
                                 PEOPLES BANCORP
                             OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.

                         Notice of 2002 Annual Meeting,
                               Proxy Statement and
                                  Annual Report


                                PROXY STATEMENT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Notice of 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    ii

Proxy Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     Solicitation, Voting and Revocability of Proxies . . . . . . . . . .     1
     Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners. . . . . . . . . . .     2
     Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance. . . . . . .     5
     Proposal 1 - Election of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5
     Report of Compensation Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    20
     Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation. . . . .    20
     Report of Audit and Examining Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    20
     Performance Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    21
     Proposal 2 - Ratification of Selection of Independent Auditor. . . .    22
     Date for Receipt of Shareholder Proposals. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22
     Other Matters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    23
     Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    23

Appendix A:  Annual Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     General Description of the Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-1
     Selected Financial Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-2
     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
          and Results of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-3
     Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk . . . . .   A-16
     Market For the Company's Common Equity and Related
          Shareholder Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-17
     Directors and Officers of the Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-18
     Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants . . . . . . . . .   A-19
     Consolidated Balance Sheets - December 31, 2001 and 2000 . . . . . .   A-20
     Consolidated Statements of Earnings - For the Years Ended
          December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-21
     Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity -
          For the Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999. . . . . .   A-22
     Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income - For the
          Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999. . . . . . . . . .   A-23
     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - For the Years Ended
          December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-24
     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . .   A-26

                               POST OFFICE BOX 467
                                518 WEST C STREET
                        NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28658-0467
                                 (828) 464-5620

                            TO BE HELD ON MAY 2, 2002

     NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN that the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the
"Meeting")  of  Peoples  Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. (the "Company") will be
held  on  Thursday,  May  2,  2002,  at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, at the Catawba
Country  Club,  1154  Country  Club  Road,  Newton,  North  Carolina.

     The Meeting is for the purpose of considering and voting upon the following

     1.   To  elect three persons who will serve as directors of the Company for
          a three-year term expiring in 2005, or until their successors are duly
          elected  and  qualified;

     2.   To  ratify  the  selection  of Porter Keadle Moore, LLP ("PKM") as the
          independent  auditor  for  the  Company  for  the  fiscal  year ending
          December  31,  2002;  and

     3.   To  transact  such  other  business  as  may  properly come before the
          Meeting  or  any  adjournments  thereof. The board of directors of the
          Company  (the "Board of Directors") is not aware of any other business
          to  be  considered  at  the  Meeting.

     The  Board  of  Directors has established March 15, 2002 as the record date
for  the  determination of shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Meeting  and  at any adjournments thereof. In the event there are not sufficient
shares  present  in person or by proxy to constitute a quorum at the time of the
Meeting, the Meeting may be adjourned in order to permit further solicitation of
proxies  by  the  Company.

                                   By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                   /s/ Tony Wolfe

                                   Tony W. Wolfe
                                   President and Chief Executive Officer

Newton, North Carolina
April 3, 2002




                                PROXY STATEMENT
                      2002 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  MAY 2, 2002



     This  Proxy  Statement is being furnished to shareholders of the Company in
connection  with  the  solicitation  by the Board of Directors of the Company of
proxies  to be used at the Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 2, 2002, at 11:00
a.m., Eastern Time, at the Catawba Country Club, 1154 Country Club Road, Newton,
North  Carolina,  and  at any adjournments thereof. This Proxy Statement and the
accompanying  form  of proxy were first mailed to shareholders on April 3, 2002.

     The Company's principal executive offices are located at 518 West C Street,
Newton,  North  Carolina  28658,  and  its  telephone  number is (828) 464-5620.

     Other than the matters listed on the attached Notice of 2002 Annual Meeting
of  Shareholders,  the  Board  of  Directors  knows  of  no matters that will be
presented  for  consideration  at  the  Meeting.  Execution of a proxy, however,
confers  on  the  designated  proxyholders  discretionary  authority to vote the
shares  represented thereby in accordance with their best judgment on such other
business,  if any, that may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournments


     A proxy may be revoked at any time prior to its exercise by the filing of a
written notice of revocation with the Secretary of the Company, by delivering to
the  Company  a  duly  executed  proxy bearing a later date, or by attending the
Meeting and voting in person. However, if you are a shareholder whose shares are
not  registered  in  your own name, you will need appropriate documentation from
your  recordholder  to  vote  personally  at  the  Meeting.


     The  cost  of  solicitation  of proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors
will  be  borne  by  the  Company.  Proxies  may  be  solicited personally or by
telephone  by  directors, officers and regular employees of the Company, without
additional  compensation  therefor. The Company will also request persons, firms
and  corporations  holding  shares  in  their  names,  or  in  the name of their
nominees,  which are beneficially owned by others to send proxy material to, and
obtain  proxies  from,  such  beneficial owners and will reimburse such holders,
upon  request,  for  their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  in  doing  so.


     Regardless  of  the  number  of  shares  of the Company's common stock (the
"Common Stock") owned, it is important that shareholders be represented by proxy
or  be  present  in person at the Meeting. Shareholders are requested to vote by
completing  the  enclosed form of proxy and returning it signed and dated in the
enclosed  postage-paid  envelope.  Any  shareholder  may  vote  for, against, or
withhold  authority  to  vote  on  any matter to come before the Meeting. If the
enclosed  proxy  is  properly  completed,  signed,  dated  and returned, and not
revoked,  it  will  be  voted in accordance with the instructions therein. If no
instructions  are given, the proxy will be voted "FOR" the nominees for election
to  the  Board  of  Directors  named  in  this  Proxy  Statement  and  "FOR" the
ratification  of  PKM  as  the Company's independent auditor for the fiscal year
ending  December 31, 2002. If instructions are given with respect to one but not
both  proposals,  (i)  such instructions as are given will be followed, and (ii)
the  proxy  will be voted "FOR" the proposal on which no instructions are given.

     The  securities  which  may  be  voted  at the Meeting consist of shares of
Common  Stock.  The  close  of  business on March 15, 2002 has been fixed by the
Board  of Directors as the record date (the "Record Date") for the determination
of  shareholders  of record entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting and
any adjournments thereof. The total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding
on  the  Record  Date  was  3,145,380.

     The  presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of at least a majority
of the total number of shares of Common Stock entitled to vote at the Meeting is
necessary  to constitute a quorum at the Meeting. Since many of our shareholders
cannot attend the Meeting, it is necessary that a large number be represented by
proxy.  Accordingly,  the Board of Directors has designated proxies to represent
those  shareholders  who  cannot  be  present  in person and who desire to be so
represented.  In  the  event  there  are not sufficient votes for a quorum or to
approve  or  ratify  any proposal at the time of the Meeting, the Meeting may be
adjourned  in  order  to  permit  the  further  solicitation  of  proxies.

     In  the  election of directors, persons must be nominated and elected for a
term  to  expire at the 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. A nominee need only
receive  a  plurality of the votes cast in the election of directors in order to
be  elected. As a result, those persons nominated who receive the largest number
of  votes  will  be  elected  as  directors.  No  shareholder  has  the right to
cumulatively  vote  his  or  her  shares  in  the  election  of  directors.

     As  to  the  ratification  of the independent auditor, each share of Common
Stock  shall  entitle  its  owner  to  one  vote and the affirmative vote of the
holders  of  a majority of the shares of Common Stock present at the Meeting, in
person  or  by proxy and entitled to vote, is required to constitute shareholder
approval  of  the  proposal.

     Proxies  solicited  hereby  will be returned to the Board of Directors, and
will  be tabulated by one or more inspectors of election designated by the Board
of  Directors. Abstentions will be counted for purposes of determining whether a
quorum  is present at the Meeting. Abstentions will not be counted in tabulating
the  votes  cast on any proposal submitted to the shareholders. Broker non-votes
will  not  be  counted  either  for determining the existence of a quorum or for
tabulating  votes  cast  on  any  proposal.


     The  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as amended (the "Exchange Act"),
requires that any person who acquires the beneficial ownership of more than five
percent  of  the Common Stock notify the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") and the Company. Following is certain information, as of the Record Date,
regarding  those  persons  or  groups who held of record or who are known to the
Company  to  own beneficially, more than five per cent of the outstanding Common

    ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------
    Christine S. Abernethy               335,312(3)       10.66%
    P.O. Box 820
    Newton, NC  28658

- ----------------
1    Unless  otherwise  noted,  all  shares  are owned directly of record by the
     named  individuals,  by  their  spouses  and  minor  children,  or by other
     entities  controlled  by the named individuals. Voting and investment power
     is  not  shared  unless  otherwise  indicated.

2    Based  upon  a  total of 3,145,380 shares of Common Stock outstanding as of
     the  Record  Date.

3    Carolina  Glove  Company,  Inc. has acquired 56,378 shares of Common Stock.
     These  shares  are  included  in  the  calculation of Ms. Abernethy's total
     beneficial  ownership interest. Ms. Abernethy owns approximately 50% of the
     stock  of Carolina Glove Company, Inc. The business is operated by a family
     committee.  Ms.  Abernethy  has  no  active day-to-day participation in the
     business  affairs  of  Carolina  Glove  Company,  Inc.


     Set  forth  below  is certain information, as of the Record Date, regarding
those  shares  of  Common Stock owned beneficially by each of the members of the
Board  of  Directors  and the named executive officers of the Company (including
nominees  for election at the Meeting), and the directors and executive officers
of  the  Company  as  a  group.

                                              AMOUNT AND
                                              NATURE OF      PERCENTAGE
                                              BENEFICIAL         OF
NAME AND ADDRESS                             OWNERSHIP(1)     CLASS(2)
- ----------------                             ------------     ---------
James S. Abernethy                                  64,292         2.03%
Post Office Box 327
Newton, NC  28658

Robert C. Abernethy                              109,029(3)        3.45%
Post Office Box 366
Newton, NC  28658

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.                              5,384(4)            *
Post Office Box 467
Newton, NC  28658

William D. Cable                                   2,640(5)            *
Post Office Box 467
Newton, NC 28658

Bruce R. Eckard                                     19,700             *
Post Office Box 563
Conover, NC  28613

John H. Elmore, Jr.                                 24,002             *
Post Office Box 445
Catawba, NC  28609

Gary E. Matthews                                     1,479             *
210 First Avenue South
Conover, NC  28613

Charles F. Murray                                 56,773(6)        1.80%
Post Office Box 1118
Claremont, NC  28610

Larry E. Robinson                                 21,472(7)            *
Post Office Box 723
Newton, NC  28658

Lance A. Sellers                                   2,656(8)            *
Post Office Box 467
Newton, NC 28658

Fred L. Sherrill, Jr.                             14,058(9)            *
Post Office Box 816
Conover, NC  28613

Dan Ray Timmerman, Sr.                              24,193             *
Post Office Box 1148
Conover, NC  28613

Clifton A. Wike                                   3,171(10)            *
Post Office Box 467
Newton, NC 28658

Tony W. Wolfe                                     8,650(11)            *
Post Office Box 467
Newton, NC  28658


                                              AMOUNT AND
                                              NATURE OF      PERCENTAGE
                                              BENEFICIAL         OF
NAME AND ADDRESS                             OWNERSHIP(1)     CLASS(2)
- ----------------                             ------------     ---------

Benjamin I. Zachary                                  5,224             *
Post Office Box 277
Taylorsville, NC  28681

All current directors and nominees and     362,723 (12, 13)       11.48%
executive officers as a group (16 people)


*  Does not exceed one percent of the Common Stock outstanding.

1    Unless  otherwise  noted,  all  shares  are owned directly of record by the
     named  individuals,  by  their  spouses  and  minor  children,  or by other
     entities  controlled  by the named individuals. Voting and investment power
     is  not  shared  unless  otherwise  indicated.

2    Based  upon  a  total of 3,145,380 shares of Common Stock outstanding as of
     the  Record Date and the number of stock options exercisable within 60 days
     with  respect  to  the  designated  recipient(s).

3    Includes  2,459 shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Abernethy's spouse, for
     which  Mr.  Abernethy  disclaims  beneficial  ownership.

4    Includes  3,639 shares of Common Stock in which Mr. Beaman has the right to
     acquire beneficial interest within 60 days by the exercise of stock options
     granted  under  the  Omnibus  Stock Ownership and Long Term Incentive Plan.

5    Includes  1,209  shares of Common Stock in which Mr. Cable has the right to
     acquire beneficial interest within 60 days by the exercise of stock options
     granted  under  the  Omnibus  Stock Ownership and Long Term Incentive Plan.

6    Includes 882 shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Murray's spouse, for which
     Mr.  Murray  disclaims  beneficial  ownership.

7    Includes  2,670  shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Robinson's spouse, for
     which  Mr.  Robinson  disclaims  beneficial  ownership.

8    Includes 2,556 shares of Common Stock in which Mr. Sellers has the right to
     acquire beneficial interest within 60 days by the exercise of stock options
     granted  under  the  Omnibus  Stock Ownership and Long Term Incentive Plan.

9    Includes  5,690  shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Sherrill's spouse, for
     which  Mr.  Sherrill  disclaims  beneficial  ownership.

10   Includes  1,688  shares  of Common Stock in which Mr. Wike has the right to
     acquire beneficial interest within 60 days by the exercise of stock options
     granted  under  the  Omnibus  Stock Ownership and Long Term Incentive Plan.

11   Includes  6,203  shares of Common Stock in which Mr. Wolfe has the right to
     acquire beneficial interest within 60 days by the exercise of stock options
     granted  under  the  Omnibus  Stock Ownership and Long Term Incentive Plan.

12   Includes 15,295 shares of Common Stock in which the executive officers, as
     a group, have the right to acquire beneficial interest within 60 days by
     the exercise of stock options granted under the Omnibus Stock Ownership and
     Long Term Incentive Plan.

13   This  total  includes  shares  beneficially  owned  by  Mr.  Wike.  Due  to
     restructuring of the Company's management team in October 2001, Mr. Wike is
     no  longer  classified  as  an  executive  officer.

Directors  James  S.  Abernethy and Robert C. Abernethy are brothers and sons of
Christine S. Abernethy, who owns in excess of 10% of the Common Stock. Directors
Bruce  R.  Eckard  and  Fred  L.  Sherrill,  Jr.  are first cousins by marriage.



     Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Company's executive officers
and directors, and persons who own more than ten percent of the Common Stock, to
file  reports  of  ownership  and  changes in ownership with the SEC.  Executive
officers,  directors and greater than ten percent beneficial owners are required
by SEC regulations to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms
they  file.

     Based  solely  on  a  review  of  the copies of such forms furnished to the
Company  and  written  representations from the Company's executive officers and
directors,  the  Company  believes,  except as disclosed in this paragraph, that
during  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31, 2001, its executive officers and
directors  and  greater  than  ten  percent  beneficial owners complied with all
applicable  Section 16(a) filing requirements.  On April 23, 2001, Ms. Christine
S.  Abernerthy  made a one time purchase of 2000 shares of common stock that was
not  timely reported on Form 4 but has since been reported to the Securities and
Exchange  Commission.  On  June  25, 2001, and July 5, 2001, Mr. John H. Elmore,
Jr.,  sold  1,650 shares of common stock that was not timely reported on Form 4.
These  sales have since been reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


     The  Bylaws  of  the  Company  provide  that the number of directors of the
Company  shall  not be less than five nor more than fifteen. The exact number of
directors  is  fixed  by  the  Board  of  Directors.  The Board of Directors has
currently  fixed  the  size  of  the  Board  at  ten  members.

     The  Board  of  Directors  has  nominated the three persons named below for
election  as  directors  to  serve  for  a three-year term to expire at the 2005
annual  meeting  of  shareholders  or  until  their  earlier death, resignation,
retirement,  removal  or  disqualification  or  until  their successors shall be
elected  and  shall  qualify.

     The  persons  named  in  the  accompanying form of proxy intend to vote any
shares  of  Common  Stock represented by valid proxies received by them to elect
the  three  nominees  listed  below  as directors for the term specified, unless
authority  to  vote  is  withheld  or  such proxies are duly revoked. All of the
nominees  for  election  are  currently  members of the Board of Directors whose
terms  expire  in  2002.  In  the  event  that any of the nominees should become
unavailable  to  accept  nomination  or  election,  it  is  intended  that  the
proxyholders  will  vote  to elect in his stead such other person as the present
Board  of  Directors  may  recommend.  The  Board  of Directors has no reason to
believe that any of the nominees named herein will be unable to serve if elected
to  office.

     The  Company's  bylaws  provide  that,  in  order  to  be  eligible  for
consideration  at  the  annual  meeting  of  shareholders,  all  nominations  of
directors,  other  than  those  made  by the Board of Directors, must be made in
writing  and  must be delivered to the Secretary of the Company not less than 50
days  nor  more than 90 days prior to the meeting at which such nominations will
be  made; provided, however, if less than 60 days notice of the meeting is given
to  shareholders,  such  nominations  must  be delivered to the Secretary of the
Company  not later than the close of business on the tenth day following the day
on  which  the  notice  of  meeting  was  mailed.


     The following table sets forth as to each nominee, his name, age, principal
occupation  during  the  last five years, and the year he was first elected as a

                            AGE ON                   PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION              DIRECTOR
NAME                   DECEMBER 31, 2001            DURING LAST FIVE YEARS              SINCE
- ----                   -----------------            ----------------------              -----
John H. Elmore, Jr.            59         Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive        1974
                                          Officer and Treasurer, Elmore Construction
                                          Company, Inc.
Charles F. Murray              58         President, Murray's Hatchery, Inc.            1990
Fred L. Sherrill, Jr.          67         Retired (furniture manufacturer executive)    1989


     The  following table sets forth as to each continuing director of the Bank,
his  name, age, principal occupation during the last five years, the year he was
first  elected  as  a  director,  and  the  year  his  current  term  expires.

                             AGE ON                   PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION              DIRECTOR   TERM
      NAME              DECEMBER 31, 2001            DURING LAST FIVE YEARS              SINCE    EXPIRES
      ----              -----------------            ----------------------              -----    -------
Robert C. Abernethy             51         President, Secretary and Treasurer,           1976      2003
                                           Carolina Glove Company, Inc. (glove
                                           manufacturer); Secretary and Assistant
                                           Treasurer, Midstate Contractors, Inc.
                                           (paving company)

James S. Abernethy              47         Vice President, Carolina Glove Company,       1992      2003
                                           Inc. (glove manufacturer); President and
                                           Assistant Secretary, Midstate Contractors,
                                           Inc. (paving company); Vice President,
                                           Assistant Secretary and Chairman of the
                                           Board of Directors, Alexander Railroad

Larry E. Robinson               56         President and Chief Executive Officer,        1993      2003
                                           Blue Ridge Distributing Co., Inc. (beer
                                           and wine distributor); President and Chief
                                           Executive Officer, Associated Brands, Inc.
                                           (beer and wine distributor)

Bruce R. Eckard                 54         President, Eckard Vending Company, Inc.       1994      2004
                                           (vending machine servicer)

Gary E. Matthews                46         President and Director, Matthews              2001      2004
                                           Construction Company, Inc.

Dan Ray Timmerman, Sr.          54         President, Timmerman Manufacturing,           1995      2004
                                           Inc. (wrought iron furniture manufacturer)

Benjamin I. Zachary             45         General Manager, Treasurer,                   1995      2004
                                           Secretary and member of the Board
                                           of Directors, Alexander Railroad



     Peoples  Bank  (the  "Bank")  currently has a ten-member board of directors
comprised  of all of the same people who are currently directors of the Company.


     The  Bank's board of directors is scheduled to meet every other month or as
needed.  The Board of Directors and the Bank's board of directors met a total of
7  times  during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001.  During the year ended
December  31,  2001, all members of the Board of Directors attended at least 75%
of  the aggregate number of meetings of the Board of Directors, the Bank's board
of  directors  and  committees  of  both  boards  on  which  they  served.

     The  Board  of  Directors  of  the Company has one standing committee - the
Auditing and Examining Committee.  The Audit and Examining Committee consists of
Directors  R.  Abernethy,  G. Matthews, Murray, Robinson, Sherrill, and Zachary.
These  members  are  believed  to be independent as that term is defined in Rule
4200(a)(15)  of  the  NASD's  listing  standards.  The  Audit Committee meets as
needed  and, among other responsibilities, oversees (i) the internal independent
auditing  of  the  Company; (ii) the system of internal controls that management
has  established; and (iii) the quarterly and annual financial information to be
provided  to shareholders and the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The Audit
and  Examining  Committee  met 6 times during the fiscal year ended December 31,


     The  Bank's  board  of directors has several standing committees, including
the  Compensation Committee, Executive and Loan Committee and Strategic Planning

     The  Bank's  Compensation  Committee  consists  of  Directors R. Abernethy,
Eckard,  Elmore,  Robinson,  Sherrill, and Timmerman.  The Committee reviews and
approves the recommendation of the President and Chief Executive Officer for the
compensation of the executive officers and makes recommendations to the Board of
Directors  for  the  compensation  of the President and Chief Executive Officer.
The Committee also makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the
adoption  of  and  amendments  to  employee  benefit plans and amendments to the
salary  administration  plan.  The  Committee met 6 times during the fiscal year
ended  December  31,  2001.

     The  Executive  and Loan Committee has six members, Directors J. Abernethy,
R.  Abernethy,  Eckard, Robinson, Timmerman and Zachary.  The Committee conducts
loan  reviews  and  approves loans, monitors the overall operations of the Bank,
and has the power to act on behalf of the full Board of Directors in the absence
of  a  meeting  of  the  entire  Board of Directors.  The Committee met 10 times
during  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2001.

     The  Strategic Planning Committee has five members, Directors J. Abernethy,
R.  Abernethy, Eckard, Murray, and Sherrill.  The Committee's duties include the
investigation  of  and recommendations for future branching sites, discussion of
matters  of  general,  strategic  corporate  direction,  discussion  of  capital
expenses  associated  with  technology, and recommending director nominations to
the  full Board of Directors.  The Committee met 10 times during the fiscal year
ended  December  31,  2001.



     Directors'  Fees.  Members  of  the  Board  of Directors receive no fees or
compensation  for their service.  However, all members of the Board of Directors
are  also directors of the Bank and are compensated for that service.  Directors
receive  a  fee  of  $500 for each Bank board of directors meeting attended.  An
additional  fee  of $200 is paid to committee members for each committee meeting
attended, with the exception of the Executive and Loan Committee for which a fee
of  $300 is paid to committee members for each meeting attended.  In addition to
these  meeting  fees,  each director also received an annual retainer of $7,200.

     A  service award was made under the Service Recognition Plan for directors,
officers  and employees to one member of the Board of Directors in 2001.  Mr. R.
Abernathy  received Common Stock having a value of $2,992.00 and $776.70 in cash
for  twenty-five  years  of  service.

     Directors'  Stock  Benefits  Plan.  Members  of  the Board of Directors are
eligible  to  participate in the Company's Omnibus Stock Ownership and Long Term
Incentive  Plan  (the  "Stock  Benefits  Plan").  Each director has been awarded
5,365 book value shares under the Stock Benefits Plan.  All directors other than
Mr.  G.  Matthews  were awarded book value shares on September 28, 1999.  Mr. G.
Matthews was not a director at that time.  The book value of the Common Stock on
September  28,  1999,  was  $11.45  (adjusted to reflect a 10% stock dividend on
April 24, 2000).  The book value shares then awarded vest 20% annually, with the
first  20% vesting on September 28, 2000, and the final 20% vesting on September
28, 2004.  Mr. G. Matthews was awarded 5,365 book value shares upon his election
to the Board of Directors on May 3, 2001.  The book value of the Common Stock on
May  3,  2001, was $13.95.  Mr. G. Matthew's book value shares vest at a rate of
20%  annually  with  the  first  20%  vesting  on May 3, 2002, and the final 20%
vesting  on May 3, 2006.  See "-- Management Compensation - Stock Benefits Plan"
for  a  description  of  the  plan.

     Directors'  Deferred  Compensation  Plan.  In  January  2002,  the  Bank
established a non-qualified deferred compensation plan for all of its directors.
The  Bank's  directors are also directors of the Company.  Under this plan, each
director  may  defer  all  or  a portion of his fees to the plan each year.  The
director  may  elect to invest the deferred compensation in a restricted list of
eleven  investment  funds.  The Bank may make matching contributions to the plan
for the benefit of the director from time to time at the discretion of the Bank.
Directors are fully vested in all amounts they contribute to the plan and in any
amounts  contributed  by  the  Bank.

     Benefits  under  the plan are payable in the event of the director's death,
resignation,  removal  failure  to  be  re-elected,  retirement  or  in cases of
hardship.  Directors  may elect to receive deferred compensation payments in one
lump  sum  or  in  installments.

     Effective  December 6, 2001, the Bank established a Rabbi Trust to hold the
directors'  accrued  benefits  under  the  plan.  The  Directors'  Deferred
Compensation  Plan  was  made  effective  January  1,  2002.

     Directors'  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan.  Effective January 1, 2002, the
Bank  implemented  a non-qualified supplemental retirement benefits plan for all
its  directors.  The  plan  is  designed  to provide a retirement benefit to the
directors  while  at the same time minimizing the financial impact on the Bank's
earnings.  The  plan  provides  retirement  benefits  based on an index formula.
This  formula  consists  of  the  earnings  on a specific life insurance policy,
reduced  by  an amount equal to the Bank's opportunity cost.  At retirement, the
Bank  pays  the  accumulated  excess  earnings  to the director over a specified
number of years.  During retirement, the Bank pays the earnings in excess of the
opportunity  cost to the director annually.  These payments continue for fifteen
years  following  the  director's  retirement.  The  Bank  has  purchased  life
insurance  policies  on each insurable director that are actuarially designed to
offset the annual expense associated with the indexed formula benefit.  The Bank
is  the  sole  owner  of  all  the  policies.



