Exhibit 10.9

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

          EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT,  made  and  entered  into as of the 13th day of
December,  2000  by  and  between  CONCURRENT  COMPUTER  CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation  ("Concurrent"  or the "Company"), and  Paul Meyer (the "Employee").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :
                              - - - - - - - - - - -

          WHEREAS,  the  Company desires to employ the Employee and the Employee
desires  to  accept  such  employment  with  the  Company;

          NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
contained  herein  and  for  other  good and valuable consideration, the parties
agree  as  follows:

     1.   Employment

          The  Company  hereby  employs  the  Employee  and  the Employee hereby
accepts  employment  with the Company for the term set forth in Section 2 below,
in  the position and with the duties and responsibilities set forth in Section 3
below,  and  upon  other  terms  and  conditions  hereinafter  stated.

     2.   Term

          The term of employment hereunder shall commence on the date hereof and
shall  continue  until  otherwise  terminated  by  either  party  at any time in
accordance  with  the  terms  hereof.

     3.   Position;  Duties;  Responsibilities

          3.1   It  is  intended that at all times during the term of employment
hereunder,  the Employee shall serve as President - Real-Time Division reporting
to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company (the "Chief Executive Officer") or
in  a  similar  executive  officer  capacity  in the event that this position is
eliminated due to consolidation or sale of the Division.  The Employee agrees to
perform  such senior executive officer and managerial services customary to such
position  as  are  necessary  to  the  operations  of  the Company and as may be
assigned  to  him  from  time  to  time by the Chief Executive Officer or by the
Company's  Board  of  Directors  (the  "Board  of  Directors").

          3.2  Throughout  the  term of employment hereunder, the Employee shall
devote his full time and undivided attention during normal business hours to the
business  and affairs of the Company, as appropriate to his responsibilities and
duties  hereunder,  except  for  reasonable  vacations  and  illness  or  other

     4.  Compensation

          4.1     Salary

               For  services  rendered  by  the  Employee  during  the  term  of
employment  hereunder,  the  Employee  shall  be paid a salary, payable in equal
biweekly  installments  (or,  if  different, payable in accordance with the then
existing  applicable  payroll  policy  of  the  Company,  but  in  no event less
frequently  than  equal  monthly  installments) at an annualized rate of no less
than  $190,000.00,  such  salary  to be reviewed for increase annually with such
increases,  if  any,  as  shall  be  awarded taking into account such factors as
corporate  and  individual  performance  and  general  business  conditions.

          4.2     Annual  Bonus  Opportunity

               During  the  term  of  employment hereunder, the Employee will be
provided  an  annual  bonus opportunity in a target amount of 50% of base salary
(pro-rated  based  on  the Employee''s start date). The objectives for each year
and  other terms and conditions of the bonus opportunity shall be established by
the Board of Directors or a committee thereof and shall be reasonably consistent
with  the business plan of the Company for such year established in advance. The
Fiscal 2001 bonus opportunity for Employee shall be based 80% on the performance
of  the  Real-Time  Division  compared  to  Annual Operating Plan and 20% on the
performance  of  the  VOD  Division  compared  to  Annual  Operating  Plan.

          4.3     Employee  Benefit  Plans

               During  the  term  of  employment hereunder, the Employee will be
eligible  to  participate in all employee benefit programs of the Company now or
hereafter made available to senior executives, in accordance with the provisions
thereof  as  in  effect  from time to time.  In any event, the Employee shall be
entitled  to  vacation days at the rate of three weeks per calendar year or such
greater  amount  as  may  be provided by Company policies in effect from time to

          4.4     Stock  Options

               Employee  has initially been granted an option to purchase 30,000
shares  of  the  Company''s  common  stock.  The per share exercise price of the
option  is  the fair market value of the Company''s common stock at the close of
business  on the Employees start date and the option vests over a 4 year term at
the  rate  of  25%  on  each  of  the  employees  first 4 anniversary dates. The
remaining  terms  and  conditions of this grant are as provided in the Company's
Stock  Option  Plan.


          4.5     Business  Expense  Reimbursements

               During  the  term  of  employment hereunder, the Employee will be
entitled  to  receive  reimbursement  by  the  Company  for  all  reasonable
out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred  by  him  (in accordance with the policies and
procedures  established  by  the  Company  for  its senior level executives), in
connection  with  his  performing  services  hereunder.

