Washington, D.C. 20549


                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                 AMENDMENT NO. 2

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                Date of report (Date of earliest event reported)
                      December 17, 1998 (September 2, 1998)

                                 Unidigital Inc.
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

   Delaware                      0-27664                     13-3856672
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or Other          (Commission File Number)          (IRS Employer
Jurisdiction of                                          Identification No.)

229 West 28th Street, New York, New York                             10001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                           (zip code)

                                 (212) 244-7820
                         (Registrant's telephone number,
                              including area code)

          (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

      Item  7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and

      As  reported in the Current  Report on Form 8-K dated  September  14, 1998
filed by Unidigital  Inc.  (the  "Company"),  on September 2, 1998,  the Company
consummated the  acquisition of all of the issued and outstanding  capital stock
of Mega Art Corp.  ("Mega  Art")  located in New York  City.  As a result of the
acquisition, Mega Art became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
     On November 16, 1998,  the Company filed  Amendment  No. 1 on Form 8-K/A to
file the  financial  statements  and  related  pro  forma  financial  statements
required pursuant to Item 7 of Form 8-K with respect to such transaction.

     The Company is filing this  Amendment  No. 2 on Form 8-K/A to file  amended
pro forma  financial  statements  to reflect the  correction of the impact of an
extraordinary  loss related to the  refinancing of certain of the Company's debt
in March 1998.  The impact of such  correction  was to reduce the  Company's net
income for the nine months ended May 31, 1998 by approximately $167,000.

(a)  Financial Information of Business Acquired.

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                               For the Years Ended
                          July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                       (With Independent Auditors' Report)

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                For the Years Ended July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996


Independent Auditors' Report............................................1

Financial Statements

   Balance Sheets.......................................................2

   Statements of Operations.............................................3

   Statements of Stockholders' Equity...................................4

   Statements of Cash Flows.............................................5

   Notes to Financial Statements........................................7

Supplementary Information

   Schedules of Selling, General and
     Administrative Expenses...........................................12

                          Independent Auditors' Report

To the Stockholders
Mega Art Corp.:

     We have audited the  accompanying  balance  sheets of Mega Art Corp.  as of
July  31,  1998,  1997 and  1996,  and the  related  statements  of  operations,
stockholders'  equity and cash flows for the years then ended.  These  financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management.   Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audit.

     We conducted  our audits in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material  respects,  the financial  position of Mega Art Corp. as of July
31, 1998,  1997 and 1996,  and the results of its  operations and its cash flows
for the years then ended,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting

     Our  audits  were  conducted  for the  purpose of forming an opinion on the
basic financial  statements  taken as a whole.  The  accompanying  supplementary
schedules of selling,  general and  administrative  expenses for the years ended
July 31, 1998,  1997 and 1996 are presented for purposes of additional  analysis
and are not a required part of the basic financial statements.  Such information
has been subjected to the auditing  procedures applied in the audit of the basic
financial  statements  and, in our  opinion,  is fairly  stated in all  material
respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

August 25,  1998,  except for the years ended July 1997 and 1996 as to which the
date is November 11, 1998

                                           MEGA ART CORP.

                                           BALANCE SHEETS

                                    July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                                               1998            1997         1996
                                                               ----            ----         ----

       Cash and cash equivalents ......................   $    29,907    $    51,769    $   125,055
       Marketable securities ..........................                      104,421
       Accounts receivable ............................     1,540,870        363,323        211,131
       Prepaid expenses ...............................        89,587
       Prepaid corporate income taxes .................         8,000
       Loans and exchanges ............................         2,446
       Advances to suppliers ..........................        35,000
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------

          Total current assets ........................     1,705,810        519,513        336,186

    Property and equipment at cost, less
       accumulated depreciation and
       amortization of $219,010, $4,258
       and $156,516, respectively .....................       979,336        460,029        620,030
    Security deposits .................................        25,191         10,688
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------

          Total assets ................................   $ 2,710,337    $   990,230    $   956,216
                                                          ===========    ===========    ===========

       Current portion of long-term debt ..............   $    99,846    $        --    $        --
       Loan payable - equipment .......................                      400,000
       Accounts payable and accrued expenses ..........       765,196         31,687        725,290
       Payroll and sales taxes payable ................         5,405          3,691         13,180
       Corporate income taxes payable .................        21,000          9,000
       Deferred income ................................        91,667
       Deferred taxes .................................       379,000        117,000         70,000
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------

