SCHROEDER WALTHALL NEVILLE L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 1100 Louisiana, Suite 4850 Houston, TX 77002-5222 Telephone (713)654-9100 T. Michael Neville (800)967-7770 Walter A. Schroeder, P.C. ------------- Leonidas F. Walthall, P.C. Telecopier (713)654-1341 March 6, 2000 Securities and Exchange Commission Division of Corporate Finance Office of Small Business Review 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 Re: Company: Pinnacle Business Management Inc Form Type: 10sb12b Number Of Documents: 12 Received Date: 01-Mar-2000 17:20 Accepted Date: 01-Mar-2000 17:22 Filing Date: 01-Mar-2000 17:20 Gentlemen, Our Firm represents Pinnacle Business Management, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Company." The Company is in the process of acquiring a fully reporting subsidiary. We therefore request the Commission's consent to withdraw the Form 10 SB, and with such, respectively withdraw. We anticipate the acquired company to file an 8-K in the near future. Please feel free to contact our office with any comments, questions or thoughts. Thank you. Very truly yours, SCHROEDER WALTHALL NEVILLE L.L.P. By: Leonidas F. Walthall, P.C. /s/ Leonidas F. Walthall ------------------------------------- Leonidas F. Walthall