TO BE HELD ON MAY 14, 2001


NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that  the  Annual  Meeting of Shareholders of Capitol
Transamerica  Corporation  (CTC) will be held at The Marriott Madison West, 1313
John  Q.  Hammons Drive, Middleton, WI on Monday, May 14, 2001 with registration
at  3:30  p.m.  and  the  meeting  at  4:00  p.m.  central daylight time for the
following  purposes:

     1.   To elect two directors for three year terms expiring in the year 2004;

     2.   To  ratify  the  selection  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP, as the Company's
          independent  auditors  for  2001;  and

     3.   To  transact  such  other  business  that may properly come before the
          meeting  or  any  adjournment  thereof.

The  Board  of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 9, 2001 as the
record  date  for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of and to
vote  at  the  annual  meeting  or  any  adjournment  thereof.

All  shareholders are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting. Whether or
not  you  plan  to  attend  the  meeting,  the  BOARD  OF DIRECTORS URGES YOU TO
enclosed  business  reply  envelope,  which requires no postage if mailed in the
United  States.  You  may  revoke  the  proxy  at any time prior to its exercise
provided that you comply with the procedures set forth in the proxy statement to
which  this notice is attached. If you attend the annual meeting, you may if you
desire,  withdraw  your  proxy  at  the  registration  desk  and vote in person.

                                             By order of the Board of Directors,

                                             Virgiline  M.  Schulte
                                             Corporate  Secretary

Madison, Wisconsin
April  6,  2001

                        THE MEETING DATE IS MAY 14, 2001

             4610 University Avenue   Madison, Wisconsin 53705-0900

                             TO BE HELD MAY 14, 2001


The  accompanying  proxy  is  solicited  by  the  Board  of Directors of Capitol
Transamerica  Corporation to be used at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be
held on May 14, 2001 or any adjournment thereof. Shares of stock may be voted at
the annual meeting only if the shareholder is represented by proxy or is present
in person. The proxy procedure is necessary in order to give all shareholders an
opportunity  to  vote, because many of our shareholders will be unable to attend
the  annual  meeting  in person. The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by
the  Company.  When  the  proxy is properly executed and returned, the shares it
represents  will be voted at the meeting in accordance with the directions noted
thereon.  If  no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted in accordance with
the  recommendations  of  the  Board  of  Directors  as  set  forth  herein. Any
shareholder  returning  a  proxy has the power to revoke it by written notice to
the  Secretary  of  the  Corporation  at any time before it is voted, by a later
dated  proxy,  or  by  attending  the  meeting personally and voting. The Annual
Report  of  the  Company is being mailed to all shareholders herewith. The proxy
materials  were  first  mailed  to  all  shareholders on or about April 6, 2001.

Capitol  Transamerica  Corporation  is  the  parent company of Capitol Indemnity
Corporation,  Capitol  Specialty  Insurance  Corporation  and Capitol Facilities


As  of  the  close  of  business  on  March  9, 2001, there were outstanding and
entitled  to  vote 11,328,034 shares of the Company's common stock. Shareholders
of record on March 9, 2001 will be entitled to one vote for each share of common
stock  held.  The  Company  has  no  other  class  of  stock  outstanding.

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

The  following  table sets forth information as of March 9, 2001 with respect to
each  person  or  entity  known  by  the  Company to be the beneficial owner (as
defined  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission)  of more than 5% of the
Company's  common  voting  stock:

                                        AMOUNT & NATURE OF   PERCENT
         ------------------            --------------------  --------

         George  A.  Fait  (1)                1,812,853 (1)    14.92%
         3100  Lake  Mendota  Drive
         Madison,  WI  53705

         Robert  E.  Fait                      676,919          5.98%
         1399  Spring  Valley  Road
         Burlington,  WI  53105

         Royce  &  Associates,  Inc.           822,580          7.26%
         1414  Avenue  of  the  Americas
         New  York,  NY  10019


(1)  Includes  14,884  shares in a personal Keogh Retirement Plan; 28,578 shares
     in  the  Company's ESOP and 9,279 shares in a personal IRA. This total also
     includes  122,500 shares of stock issuable upon exercise of options granted
     and  outstanding under Capitol Transamerica Corporation's stock option plan
     which  are  not  included  in  the  percent  of  class  calculation.

