[GRAPHIC  OMITTED]                                                  NEWS RELEASE
BRIGHAM                                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Exploration Company



     Austin,  TX  --  (Business  Wire)  -  March  6, 2001 -- Brigham Exploration
Company  (NASDAQ:BEXP)  today  disclosed  its  year-end 2000 proved reserves and
finding  costs,  and  also  announced  its financial results for the quarter and
fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2000.


     Brigham's estimated net proved reserve volumes at December 31, 2000 totaled
95  Bcfe, which represents a 14% increase from its 84 net Bcfe at year-end 1999.
During  2000,  Brigham  added 18.4 Bcfe primarily through drilling activities in
its  Anadarko  Basin  and  Texas Gulf Coast 3-D seismic projects. Brigham's 2000
drilling  program  generated  net proved reserve additions that replaced 279% of
its  6.6  Bcfe  of  net  volumes  produced during the year. Approximately 82% of
Brigham's  year-end  2000  reserve  volumes  are  natural gas and 53% are proved

     The  present  value  of  Brigham's estimated proved reserves, calculated in
accordance  with  SEC guidelines ("PV10% Value"), increased 333% to $498 million
at year-end 2000 from $115 million at year-end 1999. The PV10% Value at year-end
2000  was  calculated based on a Henry Hub natural gas price of $10.42 per MMBtu
and  a West Texas Intermediate Sweet price of $26.83 per barrel. The PV10% Value
of  these  same reserve quantities at lower prices of $5.00 per MMBtu and $25.00
per barrel is approximately $246 million.

     Net capital expenditures incurred in exploration and development operations
during  2000  totaled  $25.3  million  (including capitalized G&A and interest),
approximately  73%  of  which  related  to  drilling  activities.  As  a result,
Brigham's  average finding costs for reserves added in 2000 (including revisions
to  prior estimates) were $1.00 per Mcfe based only on drilling expenditures and
$1.38  per  Mcfe  based  on  total  net  capital  expenditures.


     Average  net daily production volumes for the fourth quarter 2000 were 18.4
MMcfe,  an  increase  of  12%  from the fourth quarter 1999. Several significant
drilling  discoveries made by Brigham late in 2000 did not materially contribute
to fourth quarter volumes, but are expected to impact the first quarter of 2001.
As  a  result,  production volumes for the month of January 2001 are expected to
average  24  MMcfe,  30%  greater than average volumes for the fourth quarter of

     Natural gas and oil sales for the fourth quarter 2000 were $4.6 million, or
a  13%  increase  from  the  same  period  last year. Brigham's average realized
equivalent  natural  gas  and oil sales price increased 1% in the fourth quarter
2000  as compared to the prior year quarter primarily due to 30% higher realized
prices  for  crude  oil. Cash settlements on natural gas hedging transactions of
$4.3  million,  or  $3.63  per  Mcf,  negatively impacted Brigham's net realized
natural  gas  sales  price  and  revenues  during the fourth quarter 2000, while
natural  gas  hedging  settlements  of  $485,000,  or $0.48 per Mcf, reduced its
average  realized  natural  gas  sales  price and revenues during the prior year

     Lease  operating  expenses for the fourth quarter 2000 were $637,000, a 10%
increase  from  the  fourth  quarter  1999  primarily  due  to higher production
volumes.  Net  general and administrative expenses were $934,000, a 21% increase
from  the  fourth  quarter  1999  principally  due  to  higher payroll expenses.
Depletion  expenses  were  $2.1  million ($1.28 per Mcfe), or 7% higher than the
prior  year  quarter  due  to  increased  production volumes that were partially
offset  by  a  lower  depletion rate per unit. Interest expense decreased 70% to
$809,000  in  the fourth quarter 2000 from $2.7 million in the prior year period
as  a  result  of  reduced  borrowings,  lower  effective interest rates and the
cancellation  of  certain interest obligations as a result of the refinancing of
Brigham's  senior  subordinated  notes.

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     Earnings  before  interest, taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization
(EBITDA)  decreased  23%  to  $2.5  million in the fourth quarter 2000 from $3.3
million  in  the  fourth  quarter 1999, while operating cash flow for the fourth
quarter  2000  was  $2.0 million ($0.13 per diluted share), a decrease from $2.8
million  ($0.19 per diluted share) for the same period in 1999. Brigham reported
net  income  of  $28.2  million ($1.74 per diluted share) for the fourth quarter
2000  compared  to  a net loss of $2.2 million ($0.15 per diluted share) for the
prior  year  period.  Net income for the fourth quarter of 2000 included a $32.3
million  extraordinary  gain  on  the  refinancing  of  debt and $3.2 million in
non-cash expenses related to changes in the fair market value of certain hedging
contracts.  Excluding extraordinary items and the non-cash change in fair market
value  of certain hedging contracts, the fourth quarter 2000 net loss would have
been  $857,000  ($0.05  per  diluted  share)  as compared to a loss for the same
period  in  1999  of  $2.3  million  ($0.16  per  diluted  share).