     5.   Consequences  of  Termination  of  Employment

          5.1     Death

               In  the  event  of  the  death of the Employee during the term of
employment  hereunder, the estate or other legal representatives of the Employee
shall  be entitled to continuation of the salary provided for in Section 4.1 for
a  period  of  6  months  from  the date of the Employee's death, at the rate in
effect  at  such  date.

          5.2     Continuing  Disability

               Notwithstanding  anything  in this Agreement to the contrary, the
Company is hereby given the option to terminate the Employee's employment in the
event  of  the Employee's Continuing Disability.  Such option shall be exercised
by  the  Company  by giving notice to the employee of the Company's intention to
terminate  his  employment due to Continuing Disability not earlier than 15 days
from  the  receipt  of  such  notice.

               In  the event of the termination of the Employee's employment due
to  Continuing  Disability,  the  Employee  shall be entitled to compensation in
accordance  with  the  terms  of  all  disability  plan(s) made available to the
Employee  in  which he is a participant at the time of such termination, if any;
provided,  however, that for a period of 6 months from such date of termination,
the  Employee  shall receive an amount at least equal to the salary provided for
in  Section 4.1 above, at the rate in effect at the time of such termination, to
the  extent  not  provided  under  any  such  disability plan.  Other rights and
benefits  under  employee  benefit plans and programs of the Company, generally,
will be determined in accordance with the terms and provisions of such plans and

               For  purposes  hereof,  Continuing  Disability  shall  mean  the
inability  to  perform  the  essential  functions  connected with the Employee's
duties  hereunder,  with  or  without  reasonable accommodation, which inability
shall have existed for a period of 250 days, even though not consecutive, in any
24  month  period.   In  the  event the Employee does not agree with the Company
that  his  inability  may  reasonably  be expected to exist for such period, the
opinion  of  a  qualified medical doctor selected by the Employee and reasonably
satisfactory  to  the  Company  shall  be  determinative.

               If,  following  a  termination  of  employment  hereunder  due to
Continuing  Disability,  the  Employee becomes otherwise employed (whether as an
employee,  consultant  or  otherwise,  but  not solely as a member of a board of


directors),  any  salary  or  other  benefits earned by him from such employment
shall  be  offset against any disability compensation or salary continuation due

          5.3     Termination  by  the  Company  for  Due  Cause

               Nothing  herein  shall  prevent  the Company from terminating the
employment  of  the  employee  for  Due  Cause.  The  Employee shall continue to
receive  salary  and any accrued and due bonus payments provided for herein only
through the period ending with the date of such termination and any other rights
and  benefits  he  may  have  under  employee  benefit plans and programs of the
Company,  generally,  shall  be  determined in accordance with the terms of such
plans  and  programs.  The term "Due Cause", as used herein, shall mean that (a)
the  Employee has committed a willful serious act, such as embezzlement, against
the Company intended to enrich himself at the expense of the Company or has been
convicted  of  a  felony  involving  moral turpitude or (b) the Employee has (i)
willfully  and  grossly  neglected  his  duties  hereunder or (ii) intentionally
failed  to  observe specific directives or policies of the Board of Directors or
CEO, which directives or policies were consistent with his positions, duties and
responsibilities  hereunder,  and  which failure had, or continuing failure will
have,  a material adverse effect on the Company.  Prior to any such termination,
the Employee shall be given written notice by the Board of Directors or CEO that
the Company intends to terminate his employment for Due Cause under this Section
5.3,  which written notice shall specify the particular acts or omissions on the
basis  of  which  the Company intends to so terminate the Employee's employment,
and  the  Employee  (with  his  counsel,  if  he  so chooses) shall be given the
opportunity,  within  15  days  of his receipt of such notice, to have a meeting
with  the  Board  of  Directors  to  discuss  such  acts  or omissions and given
reasonable  time  to  remedy  the  situation,  if  it  is deemed by the Board of
Directors,  in  their  good  faith  business judgment, to be remediable.  In the
event  of  such  termination,  the  Employee shall be promptly furnished written
specification  of  the  basis  therefor  in  reasonable  detail.