                        PROPOSAL 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

As  permitted by Wisconsin law, the Board of Directors of the Company is divided
into  three classes, each class having a term of three years. Each year the term
of office of one class expires. This year the terms of a class consisting of two
directors  expires  and  it  is the intention of the Board of Directors that the
shares  represented  by proxy, unless otherwise indicated thereon, will be voted
for the re-election of Larry Burcalow and Michael J. Larson to hold office for a
term  of  three years until the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2004. There is
no  reason to believe that either of the nominees will be unable or unwilling to
serve as directors if elected, but if a nominee should be unable or unwilling to
serve,  the  shares  represented  by  management  proxies  will be voted for the
election  of  such  other  person  for  the  office  of director as the Board of
Directors  may  recommend  in  place  of  such  nominee.

Information with respect to the nominees and other directors is set forth below:

                                                                                Company's  Common  Stock
NAME, AGE, PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION                                Original Date      Owned as of 3/9/01
AND  PUBLIC  DIRECTORSHIPS  (1)                                 of Election   Shares (2)  Percent of Class (3)
- --------------------------                                     -------------  ----------  ----------------
CLASS  OF  2004
(Terms  will  expire  in  2004)

Larry  Burcalow,  Age  59,  Waunakee,  WI;                              1997       7,200            0.05%
Owner  and  President,  Yahara  Materials,  Inc.

Michael  J.  Larson,  Age  59,  Madison,  WI;                           1991       7,821            0.05%
Principal,  Southwestern  Financial  Services.

CLASS  OF  2003
(Terms  will  expire  in  2003)

George  A.  Fait,  Age  74,  Madison,  WI;                              1965   1,812,853           14.92%
Chairman  of  the  Board  and  President  of  the  Company.

Kenneth  P.  Urso,  Age  66,  Madison,  WI;                             1997       9,700            0.08%
Principal,  Urso  Ventures;  Director,  First  Business  Bank.

CLASS  OF  2002
(Terms  will  expire  in  2002)

Paul  J.  Breitnauer,  Age  61,  Madison,  WI;                          1986     153,033            1.35%
Vice  President  and  Treasurer  of  the  Company.

Reinhart  H.  Postweiler,  Age  71,  Madison,  WI;                      1977      32,685            0.27%
Retired,  formerly  with  Flad  Affiliated  Corporation.


(1)  All  of  the  named  directors  and  nominees are also directors of Capitol
     Indemnity  Corporation, Capitol Specialty Insurance Corporation and Capitol
     Facilities  Corporation,  subsidiary companies. None of the above directors
     are  related  and  there  are  no  arrangements  or  understandings between
     directors  since  each  is acting solely in their described capacity. There
     have  been no known events during the past five years which are material to
     the  evaluation of the ability or integrity of any director of the Company.

(2)  Includes  shares  of  stock  issuable  upon exercise of options granted and
     outstanding  under  Capitol  Transamerica Corporation's stock option plans:
     122,500  shares  for  George  A. Fait; 7,800 shares for Paul J. Breitnauer;
     1,650  shares  each  for  Michael  J. Larson and Reinhart H. Postweiler and
     1,200  shares  each  for  Larry  Burcalow  and  Kenneth  P.  Urso.

(3)  Included  in  the  percent  of  class  calculation  are  14,884 shares in a
     personal  Keogh  Retirement  Plan;  28,578 shares in the Company's ESOP and
     9,279  shares  in  a personal IRA for George A. Fait and 11,728 shares in a
     personal  IRA  and  8,513  shares  in  the  the  Company's ESOP for Paul J.


The  Board  of  Directors  held four regular meetings during 2000. Each director
attended  100%  of the meetings except Michael J. Larson who attended 75% of the

Responsibilities  of  the  various  committees  of the Board of Directors are as

The  Company  has an AUDIT COMMITTEE composed of independent directors for which
information  regarding the functions performed by the Committee, its membership,
and  the  number  of  meetings  held during the fiscal year, is set forth in the
"Report  of  the  Audit Committee," included in this annual proxy statement. The
Audit  Committee  is  governed  by  a  written  charter approved by the Board of
Directors.  A  copy  of  this  charter  is included as Appendix A. The committee
consists  of  Larry  Burcalow,  Michael  J.  Larson,  Reinhart H. Postweiler and
Kenneth  P.  Urso.

The  EXECUTIVE  COMMITTEE  is  empowered by the By-Laws of the Company to act on
behalf  of  the  Company  during  intervals  between  meetings  of  the Board of
Directors.  The Executive Committee also functions as the EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
COMMITTEE,  which is responsible for establishing the criteria used to determine
the  annual  compensation of the Chairman of the Board and all other officers of
the  Company. The Committee consists of Messrs. Fait, Larson and Postweiler. The
Executive  Committee  held  four  meetings  during  2000 in conjunction with the
regular  Board  of  Directors  meetings.