          Total current liabilities ...................     1,362,114        561,378        808,470

    Long-term debt, net of current portion ............       477,315
    Loan payable - stockholder ........................       322,871        240,641         46,302
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------

          Total liabilities ...........................     2,162,300        802,019        854,772
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------

Stockholders' equity
    Common stock, no par value, 100 shares
       authorized, issued and outstanding .............         2,000          2,000          2,000
    Retained earnings .................................       546,037        206,790         99,444
    Unrealized loss on securities available
       for sale .......................................                      (20,579)
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------

          Total stockholders' equity ..................       548,037        188,211        101,444
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------

          Total liabilities and stockholders' equity ..   $ 2,710,337    $   990,230    $   956,216
                                                          ===========    ===========    ===========

             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                         MEGA ART CORP.

                                    STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                        For the Years Ended July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                                     1998             1997            1996
                                                     ----             ----            ----

    Sales ...................................    $ 4,516,340      $ 1,006,199     $   503,928

    Cost of goods sold ......................      2,202,574          553,840         122,161
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

       Gross profit .........................      2,313,766          452,359         381,767
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

    Selling, general and administrative
       expenses .............................      1,698,570          601,740         251,986
    Depreciation and amortization ...........        214,752            1,742         155,008
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

       Total expenses .......................      1,913,322          603,482         406,994
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

          Income (loss) from operations .....        400,444         (151,123)        (25,227)
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

Other income (expense)
    Consulting income .......................        225,000          205,062         227,718
    Gain on sale of marketable securities ...        103,660
    Gain on sale of equipment ...............                         124,000
    Interest income .........................          5,326
    Interest expense - stockholder ..........        (10,992)
    Interest expense ........................        (14,853)
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

       Total other income ...................        308,141          329,062         227,718
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

          Income before provision for
              income taxes ..................        708,585          177,939         202,491
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

Provision for income taxes
    Current .................................         33,000           14,593           3,508
    Deferred ................................        253,000           56,000          70,000
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

       Total provision for income taxes .....        286,000           70,593          73,508
                                                 -----------      -----------     -----------

              Net income ....................    $   422,585      $   107,346     $   128,983
                                                 ===========      ===========     ===========

           The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                         MEGA ART CORP.

                               STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

                        For the Years Ended July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                       Common Stock
                                                          (Accumulated  Unrealized
                                   Number                   deficit)      loss on        Total
                                     of                     Retained    marketable    stockholders'
                                  shares        Amount      earnings    securities  equity (deficit)
                                  ------        ------      --------    ----------  ----------------

Balance, July 31, 1995 .......        100     $   2,000     $ (29,539)    $     --    $ (27,539)

   Net income for the year
     ended July 31, 1996 .....                                128,983                   128,983
                                ---------     ---------     ---------     --------    ---------

Balance, July 31, 1996 .......        100         2,000        99,444                   101,444

   Adjustment for
     unrealized loss on
     securities available-
     for-sale ................                                             (20,579)     (20,579)

   Net income for the year
     ended July 31, 1997 .....                                107,346                   107,346
                                ---------     ---------     ---------     --------    ---------

Balance, July 31, 1997 .......        100         2,000       206,790      (20,579)     188,211

   Adjustment for
     unrealized loss on
     securities available-
     for-sale ................                                              20,579       20,579

   Prior period adjustment
     for changes in accounts
     receivable and accounts
     payable (See Note 9) ....                                (83,338)                  (83,338)

   Net income for the year
     ended July 31, 1998 .....                                422,585                   422,585
                                ---------     ---------     ---------     --------    ---------

Balance, July 31, 1998 .......        100     $   2,000     $ 546,037     $     --    $ 548,037
                                =========     =========     =========     ========    =========

           The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                       MEGA ART CORP.