          5.4     Termination  by  the  Company  other  than  for  Due  Cause

               The  foregoing  notwithstanding,  the  Company  may terminate the
Employee's  employment  for  whatever  reason  it  deems  appropriate; provided,
however,  that in the event such termination is not based on death or disability
as  provided  in  Sections  5.1  or  5.2,  above, or on Due Cause as provided in
Section  5.3  above,  the  Employee  will  be  entitled  to  receive  Severance
Compensation  (as defined below) for a period of 12 months from the date of such

               For  purposes  of  the  foregoing,  Severance  Compensation shall
consist  of  salary continuation, payable in equal biweekly installments (or, if
different,  payable  in  accordance  with  the  then existing applicable payroll
policy  of  the  Company,  but  in  no  event less frequently than equal monthly
installments), at the rate in effect, pursuant to Section 4.1 above, immediately
prior  to  such  termination.


               During  the  period beginning with the Employee's termination and
continuing  through  the  period  for  which  Severance  Compensation  is  paid
hereunder,  the  Company  will  use  its best efforts to continue the Employee's
existing  coverage  under its group life insurance, hospitalization, medical and
dental plans. To the extent he is not eligible under the terms of one or more of
such plans and programs, the Company will provide the Employee with the economic
equivalent  for  the 12 month period during which Severance Compensation is paid
hereunder.  For  this  purpose,  "economic  equivalent"  shall mean the cost the
Employee  would incur if he were to provide himself with a benefit comparable to
the  reduced  or  eliminated  benefit.  The  amount  paid to the Employee as the
economic  equivalent,  less  the  amount  of  the  premium  payment which is the
Employee''s  responsibility in accordance with the Company benefit plan, will be
"grossed-up",  if  taxable  (that  is, the amount necessary to make the Employee
whole  after taking into account (i) the cost of the benefit and (ii) additional
income  taxes,  if any, incurred by the employee on amounts paid to him pursuant
to  this  sentence)).

               The  foregoing  notwithstanding,  upon  a  termination triggering
Severance  Compensation  payments  hereunder  the  Company  shall  be  under  no
obligation  to  continue  the Employee's coverage under any long term disability
plan  or  program;  and  the  date  of  such  termination  shall be considered a
termination  for  purposes  of participation in the Company's Retirement Savings

               Except  as  specifically  set  forth  in  this  Section  5.4, the
Employee shall not be entitled to any other compensation or benefits following a
termination  of  employment  by  the  Company  as  provided in this Section 5.4.

          5.5     Constructive  Termination of Employment by the Company without
                  ---------------------------------------------- ---------------
                  Due  Cause

               Anything  herein to the contrary notwithstanding, if the Company:

               (A)     demotes or otherwise elects or appoints the Employee to a
lesser  office than set forth in Section 3.1 or fails to elect or appoint him to
such  position;

               (B)     causes  a  material  change in the nature or scope of the
authorities,  powers,  functions,  duties  or  responsibilities  attached to the
Employee's  position  as  described  in  Section  3.1;

               (C)     decreases  the  Employee's  salary  or  annual  bonus
opportunity  below  the levels provided for by the terms of Sections 4.1 and 4.2
(taking  into  account any salary increases made from time to time in accordance
with  Section  4.1);

               (D)     materially  reduces  the  Employee's  benefits  under any
employee  benefit  plan,  program,  or  arrangement of the Company (other than a
change  that  affects all employees similarly situated) from the level in effect
upon  the  Employee's  commencement  of  participation;  or


               (E)     commits any other  material  breach  of  this  Agreement,

then such action (or inaction) by the Company, unless consented to in writing by
the Employee, shall constitute a termination of the Employee's employment by the
Company  other  than  for  Due  Cause pursuant to Section 5.4 above.  If, within
thirty  (30)  days of learning of the action (or inaction) described herein as a
basis  for a constructive termination of employment, the Employee (unless he has
given written consent thereto) notifies the Company in writing that he wishes to
effect  a  constructive  termination  of his employment pursuant to this Section
5.5,  and such action (or inaction) is not reversed or otherwise remedied by the
Company  within 30 days following receipt by the Company of such written notice,
then  effective  at  the end of such second 30 day period, the employment of the
Employee  hereunder  shall  be deemed to have terminated pursuant to Section 5.4

          5.6     Voluntary  Termination  by  Employee

               In  the  event  the Employee terminates his employment of his own
volition  (other  than as provided in Section 5.5 above), such termination shall
constitute  a  voluntary  termination  and  in  such event the Employee shall be
limited  to  the  same  rights  and  benefits  as  provided  in  connection with
termination  for  Due Cause under the second sentence of Section 5.3 above.  For
the  purposes  hereof,  a  decision  by the Employee to voluntarily retire shall
constitute  a  voluntary  termination.