The  INVESTMENT  COMMITTEE  is  responsible  for  the  investment of the Company
assets.  The  Committee  consists  of  Messrs.  Burcalow,  Fait  and Larson. The
Investment  Committee met four times during 2000 in conjunction with the regular
Board  of  Directors  meetings.

The  NOMINATING  COMMITTEE  makes  recommendations  to  the  Board  of Directors
regarding  nominees for election as directors. The Committee consists of Messrs.
Breitnauer,  Postweiler  and  Urso.  This  Committee will also consider nominees
recommended  by shareholders of the Company. Recommendations may be submitted in
writing to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Reinhart Postweiler, at
the  Company's  address.  The  Committee  held  one  meeting  during  2000.


The SALE & ACQUISITION COMMITTEE makes recommendations to the Board of Directors
concerning  any prospective offer to purchase the Company or subsidiaries and/or
the  possible  acquisition  of  new  companies  or  subsidiaries.  The Committee
consists  of  Messrs.  Burcalow, Fait, Larson and Urso. The Sale and Acquisition
Committee  held  four meetings during 2000 in conjunction with the regular Board
of  Directors  meetings.

The  STOCK  OPTION  PLAN  COMMITTEE is responsible for administering the Company
stock option plans. The Committee consists of Messrs. Breitnauer, Fait and Urso.
The  Stock  Option  Plan  Committee  held  four  meetings  during  2000.

                            COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS

During  the  2000  fiscal  year Capitol Transamerica Corporation paid director's
fees  of $1,000 per meeting to each director of Capitol Transamerica Corporation
and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, except for directors who were officers of the
companies  who  received  no  cash  compensation  for  attendance at meetings. A
committee fee of $300 is paid to outside directors when meetings are not held in
conjunction with the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings. For fiscal
year 2000 Capitol Transamerica Corporation paid a total of $15,000 in director's
fees  and  each  non-employee  director received 300 incentive stock options for
serving  on  the  boards.

                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

The AUDIT COMMITTEE oversees the Company's financial reporting process on behalf
of  the  Board  of  Directors. Management has the primary responsibility for the
financial statements and the reporting process including the systems of internal
controls.  In  fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Committee reviewed
the  audited financial statements in the Annual Report with management including
a  discussion  of  the  quality,  not  just the acceptability, of the accounting
principles,  the  reasonableness  of  significant  judgments, and the clarity of
disclosures  in  the  financial  statements.

The  Committee  reviewed  with the independent auditors, who are responsible for
expressing  an  opinion  on the conformity of those audited financial statements
with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  their  judgments  as  to the
quality,  not just the acceptability, of the Company's accounting principles and
such  other  matters  as  are  required to be discussed with the Committee under
generally  accepted auditing standards. In addition, the Committee has discussed
with the independent auditors the auditors' independence from management and the
Company  including  the  matters  in  the  written  disclosures  required by the
Independence  Standards  Board  and  considered  the  compatibility  of nonaudit
services  with  the  auditors'  independence.

The  Committee  discussed  with  the  Company's independent auditors the overall
scope  and  plans  for  their  respective  audits.  The Committee meets with the
independent  auditors,  with  and  without  management  present,  to discuss the
results  of  their  examinations,  the  evaluations  of  the  Company's internal
controls,  and  the  overall  quality  of the Company's financial reporting. The
Committee  held  three  meetings  during  fiscal  year  2000.


In  reliance  on  the  reviews  and discussions referred to above, the Committee
recommended  to  the  Board  of  Directors (and the Board has approved) that the
audited  financial  statements be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the  year  ended  December  31, 2000 for filing with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  The  Committee  and  the  Board  have  also recommended, subject to
shareholder approval, the selection of the Company's independent auditors, Ernst
&  Young  LLP.

