
                                  UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549


                                     FORM  8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT



        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): AUGUST 7, 2001

                           BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          DELAWARE                    000-22433                75-2692967
(State or other jurisdiction         (Commission             (IRS  Employer
    of  incorporation)              File  Number)          Identification  No.)

                            6300 BRIDGEPOINT PARKWAY
                             BUILDING TWO, SUITE 500
                              AUSTIN, TEXAS  78730
          (Address, including zip code, of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (512) 427-3300


Item  5.  OTHER  EVENTS.

     On  August  7,  2001,  the Registrant issued a press release announcing its
operational  results  for the quarter ended June 30, 2001. The full  text of the
press  release,  other than (a) the fourth sentence of the first paragraph under
the  heading "Texas Gulf Coast"; (b) the second sentence of the second paragraph
under  the  heading  "Texas Gulf Coast" and (c) the second sentence of the fifth
paragraph  under  the heading "Texas Gulf Coast", which is set forth in  Exhibit
99.1  hereto,  is  filed  and incorporated in this Report as if fully set  forth



     (c)     Exhibits

                 Item               Exhibit
                 ----               -------

                 99.1*              Operational  Press  Release  dated
                                    August  7,  2001.

- --------
*  filed  herewith.



     The  fourth  sentence  of the first paragraph under the heading "Texas Gulf
Coast",  the  second  sentence  of the second paragraph under the heading "Texas
Gulf  Coast"  and  the  second sentence of the fifth paragraph under the heading
"Texas  Gulf  Coast" of the press release, appearing in Exhibit 99.1 hereto, are
not  filed  but  are  furnished  pursuant  to  Regulation  FD.



     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                                         BRIGHAM  EXPLORATION  COMPANY

Date:   August 7, 2001                   By:    /s/  Curtis  F.  Harrell
                                                Curtis  F.  Harrell
                                                Chief Financial Officer


                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

                     Item  Number               Exhibit
                     ------------               -------

                     99.1*                Press  Release  dated
                                          August  7,  2001.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1
BRIGHAM                                                             NEWS RELEASE
EXPLORATION COMPANY                                        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



     Austin,  TX  --  (Business  Wire)  -  August 7, 2001 -- Brigham Exploration
Company  (NASDAQ:BEXP)  today announced a significant new field discovery in the
Vicksburg  formation  in Brooks County, Texas and a 90% net completion rate thus
far in 2001.  The Company also announced its fourth consecutive Frio bright spot
discovery  in Matagorda County, Texas, four additional Springer channel drilling
successes  in  Blaine County, Oklahoma and its fourth consecutive successful oil
well  completion  in  West  Texas.  In  addition, Brigham announced a record 68%
growth  in production volumes for the second quarter 2001 relative to the second
quarter  2000.


     Triple  Crown  Field  Discovery  -  The Brigham-operated Dawson #1 well was
drilled  as  an  exploratory  test  of  one  of  several downthrown fault blocks
adjacent to Brigham's Home Run Field in its Diablo 3-D Seismic Project in Brooks
County,  Texas.  The  Dawson  #1  was  drilled  to  a  depth  of 14,256 feet and
encountered  an  apparent 149 feet of net pay in the Upper Vicksburg and 25 feet
of net pay in the Lower Vicksburg sand intervals. Brigham retained a 50% working
interest  and  37.5%  net  revenue interest, which is subject to back-in working
interests that would ultimately reduce Brigham's working interest in the well to
42%  at  200%  payout.  Currently  Brigham  is  perforating  and stimulating the
various  pay  intervals,  with plans to commingle all productive upper and lower
Vicksburg  zones by late August.  Brigham's 3-D interpretative mapping indicates
that  the  Triple  Crown  Field  should  cover  approximately  1,100  acres with
estimated  gross  reserves ranging from 40 Bcfe to 200 Bcfe. The Company expects
to  spud  its  first development well of the Triple Crown Field some time in the
third  or  fourth  quarter.

