For Ministry Use Only | Ontario Corporation Number | A l'usage exclusif du ministere | Numero de la societe en Ontario| | 1320430 | ---------------------------------- Ministry of Ministere de Consumer and la Consommation Commercial Relations et du Commerce CERTIFICATE CERTIFICAT This is to certify that these Ceci certifie que les presents Articles are effective on statuts entrent en vigueur le OCTOBER 30 OCTOBRE 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /s/ Director / Directeur Business Corporations Act / Loi sur les societes par actions ________________________________________________________________________________ ARTICLES OF CONTINUANCE STATUTS DE MAINTIEN Form 6 Business Corporations Act Formule 6 Loi sur les societes par actions 1. The name of the amalgamated corporation is: Denomination sociale de la societe: S T O R M I N R E S O U R C E S L I M I T E D 2. The corporation is to be continued under the name (if different from 1): Nouvelle denomination sociale de la societe (si elle est differente de celle inscrite ci-dessus): 3. Name of jurisdiction the corporation is leaving: Ressort de constitution de la societe: Canada - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name of jurisdiction) (Ressort de constitution) 4. Date of incorporation/amalgamation Date de la constitution ou de la fusion: 1984 January 16 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year, Month, Day) (annee, mois, jour) 5. The address of the registered office in Ontario is: Adresse du siege social en Ontario: 8 King Street East, Suite 1800 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Street & Number, or R.R. Number & if Multi-Office Building give Room No.) (Rue et numero, ou numero de la R.R. et, s'il s'agit d'un edifice a bureaux, numero du bureau.) Toronto, Ontario M 5 C 1 B 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Name of Municipality or Post Office) (Postal Code) (Nom de la municipalite ou du bureau de poste) (Code postal) 6. Number (or minimum and maximum number) of directors is: Nombre (ou nombres minimal et maximal) d'administrateurs: Minimum - three (3) Maximum - ten (10) 7. The director(s) is/are: Administrateur(s): First name, initials and surname Residence address, giving Street & No. or R.R. No., Resident Pr nom, initiales et nom de famille municipality and postal code Canadian Adresse personnelle, y compris la rue et le numero, le State numero de la R.R., le nom de la municipalit et le code Yes or No postal Resident canadien Qui/Non - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------- Harry J. Hodge 18 LaRose Avenue Yes Etobicoke, ON M9P lA5 Frederick C. Knight Apt. 1407 - 110 Bloor Street West Yes Toronto, On M5S 2W7 Michael W. Manley 52 Roxborough Drive Yes Toronto, On M4W 1X1 Hubert J. Mockler 46 Rose Park Crescent Yes Toronto, ON M4T 1P9 8. Restrictions, if any, on business the corporation may carry on or on powers the corporation may exercise. Limites, s'il y a lieu, imposees aux activites commerciales ou aux pouvoirs de la societe. None 9. The classes and any maximum number of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue: Catogories et nombre maximal, sil y a lieu, d'actions que la societe est autorisee a emettre: The Corporation is authorized to issue an unlimited number of common shares. 10. Rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions (if any) attaching to each class of shares and directors authority with respect to any class of shares which is to be issued in series: Droits, privileges, restrictions et conditions, s'il y a lieu. rattaches a chaque categorie d'actions et pouvoirs des administrateurs relatifs a chaque categorie d'actions qui peut etre emise en serie: (a) to vote at all meetings of shareholders; (b) to receive dividends as and when declared by the directors of the Corporation; and (c) to receive the remaining property of the Corporation upon dissolution. 11. The issue, transfer or ownership of shares is not restricted and the restrictions (if any) are as follows: L'emission, le transfert ou la propriete d'actions est/n est pas restreint. Les restrictions, s'il y a lieu, sont les suivantes: None 12. Other provisions, if any, are: Autres dispositions, sil y a lieu: The directors of the Corporation may, without authorization of the shareholders of the Corporation, (i) borrow upon the credit of the Corporation; (ii) issue, re-issue, sell or pledge debt obligations of the Corporation (iii)give a guarantee on behalf of the Corporation to secure performance of an obligation of any person; and (iv) mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise create a security interest in all or any property of the Corporation, owned or subsequently acquired, to secure any obligation of the Corporation. The directors may be resolution delegate any one or all of the powers referred to in this clause to a director, a committee of directors or an officer of the Corporation. 13. The corporation has complied with subsection 180(3) of the Business Corporations Act. La societe s'est conformee au paragraphe 180(3) de la Loi sur les societes par actions. 