NEWS RELEASE
                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



     Austin,  TX  --  (Business  Wire)  -  August 8, 2001 -- Brigham Exploration
Company  (NASDAQ:BEXP)  today  announced  its  financial  results for the second
quarter  2001.  Brigham  continues to post record results, including significant
growth  in  production  volumes and cash flow from levels achieved in the second
quarter  2000.

Highlights of Brigham's financial performance during the second quarter include:

- -    Production  volumes  averaged  29.5 MMcfe per day, a 68% increase over 17.6
     MMcfe  per day for the same three month period a year ago and 28% over 22.9
     MMcfe  per  day  for  the  first  quarter  2001;

- -    EBITDA  increased  178%  to  $7.2  million from $2.6 million for the second
     quarter  2000  and 41% from $5.1 million for the first quarter 2001, due to
     the  combined  effects  of  higher  production  volumes  and improvement in
     realized  natural  gas  sales  prices;  and

- -    Operating cash flow more than tripled to $6.0 million from $1.6 million for
     the  same  period  a  year  ago  and  increased 60% from first quarter 2001


Average  net  daily  production  volumes  for  the second quarter 2001 were 29.5
MMcfe, an increase of 68% from the second quarter 2000.  For the second quarter,
Brigham produced an average 20.7 MMcf of natural gas and 1453 barrels of oil per
day.   Natural  gas  and oil sales for the second quarter 2001 increased 126% to
$10.5  million  from  $4.6  million  for the same period last year.  Of this net
increase,  $3.0  million  was  attributable  to  a  35%  increase in the average
realized  equivalent  oil  and  natural  gas  sales  price  and $2.8 million was
attributable  to  a  68%  increase  in  net  equivalent  production  volumes.

Cash  settlements  on  natural  gas  and  crude oil hedging transactions of $1.5
million  ($0.56 per Mcfe) negatively impacted Brigham's net realized natural gas
equivalent  sales  price and revenues for the second quarter 2001, while natural
gas  and  crude oil hedging settlements of $1.7 million ($1.10 per Mcfe) reduced
its  average  realized  natural  gas equivalent sales price and revenues for the
three  month  period  ended  June  30,  2000.  Beginning  in May 2001, Brigham's
natural gas derivative contracts decreased from 15 MMBtu per day to 10 MMBtu per
day  and  its ceiling price increased from an effective NYMEX price of $2.20 per
MMBtu  to  $2.60  per  MMBtu.  Brigham's  outstanding  commodity  price  hedging
contracts  as  of  June  30,  2001  are summarized in a table at the end of this

Lease operating expenses for the second quarter 2001 were $784,000, representing
a  56% increase from the second quarter 2000.  These increases are primarily due
to  an  increase  in  the number of producing wells in which the Company owns an
interest,  higher  production  volumes and increased well repair and maintenance
costs.  On  a  per  unit basis, lease operating expenses declined for the second
quarter  2001  to  $0.30  per  Mcfe as compared to $0.32 per Mcfe for the second
quarter  2000.  Production taxes increased 57% to $622,000 in the second quarter
2001  yet  declined  $0.02 on a per unit basis to average $0.23 per Mcfe.  These
increases were primarily attributable to increased production volumes and higher
pre-hedge  oil  and  natural  gas  prices,  offset  in  part  by  production tax
reimbursements  related  to  wells  that  qualify for severance tax refunds. Net
general  and  administrative  expenses  were  $957,000.  This  represents  a 35%
increase from the second quarter 2000 and was principally due to higher employee
payroll  and  benefits  expenses and several one-time charges. However, on a per
unit  basis, net general administrative expenses were down 20% to $0.36 per Mcfe
for  the  second  quarter  2001 from $0.45 per Mcfe for the second quarter 2000.
Depletion  expenses  were  $3.2 million ($1.20 per Mcfe), or 75% higher than the


prior  year  quarter primarily due to increased production volumes. Net interest
expense  decreased  41%  to  $1.8  million for the second quarter 2001 from $3.0
million  for  the  prior year period as a result of reduced borrowings and lower
interest  rates  that  resulted largely from the refinancing of Brigham's senior
subordinated  notes  during  the  fourth  quarter  2000.