     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain information with respect to the
persons  who  are executive officers of either the Company or the Bank, or both.

                          AGE ON                                                     EMPLOYED BY THE
                       DECEMBER 31,            POSITIONS AND OCCUPATIONS             COMPANY OR THE
NAME                       2001                  DURING LAST FIVE YEARS                BANK SINCE
- ---------------------  ------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------
Tony W. Wolfe               55       President and Chief Executive Officer of the          1990
                                     Company and the Bank

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.       52       Executive Vice President and Corporate                1977
                                     Secretary of the Company; Executive Vice
                                     President, Chief Administrative Officer and
                                     Secretary of the Bank; Prior to 2001, Chief
                                     Financial Officer of the Company and the

William D. Cable            33       Executive Vice President and Assistant                1995
                                     Corporate Treasurer of the Company;
                                     Executive Vice President and Chief
                                     Operations Officer of the Bank.  Bank
                                     Senior Vice President - Information Services
                                     from April 1998 to 2001.  Vice President -
                                     Internal Auditor of the Bank from January
                                     1997 to April 1998

Lance A. Sellers            39       Executive Vice President and Assistant                1998
                                     Corporate Secretary of the Company;
                                     Executive Vice President and Chief Banking
                                     Officer of the Bank; Prior to 2001, Bank
                                     Executive Vice President - Credit
                                     Administration, Mortgage Lending and
                                     Commercial Banking.  Prior to 1999 Bank
                                     Senior Vice President - Credit
                                     Administration.  Prior to August 1998
                                     Senior Credit Officer at a large North
                                     Carolina bank

A. Joseph Lampron           47       Executive Vice President, Chief Financial             2001
                                     Officer and Corporate Treasurer of the
                                     Company; Executive Vice President and
                                     Chief Financial Officer of the Bank.  Prior to
                                     December 2001, Vice President/Senior
                                     Change Manager at a large North Carolina
                                     bank.  Prior to February 1997, consultant.


     The executive officers of the Company are not paid any cash compensation by
the  Company.  However, the executive officers of the Company also are executive
officers  of  the  Bank  and  receive  compensation  from  the  Bank.

     The  table on the following page shows, for the fiscal years ended December
31,  2001,  2000 and 1999, the cash compensation received by, as well as certain
other  compensation  paid or accrued for those years, the Bank's Chief Executive
Officer  and  the  Bank's executive officers whose total annual salary and bonus
exceeded  $100,000.


                                                                                                                ALL OTHER
                                                                                    LONG TERM COMPENSATION    COMPENSATION
                                                    ANNUAL COMPENSATION                       AWARDS           (2,3,4,5,6)
                                          ---------------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------
                                                                                   RESTRICTED     RIGHTS
                NAME AND                                            OTHER ANNUAL     STOCK       ("SARS")
- ----------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------  --------------  ----------  -------------

Tony W. Wolfe                             2001  $205,260  $     0  $          - -         - -    9,393/ 0(7)  $      12,327
President and Chief Executive Officer of  2000   185,866   60,011             - -         - -    17,179/0(8)          9,948
the Company and the Bank                  1999   162,818   15,193             - -         - -        0/0( 9)          9,579

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.                     2001  $144,465  $     0  $          - -         - -     4,981/0(7)  $       9,219
Executive Vice President and Corporate    2000   137,460   39,787             - -         - -    10,059/0(8)          8,716
Secretary of the Company; Executive       1999   115,647   20,063             - -         - -        0/0 (9)          8,088
Vice President, Chief Administrative
Officer and Secretary of the Bank

Lance A. Sellers                          2001  $130,595  $     0  $          - -         - -     4,821/0(7)  $       6,601
Executive Vice President and Assistant    2000   115,658   33,355             - -         - -     7,132/0(8)          5,829
Corporate Secretary of the Company;       1999   112,068   16,610             - -         - -         0/0(9)            175
Executive Vice President and Chief
Banking Officer of the Bank

Clifton A. Wike                           2001  $105,263  $     0  $          - -         - -     2,000/0(7)  $       6,631
Senior Vice President, Senior Lender of   2000    98,593   23,134             - -         - -     4,655/0(8)          5,227
the Bank                                  1999    95,200    8,055             - -         - -         0/0(9)          5,256

William D. Cable                          2001  $103,131  $     0  $          - -         - -     3,519/0(7)  $       7,207
Executive Vice President and Assistant    2000    91,447   19,482             - -         - -     3,433/0(8)          4,574
Corporate Treasurer of the Company;       1999    82,115   10,732             - -         - -         0/0(9)          4,113
Executive Vice President and Chief
Operations Officer of the Bank

- -----------------------------------------

Footnotes on the following page


1    Perquisites  for  the  fiscal year did not exceed the lesser of $50,000, or
     10%  of  salary  and  bonus  as  reported  for  the  named  employee.

2    For  Mr.  Wolfe,  includes  for  2001:  $10,500 under the 401(k) plan and a
     $1,827 premium paid for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000; for
     2000:  $9,082  under the 401(k) plan and a $866 premium paid for group term
     life insurance in excess of $50,000; for 1999: $8,365 under the 401(k) plan
     and  a  $1,214  premium  paid  for  group  term life insurance in excess of

3    For  Mr. Beaman, includes for 2001: $8,568 under the 401(k) plan and a $651
     premium  paid for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000; for 2000:
     $8,120  under  the  401(k) plan and a $596 premium paid for group term life
     insurance  in excess of $50,000; for 1999: $7,271 under the 401(k) plan and
     a  $817  premium  paid  for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000.

4    For Mr. Sellers, includes for 2001: $6,379 under the 401(k) plan and a $222
     premium  paid for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000; for 2000:
     $5,639  under  the  401(k) plan and a $190 premium paid for group term life
     insurance  in  excess  of $50,000; for 1999: $0 under the 401(k) plan and a
     $175  premium  paid  for  group  term  life insurance in excess of $50,000.

5    For  Mr.  Wike,  includes for 2001: $6,195 under the 401(k) plan and a $436
     premium  paid for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000; for 2000:
     $4,830  under  the  401(k) plan and a $397 premium paid for group term life
     insurance  in excess of $50,000; for 1999: $4,673 under the 401(k) plan and
     a  $583  premium  paid  for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000.

6    For  Mr.  Cable, includes for 2001: $7,061 under the 401(k) plan and a $146
     premium  paid for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000; for 2000:
     $4,450  under  the  401(k) plan and a $124 premium paid for group term life
     insurance  in excess of $50,000; for 1999: $4,000 under the 401(k) plan and
     a  $113  premium  paid  for group term life insurance in excess of $50,000.

7    Includes  9,393;  4,981;  4,821;  2,000; and 3,519 shares subject to option
     granted  on  October  30,  2001, to Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Beaman, Mr. Sellers, Mr.
     Wike,  and  Mr.  Cable respectively. These options, granted pursuant to the
     Omnibus  Plan,  entitle  Messrs.  Wolfe, Beaman, Sellers, Wike and Cable to
     purchase  at  any time after vesting and before October 30, 2011, shares of
     Common  Stock  in exchange for an exercise price of $15.94 per share, which
     was  the  fair  market  per  share value of the Common Stock on the date of
     grant. Of these options granted to Messrs. Wolfe, Beaman, Sellers, Wike and
     Cable,  one-third  of  the options will vest on October 30, 2002, one-third
     will vest on October 30, 2003, and the final third will vest on October 30,
     2004.  All options become 100% vested upon death, disability or a change in
     control  of  the  Bank.

8    Includes  7,157;  4,294;  2,688;  2,000;  and  978 shares subject to option
     (adjusted  to  reflect  the  April 24, 2000 10% stock dividend) granted, on
     September 28, 1999, to Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Beaman, Mr. Sellers, Mr. Wike and Mr.
     Cable,  respectively.  These options, granted pursuant to the Omnibus Plan,
     entitle  Messrs.  Wolfe, Beaman, Sellers, Wike and Cable to purchase at any
     time after vesting and before September 28, 2009, shares of Common Stock in
     exchange  for  an  exercise  price of $ 16.36 per share, which was the fair
     market  per  share value of the Common Stock on the date of grant (adjusted
     to reflect the April 24, 2000 10% stock dividend). Of these options granted
     to  Messrs.  Wolfe,  Beaman,  Sellers,  Wike  and Cable, 20% of the options
     vested  on  September  28,  2000, 20% vested on September 28, 2001, and 20%
     will  vest  each year thereafter with the last 20% vesting on September 28,
     2004.  Also, includes 10,022; 5,765; 4,444; 2,655; and 2,455 shares subject
     to  option  granted,  on  September 25, 2000, to Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Beaman, Mr.
     Sellers,  Mr.  Wike  and  Mr.  Cable,  respectively. These options, granted
     pursuant  to the Omnibus Plan, entitle Messrs. Wolfe, Beaman, Sellers, Wike
     and  Cable  to  purchase at any time after vesting and before September 25,
     2010,  shares  of  Common Stock in exchange for an exercise price of $12.69
     per share, which was the fair market per share value of the Common Stock on
     the  date  of  grant.  Of  these  options granted to Messrs. Wolfe, Beaman,
     Sellers,  Wike  and Cable, one-third of the options vested on September 25,
     2001,  one-third  will  vest on September 25, 2002 and the final third will
     vest  on  September  25,  2003.  All options become 100% vested upon death,
     disability  or  a  change  in  control  of  the  Bank.

9    The options granted in 1999 were repriced as a result of the April 24, 2000
     10%  stock  dividend  and  are therefore disclosed in the 2000 stock option
     grants  as  described  in  footnote  8.



     The  Bank  has  entered  into  employment  agreements  with  Tony W. Wolfe,
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer; Joseph F. Beaman, Jr., Executive Vice
President,  Chief  Administrative  Officer  and  Corporate  Secretary;  Lance A.
Sellers, Executive Vice President, Chief Banking Officer and Assistant Corporate
Secretary;  A. Joseph Lampron, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
and  Corporate  Treasurer;  William  D.  Cable,  Executive Vice President, Chief
Operations  Officer  and  Assistant  Corporate  Treasurer;  and Clifton A. Wike,
Senior  Vice  President,  Senior  Lender  in order to establish their duties and
compensation  and  to provide for their continued employment with the Bank.  The
agreements  provide for an initial term of employment of three years. Commencing
on  the  first  anniversary  date  and  continuing  on  each  anniversary  date
thereafter,  unless  notice  of  a  non-extension is given by either party, each
agreement is automatically extended for an additional year so that the remaining
term  shall  always  be  no  less  than  two  and no more than three years.  The
agreements  also  provide that the base salary shall be reviewed by the Board of
Directors  not less often than annually.  In addition, the employment agreements
provide  for  discretionary  bonuses  and  participation  in  other  management
incentive,  pension,  profit-sharing,  medical or retirement plans maintained by
the  Bank,  as  well as fringe benefits normally associated with such employee's
office.  Mr.  Wolfe's  agreement  provides  for  a  company  automobile  and Mr.
Beaman's  agreement provides for a monthly automobile allowance.  The employment
agreements provide that they may be terminated by the Bank for cause, as defined
in  the  agreements,  and  that  they  may  otherwise  be terminated by the Bank
(subject  to  vested  rights)  or  by  the  employee.

     In  the event of a change in control, the term of the employment agreements
shall  be  automatically extended for three years from the date of the change of
control. For purposes of the employment agreement, a change in control generally
will  occur if (i) any "person" (as such term is used in Section 13(d) and 14(d)
of  the  Exchange Act), other than a person who beneficially owned as of January
1, 1998, more than 5% of the Bank's securities, acquires beneficial ownership of
voting  stock  and  irrevocable proxies representing 20% or more of any class of
voting  securities  of  either  the  Company  or  the Bank, (ii) the election of
directors  constituting  more  than  one-half  of  the Board of Directors of the
Company  or  the  Bank  who,  prior  to  their  election, were not nominated for
election  or approved by at least three-fourths of the Board of Directors of the
Company  as  then constituted; (iii) either the Company or the Bank consolidates
or  merges  with  or  into  another  corporation,  association  or  entity or is
otherwise  reorganized, where neither the Company nor the Bank, respectively, is
the  surviving  corporation in the transaction; or (iv) all or substantially all
of  the  assets  of  either  the  Company  or  the  Bank  are  sold or otherwise
transferred  to  or  acquired  by  any  other  entity  or  group.

     In  addition,  the employee may voluntarily terminate his employment at any
time  following  a change in control and continue to receive his base salary for
the  remainder  of the term of the employment agreement, if, after the change in
control,  (i)  the  employee is assigned duties and/or responsibilities that are
inconsistent  with  his  position  prior  to  the  change in control or that are
inconsistent  with  his  reporting  responsibilities  at  that  time,  (ii)  the
employee's  compensation  or  benefits  are  reduced,  or  (iii) the employee is
transferred  to  a  location  which is an unreasonable distance from his current
principal  work  location  without  his  consent.

     An  additional  thirteen  middle  management  officers  have  been  granted
employment  agreements  for two-year terms.  Those employment agreements contain
provisions  similar  to  those  discussed  above.



     General.  The  Board  of  Directors  has  implemented  the  Omnibus  Stock
Ownership  and  Long Term Incentive Plan (the "Omnibus Plan") which was approved
by  the Company's shareholders on May 13, 1999.  The purpose of the Omnibus Plan
is to promote the interests of the Company by attracting and retaining directors
and  employees  of  outstanding  ability  and to provide executive and other key
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries greater incentive to make material
contributions  to  the success of the Company by providing them with stock-based
compensation  which  will increase in value based upon the market performance of
the  Common  Stock  and/or  the  corporate  achievement  of  financial and other
performance  objectives.

     The  Omnibus  Plan  is  administered  by  the Compensation Committee of the
Bank's  board  of  directors  (the  "Committee").  Subject  to  the terms of the
Omnibus  Plan,  the  Committee  and  the  board  of  directors have authority to
construe  and  interpret,  for  eligible  employees  and  eligible  directors,
respectively,  the Omnibus Plan, to determine the terms and provisions of Rights
(as  defined  below)  to  be granted under the Omnibus Plan, to define the terms
used  in  the  Omnibus  Plan and in the Rights granted thereunder, to prescribe,
amend  and  rescind  rules  and  regulations  relating  to  the Omnibus Plan, to
determine the individuals to whom and the times at which Rights shall be granted
and  the  number of shares to be subject to, or to underlie, each Right awarded,
and  to  make  all  other  determinations  necessary  or  advisable  for  the
administration  of  the  Omnibus  Plan.

     Rights  Which  May  Be  Granted.  Under the Omnibus Plan, the Committee may
grant  or  award  eligible  participants  Options,  rights to receive restricted
shares  of Common Stock, long term incentive units (each equivalent to one share
of  Common  Stock), SARs, and/or Book Value Shares.  These grants and awards are
referred  to  herein  as the "Rights."  All Rights must be granted or awarded by
March 30, 2009, the tenth anniversary of the date the Board of Directors adopted
the  Omnibus  Plan.  As of December 31, 2001, Rights representing 321,860 shares
of Common Stock (adjusted to reflect the April 24, 2000 10% stock dividend) were
eligible  to  be  awarded  under  the  Omnibus  Plan.

     Options.  Options  granted under the Omnibus Plan to eligible directors and
employees  may  be  either  incentive  stock  options  ("ISOs") or non-qualified
options  ("NSOs").  The exercise price of an Option may not be less than 100% of
the  last-transaction  price  for the Common Stock quoted by the Nasdaq National
Market  on  the  date  of  grant.

     The  Committee  shall determine the expiration date of each Option granted,
up  to  a  maximum  of  ten  years  from  the date of grant.  In the Committee's
discretion,  it  may  specify  the  period  or periods of time within which each
Option will first become exercisable, which period or periods may be accelerated
or  shortened  by  the  Committee.

     Each  Option granted will terminate upon the expiration date established by
the  Committee  or upon the earlier of (i) twelve months after the holder ceases
to  be  an  eligible  employee or director by reason of death or disability, and
(ii) immediately as  of the date the holder is no longer an eligible employee or
director  for  any  reason  other  than  death or disability.  In the event of a
change  in  control  (as that term is defined in the Omnibus Plan), any unvested
options  granted under the Omnibus Plan will immediately and automatically vest.

     Restricted  Stock.  The  Committee  may  award  Rights to acquire shares of
Common  Stock  subject  to certain transfer restrictions ("Restricted Stock") to
eligible  participants under the Omnibus Plan for such purchase price per share,
if  any,  as  the  Committee, in its discretion, may determine appropriate.  The
Committee  shall  determine the expiration date for each Restricted Stock award,
up  to  a  maximum  of  ten  years  from  the date of grant.  In the Committee's
discretion,  it  may  specify  the  period  or periods of time within which each
Restricted  Stock  award  will first become exercisable, which period or periods
may  be  accelerated  or  shortened  by  the  Committee.

     Awards  of Restricted Stock shall terminate in the same manner as described
above  in  connection  with  the  termination  of  Options.

     Units.  Under  the  Omnibus  Plan,  the  Committee  may  grant  to eligible
directors  and employees awards of long term incentive units, each equivalent in
value  to  one  share  of Common Stock ("Units").  Except as otherwise provided,
Units  awarded  may be distributed only after the end of a performance period of
two  or  more  years, as determined by the Committee, beginning with the year in
which  the  awards  are  granted.


     The  percentage of the Units awarded that are to be distributed will depend
on  the  level of financial and other performance achieved by the Company during
the  performance  period.  The  Committee  may  adopt  one  or  more performance
categories in addition to, or in substitution for, a performance category or may
eliminate  all  performance  categories  other  than financial performance.  All
performance  categories  other  than financial performance may not be applied in
the  aggregate  as  a  factor  of  more  than one against financial performance.

     As  soon  as  practicable  after each performance period, the percentage of
Units  awarded  that  are  to be distributed, based on the levels of performance
achieved, will be determined and distributed to the recipients of such awards in
the  form  of  a combination of shares of Common Stock and cash.  Units awarded,
but  which  the  recipients  are  not  entitled  to  receive, will be cancelled.

     In  the  event  of the death or disability of a Unit recipient prior to the
end  of any performance period, the number of Units awarded for such performance
period  will  be  reduced in proportion to the number of months remaining in the
performance  period  after  the  date  of death or disability; and the remaining
portion  of  the  award,  if  any,  may,  in the discretion of the Committee, be
adjusted  based  upon  the  levels  of performance achieved prior to the date of
death  or  disability,  and  distributed within a reasonable time after death or
disability.  In the event a recipient of Units ceases to be an eligible director
or  employee  for  any reason other than death or disability, all Units awarded,
but  not  yet  distributed,  will  be  cancelled.

     In the event of a change in control (as that term is defined in the Omnibus
Plan),  any  outstanding  Units will immediately and automatically be reduced as
appropriate  to  reflect  a  shorter  performance  period.

     An  amount  equal  to  the dividend payable on one share of Common Stock (a
"dividend  equivalent  credit")  will  be determined and credited on the payment
date  to  each  Unit  recipient's  account  for  each  Unit  awarded and not yet
distributed  or  cancelled.  Such amount will be converted within the account to
an  additional  number  of  Units  equal to the number of shares of Common Stock
which  could  be  purchased at the last-transaction price of the Common Stock on
the  Nasdaq  National  Market  on  the  dividend  payment  date.

     No  dividend equivalent credits or distribution of Units may be credited or
made  if,  at  the time of crediting or distribution, (i)  the regular quarterly
dividend on the Common Stock has been omitted and not subsequently paid or there
exists  any  default  in  payment of dividends on any such outstanding shares of
Common  Stock;  (ii)  the rate of dividends on the Common Stock is lower than at
the time the Units to which the dividend equivalent credit relates were awarded,
adjusted  for  certain  changes; (iii)  estimated consolidated net income of the
Company  for the twelve-month period preceding the month the dividend equivalent
credit  or  distribution  would otherwise have been made is less than the sum of
the  amount  of  the  dividend  equivalent  credits  and  Units  eligible  for
distribution  under the Omnibus Plan in that month plus all dividends applicable
to such period on an accrual basis, either paid, declared or accrued at the most
recently  paid  rate,  on  all  outstanding shares of Common Stock; or (iv)  the
dividend  equivalent  credit  or  distribution  would result in a default in any
agreement  by  which  the  Company  is  bound.

     If  an  extraordinary  event  occurs  during  a  performance  period  which
significantly  alters  the  basis  upon  which  the  performance  levels  were
established,  the  Committee  may make adjustments which it deems appropriate in
the  performance  levels.  Such  events  may  include  changes  in  accounting
practices,  tax,  financial  institution  laws  or  regulations or other laws or
regulations,  economic changes not in the ordinary course of business cycles, or
compliance  with  judicial  decrees  or  other  legal  requirements.

     Stock  Appreciation  Rights.  The  Omnibus Plan provides that the Committee
may  award to eligible directors and employees Rights to receive cash based upon
increases in the market price of Common Stock over the last transaction price of
the Common Stock on the Nasdaq National Market (the "Base Price") on the date of
the  award.  The  Committee  may  adjust  the Base Price of a SAR based upon the
market  value  performance  of the Common Stock in comparison with the aggregate
market  value  performance  of a selected index or at a stated annual percentage
rate.  The  expiration date of a SAR may be no more than ten years from the date
of  award.


     Each  SAR  awarded  by  the Committee may be exercisable immediately or may
become  vested over such period or periods as the Committee may establish, which
periods  may  be  accelerated  or  shortened  in  the  Committee's  discretion.

     Each SAR awarded will terminate upon the expiration date established by the
Committee,  termination  of the employment or directorship of the SAR recipient,
or  in  the  event of a change in control, as described above in connection with
the  termination  of  Options.

     Book  Value Shares.  The Omnibus Plan provides that the Committee may award
to  eligible  directors  and  eligible employees long term incentive units, each
equivalent  in  value to the book value of one share of Common Stock on the date
of  award  ("Book  Value  Shares").  The  Committee  shall specify the period or
periods  of  time  within which each Book Value Share will vest, which period or
periods  may be accelerated or shortened by the Committee.  Upon redemption, the
holder  of  a  Book  Value  Share will receive an amount equal to the difference
between  the  book value of the Common Stock at the time the Book Value Share is
awarded  and the book value of the Common Stock at the time the Book Value Share
is  redeemed,  adjusted  for  the effects of dividends, new share issuances, and
mark-to-market  valuations  of  the Company's investment securities portfolio in
accordance  with  FASB  115.

     The  expiration  date of each Book Value Share awarded shall be established
by the Committee, up to a maximum of ten years from the date of award.  However,
awards  of  Book  Value  Shares  shall  earlier  terminate in the same manner as
described  above  in  connection  with  the  termination  of  Options.

     Adjustments.  In  the  event the outstanding shares of the Common Stock are
increased,  decreased,  changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind
of securities as a result of a stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend,
recapitalization,  merger,  share  exchange  acquisition,  or  reclassification,
appropriate  proportionate  adjustments will be made in (i) the aggregate number
or  kind  of  shares  which  may  be  issued  pursuant  to exercise of, or which
underlie,  Rights; (ii) the exercise or other purchase price, or Base Price, and
the  number and/or kind of shares acquirable under, or underlying, Rights; (iii)
and  rights  and matters determined on a per share basis under the Omnibus Plan.
Any  such  adjustment  will be made by the Committee, subject to ratification by
the Board of Directors.  As described above, the Base Price of a SAR may also be
adjusted  by  the Committee to reflect changes in a selected index.  Except with
regard  to  Units  and  Book  Value  Shares  awarded  under the Omnibus Plan, no
adjustment  in  the  Rights will be required by reason of the issuance of Common
Stock,  or  securities convertible into Common Stock, by the Company for cash or
the  issuance of shares of Common Stock by the Company in exchange for shares of
the  capital  stock  of  any  corporation,  financial  institution  or  other
organization  acquired  by  the  Company  or  a subsidiary thereof in connection

     Any  shares  of  Common Stock allocated to Rights granted under the Omnibus
Plan,  which  Rights  are subsequently cancelled or forfeited, will be available
for  further  allocation  upon  such  cancellation  or  forfeiture.

     Federal  Income  Tax  Consequences.

          Options.  Under current provisions of the Code, the federal income tax
     treatment of ISOs and NSOs is different. Options granted to employees under
     the Omnibus Plan may be ISOs which are designed to result in beneficial tax
     treatment  to  the  employee  but  not  a  tax  deduction  to  the Company.

          The  holder  of  an  ISO generally is not taxed for federal income tax
     purposes  on  either  the grant or the exercise of the option. However, the
     optionee  must include in his or her federal alternative minimum tax income
     any  excess  (the  "Bargain  Element")  of the acquired common stock's fair
     market  value  at  the time of exercise over the exercise price paid by the
     optionee. Furthermore, if the optionee sells, exchanges, gives or otherwise
     disposes of such common stock (other than in certain types of transactions)
     either  within  two  years  after the option was granted or within one year
     after  the  option  was  exercised  (an  "Early Disposition"), the optionee
     generally  must  recognize  the  Bargain Element as compensation income for
     regular  federal  income tax purposes. Any gain realized on the disposition
     in  excess of the Bargain Element is subject to recognition under the usual
     rules  applying  to dispositions of property. If a taxable sale or exchange
     is  made  after  such holding periods are satisfied, the difference between
     the  exercise  price  and  the  amount realized upon the disposition of the
     common  stock  generally  will  constitute  a  capital gain or loss for tax


          Options  granted  to directors under the Omnibus Plan would be "NSOs."
     In  general, the holder of an NSO will recognize at the time of exercise of
     the  NSO,  compensation income equal to the amount by which the fair market
     value  of the common stock received on the date of exercise exceeds the sum
     of  the  exercise  price  and  any  amount  paid  for  the  NSO.

