CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT
                      23001 E. LA PALMA AVENUE, SUITE 220A
                          YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA 92887

October  3,  2001

U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
Division  of  Corporation  Finance
450  Fifth  Street,  N.W.
Washington,  D.C.  20549

Re:  The  Cyber  Group  Network  Corporation  -  Form  S-8

Dear  Sir/Madame:

     As  an  independent  certified  public  accountant, I hereby consent to the
incorporation  by  reference  in  this  Registration Statement on Form S-8 of my
report  dated  March  17,  2000  in  The  Cyber Group Network Corporation's Form
10-KSB,  and  to  all  references  to  my  firm  included  in  this Registration


                                   /s/  Michael  F.  DeLuca,  CPA
                                        Michael  F.  DeLuca,  CPA


                          LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT M. BALL
                        5757 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, STE. 500
                       LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90036-3628
                                 (323) 930-9332

                                 October 3, 2001

                     U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                         Division of Corporation Finance
                             450 Fifth Street, N.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

               Re:  The Cyber Group Network Corporation - Form S-8

                                Dear Sir/Madame:

     I  have  acted  as counsel to The Cyber Group Network Corporation, a Nevada
corporation  ("Company"),  in connection with its Registration Statement on Form
S-8  relating  to  the  registration
of  ten  million  (10,000,000) shares of "Market Price" defined as the price the
stock  is  trading at when the stock option is exercised,  ("Shares"), which are
issuable  pursuant  to  the  Company's  Employee  Stock  Incentive Plan, and the
registration  of seventy million (70,000,000) Shares which are issuable pursuant
to  the Company's Non-Employee Directors and Consultants Retainer Stock Plan.  I
hereby  consent  to  all  references  to  my  firm included in this Registration
Statement,  including  the  opinion  of  legality.


                                   LAW  OFFICES  OF  ROBERT  M.  BALL
                                   By:  /s/  Robert  M.  Ball
                                        Robert  M.  Ball
