Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                     Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

 Filed by the Registrant [X]     Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check  the  appropriate  box:

[ ]     Preliminary  Proxy  Statement
[X]     Definitive  Proxy  Statement
[_]     Definitive  Additional  Materials
[_]     Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Section  240.14a-11(c)  or  Section
[_]     Confidential,  For  Use  of  the  Commission  Only (As Permitted by Rule

                         CARDIOTECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                 NAME OF COMPANY
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment  of  Filing  Fee  (Check  the  appropriate  box):

[X]     No  fee  required
[_]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

        (1)  Title  of  each  class  of securities to which transaction applies:

        (2)  Aggregate  number  of  securities  to  which  transaction  applies:

        (3)  Per  unit  price  or other underlying value of transaction computed
             pursuant  to  Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
             the  filing  fee  is  calculated  and state how it was determined):

        (4)  Proposed  maximum  aggregate  value  of  transaction:

        (5)  Total  fee  paid:

[_]     Fee  paid  previously  with  preliminary  materials.
[_]     Check  box  if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and  identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify  the  previous filing by registration statement number, or
the  Form  or  Schedule  and  the  date  of  its  filing.

        (1)  Amount  Previously  Paid:

        (2)  Form,  Schedule  or  Registration  Statement  No.:

        (3)  Filing  Party:

        (4)  Date  Filed:

                         CARDIOTECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                               78-E Olympia Avenue
                           Woburn, Massachusetts 01801

                                 August 16, 2001

To  the  Stockholders  of  CardioTech  International,  Inc.:

     CardioTech  International,  Inc. (the "Company") is pleased to send you the
enclosed notice of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be held
at  10:00  a.m.  (EST) on Monday, October 1, 2001 at the offices of the Company,
78-E  Olympia  Avenue,  Woburn,  MA  01801.

     Ordinary  annual  meeting  business  will  be  transacted  at  the Meeting,
including the election of directors.  Two (2) other actions will be submitted to
the  stockholders  at  the  Meeting:

     1.   to  approve  an  amendment  to  the Company's Articles of Organization
          increasing  the  number  of shares of Common Stock, $.01 par value per
          share, which the Company is authorized to issue from 20,000,000 shares
          to  50,000,000  shares;  and

     2.   to  approve  an  amendment  to  the  Company's  1996 Stock Option Plan
          increasing  the  number  of  shares of Common Stock reserved under the
          plan  from  5,000,000  shares  to  7,000,000  shares.

     Please  review  the Company's enclosed Proxy Statement and Annual Report on
Form  10-KSB  carefully.  If  you  have  any  questions regarding this material,
please  do  not  hesitate  to  call  me  at  (781)  933-4772.

                              Sincerely  yours,

                              Michael  Szycher,  Ph.D.,  MBA
                              Chairman  and
                              Chief  Executive  Officer
                              CardioTech  International,  Inc.


                         CARDIOTECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                               78-E Olympia Avenue
                           Woburn, Massachusetts 01801

                          To be held on October 1, 2001

          The  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the  "Meeting") of CardioTech
International,  Inc. (the "Company") will be held on Monday, October 1, 2001, at
10:00  a.m. (EST) at the offices of the Company, 78-E Olympia Avenue, Woburn, MA
01801,  for  the  following  purposes:

     1.   To elect two (2) directors to hold office until their successors shall
          be  elected  and  shall  have  qualified;

     2.   To  approve  an  amendment  to  the Company's Articles of Organization
          increasing  the  number  of shares of common stock, $.01 par value per
          share, which the Company is authorized to issue from 20,000,000 shares
          to  50,000,000  shares;

     3.   To  approve  an amendment to the Company's 1996 Stock Option Plan (the
          "1996  Plan") increasing the number of shares of Common Stock reserved
          under  the  Plan  from  5,000,000  shares  to  7,000,000  shares;  and

     4.   To  transact  such  other  business  as  may  properly come before the
          meeting  or  any  adjournment  thereof.

          The  Board  has fixed the close of business on August 13, 2001, as the
record  date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and to
vote  and  act  at,  the Meeting and only stockholders of record at the close of
business  on  that  date  are entitled to notice of, and to vote and act at, the

          Stockholders  are  cordially  invited to attend the Meeting in person.
However,  to assure your representation at the Meeting, please complete and sign
the  enclosed  proxy  card  and return it promptly. If you choose, you may still
vote in person at the Meeting even though you previously submitted a proxy card.

                              BY  ORDER  OF  THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS
                              CARDIOTECH  INTERNATIONAL,  INC.

                              Michael  Adams

Woburn,  Massachusetts
August  16,  2001

                         CARDIOTECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                               78-E Olympia Avenue
                           Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
                                 (617) 368-2700

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                           to be held October 1, 2001


The  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders

     This  proxy statement (the "Proxy Statement") is being furnished to holders
of  shares  of  common  stock, $.01 par value (the "Common Stock") of CardioTech
International,  Inc.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  ("CardioTech"  or  the
"Company"),  in  connection  with  the  solicitation  of proxies by the Board of
Directors  (the  "Board")  of  the  Company  for  use  at  the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  (the  "Meeting")  to  be  held at the offices of the Company, 78-E
Olympia Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, on October 1, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. (EST), and at
any  adjournment  or  adjournments  thereof.

Matters  to  be  Considered  at  the  Meeting

     At the Meeting, Stockholders will be acting upon the following matters: (i)
to  elect  two  (2)  directors  to  hold  office until their successors shall be
elected  and shall have been duly qualified; (ii) to approve an amendment to the
Company's  Articles  of  Organization  increasing the number of shares of Common
Stock  which  the  Company  is  authorized  to  issue  from 20,000,000 shares to
50,000,000  shares and (iii) to approve an amendment to the Company's 1996 Stock
Option  Plan  (the  "1996 Plan") increasing the number of shares of Common Stock
reserved  under  the  1996  Plan  from  5,000,000  shares  to  7,000,000 shares.

Recommendations  of  the  Board  of  Directors


Beneficial  Ownership  of  Securities  and  Voting  Rights

     As  of  the  close  of business on August 13, 2001, the record date for the
Meeting,  there  were outstanding 8,507,451 shares of Common Stock.  The Company
has  no  other  shares  of  capital  stock  issued  and  outstanding.  For  more
information  about  the  Company's authorized and outstanding capital stock, see
"OTHER  INFORMATION  --  Principal  Stockholders."

