
                                  UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT



     Date  of  Report  (Date  of  earliest  event  reported):  NOVEMBER 12, 2001

                          BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           DELAWARE                     000-22433              75-2692967
 (State  or  other  jurisdiction      (Commission          (IRS  Employer
       of  incorporation)              File  Number)        Identification  No.)

                            6300 BRIDGEPOINT PARKWAY
                            BUILDING TWO, SUITE 500
                              AUSTIN, TEXAS 78730
          (Address, including zip code, of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (512) 427-3300


Item  5.  OTHER  EVENTS.

          On November 6, 2001, Brigham Exploration Company ("Brigham") announced
its  financial  results  for  the  third  quarter  ended September 30, 2001, and
provided  guidance  for  fourth  quarter  financial results. A copy of Brigham's
press  release  that  provided these announcements is attached hereto as Exhibit


          (c)  Exhibits

                    Item       Exhibit
                    ----       -------

                    99.1*      Press  Release  dated
                               November  6,  2001.

- -----------
*  filed  herewith.


     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                                           BRIGHAM  EXPLORATION  COMPANY

Date:     November  12,  2001                        By: /s/ Curtis  F. Harrell
                                                     Curtis  F.  Harrell
                                                     Executive Vice President &
                                                     Chief Financial Officer

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

                     Item  Number                 Exhibit
                     ------------                 -------

                     99.1*                     Press Release dated
                                               November 6, 2001.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

BRIGHAM                                                             NEWS RELEASE
Exploration Company                                        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


     Austin,  TX  --  (Business  Wire) - November 6, 2001 -- Brigham Exploration
Company  (NASDAQ:BEXP)  today  announced  its  financial  results  for the third
quarter 2001. Brigham continues to post outstanding financial results, including
significant  growth  in production volumes and cash flow from levels achieved in
the  third  quarter  2000.

Highlights  of  Brigham's  financial  performance for the third quarter include:

- --   Production  volumes averaged 28.8 MMcfe per day for the third quarter 2001.
     This  represents  a  42% increase over 20.3 MMcfe per day in production for
     the  same  three  month  period  a  year  ago;

- --   EBITDA  increased  77%  to $6.4 million from $3.6 million for the third
     quarter  2000  due to the combined effects of higher production volumes and
     improvement  in  realized  natural  gas  prices;  and

- --   Operating  cash flow for the quarter more than doubled to $5.4 million from
     $2.5  million  for  the  same  period  a  year  ago.


     Average  net  daily  production  volumes  for  the three-month period ended
September  30,  2001  were 28.8 Mmcfe. Average net daily production consisted of
19.9  MMcf  of  natural  gas and 1,493 barrels of oil per day and was 42% higher
than  average  net  daily  equivalent  production  volumes recorded for the same
period  last  year.   Natural  gas  and  oil  sales  for  the third quarter 2001
increased  by $3.4 million to $8.8 million, representing an increase of 65% over
sales  for  the  same period last year. Of this net increase, 33% ($1.1 million)
was  attributable  to  a 16% increase in the average realized equivalent oil and
natural  gas  sales  price  and  67%  ($2.3  million)  was attributable to a 42%
increase  in  net  equivalent  production  volumes.

     In  the  third  quarter 2001, lease operating expenses increased by 7% on a
per unit of production basis to average $0.32 per Mcfe ($842,000) as compared to
$0.30  per  Mcfe  ($541,000)  in  the  third quarter 2000. The increase in lease
operating  expense  is  primarily  due to an increase in the number of producing
wells  in  which the Company owns an interest and an increase in well repair and
maintenance  costs.  Production  taxes  decreased  25% to $415,000 for the third
quarter  2001  and decreased by 47% on a per unit of production basis to average
$0.16  per  Mcfe  when  compared  to third quarter 2000 figures. The decrease in
production  taxes  is  primarily attributable to lower pre-hedge natural gas and
crude  oil  prices  for  the  third  quarter  2001  as  well  as  production tax
reimbursements related to wells that qualify for severance tax refunds. On a per
unit  of production basis, net general and administrative expenses for the third
quarter  2001 decreased 8% to average $0.36 per Mcfe ($934,000). The decrease in
general  and administrative expense per unit was principally due to growth rates
in  production  volumes  that  exceed  the  rate  of increase in net general and
administrative  expense.  Depletion expenses were $3.2 million ($1.25 per Mcfe),
or  3%  higher  than  the $1.21 per Mcfe in the prior year quarter. Net interest
expense  decreased  52%  to  $1.6  million  for the third quarter 2001 from $3.3
million  for  the  prior year period as a result of reduced borrowings and lower
interest  rates  that  resulted largely from the refinancing of Brigham's senior
subordinated  notes  during  the  fourth  quarter  2000.