                        Kenneth P. Urso, Committee Chair
                        Larry Burcalow, Committee Member
                       Michael J. Larson, Committee Member
                    Reinhart H. Postweiler, Committee Member


The  following  Summary  Compensation  Table  includes  individual  compensation
information on all Executive Officers earning $100,000 or more in the last three
fiscal  years. Such table includes all compensation for services rendered in all
capacities  during  the  fiscal  years  ended  December  31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

                             ANNUAL COMPENSATION         LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                           ----------------------  --------------------------------
                                                     ALL OTHER
                                   ($)      ($)       ($)(2)     (# Awarded Shares)
                           ----  -------  -------  ------------  ------------------
George  A.  Fait           2000  350,000  629,782        29,242                -0-
Chairman  of  the  Board   1999  350,000  514,689        20,380            122,500
&  President  (1)          1998  350,000  740,856        17,484             10,000

Paul  J.  Breitnauer       2000  146,350      500        17,766                -0-
Vice  President  &         1999  123,820      500        12,734              9,000
Treasurer                  1998  107,368      500         8,740              5,000

(1)  Mr.  Fait's  bonuses  were  calculated  on  the  results of the prior year,
     accrued  at  year-end, and paid in the first quarter of the following year.
     The  bonus  calculation  is  5%  of the excess of gross profits after a 10%
     return  on  beginning  shareholders'  equity.

(2)  Includes  net  contributions  to the Corporation's ESOP of $26,892 in 2000,
     $18,130  in  1999  and  $15,234  in 1998 for George A. Fait, and $15,516 in
     2000,  $10,484  in  1999 and $6,490 in 1998 for Paul J. Breitnauer and also
     $2,250  annually,  for  each,  to  the  Company's  401(k)  Plan.



The following table contains information for the Executive Officers listed below
concerning  the  exercise  of  options  during 2000 and the value of unexercised
options  at  year-end  for  the  Corporation's  common  stock.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED       VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                     OPTIONS                 OPTIONS AT 12/31/00        OPTIONS AT 12/31/00
                                     ACQUIRED    VALUE               (#)                        ($)
   NAME                            ON EXERCISE  REALIZED  --------------------------  --------------------------
   ----                                (#)        ($)     EXERCISABLE  UNEXERCISABLE  EXERCISABLE  UNEXERCISABLE
                                   -----------  --------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------------
George  A.  Fait (1)                      -0-        -0-      30,625          91,875       84,219        252,656
Paul  J.  Breitnauer (2)                  600      1,462       1,650           6,750        4,538         18,562

(1)     Based on 12-31-00 market price of $12.43 less base cost of $9.68 for both the exercisable and unexercisable.

(2)     Based on 12-15-00 market price of $12.13 less base cost of $9.68 for the exercised and 12-31-00 market price
        of $12.43 less base cost of $9.68 for both the  exercisable  and  unexercisable.


The  members of the Corporation's Executive Compensation Committee for 2000 were
George  A.  Fait,  Michael  J.  Larson  and Reinhart H. Postweiler. There are no
interlocks  or  insider  participation  between  members  of  the  Executive
Compensation  Committee.


The  Executive  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors is composed of
two  independent outside directors and George A. Fait, Chairman of the Board and
President  of  the  Company.  The  Committee  is  responsible  for  setting  and
administering the annual compensation of the Chairman of the Board and all other
officers  of the Company. In 1996 the Committee established a base annual salary
of $350,000 for the Chairman of the Board with a bonus based on 5% of the excess
of gross profits after a 10% return on beginning shareholders' equity. This plan
was  confirmed  and  continued  by  the Executive Compensation Committee for the
calendar  year  2000.

                        Executive Compensation Committee
            George A. Fait, Michael J. Larson, Reinhart H. Postweiler


The  following  graph  demonstrates  a  ten  year comparison of cumulative total
return for Capitol Transamerica Corporation, the Standard & Poor's 500 Index and
the  Peer  Group  Index.

                               TEN-YEAR COMPARISON

              90    91    92    93    94    95    96    97    98    99    00
             ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
CATA         $100  $242  $192  $227  $229  $313  $483  $510  $454  $250  $316
S&P 500      $100  $130  $140  $155  $157  $215  $265  $353  $454  $549  $499
Peer Group*  $100  $134  $166  $179  $171  $246  $308  $439  $523  $503  $660

*  (P & C Commercial Peer Group)

                               COMPENSATION PLANS


Capitol  Transamerica  Corporation  has a stock option plan which was adopted by
the  Board  at  the January 14, 1993 meeting and ratified by shareholders at the
1993  Annual  Meeting.  This plan replaced the 1981 Incentive Stock Option Plan.
The  purpose  of  the Plan is to induce employees to remain in the employ of the
Company  or  its  subsidiaries,  to  attract  and  retain qualified non-employee
directors  and to encourage employees, key persons and non-employee directors to
secure or increase on reasonable terms their stock ownership in the Company. The
Board  of  the  Company  believes  that  the  Plan  will  promote  continuity of
management  and  increased incentive and personal interest in the welfare of the
Company  by those who are primarily responsible for shaping and carrying out the
long-range  plans of the Company and securing its continued growth and financial


The  table  below  summarizes  certain information with respect to the Company's
stock  option  plans  and  sets  forth  all  options exercised during the period
January  1,  2000  through  March  9,  2001.