     Bud  Brigham,  the  Company's  Chairman, CEO and President, stated, "We are
extremely  excited  about  this discovery and the impact we expect it to have on
our Company's net asset value, particularly since it has substantially proven up
the  lowest  downthrown  fault  block adjacent to our Home Run Field. We believe
that  the Triple Crown Field could ultimately produce between 15 and 75 Bcfe net
to  our  Company.  Further,  it substantially reduces the risk of other untested
fault  blocks,  given  that each of these adjacent fault blocks are structurally
low to the Home Run Field but flat or high to our Triple Crown Field discovery."

     Fifth  Consecutive  Completion  at  Home  Run  Field- In Brigham's Home Run
Field,  which  again  is  upthrown  from  the  Company's  new Triple Crown Field
discovery,  Brigham  has  successfully  drilled  and is currently completing its
fourth  development  well  since  the  discovery  of  the  field  in  late 1999.

     The  Palmer  State #5, in which Brigham has retained a 34% working interest
and  26%  net  revenue  interest, encountered 49 net feet of apparent pay in the
Lower  Vicksburg formation. The Palmer #5 is an offsetting location to Brigham's
recently  completed  Sullivan  C-25  development  well, which had comparable log
characteristics and began producing to sales at a rate of 10 MMcf of natural gas
and  700 barrels of condensate per day. The Company plans to fracture stimulate,
commingle all Lower Vicksburg zones and begin producing the well to sales within
the  next  45  days.

     The  four  wells  completed  in the Home Run Field thus far have produced a
cumulative  5.2  Bcfe to date. At year-end 2000, the Home Run Field included net
booked  proved  reserves  of 17 Bcfe as compared to total net reserve potential,
once the field is fully developed, of approximately 45 Bcfe. A fifth development
well  is  scheduled  to  spud at Home Run Field in the next several weeks, and a
sixth  development  well may spud late in the fourth quarter of 2001 or early in
the  first  quarter  of  2002.

Page 7

     Fourth  Consecutive Frio Bright Spot Discovery - During the second quarter,
Brigham  participated  in  the successful drilling of its fourth consecutive 3-D
delineated  Frio  bright  spot  discovery  in  Matagorda  County, Texas. Brigham
retained a 20% working interest in the well, which logged an apparent 42 feet of
net  pay  with  29%  average  porosity  in multiple Lower Frio sands. Completion
operations  and  pipeline construction are underway with sales expected to begin
by  mid-August.  Brigham  has  one  additional  Frio well drilling, in which the
Company  retains  a  31%  working  interest,  and  three  additional  Frio tests
currently  planned  for  the  remainder  of  2001.


     Four  Springer  Channel  Discoveries  -  In  the  second  quarter,  Brigham
successfully  completed  four  of  five Springer channel wells drilled in Blaine
County,  Oklahoma. As a result, the Company has now successfully completed seven
Springer  channel  discoveries  in  its  last  eight  attempts.  The  previously
announced  Price  17-3  discovery  began producing to sales in May at an initial
rate  of  2.8  MMcf  of natural gas and 70 barrels of condensate per day, or 1.3
MMcfe  net  to  Brigham's  41%  net  revenue  interest.

     In  July,  Brigham completed two successful offsets to a discovery that was
announced  in the first quarter of 2001. The previously announced discovery well
is  currently  producing  approximately  6.8  MMcfe per day, or 1.4 MMcfe net to
Brigham's  interest. Brigham's first offset, in which the Company retained a 24%
working  interest  and  20%  net  revenue  interest,  has  been completed and is
currently  awaiting a pipeline connection. Brigham's second offset, in which the
Company  retained  a  47%  working  interest  and  38%  net revenue interest, is
currently  being completed. Both wells are likely to begin producing to sales in
late  August  at  a  combined  rate of 4 to 10 MMcf of natural gas and 60 to 150
barrels  of  condensate  per  day,  or 1.1 to 3.8 MMcfe net to Brigham's revenue

     In  addition, completion operations are currently underway on the Company's
fourth  successful  Springer  channel  well  for  the  quarter, in which Brigham
retains  a  51% working interest. This discovery should begin producing to sales
by  late  August.  The  Company  plans  to  drill one to two additional Springer
channel  tests  during  the  second  half  of  2001.