          If  an  optionee exercises an ISO or NSO and delivers shares of common
     stock  as  payment  for  part  or  all  of  the exercise price of the stock
     purchased  (the  "Payment  Stock"),  no  gain  or  loss  generally  will be
     recognized  with  respect  to  the Payment Stock; provided, however, if the
     Payment Stock was acquired pursuant to the exercise of an ISO, the optionee
     will  be  subject to recognizing as compensation income the Bargain Element
     on  the  Payment  Stock as an Early Disposition if the exchange for the new
     shares  occurs  prior  to  the  expiration  of  the holding periods for the
     Payment  Stock.

          The  Company generally would not recognize gain or loss or be entitled
     to  a  deduction  upon  either the grant of an ISO or NSO or the optionee's
     exercise of an ISO. The Company generally will recognize gain or loss or be
     entitled  to  a deduction upon the exercise of an NSO. If there is an Early
     Disposition,  the Company generally would be entitled to deduct the Bargain
     Element  as  compensation  paid  to  the  optionee.

          Restricted  Stock.  Pursuant  to Section 83 of the Code, recipients of
     Restricted  Stock  awards  under  the  Omnibus Plan will recognize ordinary
     income  in an amount equal to the fair market value of the shares of Common
     Stock  granted  to  them  at  the  time  that  the  shares  vest and become
     transferable.  The  Company  will  be  entitled to deduct as a compensation
     expense  for  tax  purposes  the  same  amounts  recognized  as  income  by
     recipients of Restricted Stock awards in the year in which such amounts are
     included  in  income.

          Units.  The  Company  expects  that participants generally will not be
     taxed  on  the  award  of Units. Instead, any cash and the then fair market
     value  of  any  Common  Stock  received  by  the  participants  upon  the
     distribution  of  a  Unit  generally will be taxable to the participants as
     compensation  income  upon  such  distribution.  At  that time, the Company
     generally  will  be entitled to claim a deduction in an amount equal to the
     compensation  income.

          SARs. Pursuant to Section 83 of the code, recipients of SARs under the
     Omnibus Plan will recognize, at the time a SAR award is exercised, ordinary
     income  in  an amount equal to the difference between the fair market value
     of  the  Common  Stock  at the time of award of the SAR and the fair market
     value  of  the  Common  Stock  at  the  time that the SAR is exercised. The
     Company  will  be  entitled  to  deduct  as  a compensation expense for tax
     purposes  the same amounts recognized as income by recipients of SAR awards
     in  the  year  in  which  such  amounts  are  included  in  income.

          Book  Value  Shares.  The  Company expects that participants generally
     will  not  be  taxed  on  the award of Book Value Shares. Instead, any cash
     received  by  the  participants  upon  redemption  of the Book Value Shares
     generally  will  be  taxable to the participant as compensation income upon
     distribution. At that time, the Company generally will be entitled to claim
     a  deduction  in  an  amount  equal  to  the  compensation  income.

          The  above  description  of  tax  consequences  under  federal  law is
     necessarily  general  in  nature  and  does  not  purport  to  be complete.
     Moreover,  statutory  provisions  are  subject  to  change,  as  are  their
     interpretations,  and  their  application  may  vary  in  individual
     circumstances.  Finally,  the consequences under applicable state and local
     income  tax  laws may not be the same as under the federal income tax laws.


     Grants  and  Awards Made During the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2001. On
October  30,  2001,  the  Board  of Directors awarded options to purchase 57,964
shares  of  Common Stock to 43 officers and employees of the Bank at an exercise
price of $15.94 per share.  On December 18, 2001, the Board of Directors awarded
options  to  purchase 4,138 shares of Common Stock to one officer at an exercise
price  of  $14.70  per  share.

     Following  is certain information related to the options granted to Tony W.
Wolfe,  Joseph  F. Beaman, Jr., Lance A. Sellers, Clifton A. Wike and William D.

                             OPTION/SAR  GRANTS  IN  LAST  FISCAL  YEAR
                                                                                   POTENTIAL  REALIZABLE
                                                                                  VALUE  AT  ASSUMED  ANNUAL
                                                                                   RATES  FOR  STOCK  PRICE
                                    INDIVIDUAL  GRANTS                          APPRECIATION  FOR  OPTION  TERM
                                    ------------------                       --------------------------------------
                        NUMBER OF      % OF TOTAL
                        SECURITIES    OPTIONS/SARS
                        UNDERLYING     GRANTED TO     EXERCISE
                       OPTIONS/SARS     EMPLOYEES      OR BASE   EXPIRATION
NAME                     GRANTED     IN FISCAL YEAR     PRICE       DATE             5%                 10%
- ---------------------  ------------  ---------------  ---------  ----------  ------------------  ------------------
Tony W. Wolfe           9,393/0(1)        15.13%      $15.94(2)    10/30/11      $ 94,146.12        $ 238,584.74

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.   4,981/0(1)         8.02%      $15.94(2)    10/30/11      $ 49,924.60        $ 126,518.75

Lance A. Sellers        4,821/0(1)         7.76%      $15.94(2)    10/30/11      $ 38,467.24        $  97,483.55

Clifton A. Wike         2,000/0(1)         3.22%      $15.94(2)    10/30/11      $ 15,958.20        $  40,441.21

William D. Cable        3,519/0(1)         5.67%      $15.94(2)    10/30/11      $ 28,078.45        $  71,156.32

- -----------------
1    These options, granted pursuant to the Omnibus Plan, entitle Messrs. Wolfe,
     Beaman,  Sellers,  Wike and Cable to purchase at any time after vesting and
     before October 30, 2011, shares of Common Stock in exchange for an exercise
     price of $15.94 per share, which was the fair market per share value of the
     Common  Stock  on  the  date  of grant. Of these options granted to Messrs.
     Wolfe,  Beaman, Sellers, Wike and Cable, one-third of the options will vest
     on October 30, 2002, one-third will vest on October 30, 2003, and the final
     third  will  vest  on October 30, 2004. All options become 100% vested upon
     death,  disability  or  a  change  in  control  of  the  Bank.
2    Represents  the closing market price per share of the underlying securities
     on  the  date  of  grant  (October  30,  2001).

     No options were exercised by Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Beaman, Mr. Sellers, Mr. Wike,
or Mr. Cable during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001.


                               AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION/SAR VALUES

                                                      NUMBER OF SECURITIES        VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                          VALUE      UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED           IN-THE-MONEY
                       SHARES ACQUIRED   REALIZED        OPTIONS/SARS AT             OPTIONS/SARS AT
      NAME             ON EXERCISE (#)     ($)          FISCAL YEAR END(1)          FISCAL YEAR END(2)
      ----             ---------------  ---------  --------------------------  ----------------------------
                                                   EXERCISABLE  UNEXERCISABLE  EXERCISABLE   UNEXERCISABLE
                                                   -----------  -------------  ------------  --------------
Tony W. Wolfe                  0           $ 0       6,203/0       20,369/0    $5,553.30/$0  $ 16,661.58/$0
Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.          0           $ 0       3,639/0       11,401/0    $3,194.45/$0  $  9,584.31/$0
Lance A. Sellers               0           $ 0       2,556/0        9,397/0    $2,462.47/$0  $  7,388.15/$0
Clifton A. Wike                0           $ 0       1,688/0        4,967/0    $1,471.17/$0  $  4,413.94/$0
William D. Cable               0           $ 0       1,209/0        5,743/0    $1,360.34/$0  $  4,081.44/$0

- -----------------
1    Options  to purchase 17,117 shares of Common Stock (adjusted to reflect the
     April  24, 2000 10% stock dividend) were granted to the named persons as of
     September  28,1999.  Pursuant  to  an  amendment  to the Stock Option Grant
     Agreements dated September 25, 2000 these options vest 20% each year over a
     five-year period beginning on September 28, 2000, with the last 20% vesting
     on  September  28,  2004. Options to purchase 25,341 shares of Common Stock
     were  granted  to  the named persons as of September 25, 2000. One-third of
     these  options  vested  on  September  25,  2001,  one-third  will  vest on
     September  25,  2002 and one-third will vest on September 25, 2003. Options
     to purchase 24,714 shares of Common Stock were granted to the named persons
     as  of October 30, 2001. One-third will vest on October 30, 2002, one-third
     will vest on October 30, 2003, and one-third will vest on October 30, 2004.
2    The  exercise  price  of the stock options granted on September 28, 1999 is
     $16.36  (adjusted  to  reflect  the April 24, 2000 10% stock dividend). The
     exercise  price  of  the  stock  options  granted  on September 25, 2000 is
     $12.69. The exercise price of the stock options granted on October 30, 2001
     is  $15.94.  On  December 31, 2001, the closing market price for the Common
     Stock  as  reported  on  the  Nasdaq  National  Market  was  $14.35.


     The  Bank also has a Management Incentive Plan for officers and an Employee
Incentive  Plan  for  employees  of  the  Bank.  Eligibility  under the Employee
Incentive  Plan  is  granted  to all employees upon one year of service with the
Bank.  Participants  in  the  Employee  Incentive  Plan  are entitled to receive
quarterly  cash incentives based upon a graduated schedule indexed to attainment
of  corporate  budget.  Participants  in  the  Management  Incentive  Plan  are
recommended  annually by the President and Chief Executive Officer to the Bank's
Board of Directors.  Each individual's incentive pool is determined by a formula
which  links  attainment of corporate budget with attainment of individual goals
and  objectives.  Incentives  under  the  Management  Incentive  Plan  are  paid


     The  Bank  has  a  Profit  Sharing Plan for all eligible employees.  As the
result  of  overfunding  in  prior  years,  the Bank made no contribution to the
profit sharing plan for the year ended December 31, 2001. No investments in Bank
stock  have  been  made  by  the  plan.

     In  addition to the Profit Sharing Plan, the Bank has a 401(k) Plan for all
eligible  employees.  Under this plan the Bank matches employee contributions to
a  maximum of five percent of annual compensation.  The Bank's 2001 contribution
to  the  401(k)  Plan  pursuant  to this formula was approximately $318,000. All
contributions to the 401(k) Plan are tax deferred.  No investments in Bank stock
have  been  made  through  the  plan.

     The  Profit Sharing Plan and 401(k) Plan permit participants to choose from
ten  investment  funds  which  are selected by a committee comprised of selected
directors  and  senior management.  Both the 401(k) Plan and Profit Sharing Plan
were  amended  in  2000  to  permit  participation in the plans beginning in the
second  month  of  employment.  As  of December 31, 2001, both plans provide for
vesting  of  20%  of  the benefit after three years employment and 20% each year
thereafter  until  participants  are  100%  vested after seven years employment.



     In January 2002, the Bank established a non-qualified deferred compensation
plan  for  directors  and  certain  officers.  Eligible officers selected by the
Bank's  board  of  directors  may  elect  to  contribute  a  percentage of their
compensation  to the plan.  The Bank may make matching or other contributions to
the  plan  as  well,  in  amounts  determined  at  the  discretion  of the Bank.
Participants  are fully vested in all amounts contributed to the plan by them or
on  their  behalf.

     Benefits  under  the  plan  are  payable  in the event of the participant's
retirement,  death,  termination,  or as a result of hardship.  Benefit payments
may  be  made  in a lump sum or in installments, as selected by the participant.

     Effective  December 6, 2001, the Bank established a rabbi trust to hold the
accrued  benefits  of  the  participants  under  the  plan.


     Effective  January  1,  2002,  the  Bank  implemented  a  non-qualified
supplemental  retirement  benefits  plan  for  certain  officers.  The  plan  is
designed  to provide a retirement benefit to the officers while at the same time
minimizing  the  financial  impact  on  the  Bank's earnings.  The plan provides
retirement  benefits  based  on an index formula.  The index formula consists of
the  earnings on a specific life insurance policy, reduced by an amount equal to
the  Bank's  opportunity  cost.  At  retirement,  the  Bank pays the accumulated
excess  earnings  to  the  officer  over  a  specified  number of years.  During
retirement,  the Bank pays the earnings in excess of the opportunity cost to the
officer  annually.  These  payments  continue for a period between ten years and
the  life of the officer.  The Bank has purchased life insurance policies on the
participating  officers  that  are  actuarially  designed  to  offset the annual
expenses  associated with the index formula benefit.  The Bank is the sole owner
of  all  of  the  policies.


     In  the  past,  the  Bank  has  paid  bonuses  to  its employees in amounts
determined  in  the  discretion  of  the  Bank's  board  of directors.  The Bank
anticipates that discretionary bonuses will continue to be paid to its employees
in  the  future.


     Certain  directors  and  executive officers of the Bank and their immediate
families  and associates were customers of and had transactions with the Bank in
the  ordinary course of business during 2001.  All outstanding loans, extensions
of  credit  or  overdrafts,  endorsements and guarantees outstanding at any time
during  2001 (i) were made in the ordinary course of business, (ii) were made on
substantially  the same terms, including interest rates and collateral, as those
prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with other persons, and (iii)
were transactions which in the opinion of management of the Bank did not involve
more  than  the  normal  risk  of  collectibility  or  present other unfavorable

     B.E.  Matthews,  a  former  director  and the father of Gary E. Matthews, a
current  director,  was  the majority shareholder of a corporate borrower of the
Bank.  In  December  2001,  the  corporate borrower was liquidated and defaulted
upon  its  loan.  The  Bank  charged  off  the  remaining  loan  balance  after
liquidation  of  $351,197.00.

     The  Company  and  the Bank have secured insurance coverage, including, but
not  limited  to,  financial institution bond, directors and officers liability,
property  and  casualty,  business auto, mortgage holders' errors and omissions,
fiduciary responsibility, workers compensation, and umbrella liability, for 2002
at  an  approximate cost of $142,267 from First Security Company, Inc., of which
Director  John  H.  Elmore,  Jr. is a Director and holds less than a one percent
ownership  interest.  In  the opinion of management of the Company, the terms of
the insurance coverage were no less favorable than could have been obtained from
unrelated  parties.



     The  Company  does  not have a Compensation Committee.  However, the Bank's
board  of  directors  has  a  Compensation  Committee  which  is now composed of
Directors  R. Abernethy, Eckard, Elmore, Robinson, Sherrill, and Timmerman.  The
Committee meets on an as needed basis to review the Bank's salary program and to
make  recommendations to the Bank's board of directors regarding compensation of
the  executive  officers.  The  Bank's  board of directors ultimately determines
such  compensation.  The  salary of each of the executive officers is determined
based  upon  the  executive  officer's  contributions  to  the  Bank's  overall
profitability,  maintenance  of  regulatory  compliance  standards, professional
leadership,  and  management  effectiveness  in  meeting the needs of day-to-day
operations.  The  Committee  also  compares  the  compensation  of the executive
officers  with compensation paid to executives of other businesses in the Bank's
market  area,  as  well as to appropriate state and national salary data.  These
factors  were  considered  in  establishing  the  compensation of Tony W. Wolfe,
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer; Joseph F. Beaman, Jr., Executive Vice
President,  Chief  Administrative  Officer  and  Corporate  Secretary;  Lance A.
Sellers, Executive Vice President, Chief Banking Officer and Assistant Corporate
Secretary;  A. Joseph Lampron, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
and  Corporate  Treasurer;  William  D.  Cable,  Executive Vice President, Chief
Operations  Officer  and  Assistant  Corporate  Treasurer;  and Clifton A. Wike,
Senior Vice President, Senior Lender, during the 2001 fiscal year.  In addition,
all  of the executive officers of the Bank are eligible to receive discretionary
bonuses  declared  by the Bank's board of directors.  The amount of such bonuses
and  incentive  payments is based upon the net income of the Bank  in comparison
to  attainment  of  corporate  budget  and  attainment  of  corporate  goals and

               Robert  C.  Abernethy               Larry  E.  Robinson
               Bruce  R.  Eckard                   Fred  L.  Sherrill,  Jr.
               John  H.  Elmore,  Jr.              Dan  Ray  Timmerman,  Sr.

                            AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

     As  previously  stated, the Company does not have a Compensation Committee.
However,  the  Bank's  board  of directors has a Compensation Committee which is
composed  of  Directors  R.  Abernethy,  Eckard, Elmore, Robinson, Sherrill, and
Timmerman.  No  member of the Compensation Committee is now, or formerly was, an
officer  or  employee  of the Company or the Bank.  Tony W. Wolfe, President and
Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Bank, makes recommendations to the Committee
regarding compensation of the executive officers.  Mr. Wolfe participates in the
deliberations, but not the decisions, of the Committee regarding compensation of
executive  officers  other  than  himself.  He  does  not  participate  in  the
Committee's  discussions  or  decisions  regarding  his  own  compensation.


     The  Company  has  adopted  a  written  charter for the Audit and Examining
Committee  which  is reviewed annually, and amended as needed, by the Committee.
The  Audit  and  Examining  Committee  has  reviewed  and  discussed the audited
financial  statements  with management of the Company and has discussed with the
independent  auditors  the  matters  required  to  be  discussed  by SAS 61.  In
addition, the Committee has received the written disclosures and the letter from
the  independent  accountants  required by Independence Standards Board Standard
No.  1,  and  has  discussed  with  the  independent  accountant the independent
accountant's  independence.  Based  upon  these  reviews  and  discussions,  the
Committee  recommended  to  the  Board  of  Directors that the audited financial
statements  be  included  in  the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2001.

               Robert  C.  Abernethy          Larry  E.  Robinson
               Gary  E.  Matthews             Fred  L.  Sherrill,  Jr.
               Charles  F.  Murray            Benjamin  I.  Zachary


                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The following graph compares the Company's cumulative shareholder return on
its  Common  Stock  with a Nasdaq index and with a southeastern bank index.  The
graph  was  prepared  by  SNL Securities, L.C., Charlottesville, Virginia, using
data  as  of  December  31,  2001.

                             Performance Report for
                    Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc.

                                                 PERIOD ENDING
INDEX                     12/31/96  12/31/97  12/31/98  12/31/99  12/31/00  12/31/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peoples Bancorp Inc.        100.00    160.91    143.73    142.60    111.70    157.66
NASDAQ - Total US*          100.00    122.48    172.68    320.89    193.01    153.15
SNL Southeast Bank Index    100.00    151.59    161.38       127    127.52    158.86

*Source:  CRSP,  Center  for  Research  in  Security  Prices, Graduate School of
Business,  The  University  of  Chicago  2002.  Used with permission. All rights
reserved.  crsp.com.

SNL  FINANCIAL  LC                                               (434) 977-1600
(C) 2002


                                   PROPOSAL 2


     Porter Keadle Moore, LLP, of Atlanta, Georgia ("PKM"), has been selected as
the  Company's  and  the Bank's independent auditor for the year ending December
31,  2002.  Such  selection is being submitted to the Company's shareholders for
ratification.  Representatives  of  PKM  are  expected to attend the Meeting and
will  be  afforded an opportunity to make a statement, if they so desire, and to
respond  to  appropriate  questions  from  shareholders.



     The  aggregate  fees  (including related out-of-pocket expenses) billed for
professional  services  rendered by PKM  in connection with (i) the audit of the
Company's  and  the Bank's annual financial statements for the December 31, 2001
fiscal  year,  (ii)  its  reviews  of  the  financial statements included in the
Company's  Forms 10-Q for that fiscal year and (iii) related fees and costs were


     PKM  did not, directly or indirectly, operate or supervise the operation of
the  Company's information system or manage the Company's local area network for
the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2001.


     In  addition  to  the fees outlined above, PKM billed fees in the amount of
$41,902.00  for  additional  services  rendered  during  the  fiscal  year ended
December  31, 2001.  The Audit and Examining Committee of the Board of Directors
has  determined  that  the  provision  of  these  services  is  compatible  with
maintaining  PKM's  independence.


     It is presently anticipated that the 2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
the  Company will be held on May 1, 2003.  In order for shareholder proposals to
be  included  in  the Company's proxy materials for that meeting, such proposals
must  be  received  by  the  Secretary of the Company at the Company's principal
executive  office no later than December 31, 2002, and meet all other applicable
requirements  for  inclusion  in  the  proxy  statement.

     In  the  alternative,  a  shareholder  may  commence  his  or her own proxy
solicitation and present a proposal from the floor at the 2003 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders of the Company.  In order to do so, the shareholder must notify the
Secretary of the Company in writing, at the Company's principal executive office
no  later  than  February 17, 2003, of his or her proposal.  If the Secretary of
the  Company is not notified of the shareholder's proposal by February 17, 2003,
the  Board  of  Directors may vote on the proposal pursuant to the discretionary
authority  granted  by  the  proxies solicited by the Board of Directors for the
2003  Annual  Meeting.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Management  knows  of no other matters to be presented for consideration at
the  Meeting  or  any adjournments thereof.  If any other matters shall properly
come  before  the  Meeting,  it  is  intended that the proxyholders named in the
enclosed  form  of  proxy will vote the shares represented thereby in accordance
with  their  judgment,  pursuant to the discretionary authority granted therein.


     The  Annual  Report  of  the  Company for the year ended December 31, 2001,
which  includes  financial statements audited and reported upon by the Company's
independent  auditor,  is  being  mailed  as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement;
however,  it  is  not  intended  that the Annual Report be deemed a part of this
Proxy  Statement  or  a  solicitation  of  proxies.


                                   By  Order  of  the  Board  of  Directors,

                                   /s/  Tony  Wolfe

                                   Tony  W.  Wolfe
                                   President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer

Newton,  North  Carolina
April  3,  2002


                                   APPENDIX A



General Description of Business

     Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. (the "Company"), was formed in 1999
to  serve as the holding company for Peoples Bank (the "Bank"). The Company is a
bank  holding  company  registered  with  the  Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve  System  (the  "Federal  Reserve") under the Bank Holding Company Act of
1956,  as  amended  (the "BHCA"). The Company's sole activity consists of owning
the  Bank.  The  Company's principal source of income is any dividends which are
declared  and  paid  by  the  Bank  on  its  capital  stock.  The Company has no
operations  and  conducts  no  business  of  its own other than owning the Bank.
Accordingly,  the discussion of the business which follows concerns the business
conducted  by  the  Bank,  unless  otherwise  indicated.

     The Bank, founded in 1912, is a state-chartered commercial bank serving the
citizens  and  business  interests  of  the  Catawba  Valley  and  surrounding
communities  through 13 offices located in Lincolnton, Newton, Denver, Triangle,
Catawba,  Conover, Maiden, Claremont, Hiddenite, and Hickory, North Carolina. At
December  31, 2001, the Company had total assets of $619.5 million, net loans of
$484.5  million,  deposits  of  $490.2  million,  investment securities of $84.3
million,  and  shareholders'  equity  of  $45.4  million.

     The  Bank  has  a diversified loan portfolio, with no foreign loans and few
agricultural loans. Real estate loans are predominately variable rate commercial
property  loans.  Commercial loans are spread throughout a variety of industries
with  no one particular industry or group of related industries accounting for a
significant portion of the commercial loan portfolio. The majority of the Bank's
deposit  and loan customers are individuals and small to medium-sized businesses
located  in  the  Bank's  market  area.

     The  operations  of  the  Bank  and  depository institutions in general are
significantly  influenced by general economic conditions and by related monetary
and fiscal policies of depository institution regulatory agencies, including the
Federal  Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the "FDIC") and the
North  Carolina  Commissioner  of  Banks  (the  "Commissioner").

     The  Bank  is  a  subsidiary of the Company. The Bank has two subsidiaries,
Peoples  Investment  Services,  Inc.  and  Real  Estate  Advisory Services, Inc.
Through  a  relationship  with  Raymond  James Financial Services, Inc., Peoples
Investment  Services,  Inc.  provides  the Bank's customers access to investment
counseling  and  non-deposit  investment  products such as stocks, bonds, mutual
funds,  tax  deferred  annuities,  and  related  brokerage services. Real Estate
Advisory  Services,  Inc.,  provides  real  estate  appraisal  and  real  estate
brokerage  services.

     In  December,  2001  the  Company  formed a wholly owned Delaware statutory
trust,  PEBK  Capital  Trust  I  ("PEBK  Trust"),  which  issued  $14 million of
guaranteed  preferred  beneficial interests in the Company's junior subordinated
deferrable  interest  debentures  that  qualify  as Tier I capital under Federal
Reserve  Board  guidelines. All of the common securities of PEBK Trust are owned
by  the  Company.

This  Annual  Report  contains  forward-looking statements. These statements are
subject  to  certain  risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to
differ  materially  from  those  anticipated  in the forward-looking statements.
Factors  that  might  cause  such  a difference include, but are not limited to,
changes  in interest rate environment, management's business strategy, national,
regional, and local market conditions and legislative and regulatory conditions.

Readers  should  not  place  undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which
reflect  management's view only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no
obligation  to  publicly  revise  these  forward-looking  statements  to reflect
subsequent  events  or  circumstances.  Readers should also carefully review the
risk  factors  described  in other documents the Company files from time to time
with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.


