CANADA Certificate of Incorporation Certificat de constitution Canada Business Loi sur les societes Corporations Act commerciales canadiennes STORIMIN EXPLORATION LIMITED 163129-2 - ------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Name of Corporation - Denomination e la societe Number - Numero I hereby certify that the above mentioned Corporation, the Articles of Incorporation of which are attached, was incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act. Je certitie par es presentes que la soci te mentionnee ci-haut, dont es statuts constitutifs sont joints, a ete constituee en societe en vertu de la Loi sur les societes commerciales canadiennes. /s/ January 16, 1984. Director - Directeur Date of Incorporation Dater de constitution CANADA BUSINESS LOI SUR LES SOCIETES CORPORATIONS ACT COMMERCIALES CANADTENNES FORM 1 FORMULE 1 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION STATUTS CONSTITIUTIFS (SECTION 6) (ARTICLE 6) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Denomination de a societe STORMIN EXPLORATION LIMITED - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where the registered office is to be situated Lieu au Canada ou doit etre situe le siege social Suite 1404, 7 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1A2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The classes and any maximum number at shares that the corporation is authorized to issue Categories et tout nombre maximal d'actions que la societe est autortsee a emettre Unlimited - - Restrictions if any art share transfers Restrictions sur le transfert des actions, s'il y a lieu Not Applicable - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Number (or minimum and maximum number) of directors Nombre (ou nombre minimum et maximum) d'adminstrateurs Minimum Three (3), Maximum Five (5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restrictions if any on business the corporation may carry on Limites imposees guant aux activites commercailes que la societe peut exploiter, S'il y a lieu Not Applicable - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Other provisions if any Autres dispositions s'il y a lieu Not Applicable - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incorporators Fondateurs - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Names - Noms Address (include postal code) Signature Adresse (inclure le code postal) Alvin E. Story 1194 Lambeth Road, Oakville, /s/ Alvin E. Story Ontario L6H 2C8 Blunt 93 Dawn Hill Trail, /s/ Blunt Thornhill, Ontario L3T 3B4 lex Pearson 258 Dawlish Avenue, /s/ lex Pearson Toronto, Ontario M4N 1J3 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY A L'USAGE DU MINISTERE SEULEMENT Filed - Deposee