NEWS RELEASE
                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



     Austin,  TX -- (PRNewswire) - March 25, 2002 -- Brigham Exploration Company
(NASDAQ:BEXP)  today  provided  an  update  on  the well control incident at its
Burkhart  #1,  a  development  well at its Providence Field in Matagorda County,


     On  Sunday,  March  24, 2002, Brigham experienced a loss of surface control
while  drilling  the  Burkhart #1, its first offset to the Staubach #1 discovery
well  for  the  Providence  Field.  While  drilling  at a depth of approximately
10,370  feet,  in  a  shallower formation than the lower Frio interval currently
producing  in the Staubach #1, the Burkhart #1 encountered an unanticipated high
pressure  Frio  gas  reservoir.  As  a  result  of  the associated gas kick, the
Burkhart  #1  lost  circulation  and  the drill string became stuck in the hole.
Brigham  engaged Cudd Pressure Control, Inc. to attempt to retain control of the
well and free the drill string.  During those operations the well experienced an
uncontrolled  flow  of  natural  gas  to  the  surface.

     The  well  is  not  on  fire,  and  efforts to regain control are currently
underway.  Cudd  estimates  that  the process of bringing the well under control
could  take four to seven days. Brigham has well control and liability insurance
that  it  believes will be sufficient to cover any loss, including the potential
drilling  of  a  replacement  well.

     Bud  Brigham, Brigham's CEO and President, commented, "We are grateful that
only  minor  injuries were sustained and that Cudd was on-site when the incident
occurred.  We  have  a great deal of confidence in Cudd and are hopeful that the
well  can  be  controlled  within the next several days. Fortunately, production
from  our  Staubach  #1  well  has  not  been affected by this incident, in part
because  the  gas flow in the Burkhart #1 is from a shallower interval than that
producing  in  the  Staubach #1. The Staubach #1 continues to produce at a daily
rate of approximately 2,000 barrels of oil and 5.5 MMcf of natural gas per day."


     Brigham  Exploration  Company  is an independent exploration and production
company  that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging and other advanced technologies to
systematically  explore  and  develop  onshore  domestic  natural  gas  and  oil
provinces.  For  more  information  about  Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or  contact  Investor  Relations  at  512-427-3444.


     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  the  matters
discussed in this news release are forward looking statements within the meaning
of  the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 that are based upon
current  expectations.  Important  factors  that  could  cause actual results to
differ  materially  from  those  in the forward looking statements include risks
inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of changes in
commodity  prices,  unforeseen  engineering  and  mechanical  or  technological
difficulties  in  drilling  wells,  availability  of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal  and  state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in  the  company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and Exchange Commission. All
forward  looking  statements  contained in this release, including any forecasts
and  estimates,  are  based  on management's outlook only as of the date of this
release,  and  we  undertake  no  obligation  to  update or revise these forward
looking statements, whether as a result of subsequent developments or otherwise.

Contact:     John Turner, Manager - Finance & Investor Relations
             (512) 427-3300 / investor@bexp3d.com