For Ministry Use Only | Ontario Corporation Number | A I'usage exclusif du ministere | Numero de la societe en Ontario| | 1348061 | ---------------------------------- Ministry of Minist're de Consumer and la Consommation Commercial Relations et du Commerce CERTIFICATE CERTIFICAT This is to certify that these Ceci certifie que les presents Articles are effective on statuts entrent en vigueur le JANUARY 19 JANVIER, 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /s/ Director / Directeur Business Corporations Act / Loi sur les societes par actions ________________________________________________________________________________ ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT STATUTS DE MODIFICATION Form 3 Business Corporations Act Formule 3 Loi sur les societes par actions 1. The name of the corporation is: Denomination sociale de la societe: S T O R M I N R E S O U R C E S L I M I T E D 2. The name of the corporation is Nouvelle denomination sociale de la changed to (if applicable): societe (s'il y a lieu): D I G I T A L R O O S T E R.C O M I N C. 3. Date of incorporation/ Date de la constitution ou do la fusion: amalgamation: 1999/APRIL/01 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year, Month, Day) (annee, mois, jour) 4. The articles of the corporation Los statuts de la societe sont are amended as follows: modifies de la facon suivante. 1. the Articles of the Corporation, shall, pursuant to Section 168(1) (a) of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) be amended by changing the name of the Corporation from Storimin Resources Limited to "Digital Inc.", or such other name as the Board of Directors of the Corporation determine in their sole discretion best identifies the Corporation's activities and as may be allowed by regulatory authorities; 2. in the event that the Director appointed under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) or any regulatory authority in Canada, requires that the name, "Digital Inc.", be amended or further modified for the purpose of reducing any confusion in the minds of the public or shareholders of the Corporation, the directors of the Corporation are hereby authorized to vary the provisions of paragraph 1 above to refer to such amended or modified name prior to delivery of Articles of Amendment to the Director for endorsement by articles contemplated herein; 3. the Board of Directors of the Corporation, may pursuant to Section 168(3) of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) revoke this special resolution before it is acted on without further approval of the shareholders; and Form 3 Business Corporations Act Formule 3 Loi sur les societes par actions 4. any officer or director of the Corporation alone be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute or cause to be executed, under the seal of the Corporation or otherwise, and to deliver or cause to be delivered any and all such documents and instruments and to do or cause to be done all such other acts and things as, in the opinion of such director or officer, may be necessary or desirable to fulfil the intent of the foregoing paragraphs of this resolution including, without limitation, the delivery of Articles of Amendment, in duplicate, to the Director under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). I. the articles of the Company be amended as follows: 1. to consolidate all of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company into one common share for each presently existing twelve common shares II. any one officer or director of the Company is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Company to deliver Articles of Amendment in duplicate to the Director under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) and to sign and execute all documents and to do all things necessary or advisable in connection with the foregoing; and III. the board of directors of the Company is hereby authorized to revoke this special resolution without further approval of the shareholders of the Company at any time prior to the endorsement by the Director under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), of a certificate of amendment of articles in respect of the amendment referred to above. 5. The amendment has been duly La modification a ete dument autori- authorized as required by see conformement aux articles 168 Sections 168 & 170 (as applicable) et 170 (selon le cas) de la Loi sur of the Business Corporations Act. Societes par actions 6. The resolution authorizing the Les actionnaires ou les administrat- amendment was approved by the eurs (selon le cas) de la societe shareholders/directors (as ont approuve la resolution autori- applicable) of the corporation on saunt la modification le 1999/DECEMBER/14 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year, Month, Day) (annee, mois, jour) These articles are signed in duplicate. Les presents status sont signes en double exemplaire. STORIMIN RESOURCES LIMITED ------------------------------------ (Name of Corporation) (Denomination sociale do la societe) By/Par: /s/ France Crawford SECRETARY ------------------------------------ (Signature) (Descritpion of Office) (Signature) (Foction)