                                  STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                      For the Years Ended July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                                      1998           1997            1996
                                                      ----           ----            ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income .............................    $   422,585     $   107,346     $   128,983

    Adjustments to reconcile net income
       to net cash provided by (used in)
       operating activities:
          Depreciation and amortization ....        214,752           1,742         155,008
          Prior period adjustment ..........        (83,338)
          Realized gain on sale of
              marketable securities ........       (103,660)
          Gain on sale of property and
              equipment ....................                       (124,000)
          Bad debts ........................          7,877
    (Increase) decrease in:
       Accounts receivable .................     (1,185,424)       (152,192)       (211,131)
       Prepaid expenses ....................        (89,587)
       Prepaid corporate income taxes ......         (8,000)
       Loans and exchanges .................         (2,446)
       Advances to suppliers ...............        (35,000)
       Security deposits ...................        (14,503)        (10,688)
    Increase (decrease) in:
       Accounts payable and
          accrued expenses .................        733,509        (693,604)        725,112
       Payroll and sales taxes payable .....          1,714          (9,489)         13,180
       Corporate income taxes payable ......         12,000           9,000
       Deferred income .....................         91,667
       Deferred taxes ......................        262,000          47,000          70,000
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------

    Net cash provided by (used in)
       operating activities ................        224,146        (824,885)        881,152
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------

Balance carried forward ....................        224,146        (824,885)        881,152
                                                -----------     -----------     -----------

         The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                          MEGA ART CORP.

                               STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (continued)

                         For the Years Ended July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                                              1998          1997          1996
                                                              ----          ----          ----

Balance brought forward ...............................    $ 224,146     $(824,885)    $ 881,152
                                                           ---------     ---------     ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Purchase of marketable securities .................                   (125,000)
    Proceeds from sale of marketable
       securities .....................................      228,660
    Purchase of property and equipment ................     (734,059)     (457,740)     (775,037)
    Proceeds from sale of equipment ...................                    740,000
                                                           ---------     ---------     ---------

       Net cash provided by (used in)
          investing activities ........................     (505,399)      157,260      (775,037)
                                                           ---------     ---------     ---------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Principal repayments on loan payable - equipment ..      (22,839)
    Proceeds from stockholder loan ....................       82,230       194,339        18,940
    Repayment of loan payable - equipment .............     (400,000)
    Proceeds from equipment loan ......................      250,000       400,000
    Increase in obligation under a capital
       lease ..........................................      350,000
                                                           ---------     ---------     ---------

       Net cash provided by financing
          activities ..................................      259,391       594,339        18,940
                                                           ---------     ---------     ---------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and
    cash equivalents ..................................      (21,862)      (73,286)      125,055

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning
    of year ...........................................       51,769       125,055
                                                           ---------     ---------     ---------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year ................    $  29,907     $  51,769     $ 125,055
                                                           =========     =========     =========

Supplemental disclosure:
    Interest paid .....................................    $  25,845     $      --     $      --
    Income taxes paid .................................    $  20,000     $  14,722     $   3,508

            The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                For the Years Ended July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

1.   Business Activity

     Mega Art Corp.,  (the  "Company"),  was  incorporated on November 30, 1994,
under the laws of the State of New York.  The  Company  is  located  in New York
City,  and its principal  activity is the  development  and  production of media
display advertising for a variety of companies locally and throughout the world.

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     The major  accounting  and reporting  policies  which have been followed in
preparing the accompanying financial statements are set forth below:

     Concentration of Credit Risk

     The Company  maintains cash in bank deposit accounts at high credit quality
financial  institutions.  The balances,  at times, may exceed federally  insured
limits. At July 31,1998, the Company exceeded the insured limit by $589,731.

     Accounts Receivable

     The Company  periodically  reviews accounts  receivable.  When accounts are
determined to be  uncollectible,  they are charged to operations.  For the years
ended July 31,  1998,  1997 and 1996,  the amounts  charged to  operations  were
$7,877,  $0 and $0,  respectively.  The  Company  considers  all other  accounts
receivable  to be fully  collectible;  accordingly,  no  allowance  for doubtful
accounts is required.

     Property and Equipment

     Property  and  equipment  is  stated  at  cost.  Significant  additions  or
improvements  extending  asset lives are  capitalized;  normal  maintenance  and
repair  costs are expensed as incurred.  Property and  equipment is  depreciated
over the  estimated  useful  lives of the  related  assets  using  the  Modified
Accelerated Cost Recovery System.  Such depreciation  approximates that which is
allowed using methods acceptable under generally accepted accounting principles.

     Revenue Recognition

     Revenue is recognized  when the goods  produced are shipped.  Certain sales
involve  the  rentals  of display  space.  Revenues  related to these  sales are
recognized  based on the actual amount of time that the display space is rented.
Billings in advance are recorded as deferred income.

