
                         SECURITIES PURCHASE AGREEMENT,

                                   dated as of

                               November 25, 1998,


                                UNIDIGITAL INC.,

                           THE GUARANTORS PARTY HERETO


                           THE PURCHASER PARTY HERETO.


                          SECURITIES PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                   ARTICLE 1.

Section 1.01.  Definitions.....................................................1
Section 1.02.  Accounting Terms and Determinations............................14

                                   ARTICLE 2.

Section 2.01.  Commitment to Purchase.........................................14
Section 2.02.  Takedown Procedures............................................15
Section 2.03.  Fees...........................................................15
Section 2.04.  Mandatory Termination of Commitment............................15
Section 2.05.  Interest.......................................................16
Section 2.06.  Maturity of Notes; Prepayment of Notes; Change of Control......17
Section 2.07.  Taxes..........................................................19

                                   ARTICLE 3.

Section 3.01.  Corporate Existence and Power..................................21
Section 3.02.  Authorization, Execution and Enforceability....................21
Section 3.03.  Governmental Authorization.....................................22
Section 3.04.  Contravention..................................................22
Section 3.05.  Financial Information..........................................23
Section 3.06.  Litigation.....................................................23
Section 3.07.  Environmental Matters..........................................24
Section 3.08.  Taxes..........................................................25
Section 3.09.  Subsidiaries...................................................25
Section 3.10.  Governmental Regulations.......................................25
Section 3.11.  Full Disclosure................................................25
Section 3.12.  Capitalization.................................................25
Section 3.13.  Solicitation...................................................26
Section 3.14.  Non-fungibility................................................26
Section 3.15.  Permits........................................................26

Section 3.16.  Representations in Other Financing Documents and in Acquisition
                 Agreement and Related Documents..............................26
Section 3.17.  No Undisclosed Liabilities.....................................27
Section 3.18.  ERISA Matters..................................................27

                                   ARTICLE 4.

Section 4.01.  Purchase for Investment; Authority; Binding Agreement..........27

                                   ARTICLE 5.

Section 5.01.  Conditions to Purchaser's Obligation to Purchase the Notes.....28

                                   ARTICLE 6.

Section 6.01.  Information....................................................31
Section 6.02.  Payment of Obligations.........................................32
Section 6.03.  Insurance......................................................32
Section 6.04.  Conduct of Business and Maintenance of Existence...............32
Section 6.05.  Compliance with Laws...........................................33
Section 6.06.  Inspection of Property, Books and Records......................33
Section 6.07.  Investment Company Act.........................................34
Section 6.08.  Limitation on Debt.............................................34
Section 6.10.  Investments....................................................36
Section 6.11.  Negative Pledge................................................36
Section 6.12.  Transactions with Affiliates...................................37
Section 6.13.  Use of Proceeds................................................37
Section 6.14.  Restrictions on Certain Amendments.............................37
Section 6.15.  Permanent Financing............................................37
Section 6.16.  Additional Subsidiary Guarantees...............................38
Section 6.17.  Limitation on Sales of Assets and Subsidiary Stock.............38
Section 6.18.  Sale and Leaseback Transactions................................39
Section 6.19.  Business Activities............................................39


                                   ARTICLE 7.
                                EVENTS OF DEFAULT

Section 7.01.  Events of Default Defined; Acceleration of Maturity; Waiver of

                                   ARTICLE 8.
                            LIMITATION ON TRANSFERS

Section 8.01.  Restrictions on Transfer.......................................41
Section 8.02.  Restrictive Legends............................................41
Section 8.03.  Notice of Proposed Transfers...................................42

                                   ARTICLE 9.

Section 9.01.  Notes Subordinated to Senior Debt..............................43
Section 9.02.  No Payment on Notes in Certain Circumstances...................43
Section 9.03.  Notes Subordinated to Prior Payment of all Senior Debt on
                Dissolution, Liquidation or Reorganization....................44
Section 9.04.  Holders to be Subrogated to Rights of Holders of Senior Debt...45
Section 9.05.  Obligations of the Company Unconditional.......................46
Section 9.06.  Subordination Rights not Impaired by Acts or Omissions of the
                Company or Holders of Senior Debt.............................46
Section 9.07.  Not to Prevent Events of Default...............................46
Section 9.08.  Miscellaneous..................................................46

                                  ARTICLE 10.

Section 10.01.  Guarantees....................................................47
Section 10.02.  Subordination of Guarantees...................................49
Section 10.03.  Limitation on Guarantor Liability.............................49
Section 10.04.  Consolidation or Merger of Guarantors.........................49

                                  ARTICLE 11.

Section 11.01  Notices........................................................49
Section 11.02.  No Waivers; Amendments........................................50
Section 11.03.  Indemnification...............................................50
Section 11.04.  Expenses......................................................52
Section 11.05.  Payment.......................................................53
Section 11.06.  Confidentiality...............................................53


Section 11.07.  Successors and Assigns........................................53
Section 11.08.  Brokers.......................................................53
Section 11.09.  New York Law; Submission to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury
Section 11.10.  Severability..................................................54
Section 11.11.  Counterparts..................................................54
Section 11.12.  Survival......................................................54


Schedule 3.05(c)        Material Adverse Change

Schedule 3.06           Litigation

Schedule 3.07           Environmental Matters

Schedule 3.09           Subsidiaries

Schedule 3.12           Capitalization of the Company

Schedule 6.08(a)        Ongoing Debt

Schedule 6.08(i)        Long-Term Debt of Foreign Subsidiaries

Schedule 6.08(j)        Short-Term Debt of Foreign Subsidiaries

Schedule 6.10           Investments

Schedule 6.11           Liens


Exhibit A               Form of Note

Exhibit B               Form of Warrant Agreement

Exhibit C               Form of Registration Rights Agreement


                          SECURITIES PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     AGREEMENT  dated  as of  November  25,  1998  among  Unidigital  Inc.,  the
Guarantors listed on the signature pages hereto and the Purchaser.

     The parties hereto agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1.

     Section 1.01.  DEFINITIONS.  The following terms, as used herein,  have the
following meanings:

     "Acquired Business" means, with respect to any Permitted  Acquisition,  the
Person,  the common stock or other ownership  interest which is acquired in such
Permitted Acquisition,  or the business unit, division or subdivision the assets
of which are acquired in such Permitted Acquisition, as the case may be.

     "Acquisition  Agreement" means the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Stock
of  SuperGraphics  Holding  Company,  Inc., dated as of November 16, 1998, among
SuperGraphics,  SuperGraphics  Corporation,  the  stockholders of  SuperGraphics
identified as the sellers therein and the Company,  as amended,  supplemented or
otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof.

     "Adjusted  EBITDA" means, for any period,  the  Consolidated  EBITDA of the
Company for such period plus, for each  Permitted  Acquisition  consummated  (or
proposed to be consummated during such period),  the Consolidated  EBITDA of the
Acquired  Business in respect of such  Permitted  Acquisition  for such  period,
calculated  on a pro  forma  basis  without  duplication,  as if such  Permitted
Acquisition  had  occurred on the first day of such period (and for  purposes of
this definition,  "Consolidated  EBITDA of the Acquired Business" shall mean the
sum of (a) Consolidated Net Income for such period  (substituting  such Acquired
Business for the Company),  (b) the sum of provisions for such period for income
taxes,  interest  expense,  and depreciation  and  amortization  expense used in
determining  such  Consolidated  Net Income,  (c) other amounts deducted in such
period in respect  of  non-cash  expenses  in  accordance  with U.S.  GAAP,  (d)
non-capitalized  transaction  costs  deducted in such period in connection  with
such Permitted  Acquisition,  (e) the amount of any aggregate net loss (or minus
the amount of any gain) during such periods  arising from the sale,  exchange or
other  disposition of capital  assets,  (f) non-cash  expenses  deducted in such
period in connection with any earn-out  agreements,  stock appreciation  rights,
"phantom"  stock  plans,  employment  agreements,   non-competition  agreements,
subscription and stockholders agreements and other incentive and bonus plans and
similar  arrangements  made  in  connection  with  acquisitions  of  Persons  or
businesses by such Acquired Business or the retention of executives, officers or
employees by such Acquired Business and (g) other  non-recurring,  non-operating
expenses as shall have been approved by the Majority  Holders as exclusions from
the determination of Adjusted EBITDA;

provided  that  Adjusted  EBITDA  shall in any event  exclude  the amount of any
- --------
non-cash income  recognized during any period for which  Consolidated  EBITDA is
determined;  provided further that for purposes of computing Consolidated EBITDA
             -------- -------
of the Acquired  Business,  there shall be added thereto the amount by which the
compensation   (whether  in  the  form  of  salary,  bonus,  dividend  or  other
distribution)  paid to the principal  owner(s) and/or manager(s) of the Acquired
Business prior to such  Permitted  Acquisition  will be reduced,  following such
Permitted  Acquisition,  as set forth in a certificate of the Company reasonably
acceptable to the Majority Holders.

     "Affiliate"  means,  with  respect to any Person,  any other  Person  that,
directly or  indirectly,  is in control of, is controlled by, or is under common
control  with,  such  Person.  For purposes of this  definition,  "control" of a
Person  (including,  with its correlative  meanings,  "controlled by" and "under
common  control with") means the power,  directly or  indirectly,  either to (a)
vote 10% or more of the securities having ordinary voting power for the election
of  directors  of such  Person  or (b)  direct  or cause  the  direction  of the
management and policies of such Person, whether by contract or otherwise.

     "Agreement"  means  this  Agreement,  as  amended  from  time  to  time  in
accordance with its terms.

     "Annual Budget" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.01(d).

     "Applicable  Premium"  means,  with respect to the principal  amount of any
Note (other than any PIK Note) on any date of  prepayment  with respect  thereto
pursuant to Section  2.06(b),  an amount equal to the  applicable  percentage of
such principal  amount so prepaid,  as in effect for the  applicable  period set
forth below opposite such applicable percentage:

            Percentage    Applicable Period
            ----------    -----------------

            5.00%         At all times on or prior to November 30, 1999

            4.00%         At all times on or prior to November 30, 2000
                          but after November 30, 1999

            3.00%         At all times on or prior to November 30, 2001
                          but after November 30, 2000

            2.00%         At all times on or prior to November 30, 2002
                          but after November 30, 2001

            1.00%         At all times on or prior to November 30, 2003
                          but after November 30, 2002

            0.00%         At all times after November 30, 2003.


     "Base Financial Statements" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.05(a).

     "Business  Day"  means any day  except a  Saturday,  Sunday or other day on
which commercial banks in The City of New York are authorized or required by law
to close.

     "Capital Lease Obligation" means, at the time any determination  thereof is
to be made, the amount of the liability in respect of a Financing Lease.

     "Capital  Stock" means (a) in the case of a corporation,  corporate  stock,
(b) in the case of any  association  or  business  entity,  any and all  shares,
interests,  participations,  rights or other equivalents (however designated) in
the  nature of  corporate  stock,  (c) in the case of a  partnership  or limited
liability  company,  any and all  partnership or membership  interests  (whether
general or limited) and (d) any other interest or participation  that confers on
a Person  the  right to  receive  a share  of the  profits  and  losses  of,  or
distributions of assets of the issuing Person.

     "Cash  Equivalents"  means (a) securities  with maturities of six months or
less from the date of acquisition  issued or fully  guaranteed or insured by the
United States Government or any agency thereof,  (b) certificates of deposit and
eurodollar  time deposits with maturities of six months or less from the date of
acquisition  and overnight bank deposits of any  commercial  bank having capital
and  surplus  in excess  of  $500,000,000,  (c)  repurchase  obligations  of any
commercial  bank satisfying the  requirements of clause (b) of this  definition,
having a term of not more than seven days with respect to  securities  issued or
fully  guaranteed or insured by the United  States  Government,  (d)  commercial
paper of a  domestic  issuer  rated at least A-1 or the  equivalent  thereof  by
Standard and Poor's  Ratings Group ("S&P") or P-1 or the  equivalent  thereof by
Moody's Investors Service,  Inc.  ("Moody's") and in either case maturing within
six months after the day of  acquisition,  (e) securities with maturities of six
months or less from the date of  acquisition  issued or fully  guaranteed by any
state,  commonwealth  or  territory  of the  United  States,  by  any  political
subdivision or taxing authority of any such state,  commonwealth or territory or
by  any  foreign  government,  the  securities  of  which  state,  commonwealth,
territory, political subdivision, taxing authority or foreign government (as the
case may be) are rated at least A by S&P or A by Moody's,  (f)  securities  with
maturities of six months or less from the date of acquisition  backed by standby
letters of credit issued by any commercial bank  satisfying the  requirements of
clause (b) of this  definition  or (g) shares of money market  mutual or similar
funds  registered  pursuant to the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended,
which invest  exclusively in assets  satisfying the  requirements of clauses (a)
through (f) of this definition.

     "Change of Control" means the  occurrence of any of the following:  (a) the
sale, lease,  transfer,  conveyance or other  disposition  (other than by way of
merger or consolidation),  in one or a series of related transactions, of all or
substantially  all of the assets of the Company and its Subsidiaries  taken as a
whole to any "person" (as such term is used in Section  13(d)(3) of the Exchange
Act),  (b) the adoption of a plan relating to the  liquidation or dissolution of
the  Company,  (c)  the  consummation  of any  transaction  (including,  without
limitation,  any  merger  or  consolidation)  the  result  of  which is that any
"person"  (as defined  above)  becomes the


"beneficial  owner" (as such term is defined in Rule 13d-3 and Rule 13d-5  under
the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly,  of more than 25% of the Voting Stock
of the Company (measured by voting power rather than number of shares),  (d) the
first day on which a majority  of the members of the Board of  Directors  of the
Company  are not  Continuing  Directors  or (e) the failure of William E. Dye to
own, at any time prior to the date that is 180 days following the Issuance Date,
free and clear of all Liens or other  encumbrances,  at least 991,721  shares of
Common Stock of the Company.

     "Code"  means  the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended,  and any
regulation promulgated thereunder.

     "Commission" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "Commitment"  means the  obligation  of the  Purchaser  to  purchase  Notes
hereunder in an aggregate principal amount of $10,000,000.

     "Common Stock" means the authorized common stock, par value $.01 per share,
of the Company.

     "Company" means Unidigital Inc., a Delaware corporation.

     "Competitor"  means another  Person  having as its  principal  business the
Permitted  Business as engaged in by the Company and its  Subsidiaries as of the
date hereof.

     "Consolidated  EBITDA" means, for any period,  the sum, for the Company and
its  Subsidiaries  (determined  on a consolidated  basis without  duplication in
accordance with U.S. GAAP),  for such period of (a)  Consolidated Net Income for
such  period,  (b) the sum of  provisions  for such  period  for  income  taxes,
interest expense,  and depreciation and amortization expense used in determining
such Consolidated Net Income,  (c) amounts deducted in such period in respect of
non-cash expenses in accordance with U.S. GAAP, (d) non-capitalized  transaction
costs deducted in such period in connection with the Kwik Acquisition,  the Mega
Art Acquisition, the Hy Zazula Acquisition and the SuperGraphics Acquisition and
any Permitted  Acquisitions and the financings relating thereto,  (e) the amount
of any  aggregate  net loss (or minus the amount of any gain) during such period
arising from the sale,  exchange or other disposition of capital assets, and (f)
non-cash  expenses  deducted  in such  period in  connection  with any  earn-out
agreements,   stock  appreciation  rights,  "phantom"  stock  plans,  employment
agreements, non-competition agreements, subscription and stockholders agreements
and other incentive and bonus plans and similar  arrangements made in connection
with acquisitions of Persons or businesses by the Company or its Subsidiaries or
the  retention  of  executives,  officers  or  employees  by the  Company or its
Subsidiaries,  including (but without  duplication) any Person that has become a
Subsidiary  during  such  specified  period,  on a pro  forma  basis  as if such
                                                   ---  -----
acquisition   had   occurred  on  the  first  day  of  such  period  plus  other
non-recurring,  non-operating  expenses  as  shall  have  been  approved  by the
Majority Holders as exclusions from the  determination  of Consolidated  EBITDA;
provided,  that Consolidated  EBITDA shall in any event
- --------


exclude, from and after the Issuance Date, (x) the effect of any write-up of the
assets of Kwik, Mega Art, Hy Zazula,  SuperGraphics or SuperGraphics Corporation
or any other assets acquired in any Permitted Acquisitions and (y) the amount of
any non-cash income recognized during any period for which  Consolidated  EBITDA
is determined.

     "Consolidated  Fixed  Charges"  means,  for any period,  the sum of (a) the
amounts  deducted  for the cash  portion  of  Consolidated  Interest  Expense in
determining Consolidated Net Income for such period, (b) the amount of scheduled
payments of  principal  of Debt during such  period,  (c) all amounts of capital
expenditures made during such period (other than capital expenditures in respect
of Financing  Leases to the extent the same are included in clause (a) or (b) of
this  definition),  and (d) the amount of cash  income  taxes paid  during  such

     "Consolidated  Funded Debt" means, as of any date, the sum of all aggregate
indebtedness  of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  of the  types set forth in
clauses (a), (b), (c),  (d), (e) and (g) of Debt,  determined on a  consolidated
basis in accordance with U.S. GAAP, including, in any event, the Term Loans, the
Acquisition  Loans,  Revolving Credit Loans (as each such term is defined in the
Senior Credit Agreement) and any purchase money Debt.

     "Consolidated Interest Expense" means, for any period, the amount which, in
conformity  with U.S. GAAP,  would be set forth  opposite the caption  "interest
expense" or any like caption (including,  without  limitation,  imputed interest
included in payments under Financing Leases) on a consolidated  income statement
of the Company and the  Subsidiaries  for such period excluding the amortization
of any original issue discount.

     "Consolidated  Net Income"  means,  for any period,  the  consolidated  net
income (or deficit) of the Company and the  Subsidiaries  for such period (taken
as a cumulative whole),  determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP;  provided that
there shall be excluded (a) the income (or deficit) of any Person  accrued prior
to the date it becomes a Subsidiary or is merged into or  consolidated  with the
Company or any Subsidiary, (b) the income (or deficit) of any Person (other than
a Subsidiary) in which the Company or any Subsidiary has an ownership  interest,
except to the extent  that any such  income has been  actually  received  by the
Company or such  Subsidiary  in the form of dividends or similar  distributions,
(c)  the  undistributed  earnings  of any  Subsidiary  to the  extent  that  the
declaration or payment of dividends or similar  distributions by such Subsidiary
is not at the time permitted by the terms of any  Contractual  Obligation or any
provision of (i) any  applicable  law or  regulation,  (ii) any of its Corporate
Documents or (iii) any judgment,  injunction,  order, decree or other instrument
binding  upon it or any of its assets  applicable  to such  Subsidiary,  (d) any
restoration  to income of any  contingency  reserve,  except to the extent  that
provision  for such reserve was made out of income  accrued  during such period,
(e) any  aggregate  net gain (but not any aggregate net loss) during such period
arising from the sale,  exchange or other  disposition  of capital  assets (such
term to include all fixed assets, whether tangible or intangible,  all inventory
sold in conjunction  with the  disposition of fixed assets and all  securities),
(f) any  write-up  of any  asset,  (g) any net gain from the  collection  of the
proceeds of life insurance  policies,  (h) any gain arising from the acquisition
of any securities,  or the extinguishment,  under U.S. GAAP, of any Debt, of the
Company or any  Subsidiary,  (i) in the


case of a successor to the Company by consolidation or merger or as a transferee
of its  assets,  any  earnings  of  the  successor  corporation  prior  to  such
consolidation,  merger  or  transfer  of  assets,  and (j) any  deferred  credit
representing  the excess of equity in any  Subsidiary at the date of acquisition
over the cost of the investment in such Subsidiary.