Proxies;  Votes  Required

     A stockholder may revoke his, her or its proxy at any time prior to its use
by  giving  written  notice  to the Clerk of the Company, by executing a revised
proxy at a later date or by attending the Meeting and voting in person.  Proxies
in the form enclosed, unless previously revoked, will be voted at the Meeting in
accordance  with  the  specifications  made  thereon  or, in the absence of such
specifications,  in  favor  of  (i)  the  election of the nominees for directors
listed herein, (ii) the proposal to amend the Company's Articles of Organization
increasing the number of shares of Common Stock  which the Company is authorized
to  issue  from  20,000,000  shares  to 50,000,000 shares, (iii) the proposal to

amend  the  Company's  1996 Plan increasing the number of shares of Common Stock
reserved under the 1996 Plan from 5,000,000 shares to 7,000,000 shares, and (iv)
with  respect  to any other business which may properly come before the Meeting,
in  the  discretion  of  the  named  proxies.

     Proxies  submitted  with  abstentions  as  to one or more proposals will be
counted as present for purposes of establishing a quorum for such proposals. The
expected  date  of  the  first  mailing of this proxy statement and the enclosed
proxy  is  estimated  to  be  August  31,  2001.

     The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the shares of the Company's Common
Stock  present  at  the  Meeting,  in  person  or  by proxy, is required for the
election  of the members of the Board.  The affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority  of  the shares of the Company's Common Stock issued and outstanding is
required  for  the  approval  of  the  amendment  to  the  Company's Articles of
Organization,  and  the  approval  of  the  amendment  to  the  1996  Plan.

     Shares  of  the  Company's  Common  Stock  represented  by executed proxies
received by the Company will be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum at
the  Meeting, regardless of how or whether such shares are voted on any specific
proposal.  With  respect  to  the  required  vote  on  any  particular  matter,
abstentions  will  be  treated  as votes cast or shares present and represented,
while  votes  withheld  by  nominee  recordholders  who did not receive specific
instructions  from  the  beneficial owners of such shares will not be treated as
votes  cast  or  as  shares  present  or  represented.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                 Page No.

Introduction                                            3
Table  of  Contents                                     4
Election  of  Directors                                 5
Executive  Compensation                                 9
Amendment  of  Articles  of  Organization              11
Amendment  to  the  1996  Stock  Option  Plan          12
Other  Information                                     15
Annex  A
  Report  of  the  Audit  Committee

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                   PROPOSAL 1


     Pursuant  to Section 50A of Chapter 156B of the Massachusetts General Laws,
the  Board is currently divided into three (3) classes having staggered terms of
three  (3)  years  each.  Under  Section  50A, the Board may determine the total
number  of  directors  and  the  number of directors to be elected at any annual
meeting  or special meeting in lieu thereof.  The Board has fixed at one (1) the
number  of  Class I directors to be elected at the Meeting.  The Board has fixed
at one (1) the number of Class II directors to be elected at the Meeting. At the
Meeting,  the stockholders will be asked to elect Robert R. Detwiler and Michael
Barretti  as  Class  I and II directors, respectively, to serve in such capacity
until  the  2003  and  2004  Annual  Meetings,  respectively,  and  until  their
successors  are  duly  elected  and  qualified.

     It  is  the intention of the persons named in the enclosed proxy to vote to
elect  the  two  nominees named above, one of whom is an incumbent director, and
each  of  whom has consented to serve if elected.  If some unexpected occurrence
should  make necessary, in the discretion of the Board, the substitution of some
other  person  for any of the nominees, it is the intention of the persons named
in the proxy to vote for the election of such other persons as may be designated
by  the  Board.

Nominees,  Directors  and  Executive  Officers

     The  directors  and  officers  of  the  Company  are  as  follows:

Name                         Age  Position(s)  Held
----                         ---  -----------------

Michael Szycher, Ph.D., MBA   63  Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and
Michael L. Barretti*          56  Director
Michael Adams                 43  Director  and  Clerk
Anthony J. Armini, Ph.D.      63  Director
Robert R. Detwiler*           72  Nominee

*  Nominee  for  election  as  a  director  at  this  Meeting

     There  are no family relationships between any director, executive officer,
or  person  nominated  or  chosen  to  become  a  director or executive officer.

Business  Experience


     Robert  R.  Detwiler  is  a  director  of  Detwiler, Mitchell & Co. and the
President  of  one  of its principal subsidiaries, Fechtor, Detwiler & Co., Inc.
("Fechtor  Detwiler").  Mr.  Detwiler  has been with Fechtor Detwiler since 1975
since  investing  in  one  third of that company.  He owned one third of Fechtor
Detwiler until the merger between Fechtor Detwiler and JMC Group, Inc. in August
1999.  He  was  named a director of Detwiler, Mitchell & Co. in May 2000.  Prior
to  joining  Fechtor  Detwiler,  Mr.  Detwiler  was  employed  in the securities
industry  since  1957  at  Smith  Barney,  Laird & Company and Wood, Struthers &
Winthrop.  He  is  a registered General Securities Principal with the NASD.  Mr.
Detwiler  was  selected  to be nominated as a director of CardioTech in May 2001
when  Mr.  Chartoff, a Class I director, informed the Company that he would like
his  term  to  end  at  the  next  stockholders  meeting.

                    2002 ANNUAL MEETING (CLASS III DIRECTORS)

     Dr.  Szycher  has  been  Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and
Treasurer  of  the Company since June 1996.  From October 1989 until joining the
Company  in  June 1996, Dr. Szycher served as Chairman of PolyMedica Industries,
Inc. ("PMI") and Chief Executive Officer of PMI from November 1990 to June 1996,
and  as  a  director  of  PMI  from  its  inception  until  June  1996.

                     2003 ANNUAL MEETING (CLASS I DIRECTORS)

     Mr.  Adams is the Vice President of PLC Systems, Inc.  Prior to joining PLC
Systems  in  September  2000, Mr. Adams was Vice President of Assurance Medical,
Inc.,  ("Assurance  Medical").  Prior to joining Assurance Medical in June 1999,
Mr.  Adams  was  the  Chief  Operating  Officer and Vice President of Regulatory
Affairs  and  Quality Assurance of the Company from June 1998 to May 1999.  From
November 1994 through June 1998, Mr. Adams served as the Vice President of Cytyc
Corporation.  Mr.  Adams  has  been  a  director  of  CardioTech since May 1999.