     Earnings  before  interest, taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization
(EBITDA)  increased  by 77% to $6.4 million for the third quarter 2001 from $3.6
million  for  the  third quarter 2000. Operating cash flow for the third quarter
2001  was  $5.4  million, a 119% increase over the $2.5 million achieved for the
same  period  in  2000.  Brigham  reported net income of $2.9 million ($0.17 per
diluted share) for the third quarter 2001 compared to a net loss of $5.3 million
($0.32  per  diluted  share)  for  the prior year period. Excluding the non-cash
income  (expense)  associated  with  the  change in fair market value of certain
hedging contracts, Brigham would have reported net income of $758,000 ($0.04 per
diluted  share) for the third quarter 2001 as compared to a loss of $2.1 million
($0.13  per  diluted  share)  for  the  third  quarter  of  2000.

     Capital  expenditures  during  the third quarter 2001 totaled $8.9 million,
including  $6.7  million related to drilling, $523,000 for land, geophysical and
geological  ("G&G")  activities  and  $1.6  million  for  capitalized  interest,
overhead  expenses  and  other property and equipment. Thus far in 2001, Brigham
has  invested  $21.7  million in its drilling program, $2.4 million for land and
G&G  activities and $4.7 million for capitalized interest, overhead expenses and
other property and equipment. Capital expenditures for the year are now forecast
to total $38 million, including $28 million for drilling and $4 million for land
and  G&G.


     The  following  forecasts  and  estimates  of Brigham's fourth quarter 2001
results  are  forward  looking statements subject to the risks and uncertainties
identified  in  the  "Forward  Looking Statements Disclosure" at the end of this

     Brigham currently expects fourth quarter 2001 production volumes to average
between  25  and 28 MMcfe per day, 70% of which consists of natural gas. For the
fourth  quarter  2001,  lease  operating  expenses are projected to be $0.33 per
Mcfe, production taxes are projected to be 5% of pre-hedge oil and gas revenues,
and  net  general  and  administrative expenses are projected to be $1.0 million
($0.40  to  $0.44  per  Mcfe).

     Based  on these production and cost estimates, assumed average NYMEX prices
of  $2.75  per  MMBtu  for natural gas and $21.50 per barrel for oil, and taking
into account current hedging contracts outstanding, Brigham forecasts revenue of
between  $6.3  and  $7.1  million  and  EBITDA  of between $4.2 million and $4.9
million  for  the  fourth  quarter  2001.


     Bud  Brigham,  the  Company's  Chairman,  CEO  and  President, stated, "Our
Company is experiencing a dramatic year of growth in production volumes and cash
flow,  driven  primarily  by our drilling successes early in 2001.  Beginning in
the  third  quarter,  due  to the significant drop in natural gas prices and the
extremely  high  costs  for  drilling rigs and services, we slowed our remaining
2001  drilling  program.  Despite  that  slowdown  we've  had significant recent
drilling successes, including our Triple Crown Field discovery, that have yet to
materially  impact  our  production  volumes."

     Bud  Brigham  further  stated, "These discoveries should have a substantial
impact  on  our  year  end  reserves,  but  their  impact  on our fourth quarter
production  volumes is dependent on how quickly we can get these wells producing
to  sales.  Regardless, these discoveries are expected to fully impact our first
quarter  2002 production, and should provide us with a substantial developmental
drilling  program  for  several  years  to  come."


     Brigham  management  will  host  a conference call to discuss the company's
third  quarter  2001  operational and financial results with investors, analysts
and  other  interested  parties on Wednesday, November 7th, at 9:00 a.m. Central
time.  To  participate  in  the  call,  please dial 800-355-7995 and ask for the
Brigham  Exploration conference call (conference reservation number 19885151). A
telephone  recording  of  the  conference  call  will be available to interested
parties  approximately  one  hour after the call is completed through 11:00 a.m.
Central  time  on  Tuesday,  November 13th. To access the recording, please dial
800-633-8284.  In  addition, a live and archived web cast of the conference call
will  be  available  over  the  Internet  at  either  www.bexp3d.com  or


     Brigham Exploration Company is a leading exploration and production company
that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging  and  other  advanced  technologies  to
systematically  explore  and  develop  onshore  domestic  natural  gas  and  oil
provinces.  For  more  information  about  Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or  contact  IR  at  512-427-3444.