     "Contingent Warrants" has the meaning provided in the Warrant Agreement.

     "Continuing Directors" means as of any date of determination, any member of
the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  who (a) was a member of such  Board of
Directors on the date of hereof or (b) was  nominated for election or elected to
such  Board of  Directors  with the  approval  of a majority  of the  Continuing
Directors  who were  members  of such  Board at the time of such  nomination  or

     "Contractual  Obligation"  means, with respect to any Person, any provision
of any security  issued by such Person or of any agreement,  instrument or other
undertaking  to  which  such  Person  is a party  or by  which  it or any of its
property is bound.

     "Corporate  Documents" means,  with respect to any Person,  its articles or
certificate  of  incorporation  and  by-laws,  its  partnership  agreement,  its
certificate   of   formation   and   operating   agreement,   and/or  the  other
organizational or governing documents of such Person.

     "Debt" of any Person means, with respect to any Person at any date, without
duplication,  (a) all indebtedness of such Person for borrowed money (whether by
loan or the issuance and sale of debt  securities) or for the deferred  purchase
price of property or services (other than current trade liabilities  incurred in
the  ordinary  course of  business  and  payable in  accordance  with  customary
practices),  (b) any other  indebtedness  of such Person which is evidenced by a
note, bond, debenture or similar instrument,  (c) all obligations of such Person
under Financing Leases, (d) all obligations of such Person in respect of letters
of credit,  acceptances or similar instruments issued or created for the account
of such Person, (e) all liabilities secured by any Lien on any property owned by
such Person even though such Person has not assumed or otherwise  become  liable
for the payment  thereof,  (f) all other items which,  in  accordance  with U.S.
GAAP,  would be included as  liabilities  on the  liability  side of the balance
sheet of such  Person as of the date at which Debt is to be  determined  and (g)
all Guarantee Obligations of such Person in respect of any of the foregoing. The
amount of any Debt  outstanding  as of any date shall be (a) the accreted  value
thereof,  in the case of any Debt  that does not  require  current  payments  of
interest,  and (b) the  principal  amount  thereof,  together  with any interest
thereon that is more than 30 days past due, in the case of any other Debt.

     "Debt  Incurrence"  means  any  incurrence  by  the  Company  or any of its
Subsidiaries of any Debt, other than Debt permitted under Section 6.08.

     "Default" means any Event of Default or any event or condition which,  with
the giving of notice or lapse of time or both,  would,  unless  cured or waived,
become an Event of Default.


     "Designated Senior Debt" means any Senior Debt outstanding under the Senior
Credit  Facilities  or otherwise  described in clause (a) of the  definition  of
Senior Debt.

     "dollars" or "$" mean lawful currency of the United States of America.

     "Domestic Person" means any individual resident of the United States or any
other Person  organized under the laws of a jurisdiction in the United States of
America, any State thereof or the District of Columbia.

     "Domestic  Subsidiary"  means any Subsidiary of the Company organized under
or incorporated  pursuant to the laws of any State or Commonwealth of the United
States of America or the District of Columbia.

     "Environmental Laws" means any and all statutes,  laws, judicial decisions,
regulations,  ordinances, rules, judgments, orders, decrees, codes, injunctions,
permits, governmental grants, licenses and governmental restrictions relating to
the effect of the  environment  or  Hazardous  Materials  on human  health,  the
environment or to emissions, discharges or releases of pollutants, contaminants,
Hazardous  Materials  or wastes into the  environment,  including  ambient  air,
surface water,  ground water or land, or otherwise  relating to the manufacture,
processing,  distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  disposal,  transport  or
handling  of  pollutants,  contaminants,  Hazardous  Materials  or wastes or the
clean-up or other remediation thereof.

     "Equity  Issuance"  means the  issuance  of any  equity  securities  by the
Company  (including  without limitation any equity securities issued pursuant to
the exercise of stock options or warrants),  but excluding (a) any  subscription
agreement  incentive plan or similar  arrangement with any officer,  employee or
director of the Company, or (b) the issuance of any Capital Stock of the Company
to any officer, director or employee of the Company.

     "ERISA"  means the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as
amended, and any regulation promulgated thereunder.

     "ERISA Affiliate" means any trade or business (whether or not incorporated)
that, together with the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company is treated as a
single employer under Title IV of ERISA,  or, solely for purposes of Section 302
of ERISA and  Section  412 of the Code,  is treated as a single  employer  under
Section 414 of the Code.

     "Event of Default" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.01.

     "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Expiration Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01(b).

     "Fee Letter" means the  confidential  fee letter,  dated November 25, 1998,
between the Company and the Purchaser.


     "Financing Documents" means this Agreement, the Notes, the Guarantees,  the
Registration Rights Agreement, the Warrant Agreement and the Warrants.

     "Financing  Lease"  means  any lease of  property,  real or  personal,  the
obligations  of the lessee in respect of which are required in  accordance  with
U.S. GAAP to be capitalized on a balance sheet of the lessee.

     "Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio" means, at any time, the ratio of Consolidated
EBITDA for the immediately  preceding period of four consecutive fiscal quarters
to Consolidated Fixed Charges for such period.

     "Guarantee"  means the guarantee by the Guarantors of the Notes pursuant to
Article 10.

     "Guarantee Obligation" means as to any Person (the "guaranteeing  person"),
any obligation of (a) the guaranteeing  person or (b) another Person (including,
without limitation,  any bank under any letter of credit) to induce the creation
of which the guaranteeing person has issued a reimbursement, counterindemnity or
similar  obligation,  in either case guaranteeing or in effect  guaranteeing any
Debt, leases,  dividends or other obligations (the "primary obligations") of any
other third Person (the "primary  obligor") in any manner,  whether  directly or
indirectly,  including,  without limitation,  any obligation of the guaranteeing
person,  whether or not contingent,  (i) to purchase any such primary obligation
or any  property  constituting  direct or indirect  security  therefor,  (ii) to
advance or supply  funds (A) for the  purchase  or  payment of any such  primary
obligation or (B) to maintain  working  capital or equity capital of the primary
obligor or  otherwise  to  maintain  the net worth or  solvency  of the  primary
obligor,  (iii) to purchase  property,  securities or services primarily for the
purpose of assuring the owner of any such primary  obligation  of the ability of
the primary obligor to make payment of such primary obligation or (iv) otherwise
to assure or hold harmless the owner of any such primary obligation against loss
in respect thereof; provided,  however, that the term Guarantee Obligation shall
                    --------   -------
not  include  endorsements  of  instruments  for  deposit or  collection  in the
ordinary  course of  business.  The amount of any  Guarantee  Obligation  of any
guaranteeing  person  shall be deemed to be the lower of (a) an amount  equal to
the stated or determinable  amount of the primary obligation in respect of which
such  Guarantee  Obligation  is made and (b) the  maximum  amount for which such
guaranteeing  person  may be  liable  pursuant  to the  terms of the  instrument
embodying  such  Guarantee  Obligation,  unless such primary  obligation and the
maximum amount for which such  guaranteeing  person may be liable are not stated
or determinable,  in which case the amount of such Guarantee Obligation shall be
such guaranteeing  person's maximum reasonably  anticipated liability in respect
thereof  as  determined  in good  faith by the  Person  to whom  such  Guarantee
Obligation is payable.

     "Guarantors"  means the parties  listed as such on the  signature  pages to
this  Agreement and any other  Subsidiary of the Company that becomes a party to
this  Agreement in accordance  with the  provisions  of Section 6.16,  and their
respective successors and assigns.


     "Hazardous  Materials" means (a) asbestos;  (b) polychlorinated  biphenyls;
(c) petroleum,  its hazardous  derivatives,  by-products and other hydrocarbons;
and (d) any other toxic,  radioactive,  caustic or otherwise hazardous substance
regulated under Environmental Laws.

     "Hazardous  Materials  Contamination" means contamination of the buildings,
facilities,  soil  or  groundwater  on or of  the  property  of the  Company  by
Hazardous Materials,  or any derivatives thereof, or on or of any other property
as a result of Hazardous Materials,  or any derivatives  thereof,  generated on,
emanating from or disposed of in connection with the property of the Company.

     "Hedging Obligations" means, with respect to any Person, the obligations of
such  Person  under  (a)  interest  rate  swap  agreements,  interest  rate  cap
agreements  and interest  rate collar  agreements  and (b) other  agreements  or
arrangements  designed to protect such Person against  fluctuations  in interest
rates or currency exchange rates.

     "Holder" means any holder of any Note.

     "Hy Zazula" means Hy Zazula Associates, Inc., a New York corporation.

     "Hy Zazula  Acquisition"  means the acquisition by the Company of Hy Zazula
through  a  merger  of Hy  Zazula  with  and  into  the  Company's  wholly-owned
Subsidiary, Unison (NY), Inc., consummated on October 30,1998.

     "Intellectual  Property Rights" means any patent, trade mark, service mark,
registered design,  trade name or copyright required to carry on the business of
the Company and such other  business  as may be  permitted  by the terms of this
Agreement and which is carried on at the relevant time.

     "Interest Coverage Ratio" means, for the Company and its Subsidiaries,  the
ratio of  Consolidated  EBITDA  for the  immediately  preceding  period  of four
consecutive fiscal quarters to Consolidated Interest Expense for such period.

     "Interest   Expense"  means,  for  any  applicable  period,  the  aggregate
consolidated  interest  expense of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  for such
applicable period, as determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

     "Interest Payment Date" means each February 28 (or February 29, in the case
of a leap year),  May 31, August 31 and November 30 (or, if any such date is not
a Business Day, the next succeeding Business Day).

     "Investment" means any investment in any Person,  whether by means of share
purchase,  capital  contribution,  loan, time deposit,  Guarantee  Obligation or


     "Issuance  Date"  means  the date the  Notes  are  initially  issued by the
Company and purchased by the Purchaser.

     "Kwik" means Kwik International Color, Ltd., a New York corporation.

     "Kwik  Acquisition"  means the acquisition by the Company of  substantially
all of the assets of Kwik consummated on March 25, 1998.

     "Leverage Ratio" means, at any time, the ratio of Consolidated  Funded Debt
to Adjusted  EBITDA for the  immediately  preceding  period of four  consecutive
fiscal quarters; provided that, in calculating the Leverage Ratio for any period
during which a Permitted  Acquisition was consummated,  Adjusted EBITDA shall be
substituted for Consolidated EBITDA.

     "Lien"  means,  with  respect to any asset,  any  mortgage,  lien,  pledge,
charge,  security  interest or encumbrance of any kind in respect of such asset,
whether or not filed,  recorded or  otherwise  perfected  under  applicable  law
(including any conditional sale or other title retention agreement, any lease in
the nature  thereof,  any option or other  agreement  to sell or give a security
interest in and any filing of or agreement to give any financing statement under
the Uniform Commercial Code (or equivalent statutes) of any jurisdiction).

     "Majority  Holders"  means  (a) at any time  prior to the  issuance  of the
Notes,  the  Purchaser  and (b) at any time  thereafter,  the  holders of voting
rights with  respect to  waivers,  amendments  and other  actions  permitted  or
required  to be taken by  Holders  under the terms of the Notes  constituting  a
majority of such voting rights attributable to the aggregate  outstanding amount
of Notes at such time.

     "Material   Adverse  Effect"  means  a  material   adverse  affect  on  the
properties,  condition  (financial  or  otherwise),  operations,   performances,
projections, prospects or business of the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as
a whole.

     "Maturity Date" means March 31, 2004.

     "Mega Art" means Mega Art Corp., a New York corporation.

     "Mega Art  Acquisition"  means the acquisition by the Company of all of the
issued and  outstanding  capital stock of Mega Art  consummated  on September 2,

     "Multiemployer Plan" means any Plan that is a multiemployer plan as defined
in Section 3(37) or 4001 (a)(3) of ERISA.

     "Net Cash Proceeds" means (a) the aggregate cash consideration  received by
the Company or a Subsidiary in connection  with any  transaction  referred to in
Section  2.06(c)  less  (b)  the  expenses  (including  out-of-pocket  expenses)
incurred by the Company or such Subsidiary in connection  with such  transaction
(including,  in  the  case  of  any  issuance  of  debt  or  equity


securities,  underwriters'  commissions  and fees) and the amount of any federal
and state taxes incurred in connection  with such  transaction,  in each case as
certified by the chief  financial or  accounting  officer of the Company (or its
chief  executive  officer  if the  Company  does not have a chief  financial  or
accounting officer at such time) to the Holders at the time of such transaction.

     "Notes"  means the  Company's  Senior  Subordinated  Increasing  Rate Notes
substantially  in the form set forth as Exhibit A hereto,  and shall include any
PIK Notes issued pursuant to Section 2.05(c).

     "Other Taxes" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.07(a).

     "PBGC"  means  the  Pension  Benefit  Guaranty  Corporation  or any  entity
succeeding to any of its functions under ERISA.

     "Permanent   Financing"  means  any  Debt  Incurrence  or  Equity  Issuance
following  the date  hereof  for the  purpose of  refinancing  the Notes that is
approved  and  consented  to by the  holders of the  Designated  Senior  Debt in
accordance with the Senior Credit Agreement.

     "Permits"  means all domestic and foreign  licenses,  permits and approvals
required for the full operation of the Company and its  Subsidiaries,  including
provincial, state, federal, city and county permits and approvals.

     "Permitted  Acquisition"  means an  acquisition  of (a) 100% of the  common
stock or other  ownership  interests of a Domestic  Person or (b) a  substantial
amount of the assets of a Domestic  Person,  or of a business unit,  division or
subdivision of a Domestic Person,  in each case engaged in or relating to a line
of business  substantially similar to the Permitted Business;  provided that (i)
both  immediately  before and after giving effect to such acquisition no Default
shall have occurred and then be continuing  and (ii) no later than five Business
Days prior to the  consummation  of such  acquisition,  the  Holders  shall have
received a  certificate  of the chief  financial  or  accounting  officer of the
Company (or its chief  executive  officer if the  Company  does not have a chief
financial  or  accounting  officer  at such  time)  with  detailed  calculations
establishing  to the reasonable  satisfaction  of the Majority  Holders that the
foregoing requirement has been satisfied.

     "Permitted  Business"  means  any  business  in which the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries  are  engaged  on the  Issuance  Date  or any  business  reasonably
related, incidental or ancillary thereto (including,  without limitation,  media

     "Permitted Liens" means Liens expressly  permitted to exist by the terms of
Section 6.11 hereof.

     "Person"  means  an  individual  or  a  corporation,   partnership,  trust,
incorporated or unincorporated association,  joint venture, joint stock company,
government (or any agency or political  subdivision  thereof) or other entity of
any kind.


     "PIK Warrants" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(c)(i).

     "PIK Notes" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(c)(i).

     "Plan" means any employee  benefit plan as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA
to which the Company,  any Subsidiary or any ERISA Affiliate has, or, within the
six years preceding the date of this Agreement, had, any liability or in respect
of which the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company or any ERISA  Affiliate is
(or, if such plan were  terminated,  would under Section 4069 of ERISA be deemed
to be) an "employee' as defined in Section 3(5) of ERISA.

     "Pro  Forma  Financial  Statement"  has the  meaning  provided  in  Section

     "Purchaser" means CIBC Wood Gundy Capital Corp. or any of its Affiliates.

     "Qualified Plan" means a Plan (other than a Multiemployer Plan) which is "a
pension plan" (as defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA) intended to be tax-qualified
under Section 401 (a) of the Code.

     "Regulatory Problem" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.21(b).

     "Regulatory Violation" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.20(d).

     "Registration  Rights  Agreement"  means the Registration and Equity Rights
Agreement, dated as of November 25, 1998, between the Company and the Purchaser,
in the form attached as Exhibit C to this Agreement, as amended, supplemented or
otherwise modified from time to time.

     "Restricted  Payment" means (a) any dividend or other  distribution  on any
shares of the Capital Stock of the Company (except  dividends  payable solely in
shares of its  Capital  Stock) or (b) any  payment on  account of the  purchase,
redemption,  retirement or acquisition of (i) any shares of the Capital Stock of
the Company or (ii) any option,  warrant or other right to acquire shares of the
Capital Stock of the Company.

     "Rule 144A" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.03(a).

     "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "Senior Credit Agreement" means the Credit Agreement, dated as of March 24,
1998,  among the Company,  the lenders from time to time  parties  thereto,  and
Canadian  Imperial  Bank  of  Commerce,  as  Administrative  Agent,  as  amended
(including  any  amendment  and  restatement),   modified,   renewed,  refunded,
replaced,  increased or refinanced  from time to time,  whether with the same or
different lenders and agents and whether in the same or a different structure.


     "Senior Credit  Facilities"  means all Debt and other obligations from time
to time  owing  pursuant  to the Senior  Credit  Agreement  and the other  "Loan
Documents"  as  defined  therein,   including  any  related  notes,  guarantees,
collateral   documents,   instruments  and  agreements  executed  in  connection
therewith,   and  in  each  case  as  amended   (including   any  amendment  and
restatement),  modified,  renewed, refunded,  replaced,  increased or refinanced
from time to time, provided that the principal amount of all such Debt under all
such  Senior  Credit  Facilities  does  not  exceed   $75,000,000  at  any  time
outstanding, plus the amount of any additional Debt incurred thereunder pursuant
to Section 6.08(f).

     "Senior  Debt"  means  (a) all Debt  outstanding  under the  Senior  Credit
Facilities with respect to which a lender under the Senior Credit  Facilities or
any of its Affiliates is a counterparty,  including, without limitation, in each
case,  principal,  premium,  interest (including interest accruing subsequent to
the filing of, or which would have accrued but for the filing of, a petition for
bankruptcy,  whether  or  not  such  interest  is an  allowable  claim  in  such
bankruptcy  proceeding),  fees  and  expenses  relating  thereto,  (b) all  Debt
incurred by the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  that  consists of Capital  Lease
Obligations, (c) any other Debt permitted to be incurred by the Company pursuant
to clauses (a), (c), (e), (f), (g), (h)(x),  (h)(y), (k) and (m) of Section 6.08
unless such Debt expressly provides that it is not senior in right of payment to
the Notes and (d) all obligations with respect to the foregoing. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary in the foregoing,  Senior Debt will not include (i) any
liability for federal, state, local or other taxes owed or owing by the Company,
(ii)  any  Debt  of the  Company  owing  to any of  its  Subsidiaries  or  other
Affiliates,  (iii)  any trade  payables  or (iv) any Debt  that is  incurred  in
violation of this Agreement.