     Capital costs incurred during the fourth quarter 2000 totaled $8.5 million,
which  included  $4.5 million related to drilling, $2.2 million for land and G&G
activities  and  $1.8  million  for  capitalized interest and overhead expenses.
Additionally,  Brigham  realized  $4.0  million  in  proceeds  from  the sale of
ownership in certain proprietary 3-D seismic data, which resulted in net capital
costs  of  $4.5  million  for  the  fourth  quarter.


     Net  equivalent  production  volumes totaled 6.6 Bcfe (67% natural gas) for
the  full  year  2000  compared with 6.3 net Bcfe produced in 1999, resulting in
year-over-year production volume growth of 5%. Excluding volumes associated with
properties  sold  effective  June  30, 1999, Brigham's comparable net production
volumes  increased  by  16%  in 2000. Natural gas and oil sales for 2000 totaled
$19.1  million  compared  to  $15  million last year, an increase of 28% despite
Brigham's  natural  gas  hedge position that resulted in net cash settlements of
$9.4  million  ($2.12  per Mcf) for the year. Brigham's average realized natural
gas  and oil equivalent sales price increased 21% to $2.90 per Mcfe in 2000 from
$2.39 per Mcfe in the prior year. Average realized sales prices during 2000 were
$1.94  per  Mcf  for  natural gas and $29.17 per barrel for oil as compared with
average  realized  sales  prices  during  1999  of  $2.11 per Mcf and $17.79 per
barrel,  respectively.

     EBITDA  for  2000 increased 26% to $12 million from $9.5 million last year.
Operating  cash  flow  also  improved in 2000 to $8.6 million ($0.53 per diluted
share),  an increase of 14% from $7.5 million ($0.53 per diluted share) in 1999.
Brigham reported net income of $16.3 million ($1.01 per diluted share) for 2000,
which  included a $32.3 million extraordinary gain on the refinancing of debt in
the  fourth  quarter and $8.9 million in non-cash expenses related to changes in
the fair market value of certain hedging contracts, as compared to a net loss of
$21.6 million ($1.53 per diluted share) for 1999, which included a $12.2 million
non-cash  loss  on  the  sale of oil and gas properties and $115,000 in non-cash
expenses  related  to  changes  in  the  fair  market  value  of certain hedging
contracts.  Excluding  these  non-cash  items, Brigham's net loss for 2000 would
have  been  $7.0 million ($0.43 per diluted share), as compared to a net loss of
$9.3  million  ($0.66  per  diluted  share)  for  1999.

     For  the  year,  Brigham  incurred  capital  costs  of $25.3 million, which
consisted  of  $18.5  million  for drilling, $583,000 on land and G&G activities
(net  of proceeds from project sales), and $6.3 million for capitalized interest
and  overhead  expenses.


     Bud  Brigham,  the  Company's  Chairman,  CEO  and  President, stated, "Our
drilling  program  in 2000 generated some exciting results, particularly our two
significant  field  discoveries  in  the  Anadarko Basin. These two discoveries,
combined  with  our  late 1999 Home Run Field discovery in the Texas Gulf Coast,
provides  our  company  with  a  growing  portfolio of low risk, yet high return
development  drilling.  We  are  also  pleased with our average drilling cost of
$0.62  per Mcfe over the past two years. This operational metric is particularly
attractive considering that a significant percentage of our capital was spent on
drilling  previously  booked proved undeveloped locations. Another indication of
our  recent  drilling  success  is that every $1 we invested in drilling in 2000
generated over $4.50 in proved developed PV10% reserve value, using recent strip

     Mr. Brigham further stated, "Recent production additions did not materially
impact  the fourth quarter 2000. In addition, debt levels and our hedge position
significantly  limited  our  cash  flow  expansion  in  2000.  However, our cost
structure  is significantly improved in 2001, in part due to $20 million in debt
reduction.  Realized  natural  gas  prices  should increase as our average hedge
price improves and the percentage of our production that is hedged declines.  As
a  result, we expect a substantial improvement in our operating margins in 2001,
beginning  with  record levels for production and cash flow in the first quarter
of  2001."