                                                    FINANCIAL DATA

                                    Dollars in Thousands Except Per Share Amounts

                                                           2001           2000        1999        1998        1997
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Interest income                                       $       41,898      40,859      32,302      29,215      23,783
Interest expense                                              23,027      19,432      14,790      14,540      11,179
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Net interest income                                           18,871      21,427      17,512      14,675      12,604
Provision for loan losses                                      3,545       1,879         425         445         696
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Net interest income after provision for loan losses           15,326      19,548      17,087      14,230      11,908
Non-interest income                                            8,263       3,915       3,380       3,646       2,060
Non-interest expense                                          16,752      15,509      13,832      12,020      10,413
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Income before taxes                                            6,837       7,954       6,635       5,856       3,555
Income taxes                                                   2,262       2,576       2,093       1,847       1,149
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net income                                            $        4,575       5,378       4,542       4,009       2,406
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Assets                                                $      619,505     519,002     432,435     402,273     326,853
Available for sale securities                                 84,286      71,565      62,498      63,228      53,307
Loans                                                        489,856     407,790     336,959     306,748     238,449
Interest-earning assets                                      586,496     490,449     411,734     383,270     308,852
Deposits                                                     490,223     450,073     376,634     350,067     275,393
Interest-bearing liabilities                                 515,989     420,594     339,243     315,387     258,685
Shareholders' equity                                  $       45,401      43,039      37,998      35,924      24,930
Shares outstanding*                                        3,218,714   3,218,714   3,218,950   3,219,150   2,808,300
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Assets                                                $      575,142     469,536     417,387     369,864     295,879
Available for sale securities                                 84,549      66,218      60,642      59,824      57,508
Loans                                                        454,371     374,226     324,651     271,819     215,789
Interest-earning assets                                      545,945     447,645     396,606     351,730     281,215
Deposits                                                     481,289     408,210     363,637     321,371     252,998
Interest-bearing liabilities                                 472,435     373,167     326,164     293,631     233,901
Shareholders' equity                                  $       47,432      42,852      39,348      33,303      24,117
Shares outstanding*                                        3,218,714   3,218,714   3,218,950   3,058,160   2,808,300
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Return on average total assets                                  0.80%       1.15%       1.09%       1.08%       0.81%
Return on average shareholders' equity                          9.65%      12.55%      11.54%      12.04%       9.98%
Dividend payout ratio                                          28.14%      23.39%      23.84%      22.61%      33.18%
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Loan to deposit                                                94.41%      91.67%      89.28%      84.58%      85.29%
Shareholders' equity to total assets                            8.25%       9.13%       9.43%       9.00%       8.15%
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Net income                                            $         1.42        1.67        1.41        1.31        0.86
Cash dividends                                        $         0.40        0.39        0.34        0.28        0.28
Book value                                            $        14.11       13.37       11.81       11.16        8.88
- ----------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
*    Shares  outstanding  and  per  share  computations have been restated to reflect a 10% stock dividend
     during  second  quarter  2000,  the  3 for 2  stock split during first quarter 1999 and the 10% stock
     dividend  during  second  quarter  1997.


                            AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS


     Management's  discussion  and  analysis  of  earnings  and related data are
presented  to  assist  in understanding the consolidated financial condition and
results  of  operations  of  Peoples  Bancorp  of  North  Carolina,  Inc.  (the
"Company"), for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999. The Company is
a registered bank holding company operating under the supervision of the Federal
Reserve Board and the parent company of Peoples Bank (the "Bank"). The Bank is a
North  Carolina-chartered  bank,  with offices in Catawba, Lincoln and Alexander
Counties,  operating  under the banking laws of North Carolina and the Rules and
Regulations  of  the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation  (the  "FDIC").

     This  discussion  and  related financial data should be read in conjunction
with  the  audited  consolidated  financial  statements  and  related footnotes.


     The  Company  reported earnings of $4.6 million in 2001, or $1.42 basic and
diluted  net  income  per  share, a 15% decrease as compared to $5.4 million, or
$1.67  basic  and  diluted  net  income per share, for 2000. Net income for 2000
represented  an  increase of 18% as compared to 1999 net income of $4.5 million.
The  decline in net income in 2001 is attributable to a decrease in net interest
income,  coupled with charge-offs of certain non-performing loans.  The increase
in  net  income  in  2000  compared to 1999 resulted from increased net interest
income  combined with an increase in non-interest income and partially offset by
growth  in  non-interest  expense.

     Return  on  average assets in 2001 was 0.80%, compared to 1.15% in 2000 and
1.09% in 1999. Return on average shareholders' equity was 9.65% in 2001 compared
to  12.55%  in  2000  and  11.54%  in  1999.

     Net  interest income, the largest component of the Company's income, is the
amount  by  which interest and fees generated by earning assets exceed the total
cost of funds used to carry them.  Net interest income is affected by changes in
the  volume  and mix of earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities, as well
as  changes  in  the  yields  earned  and  rates  paid.  Net  interest margin is
calculated  by  dividing  tax-equivalent  net interest income by average earning
assets,  and  represents  the  Company's  net  yield  on  its  earning  assets.

     Net  interest  income  on  a  tax-equivalent basis totaled $19.3 million in
2001,  a decrease of 12% or $2.6 million from the comparable figure in 2000. The
increase  in net interest income on a tax equivalent basis in 2000 over 1999 was
$3.9  million or 22%. The interest rate spread, which represents the rate earned
on  interest  earning assets less the rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities,
decreased  to  2.89%  in 2001 from 4.03% in 2000, following an increase from the
1999 net interest spread of 3.74%.  The net yield on earning assets decreased to
3.54%  in  2001  from  4.90%  in  2000,  following an increase from the 1999 net
interest  margin  of  4.54%.


     Table 1 sets forth for each category of earning assets and interest-bearing
liabilities,  the  average  amounts  outstanding,  the interest incurred on such
amounts and the average rate earned or incurred for the years ended December 31,
2001,  2000 and 1999. The table also sets forth the average rate earned on total
earning assets, the average rate paid on total interest-bearing liabilities, and
the  net  yield  on  average  total  earning assets for the same periods.  Yield
information  does not give effect to changes in fair value that are reflected as
a  component  of shareholders' equity.  Nonaccrual loans and the interest income
that was recorded on these loans, if any, are included in the yield calculations
for  loans  in  all  periods  reported.


                                                  DECEMBER 31, 2001           DECEMBER 31, 2000             DECEMBER 31, 1999
(Dollars in Thousands)                        BALANCE   INTEREST   RATE    BALANCE   INTEREST   RATE    BALANCE   INTEREST   RATE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earning Assets:

Loans: Net of unearned income                $454,371   $  36,512  8.04%  $374,226   $  36,424  9.73%  $324,651   $  28,375  8.74%

Investments - taxable                          61,050       3,919  6.42%    44,320       2,994  6.76%    39,122       2,348  6.00%
Investments - nontaxable                       20,080       1,381  6.88%    21,898       1,497  6.84%    21,520       1,475  6.86%
Federal funds sold                              3,776         127  3.36%     4,593         282  6.14%     6,780         339  5.00%
Other                                           6,668         428  6.42%     2,608         171  6.56%     4,533         266  5.87%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total earning assets                          545,945      42,367  7.76%   447,645      41,368  9.24%   396,606      32,803  8.27%

Cash and due from banks                        12,273                       11,538                       10,667
Other assets                                   21,703                       14,199                       14,192
Allowance for loan losses                      (5,598)                      (4,281)                      (4,079)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total assets                                 $574,323                     $469,101                     $417,386

Interest bearing liabilities:

   NOW accounts                              $ 38,584   $     413  1.07%  $ 32,866   $     456  1.39%  $ 31,003   $     429  1.38%
   Regular savings accounts                    22,670         178  0.78%    24,982         472  1.89%    26,258         490  1.87%
   Insured money market accounts               65,846       2,373  3.60%    55,982       2,832  5.06%    54,757       2,435  4.45%
   Certificates of deposit $100,000 or more   156,034       9,669  6.20%   108,130       6,729  6.22%    83,845       4,475  5.34%
   Other time deposits                        143,781       8,158  5.67%   133,419       7,838  5.87%   115,786       6,178  5.34%
FHLB borrowings                                42,533       2,118  4.98%    15,806         974  6.16%    13,532         736  5.44%
Demand notes payable to U.S. Treasury             897          33  3.64%       852          55  6.46%       899          41  4.56%
Other                                           2,090          84  4.02%     1,130          76  6.73%        83           5  5.95%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total interest bearing liabilities            472,435      23,026  4.87%   373,167      19,432  5.21%   326,163      14,789  4.53%

Demand deposits                                54,374                       52,831                       51,988
Other liabilities                               3,486                        3,268                        2,166
Shareholders' equity                           46,093                       42,208                       39,348
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total liabilities and shareholder's equity   $576,388                     $471,474                     $419,665

Net interest spread                                     $  19,341  2.89%             $  21,936  4.03%             $  18,014  3.74%

Net yield on earning assets                                        3.54%                        4.90%                        4.54%

Taxable equivalent adjustment
        Investment securities                                 470                          509                          502
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net interest income                                     $  18,871                    $  21,427                    $  17,512


     Changes  in  interest income and interest expense can result from variances
in  both  volume  and  rates.  Table 2 describes the impact on the Company's tax
equivalent  net  interest  income resulting from changes in average balances and
average  rates  for  the  periods indicated. The changes in interest due to both
volume  and rate have been allocated to volume and rate changes in proportion to
the  relationship  of  the  absolute  dollar  amounts  of  the  changes in each.



                                                    DECEMBER 31, 2001                           DECEMBER 31, 2000
                                         -------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
                                          CHANGES IN    CHANGES IN        TOTAL       CHANGES IN    CHANGES IN        TOTAL
                                          IN AVERAGE     AVERAGE        INCREASE      IN AVERAGE     AVERAGE        INCREASE
(Dollars in Thousands)                      VOLUME        RATES        (DECREASE)       VOLUME        RATES        (DECREASE)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------
Interest Income:

Loans: Net of unearned income            $    7,120        ($7,032)  $           88   $    4,579   $       3,470   $     8,049

Investments - taxable                         1,103           (178)             925          331             315           646
Investments - nontaxable                       (125)             9             (116)          26              (4)           22
Federal funds sold                              (39)          (116)            (155)        (122)             65           (57)
Other                                           277            (20)             257         (108)             13           (95)
                                         -----------  -------------  ---------------  -----------  --------------  ------------

Total interest income                    $    8,336        ($7,337)  $          999   $    4,706   $       3,859   $     8,565

Interest bearing liabilities:

   NOW accounts                                  70           (113)             (43)          26               1            27
   Regular savings accounts                     (31)          (263)            (294)         (24)              6           (18)
   Insured money market accounts                427           (886)            (459)          58             338           396
   Certificates of deposit $100,000 or more   2,975            (35)           2,940        1,404             850         2,254
   Other time deposits                          598           (278)             320          988             672         1,660
FHLB Borrowings                               1,489           (345)           1,144          132             106           238
Demand notes payable to U.S. Treasury             2            (25)             (23)          (3)             17            14
Other                                            54            (45)               9           66               6            72
                                         -----------  -------------  ---------------  -----------  --------------  ------------

Total interest expense                   $    5,584        ($1,990)  $        3,594   $    2,647   $       1,996   $     4,642
                                         -----------  -------------  ---------------  -----------  --------------  ------------

Net interest income                      $    2,752        ($5,347)         ($2,595)  $    2,059   $       1,863   $     3,923

     The  decrease  in net interest income in 2001 was primarily attributable to
declining  interest  rates during 2001. The yield on earning assets decreased to
7.76%  in  2001  from  9.24%  in  2000. This decrease reflects a decrease in the
Company's  average prime commercial lending rate in 2001, when compared to 2000.
The  average  balance  of  earning  assets increased by $98.3 million, to $546.0
million  in  2001  from  $447.6  million  in 2000. The increase in average loans
comprised  $80.1  million  of this increase. Average investments increased $14.9
million  or  23%  to $81.1 million in 2001 as compared to $66.2 million in 2000.
Average  interest-bearing  liabilities  increased  by  $99.2  million, to $472.4
million  in  2001  from  $373.2  million  in  2000.  This  growth  in  average
interest-bearing  liabilities  is  a  direct  result  of the increase in average
interest-bearing  deposits,  which increased by $71.5 million, to $426.9 million
in  2001  from  $355.4 million in 2000 and an increase in Federal Home Loan Bank
(FHLB)  borrowings  of $26.7 million to $42.5 million in 2001 from $15.8 million
in  2000.  The  increase  in  average  interest-bearing  deposits  was primarily
attributable  to  the  growth  in  average  time deposits, which increased $58.3
million to $299.8 million in 2001 from $241.5 million in 2000. The cost of funds
decreased  to  4.87%  in  2001  from  5.21%  in  2000, mainly as a result of the
decrease in the cost of deposits. The decrease in net interest margin in 2001 is
primarily  attributable to a large percentage of the Bank's loan portfolio being
tied to the prime commercial lending rate, which results in loans repricing more
quickly  than  fixed  rate  deposits  in  a  falling  interest rate environment.


     Tax-equivalent  interest income on loans in 2001 increased $88,000 from the
$36.4 million recorded for 2000, following an increase of $8.0 million or 28% in
2000  over  1999.  The decrease in the net interest spread to 2.89% in 2001 from
4.03% in 2000 resulted from the decrease in the yield on earning assets to 7.76%
in  2001 from 9.24% in 2000, partially offset by a decrease in the cost of funds
to  4.87%  in  2001  from  5.21%  in  2000.

      Interest expense on FHLB borrowings totaled $2.1 million during 2001 at an
average  rate of 4.98% compared to $974,000 in 2000 at an average rate of 6.16%,
and  $736,000  in  1999 at an average rate of 5.44%. Interest expense on federal
funds  purchased, promissory notes and demand notes payable to the U.S. Treasury
totaled  $117,000,  $131,000  and $46,000 for 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

     Provisions  for  loan  losses  are  charged to income in order to bring the
total  allowance  for loan losses to a level deemed appropriate by management of
the  Company  based on such factors as management's judgment as to losses within
the  Company's  loan  portfolio,  including  the  valuation of impaired loans in
accordance  with  Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) no. 114 and
118,  loan  growth,  net  charge-offs,  changes  in  the composition of the loan
portfolio,  delinquencies and management's assessment of the quality of the loan
portfolio  and  general  economic  climate.

     The  provision for loan losses was $3.5 million, $1.9 million, and $425,000
for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively. The increase
in  the  provision  for loan losses reflects management's decision to accelerate
the  Bank's  contribution  to  the  allowance  for  loan losses due to declining
economic  conditions,  nationally  and  locally.  Please  see  the section below
entitled  "Allowance  for  Loan Losses." The ratio of net charge-offs to average
loans  was  0.48%  in 2001, 0.29% in 2000 and 0.20% in 1999. Net charge-offs for
2001  were  $2.2  million.  The ratio of non-performing loans to total loans was
0.90%  at December 31, 2001, as compared to 1.45% and 1.03% at December 31, 2000
and  1999,  respectively.

     Non-interest  income  for  2001  totaled  $8.3 million, an increase of $4.4
million or 113% from non-interest income of $3.9 million for 2000.  The increase
in  non-interest  income  for 2001 resulted from fees arising from a new service
provided  to  retail checking customers, gains recorded on the sale of available
for  sale  securities,  and  a  strong  demand  of  mortgage  loan  services.
Non-interest  income for 2000 increased $536,000 or 16% over non-interest income
of  $3.4  million for 1999 primarily due to an increase in service charges, fees
and  miscellaneous  other  income.

      Service charge income increased $1.2 million, or 77% from 2000 to 2001, as
a  result  of  growth  in  the deposit base coupled with fees arising from a new
product  designed  to  automatically  advance  funds  to  assist in the event of
checking  account overdrafts as well as an increase in account maintenance fees.
Increases  in  non-interest  income for 2000 were attributable to an increase in
deposit volume and associated charges. Service charge income increased $262,000,
or  20%  in  2000  compared  to  1999.

      The  Company  reported a net gain on sale of securities of $1.6 million in
2001,  compared  to  a net loss on sale of securities of $483,000 during 2000 as
the  Company  sold $83.0 million of available for sale securities. During 1999 a
loss  on  sale  of  securities  of  approximately  $35,000  was  recognized.

      Mortgage banking income increased to $1.0 million in 2001 from $241,000 in
2000  due to a strong demand for mortgage loan services. Mortgage banking income
decreased  $499,000,  or  67%  in  2000  from the $740,000 reported in 1999. The
reduction  in  mortgage  banking  income  for  2000  included a loss of $284,000
associated  with  the  sale  of  jumbo  mortgage  loans.

     Total non-interest expense for 2001 amounted to $16.8 million.  This was an
8% increase over the $15.5 million reported in 2000, and followed a 12% increase
in  2000  over  the  $13.8  million  reported  in  1999.

     Salary  and  employee benefit expense was $9.1 million in 2001, compared to
$8.9  million  during  2000,  an  increase  of  $216,000 or 2%, following a $1.2
million  or  15%  increase  in  salary and employee benefit expense in 2000 over
1999.  The increase during 2001 resulted from merit increases.  Increases during
2000  reflect  merit  increases,  additional  participation  in  management  and
employee  incentive  plans,  and  increased  staffing  levels to support overall
Company  growth.

     The Company recorded occupancy expense of $3.0 million in 2001, compared to
$2.5 million during 2000, an increase of  $474,000 or 20%, following an increase
of $279,000 or 13% in occupancy expenses in 2000 over 1999. The increase in 2001
reflects  increased  overhead  expenses  associated  with new branches, existing
branch  renovations  and the Company's new corporate headquarters.  Increases in
occupancy  expense  in  2000  over 1999 were due to the construction of two full
service  branches  and  renovations  associated with the Company's new corporate


     The  total of all other operating expenses increased $552,000 or 13% during
2001.  Other  operating  expense  increased  $236,000  or  6% in 2000 over 1999.

     Total  income  tax  expense  was  $2.3  million  in 2001 compared with $2.6
million  in  2000 and $2.1 million in 1999.  The primary reason for the decrease
in taxes was the decrease in pretax income during 2001, following an increase in
taxes  related  to an increase in pretax income in 2000 over 1999. The Company's
effective  tax  rates  were  33.08%,  32.39%  and 31.55% in 2001, 2000 and 1999,

     The  Bank's  liquidity  position  is  generally  determined  by the need to
respond  to  short  term demand for funds created by deposit withdrawals and the
need  to  provide  resources to fund assets, typically in the form of loans. How
the  Bank  responds  to these needs is affected by the Bank's ability to attract
deposits,  the  maturity  of the loans and securities, the flexibility of assets
within  the  securities  portfolio,  the  current  earnings of the Bank, and the
ability  to  borrow  funds  from  other  sources.  The Bank's primary sources of
liquidity  are cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale securities, deposit
growth,  and  the  cash  flows from principal and interest payments on loans and
other  earning  assets. In addition, the Bank is able, on a short-term basis, to
borrow  funds  from  the  Federal  Reserve System, the Federal Home Loan Bank of
Atlanta  and  The Banker's Bank, and is also able to purchase federal funds from
other  financial  institutions.  At  December  31,  2001  the Bank had a line of
credit  with  the  FHLB  equal  to  20%  of  the  Bank's  total  assets, with an
outstanding  balance  of $68.2 million.  The Bank also had the ability to borrow
up  to  $10  million  through  The  Bankers  Bank  as of December 31, 2001.  The
liquidity  ratio  for  the  Bank, which is defined as net cash, interest bearing
deposits  with  banks,  Federal  Funds  sold,  certain investment securities and
certain  FHLB  advances,  as  a percentage of net deposits (adjusted for deposit
runoff  projections) and short-term liabilities was 20.62% at December 31, 2001,
27.03%  at December 31, 2000, and 30.26% at December 31, 1999.  The December 31,
1999  ratio  has  been  restated  to reflect increased borrowing capacity at the
FHLB,  which  the  Bank  recognizes  as  a  factor  of  its  liquidity.

     As  disclosed  in  the  Company's  Consolidated  Statements  of  Cash Flows
included  elsewhere  herein,  net  cash  provided  by  operating  activities was
approximately  $3.5  million during 2001.  Net cash used in investing activities
of  $104.6 million consisted primarily of a net change in loans of $82.1 million
and  securities  purchased of $118.4 million funded largely by sales, maturities
and  paydowns of investment securities of $105.7 million.   Net cash provided by
financing activities consisted of a $40.1 million net increase in deposits and a
$51.0 million net increase in FHLB borrowings.  Additionally, the Company issued
$14.0  million  in  trust  preferred  securities  in  December  2001.


     The  Company's  asset  liability  management  strategies  are  designed  to
minimize interest rate risk between interest-earning assets and interest-bearing
liabilities  at  various maturities, while maintaining the objective of assuring
adequate  liquidity  and  maximizing  net  interest  income. Table 3 presents an
interest  rate  sensitivity  analysis  for  the  interest  earning  assets  and
interest-bearing  liabilities  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2001.

                                                                                                         OVER 5 YEARS
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                         IMMEDIATE    1-3 MONTHS    4-12 MONTHS    1 - 5 YEARS    & NON-SENSITIVE    TOTAL
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loans                                         $  358,729   $     7,726   $     18,557   $     68,372   $         37,224   $490,608
Mortgage loans available for sale                  5,339             0              0              0                  0      5,339
Investment securities                              4,000         1,638          2,357          4,776             71,515     84,286
Federal funds sold                                 2,261             0              0              0                  0      2,261
Interest bearing deposit account-FHLB                214             0              0              0                  0        214
Other earning assets                                   0             0              0              0              3,788      3,788
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total interest earning assets                 $  370,543   $     9,364   $     20,914   $     73,148   $        112,527   $586,496
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOW, savings, and money market deposits       $  145,592   $         0   $          0   $          0   $              0   $145,592
Certificates of deposit of $100,000 or more       12,087        27,769        106,126         10,052                  0    156,034
Other time deposits                               18,231        27,913         67,355         18,271                  1    131,771
Other short term borrowings                          378             0              0              0                  0        378
FHLB borrowings                                        0         5,000         11,000          5,214             47,000     68,214
Trust preferred securities                             0        14,000              0              0                  0     14,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total interest bearing liabilities            $  176,288   $    74,682   $    184,481   $     33,537   $         47,001   $515,989
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interest-sensitive gap                           194,255       (65,318)      (163,567)        39,611             65,526     70,507

Cumulative interest-sensitive gap                194,255       128,937        (34,630)         4,981             70,507
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cumulative interest-sensitive gap
to total earning assets                            33.12%        21.98%         -5.90%          0.85%             12.02%

      Management  tries  to minimize interest rate risk between interest earning
assets  and  interest  bearing  liabilities  by  attempting  to  minimize  wide
fluctuations  in net interest income due to interest rate movements. The ability
to  control  these  fluctuations has a direct impact on the profitability of the
Company.  Management  monitors this activity on a regular basis through analysis
of  its portfolios to determine the difference between rate sensitive assets and
rate  sensitive  liabilities.

     The  Company's rate sensitive assets are those earning interest at variable
rates  and  those  maturing  within  one  year.  Rate sensitive assets therefore
include  both  loans  and  available-for-sale  securities.  Rate  sensitive
liabilities  include  interest-bearing  checking  accounts, money market deposit
accounts,  savings  accounts,  certificates  of  deposit and borrowed funds.  At
December  31,  2001,  68%  of  the  Company's interest earning assets, excluding
non-accrual  loans  could  be  repriced  within  one  year,  compared  to 84% of
interest-bearing  liabilities.  Rate  sensitive  assets  at  December  31,  2001
totaled  $586.5  million , exceeding rate sensitive liabilities of approximately
$516.0  million  by  $70.5  million.

     An  analysis of the Company's financial condition and growth can be made by
examining the changes and trends in interest-earning assets and interest-bearing
liabilities,  and  a  discussion  of  these  changes  and  trends  follows.



        All  of  the  Company's  investment  securities  are  held  in  the
available-for-sale  ("AFS")  category.  At December 31, 2001 the market value of
AFS  securities  totaled  $84.3  million,  compared  to  $71.6 million and $62.5
million  at  December  31,  2000  and  1999, respectively.  Table 4 presents the
market  value  of the presently held AFS securities for the years ended December
31,  2001,  2000  and  1999.


                                                        YEAR ENDED          YEAR ENDED         YEAR ENDED
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                 DEC 31, 2001        DEC 31, 2000       DEC 31, 1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNITED STATES TREASURY SECURITIES:                  $                -  $                -  $             900

  AGENCIES AND CORPORATIONS:                        $                -  $           25,119  $          23,374

OBLIGATIONS OF STATES AND POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS:   $           16,404  $           22,228  $          22,012

MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES:                         $           63,382  $           24,218  $          16,212

TRUST PREFERRED SECURITIES:                         $            4,500  $                -  $               -

TOTAL SECURITIES:                                   $           84,286  $           71,565  $          62,498

     The  composition  of  the  investment  securities  portfolio  reflects  the
Company's  investment  strategy of maintaining an appropriate level of liquidity
while  providing a relatively stable source of income.  The investment portfolio
also  provides  a  balance  to  interest  rate  risk  and  credit  risk in other
categories  of the balance sheet while providing a vehicle for the investment of
available  funds,  furnishing  liquidity,  and supplying securities to pledge as
required  collateral  for  certain  deposits.

