NEWS RELEASE
                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



     Austin,  TX  --  (Business  Wire) - October 19, 2001 -- Brigham Exploration
Company  (NASDAQ:BEXP)  today announced its fifth successful development well at
Home Run Field and the spud of its first development well at Triple Crown Field.
The  Company  also  announced  its  fifth  Frio discovery this year, in Brazoria
County,  Texas.  Brigham  also  provided  an update on completion operations for
wells  drilled  late  in the second quarter and reaffirmed its original guidance
for  third  quarter  financial  results.


     Brigham  is  currently  completing  its  fifth  successive  well  since the
discovery  of  the  Home Run Field in late 1999.  The Sullivan C-27 (34% working
interest, 25% net revenue interest) encountered pay comparable to the previously
drilled  Sullivan  C-25 well, which began producing to sales in March 2001 at an
initial  rate of 12.1 MMcfe per day.  Completion operations on the Sullivan C-27
are  underway,  with  an  initial  test of 4.6 MMcfe per day with flowing tubing
pressure  of  7,160  psi  following  fracture  stimulation.  Brigham  plans  to
perforate  and  fracture stimulate four additional Lower Vicksburg zones, all of
which should subsequently be commingled and producing to sales by November 2001.

     Also in the Home Run Field, and as previously announced, Brigham retained a
34%  working interest and 25% net revenue interest in the successful drilling of
the  Palmer  State  #5.  This  well,  like  Brigham's  new  Sullivan  C-27 well,
encountered  pay  intervals comparable to the Sullivan C-25 well.  Subsequent to
fracture  stimulation,  Brigham's  initial completion tested at an estimated 1.6
MMcf of natural gas per day with flowing tubing pressure of 5,400 psi.  However,
surface  production  facilities  subsequently  plugged  with  large  pieces  of
formation  and  steel casing fragments. Repeated attempts to restore the well to
production  have  been  unsuccessful.  Brigham believes that the well's problems
were  created  by  a poor cement job caused by a casing failure during cementing
operations.  As a result, Brigham is currently pursuing compensation for losses,
and is considering its options for developing the associated reserves, including
the  possible  drilling  of a replacement well some time in the near future.  In
addition, Brigham expects to spud its sixth development in Home Run Field in the
fourth  quarter.


     As  disclosed  in  Brigham's  press  release  of  August 7, the Company has
retained  a  50%  working  and 37.5% net revenue interest in the Dawson #1 field
discovery  well,  which  encountered  approximately 174 feet of net pay in seven
sand  intervals.  Given the volume of apparent pay in the well, completion plans
for  the discovery were similar to the procedures utilized to date in completing
Lower  Vicksburg  sand intervals in the Company's Home Run Field.  The Company's
plans  included  the  sequential perforation and fracture stimulation of each of
the seven intervals, all of which were to be subsequently commingled. Completion
operations  began in early August in the Lower Vicksburg.  Production tests from
three  Lower Vicksburg intervals ranged from 300 Mcf of natural gas per day with
flowing  tubing  pressure of 1,000 psi to 3.6 MMcf of natural gas and 54 barrels
of  condensate  per  day  with  flowing  tubing  pressure  of  5,800  psi.

     Subsequent to temporary abandonment of perforations in the Lower Vicksburg,
Brigham  continued  its testing of the Dawson #1 in the "Loma Blanca" section of
the  Upper  Vicksburg formation.  The "Loma Blanca" initially tested 2.3 MMcf of
natural  gas  per  day  with  flowing  tubing  pressure  of 7,320 psi. Brigham's
interpretation  of  wireline  logs and drilling shows indicates that the highest
production  rates  in  the  Dawson #1 well should be achieved by producing three
Upper Vicksburg "9800" sand lobes (the "A", "B" and "C"). However, subsequent to
fracture stimulation of both the "B" and "C" zones, the well tested both natural
gas  and  significant quantities of formation sand.  The Company currently plans
to  abandon  all existing perforations and then perforate and stimulate the 9800
"A"  zone, utilizing a fracture stimulation and completion technique designed to
limit  production  of  formation  sand.  If  successful,  Brigham  believes this
procedure  should enable recovery of reserves associated with the deeper "B" and
"C"  reservoirs.


     Brigham  is  currently operating the drilling of its first development well
offsetting  the Dawson #1 discovery.  The Sullivan #1 well is currently drilling
at  a  depth  of  approximately 10,700 feet, and is planned for a total depth of
13,250  feet.  Brigham has retained a 50% working interest and 37.5% net revenue
interest in this well, which is located approximately 2,400 feet from the Dawson
#1  discovery  well.  If  successful,  the Sullivan #1 should begin contributing
production  volumes  late  in  the  fourth  quarter  2001.


     During the third quarter, Brigham operated the drilling of its fifth recent
successful  3-D  delineated  Frio  discovery,  in  Brazoria  County, Texas.  The
Sebesta  Cloud  #1  (31%  working  interest, 24% net revenue interest) logged an
apparent  58  feet of net pay in multiple Frio sands. Other participants in this
well  include Royale Energy (NASDAQ: ROYL) with a 50% working interest.  Brigham
has  perforated  and  is currently testing the well at approximately 2.0 MMcf of
natural  gas  and 75 barrels of condensate per day with 2,000 psi flowing tubing
pressure.  Additional  sands remain untested which could be added to the current
completion at a later date.  The Company expects to begin producing this well to
sales  later  this  month.