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     Income Taxes

     The Company  follows the  provisions  of Statement of Financial  Accounting
Standards No. 109,  "Accounting  for Income  Taxes," which requires an asset and
liability  approach for income taxes.  This method requires the recognition of a
deferred  tax  charge or credit for the  expected  future  tax  consequences  of
temporary differences. Items that resulted in the recognition of deferred income
tax liabilities include the differences  recognized between the accrual basis of
accounting  and the cash  basis of  accounting,  which  is used for  income  tax


     Certain amounts in the 1997 financial  statements have been reclassified in
order to conform with the 1998 presentation.


     The financial statements are prepared in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principals which require management to make estimates and assumptions
that affect the amounts  reported in the financial  statements and  accompanying
notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

3.   Cash and Cash Equivalents

     Cash equivalents include highly liquid investments with a maturity of three
months or less. Cash equivalents  consisted exclusively of money market accounts
at July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996.

4.   Property and Equipment

     Property  and  equipment at July 31,  1998,  1997 and 1996  consists of the

                                              1998         1997          1996
                                              ----         ----          ----

     Equipment .......................    $1,064,834    $  458,787    $  776,546
     Furniture and fixtures ..........         5,405
     Leasehold improvements ..........       128,107         5,500
                                          ----------    ----------    ----------

                                           1,198,346       464,287       776,546
     Less: accumulated depreciation ..       219,010         4,258       156,516
                                          ----------    ----------    ----------

                                          $  979,336    $  460,029    $  620,030
                                          ==========    ==========    ==========

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

5.   Long-Term Debt

     Long-term debt at July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 consists of the following:

                                                1998          1997       1996
                                                ----          ----       ----

       Loan payable due in monthly
       installments of $5,386 through
       December 2002, including interest
       at 10.60%..........................   $  227,161    $     --    $     --

       Equipment financing loan due in
       monthly installments of $7,371
       through July 2003, including
       interest at 9.62%..................      350,000
                                             ----------    --------    --------

       Less: current maturities...........       99,846
                                             ----------    --------    --------
       Long-term portion..................   $  477,315    $     --    $     --
                                             ==========    ========    ========

     Aggregate  maturities of long-term debt for the fiscal year ending July 31,
are as follows:

                  1999......................................     $  99,846
                  2000......................................       110,344
                  2001......................................       121,950
                  2002......................................       134,778
                  2003......................................       110,243

                                                                 $ 577,161

     The loan payable and  equipment  loan are secured by UCC filings and credit
guarantees on the equipment financed.

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

6.   Income Taxes

     Income tax  expense at July 31,  1998,  1997 and 1996 is  comprised  of the

                                                  1998         1997       1996
                                                  ----         ----       ----

             Current tax expense
               Federal .....................    $ 21,000    $  8,000    $     --
               State and local .............      12,000       6,593       3,508
                                                --------    --------    --------

                  Total current ............      33,000      14,593       3,508
                                                --------    --------    --------

             Deferred tax expense
               Federal .....................     201,000      29,000      41,000
               State and local .............      52,000      27,000      29,000
                                                --------    --------    --------

                  Total deferred ...........     253,000      56,000      70,000
                                                --------    --------    --------

                  Total income tax expense..    $286,000    $ 70,593    $ 73,508
                                                ========    ========    ========

7.   Related Party Transactions

     The Company has an unsecured demand loan payable to one of its stockholders
with no definite terms of repayment. Interest is being paid at an annual rate of
5.85%.  The  outstanding  balance at July 31,  1998,  1997 and 1996 is $322,871,
$240,641 and $46,302, respectively.

8.   Lease Commitments

     The  Company  leases  office and  warehouse  space under  operating  leases
expiring on March 31,  2002.  The office  space lease  contains  provisions  for
periodic rate adjustments (e.g., real estate tax escalations) to reflect cost of
living index changes.

     The future minimum lease  payments  under the operating  leases at July 31,
1998 consists of the following:

                  1999......................................     $  97,640
                  2000......................................       102,319
                  2001......................................       105,389
                  2002......................................        36,939

                                                                 $ 342,287

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

9.   Prior Period Adjustment

     Certain  adjustments,  relating to the  overstatement  of the  reported net
income in the Company's  previously  issued July 31, 1997 financial  statements,
are reflected in the financial  statements of the current year. This resulted in
the following changes to retained earnings as of July 31, 1997:

       Overstatement of accounts receivable................    $  35,327
       Understatement of accounts payable..................       48,011

           Net decrease in retained earnings...............    $  83,338

10.  Stock Purchase Agreement

     The  shareholders  of Mega Art Corp.  have entered into an agreement  dated
August 3, 1998 with Unidigital Inc. whereby  Unidigital would purchase the stock
of the  Company.  The closing of this  agreement  is  scheduled to take place by
August 31, 1998.