     "Small Concern" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.19.

     "Subordinated Obligations" has the meaning set forth in Section 9.01.

     "Subsidiary"  means,  with respect to any Person,  any corporation or other
entity of which a majority of the  capital  stock or other  ownership  interests
having  ordinary  voting  power to elect a majority of the board of directors or
other  persons  performing  similar  functions  are  at  the  time  directly  or
indirectly owned by such Person.

     "SuperGraphics"  means  SuperGraphics  Holding  Company,  Inc.,  a Delaware

     "SuperGraphics  Corporation" means SuperGraphics  Corporation, a California
corporation, a wholly-owned Subsidiary of SuperGraphics.

     "SuperGraphics  Acquisition" means the proposed  acquisition by the Company
of  SuperGraphics  and  SuperGraphics  Corporation  pursuant to the  Acquisition

     "Taxee" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.07(a).


     "Transfer"  means any  disposition  of Notes that would  constitute  a sale
thereof under the Securities Act.

     "U.S.  GAAP" means generally  accepted  accounting  principles as in effect
from time to time in the United States of America.

     "Voting  Stock"  means,  in respect of any Person,  any class or classes of
Capital  Stock of such Person  pursuant to which the  holders  thereof  have the
general voting power under ordinary  circumstances  to elect at least a majority
of the board of directors,  managers or trustees of such Person (irrespective of
whether or not, at the time,  stock of any other class or classes shall have, or
might have, voting power by reason of the happening of any contingency).

     "Warrants" means the warrants to purchase common stock of the Company to be
issued  pursuant  to the  Warrant  Agreement,  including  any  PIK  Warrants  or
Contingent Warrants.

     "Warrant  Agreement" means the warrant agreement,  dated as of November 25,
1998, between the Company and the Purchaser in the form attached as Exhibit B to
this  Agreement,  as amended,  supplemented  or otherwise  modified from time to

     "Warrant Shares" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.01(n).

     Section  1.02.  ACCOUNTING  TERMS  AND  DETERMINATIONS.   Unless  otherwise
specified  herein,  all accounting  terms used herein shall be interpreted,  all
accounting  determinations hereunder shall be made, and all financial statements
required to be delivered  hereunder  shall be prepared in  accordance  with U.S.
GAAP applied on a consistent basis.

                                   ARTICLE 2.

     Section 2.01. COMMITMENT TO PURCHASE.

     (a) Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and in reliance on
the  representations  and warranties of the Company  contained herein and in the
other Financing  Documents,  the Company may at its option issue and sell to the
Purchaser  on the Issuance  Date,  and the  Purchaser  agrees to purchase on the
Issuance Date, Notes in an aggregate  outstanding  principal amount equaling the
Purchaser's  Commitment.  The purchase  price for the Notes shall be 100% of the
principal amount thereof.

     The Company and the Purchaser  hereby  acknowledge and agree that the Notes
and the  Warrants are part of an  investment  unit within the meaning of Section
1273(c)(2) of the Code.  Any other  provision of this  Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding,  the Company and the Purchaser  hereby further  acknowledge and
agree that the total issue price of the investment  unit consisting of the Notes
(other than the PIK Notes) and Warrants  (other than the PIK  Warrants)  for all
federal,  state and local  income tax  purposes  is $1,000 per  investment  unit
comprised of


$995 per $1,000 principal amount of each such Note and $5 per each such Warrant.
All federal,  state and local  income tax returns  shall be filed by the Company
and the  Purchaser  in a manner  consistent  in all material  respects  with the
provisions of this clause (a) of Section 2.01.
                   ----------    ------------

     (b) The Commitment will terminate (the "Expiration Date") at 5:00 P.M. (New
York City time) on December 7, 1998 (if such date occurs  prior to the  Issuance
Date);  provided,  that if at any time on or after  the date  hereof an Event of
Default shall have occurred and be  continuing,  the Purchaser may at its option
terminate  its  Commitment  by notice to the  Company,  such  termination  to be
effective  upon the  giving  of such  notice;  and  provided,  further  that the
                                                    --------   -------
Commitment shall automatically  terminate,  without notice to the Company or any
other action on the part of the  Purchaser,  upon the  occurrence  of any of the
events specified in Sections 7.01(e) and 7.01(f) with respect to the Company.

      (c) The  Commitment is not revolving in nature,  and principal  amounts of
Notes prepaid in accordance with Section 2.06 may not be resold hereunder to the
Purchaser or any other Person.

      Section 2.02.  TAKEDOWN PROCEDURES.

     (a) The Company shall give the  Purchaser  notice not later than 11:00 A.M.
(New York City time) at least one (but not more than five)  Business  Days prior
to the  proposed  purchase  and  sale  of  Notes,  which  notice  shall  specify
$10,000,000  as the  principal  amount of Notes to be purchased and sold and the
proposed Issuance Date (which shall be a Business Day).

     (b) On the Issuance Date, the Purchaser shall deliver by wire transfer,  to
the account  number of the Company  specified by the Company in writing no later
than 2:00 P.M. (New York City time) one Business Day prior to the Issuance Date,
immediately  available funds in an amount equal to the aggregate  purchase price
of the Notes to be purchased by the Purchaser  hereunder on such Issuance  Date,
less the  aggregate  amount  of fees  (if any)  payable  by the  Company  to the
Purchaser on such date pursuant to Section 2.03 and expenses (if any) payable to
the Purchaser on such date pursuant to Section 11.04.

     (c) On the Issuance Date, against payment as set forth in subsection (b) of
this Section  2.02,  the Company  shall  deliver to the  Purchaser a single Note
representing  the  aggregate  principal  amount of Notes to be  purchased by the
Purchaser  registered  in the name of the  Purchaser,  or, if  requested  by the
Purchaser,  separate  Notes in such other  denominations  and registered in such
name or names as shall be  designated  by the Purchaser by notice to the Company
at least one Business Day prior to the Issuance Date.

     Section 2.03.  FEES.  The Company shall pay the Purchaser such fees at such
times as is set forth in the Fee Letter.

     Section  2.04.  MANDATORY  TERMINATION  OF  COMMITMENT.  Subject to Section
2.01(b), the Commitment shall terminate at 5:00 P.M. (New York City time) on the
Expiration Date.


     Section 2.05. INTEREST.

     (a) Interest on each Note shall be payable  quarterly  in arrears,  on each
Interest  Payment  Date of each  year in which  such Note  remains  outstanding,
commencing  with the first  Interest  Payment  Date  after the date of  issuance
thereof,  on the principal sum of such Note  outstanding.  Interest on each Note
shall be  calculated  at the rates per annum set forth  below,  and shall accrue
from and including the most recent  Interest  Payment Date to which interest has
been paid on such Note (or if no interest  has been paid on such Note,  from the
date of issuance  thereof) to but excluding the date on which payment in full of
the principal sum of such Note has been made.

     (b) The  interest  rate  applicable  to each Note shall be a rate per annum
equal to the sum of (i) 12.50% plus (ii) an additional  percentage  amount equal
to 0.25% from and including the first day following the first anniversary of the
Issuance Date and  increasing by 0.25%  effective on the first day following the
last day of each 90-day period occurring thereafter until the date the principal
amount of, all premiums, if any, and all accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on
such Note is paid in full. Interest on each Note will be calculated on the basis
of a 360-day year and paid for the actual number of days elapsed.

     (c) Interest on each Note shall be payable in cash, except as follows:

          (i) Until  and  including  the  Interest  Payment  Date  occurring  on
     November 30, 1999 (each  Interest  Payment Date  occurring  after such date
     being a "Cash Interest  Payment Date"),  interest on each  outstanding Note
     shall  be  paid,  at the  sole  option  of the  Holder,  (x) in the form of
     additional  Notes,  substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto (any such
     additional Notes issued pursuant to this clause (c) being "PIK Notes"),  in
     a principal  amount equal to the amount of interest due on such outstanding
     Note, or (y) in the form of Common Stock, which, for purposes hereof, shall
     be valued at the  greater  of $5.00 per share or, so long as such  stock is
     publicly  traded on a  national  securities  exchange,  80% of the  average
     closing  price of such Common  Stock for the 10-day  period ended as of the
     Interest  Payment  Date for such  interest.  Also at the sole option of the
     Holder,  in lieu of shares of Common  Stock  pursuant  to clause (y) above,
     such  Holder  may elect to receive  additional  Warrants  ("PIK  Warrants")
     pursuant to the Warrant Agreement,  which PIK Warrants shall be exercisable
     into the number of shares of Common Stock which would have been received by
     such Holder  pursuant to clause (y) above.  Each Holder  shall give written
     notice of its election to receive PIK Notes,  PIK Warrants or Common Stock,
     as the case may be,  not more than 5 days  prior to the  relevant  Interest
     Payment Date.

          (ii) Beginning with the first Cash Interest  Payment Date and for each
     Interest  Payment Date  thereafter,  interest  payable on any such Interest
     Payment Date shall be paid in PIK Notes if:


               (x) (1) the  Leverage  Ratio is greater than or equal to 2.0 to 1
          and (2) the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio (including interest payable on
          such Interest Payment Date) is less than 1.25 to 1; or

               (y) (1) the  Leverage  Ratio  is less  than  2.0 to 1 and (2) the
          Fixed  Charge  Coverage  Ratio  (including  interest  payable  on such
          Interest Payment Date) is less than 1.20 to 1.

     In the event that interest on the Notes is required to be paid in PIK Notes
     pursuant to this clause (ii), such PIK Notes shall be in a principal amount
     equal to the amount of interest due on such outstanding Notes.

          (iii) If, in accordance with clause (ii) above, the Company determines
     to pay interest in cash on a Cash Interest Payment Date, the Company shall,
     at least 10 Business Days prior to such Cash Interest Payment Date, deliver
     to the  Administrative  Agent (as defined in the Senior Credit Agreement) a
     Cash Payment  Notice (as defined  below).  If, at least two  Business  Days
     prior to such Cash Interest Payment Date, the Administrative  Agent (in its
     sole  discretion)  notifies the Company in writing that the  Administrative
     Agent  opposes  the payment of such  interest by the Company in cash,  then
     such cash  interest  shall not be paid in cash but shall instead be paid in
     the form of PIK Notes as provided in clause (ii) above;  provided  that, if
     upon  delivery  of  the  audited  financial  statements  (relating  to  the
     financial  calculations  set  forth in such  Cash  Payment  Notice)  of the
     Company  pursuant to Section  6.01(a),  the  computation  of such financial
     calculations  are shown to be correct,  such PIK Notes  (together  with all
     accrued and unpaid interest thereon) delivered as a result of the operation
     of this  clause  (iii)  shall  be  payable  in cash on the  next  occurring
     Interest  Payment Date. For purposes of this clause,  "Cash Payment Notice"
     means a written notice delivered by the Company to the Administrative Agent
     at least 10  Business  Days  prior to any Cash  Interest  Payment  Date and
     certified by the chief  financial or accounting  officer of the Company (or
     its chief executive  officer if the Company does not have a chief financial
     or  accounting  officer  at  such  time)  certifying  compliance  with  the
     financial  calculations set forth in Section 2.05(b)(ii) for the purpose of
     permitting  interest on the Notes to be paid in cash on such Cash  Interest
     Payment Date.


     (a) The Notes shall mature on the Maturity Date.

     (b) The Company at its option may, upon two Business  Days' written  notice
to the Holders,  at any time,  prepay all or any part of principal amount of the
Notes at a redemption price equal to the sum of (x) 100% of the principal amount
of the Notes so prepaid,  (y) accrued  interest on the  principal  amount of all
such Notes to the date of  prepayment  and (z) the  Applicable  Premium  then in
effect on the principal amount of all such Notes other than PIK Notes.


     (c) The Company shall (i) within five days of receipt by the Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  of the Net Cash  Proceeds  of any Debt  Incurrence  or any
Equity  Issuance  (that does not result in a Change of Control)  and (ii) within
thirty days of receipt by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries of the Net Cash
Proceeds  of  any  conveyance,  sale,  lease,  assignment,   exchange  or  other
disposition  for cash of any asset or group of assets  not made in the  ordinary
course of business (including, without limitation,  insurance proceeds paid as a
result of any destruction,  casualty or taking of any property of the Company or
any Subsidiary), by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, in each case, to the
extent not required to be used to repay  Designated  Senior Debt and not subject
to any period during which the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  may reinvest
such proceeds prior to a requirement to repay Designated  Senior Debt,  redeem a
principal  amount of the  Notes  equal to the  amount of such Net Cash  Proceeds
(less any amounts  not  required  to be paid as a result of the  requirement  in
subsection (d) of this Section 2.06), at a redemption  price equal to the sum of
(x) 100% of the principal  amount of the Notes so prepaid,  (y) accrued interest
on the principal  amount of all such Notes to the date of prepayment and (z) the
Applicable  Premium  then in effect on the  principal  amount of all such  Notes
other than PIK Notes;  provided  that Net Cash  Proceeds  need not be applied as
required  pursuant to clause  (c)(ii) to the extent that such Net Cash  Proceeds
are applied to replace,  repair or rebuild the  property  that was the source of
such Net Cash  Proceeds  within  180 days  after  the  receipt  of such Net Cash

     (d) The Company shall (i) upon the occurrence of a Change of Control, offer
to redeem from each  Holder all (and not less than all) of the then  outstanding
Notes of such  Holder  at a  redemption  price  equal  to 101% of the  aggregate
principal  amount thereof then outstanding plus all accrued and unpaid interest,
within  30  days of the  occurrence  of  such  Change  of  Control  and  (ii) on
presentation and surrender of any Notes by any Holder  (including any portion of
the Notes  held by such  Holder)  in  connection  therewith  on or prior to such
thirtieth  day,  such Notes  shall be paid and  redeemed  by the Company at such
redemption price no later than such thirtieth day.

     (e) Any prepayment of the Notes  pursuant to Section  2.06(b) shall be in a
minimum  amount of at least  $100,000,  unless  less than  $100,000 of the Notes
remain  outstanding,  in  which  case  all of the  Notes  must be  prepaid.  Any
prepayment of the Notes pursuant to Section 2.06(c) shall be in a minimum amount
which is a  multiple  of $1,000  times the number of Holders at the time of such

     (f) Other than pursuant to Section 2.06(d), any partial prepayment shall be
made so that the Notes then held by each Holder  shall be prepaid in a principal
amount  which  shall  bear the same  ratio,  as  nearly  as may be, to the total
principal  amount being  prepaid as the  principal  amount of such Notes held by
such  Holder  shall  bear to the  aggregate  principal  amount of all Notes then
outstanding.  In the event of any  partial  prepayment  (including  pursuant  to
Section  2.06(d)),  upon  presentation of any Note the Company shall execute and
deliver to or on the order of the Holder,  at the expense of the Company,  a new
Note in principal  amount  equal to the  remaining  outstanding  portion of such


     (g) All payments made pursuant to this Section 2.06 shall be made in cash.

     Section 2.07. TAXES.

     (a)  For the  purposes  of this  Section,  the  following  terms  have  the
following meanings:

     "Taxes" means any and all present or future taxes, duties, levies, imposts,
deductions,  charges or withholdings  with respect to any payment by the Company
pursuant to this  Agreement or under any Note or any other  Financing  Document,
and  all  liabilities  with  respect  thereto,  excluding,  in the  case  of the
Purchaser or any other Holder,  taxes imposed on the net income of the Purchaser
or such Holder and  franchise or similar  taxes imposed on the net income of the
Purchaser  or such  Holder,  by a  jurisdiction  under  the  laws of  which  the
Purchaser or such Holder is organized or in which its principal executive office
or the office holding any Notes or any Financing Document is located.

     "Other  Taxes" means any present or future stamp or  documentary  taxes and
any other excise or property taxes,  or similar  charges or levies,  which arise
from any payment made pursuant to this  Agreement or under any Note or any other
Financing Document or from the execution, delivery, registration, recordation or
enforcement  of, or otherwise with respect to, this Agreement or any Note or any
other Financing Document.

     (b) All  payments by the Company to or for the account of the  Purchaser or
any other Holder under any Financing  Document  shall be made without  deduction
for any Taxes or Other Taxes; provided that, if the Company shall be required by
law to deduct any Taxes or Other  Taxes from any such  payment,  the sum payable
shall be increased  as  necessary  so that after making all required  deductions
(including  deductions  applicable  to  additional  amounts  payable  under this
Section),  the  Purchaser or such Holder (as the case may be) receives an amount
equal to the sum it would have received had no such  deductions  been made,  the
Company  shall  make such  deductions,  the  Company  shall pay the full  amount
deducted to the relevant  taxation  authority or other  authority in  accordance
with  applicable law and the Company shall promptly  furnish to the Purchaser or
such Holder (as the case may be) the  original or a certified  copy of a receipt
or other documentation available to the Company evidencing payment thereof

     (c) The Company agrees to indemnify the Purchaser and each other Holder for
the full amount of Taxes and Other Taxes  (including,  without  limitation,  any
Taxes or Other Taxes  imposed or  asserted  (whether  or not  correctly)  by any
jurisdiction  on amounts  payable  under this  Section) paid by the Purchaser or
such  Holder  (as the  case  may be) and  any  liability  (including  penalties,
interest and expenses) arising therefrom or with respect thereto.

     (d) The Company shall have no obligation for Taxes under Section 2.07(b) or
Section 2.07(c) for or on account of:


               (i) any Taxes  (other than Other  Taxes) that would not have been
          so imposed but for the  existence of any present or former  connection
          between the  Purchaser or Holder or other than sole  beneficial  owner
          (or between a fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary,  member, or shareholder
          of, or possessor of a power over, the Purchaser,  Holder or beneficial
          owner, if the Purchaser,  Holder or beneficial  owner is an estate,  a
          trust, a partnership or corporation) and the jurisdiction imposing the
          Tax other than merely holding such Note or any Financing Document,  or
          the  receipt  of  payments  in  respect  thereof,  including,  without
          limitation,  the  Purchaser,  Holder  or  beneficial  owner  (or  such
          fiduciary,  settlor,  beneficiary,  member, shareholder, or possessor)
          being or having been a citizen or resident thereof, or being or having
          been   engaged  in  a  trade  or   business   or  having  a  permanent
          establishment or other fixed base therein, or making or having made an
          election  the effect of which is to subject the  Purchaser,  Holder or
          beneficial  owner (or such fiduciary,  settler,  beneficiary,  member,
          shareholder, or possessor) to such Tax;

               (ii) any  Taxes in the  nature  of  estate,  inheritance  or gift

               (iii)  any Tax that is  imposed  or  withheld  by  reason  of the
          failure of the Holder or  beneficial  owner of a Note to comply with a
          written request by the Company, addressed to such Holder or beneficial
          owner, to provide information concerning the nationality, residence or
          identity  of such  Holder  or  beneficial  owner,  if  providing  such
          information  under a statute,  treaty,  regulation  or  administrative
          practice  of the  jurisdiction  imposing  such Tax  would  result in a
          complete exemption from such Tax;

               (iv) any Taxes  imposed on any payment on a Note to a Holder that
          is a  fiduciary  or  partnership  or  other  beneficial  owner of such
          payment to the extent a  beneficiary  or settlor  with respect to such
          fiduciary or a member of such  partnership or a beneficial owner would
          not have been  entitled to the payment of taxes had such  beneficiary,
          settlers member or beneficial  owner directly  received its beneficial
          or distributive share of such payment; and

               (v) any combination of items (i) through (iv) above.