     Dr.  Anthony J. Armini has been the President, Chief Executive Officer, and
Chairman  of  the  Board of Directors of Implant Science Corporation since 1984.
From  1972 to 1984, prior to founding Implant Sciences, Dr. Armini was Executive
Vice President at Spire Corporation.  From 1967 to 1972, Dr. Armini was a Senior
Scientist  at  McDonnell  Douglas Corporation.  Dr. Armini received his Ph.D. in
nuclear  physics  from  the  University of California, Los Angeles in 1967.  Dr.

Armini  is  the  author  of eleven patents, fifteen patents pending and fourteen
publications  in  the  field  of  implant technology. Dr. Armini has over thirty
years  of  experience  working  with  cyclotrons  and  linear  accelerators, the
production  and  characterization of radioisotopes, and fifteen years experience
with  ion  implantation in the medical and semiconductor fields.  Dr. Armini has
been  a  director  of  CardioTech  since  August  2000.


     Mr.  Barretti  has been the President of Cool Laser Optics, Inc., a company
which  commercializes optical technology specific to the medical laser industry,
since  July  1996.  From  September  1994  to  July  1996, Mr. Barretti was Vice
President  of  Marketing  for  Cynosure,  Inc.,  a  manufacturer  of medical and
scientific  lasers.  From  June  1987  to  September  1994,  Mr.  Barretti was a
principal  and served as Chief Executive Officer of NorthFleet Management Group,
a  marketing  management firm serving the international medical device industry.
From  January  1991  to  May  1994,  Mr.  Barretti  also  acted  as President of
Derma-Lase,  Inc.,  the U.S. subsidiary of a Glasgow, Scotland supplier of solid
state laser technologies to the medical field.  Mr. Barretti has been a director
of  the  Company  since  January  1998.

Certain  Transactions

     The  above-named  nominees, directors and executive officers have indicated
that  neither  they  nor any of their respective affiliates has any relationship
with  the  Company  that  is  required  to  be disclosed pursuant to Item 404 of
Regulation  S-B  promulgated  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of 1934, as
amended,  except  for  the  transactions  referred  to  below.

     Robert  Detwiler loaned the Company $25,000.00 in February 2000, on a short
term  basis.  Mr.  Detwiler  received  a  warrant  to purchaser 25,000 shares of
Common  Stock, exercisable until February 28, 2005 at a price of $.50 per share,
representing  the  price  of  the  Common  Stock  on  the  date  of  issuance.

As  part  of  the  sale  by  the Company of CardioTech Ltd. to Nervation Ltd. in
November  2000,  Fector Detwiler provided a fairness opinion for which they were
paid  $55,000.00.  Mr.  Detwiler  is  a  director  of  Fechtor  Detwiler

On  March  15,  2000,  Fechtor Detwiler in consideration for acting as Financial
Advisor  in the conversion of 500,000 CardioTech warrants, received a warrant to
purchase  200,000  shares  of Common Stock exercisable until March 5, 2005, at a
price  of  $1.88  per  share.

Committees;  Attendance

     Meeting Attendance. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001, there were
four  (4)  meetings of the Board. The various committees of the Board also met a
total of four (4) times during fiscal 2001.  Each director attended in excess of
75%  of the total number of meetings of the Board and of committees of the Board
on  which  he  served  during  fiscal 2001.  In addition, from time to time, the
members  of  the  Board  and  its  committees acted by unanimous written consent
pursuant  to  Massachusetts  law.

     Audit  Committee.  The Board has designated from among its members an Audit
Committee,  which  consists  of Mr. Michael Barretti and Mr. Michael Adams. Both
Mr.  Barretti and Mr. Adams are independent members.  The Audit Committee, which
reviews  the  Company's  financial,  accounting practices and controls, held one
meeting  on  April  18,  2001.  The  responsibilities of the Audit Committee are
outlined  in  a  written  charter,  which  is  included as Annex A of this Proxy

     Compensation  and Stock Option Committee. The Compensation and Stock Option
Committee,  which  met  two  (2)  times during fiscal 2001, has two members, Mr.
Barretti  (Chairman) and Mr. Adams.  The Compensation and Stock Option Committee
reviews,  approves  and  makes  recommendations  on  the  Company's compensation
policies,  practices  and  procedures  to  ensure  that  legal  and  fiduciary
responsibilities  of the Board are carried out and that such policies, practices
and  procedures  contribute to the success of the Company.  The Compensation and
Stock  Option  Committee  administers  the  1996  Plan.

     Nominating  Committee.  The  Nominating Committee, which was established in
March  1998 and did not meet in fiscal 2001, has three members, Dr. Szycher, Mr.
Barretti and Mr. Adams.  The Nominating Committee nominates individuals to serve
on  the  Board.  The  Nominating Committee will consider nominees recommended by
Stockholders.  See  "Stockholder Proposals" for the procedures to be followed by
Stockholders  in  submitting  such  recommendations.

Directors'  Compensation

     The Company's policy is to pay $750 per diem compensation to members of the
Board  for attendance at Board meetings or committee meetings.  All non-employee
directors  are  reimbursed  for  travel  and  other related expenses incurred in
attending  meetings  of  the  Board.

     Directors  are  eligible  to  participate  in the 1996 Plan.  The 1996 Plan
provides  for  an initial grant of an option to purchase 14,854 shares of Common
Stock  to each non-employee director upon first joining the Board and subsequent
grants  of  options  to  purchase  14,854  shares  upon each anniversary of such
director's  appointment.  Such options are granted at an exercise price equal to
the  fair  market  value  of  the  Common Stock on the grant date and fully vest
following  one  year  of  service  after  the  date  of  grant.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  annual  and  long-term  remuneration  paid to or accrued for the Chief
Executive  Officer  of  the Company for services rendered during the years ended
March  31,  2000  and  2001  was  as  follows:

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                           Long Term
                               Annual Compensation         Securities    All Other
                                                           Underlying   Compensation (1)
Name and Principal Position    Year         Salary  Bonus    Options            $
Michael Szycher, Ph.D, MBA     2001       $225,481      -     225,000         $1,523
  Chairman, CEO and Treasurer  2000       $205,067      -     156,060        $11,581
(1)  Includes  premiums  paid  by the Company for long term disability insurance
     and  term  life  insurance.  Premiums  paid  in  fiscal  2001 for long term
     disability  insurance  and life insurance, respectively, were $612 and $911
     for  Dr.  Szycher.