                                                      Options             Options
                           Options Awarded (#)     Exercised (#)       Exercised (#)         Options      Options Available
                           1-1-00 to 12-31-00   1-1-00 to 12-31-00   1-1-00 to 3-09-00   Outstanding (#)    For Award (#)
- -------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ------------------
1993  STOCK  OPTION  PLAN                  -0-                4,640               1,422            2,581                 -0-
1981  INCENTIVE  PLAN                    6,400               15,157                 600          231,752             721,011

All  options under the stock option plans were issued at 100% (except for George
A. Fait at 110%) of the fair market value on the date of grant. The market value
on  March  9, 2001 of the common stock of CTC was quoted in the over-the-counter
quotations  of  the  National Association of Securities Dealers at 13.25 bid and
14.00  ask.  There  are  currently  104  employees and directors that hold stock


An  Employee  Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) was adopted in 1988 for the purpose of
inducing  employees  to  remain  in  the  employ  of the Company, to attract new
employees  and  to  provide such employees the opportunity to participate in the
ownership  of  the  Corporation. All present and future employees of the Company
and its subsidiaries are eligible to participate in accordance with the terms of
the  Plan.  Presently  there are 106,061 shares of the company stock in the Plan
which  have  been  allocated to those employees who are eligible to participate.
There  are  currently 150 participants in the Plan. The market value of the Plan
at  year  end  2000  was  $1,534,680.


The  Company  has  an  employer sponsored 401(k) Plan for all employees who have
been  employed by the Company for 12 consecutive months, under which the Company
contributes  an amount equal to 150% of each participant's eligible contribution
for  the  plan  year  that does not exceed 6% of compensation and is not greater
than $1,500 for each employee and $2,250 for the employer for a maximum combined
total  of  $3,750  for  each plan year. The employee may contribute non-matching
funds  not  to  exceed 10% of gross annual salary or $10,500, whichever is less.
Both  the  individual  participant's contribution and the Company's contribution
are  non-forfeitable,  with no reversion to the Company. Currently there are 144
participants  in  the  Plan.


Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires executive officers
and  directors,  and persons who beneficially own more than ten percent (10%) of
the  Company's  stock,  to  file  reports  of  ownership with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  (SEC)  and  the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. Executive officers,
directors  and  greater than ten percent (10%) beneficial owners are required by
SEC  regulations  to  furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms
they  file.

Based  solely  on  a review of the copies of such forms furnished to the Company
and  written  representations  from  the  executive  officers and directors, the
Company  believes  that  all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its
executive  officers,  directors  and  greater  than ten percent (10%) beneficial
owners  were  complied  with  in  the  year  2000.



Subject  to  ratification  by  the  shareholders,  the  Board  of  Directors has
reappointed  Ernst  &  Young  LLP as independent auditors to audit the financial
statements  of the company for the current fiscal year. Fees for the last annual
audit  were  $86,100  and  audit-related  fees  were  $20,200.

Representatives  of the firm Ernst & Young LLP are expected to be present at the
Annual  Meeting.  They  will  have an opportunity to make a statement if they so
desire  and  will  be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate  questions.

The  Audit  Committee and the Board of Directors recommend the shareholders vote
"FOR"  such  ratification.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

The  Corporation has not received any shareholder proposals to be considered for
presentation  at  the 2001 Annual Meeting. If a shareholder desires to present a
proposal  for  inclusion  in  next  year's  Proxy  Statement and to present such
proposal  at  the 2002 Annual Meeting, the shareholder must submit such proposal
in writing to Capitol Transamerica Corporation, 4610 University Avenue, Madison,
Wisconsin  53705,  Attention:  Corporate  Secretary, not later than December 31,

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

The  meeting is being held for the purposes set forth in the Notice accompanying
this Proxy Statement. The Board of Directors of the Company does not know of any
other  matters  which  may  be  presented  at the meeting. In the event that any
matters  other  than  those referred to in the accompanying Notice properly come
before  the  meeting  or  any  adjournment  thereof,  it is anticipated that the
proxies  will  be  voted  according to the best judgment of the person acting by
authorization  of  these  proxies.