     The  Company's  investment  portfolio  consists  of  U.S. government agency
securities,  municipal  securities  and  U.S.  government  agency  sponsored
mortgage-backed  securities.  AFS  securities  averaged  $81.1  million in 2001,
$66.2  million  in  2000  and  $60.6  million in 1999.  Table 5 presents the AFS
securities  held by the Company by maturity category at December 31, 2001. Yield
information  does not give effect to changes in fair value that are reflected as
a  component  of  shareholders'  equity  and  yields  are  calculated  on  a tax
equivalent  basis.


                                   ONE YEAR OR LESS  AFTER ONE YEAR   AFTER 5 YEARS    AFTER 10 YEARS      TOTALS
                                                    THROUGH 5 YEARS  THROUGH 10 YEARS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

States and political subdivisions   $ 3,961   7.27%  $ 4,624   7.01%  $ 3,513   6.37%  $ 4,336   7.11%  $16,434   6.96%

Mortgage backed securities                -      -         -      -         -      -    64,862   6.35%   64,862   6.35%

Trust Preferred securities                -      -         -      -         -      -     4,500   7.07%    4,500   7.07%

Total securities                    $ 3,961   7.27%  $ 4,624   7.01%  $ 3,513   6.37%  $73,698   6.44%  $85,796   6.50%


     The loan portfolio is the largest category of the Company's earnings assets
and  is  comprised  of commercial loans, real estate mortgage loans, real estate
construction loans and consumer loans. The Company restricts its primary lending
market  to within the Catawba Valley region of North Carolina, which encompasses
Catawba,  Alexander  and  Lincoln  counties  and  portions of Iredell and Gaston
counties.  The  mix of the loan portfolio consists primarily of loans secured by
real  estate  and  commercial  loans.  In  management's  opinion,  there  are no
significant  concentrations  of  credit  with  particular  borrowers  engaged in
similar  activities.

     In the normal course of business, there are various commitments outstanding
to extend credit that are not reflected in the financial statements. At December
31,  2001,  outstanding  loan commitments totaled $91.8 million.  Commitments to
extend  credit  are  agreements  to  lend  to  a customer as long as there is no
violation  of  any condition established in the contract.  Commitments generally
have fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses and may require payment
of  a  fee.  Since  many of the commitments may expire without being drawn upon,
the  total  commitment  amounts  do  not  necessarily  represent  future  cash

The  composition  of  the  Company's  loan  portfolio  is  presented in Table 6.


                                             YEAR ENDED             YEAR ENDED             YEAR ENDED              YEAR ENDED
                                         DECEMBER 31, 2001      DECEMBER 31, 2000      DECEMBER 31, 1999      DECEMBER 31, 1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial, financial & agricultural   $102,409       20.87%  $ 96,882       23.58%  $ 83,644       24.66%  $ 89,536       29.68%
Real Estate - Mortgage                  277,737       56.61%   229,260       55.79%   190,921       56.29%   157,167       52.11%
Real Estate - Construction               82,791       16.88%    58,939       14.34%    39,340       11.60%    29,927        9.92%
Consumer                                 27,671        5.64%    25,858        6.29%    25,293        7.46%    24,995        8.29%

Total loans                            $490,608      100.00%  $410,939      100.00%  $339,198      100.00%  $301,625      100.00%

Less: Allowance for Loan Losses           6,091                  4,713                  3,924                  4,137
                                       --------               --------               --------               --------

Net Loans                              $484,517               $406,226               $335,274               $297,488
                                       ========               ========               ========               ========

                                             YEAR ENDED
                                         DECEMBER 31, 1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial, financial & agricultural   $ 80,230       33.42%
Real Estate - Mortgage                  115,768       48.22%
Real Estate - Construction               24,291       10.12%
Consumer                                 19,793        8.24%

Total loans                            $240,082      100.00%

Less: Allowance for Loan Losses           4,375

Net Loans                              $235,707

      As  of  December 31, 2001, gross loans outstanding were $490.6 million, an
increase  of  $79.7  million or 19% over the December 31, 2000 balance of $410.9
million.  Most  of  this growth was attributable to growth in real estate loans.
Real  estate  mortgage  loans  grew  $48.5  million  in  2001, while real estate
construction  loans  grew  $23.9  million  in  2001.  The Company experienced an
increase  of  $5.5  million in the commercial loan portfolio. As a percentage of
the  Company's  total  loan  portfolio,  real  estate mortgage loans represented
56.61%  in  2001,  55.79%  in  2000  and  56.29%  in  1999. Over the same period
commercial  loans  represented  20.87%, 23.58% and 24.66% of the Company's total
loan  portfolio,  respectively.  Real  estate construction loans made up 16.88%,
14.34%  and  11.60%  of the Company's total loan portfolio at December 31, 2001,
2000  and  1999, respectively. Consumer loans represented 5.64%, 6.29% and 7.46%
of  the  Company's  total  loan  portfolio  at December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999,

      Mortgage  loans  held  for sale were $5.3 million at December 31, 2001, an
increase  of  $3.8  million  over  the December 31, 2000 balance of $1.6 million
which  represented  a decrease of $122,000 over the December 31, 1999 balance of
$1.7  million.


Table  7  identifies  the  maturities  of  all loans as of December 31, 2001 and
addresses  the  sensitivity  of  these  loans  to  changes  in  interest  rates.


                                                       AFTER ONE
                                        WITHIN ONE    YEAR THROUGH   AFTER FIVE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial, financial & agricultural   $      88,336  $      11,244  $     2,829  $    102,409
Real Estate - Mortgage                       201,461         35,520       40,756       277,737
Real Estate - Commercial                      74,155          4,151        4,485        82,791
Consumer                                      10,032         14,024        3,615        27,671
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Loans                            $     373,984  $      64,939  $    51,685  $    490,608
Total fixed rate loans                        12,745         64,301       51,685       128,731
Total floating rate loans                    361,239            638            0       361,877
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total loans                            $     373,984  $      64,939  $    51,685  $    490,608

     The allowance for loan losses reflects management's assessment and estimate
of  the risks associated with extending credit and its evaluation of the quality
of  the  loan portfolio. The Bank periodically analyzes the loan portfolio in an
effort  to  review  asset  quality and to establish an allowance for loan losses
that management believes will be adequate in light of anticipated risks and loan
losses.  In  assessing  the adequacy of the allowance, size, quality and risk of
loans  in  the  portfolio  are  reviewed.  Other  factors  considered  are:

     -    the  Bank's  loan  loss  experience;
     -    the  amount  of  past  due  and  nonperforming  loans;
     -    specific  known  risks;
     -    the  status  and  amount  of  past  due  and  nonperforming  assets;
     -    underlying  estimated  values  of  collateral  securing  loans;
     -    current  and  anticipated  economic  conditions;  and
     -    other  factors  which  management  believes  affect  the allowance for
          potential credit  losses.

     An analysis of the credit quality of the loan portfolio and the adequacy of
the  allowance  for  loan losses is prepared by the Bank's credit administration
area  and  presented  to  the  Bank's  Executive and Loan Committee on a regular
basis.  In  addition,  the Bank has engaged an outside loan review consultant to
perform,  and report on an annual basis, an independent review of the quality of
the  loan  portfolio  relative  to  the  accurateness of the Bank's loan grading
system.  The allowance for loan losses is established through charges to expense
in  the  form  of  a  provision  for loan losses. Loan losses and recoveries are
charged  and  credited  directly  to  the  allowance.

     An  allowance  for  loan  losses  is  also  established,  as necessary, for
individual  loans considered to be impaired in accordance with SFAS No. 114.   A
loan is considered impaired when, based on current information and events, it is
probable  that  all  amounts  due according to the contractual terms of the loan
will  not be collected.   Impaired loans are measured based on the present value
of expected future cash flows, discounted at the loan's effective interest rate,
or at the loan's observable market price, or the fair value of collateral if the
loan  is  collateral  dependent.   At  December  31, 2001 and 2000, the recorded
investment  in  loans that were considered to be impaired under SFAS No. 114 was
approximately  $4.4  million  and  $6.0  million,  respectively,  with  related
allowance  for loan losses of approximately $699,000 and $925,000, respectively.

     The  Bank's  allowance  for  loan  losses  is  also  subject  to regulatory
examinations and determinations as to adequacy, which may take into account such
factors  as  the methodology used to calculate the allowance for loan losses and
the  size  of  the  allowance  for loan losses compared to a group of peer banks
identified  by  the  regulators. During their routine examinations of banks, the
FDIC  and  the  North  Carolina Commissioner of Banks may require the Company to
recognize  additions to the allowance based on their judgments about information
available  to  them  at  the  time  of  their  examination.

     While it is the Bank's policy to charge off in the current period loans for
which a loss is considered probable, there are additional risks of future losses
which  cannot  be  quantified  precisely  or  attributed  to particular loans or
classes  of  loans.  Because  these  risks  include  the  state  of the economy,
management's  judgment  as  to  the  adequacy  of  the  allowance is necessarily
approximate  and imprecise.


     The  Company  grants  loans  and  extensions of credit primarily within the
Catawba  Valley  region of North Carolina, which encompasses Catawba, Alexander,
Iredell  and  Lincoln  counties.   Although  the  Bank  has  a  diversified loan
portfolio, a substantial portion of the loan portfolio is collateralized by real
estate,  which  is  dependent  upon  the  real  estate market.   Non-real estate
commercial  loans  also  can  be  affected  by  local  economic conditions.   At
December  31,  2001, approximately 8% of the Company's portfolio was not secured
by  any  type  of  collateral.   Unsecured loans generally involve higher credit
risk than secured loans and, in the event of customer default, the Company has a
higher  exposure  to  potential  loan  losses.

     Total non-performing loans were $4.4 million in 2001, $6.0 million in 2000
and  $3.5  million  in 1999. The ratio of net charge-offs to average total loans
was  0.48% in 2001, 0.29% in 2000 and 0.20% in 1999. The ratio of non-performing
loans  to  total loans was 0.90% at December 31, 2001, as compared to 1.45% and
1.04% at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively. The allowance for loan losses
totaled  $6.1 million, representing 1.24% of total loans outstanding at December
31, 2001. For December 31, 2000 and 1999, the allowance for loan losses amounted
to  $4.7 million, or 1.15% of total loans outstanding and $3.9 million, or 1.16%
of  total  loans  outstanding,  respectively.

Table  8  presents  an  analysis  of  the  allowance  for loan losses, including
charge-off  activity.


                                                 YEAR ENDED      YEAR ENDED      YEAR ENDED      YEAR ENDED      YEAR ENDED
                                                DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                              2001            2000            1999            1998            1997
RESERVE FOR LOAN LOSSES AT BEGINNING           $       4,713   $       3,924   $       4,137   $       4,375   $      3,745

Commercial, financial, and agriculture                   842             857             485             608              8
Real estate - mortgage                                   790              10              25               -              -
Real estate - construction                                51              36               -               -              -
Consumer                                                 675             255             195             138            131
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total loans charged off                        $       2,358   $       1,158   $         705   $         746   $        139
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Commercial, financial, and agriculture                    84              20              24              39             60
Real estate - mortgage                                     -               -               -               -              -
Real estate - construction                                 6               -               -               -              -
Consumer                                                 101              48              43              24             12
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total recoveries                               $         191   $          68   $          67   $          63   $         72
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net loans charged off                          $       2,167   $       1,090   $         638   $         683   $         67

Provision for loan losses                              3,545           1,879             425             445            697
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reserve for loan losses at end of year         $       6,091   $       4,713   $       3,924   $       4,137   $      4,375

Loans charged off net of recoveries, as
a percent of average loans outstanding                  0.48%           0.29%           0.20%           0.25%          0.03%

     Non-performing  assets,  comprised  of non-accrual loans, other real estate
owned  and  loans for which payments are more than 90 days past due totaled $4.7
million at December 31, 2001 compared to $6.1 million at December 31, 2000. This
decrease  is a result of the resolution of two large problem credits included in
non-performing  assets  at  December  31, 2000, which resulted in charge-offs of
$746,000  in  2001.

     It  is  the  general policy of the Company to stop accruing interest income
and  place  the recognition of interest on a cash basis when a loan is placed on
non-accrual  status  and  any  interest  previously accrued but not collected is
reversed  against  current  income.


A  summary  of  non-performing  assets  at  December  31  for  each of the years
presented  is  shown  in  table  9.


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YEAR                                                 2001     2000     1999     1998     1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nonaccrual loans                                    $3,756   $5,421   $2,866   $3,292   $3,075
Loans 90 days or more past due and still accruing      655      545      645      328      586
     Total non-performing loans                      4,411    5,966    3,511    3,620    3,661
 All other real estate owned                           256      112       44      545        -
     Total non-performing assets                    $4,667   $6,078   $3,555   $4,165   $3,661

Non-accrual loans                                     0.77%    1.32%    0.84%    1.09%    1.28%
Loans 90 days or more past due and still accruing     0.13%    0.13%    0.19%    0.11%    0.24%
Total non-performing assets                           0.95%    1.48%    1.05%    1.38%    1.52%

      At  December  31,  2001  the  Company had non-performing loans, defined as
non-accrual  and  accruing  loans past due more than 90 days, of $4.4 million or
0.90% of total loans.  Non-performing loans for 2000 were $6.0 million, or 1.45%
of total loans and $3.5 million, or 1.03% of total loans for 1999. Interest that
would  have  been recorded on non-accrual loans for the years ended December 31,
2001, 2000 and 1999, had they performed in accordance with their original terms,
amounted to approximately $695,000, $508,000 and $333,000 respectively. Interest
income  on  non-accrual  loans  included  in the results of operations for 2001,
2000,  and  1999  amounted  to  approximately  $22,000,  $94,000  and  $61,000,

     Management continually monitors the loan portfolio to ensure that all loans
potentially  having  a  material  adverse  impact  on  future operating results,
liquidity  or  capital resources have been classified as non-performing.  Should
economic  conditions  deteriorate,  the  inability  of  distressed  customers to
service  their  existing debt could cause higher levels of non-performing loans.

     The  Company  primarily  uses  deposits  to  fund  its  loan and investment
portfolios.  The Company offers a variety of deposit accounts to individuals and
businesses.  Deposit  accounts  include  checking,  savings,  money  market  and
certificates  of deposit. Certificates of deposit in amounts of $100,000 or more
totaled $156.0 million at December 31, 2001, $129.1 million and $89.3 million at
December  31,  2000  and 1999, respectively.  The majority of these deposits are
from  customers who reside or own businesses in the Bank's primary service area,
and  therefore,  are  believed by the Bank to be stable, and for all practicable
purposes,  no  more  rate  sensitive  than  core  deposits.

     As of December 31, 2001, total deposits were $490.2 million, an increase of
$40.1  million  or  9%  increase  over  the  December 31, 2000 balance of $450.1
million.  The  increase  in deposits is primarily attributable to growth in time
deposits  which  resulted  from  deposit  campaigns  throughout  2001.

Table 10 is a summary of the maturity distribution of certificates of deposit in
amounts  of  $100,000  or  more  as  of  December  31,  2001.



MATURITY PERIOD                          AMOUNT
Three months or less                    $ 39,855
Over three months through six months      59,869
Over six months through twelve months     46,257
Over twelve months                        10,053
    Total                               $156,034


     The  Company  has  access  to  various short-term borrowings, including the
purchase  of  Federal  Funds  and borrowing arrangements from the FHLB and other
financial  institutions.  At  December  31,  2001, FHLB borrowings totaled $68.2
million  compared  to  $21.4  million  at December 31, 2000 and $14.5 million at
December 31, 1999. Average FHLB borrowings for 2001 were $42.5 million, compared
to  average  balances of $15.8 million for 2000 and  $13.5 million for 1999. The
maximum  amount  of  outstanding  FHLB borrowings was $68.2 million in 2001, and
$21.4  in 2000 and $14.5 in 1999.  The FHLB advances outstanding at December 31,
2001  had  both fixed and adjustable interest rates ranging from 1.83% to 6.16%.
Approximately  $16.0  million  of  the FHLB advances outstanding mature prior to
December  31,  2002.  Additional information regarding FHLB advances is provided
in  note  7  to  the  consolidated  financial  statements.

     Demand  notes  payable  to  the  U.  S.  Treasury amounted to approximately
$118,000  at  December  31, 2001 and $1.6 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,

     In  December,  2001  the  Company  formed a wholly owned Delaware statutory
trust,  PEBK  Capital  Trust  I  ("PEBK  Trust"),  which  issued  $14 million of
guaranteed  preferred  beneficial interests in the Company's junior subordinated
deferrable  interest  debentures  that  qualify  as Tier I capital under Federal
Reserve  Board guidelines.  All of the common securities of PEBK Trust are owned
by the Company.  The proceeds from the issuance of the common securities and the
trust  preferred securities were used by PEBK Trust to purchase $14.4 million of
junior  subordinated debentures of the Company, which pay interest at a floating
rate  equal to prime plus 50 basis points.  The proceeds received by the Company
from  the  sale  of  the  junior  subordinated  debentures were used for general
purposes,  primarily  to  provide capital to the Bank.  The debentures represent
the  sole  asset  of  PEBK Trust.  The debentures and related earnings statement
effects  are  eliminated  in  the  Company's  financial  statements.

     The Trust Preferred Securities accrue and pay quarterly distributions based
on  the  liquidation value of $50,000 per capital security at a floating rate of
prime  plus 50 basis points.  The Company has guaranteed distributions and other
payments  due  on  the  Trust  Preferred Securities to the extent PEBK Trust has
funds  with which to make the distributions and other payments. The net combined
effect  of all the documents entered into in connection with the Trust Preferred
Securities  is  that  the  Company is liable to make the distributions and other
payments  required  on  the  Trust  Preferred  Securities.

     The  Trust Preferred Securities are mandatorily redeemable upon maturity of
the  debentures  on December 31, 2031, or upon earlier redemption as provided in
the  indenture.  The Company has the right to redeem the debentures purchased by
PEBK Trust, in whole or in part, on or after December 31, 2006.  As specified in
the  indenture, if the debentures are redeemed prior to maturity, the redemption
price  will  be  the  principal  amount  and  any  accrued  but unpaid interest.

     Shareholders'  equity  at  December  31, 2001 was $45.4 million compared to
$43.0 million and $38.0 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.  At
December  31,  2001,  unrealized  gains  and  losses  net  of  tax  in  the
available-for-sale  securities  portfolio  amounted  to  a loss of approximately
$922,000.  For  the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999, unrealized gains and
losses  net  of tax in the available-for-sale securities portfolio amounted to a
gain of approximately $4,000 and a loss of approximately $920,000, respectively.
Average  shareholders'  equity  as  a  percentage of total average assets is one
measure  used to determine capital strength.   Average shareholders' equity as a
percentage of total average assets was 8.25%, 9.13% and 9.43% for 2001, 2000 and
1999.   The  return  on  average  shareholders' equity was 9.65% at December 31,
2001  as  compared to 12.55% and 11.54% as of December 31, 2000 and December 31,
1999,  respectively.

     Under  regulatory  capital guidelines, financial institutions are currently
required to maintain a total risk-based capital ratio of 8.0% or greater, with a
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 4.0% or greater.  Tier 1 capital is generally
defined as shareholders' equity less all intangible assets and goodwill.  Tier 1
capital  at  December  31,  2001  includes  $14.0  million  in  trust  preferred
securities.  The Company's Tier I capital ratio was 11.14%, 10.11% and 10.99% at
December  31,  2001,  2000  and 1999, respectively.  Total risk based capital is
defined as Tier 1 capital plus supplementary capital.  Supplementary capital, or
Tier  2  capital,  consists  of  the  Company's  allowance  for loan losses, not
exceeding  1.25% of the Company's risk-weighted assets. Total risk-based capital
ratio  is  therefore  defined  as the ratio of total capital (Tier 1 capital and
Tier 2 capital) to risk-weighted assets.  The Company's total risk based capital
ratio  was  12.27%,  11.22%  and  12.11%  at  December  31, 2001, 2000 and 1999,
respectively.  In  addition  to  the  Tier  I  and  total  risk-based  capital
requirements, financial institutions are also required by the FDIC to maintain a
leverage  ratio  of  Tier  1 capital to total average assets of 4.0% or greater.
The  Company's  Tier  I  leverage  capital  ratio was 10.46%, 9.10% and 9.21% at
December  31,  2001,  2000  and  1999,  respectively.

     A  Bank is considered to be "well capitalized" if it has a total risk-based
capital ratio of 10.0 % or greater, a Tier I risk-based capital ratio of 6.0% or
greater,  and  has  a  leverage  ratio  of  5.0%  or  greater.  Based upon these
guidelines,  the  Bank  was  considered to be "well capitalized" at December 31,
2001,  2000  and  1999,  respectively.


The  Company's  key  equity  ratios  as  of December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 are
presented  in  Table  11:


                                 YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                   2001    2000    1999
Return on average assets           0.80%   1.15%   1.09%
Return on average equity           9.65%  12.55%  11.54%
Dividend payout ratio             28.14%  23.39%  23.84%
Average equity to average assets   8.25%   9.13%   9.43%

     Effective  August 31, 1999, the Bank completed the process of converting to
the  holding  company form of organization.  The Bank is now a subsidiary of the
Company,  a  one-bank  holding company, headquartered in Newton, North Carolina.

     As  a  result  of the reorganization, each share of the Bank's common stock
was  automatically  converted into one share of the Company's common stock.  The
Company  is  now the sole shareholder of the Bank.  The corporate reorganization
was  accounted  for  in  a  manner  similar  to  a  pooling  of  interest.

     The  Company's consolidated quarterly operating results for the years ended
December 31, 2001 and 2000 are presented in table 12.  The increase in provision
for  loan  losses  in  fourth  quarter 2001 reflects the charge off of two large
loans  during  fourth  quarter.


                                             2001                               2000
                            ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                                           (in thousands, except per share amounts)
                              First     Second  Third   Fourth    First     Second  Third   Fourth
                            ----------  ------  ------  ------  ----------  ------  ------  ------
Total interest income       $   10,935  10,849  10,568   9,546  $    9,077   9,838  10,754  11,190
Total interest expense           5,905   5,998   5,952   5,172       4,015   4,428   5,176   5,814
                            ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------

Net interest income              5,030   4,851   4,616   4,374       5,062   5,410   5,578   5,376

Provision for loan losses          429     453     760   1,903         256     523     640     460
Other income                     1,602   1,990   2,110   2,561         863   1,141     868   1,044
Other expense                    4,160   4,370   3,864   4,358       3,793   4,040   3,731   3,945
                            ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------

Income before income taxes       2,043   2,018   2,102     674       1,876   1,988   2,075   2,015
Income taxes                       672     668     716     206         606     646     689     635
                            ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------

Net earnings                $    1,371   1,350   1,386     468  $    1,270   1,342   1,386   1,380
                            ==================================  ==================================

Net earnings per share      $     0.42    0.42    0.43    0.15  $     0.39    0.42    0.43    0.43
                            ==================================  ==================================



     Market  risk  reflects  the  risk  of  economic loss resulting from adverse
changes in market prices and interest rates.  This risk of loss can be reflected
in  either  diminished  current  market values or reduced potential net interest
income  in  future  periods.

     The Company's market risk arises primarily from interest rate risk inherent
in  its  lending  and  deposit taking activities. The structure of the Company's
loan  and  deposit  portfolios  is such that a significant decline (increase) in
interest  rates  may  adversely  impact  net  market values and interest income.
Management  seeks  to  manage the risk through the utilization of its investment
securities  and off balance sheet derivative instruments. During the years ended
December  31,  2001, 2000 and 1999, the Company has used interest rate contracts
to  manage market risk.   During first quarter 2001, the Company entered into an
interest  rate  floor  contract  as  a means of managing its interest rate risk.
Interest  rate  floors  are  used  to  protect  certain designated variable rate
financial  instruments from the downward effects of their repricing in the event
of a decreasing rate environment.  The total cost of the interest rate floor was
$417,500  and it was not management's intention to use the floor as a fair value
or  cash  flow hedge, as defined in SFAS No. 133.  The Company sold the interest
rate floor contract during the quarter ended June 30, 2001.  For the years ended
December  31,  2001  the  Company  recognized  no  interest  expense  related to
derivative  financial  instruments.  The Company expensed $3,200 and $22,944 for
the  years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively, related to derivative
financial  instruments.  The  Company  had  no  off-balance  sheet  derivative
financial  instruments  at  December  31,  2001.

      Table  13  presents  in  tabular  form  the  contractual  balances and the
estimated fair value of the Company's on-balance sheet financial instruments and
the  notional amount and estimated fair value of the Company's off-balance sheet
derivative  instruments  at  their  expected maturity dates for the period ended
December  31,  2001.  The  expected  maturity categories take into consideration
historical  prepayment  experience as well as management's expectations based on
the  interest  rate  environment at December 31, 2001. For core deposits without
contractual  maturity (i.e. interest bearing checking, savings, and money market
accounts),  the  table  presents  principal  cash  flows  based  on management's
judgment  concerning  their  most  likely  runoff  or  repricing  behaviors.