      (e) If the Company determines in good faith that a reasonable basis exists
for  contesting  the  imposition  of a Tax or  Other  Tax  with  respect  to the
Purchaser or a Holder,  the Purchaser or Holder shall cooperate with the Company
in  challenging  such  Tax or Other  Tax at the  Company's  expense  (including,
without  limitation,  any  additional  costs,  expenses or Taxes incurred by the
Purchaser or Holder,  as the case may be, as a result of such contesting of such
Taxes) if  requested  by the Company;  provided,  however,  that nothing in this
                                       --------   -------
Section  2.07(e)  shall require the Purchaser or Holder to submit to the Company
any tax returns or any part thereof, or to prepare or file any tax returns other
than as the Purchaser or Holder in it sole discretion shall determine.


     (f) The  Purchaser and each Holder  agrees,  to the extent  reasonable  and
without  material  cost to it, to  cooperate  with the Company to  minimize  any
amounts payable by the Company under this Section 2.07.

                                   ARTICLE 3.

     Each of the Company  and, as regards  itself only,  each of the  Guarantors
represents and warrants to the Purchaser (both before and after giving effect to
the issuance of the Notes) as set forth below:


     (a) The Company (i) is a corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly existing
and in good standing under the laws of its  jurisdiction of  incorporation,  and
(ii) has (A) all corporate  powers and (B) all material  governmental  licenses,
authorizations,  consents and approvals required to carry on its business as now
conducted and as proposed to be conducted after the Issuance Date, except in the
case of clause (a)(ii)(B),  where the failure to do so would not have a Material
Adverse Effect.

     (b) Each  Guarantor (i) is a  corporation  duly  incorporated,  and validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of its respective  jurisdiction  of
organization,  and  (ii)  has  (A) all  corporate  powers  and (B) all  material
governmental licenses, authorizations,  consents and approvals required to carry
on its  business as now  conducted  and as proposed  to be  conducted  after the
Issuance Date, except in the case of clause (b)(ii)(B),  where the failure to do
so would not have a Material Adverse Effect.


     (a) The execution, delivery and performance by the Company of the Financing
Documents  and the  issuance  of the  Notes by the  Company  have  been duly and
validly  authorized and are within its corporate  powers.  Each of the Financing
Documents  (other  than  the  Notes)  to  which  it is a  party  has  been  duly
authorized,  executed and delivered by the Company and constitutes its valid and
binding  agreement   enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  subject  to
applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency and other similar laws affecting  creditors'
rights  generally  and  equitable  principles  of  general  applicability.  When
executed and  delivered by the Company  against  payment  therefor in accordance
with the terms hereof,  the Notes will constitute valid and binding  obligations
of  the  Company,  enforceable  in  accordance  with  their  terms,  subject  to
applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency and other similar laws affecting  creditors'
rights generally and equitable principles of general applicability.

     (b) The  execution,  delivery and  performance by each of the Guarantors of
the  Financing  Documents  to which it is a party  have  been  duly and  validly
authorized and are within the corporate  powers of each of the Guarantors.  Each
of the Financing  Documents to which each


of the Guarantors is a party has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
it and  constitutes its valid and binding  agreement,  enforceable in accordance
with its terms, subject to applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency and other similar
laws affecting  creditors' rights generally and equitable  principles of general

     (c) The  Warrants  have been  duly  authorized  by the  Company  and,  when
executed and  authenticated  pursuant to the terms of the Warrant  Agreement and
delivered to the Purchaser pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, will be
valid  and  binding  obligations  of  the  Company,  enforceable  against  it in
accordance with their terms,  subject to applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency and
other  similar  laws  affecting   creditors'   rights  generally  and  equitable
principles of general applicability.

     (d) The Warrant Shares to be issued upon exercise of the Warrants have been
duly  authorized  and reserved for issuance by the Company and will be issued at
the times and in the manner  required by the  Warrant  Agreement  and,  upon due
exercise of a Warrant,  the Warrant Shares issued will be validly issued,  fully
paid and nonassessable.


     (a) No action by or in respect of, or filing with, any  governmental  body,
agency or governmental official is required for (i) the due execution,  delivery
or performance by the Company of any of the Financing Documents to which it is a
party,  (ii) the  issuance  and  sale of the  Notes by the  Company,  (iii)  the
issuance and delivery of the Warrants or the Warrant  Shares by the Company,  or
(iv) the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, except
for such  actions  and  filings  which (x) have been taken or made and remain in
full  force and  effect,  or (y) if not taken or made,  will not have a material
adverse effect on the validity or enforceability of the Financing Documents.

     (b) No action by or in respect of, or filing with, any  governmental  body,
agency or governmental  official is required for (i) the execution,  delivery or
performance by any of the Guarantors of any of the Financing  Documents to which
it is a party or (ii) the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby
or thereby,  except such  actions and filings  which (i) have been taken or made
and remain in full force and  effect,  or (ii),  if not taken or made,  will not
have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the  validity  or  enforceability  of the
Financing Documents.

     Section 3.04. CONTRAVENTION.

     (a) The execution and delivery by the Company of the Financing Documents to
which it is a party did not and will not,  the issuance and sale of the Notes by
the Company  will not, the issuance and delivery of the Warrants and the Warrant
Shares  by the  Company  will  not,  and the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby will not, (A) contravene or constitute a default
under or violation of any  provision of (i) any  applicable  law or  regulation,
(ii)  any  of  its  Corporate  Documents  or  (iii)  any  agreement,   judgment,
injunction,  order,  decree or other  instrument  binding  upon it or any of its
assets,  except in the


case of clauses (i) and (iii), for such  contraventions,  defaults or violations
that would not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect, or
(B) result in the creation or imposition of any Lien on any asset of the Company
or any of its  Subsidiaries  other than Liens created or imposed pursuant to the
Senior Credit Facilities.

     (b) The execution  and delivery by each of the  Guarantors of the Financing
Documents to which it is a party did not and will not, and the  consummation  of
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby will not, (A)  contravene or
constitute a default under or violation of any  provision of (i) any  applicable
law or  regulation,  (ii) any of its Corporate  Documents of any  Guarantor,  or
(iii) any agreement,  judgment,  injunction,  order,  decree or other instrument
binding  upon it or any of its  assets,  except,  in the case of clauses (i) and
(iii), for such contraventions, defaults or violations that would not reasonably
be  expected  to result  in a  Material  Adverse  Effect,  or (B)  result in the
creation or imposition of any Lien on any asset of any Guarantor, the Company or
any of its  Subsidiaries  other than Liens  created or imposed  pursuant  to the
Senior Credit Facilities.

      Section 3.05.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION.

     (a) The combined  balance sheets of the Company and its  Subsidiaries as of
August 31,  1996,  August 31, 1997 and August 31, 1998 and the related  combined
statements  of profit and loss and cash flows for the fiscal  years ended August
31, 1996, August 31, 1997 and August 31, 1998 (collectively, the "Base Financial
Statements"),  audited by Ernst & Young LLP, which  financial  statements  shall
have been prepared in conformity  with U.S.  GAAP,  and shall fairly present the
combined  financial  position  of such  entities  as of each such date and their
combined results of operations,  changes in stockholders'  equity and cash flows
for each such period.

     (b) The pro forma  combined  balance  sheet as of August  31,  1998 and the
related pro forma combined  statement of profit and loss for the period ended as
of such date have been prepared on a basis  consistent  with the Base  Financial
Statements of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  and give effect to  assumptions
used in the  preparation  thereof  on a  reasonable  basis and in good faith and
present fairly the historical transactions (including the Kwik Acquisition,  the
Mega Art Acquisition,  and the Hy Zazula Acquisition) and proposed  transactions
contemplated  hereby  and by  the  SuperGraphics  Acquisition  (the  "Pro  Forma
Financial Statements").

     (c) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.05(c), there has occurred no material
adverse change in the business, condition (financial or otherwise),  operations,
properties or prospects of the Company and its  Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole,
since August 31, 1998.

     Section 3.06. LITIGATION. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.06, there is no
action,  suit or  proceeding  pending or, to the knowledge of the Company or the
Guarantors, threatened against the Company, any of its Subsidiaries, any Plan or
any fiduciary of any Plan or any Guarantor before any court or arbitrator or any
governmental  body,  agency or official which is reasonably  likely to result in
(x) an adverse  decision which could have a material  adverse effect on any such


Person, any of the Financing Documents or the SuperGraphics Acquisition or (y) a
Material Adverse Effect.

     Section  3.07.  ENVIRONMENTAL  MATTERS.  Except  to  the  extent  that  the
following  would not  reasonably  be  expected  to result in a Material  Adverse
Effect and except as set forth on Schedule 3.07:

     (a) No  property  owned,  leased or  operated  by the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries is affected by any Hazardous Materials Contamination.

     (b) No asbestos or asbestos-containing  materials are present on any of the
properties now or previously owned,  leased or operated by the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries.

     (c) No polychlorinated biphenyls in regulated concentrations are located on
or in any properties now or previously owned,  leased or operated by the Company
or any of its Subsidiaries, in the form of electrical transformers,  fluorescent
light fixtures with ballasts, cooling oils or any other device.

     (d) No  underground  storage  tanks are  located on any  properties  now or
previously owned,  leased or operated by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries,
or were located on any such property and subsequently removed or filled.

     (e) No written notice,  notification,  demand,  CERCLA-related  request for
information, complaint, citation, summons, investigation,  administrative order,
consent order or consent  agreement,  litigation  or settlement  with respect to
Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Materials  Contamination has been issued to the
Company  or is  pending,  as the case may be,  or, to the  Company's  knowledge,
proposed,  threatened  or  anticipated,  in each  case,  with  respect  to or in
connection with the operation of any properties now or previously owned,  leased
or operated by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.  Except to the extent the
following would not result in a Material Adverse Effect, all such properties and
their existing and prior uses by the Company,  and, to the Company's  knowledge,
the uses of the properties prior to the Company's ownership,  lease or operation
comply  and  at  all  times  have  complied  with  any  applicable  governmental
requirements  relating to environmental matters or Hazardous Materials and there
is no  condition  on  any  of  such  properties  which  is in  violation  of any
applicable  governmental  requirements  relating  to  Hazardous  Materials,  and
neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries  has received any  communication
from or on behalf of any governmental authority that any such condition exists.

     (f) For purposes of this Section 3.07, the terms "Company" and "Subsidiary"
shall include any business or business  entity  (including a corporation)  which
is, in whole or in part, a predecessor  of the Company or any  Subsidiary to the
extent the Company would be liable for the liabilities of such predecessor under
any applicable Environmental Laws.


     Section 3.08. TAXES.

     (a) All income tax returns and all other tax returns  which are required to
be filed by or on behalf of the Company and its Subsidiaries have been filed and
all taxes shown as due on such returns have been paid or adequate  reserves have
been  established  on the books of the  Company,  except to the extent  that the
failure to file any such returns or pay any such taxes would not  reasonably  be
expected  to result in a Material  Adverse  Effect and except for any such taxes
that are being contested in good faith by appropriate  proceedings and for which
appropriate  reserves have been  established  in accordance  with U.S. GAAP. The
charges,  accruals  and reserves on the books of the Company in respect of taxes
or other  governmental  charges have been  established  in accordance  with U.S.

     (b) There is no tax, levy, impost, deduction, charge or withholding imposed
by any governmental instrumentality either (i) on or by virtue of the execution,
delivery,  performance,  enforcement  or  admissibility  into  evidence  of  any
Financing  Document  or (ii) on any  payment  to be made by the  Company  or any
Guarantor  pursuant to any Financing  Document.  The Company is permitted  under
applicable laws to pay any additional amounts payable by it under Section 2.07.

     Section 3.09.  SUBSIDIARIES.  Other than those listed on Schedule 3.09, the
Company has no Subsidiaries.

     Section 3.10.  GOVERNMENTAL  REGULATIONS.  None of the Company,  any of its
Subsidiaries or any of the Guarantors is or will be subject to regulation  under
the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended,  the Public  Utility  Holding
Company Act of 1935, as amended,  the Federal Power Act, the Interstate Commerce
Act or to any other  statute,  rule or regulation  limiting its ability to incur
Debt for borrowed money.

     Section 3.11. FULL DISCLOSURE.  The information  heretofore furnished by or
on behalf of the  Company to the  Purchaser  in writing  for  purposes  of or in
connection with the Financing  Documents or any transaction  contemplated hereby
does not, and all such  information  hereafter  furnished by or on behalf of the
Company to any Holder will not,  contain any untrue statement of a material fact
or omit to state a  material  fact  necessary  in  order to make the  statements
contained therein,  in the light of the circumstances under which they are made,
not  misleading.  The Company has  disclosed to the  Purchaser any and all facts
which materially and adversely affect or may materially and adversely affect (to
the extent the Company can now  reasonably  foresee),  the  business,  assets or
financial  position  of the Company or the ability of the Company to perform its
obligations  under the  Financing  Documents  or to complete  the  SuperGraphics

     Section 3.12. CAPITALIZATION.  At the Issuance Date, after giving effect to
the SuperGraphics Acquisition,  the capitalization of the Company will be as set
forth on Schedule 3.12. All of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock
are,  and,  as of the time of the  issuance  of the Notes and the closing of the
SuperGraphics Acquisition, will be,


validly issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable and free and clear of any Lien or
other  right  or claim  (other  than  Liens  created  under  the  Senior  Credit
Facilities)  and the holders thereof are not entitled to any preemptive or other
similar rights.  Other than options to acquire shares of Common Stock granted to
the  Company's  employees,  and as set  forth on  Schedule  3.12,  there  are no
subscriptions,  options, warrants, rights, convertible securities,  exchangeable
securities or other agreements or commitments of any character pursuant to which
the Company is required to issue any shares of its capital stock.

     Section  3.13.  SOLICITATION.  No form of general  solicitation  or general
advertising was used by the Company or, to the best of its knowledge,  any other
Person acting on behalf of the Company, in connection with the offer and sale of
the Notes.  Neither the  Company nor any Person  acting on behalf of the Company
has, either  directly or indirectly,  sold or offered for sale to any Person any
of the Notes or any other similar security of the Company except as contemplated
by this Agreement,  and the Company  represents that neither the Company nor any
Person  acting on its behalf other than the Purchaser  and its  Affiliates  will
sell or offer for sale to any  Person  any such  security,  to, or  solicit  any
offers to buy any such  security  from,  or  otherwise  approach or negotiate in
respect  thereof with, any Person or Persons so as thereby to bring the issuance
or sale of any of the Notes within the provisions of Section 5 of the Securities

     Section 3.14. NON-FUNGIBILITY. When the Notes and Guarantees are issued and
delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement,  the Notes and Guarantees will not be of
the same class  (within  the meaning of Rule 144A under the  Securities  Act) as
securities  which are (i) listed on a national  securities  exchange  registered
under  Section  6 of  the  Exchange  Act or  (ii)  quoted  in a  U.S.  automated
inter-dealer quotation system.

     Section 3.15. PERMITS.  Except to the extent any of the following would not
result in a Material Adverse Effect:  (a) the Company and its Subsidiaries  have
all Permits as are necessary for the conduct of their  respective  businesses as
it has been carried on; (b) all such  Permits are in full force and effect,  and
each of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  has  fulfilled  and  performed  all
obligations  with  respect  to such  Permits;  (c) no event has  occurred  which
allows, or after notice or lapse of time would allow,  revocation or termination
by the issuer thereof or which results in any other  impairment of the rights of
the holder of any such Permit;  and (d) each of the Company and its Subsidiaries
has no reason to believe  that any  governmental  body or agency is  considering
limiting, suspending or revoking any such Permit.


     (a) Each of the  representations  and  warranties  of the  Company  and the
Guarantors set forth in any of the other Financing Documents is true and correct
in all material respects.

     (b) Each of the  representations  and  warranties  set  forth in any of the
Acquisition  Agreement  and each  other  document  related  thereto  is true and
correct in all material respects.


     Section  3.17.  NO  UNDISCLOSED  LIABILITIES.  The  Company has no material
liability  (absolute  or  contingent)  except  (a)  those  shown on the  audited
financial  statements  for the fiscal  year ended  August 31, 1998 and (b) those
incurred under the Financing Documents.

     Section 3.18. ERISA MATTERS. During the twelve consecutive months ending on
the date of the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement,  no steps have been
taken to terminate any Qualified Plan, and no contribution  failure has occurred
with  respect  to any  Qualified  Plan  sufficient  to give rise to a Lien under
section 302(f) of ERISA, which, in the aggregate, is reasonably expected to lead
to  liability  on the part of the  Company or any ERISA  Affiliate  in excess of
$1,000,000.  No  condition  exists or event or  transaction  has  occurred  with
respect to any  Qualified  Plan which could  reasonably be expected to result in
the incurrence by the Company of any material  liability,  fine or penalty other
than as could not  reasonably  be  expected to have a Material  Adverse  Effect.
Since the date of the last period covered by the Base Financial Statements, none
of the Company,  any Subsidiary or any ERISA Affiliate has taken any action that
could be expected to increase (i) any  contingent  liability with respect to any
post-retirement   benefit  under  a  Welfare  Plan,  other  than  liability  for
continuation  coverage  described in part 6 of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA or
(ii)  any   contingent   liability   with  respect  to  any  Qualified  Plan  or
Multiemployer Plan, except as would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

                                   ARTICLE 4.

