WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                             CURRENT REPORT PURSUANT
                          TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                Date of Report (date of earliest event reported):
                                January 18, 2000

                             3TEC ENERGY CORPORATION
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                 (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)

         0-21702                                         76-0624573
 (Commission File Number)                   (IRS Employer Identification Number)

          Two Shell Plaza, 777 Walker, Suite 2400, Houston, Texas 77002
              (Address of Principal Executive Offices and Zip Code)

                                 (713) 222-6275
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

                  1221 Lamar, Suite 1020, Houston, Texas 77010
                                (Former Address)


Reverse  Stock  Split
- ---------------------

     On January 18, 2000, 3TEC Energy Corporation ("3TEC") announced stockholder
approval  of  an  amendment  to  3TEC's Certificate of Incorporation to effect a
1-for-3  reverse  stock split of the outstanding shares of 3TEC's $.02 par value
Common  Stock.  The  reverse split was effective as of the beginning of business
on January 18, 2000.  Until approximately February 15, 2000, 3TEC's Common Stock
will trade on the NASDAQ SmallCap Market under the symbol "TTEND" to distinguish
the post-split shares from the pre-split shares.  Thereafter, the trading symbol
will  revert  to  "TTEN."

     As  a  result  of  the  reverse stock split, the number of shares of Common
Stock  subject  to  outstanding  options  and  warrants  granted by 3TEC will be
reduced  by  two-thirds,  and  the  per  share exercise price of the outstanding
options  and  warrants  will  be increased by a multiple of three,  to place the
option  and  warrant  holders  in the same relative position they had before the
reverse  stock  split.  Additionally, pursuant to the antidilution provisions of
the  certificates of designation of 3TEC's Series B Preferred Stock and Series C
Preferred  Stock (collectively, "Preferred Stock"), the conversion ratio of each
outstanding  series  has  been  automatically revised to one third of a share of
Common  Stock  for  each  outstanding  share  of  Preferred  Stock.

     As previously described in 3TEC's definitive proxy statement filed with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on January 11, 2000, 3TEC entered into an
Agreement  and  Plan  of Merger on December 21, 1999, with Magellan Exploration,
LLC ("Magellan") and the other parties named therein (the "Magellan Agreement").
Pursuant  to  the terms of the original Magellan Agreement, 3TEC was to issue as
consideration  in  the acquisition of Magellan 3,300,000 shares of Common Stock,
warrants  to  purchase  1,000,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of
$10.00  per  share,  and  1,875,000  shares of Series D Preferred Stock having a
redemption  value  of  $8.00  per share and convertible into 1,875,000 shares of
Common  Stock.  In  addition,  the Second Amendment to the Agreement and Plan of
Merger,  entered  into  on  February  2,  2000, decreased slightly the number of
shares  to  be issued by 3TEC in the transaction.  The Magellan Agreement, as so
amended  to  reflect  the  effect  of  the  reverse  stock  split  and the share
reduction,  provides,  on  a  post-split  basis,  that 3TEC will issue 1,085,934
shares  of its Common Stock, warrants to purchase 333,333 shares of Common Stock
at  an  exercise  price  of $30.00 per share, and 617,008 shares of its Series D
Preferred  Stock  having a redemption value of $24.00 per share, with each share
of  Series  D  Preferred  Stock  being  convertible into one share of post-split
Common  Stock.

     A form of the amendment to 3TEC's Certificate of Incorporation was filed as
Exhibit  A  to  the definitive proxy statement filed by 3TEC on January 3, 2000.
The First Amendment and Second Amendment to the  Magellan Agreement are filed as
Exhibits  2.1  and  2.2  hereto.  The  January  18, 2000, press release is filed
herewith  as  Exhibit  99.1.

Current  Officers  of  3TEC
- ---------------------------

     The  board of directors of 3TEC have elected the following persons to serve
as  officers  of  3TEC:


NAME                    AGE              POSITION(S) HELD               SINCE
- ----------------------  ---  -----------------------------------------  -----

Floyd C. Wilson          52  Chairman, President, Chief Executive        1999
                             Officer and Treasurer

Stephen W. Herod         40  Executive Vice President, Chief Financial   1997
                             Officer, Secretary and Director

Richard K. Stoneburner   46  Vice President - Exploration                1999

Mark S. Holt             44  Vice President - Land                       1999

Earl Ringeiser           65  Vice President - Production                 1999

Terry W. Gautier         43  Controller                                  1999

          FLOYD C. WILSON,  Chairman,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer,
     joined us on August 27, 1999, concurrent with the investment by 3TEC Energy
     Company LLC ("3TEC LLC").  Mr. Wilson  founded 3TEC LLC in 1998. Mr. Wilson
     began his career in the energy  business in Houston in 1970 as a completion
     engineer.  He moved to  Wichita  in 1976 to start an oil and gas  operating
     company,  one  of  several  private  energy  ventures  which  preceded  the
     formation  of 3TEC LLC.  Mr.  Wilson  founded  Hugoton  Energy  Corporation
     ("Hugoton")  in 1987,  and  served as its  Chairman,  President,  and Chief
     Executive  Officer.  In 1994, Mr. Wilson took Hugoton public,  and sold the
     company in 1998 to Chesapeake Energy Corporation.

