TO BE KNOWN AS
                          KEY CARD COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                SEPTEMBER 5, 2001

     Each  of  the  undersigned  shareholders having specifically entered into a
Waiver  of  Notice, hereby agree to an informal meeting between them as majority
shareholders  to  pass  and  adopt  certain  shareholder  resolutions  for  the
corporation  by  Majority  Shareholder Consent.  Each of the undersigned further
represent that collectively they hold and may vote in excess of fifty percent of
the  issued and outstanding shares of Fighton Succession Corporation to be known
as  Key  Card  Communications,  Inc.

     The  specific  sharehold  interest and percentage of issued and outstanding
shares  of  each  of the undersigned principal shareholders is as set-out below:

      Name               No. of Shares      Percentage of Issued and Outstanding
      ----               -------------      ------------------------------------

1.   B. Stephen May       8,500,000                         47.8%

2.   Cliff  Wildes          600,000                          3.3%

3.   Michael Rejbeni        800,000                          4.4%




     The undersigned majority shareholders collectively agree that Fighton is in
immediate  need of appointment of directors who in turn should appoint principal
officers  to  carry  on  various  aspects  of  the  reorganization  and business
resulting  from  the  acquisition by Fighton Succession Corporation of its newly
acquired sole operating subsidiary, Key Card Communications, Inc.  Specifically,
the  undersigned  majority  shareholders  agreed  to  consider and vote upon the
following  proposals:

1    Resolution  to  change  the  name  of the public entity, Fighton Succession
     Corporation,  to  Key  Card  Communications,  Inc.

2    Resolution  electing  a  slate  of  nominee  directors  as  approved by the
     undersigned  majority  shareholders  and currently holding positions within
     Key  Card  Communications,  Inc.

3.   Resolution  providing  standby authority to Board of Directors and approval
     of any merger of the acquired operating subsidiary Key Card Communications,
     Inc.,  with  a  newly  formed  reorganization corporation in Nevada for the
     purpose  of consolidating into a single merged entity the operating company
     (Key Card Communications, Inc.) with the parent company (Fighton Succession
     Corporation)  t/b/k/a  Key  Card  Communications,  Inc.  and  concurrently
     approving merger with a reorganization entity formed in Nevada for the sole
     purpose  of  transferring  the  domicile  of the reorganized corporation to
     Nevada.  The  undersigned  shareholders  understand this to be a "three way
     merger" for the purposes of consolidating operations and changing domicile,
     as  generally  described  above,  and  may generically refer to such merger
     authority  in  these  resolutions  as  a  three  way  merger.

4.   Enter  an  advisory resolution to the newly appointed Board of Directors to
     promptly  appoint  principal  officers  for  the  corporation and to retain
     experts  as  necessary  to consider and complete as advisable the three way
     merger  and  to  proceed  further  with filing of required public reporting
     documents  under  the  Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (34' Act) and to
     initiate  and  prepare  an  SB-2  Registration  Statement  for  existing
     outstanding  shares,  as  well  as new capital to be raised as subsequently
     approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors.

     After  general  and extensive discussion of each of the foregoing proposals
and  based upon advice of retained counsel for Key Card Communications, Inc. and
the discussions with the existing Board of Directors of Key Card Communications,
Inc.,  the  following  specific resolutions were adopted by Majority Shareholder
Consent,  with  each of the undersigned voting affirmatively in favor of each of
the  resolutions:


          Fighton  Succession  Corporation  shall  change  its  name to Key Card
     Communications,  Inc.  with Articles to be filed of record and notice given
     as  the  Board  of  Directors shall determine necessary or appropriate. The
     name  change  shall  occur  either  as  part  of  a  three  way  merger  or
     continuation  as  parent  and  subsidiary  as  the  Board  may subsequently
     determine. In all events, if a parent/subsidiary continues then the name of
     the  operating  subsidiary  shall  likewise  be  changed  to  reflect  such


          The  undersigned  majority  shareholders  hereby approve and elect the
     following as the initial three directors of Fighton Succession Corporation:

     1.   B.  Stephen  May

     2.   Marcia  Bates

     3.   Michael  Rejbeni

          It  is  further  resolved,  as  an  advisory  matter,  that  the newly
     appointed  directors should immediately meet and appoint principal officers
     to  act  for  and  on  behalf  of  the  corporation and to carry out, among
     day-to-day  business  matters,  the  other  resolutions  adopted  herein.


          The  undersigned  majority  shareholders  hereby  approve  and  ratify
     standby  authority  for  a  three  way  merger of the company such that the
     acquired  operating  subsidiary,  Key  Card  Communications, Inc., would be
     merged  into  the above named parent company Fighton Succession Corporation
     and  a  third  concurrent  merger  will occur to change its domicile to the
     State  of Nevada through a newly formed merger vehicle in that jurisdiction
     with  the  resulting  single  public  entity  to  by  known  as  Key  Card
     Communications,  Inc.,  a  Nevada  corporation.  The  undersigned  majority
     shareholders  further  agree  and  consent  that should the newly appointed
     Board  of  Directors  approve  that the company may exist and operate on an
     interim  or  permeant  basis  as  Key  Card  Communications,  Inc. with the
     acquired  operating  subsidiary, the subsidiary should be known as Key Card
     Communications  Operating  Company,  Inc.  or some reasonable derivation of
     such  name.

          The  undersigned  majority shareholders also understand and agree that
     the  Board  of  Directors  may  deem  it  necessary  or advisable to call a
     shareholder  meeting  for  approval  of  any  such  merger.


          The  undersigned  principal  shareholders  further  enter  an advisory
     resolution  and  request  the  Board  of Directors to promptly complete all
     security  act filings required incident to the recent reorganization of the
     company with Key Card Communications, Inc., to complete all 34' Act filings
     and  to  commence  work  on  a  SB-2  Registration  of presently issued and
     outstanding shares as well as additional shares to raise further capital as
     the Board of Directors may subsequently determine. The undersigned majority
     shareholders  further understand and agree that the Board of Directors will
     allocate  funding  for  such  endeavors  and  shall  retain  legal counsel,
     auditors  and  other  experts  necessary  to  complete  such  filings  and

     There  being  no  further  business to come before the special shareholders
meeting the meeting was adjourned and the foregoing resolutions were unanimously
approved  by  the  undersigned  shareholders.

     Done the day and date first above written.


- -------------------------------
B.  Stephen  May

- -------------------------------
Cliff  Wildes

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Michael  Rejbeni