     6.   Protective  Agreement

               Concurrently with entering into this Agreement, the Employee will
enter  into  a Protective Agreement in favor of the Company substantially in the
form  attached  as  Exhibit  A  hereto  (the  "Protective  Agreement").

     7.   Successors  and  Assigns

          7.1     Assignment  by  the  Company

               This  Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
the Company or any corporation or other entity to which the Company may transfer
all  or  substantially  all its assets and business and to which the Company may
assign  this  Agreement,  in which case "Company" as used herein shall mean such
corporation  or  other  entity.

          7.2     Assignment  by  the  Employee

               The  Employee  may  not assign this Agreement or any part thereof
without  the prior written consent of the Company, which consent may be withheld
by  the  Company for any reason it deems appropriate; provided, however, nothing
herein shall preclude the Employee from designating one or more beneficiaries to
receive  any  amount  that  may be payable following the occurrence of his legal
incompetency or his death and shall not preclude the legal representative of his
estate  from  assigning  any  right  hereunder to the person or persons entitled


thereto  under  his  will or, in the case of intestacy, to the person or persons
entitled thereto under the laws of intestacy applicable to his estate.  The term
"beneficiaries",  as  used  in  this  Agreement,  shall  mean  a  beneficiary or
beneficiaries  so designated to receive any such amount or if no beneficiary has
been so designated the legal representative of the Employee (in the event of his
incompetency)  or  the  Employee's  estate.

     8.   Arbitration

          Any  dispute  or  controversy  arising  out of, in connection with, or
relating  to  this  Agreement or the Employee's employment by the Company or its
termination  shall  be settled exclusively by arbitration in Atlanta, Georgia by
one  arbitrator  in  accordance  with  the  employment  arbitration rules of the
American  Arbitration  Association  then in effect; provided, however, that this
arbitration agreement shall not preclude the Company from seeking to enforce the
Protective  Agreement  in  any court of competent jurisdiction without resort to
arbitration.  The  arbitrator's  award  may  include the manner in which fees of
counsel  and other expenses in connection with the dispute or controversy are to
be borne by the parties.  The arbitrator's authority and jurisdiction is limited
to  interpreting  and  applying the express provisions of this Agreement and the
arbitrator  shall  not  have  the authority to alter or add to the provisions of
this  Agreement.  Judgment  may  be  entered  upon the arbitrator's award in any
court  of  competent  jurisdiction.

     9.   Governing  Law

          This  Agreement  shall  be  deemed  a contract made under, and for all
purposes shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Georgia
(without  reference  to  the  principles  of  conflicts  of  law).

     10.  Entire  Agreement

          This  Agreement,  including the Protective Agreement, contains all the
understandings  and representations between the parties hereto pertaining to the
subject  matter  hereof  and supersedes all undertakings and agreements, whether
oral  or  in  writing,  if  any  there  be, previously entered into by them with
respect  thereto.

     11.  Amendment  or  Modification;  Waiver

          No  provision  in  this Agreement may be amended or waived unless such
amendment  or  waiver  is  agreed  to  in writing, signed by the Employee and an
officer  of  the  Company  thereunto  duly  authorized.  Except  as  otherwise
specifically  provided  in  the  Agreement, no waiver by any party hereto of any
breach by another party hereto of any condition or provision of the Agreement to
be  performed  by  such  other  party  shall  be deemed a waiver of a similar or
dissimilar  provision  or condition at the same or any prior or subsequent time.