     Earnings  before  interest, taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization
(EBITDA)  increased  178%  to $7.2 million for the second quarter 2001 from $2.6
million  for  the  second quarter 2000, while operating cash flow for the second
quarter  2001  was  $6.0 million, representing a 267% increase from $1.6 million
for  the same period in 2000. Brigham reported net income of $8.3 million ($0.46
per  diluted  share)  for the second quarter 2001 compared to a net loss of $4.3
million  ($0.26  per  diluted  share)  for  the prior year period. Excluding the
non-cash  income  (expense)  associated  with the change in fair market value of
certain  hedging  contracts,  Brigham  would  have  reported  net income of $1.5
million  ($0.10  per diluted share) for the second quarter 2001 as compared to a
loss  of  $2.4 million ($0.14 per diluted share) for the second quarter of 2000.

     Capital  expenditures  during the second quarter 2001 totaled $9.2 million,
including $7.0 million related to drilling, $759,000 for land and G&G activities
and  $1.4 million for capitalized interest, overhead expenses and other property
and  equipment.  Thus  far  in  2001,  Brigham  has  invested $15 million in its
drilling  program, $1.8 million for land and G&G activities and $3.0 million for
capitalized  interest,  overhead  expenses  and  other  property  and equipment.
Capital  expenditures  for  the  year  are  now  forecast  to total $37 million,
including  $28  million  for  drilling  and  $3  million  for  land  and  G&G.


     The  following  forecasts  and  estimates  of  Brigham's third quarter 2001
results  are  forward  looking statements subject to the risks and uncertainties
identified  in  the  "Forward  Looking Statements Disclosure" at the end of this

     Brigham  currently expects third quarter 2001 production volumes to average
between  30  and 32 MMcfe per day, 75% of which consists of natural gas. For the
third quarter 2001, lease operating expenses are projected to be $0.30 per Mcfe,
production taxes are projected to be 5.5% of pre-hedge oil and gas revenues, and
net  general  and administrative expenses are projected to be $900,000 ($0.31 to
$0.33  per  Mcfe).

     Based  on these production and cost estimates, assumed average NYMEX prices
of  $3.00  per  MMBtu  for natural gas and $25.00 per barrel for oil, and taking
into account current hedging contracts outstanding, Brigham forecasts revenue of
between  $8.5  and  $9.0  million  and  EBITDA  of between $6.2 million and $6.7
million  for  the  third  quarter  2001.


     Curtis  Harrell,  Brigham's  Executive  Vice  President and Chief Financial
Officer,  stated, "We're extremely pleased with the growth in production volumes
demonstrated  thus  far  in  2001. EBITDA exceeded $7.0 million this quarter and
reached  $12.3 million for the six months ended June 2001, which is greater than
our  Company's  EBITDA  for the full year 2000. Growth in production volumes, an
improved  hedge  position  and  a  stronger  balance  sheet have all combined to
powerfully  impact  our  operating  margins. In the second quarter, we generated
$2.25  in  operating  cash  flow for every Mcfe we produced. Looking forward, we
expect continued growth in production volumes as we complete and begin producing
our  six  new  discoveries  and  continue  our  2001  drilling  program."


     Brigham  management  will  host  a conference call to discuss the company's
second  quarter  2001 operational and financial results with investors, analysts
and other interested parties on Thursday, August 9th, at 9:00 a.m. Central time.
To  participate  in  the  call, please dial 888-343-7167 and ask for the Brigham
Exploration  conference  call  (conference  reservation  number  19447498).  A
telephone  recording  of  the  conference  call  will be available to interested
parties  approximately  one  hour  after the call is completed through 5:00 p.m.
Central  time  on  Tuesday,  August  14th.  To access the recording, please dial
800-633-8284.  In  addition, a live and archived web cast of the conference call
will  be  available  over  the  Internet  at  either  www.bexp3d.com  or


     Brigham  Exploration  Company  is an independent exploration and production
company  that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging and other advanced technologies to
systematically  explore  and  develop  onshore  domestic  natural  gas  and  oil


provinces.  For  more  information  about  Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or  contact  Investor  Relations  at  512-427-3444.


     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  the  matters
discussed in this news release are forward looking statements within the meaning
of  the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 that are based upon
current  expectations.  Important  factors  that  could  cause actual results to
differ  materially  from  those  in the forward looking statements include risks
inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of changes in
commodity  prices,  unforeseen  engineering  and  mechanical  or  technological
difficulties  in  drilling  wells,  availability  of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal  and  state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in  the  company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and Exchange Commission. All
forward  looking  statements  contained in this release, including any forecasts
and  estimates,  are  based  on management's outlook only as of the date of this
release,  and  we  undertake  no  obligation  to  update or revise these forward
looking statements, whether as a result of subsequent developments or otherwise.