                        Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

     The  following  table  sets  forth  information regarding each stock option
granted  during  the  fiscal  year  ended  March  31,  2001 to each of the named
executive  officers.

                        Number of
                       Securities   Percent of Total
                       Underlying    Options Granted    Exercise
                         Options     to Employees in   Price Per   Expiration
Name                   Granted (#)     Fiscal Year       Share        Date
Michael Szycher, Ph.D      100,000              8.41%  $    2.250    10/20/10
                           125,000             10.52%  $     .875    12/31/10
(1)  The Company granted options to purchase 1,188,454 shares of Common Stock to
     employees in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001. All options were granted
     at an exercise price per share equal to the fair market value of the Common
     Stock on the date of grant, determined by the closing price on the American
     Stock Exchange on the trading day immediately preceding the grant date. All
     options  vest  in  four  approximately  equal annual installments, with the
     initial  tranche  vesting  on  the  date  of  grant.

    Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal year and Fiscal Year-End Option

     The  following table provides information regarding the number of shares of
Common Stock covered by both exercisable and unexercisable stock options held by
each  of  the  named  executive  officers as of March 31, 2001 and the values of
"in-the-money"  options,  which values represent the positive spread between the
exercise  price  of  any such option and the fiscal year-end value of the Common
Stock.  No  such  options  were exercised by the named executive officers during
the  2001  fiscal  year.

                           Number of Securities
                          Underlying Unexercised     Value of the Unexercised
                          Options/SARs at Fiscal     in the Money Options/SARs
                                Year- End             at Fiscal Year-End(1)
        Name            Exercisable  Unexercisable  Exercisable  Unexercisable
----------------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------------
Michael Szycher, Ph.D.      959,328         29,085      $35,162        $12,500
(1)  The  value of unexercised in-the-money options at fiscal year end assumes a
     fair market value for the Common Stock of $1.00, the closing sale price per
     share  of  the  Common Stock as reported on the American Stock Exchange for
     March  31,  2001.

Employment  Contracts,  Terminations  of  Employment  and  Change  in  Control

     The  Company  has  entered  into  an  employment agreement (the "Employment
Agreement")  with  Dr. Michael Szycher, pursuant to which said individual serves
as  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Company.  Pursuant  to  the terms of the
Employment  Agreement,  Dr.  Szycher  is to receive an annual base salary of Two
Hundred  and  Twenty  Thousand ($220,000) dollars.  Dr. Szycher's salary will be
reviewed  annually by the Board.  Additionally, Dr. Szycher may also be entitled
to receive an annual bonus payment in an amount, if any, to be determined by the
Compensation  and  Stock  Option  Committee  of  the  Board.

     The initial term of the Employment Agreement by and between the Company and
Dr.  Szycher is set to expire on May 13, 2003.  After such time, the term of the
Employment Agreement will be deemed to continue on a month-to-month basis if not
expressly  extended  while  Dr.  Szycher  remains  employed by the Company.  Dr.
Szycher and CardioTech each have the right to terminate the Employment Agreement
at  any  time,  with  or without cause (as defined in the Employment Agreement),

upon  thirty  (30)  days  prior  written  notice.  In  the event that CardioTech
terminates  the  applicable  Employment  Agreement without cause, or Dr. Szycher
terminates his employment for good reason following a change in control (as such
terms  are defined in the Employment Agreement) or CardioTech fails to renew the
Employment  Agreement  within two (2) years following the occurrence of a change
in  control,  Dr.  Szycher  will  be entitled to receive severance equal to 2.99
times his annual base salary at termination.  In such event, Dr. Szycher will be
bound  by  a  noncompete  covenant for one (1) year following termination of his

     Substantially  all  of  the stock options granted pursuant to the 1996 Plan
provide  for  the  acceleration  of  the  vesting  of the shares of Common Stock
subject  to  such  options  in connection with certain changes in control of the

Compensation  Committee  Interlocks  and  Insider  Participation

     Other  than  Mr.  Adams,  no  person  serving on the Compensation and Stock
Option  Committee  at  any  time during Fiscal Year 2001 was a present or former
officer  or  employee  of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.  During Fiscal
Year 2001, other than Dr. Szycher, no executive officer of the Company served as
a  member  of  the board of directors or compensation and stock option committee
(or  other  board  committee performing equivalent functions) of another entity,
one  of  whose  executive officers served on the Company's Board or Compensation
and  Stock  Option  Committee.

     During  the  year  ended  March  31, 2000, the Company sold Senior Notes to
Dresdner Kleinwort Benson Private Equity Partners ("Dresdner Kleinwort").  Under
that  agreement,  Dresdner  Kleinwort  has the right to nominate a member of the
Board.  Dresdner  Kleinwort  has  not  exercised  this  right.

                                   PROPOSAL 2

     The  Board  of  the  Company  has  approved  an  amendment of the Company's
Articles  of  Organization to increase the number of authorized shares of Common
Stock  from  20,000,000  to  50,000,000  shares.

     As  a  result  of  the proposed change, the authorized capital stock of the
Company  would consist of 50,000,000 shares of Common Stock, of which there were
8,507,451  shares  outstanding  on August 3, 2001.  In addition, as of August 3,
2001,  options  to  purchase 5,000,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock were
outstanding  under  the  Company's  1996 Plan and warrants to purchase 1,055,000
shares  of  the  Company's  Common  Stock  were  outstanding.