14. The continuation of the corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario has been properly authorized under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the corporation was incorporated/amalgamated or previously continued on Le maintien de la societe en vertu des lois de la province de l'ontario a ete doment autorise en vertu des lois de l'autorite legislative sous le regime de laquelle la societe a ete constituee ou fusionnee ou anterieurement maintenue le 1998 September 24 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year, Month, Day) (annee, mois, jour) 15. The corporation is to be continued under the Business Corporations Act to the same extent as if it had been incorporated thereunder. La maintien de la societe en vertu de la Loi sur les socitetes par actions a le meme effet que si la societe avait ete constituee en vertu de cette loi. These articles are signed in duplicate. Les presents statuts sont signes en double exemplaire STORIMIN RESOURCES LIMITED ------------------------------------ (Name of Corporation) (Denomination sociale de la societe) By/Par: /s/ France Crawford SECRETARY ------------------------------------ (Signature) (Description of Office) (Signature) (Foction) Industry Canada Industrie Canada Corporations Dictorate Direction genrale des Corporations 9th floor 9e etage Jean Edmonds Towers South Tour Jean Edmonds sud 365 Laurier Avenue West 365, avenue Laurier ouest Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8 Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0C8 Your file Votre reference November 13, 1998/le 13 novembre 1998 Our file - Notre reference BOYLE, HOBART ATTN: G. MICHAEL HOBART 36 LOMBARD STREET SUITE 600 TORONTO, ONT M5C 2X3 Re - Objet Storimin Resources Limited Enclosed herewith is the document issued in the above matter. Vous trouverez ci-inclus le document emis dans l'affaire precitee. A notice of issuance of CBCA documents will be published in the Canada Corporations Bulletin. A notice of issuance of CCA documents will be published in the Canada Corporations Bulletin and the Canada Gazette. Un avis de l'emissionde documents en vertu de la LCSA sera publie dans le Bulletin des societes canadiennes. Un avis de l'emission de documents en vertu de la LCC sera publie dans le Bulletin des societes canadiennes et daris la Gazette du Canada. IF A NAME OR CHANGE OF NAME IS INVOLVED, THE FOLLOWING CAUTION SHOULD BE OBSERVED: S'IL EST QUESTION D'UNE DENOMINATION SOCIALE OU D'UN CHANGEMENT DE DENOMINATION SOCIALE, L'AVERTISSEMENT SUIVANT DOIT ETRE RESPECTE: This name is available for use as a corporate name subject to and conditional upon the applicants assuming full responsibility for any risk of confusion with existing business names and trade marks (including those set out in the relevant NUANS search report(s)). Acceptance of such responsibility will comprise an obligation to change the name to a dissimilar one in the event that representations are made and established that confusion is likely to occur. The use of any name granted is subject to the laws of the jurisdiction where the company carries on business. Cette denomination sociale est disponible en autant que les requerants assument toute responsabilit de risque de confusion avec toutes denominations commerciales et toutes marques de commerce existantes (y compris celles qui sont citees dans le(s) rapport(s) de recherches de NUANS pertinent(s)). Cette acceptation de responsabilite comprend l'obligation de changer la denomination de la societe en une denomination difference advenant le cas ou des representations sont faites etablissant qu'il y a une probabilite de confusion. L'utilisation de tout nom octroye est sujette a toute loi de la juridiction ou la societe exploite son entreprise. For the Director General, Corporations Directorate pour le Directeur general, Direction generale des Corporations CANADA Industry Canada Industrie Canada CERTIFICATE CERTIFICAT DE CHANGEMENT OF DISCONTINUANCE DE REGIME CANADA BUSINESS LOI CANADIENNE SUR CORPORATIONS ACT LES SOCIETES PAR ACTIONS STORIRNIN RESOURCES LIMITED 163129-2 ___________________________________ Name of corporation-Denomination de La societe I hereby certify that the above-named corporation _________________________________________ Corporation number-Numero de la societe Je certifie que la societe susmentionnee: a) was discontinued under section 188 of the Canada Business Corporations Act and continued under the laws of another jurisdiction as specified in the attached notice; [X] a) a change de regime en vertu de l'article 188 de La Loi canadienne sur les societes par actions et a ete prorogee sous le regime d'une autre autorite legislative, laquelle est mentionnee dans l'avis ci-joint; b) was discontinued under section 188 of the Canada Business Corporations Act and continued under the b) a change de regime en vertu de l'article 188 de La Loi canadienne sur les societes par actions et a ete prorogee sous le regime de la: i) Bank Act, i) Loi sur les banques, ii) Canada Cooperative Associations Act, ii) Loi sur les associations cooperaiives du Canada, iii) Insurance Companies Act, or iii) Loi sur les societes d'assurances, iv) Trust and Loans Companies Act, as specified in the attached notice; or iv) Loi sur les societes de fiducie et de pret, laquelle est mentionnee dans l'avis ci-joint; c) was amalgamated pursuant to the provisions of the c) a ete fusionnee en vertu des dispositions de La i) Bank Act, i) Loi sur les banques, ii) Canada Cooperative Associations Act, ii) Loi sur les associations cooperatives du Canada, iii) Cooperative Credit Associations Act, iii) Loi sur les associations cooperative de credit, iv) Insurance Companies Act, or iv) Loi sur les societes d'assurances, v) Trust and Loans Companies Act. v) Loi sur les societes de fiducie et de pret. as specified in the attached notice. laquelle est mentionnee dans l'avis ci-joint. /s/ Director - Directeur October 30, 1998/le 30 octobre 1998 Date of Discontinuance - Date du changement de regime Canada