Contact:     John Turner, Manager - Finance & Investor Relations
             (512) 427-3300 / investor@bexp3d.com


                          BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited)

                                           Three  Months         Six  Months
                                           Ended June 30,       Ended June 30,
                                        -------------------  -------------------
                                          2000       2001      2000       2001
                                        ---------  --------  ---------  --------
 Natural gas and oil sales                $4,635   $10,467     $9,140   $17,372
 Other revenue                                16        37         49       175
                                        ---------  --------  ---------  --------
                                          $4,651   $10,504     $9,189   $17,547
Costs and expenses:
 Lease operating                             502       784        961     1,490
 Production taxes                            395       622        699     1,088
 General and administrative                  708       957      1,448     1,774
 Depletion of natural gas and oil
 properties                                1,820     3,182      3,584     5,659
 Depreciation and amortization               148        83        283       235
                                        ---------  --------  ---------  --------
                                          $3,573    $5,628     $6,975   $10,246
                                        ---------  --------  ---------  --------
 Operating income                         $1,078    $4,876     $2,214    $7,301

Interest expense, net                     (3,031)   (1,779)    (5,806)   (3,585)
Interest income                               19       105         56       167
Other income (expense) (a)                (2,394)    5,764     (2,990)    5,985
                                        ---------  --------  ---------  --------
 Income (loss) before income taxes       ($4,328)   $8,966    ($6,526)   $9,868
Income tax expense                             -         -          -         -
                                        ---------  --------  ---------  --------
 Net income (loss)                       ($4,328)   $8,966    ($6,526)   $9,868
Preferred stock dividend & accretion           -       639          -     1,117
                                        ---------  --------  ---------  --------
 Net income (loss) to common             ($4,328)   $8,327    ($6,526)   $8,751

Net income (loss) to common per share:
 Basic                                    ($0.26)    $0.52     ($0.41)    $0.55
 Diluted                                   (0.26)     0.46      (0.41)     0.51

Wt. avg. common shares outstanding:
 Basic                                    16,713    15,983     15,996    15,983
 Diluted                                  16,713    18,835     15,996    19,734

(a)   Includes non-cash income
(expenses) related to changes
in the fair
market value of
certain hedging contracts of:            ($1,924)   $6,807    ($2,367)   $7,028


                          BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

                                                                 Three Months Ended June 30,       Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                              --------------------------------  ------------------------------
                                                                   2000             2001            2000            2001
                                                              --------------  ----------------  ------------  ----------------
Avg. net daily production:
   Natural gas (MMcf)                                                  11.6              20.7          11.0              19.3
   Oil (Bbls)                                                           992             1,453         1,046             1,147
   Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                                17.6              29.5          17.3              26.2
Total net production:
   Natural gas (MMcf)                                                 1,047             1,867         1,987             3,477
   Oil (MBbls)                                                           89               131           188               206
   Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                               1,582             2,652         3,116             4,716
   % Natural gas                                                         66%               70%           64%               74%
Sales prices:
   Natural gas ($/Mcf) (a)                                    $        1.98   $          3.78   $      1.96   $          3.43
   Oil ($/Bbl) (a)                                                    28.71             26.09         27.89             26.33
   Equivalent natural gas ($/Mcfe) (6:1)                               2.93              3.95          2.93              3.68
Other financial data:
   EBITDA ($000) (b)                                          $       2,595   $         7,203   $     5,794   $        12,319
   Operating cash flow before changes in working capital              1,625             5,970         4,097             9,698

   (a)   Includes the effects of hedging gains (losses) of:
         Natural gas ($/Mcf)                                         ($1.66)           ($0.77)       ($1.13)           ($2.30)
         Oil ($/Bbl)                                                      -             (0.38)        (0.01)            (0.61)

(b)   Net  income  (loss)  plus interest expense, DD&A expenses, deferred income
taxes  and  other  non-cash  items.