The purpose of the proposed amendment to the Articles is to authorize additional
shares  of  the Company's Common Stock which will be available in the event that
the  Board determines that it is necessary or appropriate to effect future stock
dividends  or  stock  splits,  to  raise  additional capital through the sale of
securities,  to  acquire  another  company or its business or assets through the
issuance,  of securities, to establish a strategic relationship with a corporate
partner  through  the  exchange.  of  securities,  or  to take such other action
necessitating  additional shares of stock as deemed appropriate by the Board. In
determining  the  appropriate level of authorized shares of the Company's Common
Stock,  the Board considered, among other factors (i) that as of August 3, 2001,
approximately  14,562,451  million  shares  of  the  Company's Common Stock were
issued  or  reserved  for  issuance,  (ii)  that  if  the Board decides to issue
additional  shares  of  Common  Stock  to  finance the Company's activities, the
number  of  authorized  shares  may not be enough for such transaction and (iii)
that  an  additional  2,000,000  shares of Common Stock must be reserved for the
proposed  amendment  to  the Company's 1996 Plan.  If this proposed amendment is
adopted,  35,437,549  additional  shares  of  the Company's Common Stock will be
available  for  issuance  by the Board without any further stockholder approval,
although  certain  issuance  of  shares  may  require  stockholder  approval  in
accordance  with  the  requirements  of  the  American  Stock  Exchange or under
Massachusetts Business Corporation Law.  No stockholder has preemptive rights to
purchase any stock of the Company. The additional shares might be issued at such
times  and under such circumstances as to have a dilutive effect on earnings per
share  and  on  the  equity  ownership  of  the present common stockholders. The
Company has no pending or proposed acquisition of or strategic relationship with
another  company  which  would  require  use  of  the  additional  shares  to be

Recommendation  of  the  Board  of  Directors


                     AMENDMENT TO THE 1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN
                                   PROPOSAL 3


     In  1996, the Company's stockholders approved the 1996 Plan  which had been
adopted,  subject  to  stockholder approval, by the Board. Currently, options to
purchase  a  total  of 5,000,000 shares of Common Stock may be granted under the
1996  Plan  to employees of the Company (including employees who are directors),
consultants  who  are not employees and other affiliates of the Company, who are
defined  as  persons  associated  with  the  Company  in  such other capacity or
relationship  as  may be permitted by the Board (recipients of stock options are
herein  known  collectively as "Participants").  As of August 3, 2001 a total of
3,834,870 shares were granted to employees of the Company, consultants and other
associated  persons  under  the  1996 Plan,, of which, grants totaling 1,578,413
shares  were  granted to executive officers. The exercise price for such options
ranges  from  $.50  to  $3.80.

Proposed  Amendment

     On  April  18, 2001, the Board adopted an Amendment, subject to stockholder
approval  at  the  Meeting.  The Amendment provides for increasing the number of
shares  of  Common  Stock  available  for  grant  pursuant to the 1996 Plan from
5,000,000  shares  to  7,000,000  shares.

Description  of  the  1996  Plan

     The  1996  Plan  covers  a  total of 5,000,000 shares of Common Stock (this
number will increase to 7,000,000 if the Amendment is approved).  Options may be
awarded under the 1996 Plan to employees of the Company (including employees who
are  directors),  consultants  who are not employees and other affiliates of the
Company  as  defined  below during the ten-year life of the 1996 Plan.  The 1996
Plan  provides  for  the grant of options intended to qualify as incentive stock
options under Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
"Code")  ("Incentive  Stock Options"), and options which are not Incentive Stock
Options  ("Non-Statutory  Stock  Options").

     Only  employees of the Company or its subsidiaries (currently approximately
26  persons) may be granted Incentive Stock Options.  Affiliates of the Company,
defined  as employees of the Company, members of the Company's Board, or persons
associated  with  the  Company  in such other capacity or relationship as may be
permitted  by  the  Board,  may  be  granted  Non-Statutory  Stock  Options.

     The  Option  Compensation  Committee  ("the  Committee")  of the Board will
administer the 1996 Plan, select the persons to whom options are granted and fix
the  terms  of  such  options.

     The exercise date of an option granted under the 1996 Plan will be fixed by
the  Committee,  but  may  not  be  later than ten years from the date of grant.
Options  may  be  exercised  in such installments as are fixed by the Committee.

     Options  under  the  1996  Plan will not be transferable by the Participant
other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution, although they may be
exercised  during  the Participant's lifetime by his/her legal representative if
he/she  becomes incapacitated. All options must be exercised within three months
after termination of the Participant's affiliation with the Company, except that
options shall remain outstanding for their entire term following termination due
to  death  or  for  one  year  following termination due to permanent disability
whichever  is  shorter.

     The  exercise  price of Incentive Stock Options granted under the 1996 Plan
must  be  at  least  equal  to  the  fair  market  value of the Common Stock, as
determined  by the Board, on the date of grant.  Non-Statutory Stock Options may
be granted at exercise prices not less than 100% of the fair market value of the
Common  Stock on the date of the grant or not less than 110% of such fair market
value  in  the  case  of  options  granted to employees who at the time of grant
possess more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock
of  the  Company.  The Option Compensation Committee is authorized to determine,
in  its  discretion,  the exercise price of other options, including any options
that  may  be  regranted  to  employees  after  their  original grant has lapsed

     The  1996 Plan provides for automatic adjustment to the number of shares of
Common  Stock  issuable  upon exercise of options granted under the 1996 Plan to
reflect  stock  dividends,  stock  splits,  reorganizations, mergers and various
other  transactions  occurring  after  the  date  of  grant.  Payment for shares
purchased upon exercise of an option must be made in cash or, at the Committee's
discretion,  by  delivery  of  shares  of  Common  Stock of the Company, or by a
combination  of  such  methods.

     The  Company's  Board may at any time amend or revise the terms of the 1996
Plan, except that no such amendment or revision may be made without the approval
of  the holders of a majority of the Company's outstanding capital stock, voting
together  as  a single class, if such amendment or revision would (a) materially
increase  the  number  of  shares which may be issued under the 1996 Plan (other
than  changes  in capitalization), (b) increase the maximum term of options, (c)
decrease  the minimum option price, (d) permit the granting of options to anyone
not  included within the 1996 Plan's eligible categories, (e) extend the term of
the  1996  Plan  or  (f)  materially  increase the benefits accruing to eligible
individuals  under  the  1996  Plan.

     The 1996 Plan contains the following terms and conditions required in order
to  permit  treatment  of  the  options  granted  thereunder  as incentive stock
options: (i) all incentive stock options must be expressly designated as such at
the  time  of  grant and (ii) if any person to whom an incentive stock option is
granted  owns,  at the time of the grant of such option, Common Stock possessing
more  than  10% of the combined voting power of all classes of the Company, then
(a)  the  purchase  price  per  share of the Common Stock subject to such option
shall  not  be  less  than  110% of the fair market value of one share of Common
Stock  at  the  time  of grant and (b) the exercise period shall not exceed five
years  from  the  date  of  grant.