          STEPHEN W. HEROD has served as our  Executive  Vice  President,  Chief
     Financial Officer and Secretary since December 1999 and as a director since
     July  1997.  From  July  1997 to  December  1999,  Mr.  Herod  was our Vice
     President-Corporate  Development.  Mr. Herod  served  as  Principal  and  a
     director  of Shore Oil  Company  from  April 1992 until the merger of Shore
     with us on June 30, 1997. He joined  Shore's  predecessor  as Controller in
     February 1991. Mr. Herod was employed by Conquest  Exploration Company from
     1984  until  1991 in  various  financial  management  positions,  including
     Operations  Accounting  Manager.  From 1981 to 1984,  Superior  Oil Company
     employed Mr. Herod as a financial analyst.

          RICHARD  K.  STONEBURNER  joined us in  August  1999 and  became  Vice
     President-Exploration  in December  1999. Mr.  Stoneburner  was employed by
     3TEC as  District  Geologist  from 1998 to 1999.  Prior to joining  us, Mr.
     Stoneburner  worked as a geologist  for Texas Oil & Gas,  The Reach  Group,
     Weber  Energy  Corporation,  Hugoton  and,  independently  through  his own
     company, Stoneburner Exploration, Inc. Mr. Stoneburner has over 20 years of
     experience in the energy field.

          MARK S. HOLT joined us in August 1999  and became  Vice President-Land
     in December 1999. 3TEC LLC employed Mr. Holt as District  Landman from 1998
     to 1999. From 1985 to 1998, Mr. Holt was the owner of Holt Resources, which
     provided  land  consulting  services to various oil and gas  companies  and
     operators.  From 1979 to 1985,  Mr. Holt was the Senior Landman for Sun Oil

          EARL  W.   RINGEISEN   joined  us  in  August  1999  and  became  Vice
     President-Production in December 1999. From 1998 to 1999, Chesapeake Energy
     Corporation  employed Mr. Ringeisen as their Kansas District  Manager.  Mr.
     Ringeisen  served as Hugoton's  Vice  President of Operations  from 1993 to
     1998. From 1987 to 1993, Mr. Ringeisen served as Production  Superintendent
     for Hugoton.

          TERRY W. GAUTIER joined us as Controller in December  1999.  From July
     1990 to November  1999,  Mr.  Gautier was  employed by Floyd Oil Company as
     Vice President,  Chief  Accounting  Officer and Controller.  3TEC purchased
     substantially  all of Floyd Oil Company's assets in November 1999. Prior to
     joining  Floyd Oil Company,  Mr.  Gautier was employed by Pelto Oil Company
     for six years,  serving the last two as Controller.  From 1978 to 1983, Mr.
     Gautier  was an Audit  Senior  with  Touche  Ross and Co. He is a certified
     public accountant.


(c)  Exhibits.  The  following  exhibits  are  filed  herewith:

     2.1  First  Amendment  to  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  effective  as of
          January  14,  2000,  by  and  among  3TEC  Energy   Corporation,   3TM
          Acquisition L.L.C., Magellan Exploration, LLC, ECIC Corporation, EnCap
          Energy Capital Fund III, L.P., EnCap Energy  Acquisition  III-B, Inc.,
          BOCP Energy Partners, L.P., and Pel-Tex Partners, L.L.C.

     2.2  Second  Amendment  to  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  effective as of
          February  2,  2000,  by  and  among  3TEC  Energy   Corporation,   3TM
          Acquisition L.L.C., Magellan Exploration, LLC, ECIC Corporation, EnCap
          Energy Capital Fund III, L.P., EnCap Energy  Acquisition  III-B, Inc.,
          BOCP Energy Partners, L.P., and Pel-Tex Partners, L.L.C.

     99.1 Press Release dated January 18, 2000.


     Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,the
registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

                                        3TEC  Energy  Corporation

Date:  February  3,  2000               By:  /s/  Stephen  W.  Herod
                                        Stephen W.  Herod
                                        Executive Vice President and
                                        Chief  Financial  Officer

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

     2.1  First  Amendment  to  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  effective  as of
          January  14,  2000,  by  and  among  3TEC  Energy   Corporation,   3TM
          Acquisition L.L.C., Magellan Exploration, LLC, ECIC Corporation, EnCap
          Energy Capital Fund III, L.P., EnCap Energy  Acquisition  III-B, Inc.,
          BOCP Energy Partners, L.P., and Pel-Tex Partners, L.L.C.

     2.2  Second  Amendment  to  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  effective as of
          February  2,  2000,  by  and  among  3TEC  Energy   Corporation,   3TM
          Acquisition L.L.C., Magellan Exploration, LLC, ECIC Corporation, EnCap
          Energy Capital Fund III, L.P., EnCap Energy  Acquisition  III-B, Inc.,
          BOCP Energy Partners, L.P., and Pel-Tex Partners, L.L.C.

     99.1 Press Release dated January 18, 2000.