                                        YEAR ENDED DECEMBER    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER
LOANS RECEIVABLE                             31, 2002               31, 2003               31, 2004
Fixed rate                             $             17,544   $             18,126   $             18,736
  Average interest rate                               11.58%                  8.48%                  7.96%
Variable rate                          $            129,765   $             48,511   $             35,072
  Average interest rate                                5.94%                  5.35%                  5.37%

Interest bearing cash                  $                214   $                  -   $                  -
  Average interest rate                                1.83%                     -                      -
Federal funds sold                     $              2,261   $                  -   $                  -
  Average interest rate                                2.18%                     -                      -
Securities available for sale          $              3,070   $              1,808   $              4,307
  Average interest rate                                7.91%                  4.89%                  6.42%
Nonmarketable equity securities        $                  -   $                  -   $                  -
  Average interest rate                                   -                      -                      -

Deposits                               $            273,321   $             24,328   $              4,491
  Average interest rate                                4.77%                  3.74%                  3.83%
Advances from FHLB                     $             16,000   $                214   $                  -
  Average interest rate                                1.88%                  5.86%                  0.00%
Demand Notes payable to U.S. Treasury  $                118   $                  -   $                  -
  Average interest rate                                1.43%                     -                      -

                                              YEARS ENDED
LOANS RECEIVABLE                        DECEMBER 31, 2005 & 2006    THEREAFTER    TOTAL    FAIR VALUE
Fixed rate                             $                  32,021   $    45,417   $131,844  $   135,532
  Average interest rate                                     8.01%         8.65%
Variable rate                          $                  50,728   $    94,688   $358,764  $   364,170
  Average interest rate                                     5.47%         5.54%

Interest bearing cash                  $                       -   $         -   $    214  $       214
  Average interest rate                                        -             -
Federal funds sold                     $                       -   $         -   $  2,261  $     2,261
  Average interest rate                                        -             -
Securities available for sale          $                   2,934   $    72,166   $ 84,286  $    84,286
  Average interest rate                                     6.02%         5.97%
Nonmarketable equity securities        $                       -   $     4,603   $  4,603  $     4,603
  Average interest rate                                        -             -

Deposits                               $                     779   $   187,305   $490,223  $   493,303
  Average interest rate                                     5.84%         0.76%
Advances from FHLB                     $                   5,000   $    47,000   $ 68,214  $    68,497
  Average interest rate                                     0.00%         4.58%
Demand Notes payable to U.S. Treasury  $                       -   $         -   $    118  $       118
  Average interest rate                                        -             -


                         AND RELATED SHAREHOLDER MATTERS

     Peoples Bancorp common stock is traded on the over-the-counter (OTC) market
and  quoted  on the Nasdaq National Market, under the symbol "PEBK".   Scott and
Stringfellow,  Inc.,  Ryan,  Beck & Co., and Trident Securities, Inc. are market
makers  for  the  Company's  shares.

     Although  the  payment  of  dividends  by the Company is subject to certain
requirements  and  limitations  of  North  Carolina  corporate  law, neither the
Commissioner nor the FDIC have promulgated any regulations specifically limiting
the  right  of the Company to pay dividends and repurchase shares.  However, the
ability  of  the Company to pay dividends and repurchase shares may be dependent
upon  the  Company's  receipt of dividends from the Bank.  The Bank's ability to
pay  dividends is limited.    North Carolina commercial banks, such as the Bank,
are  subject to legal limitations on the amounts of dividends they are permitted
to  pay.   Dividends  may  be paid by the Bank from undivided profits, which are
determined  by  deducting  and  charging  certain  items against actual profits,
including  any  contributions to surplus required by North Carolina law.   Also,
an  insured  depository institution, such as the Bank, is prohibited from making
capital distributions, including the payment of dividends, if, after making such
distribution,  the  institution would become "undercapitalized" (as such term is
defined in the applicable law and regulations).   Based on its current financial
condition,  the Bank does not expect that this provision will have any impact on
the  Bank's  ability  to  pay  dividends.

     As  of  March  1,  2002,  the  Company  had 670 shareholders of record, not
including  the  number  of persons or entities whose stock is held in nominee or
street name through various brokerage firms or banks.   The market price for the
Company's  common  stock  was  $15.85  on  March  1,  2002.

     Following  is  certain  market  and  dividend  information for the last two
fiscal  years.  Information  for  quarters  prior  to  the third quarter of 2000
relates  to  the  Bank's  common  stock.   Over-the-counter  quotations  reflect
inter-dealer prices, without retail mark-up, mark down or commission and may not
necessarily  represent  actual  transactions.

                 MARKET  AND  DIVIDEND  DATA

                                        CASH DIVIDEND
2001               LOW BID   HIGH BID   PER SHARE
   First Quarter   $ 13.000  $  16.000   $   0.10
   Second Quarter  $ 16.050  $  13.500   $   0.10

   Third Quarter   $ 16.000  $  20.000   $   0.10

   Fourth Quarter  $ 14.100  $  17.000   $   0.10

                                        CASH DIVIDEND
2000               LOW BID   HIGH BID   PER SHARE

   First Quarter   $ 11.591  $  13.636   $   0.09

   Second Quarter  $ 12.159  $  16.250   $   0.10

   Third Quarter   $ 12.000  $  13.625   $   0.10

   Fourth Quarter  $ 11.625  $  13.500   $   0.10



- ---------

- ----------------------------------
Chairman of the Board, Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. and Peoples Bank;
President,  Secretary  and  Treasurer,  Carolina  Glove  Company,  Inc.  (glove

- --------------------
President  and  Assistant Secretary, Midstate Contractors, Inc. (paving company)

- -----------------
President,  Eckard  Vending  Company,  Inc.  (vending  machine  servicer)

- ----------------------
Chairman  of  the  Board,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Treasurer;  Elmore
Construction  Company,  Inc.

- ------------------
President  and  Director,  Matthews  Construction  Company,  Inc.

- -------------------
President,  Murray's  Hatchery,  Inc.

- -------------------
President  and  Chief Executive Officer, Blue Ridge Distributing Co., Inc. (beer
and  wine  distributor)  &  President  and  Chief  Executive Officer, Associated
Brands,  Inc.  (beer  and  wine  distributor)

- ------------------------
Retired  (furniture  manufacturing  executive)

- -------------------------
President,  Timmerman  Manufacturing, Inc. (wrought iron furniture manufacturer)

- ---------------------
General Manager, Treasurer, Secretary and Member of the Board of Directors,
Alexander  Railroad  Company

- --------

- ---------------
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer

- ------------------------
Executive  Vice  President  and  Corporate  Secretary

- ------------------
Executive  Vice  President  and  Assistant  Corporate  Secretary

- ------------------
Executive  Vice  President  and  Assistant  Corporate  Treasurer

- -------------------
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Treasurer


                            Porter Keadle Moore, LLP


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders
Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc.
Newton, North Carolina:

We  have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Peoples Bancorp
of  North  Carolina,  Inc.  as  of  December  31, 2001 and 2000, and the related
consolidated  statements  of  earnings,  comprehensive  income,  changes  in
shareholders'  equity  and  cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended  December  31,  2001. These financial statements are the responsibility of
the  Company's  management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial  statements  based  on  our  audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in  the  United  States  of  America.  Those  standards require that we plan and
perform  the  audit  to  obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements  are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.  We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable  basis  for  our  opinion.

In  our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in  all material respects, the financial position of Peoples Bancorp of
North  Carolina, Inc. as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, and the results of their
operations  and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
December  31,  2001, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted
in  the  United  States  of  America.

                                               /s/  Porter Keadle Moore, LLP

Atlanta, Georgia
January 18, 2002

                          Certified Public Accountants
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Suite 1800 - 235 Peachtree Street NE - Atlanta, GA 30303 - Phone 404-588-4200
                                Fax 404-588-4222


                          PEOPLES BANCORP OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.

                                CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                 DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

                                                                     2001          2000
                                                                 -------------  -----------

Cash and due from banks, including reserve requirements
   of $2,246,000 and $4,739,000                                  $ 13,042,320    13,619,197
Federal funds sold                                                  2,261,000     5,020,000
                                                                 -------------  -----------

      Cash and cash equivalents                                    15,303,320    18,639,197

Investment securities available for sale                           84,286,037    71,564,844
Other investments                                                   4,602,773     2,398,873
Mortgage loans held for sale                                        5,338,931     1,563,700
Loans, net                                                        484,517,151   406,226,100
Premises and equipment, net                                        14,679,191    12,907,968
Cash surrender value of life insurance                              4,583,000             -
Accrued interest receivable and other assets                        6,194,301     5,701,105
                                                                 -------------  -----------

                                                                 $619,504,704   519,001,787
                                                                 =============  ===========

        Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

   Noninterest-bearing                                           $ 56,826,130    52,793,390
   Interest-bearing                                               433,397,059   397,279,952
                                                                 -------------  -----------

      Total deposits                                              490,223,189   450,073,342

Demand notes payable to U. S. Treasury                                117,987     1,600,000
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities                      1,548,139     2,932,284
Federal Home Loan Bank advances                                    68,214,286    21,357,142
Guaranteed preferred beneficial interests in Company's junior
   subordinated debentures (Trust Preferred Securities)            14,000,000             -
                                                                 -------------  -----------

      Total liabilities                                           574,103,601   475,962,768
                                                                 -------------  -----------


Shareholders' equity:
   Preferred stock, no par value; authorized 5,000,000 shares;
      no shares issued and outstanding                                      -             -
   Common stock, no par value; authorized 20,000,000 shares;
      3,218,714 shares issued and outstanding                      36,407,798    36,407,798
   Retained earnings                                                9,915,399     6,627,533
   Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                     (922,094)        3,688
                                                                 -------------  -----------

      Total shareholders' equity                                   45,401,103    43,039,019
                                                                 -------------  -----------

                                                                 $619,504,704   519,001,787
                                                                 =============  ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                              PEOPLES BANCORP OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.

                                CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS

                       FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                              2001           2000         1999
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------
Interest income:
   Interest and fees on loans                           $     36,512,395  36,423,973   28,375,391
   Interest on federal funds sold                                126,791     281,659      338,941
   Interest and dividends on securities:
      U. S. Treasuries                                                 -      16,572       50,221
      U. S. Government agencies                                3,918,551   2,977,459    2,297,645
      State and political subdivisions                           911,707     988,020      973,744
      Other                                                      428,157     171,600      266,097
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

      Total interest income                                   41,897,601  40,859,283   32,302,039
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

Interest expense:
   Deposits                                                   20,790,136  18,326,359   14,009,018
   Federal Home Loan Bank advances                             2,118,511     974,036      735,752
   Other                                                         117,849     131,705       45,501
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

      Total interest expense                                  23,026,496  19,432,100   14,790,271
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

      Net interest income                                     18,871,105  21,427,183   17,511,768

Provision for loan losses                                      3,545,322   1,879,100      425,000
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

   Net interest income after provision for loan losses        15,325,783  19,548,083   17,086,768
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

Other income:
   Service charges on deposit accounts                         2,805,492   1,588,390    1,326,810
   Other service charges and fees                                471,998     367,352      298,454
   Gain (loss) on sale of securities                           1,613,992    (483,472)     (34,824)
   Mortgage banking income                                     1,014,043     241,007      740,031
   Insurance and brokerage commissions                           348,582     168,557      129,786
   Miscellaneous                                               2,008,797   2,033,930      919,804
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

      Total other income                                       8,262,904   3,915,764    3,380,061
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

Other expenses:
   Salaries and employee benefits                              9,115,496   8,899,285    7,737,404
   Occupancy                                                   2,984,100   2,509,720    2,230,448
   Other operating                                             4,652,197   4,099,972    3,863,652
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

      Total other expenses                                    16,751,793  15,508,977   13,831,504
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

      Earnings before income taxes                             6,836,894   7,954,870    6,635,325

Income tax expense                                             2,261,542   2,576,400    2,093,380
                                                        ----------------  -----------  -----------

      Net earnings                                      $      4,575,352   5,378,470    4,541,945
                                                        ================  ===========  ===========

      Net earnings per share                            $           1.42        1.67         1.41
                                                        ================  ===========  ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                   PEOPLES BANCORP OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.


                             FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                Common Stock                          Other
                                           ------------------------   Retained    Comprehensive
                                             Shares       Amount      Earnings    Income (Loss)      Total
                                           ----------  ------------  -----------  --------------  -----------
Balance, December 31, 1998                 2,926,500   $31,730,372    3,735,171         458,592   35,924,135

Cash paid in lieu of fractional shares          (182)         (910)      (4,961)              -       (5,871)

Cash dividends declared ($0.34 per share)          -             -   (1,082,738)              -   (1,082,738)

Net earnings                                       -             -    4,541,945               -    4,541,945

Change in net unrealized gain (loss) on
   investment securities available for
   sale, net of tax                                -             -            -      (1,378,992)  (1,378,992)
                                           ----------  ------------  -----------  --------------  -----------

Balance, December 31, 1999                 2,926,318    31,729,462    7,189,417        (920,400)  37,998,479

10% stock dividend                           292,396     4,678,336   (4,678,336)              -            -

Cash paid in lieu of fractional shares             -             -       (3,775)              -       (3,775)

Cash dividends declared ($0.39 per share)          -             -   (1,258,243)              -   (1,258,243)

Net earnings                                       -             -    5,378,470               -    5,378,470

Change in net unrealized gain (loss) on
   investment securities available for
   sale, net of tax                                -             -            -         924,088      924,088
                                           ----------  ------------  -----------  --------------  -----------

Balance, December 31, 2000                 3,218,714    36,407,798    6,627,533           3,688   43,039,019

Cash dividends declared ($0.40 per share)          -             -   (1,287,486)              -   (1,287,486)

Net earnings                                       -             -    4,575,352               -    4,575,352

Change in net unrealized gain (loss) on
   investment securities available for
   sale, net of tax                                -             -            -        (925,782)    (925,782)
                                           ----------  ------------  -----------  --------------  -----------

Balance, December 31, 2001                 3,218,714   $36,407,798    9,915,399        (922,094)  45,401,103
                                           ==========  ============  ===========  ==============  ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 PEOPLES BANCORP OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.


                           FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                                         2001        2000        1999
                                                                     ------------  ---------  -----------
Net earnings                                                         $ 4,575,352   5,378,470   4,541,945
                                                                     ------------  ---------  -----------
Other comprehensive income, net of tax:
   Unrealized gains (losses) on investment
      securities available for sale                                       97,560   1,030,186  (2,293,615)
   Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses on
      sales of investment securities available for sale               (1,613,992)    483,472      34,824
                                                                     ------------  ---------  -----------

   Total other comprehensive income (loss),
      before income taxes                                             (1,516,432)  1,513,658  (2,258,791)
                                                                     ------------  ---------  -----------

Income tax expense (benefit) related to other comprehensive income:
   Unrealized holding gains (losses) on investment
      securities available for sale                                       38,000     401,258    (893,363)
   Reclassification adjustment for (gains) losses on
      sales of investment securities available for sale                 (628,650)    188,312      13,564
                                                                     ------------  ---------  -----------

   Total income tax expense (benefit) related to
      other comprehensive income                                        (590,650)    589,570    (879,799)
                                                                     ------------  ---------  -----------

   Total other comprehensive income (loss),
      net of tax                                                        (925,782)    924,088  (1,378,992)
                                                                     ------------  ---------  -----------

Total comprehensive income                                           $ 3,649,570   6,302,558   3,162,953
                                                                     ============  =========  ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                  PEOPLES BANCORP OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.

                                   CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                           FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                                     2001           2000          1999
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net earnings                                                  $   4,575,352     5,378,470     4,541,945
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
    cash provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation, amortization and accretion                      1,584,437     1,531,860     1,794,646
      Provision for loan losses                                     3,545,322     1,879,100       425,000
      Provision for deferred taxes                                   (532,329)     (246,511)      915,285
      Loss (gain) on sale of investment securities                 (1,613,992)      483,472        34,824
      Loss (gain) on sale of premises and equipment                         -      (598,308)       12,925
      Loss (gain) on sale of mortgage loans                           (37,152)      292,796       369,583
      Loss (gain) on sale of other real estate                         51,840        (9,226)       64,943
      Change in:
        Other assets                                                1,017,755    (1,090,782)   (1,006,947)
        Other liabilities                                          (1,384,145)    1,230,278      (797,420)
        Mortgage loans held for sale                               (3,738,079)     (171,024)    7,204,762
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------

              Net cash provided by operating activities             3,469,009     8,680,125    13,559,546
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchase of investment securities available for sale           (118,372,897)  (33,291,361)  (23,737,969)
  Proceeds from calls and maturities of investment securities
    available for sale                                             22,714,408     7,139,920    15,076,886
  Proceeds from sales of investment securities available
    for sale                                                       82,969,419    18,129,483     6,896,296
  Change in other investments                                      (2,203,900)   (1,053,773)      150,200
  Purchase of cash value life insurance                            (4,583,000)            -             -
  Net change in loans                                             (82,092,812)  (72,926,623)  (38,273,585)
  Purchases of premises and equipment                              (3,652,961)   (2,243,860)   (1,857,657)
  Proceeds from sale of premises and equipment                        645,429     1,916,505         4,500
  Construction in progress                                           (100,633)   (3,779,053)     (870,284)
  Improvements to other real estate                                         -             -      (241,951)
  Proceeds from sale of other real estate                              60,310        36,426       740,962
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------

              Net cash used by investing activities              (104,616,637)  (86,072,336)  (42,112,602)
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Net change in deposits                                           40,149,847    73,438,973    26,566,991
  Net change in demand notes payable to U. S. Treasury             (1,482,013)            -     1,460,765
  Proceeds from FHLB borrowings                                    51,000,000    18,000,000     1,000,000
  Payments of FHLB advances                                        (4,142,856)  (11,142,858)     (142,857)
  Proceeds from issuance of trust preferred securities             14,000,000             -             -
  Transaction costs associated with trust preferred securities       (425,741)            -             -
  Cash dividends                                                   (1,287,486)   (1,258,243)   (1,082,738)
  Cash paid in lieu of fractional shares                                    -        (3,775)       (5,871)
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------

              Net cash provided by financing activities            97,811,751    79,034,097    27,796,290
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------

Net change in cash and cash equivalents                            (3,335,877)    1,641,886      (756,766)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                     18,639,197    16,997,311    17,754,077
                                                                --------------  ------------  ------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                        $  15,303,320    18,639,197    16,997,311
                                                                ==============  ============  ============


                          PEOPLES BANCORP OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.


                   FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                                         2001         2000        1999
                                                     ------------  ----------  -----------
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
  Cash paid during the year for:
    Interest                                         $23,068,630   18,952,793  14,812,486
    Income taxes                                     $ 3,209,000    2,663,000   1,000,000

Noncash investing and financing activities:
  Change in net unrealized gain(loss) on investment
    securities available for sale, net of tax        $  (925,782)     924,088  (1,378,992)
  Transfer of loans to other real estate             $   256,439       95,000     123,451
  Financed sales of other real estate                $         -            -      60,000

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.





     Peoples  Bancorp  of  North  Carolina,  Inc.  (Bancorp) received regulatory
     approval  to operate as a bank holding company on July 22, 1999, and became
     effective  August  31,  1999. Bancorp is primarily regulated by the Federal
     Reserve  Bank, and serves as the one bank holding company for Peoples Bank.

     Peoples  Bank  (the  "Bank") commenced business in 1912 upon receipt of its
     banking  charter  from  the  North  Carolina  State Banking Commission (the
     "SBC").  The Bank is primarily regulated by the SBC and the Federal Deposit
     Insurance  Corporation  and  undergoes  periodic  examinations  by  these
     regulatory  agencies.  The  Bank,  whose  main  office  is in Newton, North
     Carolina, provides a full range of commercial and consumer banking services
     primarily  in  Catawba,  Alexander,  Lincoln  and Iredell counties in North

     Peoples Investment Services, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank,
     which  began  operations  in  1996 to provide investment and trust services
     through  agreements  with  an  outside  party.

     Real  Estate  Advisory  Services,  Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the
     Bank  which  began  operations in 1997 to provide real estate appraisal and
     property management services to individuals and commercial customers of the

     Principles  of  Consolidation
     The  consolidated  financial statements include the financial statements of
     Peoples  Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries,
     PEBK  Capital  Trust  I  and  Peoples  Bank,  along  with  its wholly owned
     subsidiaries,  Peoples  Investment  Services, Inc. and Real Estate Advisory
     Services,  Inc.  (collectively  called  the  "Company").  All  significant
     intercompany  balances  and  transactions  have  been  eliminated  in

     Basis  of  Presentation
     The  accounting  principles  followed  by  the  Company, and the methods of
     applying  these  principles,  conform  with accounting principles generally
     accepted  in  the  United  States  of  America  ("GAAP")  and  with general
     practices in the banking industry. In preparing the financial statements in
     conformity  with  GAAP,  management  is  required  to  make  estimates  and
     assumptions  that  affect the reported amounts in the financial statements.
     Actual  results  could  differ significantly from these estimates. Material
     estimates  common to the banking industry that are particularly susceptible
     to significant change in the near term include, but are not limited to, the
     determination of the allowance for loan losses and valuation of real estate
     acquired  in  connection  with  or  in  lieu  of  foreclosure  on  loans.

     Certain  amounts  in  the  2000  and  1999  financial  statements have been
     reclassified  to  conform  to the 2001 presentation. Such reclassifications
     had  no  effect  on  net  earnings  or  total  assets.

     Investment  Securities
     The  Company classifies its securities in one of three categories: trading,
     available  for sale, or held to maturity. Trading securities are bought and
     held principally for sale in the near term. Held to maturity securities are
     those  securities  for which the Company has the ability and intent to hold
     the  security  until maturity. All other securities not included in trading
     or  held  to maturity are classified as available for sale. At December 31,
     2001  and 2000, the Company had classified all of its investment securities
     as  available  for  sale.

     Available  for  sale  securities  are  recorded  at  fair value. Unrealized
     holding  gains  and  losses,  net  of the related tax effect, on securities
     available  for  sale  are  excluded  from  earnings  and  are reported as a
     separate  component  of  shareholders'  equity  until  realized.

     A  decline  in  the market value of any available for sale investment below
     cost  that  is  deemed  other  than  temporary  is  charged to earnings and
     establishes  a  new  cost  basis  for  the  security.

     Premiums  and  discounts  are  amortized  or  accreted over the life of the
     related  security  as an adjustment to the yield. Realized gains and losses
     for  securities  classified  as available for sale are included in earnings
     and  are  derived  using the specific identification method for determining
     the  cost  of  securities  sold.





     Other  Investments
     Other  investments  include  equity securities with no readily determinable
     fair  value.  These  investments  are  carried  at  cost.

     Mortgage  Loans  Held  for  Sale
     Mortgage  loans held for sale are carried at the lower of aggregate cost or
     market  value.  At  December  31, 2001 and 2000, the cost of mortgage loans
     held  for  sale  approximates  the  market  value.

     Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses
     Loans  are stated at principal amount outstanding, net of the allowance for
     loan  losses.  Interest on loans is calculated by using the simple interest
     method  on  daily  balances  of  the  principal  amount  outstanding.

     Impaired  loans  are measured based on the present value of expected future
     cash  flows,  discounted  at  the loan's effective interest rate, or at the
     loan's  observable market price, or the fair value of the collateral if the
     loan  is  collateral  dependent.  A loan is impaired when, based on current
     information  and  events,  it is probable that all amounts due according to
     the  contractual  terms  of  the  loan  will  not  be  collected.

     Accrual  of  interest  is  discontinued on a loan when management believes,
     after  considering  economic  conditions  and  collection efforts, that the
     borrower's  financial  condition  is  such  that  collection of interest is
     doubtful. Interest previously accrued but not collected is reversed against
     current  period  earnings  when such loans are placed on nonaccrual status.

     The  allowance  for loan losses is established through a provision for loan
     losses  charged  to  earnings.  Loans are charged against the allowance for
     loan  losses  when  management  believes  that  the  collectibility  of the
     principal  is  unlikely.  The  allowance  represents  an  amount, which, in
     management's  judgment,  will  be  adequate  to  absorb  probable losses on
     existing  loans  that  may  become  uncollectible.

     Management's judgment in determining the adequacy of the allowance is based
     on  evaluations of the collectibility of loans. These evaluations take into
     consideration  such factors as changes in the nature and volume of the loan
     portfolio,  current  economic  conditions  that  may  affect the borrower's
     ability  to  pay, overall portfolio quality, and review of specific problem
     loans.  In  determining  the  adequacy  of  the  allowance for loan losses,
     management uses a loan grading system that rates individual loans into nine
     risk  classifications.  These  risk  categories are assigned allocations of
     loss  based  on  management's estimate of potential loss which is generally
     based  on  an  analysis  of  historical  loss  experience, current economic
     conditions, performance trends, and discounted collateral deficiencies. The
     combination  of these results is compared monthly to the recorded allowance
     for  loan  losses  and  material  differences are adjusted by increasing or
     decreasing  the  provision  for loan losses. Management uses an independent
     external loan reviewer to challenge and corroborate the loan grading system
     and  provide  additional  analysis  in  determining  the  adequacy  of  the
     allowance  for  loan losses and the future provisions for estimated losses.

     While  management  uses available information to recognize losses on loans,
     future  additions  to  the  allowance  may be necessary based on changes in
     economic  conditions.  In  addition,  various  regulatory  agencies,  as an
     integral  part of their examination process, periodically review the Bank's
     allowance  for loan losses. Such agencies may require the Bank to recognize
     additions  to  the  allowance  based  on  judgments different than those of

     Mortgage  Banking  Activities
     Mortgage  banking  income  represents  net  gains from the sale of mortgage
     loans  and  fees  received from borrowers and loan investors related to the
     Company's  origination  of  single-family  residential  mortgage  loans.