     Directors  are  eligible  to  participate  in the 1996 Plan.  The 1996 Plan
provides  for  an initial grant of an option to purchase 14,854 shares of Common
Stock  to each non-employee director upon first joining the Board and subsequent
grants  of  options  to  purchase  14,854  shares  upon each anniversary of such
director's  appointment.  Such options are granted at an exercise price equal to
the  fair  market  value  of  the  Common Stock on the grant date and fully vest
following  one  year  of  service  after  the  date  of  grant.

Federal  Income  Tax  Consequences

     Incentive  Stock  Options.  In  general,  a  Participant will not recognize
taxable  income  upon  the  grant  or  exercise  of  an  Incentive Stock Option.
Instead,  a  Participant  will  recognize  taxable  income  with  respect  to an
Incentive  Stock  Option only upon the sale of Common Stock acquired through the
exercise  of  the  option ("ISO Stock").  The exercise of an ISO stock, however,
may  subject  the  Participant  to  the  alternative  minimum  tax.

     Generally,  the  tax  consequences  of selling ISO Stock will vary with the
length  of  time  that the Participant has owned the ISO Stock at the time it is
sold.  If the Participant sells ISO Stock after having owned it for at least two
years  from the date the option was granted (the "Grant Date") and one year from
the  date  the  option was exercised (the "Exercise Date"), then the Participant
will  recognize  long-term  capital gain in an amount equal to the excess of the
sale  price  of  the  ISO  Stock  over  the  exercise  price.

     If  the  Participant sells ISO Stock for more than the exercise price prior
to  having owned it for at least two years from the Grant Date and one year from
the Exercise Date (a "Disqualifying Disposition"), then any gain will be treated
as  ordinary  compensation income to the extent that it does not exceed the gain
that the Participant would have realized had he sold the shares immediately upon
exercise  of  the option and the remaining gain, if any, will be a capital gain.
This  capital  gain will be a long-term capital gain if the Participant has held
the  ISO  Stock  for  more  than  one  year  prior  to  the  date  of  sale.

     If a Participant sells ISO Stock for less than the exercise price, then the
Participant  will  recognize  capital  loss  equal to the excess of the exercise
price  over  the  sale  price  of  the  ISO  Stock.  This capital loss will be a
long-term  capital  loss if the Participant has held the ISO Stock for more than
one  year  prior  to  the  date  of  sale.

     Nonqualified Stock Options. A Participant will not recognize taxable income
upon  the  grant of a Non-Statutory Stock Options. A Participant who exercises a
Non-Statutory  Stock  Options,  generally,  will recognize ordinary compensation
income  in  an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the Common
Stock  acquired through the exercise of the option ("NSO Stock") on the Exercise
Date  over  the  exercise  price.

     With  respect  to  any  NSO  Stock,  a Participant will have taxable income
recognized  upon  the  exercise  of  the  option.  Upon  selling  NSO  Stock,  a
Participant  generally will recognize capital gain or loss in an amount equal to
the  excess  of the sale price of the NSO Stock over the Participant's tax basis
in  the NSO Stock. This capital gain or loss will be a long-term gain or loss if
the  Participant has held the NSO Stock for more than one year prior to the date
of  the  sale.

     Tax  Consequences  to  the  Company.  The  Company  will  be  entitled to a
deduction  in connection with a grant of a stock option only in the event and to
the extent ordinary income is recognized by the Participant.  Any such deduction
will  be  allowed  to  the  Company  for  its taxable year within which ends the
taxable  year  in which the Participant's recognition of ordinary income occurs.
Any  such  deduction will be subject to the limitations of Section 162(m) of the
Internal  Revenue  Code.

     Once  income  associated with such a grant is recognizable to a Participant
for  Federal income tax purposes, the Participant must either pay to the Company
an  amount  sufficient to satisfy any federal, state and local taxes required to
be  withheld  or  make  alternative  arrangements  acceptable  to  the  Company.

     The  foregoing  summary is not a complete description of all tax aspects of
the  Plan.  The  foregoing  relates  only  to Federal income taxes; there may be
other  Federal  tax  consequences  associated  with  the  1996  Plan, as well as
foreign,  state  and  local  tax  consequences.

Recommendation  of  the  Board  of  Directors


                                OTHER INFORMATION

                               PROXY SOLICITATION

     All  costs  of  solicitation  of  proxies will be borne by the Company.  In
addition  to  solicitation  by  mail,  the officers and regular employees of the
Company  may  solicit  proxies  personally  or  by  telephone.

Additionally,  the  Company  intends  to  utilize  a  paid  solicitation  agent
(anticipated  to  be  Georgeson  Shareholder  Communications,  Inc.).  They will
develop  a communications strategy, distribute proxy materials and solicit voted
proxies  from all banks, brokers, nominees and intermediaries.  They may also be
asked  to  contact registered and/or non-objecting beneficial holders.  This may
be  done  over  the  telephone.

The  fees  are  expected to be approximately $6,000.  If telephone solicitations
are  requested,  then  an  additional  $300  set-up fee, plus $5 per shareholder
contacted  and  $5  per  each  vote  taken  by  telephone  will  be  charged.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The  Board knows of no other matter to be presented at the meeting.  If any
additional  matter  should properly come before the meeting, it is the intention
of the persons named in the enclosed proxy to vote such proxy in accordance with
their  judgment  on  any  such  matters.

                             PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS

     The  number  of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by the persons or
entities  known by management to be the beneficial owners of more than 5% of the
outstanding  shares,  the  number of shares beneficially owned by each director,
each  nominee  for  election  or  re-election  as  a director and each executive
officer,  the  number of shares beneficially owned by all directors and officers
as  a  group,  as of the record date, as "beneficial ownership" has been defined
under  rules  promulgated  by  the  Securities  and Exchange Commission, and the
actual  sole  or shared voting power of such persons, as of the record date, are
set  forth  in  the  following  table.

     The  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  Rule  13d-3 defines "beneficial
ownership"  as  voting  or  investment  decision  power over shares.  Beneficial
ownership  does not necessarily mean that the holder enjoys any economic benefit
from  those  shares.