Purchaser represents and warrants to the Company that:

     (a) the  Purchaser  is an  Accredited  Investor  within the meaning of Rule
501(a) under the  Securities  Act and the Notes to be acquired by it pursuant to
this  Agreement  are being  acquired  for its own account  without a view toward
public  distribution and the Purchaser will not offer, sell,  transfer,  pledge,
hypothecate or otherwise  dispose of the Notes unless  pursuant to a transaction
either registered under, or exempt from registration under, the Securities Act;

     (b) the  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement  and the
purchase  of the Notes  pursuant  hereto are within  the  Purchaser's  corporate
powers and have been duly and  validly  authorized  by all  requisite  corporate

     (c) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Purchaser;

     (d)  this  Agreement  constitutes  a valid  and  binding  agreement  of the
Purchaser enforceable in accordance with its terms; and

     (e) the  Purchaser  has such  knowledge  and  experience  in financial  and
business  matters so as to be capable of evaluating  the merits and risks of its
investment  in the Notes and the  Purchaser  is capable of bearing the  economic
risks of such investment.


                                   ARTICLE 5.

The  obligation  of the Purchaser to purchase the Notes to be issued and sold by
the Company on the Issuance Date is subject to the satisfaction of the following
conditions contemporaneously with such purchase:

     (a) (i)  Each of the  conditions  to the  parties'  obligations  under  the
Acquisition  Agreement  shall have been  satisfied  or,  with the prior  written
consent of the Purchaser,  waived, (ii) the SuperGraphics Acquisition shall have
been  completed  on the terms set forth in the  Acquisition  Agreement  (as such
terms may have been  amended or waived  with the consent of the  Purchaser)  and
(iii) the aggregate  amount of funds required by the Company with respect to the
SuperGraphics Acquisition (including without limitation for the payment of fees,
commissions  and expenses)  shall not exceed the sum of (x)  $18,000,000 and (y)
the Deferred Purchase Price (as defined in the Acquisition Agreement).

     (b) The  Purchaser  shall  have  received  executed  copies  of each of the
Acquisition  Agreement  and the Financing  Documents,  each of which shall be in
full force and effect and no term or condition  thereof shall have been amended,
waived or otherwise modified without the prior written consent of the Purchaser.

     (c) The  Senior  Credit  Facilities  shall be in full  force and effect and
contain covenants and other terms and conditions customary for such transactions
and satisfactory to the Purchaser.  Except as disclosed in the audited financial
statements  for the fiscal  year ended  August 31,  1998,  the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries shall have no indebtedness for borrowed money other than the Senior
Credit Facilities and the Notes.

     (d) The  Purchaser  shall  have  received  the  Base  Financial  Statements
described  in Section  3.05(a),  as well as the Pro Forma  Financial  Statements
described in Section  3.05(b),  which Pro Forma Financial  Statements shall have
been certified by the chief  financial or accounting  officer of the Company (or
its chief  executive  officer if the Company does not have a chief  financial or
accounting officer at such time) and shall have been prepared in conformity with
U.S. GAAP,  adjusted to give effect to (i) the SuperGraphics  Acquisition,  (ii)
the  historical  transactions  (including  the  Kwik  Acquisition,  the Mega Art
Acquisition,   and  the  Hy  Zazula   Acquisition)  and  proposed   transactions
contemplated by the Acquisition  Agreement,  (iii) the borrowings made under the
Senior Credit Facilities as of the Issuance Date, (iv) the purchase of the Notes
and Warrants on the Issuance Date and (v) the  application  of the proceeds from
such Purchase as  contemplated  by the  Acquisition  Agreement and the Financing

     (e) The Purchaser shall have received evidence  satisfactory to it that all
material  governmental,  shareholder  and third  party  consents  and  approvals
necessary  or  desirable  in  connection  with the issuance of the Notes and the
SuperGraphics  Acquisition  and  the  other


transactions  contemplated by the Financing  Documents and which are required by
the Acquisition Agreement have been received.

     (f)  There  shall  exist no  action,  suit,  investigation,  litigation  or
proceeding  pending or, to the Company's  knowledge,  threatened in any court or
before any arbitrator or any governmental  instrumentality that could reasonably
be expected to (i) have a material adverse effect on any Financing Document, the
Acquisition Agreement, the Notes or the SuperGraphics  Acquisition or any of the
other transactions  contemplated  thereby or hereby or (ii) result in a Material
Adverse Effect.

     (g) The Purchaser  shall have received  opinions,  dated on or prior to the
Issuance Date, of Buchanan Ingersoll Professional  Corporation,  special counsel
for  the  Company  and  each  of the  Guarantors,  in  the  form  and  substance
satisfactory to the Purchaser.

     (h) All fees  and  expenses  payable  to the  Purchaser  on or  before  the
Issuance Date  hereunder,  under the Fee Letter or otherwise in connection  with
the transactions contemplated hereby, shall have been paid in full.

     (i) The  representations  and  warranties of the Company and the Guarantors
contained in the Financing  Documents  shall be true and correct in all material
respects  on and as of the  Issuance  Date as if made on and as of such date and
each of the Company and the  Guarantors  shall have  performed and complied with
all covenants and agreements required by the Financing Documents to be performed
by it or complied with by it at or prior to the Issuance Date.

     (j) There shall not exist any Default.

     (k) The  Purchaser  shall  have  received  the  Notes to be  issued  on the
Issuance Date, duly executed by the Company in the  denominations and registered
in the names specified in or pursuant to Section 2.02.

     (l)  The   capitalization,   tax  and  corporate  and  ownership  structure
(including the Corporate  Documents) of the Company and its Subsidiaries  before
and after the consummation of the SuperGraphics  Acquisition and the issuance of
the Notes shall be consistent  with that set forth in documents  provided to the
Purchaser  prior to the date hereof or shall  otherwise be  satisfactory  to the
Purchaser in all material respects.

     (m) The Purchaser  shall have  received a  certificate  of the Secretary or
Assistant  Secretary  of the  Company  and  each  Guarantor,  dated as of a date
reasonably  satisfactory  to the  Purchaser,  certifying  (A) (i) that  attached
thereto is a true,  complete and correct copy of resolutions duly adopted by the
Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  or such  Guarantor,  as the  case may be,
authorizing  (1)  the  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of the  Financing
Documents to which it is a party, and (2) the transactions  contemplated  hereby
(including the SuperGraphics  Acquisition),  and (ii) that such resolutions have
not been amended,  modified,  revoked or rescinded, (B) as to the incumbency and
specimen  signature of each officer  executing


any Financing  Documents on its behalf,  and (C) true and complete copies of its
constituent  documents,  and  such  certificates  and the  resolutions  attached
thereto shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Purchaser.

     (n) The Company shall have executed and delivered the Warrant Agreement and
shall have executed and delivered to the Purchaser fully authenticated Warrants,
registered,  unregistered  or  registered  in blank (as the Holder may request),
representing the right to purchase, upon the terms and conditions of the Warrant
Agreement,  up to an aggregate of 640,000 shares of Common Stock  (excluding PIK
Warrants) of the Company,  calculated  after giving  effect to the  transactions
(including the SuperGraphics Acquisition), occurring on or prior to the Issuance
Date  (the  "Warrant  Shares"),  exercisable  for a  period  of ten  years at an
exercise price per share provided in the Warrant Agreement.

     (o) No additional information shall have been disclosed to or discovered by
the  Purchaser  that  is  inconsistent  with  the  information  provided  to the
Purchaser during the course of their due diligence investigations of the Company
and that the  Purchaser  reasonably  deem  materially  adverse in respect of the
condition (financial or otherwise),  business, assets, liabilities,  properties,
results of operations or prospects of the Company and its Subsidiaries.

     (p) All documentation and matters relating to the transactions contemplated
by this  Agreement,  the Financing  Documents,  the Acquisition  Agreement,  the
Senior  Credit   Facilities,   the  Warrant   Agreement  and  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby shall be  satisfactory  to the Purchaser in its
discretion,  and the Purchaser shall have received such additional certificates,
legal and other opinions and documentation as they shall reasonably request.

     (q) The Purchaser  shall have received the consent of the lenders under the
Senior Credit  Facilities,  if required,  concerning the  anticipated  terms and
conditions of the Notes, including the application of the proceeds therefrom.

     (r) The Purchaser  shall have  received a certificate  from the Company and
each  Guarantor,  dated as of a date  reasonably  satisfactory to the Purchaser,
signed  by the  chief  executive  officer  of the  Company  and each  Guarantor,
confirming all matters set forth in Sections 5.01(a), (f), (i) and (j) hereof.

                                   ARTICLE 6.

     The Company  agrees that,  from and after the Issuance  Date and so long as
any Notes remain  outstanding  and unpaid,  and for the benefit of the Purchaser
and the Holders:


     Section 6.01. INFORMATION. The Company will deliver to the Purchaser:

     (a) as soon as available,  but in any event within 90 days after the end of
each fiscal year of the Company, a copy of the consolidated balance sheet of the
Company and its consolidated  Subsidiaries as at the end of such fiscal year and
the related consolidated  statements of income and retained earnings and of cash
flows for such fiscal year,  setting forth in each case in comparative  form the
figures for the previous  fiscal year,  reported on without a "going concern" or
like  qualification or exception,  or qualification  arising out of the scope of
the  audit,  by  Ernst  &  Young,  LLP or  other  independent  certified  public
accountants of nationally recognized standing;

     (b) as soon as available,  but in any event within 45 days after the end of
each of the first three  quarterly  periods of each fiscal year of the  Company,
the unaudited  consolidated  balance  sheet of the Company and its  consolidated
Subsidiaries  as  at  the  end  of  such  quarter  and  the  related   unaudited
consolidated statements of income and retained earnings and of cash flows of the
Company and its  consolidated  Subsidiaries  for such quarter and the portion of
the fiscal year through the end of such  quarter,  setting forth in each case in
comparative  form the  figures for the  previous  year,  certified  by the chief
financial or accounting  officer of the Company (or its chief executive  officer
if the Company  does not have a chief  financial or  accounting  officer at such
time) as being  fairly  stated  in all  material  respects  (subject  to  normal
year-end audit adjustments);

     (c) concurrently with the delivery of the financial  statements referred to
in clauses (a) and (b) above and, in the case of clause (c)(i) below,  within 20
days after the end of each calendar  month, a certificate of the chief financial
or  accounting  officer of the  Company (or its chief  executive  officer if the
Company does not have a chief financial or accounting  officer at such time) (i)
stating that, to the best of such officer's  knowledge,  the Company during such
period has observed or performed all of its covenants and other agreements,  and
satisfied  every  condition,  contained  in this  Agreement  and the other  Loan
Documents  to be  observed,  performed or satisfied by it, and that such officer
has obtained no knowledge of any Default or Event of Default except as specified
in such certificate and (ii) showing in detail the calculations  supporting such
officer's  certification  of the Company's  compliance with the  requirements of
Sections 6.08 through 6.11, inclusive, on the date of such financial statements;

     (d) within five days after any  executive  officer of the  Company  obtains
knowledge of a Default if such Default is then continuing,  a certificate of the
chief  financial or  accounting  officer of the Company (or its chief  executive
officer if the Company does not have a chief financial or accounting  officer at
such time) setting forth the details thereof and the action which the Company is
taking or proposes to take with respect thereto;

     (e)  promptly  upon  the  filing  thereof,   copies  of  all  applications,
registration  statements or reports which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
shall have filed with the  Commission  or any other  national  or  international
stock exchange or any U.S. automated inter-dealer quotation system;


     (f) promptly following the commencement  thereof,  notice and a description
in reasonable detail of any litigation or proceeding to which the Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  is a party in which the amount  involved is  $1,000,000 or

     (g) promptly following the occurrence thereof,  notice and a description in
reasonable  detail of any material  adverse  change in the  business,  assets or
financial position of the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole;

     (h) promptly  following the  occurrence  thereof,  notice and a copy of any
amendment,  modification  or similar  item  entered into with respect to, or any
matured or unmatured event of default under, the Senior Credit Facilities; and

     (i) from time to time such additional  information  regarding the financial
position or business of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  as the  Purchaser may
reasonably request.

All financial  statements  delivered pursuant to clauses (a) and (b) above shall
be  complete  and  correct in all  material  respects  and shall be  prepared in
reasonable  detail  and  in  accordance  with  U.S.  GAAP  applied  consistently
throughout  the  periods  reflected  therein and with prior  periods  (except as
approved by such accountants or such officer,  as the case may be, and disclosed

     Section 6.02.  PAYMENT OF OBLIGATIONS.  The Company will pay and discharge,
and will cause each  Subsidiary to pay and discharge,  material  obligations and
liabilities,  including,  without limitation, tax liabilities, at or before such
obligations and  liabilities  become due, except where the same may be contested
in good faith by appropriate proceedings, and will maintain, and will cause each
Subsidiary to maintain,  in accordance with U.S. GAAP,  appropriate reserves for
the accrual of any of the same.

     Section 6.03.  INSURANCE.  The Company  shall,  and shall cause each of its
Subsidiaries to, keep its insurable  properties  adequately insured at all times
by financially sound and reputable insurers;  maintain such other insurance,  to
such  extent and  against  such risks,  including  fire and other risks  insured
against by extended  coverage,  as is  customary  with  companies in the same or
similar  businesses  operating in the same or similar  locations,  including (i)
public  liability  insurance  against  claims  for  personal  injury or death or
property  damage  occurring  upon,  in, about in connection  with the use of any
properties  owned,  occupied or controlled by it and (ii) business  interruption
insurance; and maintain such other insurance as may be required by law.

will continue, and will cause each Subsidiary to continue, to engage in business
of the same general type as now conducted by the Company and its Subsidiaries or
any business  reasonably  related,  incidental or ancillary thereto  (including,
without limitation,  media services),  and will preserve, renew and keep in full
force and effect, and will cause each Subsidiary to preserve,  renew and keep in
full force and effect their respective  corporate existence and their respective
rights,  privileges and franchises  necessary or desirable in the normal conduct
of business,  except that (i)


the Company may  discontinue  any immaterial line of business of the Company and
its  Subsidiaries if the Board of Directors of the Company  determines that such
discontinuation is in the best interests of the Company and not  disadvantageous
to the holder of any Note and (ii) nothing in this  Section 6.04 shall  prohibit
the merger or consolidation  of any wholly-owned  Subsidiary of the Company with
or into any other wholly-owned Subsidiary of the Company.

     Section 6.05. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.

     (a) The Company will comply,  and cause each  Subsidiary to comply,  in all
material respects with all applicable laws, ordinances,  rules, regulations, and
requirements  of  governmental   authorities  (including,   without  limitation,
Environmental  Laws and ERISA and the rules  and  regulations  thereunder  where
noncompliance could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect).

     (b) The Company will take all actions to ensure that (i) the obligations of
the Company  under the Financing  Documents are at all times valid,  binding and
enforceable  against  the  Company  in  accordance  with their  terms  under all
applicable laws, and (ii) the Financing  Documents may be admitted into evidence
in any relevant jurisdiction.


     (a) The Company will keep, and will cause each  Subsidiary to keep,  proper
books of record and account in which full,  true and  correct  entries  shall be
made  of  all  dealings  and  transactions  in  relation  to  its  business  and
activities;  and  will  permit,  and  will  cause  each  Subsidiary  to  permit,
representatives  of the Purchaser at reasonable  times and  intervals,  and upon
reasonable  notice,  to visit its  corporate  offices,  to discuss its financial
matters  with its  officers  and its  independent  public  accountants  (and the
Company hereby  authorizes such  independent  public  accountants to discuss the
Company's  financial matters with the Purchaser or its  representatives)  and to
examine any of its books or other financial records.

     (b) So long as the Purchaser  holds (x) Warrant Shares equal to at least 3%
of all  outstanding  Common Stock (on a fully diluted  basis) of the Company (or
Warrants exercisable into Warrant Shares equal to at least 3% of all outstanding
Common Stock (on a fully  diluted  basis) of the Company) or (y) any Notes,  the
Company shall give the Purchaser  written notice of each meeting of the Board of
Directors (or any committee  thereof) of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries
at the same time and in the same  manner as  notice is given to the  members  of
such Board (or such  committee)  (which  notice shall be confirmed in writing to
the  Purchaser),  and the Company and each of its  Subsidiaries  shall  permit a
representative  of the  Purchaser  to attend as an observer  all meetings of its
Board of Directors (or any such committee thereof). Such representative shall be
entitled to receive  all written  materials  and other  information  (including,
without limitation,  copies of meeting minutes) given to directors in connection
with such meetings at the same time such materials and  information are given to
the members of any such Board of Directors (or such  committee).  If the Company
or any of its  Subsidiaries  proposes  to


take  any  action  by  written  consent  in lieu of a  meeting  of its  Board of
Directors (or such  committee),  the Company and each such Subsidiary shall give
written  notice  thereof to such  representative  prior to the effective date of
such consent describing the nature and substance of such action and in any event
shall  give  prompt  written  notice  thereof to such  representative  after the
effective date of such consent.

     Section 6.07.  INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT. The Company will not be or become an
open-end  investment  trust,  unit investment  trust or face-amount  certificate
company that is or is required to be registered under the Investment Company Act
of 1940, as amended.

     Section 6.08.  LIMITATION ON DEBT.  Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary
will create, incur, assume or suffer to exist any Debt, except:

          (a) Debt  outstanding on the date of this  Agreement  (other than Debt
     incurred  under the Senior Credit  Facilities)  and  identified in Schedule
     6.08(a) and refinancings and replacements thereof in a principal amount not
     exceeding  the  principal  amount of the Debt so  refinanced or replaced on
     terms no less  favorable to the Holders of the Notes than those in place on
     the date of this Agreement and with a weighted  average life to maturity of
     not less than the then  weighted  average  life to  maturity of the Debt so
     refinanced or replaced;

          (b) Debt of the Company evidenced by the Notes;

          (c) Debt incurred  under the Senior Credit  Facilities,  not to exceed
     $75,000,000,  and refinancings  and replacements  thereof (whether with the
     same or  different  lenders and agents and whether on the same or different
     terms or in the same or  different  structure)  in a  principal  amount not
     exceeding the principal amount of the Debt so refinanced or replaced;

          (d) Debt owing to the Company or a Subsidiary;

          (e) Debt  incurred by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  that is
     represented by Capital Lease Obligations,  mortgage  financings or purchase
     money  obligations  or  otherwise  to finance the  acquisition  of fixed or
     capital assets;  provided, that the amount of such Debt does not exceed the
     fair market value of the asset so financed;

          (f) Debt that when issued will not result, on a pro forma basis, in an
                                                          --- -----
     Interest Coverage Ratio less than 2.00 to 1 for the most recent fully ended
     fiscal quarter of the Company  preceding the date of such  issuance,  which
     pro forma compliance  shall be evidenced by a certificate  delivered by the
     --- -----
     chief  financial  or  accounting  officer  of the  Company  (or  its  chief
     executive  officer  if the  Company  does  not  have a chief  financial  or
     accounting officer at such time) to the Holders setting forth in reasonable
     detail the 


     calculations  required  to  establish  whether the Company was in pro forma
     compliance with such requirement;

          (g)  other  Debt  the Net  Cash  Proceeds  of  which  are  applied  in
     accordance with Section 2.06 to prepay all amounts owing under the Notes;

          (h)  the  incurrence  by the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  of
     Hedging Obligations that are incurred for the purpose of fixing or hedging:
     (x)  interest  rate risk with  respect  to any  floating  rate Debt that is
     permitted by the terms of this  Agreement to be  outstanding;  (y) exchange
     rate risk with respect to any agreement or Debt of such Person payable in a
     currency  other than U.S.  dollars;  or (z)  commodities  risk  relating to
     commodities  agreements,  entered into in the ordinary  course of business,
     for the purchase of raw material used by the Company and its Subsidiaries;

          (i) long-term Debt for borrowed money of any Subsidiary  that is not a
     Domestic  Subsidiary,  together  with  similar such Debt listed on Schedule
     6.08(i), not to exceed $3,000,000 at any one time outstanding;

          (j) short-term Debt of Subsidiaries that are not Domestic Subsidiaries
     incurred  for working  capital  purposes,  together  with similar such Debt
     listed  on  Schedule  6.08(j),  not to  exceed  $5,000,000  at any one time

          (k) Debt of a corporation  which  becomes a Subsidiary  after the date
     hereof,  provided  that (i) such Debt existed at the time such  corporation
     became a Subsidiary  and was not created in  anticipation  thereof and (ii)
     immediately  after giving effect to the acquisition of such  corporation by
     the  Company  no Default or Event of  Default  shall have  occurred  and be
     continuing (including pursuant to clause (f) of this Section);

          (l) other unsecured Debt of the Company and it  Subsidiaries  that (i)
     has  terms  and  provisions   (including  as  to  subordination,   pricing,
     covenants,  defaults,  average  life to  maturity,  etc.) which are no more
     favorable or advantageous to the holders thereof than the comparable  terms
     and  provisions of this  Agreement  and the Notes,  (ii) is in an aggregate
     principal amount at any time outstanding not to exceed $5,000,000 and (iii)
     is incurred within 90 days of the Issuance Date; and

          (m) other  unsecured  Debt of the  Company and it  Subsidiaries  in an
     aggregate amount at any time outstanding not to exceed $5,000,000.