     As  previously  announced,  during  the second quarter Brigham successfully
drilled  its  fourth consecutive Frio discovery in Matagorda County, Texas.  The
Company  retained  a 20% working and 15% net revenue interest in the well, which
began  producing  to  sales  in  late  August.  The  well is currently producing
approximately  6.5  MMcfe  per  day,  with flowing tubing pressure of 7,000 psi.
Depending  upon  performance,  production rates could be increased substantially
over  the  next  sixty  days.

     Later this month, Brigham plans to spud a Frio bright spot test targeting a
large  structure with multiple potential pay sands and reserve potential of over
50  Bcfe.  Brigham will retain a 41% working and 31% net revenue interest in the
well,  which  if  successful,  could  be  producing  to sales late in the fourth
quarter.  The  Company  continues  to  generate high quality Frio opportunities,
several  of  which  should  be  drilled  in  2002.


     Brigham  has  successfully  completed two of three recent Springer wells in
the  Anadarko  Basin.  Both  completions  are offsets to a Brigham first quarter
2001  discovery,  which  has  produced  approximately  1.4  Bcfe  to date and is
currently  producing  7.1  MMcfe  per  day.  The first offset began producing to
sales in mid September, and is currently producing 3.3 MMcfe per day. The second
offset  began  producing  to sales in late September, and is currently producing
2.1  MMcfe  per  day.  The  Company  plans  to  fracture  stimulate  one or both
producers  some  time  in  the  fourth  quarter.


     Bud  Brigham,  the  Company's  Chairman,  CEO  and  President,  stated, "We
continue  to  be  very  excited  about the success of our 2001 drilling program.
Thus  far  in  2001,  we've  made  a  major  field  discovery and have generated
substantial  reserve  additions for our Company.  However, we've been frustrated
by  recent  delays  in  bringing  several of our more significant discoveries to
sales.  This  frustration  is  due,  in  part,  to  delays  related  to  service
providers,  but  also due to the unanticipated mechanical and formation problems
we've encountered in completing the Palmer #5 and Dawson #1 wells.  As a result,
these two wells have yet to materially impact our Company's production volumes."

     Bud  Brigham  further  stated,  "Given  the trend towards lower service and
supply  costs,  our  Company  will focus intensely on continuing to optimize our
procedures  for  cost  effectively  drilling  and completing the prolific Triple
Crown  and  Home  Run  Field  reservoirs.  Given  the reserve potential of these
fields,  and  the  comparable  untested  fault blocks that are adjacent to these
fields,  we believe that our efforts in this area will provide substantial value
added  growth  in  production  volumes and cash flow for several years to come."


     The  following  forecasts  and  estimates  of  Brigham's third quarter 2001
results  are  forward  looking statements subject to the risks and uncertainties
identified  in  the  "Forward  Looking Statements Disclosure" at the end of this


     In  Brigham's  press  release  of August 8, guidance was provided for third
quarter  financial  results.  In  that statement, revenue was forecasted between
$8.5  and  $9.0  million  and  EBITDA  between  $6.2 to $6.7 million. Based upon
information  currently  available,  revenue for the quarter is expected to equal
$8.6  million  while EBITDA is forecasted to be approximately $6.4 million, both
within the range of original estimates.  Brigham currently expects third quarter
2001  production  volumes  to  average  29  MMcfe  per day (70% natural gas), or
roughly  42%  greater  than  production  levels recorded in the third quarter of
2000.  For  the third quarter 2001, lease operating expenses are projected to be
$0.32  per  Mcfe, production taxes are projected to be 4.5% of pre-hedge oil and
gas  revenues,  and  net general and administrative expenses are projected to be
$930,000  ($0.36  per  Mcfe).

     Guidance for the fourth quarter 2001 will accompany Brigham's press release
regarding  its  third quarter 2001 financial results planned for after the close
of  market  trading  on Tuesday, November 6th.  Brigham's management will host a
conference  call  to discuss Brigham's operational and financial results for the
third  quarter  ended  September  30,  2001  with  investors, analysts and other
interested  parties  on  Wednesday,  November  7th  at 9:00 am Central time.  To
participate  in  the  call,  please  dial  800-355-7995  and ask for the Brigham
Exploration  conference  call  (conference  reservation  number  19885151).  A
telephone  recording  of  the  conference  call  will be available to interested
parties  approximately  one  hour  after the call is completed through 5:00 p.m.
Central  time  on  November  13,  2001.  To  access  the  recording, please dial
800-633-8284.  In  addition, a live and archived web cast of the conference call
will  be  available  over  the  Internet  at  either  www.bexp3d.com  or


     Brigham  Exploration  Company  is  a  leading  independent  exploration and
production  company  that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging  and  other  advanced
technologies  to systematically explore and develop onshore domestic natural gas
and  oil provinces. For more information about Brigham Exploration, please visit
our  website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or contact Investor Relations at 512-427-3444.


     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  the  matters
discussed  in  this  news  release are forward looking statements that are based
upon current expectations.  Important factors that could cause actual results to
differ  materially  from  those  in the forward looking statements include risks
inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of changes in
commodity  prices,  unforeseen  engineering  and  mechanical  or  technological
difficulties  in  drilling  wells,  availability  of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal  and  state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in  the  company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.

Contact:     John Turner, Manager of Finance and Investor Relations
             (512)  427-3300  /  investor@bexp3d.com
