DEAN HELLER                                                    Office Use Only:
Secretary o State                     Articles of
202 North Carson Street           (PURSUANT TO NRS 78)
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4201
(775)684 5708

Important: Read attached instructions before completing form.
1. Name of Corporation:
                             BLUEBOOK ACQUISITIONS CORP.
2. Resident Agent Name       The Corporation Trust Company of Nevada
---------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------
   and Street Address:       Name
---------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------
  (must be a Nevada address   6100 Neil Road, Suite 500,   Reno,  NEVADA      89511
---------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------
  where  process  may  be    Street Address                City             Zip Code
(number of shares
corporation                  Number of hare                               Number of hare
authorized to issue)         with par value:  100      Par value: .01     without par value: 0
                                            ----------           --------                   -----
4. Names, Addresses,         The First Board of Directors/Trustees hall consist of 1 member whose name and addresses are as follow:
Number of Board of                                                                ---
                             1. Andrew Hromyk

                             2438 Marine Drive, Suite 215,                   West Vancouver, BC   V7V 1L2
                             Street Address                                     City State      Zip Code


                             Street Address                                     City State      Zip Code


                             Street Address                                     City State      Zip Code


                             Street Address                                     City State      Zip Code

5. Purpose:
(optional-see instructions)  The purpose of this Corporation shall be:

6. Other Matters:
(see instructions)           Number of additional pages attached:  0

7. Names, Addresses
and Signatures of            Dennis J. Rasor, Esq.
Incorporators:               ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(attach additional pages if  Name
there are more than 2
incorporators).              18500 Von K
                             Street Address                                     City State      Zip Code

                             Name                                               Name Signature

                             Address                                            City State      Zip Code

8. Certificate of
Acceptance of
Appointment of
Resident Agent:
                             I,_____________________________________________ hereby accept appointment a Resident Agent
                                                                             for the above  named  corporation.

                             -------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------
                             Authorized Signature of R.A.or On Behalf of R.A.Company   Date

1.  Name  of the Corporation.    A name appearing to be that of a natural person
and  containing  a  given  name or initials must not be used as a corporate name
except  with  the  addition  of  a  corporate ending such as Incorporated, Inc.,
Limited,  Ltd.,  Company, Co., Corporation, Corp. or other words that identifies
it  as  not  being  a  natural person. The name must be distinguishable from the
names  of  corporations,  limited-liability  companies,  limited  partnerships,
business  trusts  or limited-liability partnerships on file in the office of the
Secretary  of  State.  A  name  may  be  reserved,  if available, for 90 days by
submitting  a  written  request  with  a  $20.00  filing  fee.

2.  Resident Agent.     Persons   wishing  to incorporate in the State of Nevada
must  designate  a  person as a resident agent who resides or is located in this
state.  Every  resident  agent  must have a street address in this state for the
service  of  process,  and  may  have  a separate mailing address such as a post
office  box,  which  may  be  different  from  the  street  address.

3.  State the number of shares the corporation shall have the authority to issue
with par value and its par value in appropriate space provided. State the number
o  shares  without par value in the space provided for shares without par value.

4.  Indicate  the  number of  members  of  the  first board. State the names and
addresses of the first  governing  board.  Use  a  separate 8 1/2 x 11 sheet as
necessary for additional members. Directors or trustees must be at least 18 year
of  age.

5. This section is optional and is required only if the corporation is to engage
in  insurance  or banking. Pre-approval from the State Insurance Commissioner or
the  State  Financial  Institutions  Division is necessary if you have either of
these  purposes.

6.  On  a  separate 8 1/2 x 11, white sheet you may state additional information
you  wish  to  be  part  of  the articles. This is an optional provision. If the
additional  information  is contradictory to information on the form, the entire
filing  will  be  returned  for  correction.

7. Names and addresses of the incorporators are required. Each incorporator must
sign.  Additional  8  1/2  x  11  white  sheet  will be necessary if more than 2

8.  Resident agent must complete and sign certificate of acceptance at bottom of
form  or  attach  a  separate  signed  certificate  of  acceptance.


INITIAL  LIST  OF  OFFICERS:  Pursuant to NRS 78.150, each corporation organized
under  the  laws  of  this state shall, on or before the first day of the second
month  after  the  filing  of  its  articles  of  incorporation,  and  annually
thereafter, file its list of officers, directors and resident agent. The initial
list  fee  is  $165.00, thereafter, $85.00 per year. Forms will be mailed to you
upon  the  organization  of  your  corporation  and  annually  thereafter to the
corporation's  resident  agent.

COPIES: You must  send  in  the  number  of  copies you would like certified and
returned to you in addition to the original article to be filed. A filing fee of
$20.00  for each certification is required. Copies received without the required
fee  shall  be  returned  uncertified.  NRS  78.105  requires that a corporation
receive  at  least  one  certified copy to be kept in the office of the resident
agent.  The  Secretary  of  State  keeps  the  original  filing.

FILING  FEE:  Filing fee is based on the number of shares authorized. Please see
the  attached  fee  schedule.  Filing may be expedited for an additional $100.00
expedite  fee.

Filing  may  be  submitted at the office of the Secretary of State or by mail at
the  following  addresses:

       Secretary of State           Secretary of State-Satellite Office
      New Filings Division            Commer ial Re ordings Division
      202 N.Carson Street            555 E.Washington Avenue,Suite 2900
   Carson City,NV 89701-4201                 Las Vegas,NV 89101
 775-684-5708 Fax 775-684-5725          702-486-2880 Fax 702-486-2888