     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  the  matters
discussed in this news release are forward looking statements within the meaning
of  the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 that are based upon
current  expectations.  Important  factors  that  could  cause actual results to

differ  materially  from  those  in the forward looking statements include risks
inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of changes in
commodity  prices,  unforeseen  engineering  and  mechanical  or  technological
difficulties  in  drilling  wells,  availability  of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal  and  state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in  the  company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and Exchange Commission. All
forward  looking  statements  contained in this release, including any forecasts
and  estimates,  are  based  on management's outlook only as of the date of this
release,  and  we  undertake  no  obligation  to  update or revise these forward
looking statements, whether as a result of subsequent developments or otherwise.

Contact:       John Turner, Manager - Finance & Investor Relations
               (512) 427-3300 / investor@bexp3d.com

                           BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited)

                                                                       Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended
                                                                          September 30,         September 30,
                                                                         2000       2001       2000       2001
                                                                       ---------  --------  ----------  --------
   Natural gas and oil sales                                           $  5,362   $ 8,848   $  14,502   $26,220
   Other revenue                                                              3        23          52       198
                                                                       ---------  --------  ----------  --------
                                                                       $  5,365   $ 8,871   $  14,554   $26,418
Costs and expenses:
   Lease operating                                                          541       842       1,502     2,332
   Production taxes                                                         554       415       1,253     1,503
   General and administrative                                               718       934       2,166     2,708
   Depletion of natural gas and oil properties                            2,207     3,244       5,791     8,903
   Depreciation and amortization                                            147       140         430       375
                                                                       ---------  --------  ----------  --------
                                                                       $  4,167   $ 5,575   $  11,142   $15,821
                                                                       ---------  --------  ----------  --------
   Operating income                                                    $  1,198   $ 3,296   $   3,412   $10,597

Interest expense, net                                                    (3,291)   (1,595)     (9,097)   (5,180)
Interest income                                                              24        63          80       230
Other income (expense) (a)                                               (3,276)    1,842      (6,266)    7,827
                                                                       ---------  --------  ----------  --------
   Income (loss) before income taxes                                    ($5,345)  $ 3,606    ($11,871)  $13,474
Income tax expense                                                            -         -           -         -
                                                                       ---------  --------  ----------  --------
   Net income (loss)                                                    ($5,345)  $ 3,606    ($11,871)  $13,474
Preferred stock dividend & accretion                                          -       659           -     1,776
                                                                       ---------  --------  ----------  --------
   Net income (loss) to common                                          ($5,345)  $ 2,947    ($11,871)  $11,698
                                                                       =========  ========  ==========  ========

Net income (loss) to common per share:
   Basic                                                                 ($0.32)  $  0.18      ($0.73)  $  0.73
   Diluted                                                                (0.32)     0.17       (0.73)     0.67

Wt. avg. common shares outstanding:
   Basic                                                                 16,713    15,984      16,237    15,983
   Diluted                                                               16,713    17,036      16,237    17,469

   (a)   Includes non-cash income (expenses) related to changes
         in the fair market value of certain hedging contracts of:      ($3,316)  $ 2,189     ($5,683)  $ 9,217


                                                                Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,       September 30,
                                                                 -----------------  ------------------
                                                                   2000     2001      2000      2001
                                                                 --------  -------  --------  --------
Avg. net daily production:
   Natural gas (MMcf)                                               14.1     19.9      12.1      19.5
   Oil (Bbls)                                                      1,027    1,493     1,039     1,262
   Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                             20.3     28.8      18.3      27.1
Total net production:
   Natural gas (MMcf)                                              1,270    1,790     3,257     5,266
   Oil (MBbls)                                                        92      134       281       341
   Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                            1,824    2,596     4,941     7,311
   % Natural gas                                                      70%      69%       66%       72%
Sales prices:
   Natural gas ($/Mcf) (a)                                       $  1.99   $ 3.05   $  1.97   $  3.30
   Oil ($/Bbl) (a)                                                 30.62    25.26     28.79     25.91
   Equivalent natural gas ($/Mcfe) (6:1)                            2.94     3.41      2.94      3.59
Other financial data:
   EBITDA ($000) (b)                                             $ 3,616   $6,396   $ 9,410   $18,715
   Operating cash flow before changes in working capital ($000)    2,451    5,364     6,548    15,062

   (a)   Includes the effects of hedging gains (losses) of:
         Natural gas ($/Mcf)                                      ($2.27)  $ 0.00    ($1.58)   ($1.52)
         Oil ($/Bbl)                                               (0.41)   (0.21)    (0.14)    (0.45)
   (b)   Net income (loss) plus interest expense, DD&A expenses,
         deferred  income  taxes  and  other  non-cash  items.

