Secretary of State
                                STATE OF NEVADA

                                CORPORATE CHARTER

I,  DEAN  HELLER,  the  duly elected and qualified Nevada Secretary of State, do
hereby  certify  that  FUTURA CC, INC. did on March 14, 2000 file in this office
the  original  Articles of Incorporation; that said Articles are now on file and
of  record  in  the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada, and
further,  that  said  Articles contain all the provisions required by the law of
said  State  of  Nevada.

                              IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have hereunto set my hand
                              and affixed the Great Seat of State, at my office,
                              in  Carson  City,  Nevada,  on  March  15,  2000.

                                    /s/ Dean Heller

                                              Secretary  of  State

                                       By  /s/ illegible

                                              Certification  Clerk

                                                                FILED # C2050-00
                                                                  MAR 14 2000
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                                 FUTURA CC, INC.

                                    ARTICLE I

SECTION  1401  CORPORATION  NAME.  The  name  of  the  corporation  is:

                                 FUTURA CC, INC.

                                    ARTICLE 2

SECTION  2.01 PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The corporation's registered office in the State
of  Nevada  is  located  at  177 East 7th Street, Carson City, County of Carson,
State  of  Nevada,  Zip  Code 89701. The mailing address is 177 East 7th Street,
Carson  City,  Nevada,  89701.

SECTION  2.02  ADDITIONAL  OFFICES.  The  corporation may maintain an office, or
offices in such other place within or without the State of Nevada as may be from
time  to  time  designated  by the Board of Directors, or by the by-laws of said
Corporation,  and  that this Corporation may conduct all Corporation business of
every  kind  and  nature, including the holding of all meetings of Directors and
Stockholders, outside the State of Nevada as well as within the State of Nevada.

                                    ARTICLE 3

SECTION  3.01  NATURE  OF  THE BUSINESS The Corporation may engage in any lawful
activity  for  which  a  corporation  may  be arranged under the General Laws of

SECTION 3.02 ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Corporation may engage in any lawful activity
including,  but  not  limited  to,  the  following:
          (A)  Shall  have  the  power  to  make  contracts.
          (B)  Shall  have  the power to purchase, hold, and sell or convey Real
               Property  or  Personal  Property in the State of Nevada or in any
               other  State,  Territory  of  the  United States, or any Country.

                                   Page 1 of 4

          (C)  Shall  have  the  power to appoint such officers or agents as the
               officers  of  the  Corporation  shall require, and shall have the
               power  to  pay  compensation  for  he  services  provided.
          (D)  Shall  have  the  power  to  borrow  money  and contract debts as
               necessary  for  the  benefit  of  the  Corporation's  business.
          (E)  Shall  have  the  power  to  lend  money  as is necessary for the
               benefit  of  the  Corporation's  business.
          (F)  Shall  have  the  power  to  enter  into  General  or  Limited
               Partnerships,  Joint  Ventures  or  other  business associations.

                                    Article 4

SECTION  4.01  CAPITAL STOCK. The Corporation is authorized to issue Twenty Five
Million  (25,000,000)  shares  of  stock  with  a  par value of one mill (.001).
SECTION  4.02  USE  OF  THE STOCK. The Board of Directors may fix the use of the
stock  from  time  to  time  as  they deem necessary for the carrying out of the
Corporation's  business.

                                    ARTICLE 5

SECTION  5.01  GOVERNING  BOARD. The Governing Board of the Corporation shall be
known  as Directors. The Board of Directors shall be elected by the stockholders
at  the  annual meeting, or such other time as the bylaws may provide, and shall
hold  office  until  their  successors  are  respectively elected and qualified.

SECTION  5.02  NUMBER OF DIRECTORS The initial Board of Directors shall have one
(1)  director.  The  number  of  Directors may from time to time be increased or
decreased  in  such  a  manner  as  shall  be  provided  by  the by-laws of this
Corporation,  providing that the number of Directors conforms to the Statutes of
the  Corporation  Law  of  the  State  of  Nevada.

address  of  the  initial  Board  of  Directors  is;

                                  Bobby Frenkel
                                  5840  Coldwater  Canyon
                                  No.  Hollywood,  CA  91607

                                   Page 2 of 4

                                    ARTICLE 6

property  of  Shareholders,  Directors,  Officers, employees and or Agent of the
Corporation  shall  be  forever  exempt  from  all  corporate  debts of any kind

                                    ARTICLE 7

INCORPORATOR.  The  name and post office address of the incorporator signing the
- ------------
articles  of  incorporation  is:

                                  MCQ  Ventures,  Inc.
                                  177  East  7th  Street
                                  Carson  City,  NV  89701

                                    ARTICLE 8

LIFE  OF  THE  CORPORATION.  The  Corporation  is  to  have perpetual existence.

                                    ARTICLE 9

RESIDENT  AGENT.  The  resident  agent  for  this  Corporation  shall  be:
- ---------------

                                  MCQ  Ventures,  Inc.
                                  177  East  7th  Street
                                  Carson  City,  NV  89701

I  hereby  sign as the incorporator for the above corporation on March 13, 2000.


                                         /s/  John  A.  McQuirk
                                         John  A.  McQuirk  for
                                         MCQ  Ventures,  Inc.

                                  Page 3 of 4

                                                                FILED # C2050-00
                                                                  MAR 14 2000

                            Certificate of Acceptance
                        of Appointment by Resident Agent

           FOR:  FUTURA  CC,  INC.

MCQ  Ventures, Inc. hereby certifies that on this dates March 13, 2000, accepted
appointment as Resident Agent for the above named corporation in accordance with
Sec. 78.090,  NRS  1957.

IN  WITNESS  WHERE  OF,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  this  March 13, 2000.

                                         /s/  John  A.  McQuirk
                                         John  A.  McQuirk  for
                                         MCQ  Ventures,  Inc.