Page 3


     Brigham  management  will  host  a conference call to discuss the Company's
year-end  2000  financial  and  operational results with investors, analysts and
other  interested parties on Wednesday, March 7th, at 9:00 a.m. Central time. To
participate  in  the  call,  please  dial  888-882-0119  and ask for the Brigham
Exploration  conference  call  (conference  identification  number  18091206). A
recording  of  the  conference  call  will  be  available  to interested parties
approximately  one  hour  after the call is completed through 11:00 a.m. Central
time on Friday, March 9th. To access the recording, please dial 800-633-8284 and
enter  18091206  as  the  conference  playback  identification  number.


     Brigham  Exploration  Company  is an independent exploration and production
company  that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging and other advanced technologies to
systematically  explore  and  develop  onshore  domestic  natural  gas  and  oil
provinces.  For  more  information  about  Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or  contact  Investor  Relations  at  512-427-3444.


     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  the  matters
discussed  in  this  news  release are forward looking statements that are based
upon current expectations.  Important factors that could cause actual results to
differ  materially  from  those  in the forward looking statements include risks
inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of changes in
commodity  prices,  unforeseen  engineering  and  mechanical  or  technological
difficulties  in  drilling  wells,  availability  of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal  and  state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in  the  company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.

Contact:    Christopher A. Phelps, Vice President - Finance & Strategic Planning
            (512) 427-3300 / investor@bexp3d.com

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                                    BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                         (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited)

                                                             Three Months         Twelve Months
                                                          Ended December 31,    Ended December 31,
                                                          -------------------  --------------------
                                                            1999      2000       1999       2000
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Natural gas and oil sales                              $ 4,096   $  4,641   $ 14,992   $ 19,143
   Workstation revenue                                         38          1        285         53
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                            4,134      4,642     15,277     19,196
Costs and expenses:
   Lease operating                                            580        637      2,259      2,139
   Production taxes                                           283        533        968      1,786
   General and administrative                                 771        934      3,481      3,100
   Depletion of natural gas and oil properties              1,982      2,129      7,792      7,920
   Depreciation and amortization                              127        133        525        507
   Amortization of stock compensation                          11         57          1        113
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                            3,754      4,423     15,026     15,565
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------

   Operating income (loss)                                    380        219        251      3,631

Interest expense                                           (2,727)      (809)    (9,697)    (9,906)
Interest income                                                42         28        176        108
Other income (expense) (a)                                    111     (3,222)      (163)    (9,488)
Loss on sale of natural gas and oil properties                  -          -    (12,195)         -
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Net loss before income taxes                            (2,194)    (3,784)   (21,628)   (15,655)

Income tax expense                                              -          -          -          -
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Net loss before extraordinary item                      (2,194)    (3,784)   (21,628)   (15,655)

Extraordinary gain on refinancing of debt                       -     32,267          -     32,267
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Net income (loss)                                       (2,194)    28,483    (21,628)    16,612

Preferred stock dividend expense                                -        275          -        275
                                                          --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Net income (loss) to common                            $(2,194)  $ 28,208   $(21,628)  $ 16,337
                                                          ========  =========  =========  =========

Net income (loss) to common per share - basic/diluted:
   Before extraordinary gain                              $ (0.15)  $  (0.25)  $  (1.53)  $  (0.98)
   After extraordinary gain                               $ (0.15)  $   1.74   $  (1.53)  $   1.01

Wt. avg. common shares outstanding - basic/diluted         14,518     16,252     14,152     16,241

   (a)   Includes non-cash income (expenses) related to
         changes in the fair market value of certain
         hedging contracts of:                            $   119    ($3,202)     ($115)   ($8,885)

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                                     BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

                                                                 Three Months       Twelve Months
                                                              Ended December 31,  Ended December 31,
                                                              ------------------  ------------------
                                                                1999      2000      1999      2000
                                                              --------  --------  --------  --------
Avg. net daily production:
   Natural gas (MMcf)                                            11.1      13.0      11.7      12.3
   Oil (Bbls)                                                     887       900       960     1,004
   Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                          16.5      18.4      17.4      18.3
Total net production:
   Natural gas (MMcf)                                           1,003     1,174     4,197     4,431
   Oil (MBbls)                                                     80        81       346       362
   Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                         1,482     1,660     6,270     6,600
   % Natural gas                                                   68%       71%       67%       67%
Sales prices:
   Natural gas ($/Mcf) (a)                                    $  2.22   $  1.85   $  2.11   $  1.94
   Oil ($/Bbl)                                                $ 23.38   $ 30.48   $ 17.79   $ 29.17
   Equivalent natural gas ($/Mcfe) (6:1)                      $  2.76   $  2.80   $  2.39   $  2.90
Other financial data:
   EBITDA ($000) (b)                                          $ 3,293   $ 2,546   $ 9,456   $11,956
   Operating cash flow ($000) (c)                             $ 2,757   $ 2,033   $ 7,532   $ 8,581
   Operating cash flow per diluted share (c)                  $  0.19   $  0.13   $  0.53   $  0.53

