
                                  UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT



         Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): MARCH 6, 2001

                           BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          DELAWARE                  000-22433                   75-2692967
 (State or other jurisdiction      (Commission                (IRS  Employer
     of  incorporation)            File  Number)           Identification  No.)

                            6300 BRIDGEPOINT PARKWAY
                             BUILDING TWO, SUITE 500
                              AUSTIN, TEXAS  78730
          (Address, including zip code, of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (512) 427-3300



     On  March  6,  2001,  Brigham Exploration Company ("Brigham") announced the
sale  of  $10  million  in  preferred equity in a private placement transaction.
Brigham's  receipt  of  the  purchase  price  and the purchasers' receipt of the
securities  are  subject  to  certain  conditions discussed below. Upon receipt,
proceeds  from this equity placement will further reduce Brigham's balance sheet
leverage  and provide additional funding for its 2001 drilling program. On March
6,  2001,  Brigham  also announced the completion of another high-rate Frio well
and  provided  an  update  on  its development activities at the Home Run Field.

     Also  on March 6, 2001, Brigham disclosed its year-end 2000 proved reserves
and  finding costs, and also announced its financial results for the quarter and
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000. A copy of Brigham's press release regarding
its  year-end  results  announcements  is  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  99.1.

Preferred  Stock  Placement

     Brigham has, subject to certain conditions, sold $10 million in mandatorily
redeemable  preferred  stock  (the  "Preferred  Stock") and warrants to purchase
Brigham  common  stock  to  affiliates  of  Credit Suisse First Boston ("CSFB").
Affiliates  of  CSFB  invested  $20 million in November 2000 to purchase similar
securities as part of a series of financing transactions to fund the purchase of
all  subordinated  debt  and  equity securities in Brigham held by affiliates of
Enron North America. The $10 million of Preferred Stock will bear dividends at a
rate  of  6%  per annum if paid in cash and 8% per annum if paid-in-kind ("PIK")
through the issuance of additional Preferred Stock in lieu of cash. At Brigham's
option,  up  to  100%  of  the  dividend  payments on the Preferred Stock can be
satisfied  through  the  issuance  of  PIK  dividends  until  November 2005. The
Preferred  Stock  matures in November 2010 and is redeemable at Brigham's option
at  100% or 101% of par value (depending on certain conditions) at anytime prior
to  maturity.

     The  2,105,263  warrants  to  purchase Brigham common stock included in the
transaction (the "CSFB Warrants") have a term of ten years, an exercise price of
$4.75 per share and must be exercised, if Brigham so requires, in the event that
Brigham  common  stock  averages  at  least  $7.13 per share over 60 consecutive
trading  days.  If Brigham requires exercise of the CSFB Warrants, proceeds from
the  exercise  will  be  used  to fund the redemption of a similar value of then
outstanding Preferred Stock. The CSFB affiliates will continue to have the right
to  designate  one  member  of Brigham's board of directors, currently Steven A.
Webster.  Mr.  Webster  is  Managing Director of Global Energy Partners, Ltd., a
merchant  banking  affiliate of CSFB that makes investments in energy companies.

     This  transaction  is subject to certain conditions relating to approval of
Brigham's  shareholders  at  Brigham's  annual  shareholder meeting in early May
2001.  Holders  of a majority of outstanding Brigham common stock have agreed to
vote  for  approval  of  the  CSFB Warrants at Brigham's 2001 annual shareholder
meeting.  Brigham's  receipt  of  the  purchase  price  and the CSFB affiliates'
receipt  of the Preferred Stock and the CSFB Warrants will occur if and when the
record  date  for the annual shareholder meeting (currently expected to be March
21st) occurs, the proxy materials for the annual meeting are not under review by
the  SEC  and  the  parties  to  the  voting  agreement still hold a majority of
outstanding  Brigham  common  stock.


     Proceeds  from the preferred stock placement, along with availability under
Brigham's  subordinated  note  facility  and  operating  cash flow, will finance
Brigham's  planned   $22   million   drilling  program  and  provide  additional
flexibility to potentially expand its drilling budget should conditions merit an
increase  during  the  course  of  the  year.

New  Frio  Completion

     Brigham  operated the drilling of a 3-D delineated Frio bright spot well in
February  2001. This well was recently completed and is currently producing at a
rate  of  17.5 MMcf of natural gas and 290 barrels of condensate per day, or 4.4
MMcfe  net  to Brigham's 23% net revenue interest. Further, Brigham is currently
drilling  an  additional  Frio  bright  spot test in which it has retained a 34%
working  interest.

Home  Run  Field  Development

     Brigham  spud its third and fourth development wells in the Home Run Field,
the  Palmer State #4 and the D.J. Sullivan C-25 #1, during the fourth quarter of
2000. Completion operations are under way on both wells. The Palmer State #4 has
been  perforated  and  fracture  stimulated  in  the  deepest  of four potential
Vicksburg  pay  intervals and tested at rates of 6.4 MMcf of natural gas and 380
barrels  of  condensate per day, or 2.5 MMcfe net to Brigham's revenue interest,
at  a  flowing  tubing pressure of 5,800 psi. Brigham is continuing to perforate
and  stimulate  additional  Vicksburg  pay  intervals  in  the  wellbore.  Upon
completion  and  stimulation  of  all the Lower Vicksburg pay intervals, Brigham
intends  to  commingle  production  from  all  four  zones.

     The  D.J. Sullivan C-25 #1 is the northernmost well drilled in the field to
date  and, like the Palmer State #4, is also experiencing excellent test results
early  in its completion procedure. The first of several Vicksburg pay intervals
was  recently  perforated and tested at rates of 7.2 MMcf of natural gas and 420
barrels  of  condensate per day, or 2.5 MMcfe net to Brigham's revenue interest.
Four  additional  Vicksburg  pay  intervals  will  be stimulated and commingled.
Completion  of  all testing procedures for the Palmer State #4 and D.J. Sullivan
C-25  #1  wells  are  expected  by  late  March  or  early  April  2001.



     (c)     Exhibits

                   Item               Exhibit
                   ----               -------

                   99.1*              Press Release dated
                                      March 6, 2001.

*  filed herewith.



     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                                                BRIGHAM  EXPLORATION  COMPANY

Date:     March 7, 2001                    By:  /s/  Curtis  F.  Harrell
                                                       Curtis  F.  Harrell
                                                       Chief Financial Officer


                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

                      Item  Number              Exhibit
                      ------------              -------

                      99.1*               Press Release dated
                                          March  6,  2001.