reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof.

     (h) New York Law,  Submission to Jurisdiction,  Waiver of Jury Trial.  THIS



     (i)  Severability.  In the  event  that  any one or more of the  provisions
contained  herein.  or the  application  thereof  in any  circumstance,  is held
invalid,  illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction,  the validity,  legality
and  enforceability  of any such provision in such  jurisdiction  in every other
respect and of the remaining  provisions  contained herein shall not be affected
or impaired thereby.

     (j) Entire Agreement.  This Agreement is intended by the parties as a final
expression  of their  agreement  with  respect to the subject  matter  contained
herein and intended to be a complete and  exclusive  statement of the  agreement
and  understanding  of the  parties  hereto in  respect  of the  subject  matter
contained   herein.   There  are  no  restrictions,   promises,   warranties  or
undertakings,  other than those set forth or referred to herein with  respect to
the  registration  rights  granted by the Company with respect to the securities
sold pursuant to the Securities  Purchase Agreement.  This Agreement  supersedes
all prior agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to such
subject matter.

                            [Signature Page Follows]


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have  executed  this Equity  Registration
Rights Agreement as of the date first written above.

                                    UNIDIGITAL INC.

                                    By:/s/ William E. Dye

                                    CIBC WOOD GUNDY CAPITAL CORP.

                                    By:/s/ Richard White
                                       Name:  Richard White
                                       Title: Managing Director

                                    SUBSTANTIAL HOLDERS:

                                    /s/ William E. Dye
                                    William E. Dye