     (a) Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  of the Company will declare or
make any Restricted Payment.


      (b) The Company will not, and will not permit any of its  Subsidiaries to,
directly or indirectly, optionally redeem, retire, purchase, acquire, defease or
otherwise make any payment, other than required interest payments, in respect of
any Debt which is  subordinated  to or pari  passu  with the  Notes,  other than
payments in respect of Debt owing to the Company or a Subsidiary.

     Section 6.10. INVESTMENTS. The Company will not, and will not permit any of
its Subsidiaries to, make or acquire any Investment in any Person other than (i)
Investments  in existence on the date hereof and  identified  on Schedule  6.10;
(ii)  Investments in Cash  Equivalents;  (iii)  Investments  made after the date
hereof in  Persons  which  are  direct or  indirect  Subsidiaries  that are also
Guarantors  immediately  after such Investment is made; (iv)  Investments in the
form of loans to  officers,  directors  and  employees  of the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries for the sole purpose of purchasing  common stock of the Company (or
purchases  of such  loans made by  others)  in an  aggregate  amount at any time
outstanding not to exceed  $500,000;  (v) any Investment made as a result of the
receipt of non-cash consideration from any conveyance,  sale, lease, assignment,
exchange or other  disposition for cash of any asset or group of assets not made
in the ordinary  course of business  that was made pursuant to and in compliance
with Section 6.17 hereof;  (vi) any acquisition of assets solely in exchange for
the issuance of Common Stock of the Company; (vii) extensions of trade credit in
the  ordinary  course of  business  and  (viii)  any  Permitted  Acquisition  if
immediately prior to or following the consummation of such Permitted Acquisition
(including the incurrence or assumption of all Debt and the  consummation of all
transactions  related  thereto)  no  Default  shall  have  occurred  and then be

     Section  6.11.  NEGATIVE  PLEDGE.  The Company  will not create,  assume or
suffer to exist any Lien on any asset  now owned or  hereafter  acquired  by it,

          (a) the Liens identified on Schedule 6.11;

          (b)  Liens  securing  the  Senior  Credit  Facilities  and  any  other
     permitted Senior Debt;

          (c)  Liens  on  assets  of  any  Subsidiary  that  is  not a  Domestic
     Subsidiary  securing Debt of such Subsidiary  permitted by Sections 6.08(i)
     and (j);

          (d) Liens on the property or assets of a  corporation  which becomes a
     Subsidiary  after  the date  hereof  securing  Debt  permitted  by  Section
     6.08(k),  provided that (i) such Liens existed at the time such corporation
     became a Subsidiary and were not created in anticipation  thereof, (ii) any
     such Lien is not spread to cover any property or assets of such corporation
     after the time such corporation becomes a Subsidiary,  and (iii) the amount
     of Debt secured thereby is not increased; and

          (e) Liens arising in the ordinary  course of its business which (i) do
     not secure Debt,  (ii) do not secure any obligation in an amount  exceeding
     $1,000,000  and (iii) do


     not in the aggregate materially detract from the value of the assets of the
     Company and its  Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole, or materially  impair the
     use thereof in the operation of its business.

     Section 6.12. TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES.  The Company will not, and will
not permit any  Subsidiary to,  directly or indirectly,  pay any funds to or for
the  account  of,  make  any  investment  (whether  by  acquisition  of stock or
indebtedness,  by  loan,  advance,  transfer  of  property,  guarantee  or other
agreement to pay,  purchase or service,  directly or  indirectly,  any Debt,  or
otherwise) in, lease, sell transfer or otherwise dispose of any assets, tangible
or intangible,  to, or participate  in, or effect any  transaction in connection
with any joint enterprise or other joint arrangement with, any Affiliate, except
on terms to the Company or such  Subsidiary  no less  favorable  than terms that
could be obtained by the Company or such Subsidiary from a Person that is not an
Affiliate,  as  determined,  in the  case of any  transaction  with a  value  of
$500,000  or more,  in good  faith by the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company;
provided, that no determination of the Board of Directors shall be required with
respect to any of the following:  (i) transactions  entered into in the ordinary
course of business and (ii) any  transaction  among the  Purchaser or any of its
Affiliates on the one hand and the Company and any Guarantors on the other hand.

     Section 6.13.  USE OF PROCEEDS.  The proceeds from the issuance and sale of
the Notes by the Company  pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be used to fund the
SuperGraphics  Acquisition,  to pay related  fees and  expenses  and for working
capital purposes of the Company and its Subsidiaries.

     Section 6.14.  RESTRICTIONS  ON CERTAIN  AMENDMENTS.  The Company shall not
amend or waive,  or suffer to be amended or waived,  any  Corporate  Document or
Acquisition  Agreement  from  the  respective  forms  thereof  delivered  to the
Purchaser  pursuant to Section 5.01 in a way which has a material adverse effect
on the  Holders  or the  Purchaser  without  the prior  written  consent  of the

     Section 6.15. PERMANENT FINANCING.

     (a) The  Company  will,  and will cause its  Subsidiaries  to, use its best
efforts to take all actions which, in the reasonable  judgment of the Purchaser,
are  necessary or  desirable to obtain  Permanent  Financing  (having  terms and
conditions  that have been  approved as required  pursuant to the Senior  Credit
Facilities) as soon as practicable through (x) bank financing on terms usual and
customary for similar  financings  and/or (y) through  issuance of securities at
such  interest  rates and other terms as are, in the  reasonable  opinion of the
Purchaser, prevailing for new issues of securities of comparable size and credit
rating  in  the  capital  markets  at  the  time  such  Permanent  Financing  is
consummated  and obtained in  comparable  transactions  made on an  arm's-length
basis  between  unaffiliated  parties.  The  respective  amounts to be  financed
through  bank  financing  or through  the  issuance  of  securities  shall be as
determined  by the  Company,  but shall be in an amount at least  sufficient  to
repay or redeem the Notes in full in  accordance  with their terms.  The Company
hereby  covenants  and agrees that the proceeds  from such  Permanent


Financing  shall be used to the extent  required  to redeem in full the Notes in
accordance with their terms.

     (b) The Company covenants that it will, and will cause its Subsidiaries to,
use its best  efforts to enter into such  agreements  as in the  judgment of the
Purchaser are customary in connection with the Permanent Financing (having terms
and conditions that have been approved as required pursuant to the Senior Credit
Facilities),  make such filings under the Securities  Act, the Exchange Act, the
Trust  Indenture Act of 1939, as amended,  and state  securities  laws as in the
reasonable judgment of the Purchaser shall be required to permit consummation of
such Permanent Financing and take such steps as in the judgment of the Purchaser
are  necessary or desirable to cause such filings to become  effective or in the
judgment of the Purchaser are otherwise  required to consummate  such  Permanent

     Section 6.16.  ADDITIONAL SUBSIDIARY  GUARANTEES.  If the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries shall acquire or create a Domestic Subsidiary after the date of
this Agreement,  then such newly acquired or created  Domestic  Subsidiary shall
become a party to this  Agreement  as a Guarantor by executing a joinder to this
Agreement and shall  deliver to each of the Holders an Opinion of Counsel,  in a
form  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Holders.  Upon execution of such joinder,
such  Domestic  Subsidiary  shall be bound  by,  and  become  a party  to,  this
Agreement as a Guarantor  and shall agree to perform  each and every  obligation
and covenant of a Guarantor hereunder.

Company shall not, and shall not permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to, enter into
any  agreement  with  respect to or  consummate  any  conveyance,  sale,  lease,
assignment,  transfer or other  disposition of any of its property,  business or
assets (including,  without  limitation,  receivables and leasehold  interests),
whether now owned or hereafter  acquired,  unless the consideration  received by
the  Company or such  Subsidiary,  as the case may be, is at least  equal to the
fair  market  value of the assets or property  sold,  transferred  or  otherwise
disposed  of (as  determined  in good  faith by the  Board of  Directors  of the
Company), except:

          (a) the sale or other  disposition of obsolete or worn out property in
     the ordinary  course of business;  provided  that the Net Cash  Proceeds of
     each such transaction are applied in accordance with Section 2.06(c);

          (b) the sale or other  disposition  of any  property  in the  ordinary
     course of business;

          (c) the sale of inventory in the ordinary course of business;

          (d) the sale or  discount  without  recourse  of  accounts  receivable
     arising  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business  in  connection  with  the
     compromise or collection thereof;


          (e) the sale, lease, transfer or other disposition by any wholly owned
     Subsidiary  of any or all of its  assets  (upon  voluntary  liquidation  or
     otherwise) to the Company or any other wholly owned Domestic  Subsidiary of
     the Company; and

          (f) the sale or  disposition  of any  other  property  (not  including
     accounts  receivable arising in the ordinary course of business) not in the
     ordinary course of business  provided that all such sales shall not exceed,
     in the  aggregate,  $500,000  and that the  proceeds of such sales shall be
     applied in accordance with Section 2.06(c).

     Section 6.18. SALE AND LEASEBACK  TRANSACTIONS.  The Company shall not, and
shall not permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to, enter into any sale and leaseback

     Section  6.19.  BUSINESS  ACTIVITIES.  The Company  will not,  and will not
permit  any  Subsidiary  to,  engage  in any  business  other  than a  Permitted
Business,  except to such extent as would not be material to the Company and its
Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

                                   ARTICLE 7.
                                EVENTS OF DEFAULT

OF DEFAULT.  In case one or more of the following (each, an "Event of Default"),
whatever  the reason for such Event of Default and whether it shall be voluntary
or  involuntary  or be effected by operation of law or pursuant to any judgment,
decree  or  order  of  any  court  or  any  order,  rule  or  regulation  of any
administrative or governmental body, shall have occurred and be continuing:

     (a) default in the payment of all or any part of the  principal or premium,
if any,  on any of the Notes as and when the same shall  become due and  payable
either at maturity, upon any redemption, by declaration or otherwise; or

     (b) default in the payment of any  installment  of interest upon any of the
Notes or any fees  payable  under this  Agreement  or any amount  payable  under
Section 2.07 as and when the same shall  become due and payable and  continuance
of such default for a period of 10 days; or

     (c)  failure on the part of the  Company  to observe or perform  any of the
covenants  contained in Sections 6.07 through 6.19 (other than Sections 6.13 and
6.15) of this Agreement; or

     (d)  failure  on the part of the  Company  or any  Guarantor  to observe or
perform any other of the  covenants or  agreements  contained  in the  Financing
Documents, if such failure shall continue for a period of 45 days after the date
on which  written  notice  thereof  shall  have been  given to the  Company by a
Holder; or

     (e) the Company or any of its Subsidiaries  shall commence a voluntary case
or other proceeding  seeking  liquidation,  reorganization  or other relief with
respect to itself or is debts


under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect
in  any  jurisdiction  or  seeking  the  appointment  of  a  trustee,  receiver,
liquidator, custodian or other similar official of it or any substantial part of
its property,  or shall consent to any such relief or to the  appointment  of or
taking  possession  by  any  such  official  in an  involuntary  case  or  other
proceeding  commenced  against  it, or shall make a general  assignment  for the
benefit of  creditors,  or shall fail  generally  to pay As debts as they become
due, or shall take any corporate action to authorize any of the foregoing; or

     (f) an involuntary case or other proceeding shall be commenced  against the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries seeking liquidation,  reorganization or other
relief with respect to it or its debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other
similar law now or hereafter in effect or seeking the  appointment of a trustee,
receiver,  liquidator,  custodian  or  other  similar  official  of  it  or  any
substantial part of its property,  and such involuntary case or other proceeding
shall remain  undismissed  and unstayed for a period of 90 days; or an order for
relief shall be entered against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries under the
bankruptcy laws as now or hereafter in effect in any jurisdiction; or

     (g) there  shall be a default in respect of any Debt of the  Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  in an aggregate  principal  amount in excess of $5,000,000
whether such Debt now exists or shall hereafter be created (excluding the Notes)
if such default  results in  acceleration  of the maturity of such Debt;  or the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  shall fail to pay at maturity any such Debt
whether such Debt now exists or shall hereafter be created; or

     (h) a final  judgment  for the  payment of money which  exceeds  $5,000,000
shall be rendered  against the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries by a court of
competent  jurisdiction and shall remain undischarged for a period (during which
execution  shall not be  effectively  stayed)  of 60 days  after  such  judgment
becomes final; or

     (i) any of the Financing  Documents shall for any reason fail to constitute
the legal,  valid and binding agreement of the Company or any Guarantor,  as the
case may be, or any such Person shall,  directly or  indirectly,  contest in any
manner the effectiveness, validity, binding nature or enforceability thereof; or

     (j) any of the following events, to the extent that such events,  singly or
in the  aggregate,  could  reasonably be expected to give rise to a liability of
the Company, any Subsidiary or any ERISA Affiliate in excess of $1,000,000:  (i)
the Company,  any Subsidiary or any ERISA  Affiliate  shall fail to pay when due
any amount or amounts,  which such entity shall have become  liable to pay under
Title IV of ERISA;  (ii) notice of intent to terminate a Qualified Plan shall be
filed under Title IV of ERISA by the administrator of any Plan, the Company, any
Subsidiary,  any ERISA Affiliate or any combination of the foregoing;  (iii) the
PBGC shall institute  proceedings  under Title IV of ERISA to terminate,  impose
liability  (other than for premiums  due under  Section 4007 of ERISA and not in
default) in respect of or cause a trustee to be  appointed  to  administer,  any
Plan; (iv) a condition shall exist by reason of which the PBGC would be entitled
to obtain a decree  adjudicating  that any Qualified Plan be terminated;  or (v)


Company, any Subsidiary or any ERISA Affiliate shall incur a partial or complete
withdrawal from a Multiemployer Plan;

then, and in each and every such case (other than under clauses (e) and (f) with
respect  to the  Company),  unless  the  principal  of all the Notes  shall have
already  become due and payable,  the Majority  Holders (or, if at such time the
Purchaser no longer holds at least 50% of the  aggregate  outstanding  principal
amount of the Notes,  Holders of at least 33 1/3% of the  aggregate  outstanding
principal  amount of the  Notes),  by notice in writing to the  Company  and the
agent bank under the Senior Credit Facilities,  may declare the entire principal
amount of the Notes together with accrued interest thereon to be immediately due
and payable;  provided that for so long as the Senior Credit  Facilities  are in
effect,  such  acceleration  shall not become effective until the earlier of (i)
five  Business  Days  after  the  notice  of   acceleration   is  given  to  the
Administrative  Agent (as defined in the Senior  Credit  Agreement)  or (ii) the
date on which the Designated Senior Debt is accelerated.  If an Event of Default
specified in clauses (e) or (f) occurs, the principal of and accrued interest on
the Notes will be immediately due and payable without any notice, declaration or
other act on the part of the Holders.  The  Majority  Holders may annul any such
notice of acceleration  or past Defaults  (other than monetary  Defaults not yet
cured) by delivering a notice of annulment to the Company and the Administrative
Agent (as defined in the Senior Credit Agreement).

                                   ARTICLE 8.
                             LIMITATION ON TRANSFERS

     Section 8.01.  RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER.  From and after the Issuance Date,
none of the Notes shall be transferable except upon the conditions  specified in
Sections 8.02 and 8.03, which conditions are intended to ensure  compliance with
the  provisions of the  Securities Act in respect of the Transfer of any of such
Notes or any interest therein.  The Purchaser will cause any proposed transferee
of any Notes (or any interest therein) held by it to agree to take and hold such
Notes  (or  any  interest  therein)  subject  to the  provisions  and  upon  the
conditions specified in this Section 8.01 and in Sections 8.02 and 8.03.

     Section 8.02. RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS.

     (a) Each Note issued to the Purchaser or to a subsequent  transferee  shall
(unless  otherwise  permitted by the  provisions  of Section  8.02(b) or Section
8.03) include a legend in substantially the following form:




     (b) Any  Holders of Notes  registered  pursuant to the  Securities  Act and
qualified  under  applicable  state  securities  laws may exchange such Notes on
transfer  for new  securities  that  shall  not bear  the  legend  set  forth in
paragraph (a) of this Section 8.02.


     (a) Five Business Days prior to any proposed Transfer (other than Transfers
of Notes (i) registered  under the  Securities  Act, (ii) to an Affiliate of the
Purchaser  or a  general  partnership  in  which  the  Purchaser  or  any of its
Affiliates  is one of the  general  partners  or (iii) to be made in reliance on
Rule 144A  under the  Securities  Act ("Rule  144A"))  of any Notes,  the holder
thereof shall give written  notice to the Company of such holder's  intention to
effect such Transfer, setting forth the manner and circumstances of the proposed
Transfer,  and shall be  accompanied  by (i) an opinion  of  counsel  reasonably
satisfactory  to the  Company  addressed  to the  Company to the effect that the
proposed Transfer of such Notes may be effected without  registration  under the
Securities  Act,  (ii)  such  representation   letters  in  form  and  substance
reasonably  satisfactory to the Company to ensure compliance with the provisions
of the  Securities  Act and (iii) such letters in form and substance  reasonably
satisfactory to the Company from each such transferee  stating such transferee's
agreement to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Such proposed Transfer may
be effected  only if the Company  shall have  received  such notice of transfer,
opinion of counsel,  representation letters and other letters referred to in the
immediately  preceding  sentence,  whereupon  the holder of such Notes  shall be
entitled  to  Transfer  such  Notes in  accordance  with the terms of the notice
delivered by the holder to the Company.  Each Note transferred as above provided
shall bear the legend set forth in Section  8.02(a)  except that such Note shall
not bear such  legend if the  opinion  of  counsel  referred  to above is to the
further  effect that  neither  such legend nor the  restrictions  on Transfer in
Sections 8.01 through 8.03 are required in order to ensure  compliance  with the
provisions of the Securities Act.