                            (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                              December  June 30,
                                                                2000      2001
                                                              --------  --------
  Current assets                                               $10,673   $22,986
  Natural gas and oil properties, at cost, net                 129,490   143,623
  Other property and equipment, at cost, net                     1,341     1,254
  Other non-current assets                                       5,407     3,989
                                                              --------  --------
    Total assets                                              $146,911  $171,852
                                                              ========  ========

Liabilities and stockholders' equity:
  Current liabilities                                          $17,899   $17,605
  Notes payable                                                 75,000    75,000
  Senior subordinated notes, net                                 7,000    16,278
  Other non-current liabilities                                  3,697       264
                                                              --------  --------
     Total liabilities                                        $103,596  $109,147
  Redeemable preferred stock, net                                8,558    14,667
  Stockholders' equity                                          34,757    48,038
                                                              --------  --------
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                $146,911  $171,852
                                                              ========  ========


                                              BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                                     SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                               (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                               Three Months Ended June 30,   Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                           --------------------------------  --------------------------
                                                                2000             2001            2000          2001
                                                           --------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                             ($4,328)  $         8,966       ($6,526)  $     9,868
   Depletion, depreciation and amortization                        1,968             3,265         3,867         5,894
   Interest paid through issuance of add'l senior sub.             1,526               203         3,003           278
   Amortization of deferred loan fees                                298               343           689           686
   Amortization of discount on senior subordinated                   237                 -           417             -
   Amortization of deferred loss on derivatives                        -                 -           280             -
   Market value adjustment for derivatives instruments             1,924            (6,807)        2,367        (7,028)
                                                           --------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------
      Operating cash flow                                  $       1,625   $         5,970   $     4,097   $     9,698
   Changes in working capital and other items                     (2,420)             (703)       (7,864)       (3,179)
                                                           --------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------
      Cash flows provided (used) by operating activities           ($795)  $         5,267       ($3,767)  $     6,519

Cash flows (used) provided by investing activities                (7,519)           (9,045)      (11,676)      (17,963)
Cash flows (used) provided by financing activities                 6,728               (19)       12,774        18,839
                                                           --------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------
   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash                      ($1,586)          ($3,797)      ($2,669)  $     7,395
                                                           ==============  ================  ============  ============

                              SUMMARY PER MCFE DATA

                                                    Three Months Ended June      Six Months Ended June
                                                 ----------------------------  --------------------------
                                                      2000           2001          2000          2001
                                                 --------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
   Natural gas and oil sales                     $        2.93   $      3.95   $      2.93   $      3.68
   Other revenue                                          0.01          0.01          0.02          0.04
                                                 --------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                 $        2.94   $      3.96   $      2.95   $      3.72
Costs and expenses:
   Lease operating                                        0.32          0.30          0.31          0.32
   Production taxes                                       0.25          0.23          0.22          0.23
   General and administrative                             0.45          0.36          0.46          0.38
   Depletion of natural gas and oil properties            1.15          1.20          1.15          1.20
   Depreciation and amortization                          0.09          0.03          0.09          0.05
                                                 --------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                 $        2.26   $      2.12   $      2.24   $      2.17
                                                 --------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
   Operating income                              $        0.68   $      1.84   $      0.71   $      1.55

Interest expense, net                                    (1.90)        (0.63)        (1.85)        (0.72)
Other income (expense) (a)                               (0.30)        (0.39)        (0.20)        (0.22)
                                                 --------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Adjusted net income before preferred stock
dividend & accretion                                    ($1.52)  $      0.81        ($1.33)  $      0.60
                                                 ==============  ============  ============  ============

(a)   Adjusted  to  exclude  non-cash income (expense) related to changes in the
fair  market  value  of  certain  hedge  contracts.

Page 11

                          BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

                                      Q3 2001   Q4 2001   Q1 2002   Q2 2002
                                      --------  --------  --------  --------

Natural Gas Collar:  Cap - MMBtu/d      10,000    10,000    10,000    10,000
                     Cap - $/MMBtu    $   2.60  $   2.73  $   2.80  $   2.67

                     Floor - MMBtu/d     2,500     2,500      -  -      -  -
                     Floor - $/MMBtu  $   1.90  $   1.90      -  -      -  -

Crude Oil Collar:    Cap - Bbls/d          200       200      -  -      -  -
                     Cap - $/Bbl      $  25.25  $  25.25      -  -      -  -

                     Floor - Bbls/d        200       200      -  -      -  -
                     Floor - $/Bbl    $  16.10  $  16.10      -  -      -  -

Note: Hedged volumes  and  prices  reflected  in  this  table  represent average
     contract  amounts  for  the  quarterly periods presented; natural gas hedge
     prices  reflect estimated NYMEX equivalent prices since the actual contract
     prices  are  based  on  various  regional index prices, while the crude oil
     hedge  contract  prices  are  based  on  NYMEX  pricing.