               Name and                  Common Stock  Percentage of
              Address of                 Beneficially   Outstanding   Voting     Power
           Beneficial Owner**              Owned (1)       Shares     Shares   Percentage
---------------------------------------  ------------  -------------  -------  -----------

Michael Szycher, Ph.D., MBA (2)           1,844,112           13.76%  315,699        3.71%
  78-E Olympia Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801
Michael L. Barretti (3)                     306,888            2.29%   40,000           *
Michael Adams (4)                           315,882            2.36%   30,000           *
Anthony J. Armini, Ph.D. (5)                 44,625               *         -           *
Robert R. Detwiler                          168,900               *   168,900        1.99%
Robert Chartoff (6)                          99,625               *    30,000           *
All executive officers and directors
  as a group (5 persons) (7)              2,611,132           19.49%  415,699        4.88%
*    Represents  beneficial  ownership  of  less  than  One  (1%) percent of the
     Company's  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock.

**   Addresses are given for beneficial owners of more than Five (5%) percent of
     the  Company's  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock.
(1)  The  number  of  shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding on August 3,
     2001  was  8,507,451.  The  calculation of percentage of ownership for each
     listed  beneficial owner is based upon the number of shares of Common Stock
     issued  and  outstanding  at  August  3,  2001, plus shares of Common Stock
     subject  to  options  held by such person at August 3, 2001 and exercisable
     within 60 days thereafter. The persons and entities named in the table have
     sole  voting  and  investment  power  with  respect  to all shares shown as
     beneficially  owned  by  them,  except  as  noted  below.
(2)  Includes 1,528,413 shares of Common Stock, which may be purchased within 60
     days  of August 3, 2001 upon the exercise of stock options and/or warrants.
(3)  Includes  266,888  shares of Common Stock, which may be purchased within 60
     days  of August 3, 2001 upon the exercise of stock options and/or warrants.
(4)  Includes  285,882  shares of Common Stock, which may be purchased within 60
     days  of August 3, 2001 upon the exercise of stock options and/or warrants.
(5)  Includes  44,625  shares  of Common Stock, which may be purchased within 60
     days  of August 3, 2001 upon the exercise of stock options and/or warrants.
(6)  Includes  69,625  shares  of Common Stock, which may be purchased within 60
     days  of August 3, 2001 upon the exercise of stock options and/or warrants.
(7)  See  footnotes  (2)  through  (6).


     Based  upon  the  recommendation  of  its  Audit  Committee,  the Board has
selected  the  firm  of  Arthur  Andersen LLP as the independent auditors of the
Company  for  the  fiscal year ending March 31, 2002.  Prior to the selection of
Arthur  Andersen  LLP  as  the Company's independent auditors, BDO Seidman, LLP,
acted  in  such  capacity  for  the Company since fiscal year 2000.  The Company
anticipates  a  representative from Arthur Andersen LLP will be in attendance at
the  Meeting.


     Stockholders  may  present  proposals  for  inclusion  in  the  2002  Proxy
Statement  provided that such proposals are received by the Clerk of the Company
no  later  than  May  4,  2002  and  are otherwise in compliance with applicable
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  regulations.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

     Accompanying  this Proxy Statement is a copy of the Company's Annual Report
on  Form  10-KSB  for  the year ended March 31, 2001.  The Annual Report on Form
10-KSB  constitutes the Company's Annual Report to its Stockholders for purposes
of  Rule  14a-3  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934.

     Stockholders  who  have  questions  in  regard to any aspect of the matters
discussed  in  this  Proxy  Statement  should contact Dr. Michael Szycher, Chief
Executive  Officer  of  the  Company,  at  (781)  933-4772.

                                     ANNEX A

                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

To  the  Board  of  Directors  of  Cardiotech  International  Corporation.

     We  are  responsible  for  considering  management's  recommendation  of
independent  certified public accountants for each fiscal year, recommending the
appointment  or  discharge  of independent accountants to the Board of Directors
and  confirming  the  independence  of  the  accountants.  It  is  also  our
responsibility  for  reviewing and approving the scope of the planned audit, the
results  of  the  audit  and  the  accountant's compensation for performing such
audit;  reviewing  the Company's audited financial statements; and reviewing the
Company's  internal  accounting  controls  and discussing such controls with the
independent  accountants.

     In  connection with the audit of the Company's financial statements for the
year  ended  March  31, 2001, we met with representatives from BDO Seidman, LLP,
the Company's independent certified public accountants as required by Statements
on  Auditing  Standards  61.  In  addition,  we have reviewed and discussed with
management  the  Company's audited financial statements for the year ended March
31,  2001.

     Specifically,  we  have  discussed  with  the  independent certified public
accountants  the  matters  required  to  be  discussed by Statements on Auditing
Standards  No.  61,  COMMUNICATION  WITH  AUDIT  COMMITTEES,  as amended, by the
Auditing  Standards  Board  of  the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public
Accountants.  In  connection  with  the  Company's  year  ended  2001  financial
statements,  there  was  one  meeting  with  the  independent  certified  public
accountants  and  management.  All audit committee members attended at least 75%
of  these  meetings.

     The  independent  certified public accountants' fees for audit services and
non-audit  services  for the year ended March 31, 2001 were $60,000 and $30,000,
respectively.  We  have received the written disclosures and the letter from the
independent  certified  public accountants required by Independence Standard No.
Independence Standards Board, and have discussed with the public accountants the
accountants'  independence.

     Based  on  the review and discussion referred to above, we recommend to the
Board  of  Directors that the financial statements referred to above be included
in  the  Company's  Annual  report  on Form 10-KSB for the years ended March 31,

                                             /s/  Michael  Barretti
                                             /s/  Michael  Adams



     An  "independent director" means a person other than an officer or employee
of the Company or its subsidiaries or any other individual having a relationship
which,  in the opinion of the Company's board of directors, would interfere with
the  exercise  of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a
director.  The  following  persons  shall  not  be  considered  independent:

     (1)  a director who is employed by the Company or any of its affiliates for
     the  current  year  or  any  of  the  past  three  years;

     (2)  a director who accepts any compensation from the Company or any of its
     affiliates in excess of $60,000 during the previous fiscal year, other than
     compensation  for  board service, benefits under a tax-qualified retirement
     plan,  or  non-discretionary  compensation;

     (3) a director who is a member of the immediate family of an individual who
     is,  or has been in any of the past three years, employed by the Company or
     any  of its affiliates as an executive officer. Immediate family includes a
     person's spouse, parents, children, siblings, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
     brother-in-law,  sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and anyone who
     resides  in  such  person's  home;

     (4)  a  director  who  is  a partner in, or a controlling shareholder or an
     executive  officer  of,  any  for-profit business organization to which the
     company  made,  or  from  which  the Company received, payments (other than
     those  arising  solely  from  investments in the Company's securities) that
     exceed  5%  of  the Company's or business organization's consolidated gross
     revenues  for that year, or $200,000, whichever is more, in any of the past
     three  years;

     (5)  a director who is employed as an executive of another entity where any
     of  the company's executives serve on that entity's compensation committee.