     12.  Notices


          Any  notice  to  be  given hereunder shall be in writing and delivered
personally or sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested,
addressed to the party concerned at the address indicated below or to such other
address  as  such  party  may  subsequently give notice of hereunder in writing:

     COMPANY:     Concurrent  Computer  Corporation
                  4375  River  Green  Parkway
                  Duluth,  GA  30096
                  Attn:  Chief  Executive  Officer

          With  a  copy  to:

                  King  &  Spalding
                  191  Peachtree  Street
                  Atlanta,  GA  30303-1763
                  ATTN:  Jack  Capers

     EMPLOYEE:    Paul  Meyer
                  2753  Whitlock  Drive
                  Darien,  IL  60561

     13.  Severability

          In  the event that any provision or portion of this Agreement shall be
determined  to  be  invalid  or  unenforceable  for  any  reason,  the remaining
provisions  or  portions of this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby and shall
remain  in  full  force  and  effect  to  the  fullest  extent permitted by law.

     14.  Withholding

          Anything  to the contrary notwithstanding, all payments required to be
made  by  the  Company hereunder to the Employee or his estate or beneficiaries,
shall be subject to withholding of such amounts relating to taxes as the Company
may  reasonably  determine  it should withhold pursuant to any applicable law or
regulation.  In  lieu  of  withholding  such  amounts,  in whole or in part, the
Company may, in its sole discretion, accept other provision for payment of taxes
as  required  by  law,  provided  it  is  satisfied that all requirements of law
affecting  its  responsibilities  to  withhold  such  taxes have been satisfied.

     15.  Survivorship

          The  respective  rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall
survive  any  termination  of  this  Agreement  to  the  extent necessary to the
intended  preservation  of  such  rights  and  obligations.


     16.  References

          In  the event of the Employee's death or judicial determination of his
incompetence, reference in this Agreement to the Employee shall be deemed, where
appropriate,  to  refer  to his legal representatives, or, where appropriate, to
his  beneficiary  or  beneficiaries.

     17.  Titles

          Titles  to  the  sections  in  this  Agreement are intended solely for
convenience  and  no provision of this Agreement is to be construed by reference
to  the  title  of  any  section.

     18.  Counterparts

          This  Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute one
and  the  same  instrument.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the  date  first  above  written.


                           Jack  Bryant
                           President  and  CEO


                        Paul  Meyer


                                                                       Exhibit A

                              PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT

     I, the undersigned, in consideration of and as a condition to my employment
by  Concurrent  Computer  Corporation  (the  "Company), do hereby agree with the
Company  as  follows:

     1.     Noncompete and Nonsolicitation of Customers or Employees.  During my
employment  by  the  Company, I will devote my full time and best efforts to the
business  of  the  Company and I will not, directly or indirectly, alone or as a
partner,  officer,  director,  employee  or holder of more than 5% of the common
stock  of any other organization, engage in any business activity which competes
directly  or  indirectly  with  the  products  or  services  being  developed,
manufactured  or  sold  by  the  Company.  I  also  agree  that,  following  any
termination  of  such  employment,  I  will not, directly or indirectly, for any
period  in  which  I  receive  severance payments from the Company, plus one (1)
year,  (a)  engage  in  or  provide  any  services  substantially similar to the
services  that I provided to the Company at any time during the last twelve (12)
months  of  my  employment to or on behalf of any person or entity that competes
with  the Company in the "real time" or "video-on-demand" businesses anywhere in
the  continental  United  States,  which  I acknowledge and agree is the primary
geographic  area  in which the Company competes in these businesses and thus, by
virtue  of  my  senior executive position and responsibilities with the Company,
also  the primary geographic area of my employment with the Company, (b) solicit
or  attempt  to  solicit,  for  the purpose of competing with the Company in its
"real  time"  or "video-on-demand" businesses, any customers or active prospects
of  the  Company with which I had any material business contact for or on behalf
of  the Company at any time during the last twelve (12) months of my employment,
or  (c)  recruit  or  otherwise  seek  to induce any employees of the Company to
terminate  their  employment  or  violate  any  agreement  with  the  Company.


     2.     Trade  Secrets and Other Confidential Information.  Except as may be
required in the performance of my duties with the Company, or as may be required
by  law,  I  will not, whether during or after termination of my employment with
the  Company,  reveal to any person or entity or use any of the trade secrets of
the  Company  for  as  long as they remain trade secrets.  I also agree to these
same  restrictions,  during  my  employment with the Company and for a period of
three  (3)  years thereafter, with respect to all other confidential information
of  the  Company,  including  its technical, financial and business information,
unless such confidential information becomes publicly available through no fault
of  mine  or  unless  it  is  disclosed  by the Company to third parties without
similar  restrictions.