                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION

                                 MEGA ART CORP.

                          SCHEDULES OF SELLING, GENERAL
                           AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES

                For the Years ended July 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                            1998          1997           1996
                                            ----          ----           ----

Salary - officers ..................    $  741,100    $  120,000    $  116,000
Consulting fees ....................       401,199        76,878
Professional fees ..................       146,247        38,321        13,822
Travel .............................        81,437        54,706        17,218
Telephone ..........................        51,717        19,485        10,036
Meals and entertainment ............        45,043        12,527        15,256
Rent ...............................        43,419        15,125        33,620
Commissions ........................        33,941       192,550         8,842
Office expense and supplies ........        33,797        23,016         4,007
Payroll taxes ......................        32,779         6,225         9,326
Promotion and marketing ............        29,108        26,986        20,182
Repairs and maintenance ............        16,140        10,350
Insurance ..........................        11,707           938         1,290
Employee benefits ..................        11,695
Bad debts ..........................         7,877
Miscellaneous ......................         5,112         2,423
Equipment lease ....................         4,438
Utilities ..........................         1,814         2,210         2,387
                                        ----------    ----------    ----------

       Total selling, general and
          administrative expenses ..    $1,698,570    $  601,740    $  251,986
                                        ==========    ==========    ==========

                       See Independent Auditors' Report.

(b)  Pro Forma Financial Information (unaudited).

                         PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION

      The following Pro Forma  Financial  Statements are based on the historical
financial statements of the Company,  adjusted to give effect to the acquisition
of all of  the  capital  stock  of  Mega  Art by  the  Company  (the  "Mega  Art
Acquisition").  The Pro Forma  Balance  Sheet  assumes the Mega Art  Acquisition
occurred as of the most recent balance sheet date prior to the acquisition  date
of September 2, 1998. The Pro Forma Income  Statements for the nine months ended
May 31, 1998 and the twelve  months  ended  August 31, 1997 assume that the Mega
Art  Acquisition  occurred  as of the first  day of the  applicable  period.  In
addition,  the Pro Forma Income Statement for the twelve months ended August 31,
1997 is  adjusted  to give  effect to the  Company's  acquisition  of all of the
capital  stock of Libra City  Corporate  Printing  Limited on May 22,  1997 (the
"Libra  Acquisition"),  its  acquisition of  substantially  all of the assets of
Boris  Image  Group,  Inc. on April 4, 1997 (the  "Boris  Acquisition")  and its
acquisition of substantially all of the assets of Kwik International Color, Ltd.
on March 25, 1998 (the "Kwik  Acquisition")  and assumes that such  acquisitions
occurred as of September 1, 1996.
     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements  should be read in conjunction with the
audited  consolidated  financial statements of the Company and the related notes
thereto which are included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the
year ended August 31, 1997,  the Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-QSB for
the quarter ended May 31, 1998, as amended, the Company's Current Report on Form
8-K dated  September 14, 1998, the Company's  Current Report on Form 8-K/A dated
June 8, 1998, the Company's  Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 8, 1998, the
Company's  Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 6, 1997, the Company's  Current
Report on Form 8-K/A dated August 5, 1997 (each as filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission) and the audited financial  statements of Mega Art that are
filed herewith.
      The pro forma financial  information  does not purport to present what the
Company's  results  of  operations  would  actually  have  been if the  Mega Art
Acquisition,   the  Kwik  Acquisition,  the  Libra  Acquisition  and  the  Boris
Acquisition had occurred on the assumed dates, as specified above, or to project
the  Company's  financial  condition  or  results of  operations  for any future

                                                        Unidigital Inc.