     (1) Assisting the Board of Directors in the oversight of the maintenance by
     management  of the reliability and integrity of the accounting policies and
     financial  reporting  and  disclosure  practices  of  the  Company.

     (2)  Assisting the Board of Directors in the oversight of the establishment
     and  maintenance  by  management  of  processes  to assure that an adequate
     system  of  internal  control  is  functioning  within  the  Company.

     (3)  Assisting the Board of Directors in the oversight of the establishment
     and  maintenance  by  management  of  process  to  assure compliance by the
     Company  with  all  applicable  laws,  regulations  and  Company  policy.


     (1)  Holding  such  regular  meetings  as may be necessary and such special
     meetings  as may be called by the Chairman of the Audit Committee or at the
     request  of  the  independent  accountants;

     (2)  Reviewing  the  performance  of the independent accountants and making
     recommendations  to  the  Board  of  Directors regarding the appointment or
     termination  of  the  independent  accountants;

     (3)  Ensuring  its  receipt  from  the  independent accountants of a formal
     written  statement  delineating  all  relationships between the independent
     accountants  and  the  Company consistent with Independence Standards Board

     (4)  Actively  engaging in a dialogue with the independent accountants with
     respect  to  any  disclosed  relationships  or services that may impact the
     objectivity  and independence of the independent accountants and for taking
     or  recommending  that  the  Board  of Directors take appropriate action to
     oversee  the  independence  of  the  outside  auditor;

     (5) Selecting, evaluating and, where appropriate, replacing the independent
     auditors (or nominating independent auditors to be proposed for shareholder
     approval  in  any  proxy  statement),  which  independent  auditors  shall
     ultimately  be  accountable  to  the  Board  of  Directors  and  the  Audit
     Committee,  as  representatives  of  the  shareholders;

     (6)  Conferring  with  the  independent accountants concerning the scope of
     their  examinations  of  the  books  and  records  of  the  Company and its
     subsidiaries:  reviewing  and approving the independent accountants' annual
     engagement  letter:  reviewing  and approving the Company's internal annual
     audit  plans  and  procedures: and authorizing the auditors to perform such
     supplemental  reviews  or  audits  as  the  Committee  may  deem desirable;

     (7)  Reviewing  with  management,  the  independent accountants significant
     risks  and  exposures,  audit  activities  and  significant audit findings;

     (8)  Reviewing the range and cost of audit and non-audit services performed
     by  the  independent  accountants;

     (9)  Reviewing  the  Company's  audited annual financial statements and the
     independent  accountants  opinion  rendered  with respect to such financial
     statements,  including  reviewing  the nature and extent of any significant
     changes  in  accounting  principles  or  the  application  thereof;

     (10)  Reviewing  the adequacy of the Company's systems of internal control;

     (11)  Obtaining  from  the  independent  accountants  their recommendations
     regarding  internal  controls  and other matters relating to the accounting
     procedures  and  the  books and records of the Company and its subsidiaries
     and  reviewing  the  correction  of  controls  deemed  to  be  deficient;

     (12)  Providing  an  independent, direct communication between the Board of
     Directors,  and  independent  accountants;

     (13)  Reviewing the adequacy of internal controls and procedures related to
     executive  travel  and  entertainment;

     (14)  Reviewing the programs and policies of the Company designed to ensure
     compliance  with applicable laws and regulations and monitoring the results
     of  these  compliance  efforts;

     (15) Reporting through its Chairman to the Board of Directors following the
     meetings  of  the  Audit  Committee;

     (16)  Reviewing  the  powers  of  the  Committee annually and reporting and
     making recommendations to the Board of Directors on these responsibilities;

     (17)  Conducting  or authorizing investigations into any matters within the
     Audit  Committee's  scope  of  responsibilities;  and

     (18) Considering such other matters in relation to the financial affairs of
     the  Company and its accounts, and in relation to the internal and external
     audit  of  the  Company  as  the  Audit  Committee  may, in its discretion,
     determine  to  be  advisable.

                         Please date, sign and mail your
                       proxy card back as soon as possible!

                         Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                         CARDIOTECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                 October 1, 2001

                 Please Detach and Mail in the Envelope Provided

[X]  Please  mark  your
     votes  as  in  this

                    FOR            AUTHORITY
                the nominees    to vote for the
              listed at right  names listed at right                                                       FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN
1. Election                                            Nominees:             2. Approval of an amendment to
   of              [  ]               [  ]              Michael L. Barrett      the Company's Articles of   [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
   Directors                                            Robert R. Detwilar      Organization.

Instructions:  To withhold authority to vote for                             3. Approval of the Amendment
Any individual nominee, strike out that                                         to the Company's 1996 Stock [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
Nominee's name in the list at right.                                            Option Plan.

                                                                             4. In their discretion, such
                                                                                other matters as may
                                                                                properly come before the    [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
                                                                                meeting or any adjournment

                                                                             HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED?   DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS?
                                                                             _________________________   _________________________
                                                                             _________________________   _________________________
                                                                             _________________________   _________________________
                                                                             RECORD DATE SHARES:______________________
                                                                             Please be sure to sign and date this proxy.

                                                                                             Mark box at right if comments or
                                                                                             Address change have been noted    [ ]

Shareholder sign here:_______________________________________  Co-owner sign here:__________________________________  Date:_____
NOTE:  Please sign this proxy exactly as your name appears on the books of the Company.  Joint owners should each sign personally.
Trustee  and  other  fiduciaries  should indicate the capacity in which the sign, and where more than one name appears, a majority
must sign.  If a corporation, this signature should be that of an authorized officer who should state him or her.