   (a)   Includes the effects of hedging gains (losses) of:
         Natural gas ($/Mcf)                                 ($0.48)   ($3.63)   ($0.12)   ($2.12)
         Oil ($/Bbl)                                        $  0.00    ($0.83)  $  0.00    ($0.30)
   (b)   Net  income  (loss) plus interest expense, DD&A expenses, deferred income taxes and other
         non-cash  items.
   (c)   Net  income (loss) plus  DD&A  expenses,  deferred income taxes and other non-cash items.

                           (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                  December   December
                                                  31, 1999   31, 2000
                                                  ---------  ---------
   Current assets                                 $   8,264  $  10,673
   Natural gas and oil properties, at cost, net     112,066    129,490
   Other property and equipment, at cost, net         1,686      1,341
   Other non-current assets                           3,667      5,407
                                                  ---------  ---------
      Total assets                                $ 125,683  $ 146,911
                                                  =========  =========

Liabilities and stockholders' equity:
   Current liabilities                            $  17,744  $  17,899
   Notes payable                                     56,000     75,000
   Senior subordinated notes, net                    41,341      7,000
   Other non-current liabilities                      1,600      3,697
                                                  ---------  ---------
      Total liabilities                             116,685    103,596
   Redeemable preferred stock                             -      8,558
   Stockholders' equity                               8,998     34,757
                                                  ---------  ---------
      Total liabilities and stockholders' equity  $ 125,683  $ 146,911
                                                  =========  =========

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                                     BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                                     (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                              Three Months          Twelve Months
                                                           Ended December 31,     Ended December 31,
                                                             1999      2000       1999       2000
                                                           --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net loss                                                $(2,194)  $ 28,483   $(21,628)  $ 16,612
   Depletion, depreciation and amortization                  2,109      2,262      8,317      8,427
   Interest paid through issuance of add'l sr. sub. notes    1,431          -      5,459      4,575
   Amortization of deferred stock compensation                  11         57          1        113
   Amortization of deferred loan fees                          579        296      1,739      1,283
   Amortization of discount on senior sub notes                181          -        575        673
   Amortization of deferred loss on derivatives                759          -        759        280
   Market value adjustment for derivatives instruments        (119)     3,202        115      8,885
   Loss on sale of natural gas and oil properties                -          -     12,195          -
   Extraordinary gain on refinancing of debt                     -    (32,267)         -    (32,267)
                                                           --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
      Operating cash flow                                    2,757      2,033      7,532      8,581
   Changes in working capital and other items                  240     (4,534)    (4,954)   (13,216)
                                                           --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
      Cash flows (used) provided by operating activities     2,997     (2,501)     2,578     (4,635)

Cash flows (used) provided by investing activities          (4,468)    (6,983)     1,644    (26,071)
Cash flows (used) provided by financing activities             832     10,261     (4,049)    28,801
                                                           --------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents    $  (639)  $    777   $    173   $ (1,905)
                                                           ========  =========  =========  =========

                              SUMMARY PER MCFE DATA

                                                   Three Months         Twelve Months
                                                Ended December 31,    Ended December 31,
                                                   1999      2000      1999       2000
                                                ---------  --------  ---------  ---------
   Natural gas and oil sales                    $    2.76  $   2.80  $    2.39  $    2.90
   Workstation revenue                               0.03      0.00       0.05       0.01
                                                ---------  --------  ---------  ---------
                                                     2.79      2.80       2.44       2.91
Costs and expenses:
   Lease operating                                   0.39      0.38       0.36       0.32
   Production taxes                                  0.19      0.32       0.15       0.27
   General and administrative                        0.52      0.56       0.56       0.47
   Depletion of natural gas and oil properties       1.34      1.28       1.24       1.20
   Depreciation and amortization                     0.09      0.08       0.08       0.08
   Amortization of stock compensation                0.01      0.03       0.00       0.02
                                                ---------  --------  ---------  ---------
                                                     2.54      2.65       2.39       2.36
                                                ---------  --------  ---------  ---------

   Operating income                             $    0.25  $   0.15  $    0.05  $    0.55
                                                =========  ========  =========  =========