     Fourth  Consecutive  West  Texas  Oil  Discovery  -  In  May, Brigham began
producing  to  sales  its  fourth consecutive West Texas oil discovery, a Canyon
Reef  well  that  encountered  approximately  179 feet of reef pay at a depth of
approximately  9,400  feet.  Since  the  well was brought on line in May, it has
produced  approximately  250 barrels of oil per day, or 1.2 MMcfe per day net to
Brigham's  77%  revenue  interest.  Brigham's  four recent drilling successes in
West  Texas are currently producing approximately 570 barrels of oil per day net
to Brigham's interest, or 63% of Brigham's average daily oil production rate for
the  fourth  quarter  of  2000.   Brigham  intends to continue to high-grade its
inventory  of  West Texas prospects and may spud a number of additional wells in
this  province  by  year-end.


     Thus  far in its 2001 drilling program, Brigham has completed 16 wells (7.7
net)  and  plugged  3 wells (.8 net), yielding an 84% completion rate (90% net).
Brigham currently has three wells (0.5 net) drilling with seven additional wells
expected  to  spud  in  the  next  sixty  days. In the second quarter, Brigham's
production  volumes  averaged 20.7 MMcf of natural gas per day and 1,453 barrels
of  oil  per day. Brigham's 29.5 MMcfe per day second quarter average production
rate is approximately 68% greater than volumes produced in the second quarter of
2000  and  28%  greater  than  volumes  produced  in  the first quarter of 2001.

     Bud  Brigham  further  indicated,  "Our  drilling successes have proven the
quality  and  depth  of  our  prospect  inventory.  Over 90% of our 2001 capital
expenditures  are planned for our five focus plays: the Vicksburg and Frio plays
of  the onshore Gulf Coast, the Springer and Hunton plays of the Anadarko Basin,
and  the  Canyon  Reef  oil  play  in  West  Texas.  In  these focus plays we've
successfully  completed  22  wells in 23 attempts over the past eighteen months.
Most  of  this  drilling  success occurred in the first half of 2001, generating
substantial reserve additions and production volume growth for our shareholders.
Given  our  current  completions, the ongoing development of our Home Run Field,
the  planned  development  of our new Triple Crown Field discovery, and our high
potential  and,  to  date,  highly  successful  exploration  program,  we expect
continued  reserve additions and production volume growth for the second half of

Page 8


     Brigham  will  issue  a  press  release  regarding  its second quarter 2001
financial  results  after  the close of market trading on Wednesday, August 8th.
Brigham's  management  will  host  a  conference  call  to  discuss  Brigham's
operational  and  financial  results  for the second quarter ended June 30, 2001
with  investors, analysts and other interested parties on Thursday, August 9, at
9:00 am Central time.  To participate in the call, please dial  888-343-7167 and
ask  for  the Brigham Exploration conference call (conference reservation number
19447498).  A  telephone  recording  of the conference call will be available to
interested  parties  approximately  one hour after the call is completed through
5:00  p.m. Central time on Tuesday, August 14th. To access the recording, please
dial  800-633-8284.  In addition, a live and archived web cast of the conference
call  will  be  available  over  the  Internet  at  either  www.bexp3d.com  or


     Brigham  Exploration  Company  is an independent exploration and production
company  that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging and other advanced technologies to
systematically  explore  and  develop  onshore  domestic  natural  gas  and  oil
provinces.  For  more  information  about  Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or  contact  Investor  Relations  at  512-427-3444.


     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  the  matters
discussed  in  this  news  release are forward looking statements that are based
upon  current expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to
differ  materially  from  those  in the forward looking statements include risks
inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of changes in
commodity  prices,  unforeseen  engineering  and  mechanical  or  technological
difficulties  in  drilling  wells,  availability  of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal  and  state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in  the  company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.

Contact:     John  Turner,  Manager  of  Finance  and  Investor  Relations
             (512)  427-3300  /  investor@bexp3d.com