                           (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                  December 31,   September 30,
                                                      2000            2001
                                                  -------------  --------------
   Current assets                                 $      10,673  $       22,455
   Natural gas and oil properties, at cost, net         129,490         149,174
   Other property and equipment, at cost, net             1,341           1,295
   Other non-current assets                               5,407           3,406
                                                  -------------  --------------
      Total assets                                $     146,911  $      176,330
                                                  =============  ==============

Liabilities and stockholders' equity:
   Current liabilities                            $      17,899          18,009
   Notes payable                                         75,000          75,000
   Senior subordinated notes, net                         7,000          16,498
   Other non-current liabilities                          3,697             253
                                                  -------------  --------------
      Total liabilities                           $     103,596  $      109,760
   Redeemable preferred stock, net                        8,558          15,308
   Stockholders' equity                                  34,757          51,262
                                                  -------------  --------------
      Total liabilities and stockholders' equity  $     146,911  $      176,330
                                                  =============  ==============

                           (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                                Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,        September 30,
                                                               -------------------  ---------------------
                                                                 2000       2001       2000       2001
                                                               ---------  --------  ----------  ---------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                            ($5,345)  $ 3,606    ($11,871)  $ 13,474
   Depletion, depreciation and amortization                       2,354     3,384       6,221      9,278
   Interest paid through issuance of add'l senior sub. notes      1,572       220       4,575        498
   Amortization of deferred loan fees                               298       343         987      1,029
   Amortization of discount on senior subordinated notes            256         -         673          -
   Amortization of deferred loss on derivatives instruments           -         -         280          -
   Market value adjustment for derivatives instruments            3,316    (2,189)      5,683     (9,217)
                                                               ---------  --------  ----------  ---------
      Operating cash flow                                      $  2,451   $ 5,364   $   6,548   $ 15,062
   Changes in working capital and other items                      (818)    1,982      (8,682)    (1,197)
                                                               ---------  --------  ----------  ---------
      Cash flows provided (used) by operating activities       $  1,633   $ 7,346     ($2,134)    13,865

Cash flows (used) provided by investing activities               (7,412)   (8,355)    (19,088)   (26,318)
Cash flows (used) provided by financing activities                5,766        93      18,540     18,932
                                                               ---------  --------  ----------  ---------
   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents            ($13)    ($916)    ($2,682)  $  6,479
                                                               =========  ========  ==========  =========

                              SUMMARY PER MCFE DATA

                                                                 Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                                                                     September 30,     September 30,
                                                                  -----------------  -----------------
                                                                    2000     2001      2000     2001
                                                                  --------  -------  --------  -------
   Natural gas and oil sales                                      $  2.94   $ 3.41   $  2.94   $ 3.59
   Other revenue                                                     0.00     0.01      0.01     0.03
                                                                  --------  -------  --------  -------
                                                                  $  2.94   $ 3.42   $  2.95   $ 3.61
Costs and expenses:
   Lease operating                                                   0.30     0.32      0.30     0.32
   Production taxes                                                  0.30     0.16      0.25     0.21
   General and administrative                                        0.39     0.36      0.44     0.37
   Depletion of natural gas and oil properties                       1.21     1.25      1.17     1.22
   Depreciation and amortization                                     0.08     0.05      0.09     0.05
                                                                  --------  -------  --------  -------
                                                                  $  2.28   $ 2.15   $  2.26   $ 2.16
                                                                  --------  -------  --------  -------
   Operating income                                               $  0.66   $ 1.27   $  0.69   $ 1.45

Interest expense, net (a)                                           (1.79)   (0.59)    (1.83)   (0.68)
Other income (expense) (b)                                           0.02    (0.13)    (0.12)   (0.19)
                                                                  --------  -------  --------  -------
Adjusted net income before preferred stock dividend & accretion    ($1.11)  $ 0.55    ($1.25)  $ 0.58
                                                                  ========  =======  ========  =======

   (b)   Net  of  capitalized  interest  and  interest  income.
   (b)   Adjusted to exclude non-cash income (expense) related to changes in the
fair  market  value  of  certain  hedge  contracts.