                                                CAPITOL TRANSAMERICA CORPORATION

                                                Virgiline  M.  Schulte
                                                Corporate  Secretary

April  6,  2001


                                   APPENDIX A

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER


This  charter governs the operations of the audit committee. The committee shall
review and reassess the charter at least annually and obtain the approval of the
board  of  directors. The committee shall be appointed by the board of directors
and shall be comprised of at least three directors, each of whom are independent
of  management  and  the  Company.  Members of the committee shall be considered
independent if they have no relationship that may interfere with the exercise of
their  independence from management and the company. All committee members shall
be  financially  literate,  (or  shall  become  financially  literate  within  a
reasonable  period of time after appointment to the committee,) and at least one
member  shall  have  accounting  or  related  financial  management  expertise.


The  audit  committee  shall  provide  assistance  to  the board of directors in
fulfilling  their  oversight  responsibility  to  the  shareholders,  potential
shareholders,  the  investment  community,  and others relating to the Company's
financial  statements  and  the  financial  reporting  process,  the  systems of
internal  accounting and financial controls, the annual independent audit of the
Company's  financial statements, and the legal compliance and ethics programs as
established  by  management and the board. In so doing, it is the responsibility
of  the committee to maintain free and open communication between the committee,
independent  auditors,  and  management  of  the  Company.  In  discharging  its
oversight  role, the committee is empowered to investigate any matter brought to
its  attention with full access to all books, records, facilities, and personnel
of the company and the power to retain outside counsel or other experts for this


The  primary  responsibility  of the audit committee is to oversee the Company's
financial  reporting  process  on  behalf of the board and report the results of
their  activities  to  the  board.  Management  is responsible for preparing the
Company's financial statements, and the independent auditors are responsible for
auditing  those  financial  statements.  The  committee  in  carrying  out  its
responsibilities believes its policies and procedures should remain flexible, in
order  to  best  react  to  changing conditions and circumstances. The committee
should  take  the  appropriate  actions  to set the overall corporate "tone" for
quality  financial  reporting,  sound  business  risk  practices,  and  ethical


The  following shall be the principal recurring processes of the audit committee
in carrying out its oversight responsibilities. The processes are set forth as a
guide  with  the  understanding  that  the  committee  may  supplement  them  as

(a)  The  committee  shall  have  a  clear understanding with management and the
     independent  auditors  that  the  independent  auditors  are  ultimately
     accountable to the board and the audit committee, as representatives of the
     Company's shareholders. The committee shall have the ultimate authority and
     responsibility  to evaluate and, where appropriate, replace the independent
     auditors.  The committee shall discuss with the auditors their independence
     from  management  and  the  Company and the matters included in the written
     disclosures  required  by  the  Independence Standards Board. Annually, the
     committee  shall  review  and  recommend  to the board the selection of the
     Company's  independent  auditors,  subject  to  shareholders'  approval.

(b)  The committee shall discuss with the independent auditors the overall scope
     and  plans  for  their respective audits including the adequacy of staffing
     and  compensation.  Also,  the committee shall discuss with management, and
     the  independent  auditors the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting
     and  financial  controls,  including  the  company's  system to monitor and
     manage  business  risk, and legal and ethical compliance programs. Further,
     the committee shall meet separately with the independent auditors, with and
     without  management  present, to discuss the results of their examinations.

(c)  The committee shall review the interim financial statements with management
     and the independent auditors prior to the filing of the Company's Quarterly
     Report  on  Form 10-Q. Also, the committee shall discuss the results of the
     quarterly  review  and any other matters required to be communicated to the
     committee  by  the  independent  auditors under generally accepted auditing
     standards.  The  chair  of the committee may represent the entire committee
     for  the purposes  of  this  review.

(d)  The committee shall review with management and the independent auditors the
     financial  statements to be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form
     10-K  (or  the  annual  report  to shareholders if distributed prior to the
     filing  of Form 10-K), including their judgment about the quality, not just
     acceptability,  of accounting principles, the reasonableness of significant
     judgments,  and the clarity of the disclosures in the financial statements.
     Also,  the  committee shall discuss the results of the annual audit and any
     other  matters  required  to  be  communicated  to  the  committee  by  the
     independent  auditors  under  generally  accepted  auditing  standards.

(e)  The  committee  shall  review and reassess this charter annually and obtain
     the  approval  of  the  board  of  directors.
