10.4     Database  Access  Agreement.


This  Agreement  ("Agreement')  sets  forth the terms and conditions under which
(Southwestern  Bell Telephone Company a corporation. (Pacific Bell, a California
corporation.)  for  itself  and its affiliates (hereinafter Company') will allow
N.O.L., a TEXAS CORP. ("Applicant),   (collectively   the  Verities)  access  to
- ------    -----------
Company's proprietary Complex Products Service Order System ("CPSOS') database.

Whereas;  Company  offers  Digital  Subscriber  Use (DSL") related services from
designated  central  offices  to  customers  with  qualified  local  loops;  and

Whereas,  Applicant  desires  to  access  and  Company  desires  to  facilitate
Applicant's  use  of  Company's  csos  database  to assist in placing authorized
queries  regarding  loop  qualification  status  and  authorized  orders for the
provisioning  of  DSL;  and

Whereas,  Applicant  understands  that  Company's  CPSOS  database  provides
preliminary information concerning the basic services (e.g. individual line fiat
rated residential service- IFR; individual line measured business service - 1MB)
provided  to  Company's  end  user  customers  ('Customers');

The  parties  agree  as  follows:

1     Term. This  Agreement shall  become effective the 2 day of Sept, 1999, and
      ----                                             ---      -----
shall  remain in effect thereafter until terminated as provided herein ("Term').

2.     Applicant's  Representations  and  Responsibilities.

     a)     Confidentiality.  By  signing  this Agreement Applicant acknowledges
and  agrees that, in the performance of this Agreement. Applicant may receive or
have  access to technical, customer (including but not limited to CPNI, customer
proprietary  information,  non-published or any other customer information which
is  protected  by  law  or  regulation),  personnel  and business information in
written, graphic. oral or other tangible or intangible forms, including, but not
limited  to,  ideas, discoveries, concepts. techniques, know-how, trade secrets,
designs,  specifications,  records,  data,  computer programs, drawings, models,
business,  product,  engineering  and  deployment  plans,  reports  and  samples
(collectively  referred  to  as information') owned or controlled by Company. In
addition,  such Information may contain proprietary or confidential Information,
disclosures  of patentable inventions with respect to which patents may not have
been  issued  or  for  which  patent  applications  may  not have been filed, or
material which is subject to applicable laws regarding secrecy of communications
or  trade  secrets.  Applicant  agrees:

    (i)     that  all  such  Information  and  data  so  acquired or accessed by
    Applicant  which is owned by  Company will  be  and  will  remain  Company's
    Exclusive property;

    (ii)     to  inform  its  employees  engaged  in  the  handling  of  such
    Information  of  its  confidential  character  and  of  the  existence  of
    The requirements  to  maintain  its confidentiality and to employ  the same
    degree of care  used  in the protection of its own confidential information
    to protect and maintain  the  confidentiality  of  such  Information;

    (iii)      to  stratify  maintain  the  confidentiality  of the data stored
    within  CPSOS  and  to  use it only for the performance of  this  Agreement
    and no other purpose. Information stored in CPSOS includes  customer record
    information, and  restricted  and  confidential  Information  that
    Applicant  also  agrees  to  protect  from  unauthorized  access  by
    Applicant's  employees;

    (iv)     to  prohibit  access  to  the CPSOS database or to any  information
    derived from the CPSOS database by any agents or third parties of Applicant;

    (v)     to  keep  any  and  all  such  Information and data  confidential in
    perpetuity  after  termination  of  this  Agreement

     b)     CPSOS  Database  Access and Use. Applicant shall use Company's CPSOS
database  only  to  assist  in  placing  authorized  queries  regarding  loop
qualification status and authorized orders for the provisioning of DSL. Prior to
initiating  a CPSO query concerning customer information or qualification status
stored  on  CPSOS,  Applicant  shall either first (1) obtain the bona tide name,
address  and  telephone number for each customer about whom the information will
be sought, or (2) obtain explicit written consent from each customer authorizing
the  release  of  such  information. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to
authorize  Applicant to access customer information for which Applicant does not
have  the  requisite  customer  authorization,  Any  breach of this section is a
material  breach  of  this  Agreement  and  Company  shall  have  the  right  to
immediately  terminate  this  Agreement