                                         Pro Forma Condensed Balance Sheet (Unaudited)

                                                         May 31, 1998


                                                                Unidigital          Mega Art      Adjustments      Pro Forma
                                                                ----------          --------      -----------      ---------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents ...............................    $    162,098     $    500,321    $         --       $  662,419
  Accounts receivable (less allowance for doubtful
    accounts for Unidigital of $553,499) ..................      14,546,337          830,000              --       15,376,337
  Deferred financing costs, net ...........................       1,107,204               --              --        1,107,204
  Prepaid expenses ........................................       3,201,952           13,438              --        3,215,390
  Other current assets ....................................       3,645,179               --              --        3,645,179
                                                               ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
    Total current assets ..................................      22,662,770        1,343,759              --       24,006,529

Property and equipment, net ...............................      13,807,594          731,836              --       14,539,430
Intangible assets, net ....................................      27,252,774               --      10,131,025       37,383,799
Other assets ..............................................         342,123               --              --          342,123
                                                               ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
    Total assets ..........................................    $ 64,065,261     $  2,075,595    $ 10,131,025     $ 76,271,881
                                                               ============     ============    ============     ============
Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses ...................    $  7,258,029     $    803,424    $         --       $8,061,453
  Current portion of capital lease obligations ............       2,230,281               --              --        2,230,281
  Current portion of long-term debt .......................       2,942,775          315,444              --        3,258,219
  Income taxes payable ....................................         890,412               --              --          890,412
  Loans and notes payable to stockholders .................         168,906          185,752              --          354,658
                                                               ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
    Total current liabilities .............................      13,490,403        1,304,620              --       14,795,023

Capital lease obligations, net of current portion .........       3,275,900               --              --        3,275,900
Long-term debt, net of current portion ....................      32,393,333               --       5,900,000       38,293,333
Deferred income taxes .....................................         543,970               --              --          543,970
Loans and notes payable to stockholders, net of current
   portion.................................................         207,495               --              --          207,495
                                                               ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
    Total liabilities .....................................      49,911,101        1,304,620      5,900,000        57,115,721
                                                               ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------

                  STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
Preferred stock -- authorized 5,000,000 shares for
  Unidigital, $.01 par value each; none issued or
  outstanding .............................................              --               --              --               --
Common stock -- authorized 10,000,000 shares for
  Unidigital, $.01 par value each; 3,902,634 shares issued
  and outstanding at May 31, 1998; authorized 100
  shares for Mega Art, without par value; 100 shares
  issued and outstanding at May 31, 1998 ..................          39,206            2,000           5,541           46,747
Additional paid-in capital ................................       9,814,625               --       4,992,459       14,807,084
Retained earnings .........................................       4,237,005        7,689,975        (766,975)       4,239,005
Cumulative foreign translation adjustment .................          63,324               --              --           63,324
                                                               ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
    Total stockholders' equity ............................      14,154,160          770,975       4,231,025       19,156,160
                                                               ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity ............    $ 64,065,261     $  2,075,595    $ 10,131,025     $ 76,271,881
                                                               ============     ============    ============     ============

                                                  Unidigital Inc.

                              Pro Forma Condensed Statement of Operations (Unaudited)

                                          Nine Months Ended May 31, 1998

                                 Unidigital          Kwik*          Mega Art          Adjustments      Pro Forma
                                 ----------          ----           --------          -----------      ---------

  Net sales ................    $ 32,845,094    $  8,092,515     $  3,350,848       $         --     $ 44,288,457
                                ------------    ------------     ------------       ------------     ------------

  Cost of sales ............      17,597,651       5,569,089        1,460,302                 --       24,627,042
  Selling, general &
   administrative expenses .      10,943,509       2,982,431          688,075(a)        (721,118)      13,892,897
  Expenses incurred due to
   restructuring ...........         246,930              --               --                 --          246,930
                                ------------    ------------     ------------       ------------     ------------
  Total operating expenses .      28,788,090       8,551,520        2,148,377           (721,118)      38,766,869
  Income from operations ...       4,057,004        (459,005)       1,202,471            721,118        5,521,588
  Interest expense .........       1,388,359         134,199           10,761(b)       1,587,518        3,120,837
  Interest expense-deferred
   financing costs .........         695,721              --               --                 --          695,721
  Interest and other
   expenses (income) .......         126,604         (72,363)              --                 --           54,241
                                ------------    ------------     ------------       ------------      -----------
  Income before income taxes       1,846,320        (520,841)       1,191,710           (866,400)       1,650,789
  Provision for income taxes         704,299          78,770          548,187(c)        (397,164)         934,092
                                ------------    ------------     ------------       ------------     ------------
  Net income before
   extraordinary item.........     1,142,021        (599,611)         643,523           (469,236)         716,697

  Extraordinary item - loss
   on early retirement of debt
   (net of income tax benefit
   of $137,000).............        (143,000)             --               --                 --         (143,000)
                                ------------    ------------     ------------       ------------     ------------
  Net income ...............    $    999,021    $   (599,611)    $    643,523       $   (469,236)    $    573,697
                                ============    ============     ============       ============     ============