     Mortgage  Banking  Activities,  continued
     Mortgage  servicing  rights represent the unamortized cost of purchased and
     originated  contractual  rights to service mortgages for others in exchange
     for  a  servicing  fee.  Mortgage  servicing  rights are amortized over the
     period  of estimated net servicing income and are periodically adjusted for
     actual prepayments of the underlying mortgage loans. The Company recognized
     servicing  assets  of  approximately  $61,000, $172,000 and $610,000 during
     2001,  2000  and  1999, respectively, and amortized approximately $196,000,
     $220,000  and  $212,000  during  2001,  2000  and  1999,  respectively.

     Mortgage  loans  serviced  for  others are not included in the accompanying
     balance  sheets.  The  unpaid principal balances of mortgage loans serviced
     for  others  was  approximately $79,128,000 and $97,899,000 at December 31,
     2001  and  2000,  respectively.

     Premises  and  Equipment
     Premises  and  equipment  are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
     Depreciation  is computed primarily using the straight-line method over the
     estimated  useful lives of the assets. When assets are retired or otherwise
     disposed of, the cost and related accumulated depreciation are removed from
     the accounts, and any gain or loss is reflected in earnings for the period.
     The  cost  of  maintenance  and  repairs which do not improve or extend the
     useful  life  of  the  respective  asset  is charged to income as incurred,
     whereas significant renewals and improvements are capitalized. The range of
     estimated useful lives for premises and equipment are generally as follows:

          Buildings and improvements                10 - 50  years
          Furniture and equipment                    3 - 10  years

     Income  Taxes
     Deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities  are  recognized for the future tax
     consequences  attributable  to  differences between the financial statement
     carrying  amounts  of  existing assets and liabilities and their respective
     tax  bases.  Additionally,  the recognition of future tax benefits, such as
     net  operating  loss  carryforwards,  is  required  to  the  extent  that
     realization  of  such benefits is more likely than not. Deferred tax assets
     and  liabilities  are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to
     taxable  income  in  the  years  in  which  the  assets and liabilities are
     expected  to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and
     liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income tax expense in
     the  period  that  includes  the  enactment  date.

     In  the  event  the  future  tax  consequences  of  differences between the
     financial  reporting  bases  and  the tax bases of the Company's assets and
     liabilities  results  in  deferred  tax  assets,  an  evaluation  of  the
     probability  of being able to realize the future benefits indicated by such
     asset is required. A valuation allowance is provided for the portion of the
     deferred tax asset when it is more likely than not that some portion or all
     of  the  deferred  tax  asset  will  not  be  realized.  In  assessing  the
     realizability  of  the  deferred  tax  assets,  management  considers  the
     scheduled  reversals  of deferred tax liabilities, projected future taxable
     income,  and  tax  planning  strategies.

     Intangible  Assets
     Deposit  base  premiums,  representing  the cost of acquiring deposits from
     other  financial  institutions,  are being amortized by charges to earnings
     over  seven  years  using the straight-line method. Amortization of deposit
     base  premiums  was  approximately  $174,000  for  2001,  2000,  and  1999.

     Derivative  Financial  Instruments
     To  manage  interest  rate  risk,  the Company uses purchased interest rate
     floors  and  caps. Interest rate floors and caps are agreements whereby the
     Bank  obtains  the  right  receive  interest payments when an interest rate
     moves  above  or  below  a  specified  floor  or cap rate. The net interest
     payable  or  receivable  on floors and caps is accrued and recognized as an
     adjustment  to  interest income or interest expense of the related asset or
     liability.  The  derivative  instrument  is  recorded at fair value and the
     accounting for the changes in the fair value of the instrument depends upon
     its intended use at inception. The change in fair value of instruments used
     as  fair  value  hedges  is  accounted  for  in  the earnings of the period
     simultaneous  with  accounting  for the fair value change of the item being
     hedged.  The  change  in  fair  value of the effective portion of cash flow
     hedges  is accounted for as a component of comprehensive income rather than
     earnings.  The  change in fair value of derivative instruments that are not
     intended  as  a hedge is accounted for in the earnings of the period of the





     Net  Earnings  Per  Share
     Net  earnings  per  share is based on the weighted average number of common
     shares  outstanding during the period while the effects of potential common
     shares  outstanding  during the period are included in diluted earnings per
     share.  The  average  market  price  during  the  year  is  used to compute
     equivalent  shares.  For  the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999,
     net earnings per share equaled diluted earnings per share, as the potential
     common  shares  outstanding  during  the  period  had  no  effect  on  the
     computation.  Net earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2001,
     2000  and 1999 are computed based on weighted average shares outstanding of

     During  1999, the Company declared a 3 for 2 stock split. Additionally, the
     Company  declared  and distributed a 10% stock dividend to its shareholders
     in  April,  2000.  All  previously  reported  per  share  amounts have been
     restated  to  reflect  the  stock  split  and  stock  dividend.

     Recent Accounting Pronouncements
     Statement  of  Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 140, "Accounting
     for  Transfers  and  Servicing  of  Financial Assets and Extinguishments of
     Liabilities  -  a replacement of SFAS No. 125", was effective for transfers
     and  servicing  of  financial assets occurring after March 31, 2001 and was
     effective  for  disclosures  relating  to  securitization  transactions and
     collateral  for  fiscal  years  ending  after  December  15,  2000.  The
     implementation  of  SFAS  No.  140  did  not  have a material impact on the
     Company's  financial  position,  results  of  operations  or  liquidity.

     On  July 20, 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
     SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations" and SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other
     Intangible  Assets".  SFAS  No.  141 is effective for business combinations
     initiated  after  June  30,  2001  and  requires  all business combinations
     completed  after its adoption to be accounted for under the purchase method
     of  accounting  and  establishes  specific  criteria for the recognition of
     intangible  assets separately from goodwill. SFAS No. 142 will be effective
     for  the  Company  on  January  1,  2002  and  addresses the accounting for
     goodwill  and  intangible  assets  subsequent to their initial recognition.
     Upon  adoption of SFAS No. 142, goodwill and some intangible assets will no
     longer  be  amortized  and will be tested for impairment at least annually.
     The  Company believes the adoption of SFAS No. 142 will not have a material
     impact  on  its  financial  position,  results  of operations or liquidity.

     Effective August 31, 1999, Peoples Bank completed the process of converting
     to  a holding company form of operation. Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina,
     Inc.  has  become  the parent of Peoples Bank. Bancorp is a North Carolina,
     one-bank  holding  company,  headquartered  in  Newton,  North  Carolina.

     Peoples  Bank's shareholders approved the holding company reorganization at
     the  Bank's  annual  meeting  held  in  May,  1999. Regulatory approval was
     received  on  July  22,  1999. The holding company conversion was completed
     successfully  on August 31, 1999. As a result of the conversion, each share
     of  Bank  $5 par value common stock was converted into one share of Bancorp
     no  par  value  stock,  and  the Bank's common stock and additional paid-in
     capital accounts were combined into Bancorp's common stock account. Certain
     shareholders  representing  182  shares were paid cash of $5,871 in lieu of
     the  issuance  of fractional shares. Bancorp is now the sole shareholder of
     the  Bank.

     Investment  securities available for sale at December 31, 2001 and 2000 are
     as  follows:

                                                 December 31, 2001
                                                 Gross       Gross     Estimated
                                   Amortized   Unrealized  Unrealized     Fair
                                     Cost        Gains       Losses      Value
                                  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Mortgage-backed securities        $64,862,499      99,308   1,579,620  63,382,187
State and political subdivisions   16,433,929     242,972     273,051  16,403,850
Trust preferred securities          4,500,000           -           -   4,500,000
                                  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Total                             $85,796,428     342,280   1,852,671  84,286,037
                                  ===========  ==========  ==========  ==========





                                                 December 31, 2000
                                                 Gross       Gross     Estimated
                                   Amortized   Unrealized  Unrealized     Fair
                                     Cost        Gains       Losses      Value
                                  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
U.S. Government agencies          $24,997,100     185,280      63,334  25,119,046
Mortgage-backed securities         24,396,834     141,760     320,829  24,217,765
State and political subdivisions   22,164,868     190,651     127,486  22,228,033
                                  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Total                             $71,558,802     517,691     511,649  71,564,844
                                  ===========  ==========  ==========  ==========

     The  amortized  cost  and fair value of investment securities available for
     sale  at  December  31,  2001,  by  contractual  maturity, are shown below.
     Expected  maturities  will  differ  from  contractual  maturities  because
     borrowers have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call
     or  prepayment  penalties.

                                        Amortized   Estimated
                                           Cost     Fair Value
                                       -----------  ----------
Due within one year                    $ 3,960,963   3,995,251
Due from one to five years               4,624,279   4,775,590
Due from five to ten years               3,512,815   3,539,473
Due after ten years                      8,835,872   8,593,536
Mortgage-backed securities              64,862,499  63,382,187
                                       -----------  ----------

                                       $85,796,428  84,286,037
                                       ===========  ==========

     Proceeds from sales of securities available for sale during 2001, 2000, and
     1999  were  $82,969,419,  $18,129,483  and  $6,896,296, respectively. Gross
     gains of $1,626,583 and $39,788 for 2001 and 1999, respectively, along with
     gross  losses  of  $12,591,  $483,472  and $74,612 for 2001, 2000 and 1999,
     respectively,  were  realized  on  those  sales.

     Securities  with  a  carrying  value  of  approximately  $27,210,000  and
     $26,022,000  at  December  31, 2001 and 2000, respectively, were pledged to
     secure  public  deposits  and  for  other  purposes  as  required  by  law.

(4)  LOANS
     Major classifications of loans at December 31, 2001 and 2000 are summarized
     as  follows:

                                    2001         2000
                                ------------  -----------
Commercial                      $102,409,403   96,881,936
Real estate - mortgage           277,737,352  229,260,731
Real estate - construction        82,790,441   58,938,765
Consumer                          27,670,525   25,857,895
                                ------------  -----------
      Total loans                490,607,721  410,939,327
Less allowance for loan losses     6,090,570    4,713,227
                                ------------  -----------

Total net loans                 $484,517,151  406,226,100
                                ============  ===========

     The  Company  grants  loans  and  extensions of credit primarily within the
     Catawba  Valley  region  of  North  Carolina  which encompasses Catawba and
     Alexander  counties  and  portions  of  Iredell  and  Lincoln  counties.





     At  December  31,  2001  and  2000,  the  Company  had  nonaccrual  loans
     approximating  $3,756,000  and  $5,421,000,  respectively. In addition, the
     Company had approximately $655,000 and $545,000 in loans past due more than
     ninety  days  and  still  accruing  interest at December 31, 2001 and 2000,
     respectively.  Interest  income that would have been recorded on nonaccrual
     loans  for  the  years  ended  December  31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, had they
     performed  in  accordance  with  their  original  terms,  amounted  to
     approximately  $695,000,  $508,000  and  $333,000,  respectively.  Interest
     income  on nonaccrual loans included in the results of operations for 2001,
     2000  and  1999  amounted  to  approximately  $22,000, $94,000 and $61,000,

     At  December  31, 2001 and 2000, the recorded investment in loans that were
     considered  to  be impaired under SFAS No. 114 was approximately $4,408,909
     and $5,966,000, respectively, of which approximately $3,756,000 at December
     31, 2001 and $5,421,000 at December 31, 2000 was on nonaccrual. The related
     allowance  for  loan  losses  on these loans was approximately $699,000 and
     $925,000  at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The average recorded
     investment  in impaired loans for the twelve months ended December 31, 2001
     and 2000 was approximately $5,743,000 and $3,673,000, respectively. For the
     years  ended  December  31,  2001,  2000,  and 1999, the Company recognized
     approximately  $38,000,  $94,000  and  $61,000,  respectively,  of interest
     income  on  impaired  loans.

     Changes  in  the  allowance  for  loan  losses  were  as  follows:

                                                        2001         2000         1999
                                                   -------------  -----------  ----------
Balance at beginning of year                        $ 4,713,227    3,924,348   4,136,690
Amounts charged off                                  (2,358,320)  (1,158,381)   (705,277)
Recoveries on amounts previously charged off            190,341       68,160      67,935
Provision for loan losses                             3,545,322    1,879,100     425,000
                                                    ------------  -----------  ----------

Balance at end of year                              $ 6,090,570    4,713,227   3,924,348
                                                    ============  ===========  ==========

     Major classifications of premises and equipment are summarized as follows:

                                        2001         2000
                                    ------------  ----------

Land                                 $ 2,844,746   3,300,561
Buildings and improvements             9,847,402   3,990,234
Furniture and equipment                9,427,871   7,278,731
                                     -----------  ----------

                                      22,120,019  14,569,526
Less accumulated depreciation          7,541,460   6,310,895
                                     -----------  ----------

                                      14,578,559   8,258,631
Construction in progress                 100,632   4,649,337
                                     -----------  ----------

                                     $14,679,191  12,907,968
                                     ===========  ==========

     Depreciation  expense  was  approximately  $1,337,000,  $1,139,000  and
     $1,175,000,  for  the  years  ended  December  31,  2001,  2000,  and 1999,





     The  aggregate  amount of time deposit accounts with a minimum denomination
     of  $100,000  was  $156,034,091  and  $129,111,812 at December 31, 2001 and
     2000,  respectively.

     At  December  31,  2001,  the  scheduled maturities of time deposits are as

          2002                               $259,481,261
          2003                                 23,053,831
          2004                                  4,490,824
          2005                                    554,826
          2006 and thereafter                     224,449



     The Bank has advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank ("FHLB") with monthly
     interest payments at various maturity dates and interest rates ranging from
     1.83%  to  6.16% at December 31, 2001. The FHLB advances are collateralized
     by  a  blanket  assignment  on  all  residential  first  mortgage loans and
     commercial  real  estate  loans  that  the  Bank  owns.

     Advances  from the FHLB outstanding at December 31, 2001 mature as follows:

          2002                      $16,000,000
          2003                          214,286
          2005                        5,000,000
          2010                       12,000,000
          2011                       35,000,000


     These  borrowings  are  extended  to  the Bank under an extension of credit
     equal  to  20% of the Bank's total assets. The Bank is required to purchase
     and  hold certain amounts of FHLB stock in order to obtain FHLB borrowings.
     No  ready  market  exists  for  the FHLB stock, and it has no quoted market
     value.  The  stock  is  redeemable  at  $100  per  share subject to certain
     limitations  set  by the FHLB. At December 31, 2001 and 2000 the Bank owned
     FHLB  stock  amounting  to  $3,410,800  and  $1,206,900,  respectively.

     In  December,  2001  the  Company  formed a wholly owned Delaware statutory
     trust,  PEBK  Capital  Trust  I ("PEBK Trust"), which issued $14 million of
     guaranteed  preferred  beneficial  interests  in  the  Company's  junior
     subordinated  deferrable interest debentures that qualify as Tier I capital
     under  Federal  Reserve  Board  guidelines. All of the common securities of
     PEBK  Trust are owned by the Company. The proceeds from the issuance of the
     common  securities  and  the  trust  preferred securities were used by PEBK
     Trust  to  purchase  $14.4 million of junior subordinated debentures of the
     Company, which pay interest at a floating rate equal to prime plus 50 basis
     points.  The  proceeds  received by the Company from the sale of the junior
     subordinated  debentures  were  used  for  general  purposes,  primarily to
     provide  capital  to  the  Bank. The debentures represent the sole asset of
     PEBK  Trust.  The  debentures  and  related  earnings statement effects are
     eliminated  in  the  Company's  financial  statements.

     The Trust Preferred Securities accrue and pay quarterly distributions based
     on the liquidation value of $50,000 per capital security at a floating rate
     of prime plus 50 basis points. The Company has guaranteed distributions and
     other  payments  due  on  the Trust Preferred Securities to the extent PEBK
     Trust  has  funds  with which to make the distributions and other payments.
     The  net  combined  effect  of all the documents entered into in connection
     with  the  Trust Preferred Securities is that the Company is liable to make
     the  distributions  and  other  payments  required  on  the Trust Preferred




     The  Trust Preferred Securities are mandatorily redeemable upon maturity of
     the debentures on December 31, 2031, or upon earlier redemption as provided
     in  the  indenture.  The  Company  has  the  right to redeem the debentures
     purchased  by  PEBK  Trust,  in  whole or in part, on or after December 31,
     2006.  As  specified in the indenture, if the debentures are redeemed prior
     to  maturity,  the  redemption  price  will be the principal amount and any
     accrued  but  unpaid  interest.

     The provision for income taxes is summarized as follows:

                                           2001         2000       1999
                                        -----------  ----------  ---------
Current                                 $2,793,871   2,822,911   1,178,095
Deferred                                  (532,329)   (246,511)    915,285
                                        -----------  ----------  ---------

                                        $2,261,542   2,576,400   2,093,380
                                        ===========  ==========  =========

The  differences  between the provision for income taxes and the amount computed
by  applying  the  statutory  federal  income tax rate to earnings before income
taxes  are  as  follows:

                                              2001         2000        1999
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------
Pre-tax income at statutory rates (34%)    $2,324,544   2,704,656   2,256,010
Tax exempt interest income                   (331,035)   (354,948)   (343,143)
Nondeductible interest and other expense       56,330      64,717      54,805
Other, net                                    (16,444)    (22,229)     30,642
State taxes, net of federal benefit           228,147     184,204      95,066
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------

                                           $2,261,542   2,576,400   2,093,380
                                           ===========  ==========  ==========

The following summarizes the tax effects of temporary differences that give rise
to significant portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities.
The  net  deferred  tax  asset  is  included  as  a component of other assets at
December  31,  2001  and  2000.

                                                         2001       2000
                                                      ----------  ---------
Deferred tax assets:
   Allowance for loan losses                          $1,938,983  1,341,505
   Amortizable intangible assets                         262,652    228,305
   Accrued retirement expense                             92,520    103,599
   Accrued contingent liabilities                          9,639     83,644
   Foreclosed real estate                                 16,193     24,669
   Income from non-accrual loans                         254,247    250,330
   Unrealized loss on available for sale securities      588,296          -
   Other                                                  24,520      9,076
                                                      ----------  ---------
       Total gross deferred tax assets                 3,187,050  2,041,128
                                                      ----------  ---------
Deferred tax liabilities:
   Unrealized gain on available for sale securities            -      2,354
   Deferred loan fees                                  1,225,178  1,187,215
   Premises and equipment                                133,467    150,744
   Deferred income from servicing rights                 378,386    349,278
   Other                                                       -     24,497
                                                      ----------  ---------
      Total gross deferred tax liabilities             1,737,031  1,714,088
                                                      ----------  ---------
      Net deferred tax asset                          $1,450,019    327,040
                                                      ==========  =========




     The  Company  conducts  transactions  with  its  directors  and  executive
     officers,  including  companies in which they have beneficial interests, in
     the  normal  course  of business. It is the policy of the Company that loan
     transactions  with directors and officers be made on substantially the same
     terms  as  those  prevailing at the time made for comparable loans to other
     persons. The following is a summary of activity for related party loans for

     Beginning balance     $     13,088,000
     New loans                    4,375,000
     Repayments                  (3,681,000)

     Ending balance       $      13,782,000

     At  December  31, 2001 and 2000, the Company had deposit relationships with
     related  parties of approximately $11,955,000 and $8,800,000, respectively.

     The  Company  also  enters  into  contracts  from time to time with certain
     directors  for  the  construction of bank facilities. At December 31, 2001,
     the  Company  had  outstanding  construction contracts with these directors
     amounting  to  approximately $1,100,000. During the year ended December 31,
     2001,  2000  and 1999, total construction costs for bank facilities paid to
     directors  was  approximately  $1,435,000,  $2,915,000  and  $374,000,

     The  Company  leases  various  office  space  for  banking  and operational
     facilities  under  operating  lease  arrangements.  Future  minimum  lease
     payments  required  for  all  operating  leases  having a remaining term in
     excess  of  one  year  at  December  31,  2001  are  as  follows:

     Year                        Amount
     ----                        ------

     2002                      $  328,908
     2003                         330,908
     2004                         340,908
     2005                         340,908
     2006                         191,873
     Thereafter                 1,155,750

     Total minimum obligation  $2,689,255

     Total  rent  expense was approximately $351,000, $361,000 and $262,000, for
     2001,  2000,  and  1999,  respectively.

     The Company is a party to financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk
     in  the  normal  course  of  business  to  meet  the financing needs of its
     customers.  These  financial  instruments  include  commitments  to  extend
     credit,  standby  letters  of  credit  and  financial  guarantees.  Those
     instruments  involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit risk in excess
     of  the  amount  recognized  in  the balance sheet. The contract amounts of
     those  instruments  reflect  the  extent  of involvement the Company has in
     particular  classes  of  financial  instruments.

     The  exposure  to  credit  loss in the event of nonperformance by the other
     party  to  the  financial  instrument  for commitments to extend credit and
     standby  letters  of credit and financial guarantees written is represented
     by  the  contractual amount of those instruments. The Company uses the same
     credit  policies  in  making  commitments and conditional obligations as it
     does  for  on-balance-sheet  instruments.




     In  most  cases,  the  Company does require collateral or other security to
     support  financial  instruments  with  credit  risk.

                                         Contractual Amount
                                          2001         2000
                                      ------------  ----------
Financial instruments whose contract
    amounts represent credit risk:
Commitments to extend credit          $ 91,822,000  89,407,000
Standby letters of credit             $  1,667,000   2,208,000

     Commitments  to  extend credit are agreements to lend to a customer as long
     as  there  is  no  violation  of any condition established in the contract.
     Commitments  generally  have  fixed  expiration  dates or other termination
     clauses and may require payment of a fee. Since many of the commitments may
     expire  without  being  drawn  upon,  the  total  commitment amounts do not
     necessarily  represent future cash requirements. The Company evaluates each
     customer's  creditworthiness  on  a  case-by-case  basis.  The  amount  of
     collateral  obtained, if deemed necessary by the Company, upon extension of
     credit  is  based on management's credit evaluation. Collateral held varies
     but  may  include  unimproved  and  improved  real  estate, certificates of
     deposit,  or  personal  property.

     Standby  letters of credit and financial guarantees written are conditional
     commitments  issued  by  the  Company  to  guarantee  the  performance of a
     customer  to  a  third  party.  Those  guarantees  are  primarily issued to
     businesses in the Company's delineated trade area. The credit risk involved
     in  issuing  letters  of credit is essentially the same as that involved in
     extending  loan  facilities  to  customers.  The Company holds real estate,
     equipment, automobiles and customer deposits as collateral supporting those
     commitments  for  which  collateral  is  deemed  necessary.

     In the normal course of business, the Company is a party (both as plaintiff
     and  defendant)  to  a number of lawsuits. In the opinion of management and
     counsel,  none  of these cases should have a material adverse effect on the
     financial  position  of  the  Bank  or  the  Company.

     The Company has $16,500,000 available for the purchase of overnight federal
     funds  from  three  correspondent  financial  institutions.

     The  Company  has  a  profit  sharing  and  401(k)  plan for the benefit of
     substantially  all  employees  subject  to  certain minimum age and service
     requirements.  Under  this plan, the Company matches employee contributions
     to  a  maximum  of  five  percent  of  annual  compensation.  The Company's
     contribution  pursuant to this formula was approximately $318,000, $249,000
     and  $163,000,  for  the  years  of 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively. The
     Board  of  Directors  elected  not  to make a discretionary contribution in
     2001,  2000,  or  1999.  Investments  of  the  plan  are  determined by the
     compensation  committee consisting of selected outside directors and senior
     executive  officers.  No investments in Company stock have been made by the
     plan.  The  vesting  schedule for the plan begins at 20 percent after three
     years  of  employment and graduates 20 percent each year until reaching 100
     percent  after  seven  years  of  employment.

     During  December, 2001, the Company initiated a postretirement benefit plan
     to  provide  retirement benefits to key officers and its Board of Directors
     and to provide death benefits for their designated beneficiaries. Under the
     plan,  the  Company  purchased life insurance contracts on the lives of the
     key officers and each director. The increase in cash surrender value of the
     contracts,  less  the  Company's  cost  of funds, constitutes the Company's
     contribution to the plan each year. Plan participants are to be paid annual
     benefits  for  a  specified  number of years commencing upon retirement. At
     December  31, 2001, the cash surrender value of the insurance contracts was
     approximately  $4,583,000.  The  Company  incurred  no expense for benefits
     relating  to  this  plan  during  2001.




     The  Company  is  currently  paying  medical  benefits  for certain retired
     employees.  Postretirement  benefits,  including  amortization  of  the
     transition obligation, were approximately $33,484, $30,680 and $28,830, for
     the  years  ended  December  31,  2001,  2000,  and 1999, respectively. The
     following  table  sets  forth  the  accumulated  postretirement  benefit
     obligation as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, which represents the liability
     for  accrued  postretirement  benefit  costs:

                                                  2001       2000
                                                ---------  --------
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation   $213,536   194,598
Unrecognized transition obligation               (17,407)  (34,819)
Unrecognized gain (loss)                         (38,048)  (16,024)
                                                ---------  --------

Net liability recognized                        $158,081   143,755
                                                =========  ========

     Effective  May 13, 1999, the Company adopted an Omnibus Stock Ownership and
     Long  Term  Incentive Plan (the "Plan") whereby certain stock-based rights,
     such  as  stock  options,  restricted  stock,  performance  units,  stock
     appreciation  rights,  or  book  value  shares,  may be granted to eligible
     directors  and  employees.  A  total  of  321,860  shares were reserved for
     possible  issuance  under  this Plan. All rights must be granted or awarded
     within  ten  years  from  the  effective  date.