CPSOS  agreement

     c) Ordering. Applicant acknowledges that DSL is available only to Company's
customers  with  qualified loops and equipment served out of DSL enabled central
offices.  Applicant  will  accurately  and  completely disclose to customers all
relevant  restrictions,  rates  and charges applicable to Company's OSL service.
Applicant  shall  only  place  orders  for  DSL  service pursuant to a bona tide
request  from  the  customer, after the customer has been thoroughly informed of
all  pertinent  restrictions,  rates,  charges,  terms,  conditions and Customer

     d)  Letters of Authorization. If Applicant is ordering DSL on behalf of its
subscriber(s),  it must obtain a written or electronic letter of agency ('LOA"),
in  conformance  with Company's business practices in effect at the time of such
authorization,  from the customer. Applicant shall store all original written or
electronic LOAS in a secure location for four (4) years following the end of the
Term and shall produce the same for SBC'slPaaftc's inspection within twenty tour
(24)  hours  of  written  notice  in response to a legal, regulatory or customer
service review or investigation, or within two (2) days of written notice in the
event  of  an  audit  of  the  Company.

     e)  Software  and  Hardware.  Applicant  is  responsible  for obtaining all
necessary  approvals,  operating  support system software and hardware to access
CPSOS functionality, and all orders initiated through CPSOS must comply with the
requirements  set  forth  in  the  CPSOS training manual and in the SBC Toolbar.

     f)  Indemnification.  Applicant agrees to indemnify and defend Company, its
affiliates,  and  the  officers,  directors, employees and agents of any of them
('Indemnities'),  from  and  against  any  loss,  cost, damage, claims, expense,
fines,  penalties, or liability, including costs of defense and attorneys' fees,
arising  from  Applicant's  failure  to adhere to any of terms and conditions of
this  Agreement  and  specifically  Applicant's  access  and  use  of  the CPSOS
database,  or  Applicant's  failure  to  comply with any applicable law, rule or
regulation, including, but not limited to, any injury to any person or damage to
any  property, except to the extent that such loss, cost, damage, claim, expense
or  liability arises from the active negligence or willful misconduct of Company
or  its  employees. Applicant will also keep Company informed as to the progress
of  such  defense  and  afford Company an opportunity to participate on an equal
basis  in  the  defense  or  settlement  of  such  claim.

     g)  Audit.  Applicant  hereby agrees that Company may inspect and audit its
activities  to  ensure  compliance  with  this Agreement during regular business
hours  with  advanced  notice  and Applicant will make any pertinent records and
flies  available  to  Company.

3.     Company's  Representations.

     a)  CPSOS Access.  Company  shall endeavor to provide secure limited access
to CPSOS  functionality  during  normal  business  hours.  Applicant must obtain
confidential identification and password, documentation and CPSOS training prior
to  being  allowed  to  utilize  CPSOS.

     b)  Company  reserves  the  night  in  its  sole  discretion  to  modify or
discontinue the use of any system or interface as it deems appropriate, provided
however,  that  Company  shall  provide  the  Applicant reasonable prior written
notice  of  any  plan  to  discontinue  the  system,  interface
or  of  any  significant  system  modification.



4.     Termination.

     a)  Either  party may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon 30 days
prior  written  notice  to  the other Party. This Agreement may be terminated by
either  party  upon  providing  notice  to  the  other  of the following events:

     b) If the other party fails to perform or to observe, or commits the breach
of  any representation, obligation, or covenant of Agreement, and fails to cures
such  breach  or  failure  to perform within 15 days, except as set forth below.