     (b) Five  Business  Days prior to any proposed  Transfer of any Notes to be
made in reliance on Rule 144A,  the holder  thereof shall give written notice to
the Company of such holder's  intention to effect such  Transfer,  setting forth
the manner and  circumstances of the proposed  Transfer and certifying that such
Transfer  will be made  (i) in full  compliance  with  Rule  144A  and (ii) to a
transferee  that  (A)  such  holder  reasonably  believes  to  be  a  "qualified
institutional  buyer" within the meaning of Rule 144A and (B) is aware that such
Transfer will be made in reliance on Rule 144A.  Such  proposed  Transfer may be
made only if the Company shall have received such notice of transfer,  whereupon
the holder of such Notes shall be entitled to Transfer  such Notes in accordance
with the terms of the notice  delivered by the holder to the Company.  Each Note
transferred  as above  provided  shall  bear the  legend  set  forth in  Section


     (c) Any term or  provision  hereof to the contrary  notwithstanding,  in no
event may any Note be  transferred  to a  Competitor,  unless such Note has been
registered  pursuant to the Securities Act, has been  transferred in reliance on
Rule 144A under the Securities  Act or the  transferor  thereof has received the
prior written approval of the Company.

                                   ARTICLE 9.

     Section 9.01. NOTES SUBORDINATED TO SENIOR DEBT. The Company for itself and
its successors, and each Holder, by its acceptance of the Notes, agrees that the
payment of the  principal  amount of the Notes,  premium  (if any) and  interest
thereon,  any  obligation  to redeem or  repurchase  Notes,  Warrants or Warrant
Shares  pursuant to any  Financing  Documents,  and any claim for  rescission or
damages  in  respect  thereof  under  any  applicable  law  (the   "Subordinated
Obligations")  by the Company is  subordinated,  to the extent and in the manner
provided  in  this  Article  9,  to the  prior  payment  in full in cash or cash
equivalents  of all  Senior  Debt  (whether  outstanding  on the date  hereof or
hereafter  created,  incurred,  assumed  or  guaranteed);   provided,  that  the
provisions of this Article 9 do not apply to, and the Notes are not subordinated
in respect of, the  proceeds of the  Permanent  Financing.  This  Article 9 will
constitute  a  continuing  offer  to all  Persons  who,  in  reliance  upon  its
provisions,  become  holders  of, or  continue to hold,  Senior  Debt,  and such
provisions  are made for the benefit of the holders  from time to time of Senior
Debt,  and such holders are made  obligees  under this Article 9 and they and/or
each of them may enforce its provisions.


     (a) No payment will be made on account of the Subordinated Obligations,  or
to acquire any of the Notes,  Warrants or Warrant  Shares for cash,  property or
securities, or on account of the redemption provisions of the Notes, Warrants or
Warrant  Shares  or upon the  occurrence  of a Change of  Control,  (x) upon the
maturity of any Senior Debt by lapse of time, acceleration or otherwise,  unless
and  until  all such  Senior  Debt  shall  first be paid in full in cash or cash
equivalents  or provided for in cash or cash  equivalents  or provision  for the
payment in full in cash or cash equivalents have been made with respect thereto,
in each case, in a manner  satisfactory  to the holders of Senior Debt or (y) in
the event  that the  Company  defaults  in the  payment of any  principal  of or
interest on or any other amounts payable on or due in connection with any Senior
Debt when it becomes due and payable, whether at maturity or at a date fixed for
prepayment or by  declaration  or  otherwise,  unless and until such default has
been cured or waived in writing.

     (b) Upon the  occurrence of any event of default (or if an event of default
would result upon any payment with respect to the Subordinated Obligations) with
respect to any  Designated  Senior Debt,  as such event of default is defined in
the  instruments  evidencing  such  Designated  Senior Debt or under which it is
outstanding,  permitting  the holders to accelerate its maturity (if the default
is other than default in payment of the principal of or interest on or any other
amount due in connection with such Designated  Senior Debt), upon written notice
of the event of default


given to the  Company by the  holders of such  Designated  Senior Debt (or their
agent or representative),  then, unless and until such event of default has been
cured or waived in writing,  no payment will be made by the Company with respect
to the  Subordinated  Obligations  or to acquire  any of the Notes,  Warrants or
Warrant Shares for cash,  property or securities or on account of the redemption
provisions  of the  Notes,  Warrants  or  Warrant  Shares;  provided,  that  the
foregoing  will not  prevent the making of any payment for a period of more than
179 days after the date the written  notice of the default is given  unless such
Designated Senior Debt in respect of which such event of default exists has been
declared  due  and  payable  in  its  entirety  within  that  period,  and  that
declaration  has not  been  rescinded.  If such  Designated  Senior  Debt is not
declared due and payable within 179 days after the written notice of the default
is given,  promptly after the end of the 179-day period the Company will pay all
sums not paid during the 179-day  period  because of this  paragraph  (b) unless
paragraph  (a) above is then  applicable.  During any period of 360  consecutive
days only one such period  during which payment of principal of, or interest on,
the Notes may not be made may  commence  and the duration of such period may not
exceed 179 days.

     (c) If any payment or  distribution of assets of the Company is received by
any  Holder  in  respect  of the  Subordinated  Obligations  at a time when that
payment or  distribution  should not have been made because of subsection (a) or
(b) above,  such payment or distribution  will be received and held in trust for
and will be paid over to the holders of Senior Debt which is due and payable and
remains  unpaid or  unprovided  for (pro rata as to each of such  holders on the
basis of the  respective  amounts of such Senior Debt which is due and  payable)
until all such Senior Debt has been paid in full in cash or cash  equivalents or
provided for in cash or cash equivalents, in each case, in a manner satisfactory
to the  holders of Senior  Debt,  after  giving  effect to any  concurrent  cash
payment or  distribution  or  provision  therefor  to the holders of such Senior


     (a) Upon any  distribution  of assets of the Company upon any  dissolution,
winding up, liquidation or reorganization of the Company (whether in bankruptcy,
insolvency,  receivership  or similar  proceeding  related to the Company or its
property or upon an assignment  for the benefit of creditors,  any marshaling of
the Company's assets or liabilities, or otherwise):

          (i) the  holders of all Senior  Debt will first be entitled to receive
     payment in full in cash or cash  equivalents  or  provision  for payment in
     full in cash or cash equivalents in a manner satisfactory to the holders of
     Senior  Debt of the  principal  of and  interest  on Senior  Debt and other
     amounts due in connection  with Senior Debt  (including  interest  accruing
     subsequent  to an event  specified  in  Sections  7.01(e) and (f) (or which
     would  have  accrued  but for the  occurrence  of such  event)  at the rate
     provided for in the documents  governing  such Senior Debt,  whether or not
     such  interest  is an allowed  claim  enforceable  against  the debtor in a
     bankruptcy  case under  Title 11 of the  United  States


     Code), before the Holders are entitled to receive any payment on account of
     the principal of, premium (if any) or interest on the Notes;

          (ii) any payment or  distribution of assets of the Company of any kind
     or character, whether in cash, property or securities, to which the Holders
     would be entitled  except for the  provisions  of this Section 9.03 will be
     paid by the  liquidating  trustee or agent or other  person  making  such a
     payment or  distribution  directly  to the  holders of Senior Debt or their
     representatives  to the extent necessary to make payment in full in cash or
     cash  equivalents  or  provision  for  payment  in  full  in  cash  or cash
     equivalents in a manner  satisfactory  to the holders of Senior Debt of all
     Senior Debt remaining  unpaid,  after giving effect to any concurrent  cash
     payment or distribution or provision therefor to the holders of such Senior
     Debt; and

          (iii) if,  notwithstanding the foregoing,  any payment or distribution
     of  assets  of the  Company  of any  kind or  character,  whether  in cash,
     property  or  securities  is  received  by the  Holders  on  account of the
     Subordinated  Obligations before all Senior Debt is paid in full in cash or
     cash  equivalents  or provided for in cash or cash  equivalents in a manner
     satisfactory  to the holders of Senior Debt,  such payment or  distribution
     will be received and held in trust for and will be paid over to the holders
     of the  Senior  Debt  remaining  so  unpaid  or  unprovided  for  or  their
     representatives  for  application  to the payment of such Senior Debt until
     all such Senior Debt has been paid in full in cash or cash  equivalents  or
     provided for in cash or cash  equivalents in a manner  satisfactory  to the
     holders of Senior Debt,  after giving effect to any concurrent cash payment
     or distribution or provision therefor to the holders of such Senior Debt.

     (b) The  Company  will give  prompt  written  notice to the  Holders of any
dissolution,  winding up,  liquidation or reorganization of it or any assignment
for the benefit of its  creditors  and of any event of default in respect of any
Senior Debt.

     (c) For purposes of this Section  9.03,  (i)  "distribution"  and "payment"
with respect to the Company or its assets include  payments,  distributions  and
other transfers of assets by or on behalf of the Company from any source, of any
kind or character,  whether direct or indirect, by set-off or otherwise, whether
in  cash,  property  or  securities,   (ii)  "payment  on  the  account  of  the
Subordinated Obligations" shall not include the Warrants, any shares issued upon
exercise of the Warrants or any sale or transfer of any of the foregoing  (other
than a repurchase  or  redemption of any such Warrants or shares by the Company)
or any payment made with the proceeds of the Permanent Financing and (iii) "cash
equivalents"  means Cash  Equivalents  described in clause (a) of the definition

Following  the  payment in full in cash or cash  equivalents  or  provision  for
payment  in full in cash or cash  equivalents  in a manner  satisfactory  to the
holders of Senior Debt of all Senior Debt, the Holders will be subrogated to the
rights of the holders of Senior Debt to receive  payments  or  distributions  of
assets of the Company  applicable  to the Senior Debt until all amounts owing on
the Notes


have been paid in full, and for the purpose of such subrogation no such payments
or distributions to the holders of Senior Debt by or on behalf of the Company or
by or on behalf of the Holders by virtue of this Article 9 which otherwise would
have been made to the Holders will,  as between the Company and the Holders,  be
deemed to be payment by the  Company  to or on  account of the Senior  Debt,  it
being  understood  that the  provisions  of this  Article 9 are and are intended
solely for the purpose of defining  the relative  rights of the Holders,  on the
one hand, and the holders of Senior Debt, on the other hand.

     Section 9.05. OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY  UNCONDITIONAL.  Nothing contained
in this Article 9 or  elsewhere  in the Notes is intended to or will impair,  as
between the Company and the Holders,  the obligations of the Company,  which are
absolute and unconditional,  to pay to the Holders the Subordinated  Obligations
as and when they become due and payable in  accordance  with their terms,  or is
intended to or will affect the relative  rights of the Holders and  creditors of
the Company other than the holders of the Senior Debt, nor will anything  herein
or therein prevent any Holder from exercising all remedies  otherwise  permitted
by applicable  law upon default  under the Notes,  subject to the rights if any,
under this Article 9 of the holders of Senior Debt.

COMPANY OR HOLDERS OF SENIOR DEBT. No right of any present or future  holders of
any Senior Debt to enforce  subordination as provided herein will at any time or
in any way be prejudiced or impaired by any act or failure to act on the part of
the  Company  or by any act or  failure  to act by any  such  holder,  or by any
noncompliance by the Company with the terms of this Article 9, regardless of any
knowledge  thereof  which any such holder may have or otherwise be charged with.
The holders of Senior Debt may extend,  renew,  modify or amend the terms of the
Senior Debt or any security or guaranty therefor or thereof,  and release,  sell
or exchange  such  security,  exercise  or refrain  from  exercising  any rights
against the Company,  any of its Subsidiaries or any other Person, and otherwise
deal  freely  with the  Company,  all  without  affecting  the  liabilities  and
obligations of the parties to the document or the Holders. No amendment to these
provisions will be effective against the holders of the Senior Debt who have not
consented thereto in writing.

     Section  9.07.  NOT TO PREVENT  EVENTS OF  DEFAULT.  The  failure to make a
payment on account of the Subordinated Obligations by reason of any provision of
this Article 9 will not be construed as preventing the occurrence of an Event of

     Section 9.08.  MISCELLANEOUS.  Each Holder hereby  authorizes and expressly
directs the  Purchaser  on its behalf to take such action as may be necessary or
appropriate  to  effectuate  the  subordination  provided  in this  Section  and
appoints the Purchaser its attorney-in-fact for such purpose, including, without
limitation,  in the  event  of  any  dissolution,  winding  up,  liquidation  or
reorganization of the Company (whether in bankruptcy, insolvency,  receivership,
reorganization  or similar  proceedings or upon an assignment for the benefit of
creditors or any similar remedy or otherwise) tending towards liquidation of the
business  and assets of the  Company,  the  immediate  filing of a claim for the
unpaid  balance of the  Subordinated  Obligations  in the form  required in said
proceedings  and causing said claim to be approved.  If the  Purchaser  does not
file proper claim or proof of debt in the form required in such proceeding prior
to the 30th day before


expiration  of the time to file such  claim or claims,  then the  holders of the
Senior  Debt are  hereby  authorized  to have the  right to file and are  hereby
authorized to file an appropriate claim for and on behalf of the Holders. In the
event of such proceeding,  until the Senior Debt is paid in full in cash or cash
equivalents,  without  the  consent of the  holders of a majority  in  principal
amount of the Senior Debt, no Holder shall waive,  settle or compromise any such
claim or claims relating to the  Subordinated  Obligations  that such Holder may
now or hereafter have against the Company.

                                   ARTICLE 10.

     Section 10.01. GUARANTEES.

     (a) Subject to Section 10.03, each of the Guarantors  jointly and severally
unconditionally  guarantees  to each  Holder,  irrespective  of the validity and
enforceability  of the other  provisions of this Agreement,  or of the Financing
Documents, the Notes and the obligations of the Company hereunder or thereunder,
that:  (i) the principal of, premium (if any) and interest on the Notes shall be
promptly paid in full when due, whether at maturity, by acceleration, redemption
or  otherwise,  and (to the extent  permitted  by law)  interest  on the overdue
principal  of,  premium  (if any)  and  interest  on the  Notes  (including  all
reasonable  costs of collection  and  enforcement  thereof and interest  thereon
which would be owing by the Company but for the effect of any bankruptcy law, if
any),  and all other  obligations  of the  Company  to the  Holders  under  this
Agreement,  the Financing Documents and the Notes shall be promptly paid in full
when due or performed,  all in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,  the
Financing  Documents and the Notes; and (ii) in case of any extension of time of
payment  or  renewal  of any  Notes,  or the  issuance  of  any  of  such  other
obligations,  that the same shall be promptly paid in full when due or performed
in accordance  with their terms  whether at stated  maturity,  by  acceleration,
redemption  or otherwise.  Failing  payment when due of any amount so guaranteed
for  whatever  reason,  the  Guarantors  shall  be  jointly  and  severally  and
unconditionally  obligated  to pay the  same  immediately  whether  or not  such
failure to pay has become an Event of Default  which  could  cause  acceleration
pursuant  to Section  7.01.  Each  Guarantor  agrees  that this is a  continuing
guarantee of payment and not merely a guarantee of collection.

     (b) The  Guarantors  hereby  agree that,  subject to Section  10.03,  their
obligations  hereunder shall be unconditional and absolute and, without limiting
the generality of the foregoing, shall not be released,  discharged or otherwise
affected by:

          (i) any extension, renewal, settlement,  compromise, waiver or release
     in respect of any  obligation  of the  Company  under this  Agreement,  the
     Financing Documents or the Notes, by operation of law or otherwise;

          (ii) any  modification  or  amendment  of or  supplement  to any other
     provisions of this  Agreement,  or to the Financing  Documents or the Notes
     without the consent of the Guarantors;


          (iii) any  release,  non-perfection  or  invalidity  of any  direct or
     indirect  security for, or any other  guarantee of, any of the  obligations
     guaranteed by this Article 10;

          (iv) any change in the corporate existence,  structure or ownership of
     the Company, or any insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization or other similar
     proceeding  affecting the Company or its assets or any resulting release or
     discharge of any obligation of the Company contained in this Agreement, the
     Financing Documents or the Notes;

          (v) the  existence  of any claim,  set-off or other  rights  which any
     Guarantor  may have at any time  against the  Company or any other  Person,
     whether in connection herewith or with any unrelated transactions, provided
     that  nothing  herein  shall  prevent  the  assertion  of any such claim by
     separate suit or compulsory counterclaim;

          (vi) any  invalidity  or  unenforceability  relating to or against the
     Company for any reason of this  Agreement,  the Financing  Documents or the
     Notes,  or any  provision of  applicable  law or  regulation  purporting to
     prohibit the payment by the Company of the  principal of or interest on the
     Notes or any other amount payable by it under this Agreement, the Financing
     Documents or the Notes;

          (vii)  any other  act or  omission  to act or delay of any kind by the
     Company  or any other  Person or any other  circumstance  whatsoever  which
     might,  but for the  provisions  of this  paragraph,  constitute a legal or
     equitable discharge of any Guarantor's obligations hereunder; or

          (viii) any issuance of PIK Notes pursuant to Section 2.05(c).

     (c) Each Guarantor hereby waives diligence, presentment, demand of payment,
filing of claims with a court in the event of  insolvency  or  bankruptcy of the
Company,  any right to require a proceeding first against the Company,  protest,
notice and all demands whatsoever and covenant that, subject to this Article 10,
this  Guarantee  shall not be discharged  except by complete  performance of all
obligations  on and with respect to the Notes,  this Agreement and the Financing

     (d) If any Holder is  required by any court or  otherwise  to return to the
Company or any of the Guarantors, or any custodian, trustee, liquidator or other
similar  official  acting  in  relation  to  either  the  Company  or any of the
Guarantors, any amount paid to such Holder, this Guarantee, to the extent of the
amount so returned, shall be reinstated in full force and effect.