     Further,  I  agree  that any and all documents, disks, databases, notes, or
memoranda  prepared by me or others and containing trade secrets or confidential
information  of  the Company shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property
of  the  Company, and that upon termination of my employment or prior request of
the  Company I will immediately deliver all of such documents, disks, databases,
notes  or  memoranda,  including  all copies, to the Company at its main office.

     3.     Inventions  and  Copyrights.  If  at  any  time  or  times during my
employment  (or  within  six  (6) months thereafter if based on trade secrets or
confidential  information  within  the  meaning of Paragraph 2 above), I make or
discover, either alone or with others, any invention, modification, development,
improvement,  process  or  secret,  whether  or  not  patented  or  patentable
(collectively,  "inventions")  in  the  field  of  computer  science  or
instrumentation,  I  will  disclose  in  reasonable  detail  the  nature of such
invention  to  the  Company in writing, and if it relates to the business of the
Company or any of the products or services being developed, manufactured or sold
by the Company, such invention and the benefits thereof shall immediately become
the  sole  and absolute property of the Company provided the Company notifies me
in  reasonable  detail within ninety (90) days after receipt of my disclosure of
such  invention  that  it believes such invention relates to the business of the
Company or any of the products or services being developed, manufactured or sold
by  the  Company.  I  also  agree  to  transfer such inventions and benefits and


rights  resulting  from  such inventions to the Company without compensation and
will  communicate  without  cost,  delay  or  prior  publications  all available
information relating to the inventions to the Company.  At the Company's expense
I  will  also,  whether  before  or after termination of my employment, sign all
documents  (including  patent  applications) and do all acts and things that the
Company  may  deem  necessary  or desirable to effect the full assignment to the
Company  of  my  right  and  title  to the inventions or necessary to defend any
opposition  thereto.  I  also  agree to assign to the Company all copyrights and
reproduction  rights  to  any  materials  prepared  by  me in connection with my

     4.     Conflicting  Agreements.  I  represent  that I have attached to this
Agreement  a  copy of any written agreement, or a summary of any oral agreement,
which  presently  affects my ability to comply with the terms of this Agreement,
and  that  to  the  best of my knowledge my employment with the Company will not
conflict  with  any  agreement  to  which  I  am  subject.  I  have returned all
documents  and  materials  belonging  to any of my former employers.  I will not
disclose  to  the  Company or induce any of the Company's employees to use trade
secrets  or  confidential  information  of  any  of  my  former  employers.

     5.     Miscellaneous.

          (a)     I hereby give the Company permission to use photographs of me,
during my employment, with or without using my name, for any reasonable business
purposes  the  Company  deems  necessary  or  desirable.

          (b)     The Company shall have, in addition to any and all remedies of
law, the right to an injunction, specific performance and other equitable relief
as  may  be  appropriate  to  prevent the violation of my obligations hereunder.

          (c)     I understand that this Agreement does not create an obligation
on  the  Company or any other person to continue my employment for any period of

          (d)     This  Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Georgia.  I agree that each provision of this Agreement shall be
treated  as  a  separate and independent clause, and the unenforceability of any
clause  shall  in  no way impair the enforceability of any of the other clauses.


Moreover, if one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for
any  reason  be  held  to  be  extensively  broad  as  to scope, activity, time,
geographical area or subject so as to be unenforceable at law, such provision or
provisions  shall  be construed by the appropriate judicial body by limiting and
reducing  it  or  them  so as to be enforceable to the maximum extent compatible
with  applicable  law  as  it  shall  then  appear.

          (e)     My  obligations  under  this  Agreement  shall  survive  the
termination  of  my  employment regardless of the manner of such termination for
the  time  periods  set  forth  in  this Agreement, and shall be binding upon my
heirs,  executors  and  administrators.

          (f)     The  term  "Company"  as  used  in  this  Agreement  includes
Concurrent  Computer Corporation and any of its subdivisions or affiliates.  The
Company  shall  have  the  right  to assign this Agreement to its successors and

          (g)     The  foregoing is the entire agreement between the Company and
me  with  regard  to  its subject matter, and may not be amended or supplemented
except  by  a written instrument signed by both the Company and me.  The section
headings  are  inserted for convenience only, and are not intended to affect the
meaning  of  this  Agreement.

Paul  Meyer