  Basic earnings (loss) per
   common share:
    Earnings before
     extraordinary item.....    $       0.34                                                         $       0.17
    Extraordinary item .....           (0.04)                                                               (0.03)
                                ------------                                                         ------------
    Net income .............    $       0.30                                                         $       0.14
                                ============                                                         ============

  Diluted earnings (loss) per
   common share:
    Earnings before
     extraordinary item.....    $       0.31                                                         $       0.16
    Extraordinary item......           (0.04)                                                               (0.03)
                                ------------                                                         -------------
    Net income..............    $       0.27                                                         $       0.13
                                ============                                                         =============

  Shares used to compute net
   income per share:
    Basic ..................       3,403,721                                             754,148        4,157,869
                                ============                                        ============     ============
    Diluted ................       3,640,752                                             754,148        4,394,900
                                ============                                        ============     ============

* September 1, 1997 to March 25, 1998.

                                                 Unidigital Inc.

                             Pro Forma Condensed Statement of Operations (Unaudited)

                                            Year Ended August 31, 1997

                               Unidigital        Libra             Boris            Kwik                Mega Art
                               ----------        -----             -----            ----                --------

  Net sales .............    $ 27,261,856     $  4,202,018     $  3,276,883     $ 14,096,098        $  1,642,750
                             ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------        ------------

  Cost of sales .........      14,449,663        3,053,209        1,733,080        8,435,133             729,254
  Selling, general &
   expenses .............       9,673,071        1,270,444        1,615,998        4,965,031             644,709 (d)
                             ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------        ------------
  Total operating
   expenses .............      24,122,734        4,323,653        3,349,078       13,400,164           1,373,963
  Income (loss) from
   operations ...........       3,139,122         (121,635)         (72,195)         695,934             268,787
  Interest expense ......       1,094,628           37,282           92,972          212,520                  -- (e)
  Interest expense-
   deferred financing
   costs ................         138,069               --               --               --                  --   
  Interest and other
   (income) expenses ....         (27,587)         (21,584)              --          124,000            (124,000)
                             ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------        ------------
  Income (loss) before
    income taxes ........       1,934,012         (137,333)        (165,167)         359,115             392,787
  Provision for income
   taxes ................         593,280          (26,493)               3          178,237             140,593 (f)
                             ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------        ------------
Net income (loss) .......    $  1,340,732     $   (110,840)    $   (165,170)    $    180,878        $    252,194
                             ============     ============     ============     ============        ============
Net income per share
 available to common
   Basic.................    $       0.41
   Diluted...............    $       0.40

Shares used to
 compute net income
 per share:
   Basic ................       3,239,040
   Diluted ..............       3,378,775

                                                 Unidigital Inc.

                             Pro Forma Condensed Statement of Operations (Unaudited)

                                            Year Ended August 31, 1997

                              Adjustments      Pro Forma
                              -----------      ---------

  Net sales .............    $         --     $ 50,479,605
                             ------------     ------------

  Cost of sales .........                       28,400,339
  Selling, general &
   expenses .............        (144,594)      18,024,659
                             ------------     ------------
  Total operating
   expenses .............        (144,594)      46,424,998
  Income (loss) from
   operations ...........         144,594        4,054,607
  Interest expense ......       3,045,480        4,482,882
  Interest expense-
   deferred financing
   costs ................              --          138,069
  Interest and other
   (income) expenses ....              --         (48,872)
                             ------------     ------------
  Income (loss) before
    income taxes ........      (2,900,886)       (517,472)
  Provision for income
   taxes ................      (1,049,050)       (163,430)

Net income (loss) .......    $ (1,851,836)    $   (354,042)
                             ============     ============
Net income per share
 available to common
   Basic...........                          $      (0.08)
   Diluted.........                          $      (0.07)

Shares used to
 compute net income
 per share:
   Basic ................       1,403,989      4,643,029
                             ============     ===========
   Diluted ..............       1,403,989      4,782,764
                             ============     ===========

                    Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated
                        Financial Statements (Unaudited)

      For  purposes  of  determining  the  pro  forma  effect  of the  Mega  Art
Acquisition on the Company's  balance sheet as of May 31, 1998 and the Company's
income statement for the nine months ended May 31, 1998, the following pro forma
adjustments have been made:

                                                                    May 31,

      Cash received from borrowings .........................     $ 5,900,000
      Cash consideration for Kwik Acquisition ...............       5,900,000
                                                                  $        -- 