     c)  Company  may  terminate this Agreement immediately upon the delivery of
written  notice  to  Applicant  for Applicants breach which implicates Company's
legal or regulatory obligations or restrictions, including but not limited to an
act  or omission by Applicant which causes or may cause Company to be subject to
any review, inquiry or proceeding regarding its regulatory or legal requirements
or obligations, including but not limited to: initiating unauthorized queries of
the  CPSOS  database;  placing  unauthorized  orders  for  customers; failing to
obtain,  maintain,  or  provide  to  Company  or any authorized third party upon
request  any  required  LOAs; misrepresentation of Applicant's relationship with
Company;  or  actions  or omissions which dishonor, discredit, reflect adversely
upon  or  injure  the  reputation  of  Company

     d)  The  right  of  either  party  to  terminate  this  Agreement is not an
exclusive  remedy.  and  either  party  shall  be  entitled to other remedies as
provided  by  law  or  in  equity

5.     Miscellaneous.

     a) Assignment. The parties agree that neither this Agreement, nor any right
or  obligation  hereunder,  is  assignable  by  Applicant,  in whole or in part,
whether by operation of law or otherwise, by Applicant without the prior written
consent  of  Company.

     b)  Notices  arid  Other Communications. Every notice, consent, approval or
other  communication  required or contemplated by this Agreement by either party
shall  be  in writing arid shall be delivered in person, by postage prepaid mail
or  by overnight courier service addressed to the party for whom intended at the
address  specified  below  or  at  such  other address as the intended recipient
previously  shall  have  designated  by  written  notice  to  the  other  party.

To: Applicant: NetWorks Online, Inc.          To:  Company
    ---------                                 5400  Foxridge
10497 Town & Country Way #460                 Room  240
Houston TX 77024                              Mission,  KS  66202
ATTN: Don Brown                               Attention:  Kimberly  Poores,
                                              Manager  -  Sales  Agency

Phone:  713-554-7100                          Phone:  (913)  676-6308
Fax:    713-554-0488                          Fax:  (913)  676-0940
E-mail: DONB@NOL.NET                          E-mail:  kp5575@sbc.com

     c)  Waiver  of  Rights.  Failure of either party at any time to require the
other  party's  performance  of  any  obligation  under this Agreement shall not
affect the right to require performance of that obligation. Any waiver by either
party  of  any breach of any provision hereof shall not be construed as a waiver
of  any  continuing  or  succeeding  breach  of  such  provision,  a  waiver  or
modification  of  the provision itself, or a waiver or modification of any right
under  this  Agreement.

     d)  Regulatory  Changes.  Company  reserves the right to amend or terminate
this  Agreement  to  conform  it  to  any  requirement  of  applicable  laws  or
regulations  or  to  any  requirement imposed by the California Public Utilities
Commission  or  the  Federal  Communications Commission in the exercise of their
jurisdiction over Company, or to any requirement of the United States Department
of  Justice  or  the  state  or  federal  courts  in  connection  with  the
Telecommunications  Act  of  1996.

     e)  Compliance  with  Laws.  Each  party  will  comply  with  any  and  all
applicable  tariffs,  rules  and  orders  of judicial and regulatory bodies, and
local,  state.  and  federal  laws.

     f)  No  Proprietary  Rights  Conferred.  Nothing contained in the Agreement
shall  be  construed  as conferring to either party by implication. estoppel, or
otherwise,,  any  license  or  right, under any patent, trademark, service mark,
trade  name,  copyright,  or  other  proprietary  right of Company or Applicant.

     g)  Modification.  No  modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be
valid or binding on the parties unless such modification or amendment is made in
writing  and  duly  executed  by  the  authorized  representative of each party.

     h)  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement sets forth the entire understanding
between  the  parties relating to the subject matter contained herein and merges
all  prior  discussions  between  them.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  duly  authorized  persons  below  have executed this
Agreement  as  of  the  date  first  above  written  on  behalf  of the parties.

Southwestern  Bell  Telephone        Applicant: NETWORKS ON-LINE, INC.
By: Amy E. Cook                      By:          Don Brown
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    Amy E. Cook
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         (Print  Name)                            (Print  Name)

Title: Area Manager Sales Agency     Title:   DB
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       Southwestern  Bell
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Date  Signed:    9/7/99              Date  Signed:  9/2/99
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