     (e) Each  Guarantor  agrees  that it shall not be  entitled to any right of
subrogation in relation to the Holders in respect of any obligations  guaranteed
hereby  until  payment  in  full  of all  obligations  guaranteed  hereby.  Each
Guarantor  further agrees that, as between the Guarantors,  on the one hand, and
the Holders,  on the other hand, (x) the maturity of the obligations  guaranteed
hereby may be accelerated as provided in Section 7.01  notwithstanding any stay,
injunction or other  prohibition  preventing such acceleration in respect of the
obligations  guaranteed  hereby  and


(y) in the event of any  declaration  of  acceleration  of such  obligations  as
provided in Section  7.01,  such  obligations  (whether or not due and  payable)
shall forthwith become due and payable by the Guarantors for the purpose of this
Guarantee.  The Guarantors  shall have the right to seek  contribution  from any
non-paying  Guarantor  so long as the exercise of such right does not impair the
rights of the Holders under this Guarantee.

     Section  10.02.  SUBORDINATION  OF  GUARANTEES.  The  obligations  of  each
Guarantor  under its  Guarantee  pursuant  to this  Article  10 are  junior  and
subordinated to any Senior Debt owed by such Guarantor (including all guarantees
by such  Guarantor of any Senior Debt) on the same basis as the Notes are junior
and  subordinate to such Senior Debt under Article 9 (it being  understood  that
delivery  of any  notice  to the  Company  pursuant  to  Section  9.02(b)  shall
constitute notice to each Guarantor hereunder),

     Section 10.03.  LIMITATION ON GUARANTOR LIABILITY.  Each Guarantor,  and by
its acceptance of Notes,  each Holder,  hereby confirms that it is the intention
of all such parties that this Guarantee not constitute a fraudulent  transfer or
conveyance for purposes of any bankruptcy law, the Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance
Act, the Uniform Fraudulent  Transfer Act or any similar federal or state law to
the extent applicable to this Guarantee.  To effectuate the foregoing intention,
the Holders and the Guarantors hereby  irrevocably agree that the obligations of
each Guarantor  under this  Guarantee  shall be limited to the maximum amount as
will,  after giving effect to such maximum  amount and all other  contingent and
fixed liabilities of such Guarantor that are relevant under such laws, and after
giving effect to any collections  from,  rights to receive  contribution from or
payments  made  by or on  behalf  of  any  other  Guarantor  in  respect  of the
obligations  of  such  other  Guarantor  under  this  Guarantee,  result  in the
obligations of such Guarantor under the Guarantee not  constituting a fraudulent
transfer or conveyance.

     Section  10.04.  CONSOLIDATION  OR MERGER OF  GUARANTORS.  No Guarantor may
consolidate  with or merge with or into  (whether or not such  Guarantor  is the
surviving  Person)  another  corporation,   Person  or  entity  whether  or  not
affiliated with such Guarantor unless such corporation,  person or entity is the
Company or a Guarantor.

                                   ARTICLE 11.

     Section 11.01.  NOTICES.  All notices,  demands and other communications to
any party hereunder shall be in writing (including facsimile or similar writing)
and shall be given to such party at its address set forth on the signature pages
hereof,  or such other  address as such party may  hereinafter  specify  for the
purpose.  Each such notice, demand or other communication shall be effective (i)
if given by  facsimile,  when such  facsimile is  transmitted  to the  facsimile
number  specified  on the  signature  page  hereof and  electronic  confirmation
thereof  is  received,  or (ii) if  given by  overnight  courier,  addressed  as
aforesaid or by any other means, when delivered at the address specified in this


     Section 11.02. NO WAIVERS; AMENDMENTS.

     (a) No failure or delay on the part of any party in  exercising  any right,
power or remedy  hereunder  shall  operate  as a waiver  thereof,  nor shall any
single or partial exercise of any such right, power or remedy preclude any other
or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy.
The remedies  provided for herein are  cumulative  and are not  exclusive of any
remedies that may be available to any party at law or in equity or otherwise.

     (b) Any provision of this Agreement may be amended,  supplemented or waived
if, but only if,  such  amendment,  supplement  or waiver is in  writing  and is
signed by the Company  and the  Majority  Holders;  provided,  that  without the
consent of each Holder of any Note affected thereby, an amendment, supplement or
waiver may not (a) reduce the aggregate  principal amount of Notes whose Holders
must  consent to an  amendment,  supplement  or  waiver,  (b) reduce the rate or
extend the time for payment of interest  on any Note,  (c) reduce the  principal
amount of or extend the stated maturity of any Note or (d) make any Note payable
in money or property other than as stated in the Notes.  In determining  whether
the Holders of the  requisite  principal  amount of Notes have  concurred in any
direction,  consent or waiver as  provided  in this  Agreement  or in the Notes,
Notes which are owned by the Company or any other obligor on or guarantor of the
Notes, or by any Person controlling, controlled by, or under common control with
any of the foregoing,  shall be disregarded and deemed not to be outstanding for
the  purpose of any such  determination;  and  provided,  further,  that no such
                                               --------   -------
amendment,  supplement  or waiver which  affects the rights of the Purchaser and
its  Affiliates  otherwise  than solely in their  capacities as Holders of Notes
shall be effective with respect to them without their prior written consent.

     Section 11.03. INDEMNIFICATION.

     (a) The Company (the  "Indemnifying  Party")  agrees to indemnify  and hold
harmless the Purchaser,  its Affiliates,  and each Person,  if any, who controls
the Purchaser,  or any of its  Affiliates,  within the meaning of the Securities
Act or the Exchange Act (a "Controlling  Person"),  and the respective partners,
agents,  employees,  officers and directors of the Purchaser, its Affiliates and
any such Controlling Person (each an "Indemnified Party," and collectively,  the
"Indemnified  Parties"),  from and against any and all losses, claims,  damages,
liabilities  and  expenses  (including,  without  limitation  and  as  incurred,
reasonable  costs of  investigating,  preparing or  defending  any such claim or
action,  whether or not such  Indemnified  Party is a party thereto) arising out
of, or in connection  with any activities  contemplated by this Agreement or any
other services rendered in connection herewith,  including,  but not limited to,
losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities or expenses arising out of or based upon
any untrue  statement or any alleged untrue  statement of a material fact or any
omission  or any  alleged  omission  to  state  a  material  fact  in any of the
disclosure or offering or confidential  information  documents (the  "Disclosure
Documents")  pertaining  to any of the  transactions  or  proposed  transactions
contemplated herein,  including any eventual refinancing or resale of the Notes;
provided,  that the  Indemnifying  Party will not be responsible for any claims,
- --------
liabilities,  losses,  damages or expenses that are determined by final judgment
of a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to result  solely from such  Indemnified
Party's gross  negligence,  willful  misconduct or bad faith.  The  Indemnifying
Party also agrees that


(i) no Purchaser  shall have liability  (except for breach of provisions of this
Agreement) for claims, liabilities, damages, losses or expenses, including legal
fees,  incurred by the  Indemnifying  Party in connection  with this  Agreement,
unless  they  are   determined  by  final  judgment  of  a  court  of  competent
jurisdiction to result from the Purchaser's gross negligence, willful misconduct
or bad faith and (ii) no Purchaser  shall in any event have any liability to the
Company on any theory of  liability  for  special,  indirect,  consequential  or
punitive  damages (as opposed to direct or actual damages)  arising out of or in
connection with, or as a result of this Agreement.

     (b) If any  action  shall be  brought  against  an  Indemnified  Party with
respect to which  indemnity may be sought against the  Indemnifying  Party under
this Agreement,  such  Indemnified  Party shall promptly notify the Indemnifying
Party  in  writing  and the  Indemnifying  Party  shall,  if  requested  by such
Indemnified  Party or if the  Indemnifying  Party  desires to do so,  assume the
defense thereof,  including the employment of counsel reasonably satisfactory to
such  Indemnified  Party and payment of all  reasonable  fees and expenses.  The
failure to so notify the Indemnifying Party shall not affect any obligations the
Indemnifying  Party may have to such  Indemnified  Party under this Agreement or
otherwise unless the Indemnifying Party is materially adversely affected by such
failure.  Such Indemnified Party shall have the right to employ separate counsel
in such action and participate in the defense thereof, but the fees and expenses
of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Indemnified  Party,  unless: (i)
the  Indemnifying  Party has failed to assume  the  defense  and employ  counsel
reasonably  satisfactory to such Indemnified  Party or (ii) the named parties to
any such action (including any impleaded parties) include such Indemnified Party
and the Indemnifying  Party, and such Indemnified  Party shall have been advised
by counsel  that there may be one or more legal  defenses  available to it which
are different from or additional to those available to the  Indemnifying  Party,
in which case, if such  Indemnified  Party  notifies the  Indemnifying  Party in
writing  that it  elects  to  employ  separate  counsel  at the  expense  of the
Indemnifying  Party, the  Indemnifying  Party shall not have the right to assume
the defense of such action or  proceeding on behalf of such  Indemnified  Party,
provided, however, that the Indemnifying Party shall not, in connection with any
- --------  -------
one such action or proceeding or separate but  substantially  similar or related
actions or proceedings in the same jurisdiction  arising out of the same general
allegations or circumstances,  be responsible  hereunder for the reasonable fees
and expenses of more than one such firm of separate counsel,  in addition to any
local  counsel,  which  counsel  shall  be  designated  by  the  Purchaser.  The
Indemnifying  Party  shall not be liable for any  settlement  of any such action
effected  without the written consent of the  Indemnifying  Party (which consent
shall  not be  unreasonably  withheld)  and the  Indemnifying  Party  agrees  to
indemnify and hold harmless each Indemnified  Party from and against any loss or
liability by reasons of  settlement  of any action  effected with the consent of
the Indemnifying  Party. In addition,  the Indemnifying  Party will not, without
the prior written  consent of the Purchaser,  settle or compromise or consent to
the entry of any  judgment  in or  otherwise  seek to  terminate  any pending or
threatened action, claim, suit or proceeding in respect of which indemnification
or contribution may be sought hereunder (whether or not any Indemnified Party is
a party  thereto)  unless such  settlement,  compromise,  consent or termination
includes  an  express  unconditional  release  of the  Purchaser  and the  other
Indemnified  Parties,  reasonably  satisfactory  in form  and  substance  to the
Purchaser,  from  all  liability  arising  out of such  action,  claim,  suit or


     (c)  If for  any  reason  the  foregoing  indemnity  is  unavailable  to an
Indemnified Party or insufficient to hold an Indemnified Party harmless, then in
lieu of  indemnifying  the  Indemnified  Party,  the  Indemnifying  Party  shall
contribute to the amount paid or payable by such  Indemnified  Party as a result
of such claims, liabilities, losses, damages, or expenses (i) in such proportion
as is appropriate to reflect the relative  benefits received by the Indemnifying
Party on the one hand and by the  Purchaser  on the other from the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement or (ii) if the allocation  provided by clause (i)
is not permitted  under  applicable law, in such proportion as is appropriate to
reflect not only the relative benefits received by the Indemnifying Party on the
one hand and the  Purchaser  on the other,  but also the  relative  fault of the
Indemnifying  Party and the  Purchaser as well as any other  relevant  equitable
considerations.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of this  Section  11.03,  the
aggregate contribution of all Indemnified Parties shall not exceed the amount of
fees actually received by the Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement. It is hereby
further agreed that the relative  benefits to the Indemnifying  Party on the one
hand  and  the  Purchaser  on  the  other  with  respect  to  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby  shall be  deemed to be in the same  proportion  as (i) the
aggregate principal amount of Notes issued by the Company bears to (ii) the fees
actually  received by the  Purchaser  pursuant to this  Agreement.  The relative
fault of the  Indemnifying  Party on the one hand and the Purchaser on the other
with respect to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall be  determined  by
reference to, among other things, whether any untrue or alleged untrue statement
of material  fact or the omission or alleged  omission to state a material  fact
related to information  supplied by the  Indemnifying  Party or by the Purchaser
and  the  parties'  relative  intent,  knowledge,   access  to  information  and
opportunity  to correct or prevent such  statement or omission.  No  Indemnified
Party shall have any liability to the Indemnifying  Party or any other Person in
connection with the services  rendered pursuant to the Commitment except for the
liability for claims,  liabilities,  losses or damages  finally  determined by a
court of competent  jurisdiction to be due to such  Indemnified  Party's willful
misconduct,    or   gross   negligence.   No   Person   guilty   of   fraudulent
misrepresentation  (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the  Securities  Act)
shall be  entitled  to  contribution  from any Person who was not guilty of such
fraudulent misrepresentation.

     (d) The indemnification, contribution and expense reimbursement obligations
set forth in this Section  11.03 (i) shall be in addition to any  liability  the
Indemnifying Party may have to any Indemnified Party at common law or otherwise,
(ii) shall survive the  termination of this Agreement and the payment in full of
the  Notes  and (iii)  shall  remain  operative  and in full  force  and  effect
regardless  of any  investigation  made by or on behalf of the  Purchaser or any
other Indemnified Party.

     Section  11.04.   EXPENSES.  The  Company  agrees  to  pay  all  reasonable
out-of-pocket costs, expenses and other payments in connection with the purchase
and sale of the Notes,  the Warrants and the Warrant Shares as  contemplated  by
this Agreement and the other Financing  Documents,  including without limitation
(i) reasonable fees and  disbursements  of special counsel and any local counsel
for the Purchaser  incurred in connection with the preparation of this Agreement
and the other Financing Documents, (ii) all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of
the  Purchaser,  including  reasonable  fees and  disbursements  of counsel,  in
connection  with any  waiver or consent  hereunder  or any  amendment  hereof or
thereof or any  Default or alleged  Default  hereunder  and (iii) if an


Event of Default occurs, all reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred by the
Purchaser and each Holder of Notes,  including reasonable fees and disbursements
of a single  counsel  (which  counsel  shall be selected by the Purchaser if the
Purchaser is a Holder of Notes when such Event of Default occurs), in connection
with such Event of Default  and  collection,  bankruptcy,  insolvency  and other
enforcement proceedings resulting therefrom.

     Section 11.05.  PAYMENT.  The Company agrees that, so long as the Purchaser
shall own any Notes purchased by it from the Company hereunder, the Company will
make  payments to the  Purchaser of all amounts due thereon by wire  transfer by
1:00 P.M.  (New York City  time) on the date of  payment  to such  account as is
specified  beneath the Purchaser's  name on the signature page hereof or to such
other account or in such other similar  manner as the Purchaser may designate to
the Company in writing.

     Section 11.06.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  The Purchaser shall not use  confidential
information obtained from the Company by virtue of the transactions contemplated
by this  Agreement or their other  relationships  with the Company in connection
with the performance by the Purchaser of services for other  companies,  and the
Purchaser  shall  not  furnish  any such  information  to other  companies.  The
Purchaser  has  no  obligation  to  use  in  connection  with  the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  or to  furnish to the  Company,  confidential
information obtained from other companies.

     Section 11.07. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding upon
and shall inure to the benefit of the Company, the Purchaser, the holders of the
Senior Debt and their  respective  successors  and  assigns;  provided  that the
Company may not assign or  otherwise  transfer its rights or  obligations  under
this  Agreement to any other  Person  without the prior  written  consent of the
Majority  Holders.  All  provisions  hereunder  purporting to give rights to the
Purchaser and its Affiliates,  or to Holders are for the express benefit of such

     Section 11.08.  BROKERS.  The Company  represents and warrants that, except
for CIBC Oppenheimer  Corp., it has not employed any broker,  finder,  financial
advisor or investment banker who might be entitled to any brokerage, finder's or
other fee or commission in connection with the SuperGraphics  Acquisition or the
sale of the Notes.




     Section  11.10.   SEVERABILITY.   If  any  term,  provision,   covenant  or
restriction of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid,  void  or  unenforceable,  the  remainder  of  the  terms,  provisions,
covenants  and  restrictions  of this  Agreement  shall remain in full force and
effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.

     Section 11.11.  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in any number
of  counterparts,  each of which shall be an original with the same effect as if
the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument.

     Section  11.12.  SURVIVAL.  Any term or  provision  hereof to the  contrary
notwithstanding,  Sections 6.01 and 6.06 shall survive the  termination  of this
Agreement  and the payment in full of the Notes until the sale by the  Purchaser
(or its Affiliates) of all of its (or their) Warrants and Warrant Shares.

                            [Signature Pages Follow]


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
duly executedby their respective authorized officers, as of the date first above


                                         UNIDIGITAL INC.

                                         By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                            Name: William E. Dye
                                            Title: Chief Executive Officer

                                         Address for Notices:

                                         Unidigital Inc.
                                         229 West 28th Street
                                         New York, NY 10001
                                         Telecopier: (212) 244-7815

                                         Attention:   William E. Dye
                                                      Chief Executive Officer


                                         UNIDIGITAL ELEMENTS (NY), INC.

                                         By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                            Name: William E. Dye
                                            Title: Chief Executive Officer

                                         Address for Notices:

                                         Unidigital Inc.
                                         229 West 28th Street
                                         New York, NY 10001
                                         Telecopier: (212) 244-7815

                                         Attention:   William E. Dye
                                                      Chief Executive Officer

                                         UNIDIGITAL ELEMENTS (SF), INC.

                                         By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                            Name: William E. Dye
                                            Title: Chief Executive Officer

                                         Address for Notices:

                                         Unidigital Inc.
                                         229 West 28th Street
                                         New York, NY 10001
                                         Telecopier: (212) 244-7815

                                         Attention:   William E. Dye
                                                      Chief Executive Officer

                                         UNISON (NY), INC.

                                         By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                            Name: William E. Dye
                                            Title: Chief Executive Officer

                                         Address for Notices:

                                         Unidigital Inc.
                                         229 West 28th Street
                                         New York, NY 10001
                                         Telecopier: (212) 244-7815

                                         Attention:   William E. Dye
                                                      Chief Executive Officer

                                         UNISON (MA), INC.

                                         By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                            Name: William E. Dye
                                            Title: Chief Executive Officer

                                         Address for Notices:

                                         Unidigital Inc.
                                         229 West 28th Street
                                         New York, NY 10001
                                         Telecopier: (212) 244-7815

                                         Attention:   William E. Dye
                                                      Chief Executive Officer

                                         MEGA ART CORP.

                                         By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                            Name: William E. Dye
                                            Title: Chief Executive Officer

                                         Address for Notices:

                                         Unidigital Inc.
                                         229 West 28th Street
                                         New York, NY 10001
                                         Telecopier: (212) 244-7815

                                         Attention:   William E. Dye
                                                      Chief Executive Officer


                                         CIBC WOOD GUNDY CAPITAL CORP.

                                         By: /s/ Richard White
                                            Name: Richard White
                                            Title:   Managing Director

                                         Address for Notices:

                                         CIBC Wood Gundy Capital Corp.
                                         425 Lexington Avenue, 9th Floor
                                         New York, NY 10017
                                         Telecopier: 212-697-1544

                                         Attention: Richard White

                                         Wiring Instructions:
                                         CIBC Wood Gundy Capital Corp.
                                         ABA# 021-000-018
                                         The Bank of New York
                                         A/C# 890-0331-046
                                         FCT# 550-00-000-01