      Consideration for Mega Art Acquisition
      Cash ..................................................       5,800,000
      Issuance of 754,148 common shares at $6.63 per share ..       5,000,000
      Expenses of acquisition................................         100,000
                 Total Consideration ........................     $10,900,000

                 Total value of net assets acquired .........         768,975
                 Goodwill ...................................     $10,131,025

                                                Mega Art           Kwik          Total
                                                --------           ----          -----

(a) Amortization of goodwill over 25 years..  $   300,543     $   514,592     $   815,136
    (Excess) owners' compensation...........      (12,000)     (1,524,254)     (1,536,254)
                                              -----------     -----------     -----------
                                              $   288,543     $(1,009,602)    $  (721,118)
                                              ===========     ===========     ===========

(b) Additional financing costs .............  $  (369,750)    $(1,247,768)    $(1,587,518)
                                              ===========     ===========     ===========

(c) Pro forma tax adjustment ...............  $   246,752     $   (95,729)    $  (397,164)
                                              ===========     ===========     ===========

                    Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated
                        Financial Statements (Unaudited)

      For  purposes  of  determining  the  pro  forma  effect  of the  Mega  Art
Acquisition,   the  Kwik  Acquisition,  the  Libra  Acquisition  and  the  Boris
Acquisition on the Company's income statement for the twelve months ended August
31, 1997, the following pro forma adjustments have been made:

                                          Mega Art          Kwik            Libra            Boris          Total
                                          --------          ----            -----            -----          -----

(d) Amortization of goodwill .......    $   400,725     $   882,158     $   128,962     $      66,614    $ 1,478,459
    Additional (Excess) owners' 
      compensation .................         80,000      (1,703,053)             --                --     (1,623,053)
                                        -----------     -----------     -----------     -------------    -----------
                                        $   480,725     $  (820,895)    $   128,962     $      66,614    $  (144,594)
                                        ===========     ===========     ===========     =============    ===========

(e) Additional financing costs .....    $  (493,000)    $(2,111,480)    $  (441,000)    $          --    $(3,045,480)
                                        ===========     ===========     ===========     =============    ===========

(f) Pro forma tax adjustment .......    $  (405,984)    $  (457,678)    $  (185,388)    $          --    $(1,049,050)
                                        ===========     ===========     ===========     =============    ===========

(c)  Exhibits.

      Exhibit No.                       Description of Exhibit
      -----------                       ----------------------

       4.1                              Stockholders'   Agreement  dated  as  of
                                        September   2,   1998  by  and   between
                                        Unidigital Inc. and Ehud Aloni (included
                                        as an exhibit to the  Current  Report on
                                        Form 8-K of the Company dated  September
                                        14, 1998 and  incorporated  by reference

      10.1                              Agreement  and Purchase of Sale dated as
                                        of   August   3,   1998  by  and   among
                                        Unidigital Inc., Unison (NY), Inc., Mega
                                        Art  Corp.,  Ehud  Aloni,  Amit  Primor,
                                        Jeffrey E. Rothman and Seligson, Rothman
                                        & Rothman (included as an exhibit to the
                                        Current   Report  on  Form  8-K  of  the
                                        Company  dated  September  14,  1998 and
                                        incorporated by reference herein).

      10.2                              Employment   Agreement   dated   as   of
                                        September  2, 1998 by and  between  Mega
                                        Art Corp. and Ehud Aloni (included as an
                                        exhibit  to the  Current  Report on Form
                                        8-K of the Company  dated  September 14,
                                        1998  and   incorporated   by  reference

      23.1                              Consent of Robbins Spielman  Koenigsberg
                                        & Parker, LLP.


      Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                       Unidigital Inc.

                                       By: /s/ William E. Dye
                                          William E. Dye, Chief Executive
                                          Officer and Acting Chief Financial
                                          Officer (Principal Executive,
                                          Financial and Accounting Officer)

Date: December 17, 1998

                         CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

We consent to the  inclusion  in this Form 8-K/A of our report  dated August 25,
1998,  except  for the  years  ended  July 1997 and 1996 as to which the date is
November 11, 1998, on our audit of the financial statements of Mega Art Corp. as
of July 31,  1998,  and for each of the three years in the period  ended,  which
report is included in this Form 8-K/A.

/s/ Robbins Spielman Koenigsberg & Parker, LLP

New York, New York
December 16, 1998