     Under  the Plan, the Company awarded 5,365 book value shares to each of its
     ten  directors  with  vesting  for  nine  of the directors over a five year
     period,  effective  September  28,  1999,  and  immediate  vesting  for one
     director. Any recipient of book value shares has no rights as a shareholder
     with respect to the book value shares. The intitial value of the book value
     shares  awarded  during  1999  was  determined  to be $11.45 per share. The
     Company  recorded  an  expense of approximately $43,000, $33,000 and $3,000
     associated  with  the benefits of this plan in the years ended December 31,
     2001,  2000  and  1999,  respectively.

     Also under the Plan, the Company granted incentive stock options to certain
     eligible employees in order that they may purchase Company stock at a price
     equal  to  the  fair  market  value  on  the date of the grant. The options
     granted  in  1999 vest over a five year period. Options granted in 2001 and
     2000  vest  over a three year period. All options expire after ten years. A
     summary  of  the  activity  in  the  Plan  is  presented  below:

                                         2001                   2000                    1999
                                ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------
                                            Weighted               Weighted               Weighted
                                            Average                Average                Average
                                            Option                 Option                 Option
                                             Price                  Price                  Price
                                Shares     Per Share    Shares    Per Share    Shares    Per Share
                                -------  -------------  ------  -------------  ------  -------------
Outstanding, beginning of year   77,598  $   14.00      27,657  $   16.36           -  $       -
Granted during the year          62,105  $   15.86      49,941  $   12.69      27,657  $   16.36
                                -------  -------------  ------  -------------  ------  -------------

Outstanding, end of year        139,703  $   14.82      77,598  $   14.00      27,657  $   16.36
                                =======  =============  ======  =============  ======  =============

Number of shares exercisable     27,709                  5,530                      -
                                =======                 ======                 ======

     The weighted average grant-date fair value of options granted in 2001, 2000
     and 1999 was $10.40, $6.24, and $6.48, respectively. Options outstanding at
     December  31,  2001 are exercisable at option prices ranging from $12.69 to
     $16.36,  as  presented  in  the  table  above. Such options have a weighted
     average  remaining  contractual  life  of  approximately  9  years.




     The  Plan is accounted for under Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25
     and  related  interpretations.  No compensation expense has been recognized
     related  to the grant of the incentive stock options. Had compensation cost
     been  determined  based  upon  the  fair  value of the options at the grant
     dates,  the  Company's  net  earnings and net earnings per share would have
     been  reduced  to  the  proforma  amounts  indicated  below.

                                            2001         2000       1999
                                         -----------  ----------  ---------
Net earnings            As reported       $4,575,352  5,378,470  4,541,945
                        Proforma          $4,174,899  5,185,258  4,440,959

Net earnings per share  As reported       $     1.42       1.67       1.55
                        Proforma          $     1.30       1.61       1.52

     The  fair  value of each option is estimated on the date of grant using the
     Black-Scholes  options-pricing  model  with  the following weighted average
     assumptions used for grants in 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively - dividend
     yield  of 2.8%, 2.9% and 2.5%, respectively; risk free interest rate of 5%,
     5%  and  7%, respectively; and an expected life of 10 years. For disclosure
     purposes,  the  Company  immediately recognized the expense associated with
     the  option  grants  assuming  that  all  awards  vest  upon  grant.

     The  Company  is  subject  to  various  regulatory  capital  requirements
     administered  by  the  federal  banking  agencies.  Failure to meet minimum
     capital requirements can initiate certain mandatory and possibly additional
     discretionary  actions  by  regulators  that,  if  undertaken, could have a
     direct material effect on the Company's financial statements. Under capital
     adequacy  guidelines  and  the  regulatory  framework for prompt corrective
     action,  the  Company  must  meet  specific capital guidelines that involve
     quantitative  measures  of  the  assets,  liabilities  and  certain
     off-balance-sheet  items  as  calculated  under  regulatory  accounting
     practices.  The  capital  amounts  and  classification  are also subject to
     qualitative  judgments by the regulators about components, risk weightings,
     and  other  factors.

     Quantitative  measures established by regulation to ensure capital adequacy
     require  the  Company  to maintain minimum amounts and ratios (set forth in
     the  table  below)  of  total  and  Tier  1  capital  (as  defined  in  the
     regulations) to risk-weighted assets (as defined), and of Tier 1 capital to
     average  assets (as defined). Management believes, as of December 31, 2001,
     that  Bancorp  and the Bank meet all capital adequacy requirements to which
     they  are  subject.

     As  of  December  31,  2001  the  most  recent  notification  from the FDIC
     categorized the Bank as well capitalized under the regulatory framework for
     prompt  corrective  action.  To be categorized as well capitalized the Bank
     must  maintain  minimum  total  risk-based,  Tier  1  risk-based and Tier 1
     leverage  ratios  as  set  forth  in  the table. There are no conditions or
     events  since  that  notification that management believes have changed the
     institution's  category.




     The  Company's  and  the  Bank's  actual  capital  amounts  and  ratios are
     presented  below.

                                                                                  To Be Well
                                                                               Capitalized Under
                                                               For Capital     Prompt Corrective
                                               Actual       Adequacy Purposes  Action Provision
                                          -----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                                          Amount    Ratio    Amount    Ratio   Amount    Ratio
                                          -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  -------

AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2001:
Total Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
  Consolidated                            $66,254    12.27%  43,208     8.00%     N/A      N/A
  Bank                                    $64,841    12.03%  43,105     8.00%  53,881    10.00%
Tier 1 Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
  Consolidated                            $60,163    11.14%  21,604     4.00%     N/A      N/A
  Bank                                    $58,750    10.90%  21,552     4.00%  32,328     6.00%
Tier 1 Capital (to Average Assets)
  Consolidated                            $60,163    10.46%  22,999     4.00%     N/A      N/A
  Bank                                    $58,750    10.24%  22,959     4.00%  28,699     5.00%

AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2000:
Total Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
  Consolidated                            $47,412    11.22%  33,803     8.00%     N/A      N/A
  Bank                                    $46,464    11.02%  33,738     8.00%  42,172   10.00%
Tier 1 Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
  Consolidated                            $42,699    10.11%  16,901     4.00%     N/A      N/A
  Bank                                    $41,751     9.90%  16,869     4.00%  25,303     6.00%
Tier 1 Capital (to Average Assets)
  Consolidated                            $42,699     9.10%  18,768     4.00%     N/A      N/A
  Bank                                    $41,751     8.91%  18,751     4.00%  23,439     5.00%

     In  April,  2000, the Company declared and distributed a 10% stock dividend
     to  its  shareholders.  On  the date of distribution, certain shareholders,
     representing  236  shares,  were  paid cash of $3,775 in lieu of fractional
     shares.  On  February  11,  1999,  the  Board  of  Directors of the Company
     declared  a  3  for 2 stock split to be effected in the form of a 50% stock
     dividend.  On  the  date  of  distribution,  182  shares,  representing all
     fractional  shares,  were paid cash of $5,871 representing the February 22,
     1999  market  price.  All  share and per share amounts have been changed to
     reflect  the  stock  split  and  stock  dividend  as  if it had occurred on
     December  31,  1998.

     On  June  27,  2000,  the  Board  of  Directors of the Company approved the
     Peoples  Bancorp  of  North  Carolina, Inc. Dividend Reinvestment and Stock
     Purchase  Plan.  The  Plan provides for the full or partial reinvestment of
     cash  dividends and optional cash purchases of the Company's stock. A total
     of  200,000  shares were reserved for possible issuance and sale under this

     The  Board  of  Directors, at its discretion, can issue shares of preferred
     stock  up  to  a  maximum  of  5,000,000 shares. The Board is authorized to
     determine  the  number of shares, voting powers, designations, preferences,
     limitations  and  relative  rights.

     The  Board  of  Directors  of the Bank may declare a dividend of all of its
     retained  earnings  as it may deem appropriate, subject to the requirements
     of  the General Statutes of North Carolina, without prior approval from the
     requisite  regulatory authorities. As of December 31, 2001, this amount was
     approximately  $13,710,000.




     Other  operating  expense  for  the  years  ended  December 31 included the
     following  items  that  exceeded  one  percent  of  total  revenues:

                                      2001     2000     1999
                                    --------  -------  -------

          Telephone                 $332,569  379,801  353,536
          Education and Consulting  $159,720  164,750  366,488
          Merchant Processing       $551,513  502,085  459,682

     The  Company is required to disclose fair value information about financial
     instruments,  whether  or  not recognized on the face of the balance sheet,
     for which it is practicable to estimate that value. The assumptions used in
     the estimation of the fair value of the Company's financial instruments are
     detailed  below.  Where  quoted  prices  are not available, fair values are
     based  on  estimates  using  discounted  cash  flows  and  other  valuation
     techniques.  The use of discounted cash flows can be significantly affected
     by  the  assumptions  used,  including  the  discount rate and estimates of
     future  cash  flows.  The  following disclosures should not be considered a
     surrogate  of the liquidation value of the Company, but rather a good faith
     estimate of the increase or decrease in value of financial instruments held
     by  the  Company  since  purchase,  origination,  or  issuance.

          Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents
          For  cash,  due from banks and federal funds sold, the carrying amount
          is  a  reasonable  estimate  of  fair  value.

          Investment  Securities  Available  for  Sale
          Fair  values  for  investment  securities  are  based on quoted market

          Other  Investments
          The  carrying  amount  of  other  investments approximates fair value.

          Loans  and  Mortgage  Loans  Held  for  Sale
          The  fair  value  of  fixed rate loans is estimated by discounting the
          future cash flows using the current rates at which similar loans would
          be  made  to  borrowers with similar credit ratings. For variable rate
          loans,  the  carrying  amount  is a reasonable estimate of fair value.
          Mortgage  loans held for sale are valued based on the current price at
          which  these  loans  could  be  sold  into  the  secondary  market.

          Cash  Surrender  Value  of  Life  Insurance
          Cash  values  of  life insurance policies are carried at the value for
          which  such  policies  may  be  redeemed  for  cash.

          Mortgage  Servicing  Rights
          Fair  value  of  mortgage servicing rights is determined by estimating
          the  present  value  of  the  future  net  servicing  income,  on  a
          disaggregated  basis,  using  anticipated  prepayment  assumptions.

          Deposits and Demand Notes Payable
          The  fair  value of demand deposits, interest-bearing demand deposits,
          savings,  and  demand  notes  payable  to  U.S. Treasury is the amount
          payable  on  demand  at  the  reporting  date. The fair value of fixed
          maturity  certificates  of  deposit  is  estimated  by discounting the
          future  cash  flows  using the rates currently offered for deposits of
          similar  remaining  maturities.

          FHLB  Borrowings
          The  fair  value of FHLB borrowings is estimated based upon discounted
          future  cash  flows  using  a  discount rate comparable to the current
          market  rate  for  such  borrowings.

          Trust Preferred Securities
          Because  the  Company's  trust  preferred  securities were issued at a
          floating  rate,  the  carrying amount is a reasonable estimate of fair




          Commitments to Extend Credit and Standby Letters of Credit
          Because commitments to extend credit and standby letters of credit are
          made using variable rates, the contract value is a reasonable estimate
          of  fair  value.

          Fair  value  estimates  are made at a specific point in time, based on
          relevant  market  information  and  information  about  the  financial
          instrument.  These  estimates  do  not reflect any premium or discount
          that  could  result  from  offering for sale at one time the Company's
          entire  holdings  of  a  particular  financial  instrument. Because no
          market  exists  for  a  significant portion of the Company's financial
          instruments,  fair  value estimates are based on many judgments. These
          estimates  are  subjective  in  nature  and  involve uncertainties and
          matters  of  significant  judgment  and therefore cannot be determined
          with  precision. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the

          Fair  value  estimates  are based on existing on and off-balance sheet
          financial  instruments  without  attempting  to  estimate the value of
          anticipated  future  business  and the value of assets and liabilities
          that  are not considered financial instruments. Significant assets and
          liabilities  that are not considered financial instruments include the
          deferred income taxes and premises and equipment. In addition, the tax
          ramifications  related  to the realization of the unrealized gains and
          losses  can have a significant effect on fair value estimates and have
          not  been  considered  in  the  estimates.

          The  carrying  amount  and  estimated  fair  values  of  the Company's
          financial  instruments  at  December 31, 2001 and 2000 are as follows:

                                                  2001                  2000
                                          ---------------------  --------------------
                                          Carrying   Estimated   Carrying  Estimated
                                           Amount    Fair Value   Amount   Fair Value
                                          ---------  ----------  --------  ----------
                                             (In thousands)         (In thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents                 $  15,303      15,303    18,639      18,639
Investment securities available for sale  $  84,286      84,286    71,565      71,565
Other investments                         $   4,603       4,603     2,399       2,399
Loans                                     $ 484,517     493,611   406,226     402,239
Mortgage loans held for sale              $   5,339       5,339     1,564       1,564
Cash surrender value of life insurance    $   4,583       4,583         -           -
Mortgage servicing rights                 $     981         981       920         920

Deposits and demand notes payable         $ 490,341     493,421   451,673     467,512
FHLB advances                             $  68,214      68,497    21,357      22,217
Trust preferred securities                $  14,000      14,000         -           -

Unrecognized financial instruments:
Commitments to extend credit              $  91,822      91,822    89,407      89,407
Standby letters of credit                 $   1,667       1,667     2,208       2,208





                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                           DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

                                                            2001         2000
                                                         -----------  ----------
Cash                                                     $   228,202     152,939
Investment in subsidiaries                                58,421,072  42,091,437
Other investments                                            815,000     815,000
Other  assets                                                472,872      19,056
                                                         -----------  ----------

                                                         $59,937,146  43,078,432
                                                         ===========  ==========

                      Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

Accrued expenses                                         $   103,043      39,413
Junior subordinated debentures                            14,433,000           -
Shareholders' equity                                      45,401,103  43,039,019
                                                         -----------  ----------

                                                         $59,937,146  43,078,432
                                                         ===========  ==========

                             Statements of Earnings

              For the Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999

                                                     2001        2000       1999
                                                  ----------  ---------  ---------
Dividends from Bank                               $1,462,486  2,327,019  1,082,738

  Interest                                          30,333        -          -
  Other operating expenses                         311,117     191,519       -
                                                  ----------  ---------  ---------

     Total expenses                                341,450     191,519       -
                                                  ----------  ---------  ---------

Earnings before income tax benefit and equity in
  undistributed earnings of subsidiaries          1,121,036   2,135,500  1,082,738

Income tax benefit                                 131,900     74,100        -
                                                  ----------  ---------  ---------

Earnings before equity in undistributed
  earnings of subsidiaries                        1,252,936   2,209,600  1,082,738

Equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries  3,322,416   3,168,870  3,459,207
                                                  ----------  ---------  ---------

Net earnings                                      $4,575,352  5,378,470  4,541,945
                                                  ==========  =========  =========




(17) Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. (Parent Company Only) Condensed
     Financial Statements, continued

                            Statements of Cash Flows

              For the Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999

                                                                      2001          2000         1999
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net earnings                                                  $  4,575,352    5,378,470    4,541,945
    Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
      cash provided by operating activities:
         Equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries           (3,322,416)  (3,168,870)  (3,459,207)
         Provision for deferred taxes                                  (28,076)     (19,056)           -
         Change in:
             Accrued expenses                                           63,630       39,413        5,871
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------

               Net cash provided by operating activities             1,288,490    2,229,957    1,088,609
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Capital contributions to subsidiaries                          (13,933,000)           -            -
    Purchase of other investments                                            -     (815,000)           -
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------

               Net cash used by investing activities               (13,933,000)    (815,000)           -
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Proceeds from junior subordinated debentures                    14,433,000            -            -
    Cash paid in lieu of fractional shares                                   -       (3,775)      (5,871)
    Dividends paid                                                  (1,287,486)  (1,258,243)  (1,082,738)
    Transaction costs associated with trust preferred securities      (425,741)           -            -
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------

               Net cash provided (used) by financing activities     12,719,773   (1,262,018)  (1,088,609)
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------

                 Net change in cash                                     75,263      152,939            -

Cash at beginning of year                                              152,939            -            -
                                                                  -------------  -----------  -----------

Cash at end of year                                               $    228,202      152,939            -
                                                                  =============  ===========  ===========


                                C O M M U N I T Y

                                [PICTURE OMITTED]

                                 Peoples Bancorp
                             OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC.
                               2001 ANNUAL REPORT


The  events  of  2001 strengthened Peoples Bank's resolve to unite our corporate
objectives  and  core  values  with  the  needs  of  the  communities  we serve.

                                [PICTURE OMITTED]

TA B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S :

1 Introduction
2 President's Message
3 Financial Performance
5 Contributing to the Community
6 Executive Management of Peoples Bank
7 Eastern Catawba Region
8 Hickory Region & South Region
9 Banking Support
10 Real Estate Advisory Services & Peoples Investment Services
11 Financial Highlights
12 Selected Financial Data
13 Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants
14 Financials
16 Shareholder & General Information
17 Peoples Bank Board of Directors and Officers
18 Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. Board of Directors and Officers


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P R E S I D E N T ' S M E S S A G E

Without question, fiscal year 2001 was one of the most difficult and challenging
in many decades for Peoples Bancorp. Weak economic conditions, declining
interest rates, and the tragic events of September 11, 2001 contributed to
results for last year considered lackluster compared to expectations when 2001
began. The effects of our local and regional economy have negatively impacted
area businesses and individuals in a widespread manner.

Throughout 2001, we witnessed the effect of an economy in recession through the
closing or downsizing of business and industry. These events have resulted in a
regional unemployment rate that has advanced at a level ranking as the nation's
second highest rate of increase.

As a result of these adverse economic conditions, net income at Peoples Bancorp
declined 15% in comparison to our 2000 results. Although numerous
financial-related goals for 2001 were unattainable, net income for the year just
ended represented the second highest earnings level in the Company's history. I
encourage you to refer to the information contained in the financial section of
this report for more details.

Economists are currently reporting signs of recovery, which could lead toward an
end to one of our nation's shortest recessionary periods. Economic recovery,
however, is projected to occur over a prolonged period of time, and the rebound
is expected to be moderate.

In light of these forecasts, growth at Peoples Bancorp in terms of assets and
earnings should likewise be viewed as moderate for 2002. We project that such
growth will be more apparent in the later quarters of the year while we continue
to address the effects of current economic conditions during the first six

Through all the challenges of these outside forces, I am pleased to report to
you that employees throughout our Company have responded with a firmer resolve
to re-channel energies in ways that will make a positive difference in the
communities we serve. We are successful in this quest because our employees
represent a very determined, diverse, and dynamic group of individuals who
believe in Peoples Bank and our mission. I am extremely proud of their

Our strategic initiative to offer All Day Banking was introduced in January,
2002. This no-cost service provides our customers with the ability to present
all transactions until 5:00 P.M. each day and receive credit and/or processing
during the same business day. We feel this service has set us apart from our
competitors by providing our customers with three extra banking hours each day.

We also plan to continue our entry into two additional neighborhoods as we begin
construction on new banking offices in the West Lincoln community and on Catawba
Valley Boulevard in Hickory. We anticipate being operational in the West Lincoln
area on Highway 27 West in late 2002, while our Catawba Valley office will open
in early 2003.

In February 2002, the Board of Directors announced a stock repurchase program to
repurchase the Company's common stock. A total of $3 million has been allocated
for this purpose. The decision to repurchase reflected management's confidence
in the Company's future prospects and belief that the transaction would offer an
attractive opportunity to enhance shareholder value.

In closing, Peoples Bank is committed to be the financial services organization
that customers want to do business with, employees want to work for, and
shareholders want to invest in. I would also like to recognize and thank our
Board of Directors for their guidance, our talented management team for their
unwavering commitment, and all of our employees for meeting challenges that were
presented to us in 2001. Finally, thank you to our valued shareholders for your
continued support and your investment in Peoples Bancorp.

/s/ Tony W. Wolfe
Tony W. Wolfe
President and Chief Executive Officer

[PHOTO - Tony W. Wolfe, President and Chief Executive Officer of Peoples Bancorp
of North Carolina, Inc. and Peoples Bank; with Robert C. Abernethy, Chairman of
the Board of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. and Peoples Bank ]



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In response to a faltering economy, the Federal Reserve took action on eleven
different occasions to reduce key interest rates for a total of 475 basis
points, or by 4.75% during the year. At Peoples Bancorp, these interest rate
cuts resulted in a reduction to the Bank's net interest income since deposit
rates do not reprice as quickly as rates on loans in our asset-sensitive balance
sheet. The Company's earnings for 2001 were further weakened due to a regional
economy characterized by rising unemployment and a general softening in area
businesses, leading to the charge-off of certain non-performing loans. Such
conditions led to a decline in reported net earnings for 2001 by 15% to
$4,575,352 when compared to results for the previous year. These results
translated to $1.42 basic and diluted net income per share. Net interest income
decreased 12% to $18,871,105 for the year ended December 31, 2001, when compared
to $21,427,183 for the same period one year ago due to declining interest rates
throughout 2001. After increasing the provision for loan losses to allow for the
charge-off of loans during fourth quarter, non-performing assets totaled $4.7
million at December 31, 2001, or .75% of total assets, compared to $6.1 million
at December 31, 2000, or 1.17% of total assets. The allowance for loan losses at
December 31, 2001, amounted to $6.1 million or 1.24% of total loans compared to
$4.7 million or 1.15% of total loans at December 31, 2000.

Non-interest income for 2001 amounted to $8,262,904 as compared to $3,915,764
for the previous year. This significant increase reflects an improvement in
mortgage banking income resulting from a strong demand of mortgage

                                [PICTURE OMITTED]


Peoples Bank's annual in-house United Way campaign topped last year's total by
25%, despite the area's economic downturn. Led by captains in every bank
department and branch, Peoples' employees staged events such as silent auctions,
food sales, dress down days, and even a pie-in-the-face contest. Together these
fund raisers generated 10% of employee contributions, while bringing together
people from every level of the Bank with customers from every branch and
community we serve. Funds generated by the campaign benefit the United Ways of
Catawba, Lincoln, and Alexander Counties, which support health and human service
agencies working to raise the quality of life in their respective communities.


loan services, gains realized on the sale of available-for-sale securities, and
fees arising from a new service provided to retail checking customers. The
increase in non-interest income was partially offset by an increase in
non-interest expense. Non-interest expense totaled $16,751,793 for the year
ended December 31, 2001, as compared to $15,508,977 for the previous year.

Despite deteriorating economic conditions during 2001, Peoples Bank continued to
experience strong balance sheet growth. Total assets as of December 31, 2001,
amounted to $619,504,704, an increase of 19% compared to total assets of
$519,001,787 at December 31, 2000. Loans increased 20% to $489,856,082 as of
December 31, 2001, compared to $407,789,800 as of December 31, 2000. Total
deposits amounted to $490,223,189 as of December 31, 2001, representing an
increase of 9% over deposits of $450,073,342 at December 31, 2000.

To enhance the Company's capital position, Peoples Bancorp completed the sale of
$14,000,000 PEBK Capital Trust I floating rate capital securities with a
maturity date of December 31, 2031. This transaction enabled the Company to end
the year as a "well-capitalized" financial institution as of December 31, 2001.
Shareholders received $.40 per share in cash dividends during 2001, which
amounted to $1,287,486. Total shareholders' equity grew 5.5% to $45,401,103.
Book value per share was $14.11 at December 31, 2001, as compared to $13.37 for
the previous year. Market value of Peoples Bancorp common stock closed at $14.35
per share on December 31, 2001 reflecting an increase in market value of 6.3%
for the year.


[PHOTO - Standing from left to right:
James S. Abernethy, Bruce R. Eckard, Robert C. Abernethy, Chairman;
Larry E. Robinson, Tony W. Wolfe, President and Chief Executive Officer;
John H. Elmore, Jr., Gary E. Matthews, Dan Ray Timmerman, Sr., Fred L. Sherrill,
Jr., Charles F. Murray, B.E. Matthews, Director Emeritus; Benjamin I. Zachary ]


                                [PICTURE OMITTED]

C O N T R I B U T I N G  T O  T H E  C O M M U N I T Y


Many Peoples Bank employees gave a night and day of their lives to pursue a cure
for cancer in the Relay For Life. Held overnight at area high school tracks, the
event brought together people from throughout the community to raise money and
awareness for the work of the Catawba, Lincoln, and Alexander County divisions
of the American Cancer Society. Employees from several Peoples branches joined
their neighbors in forming teams of 10 people who solicited pledges and spent
the night commemorating both those who have lost and won their battles against
cancer before running the relay the following day.


An investment in education enriches the lives of everyone it touches within the
community. That is why Peoples Bank is proud to contribute to the continuing
development of one of our core communities through the work of the Newton-
Conover Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization which supports
educational excellence in Newton-Conover City Schools. Through the Foundation,
Peoples Bank shares the commitment of area businesses and individuals by
providing school readiness kits for incoming kindergarten students, scholarships
for students, grants for innovative teaching, supplemental funds to support
special classroom needs, and fund programs such as NC PRIDE (Promoting
Recognition for Individual Dedication to Excellence).


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
O F  P E O P L E S  B A N K

Under the direction of Tony W. Wolfe, President and Chief Executive Officer, we
have completed the implementation of a corporate realignment strategy during
2001. This realignment will serve to strengthen the Company's management skills
and address future strategic initiatives. The restructuring at the corporate
level is designed to ensure that all facets of the Company's business units are
properly aligned. These dedicated individuals represent a unique blend of
banking talent that provide visionary leadership designed to move the Company
forward in the years ahead. Lance Sellers, Executive Vice President and Chief
Banking Officer directs all activities associated with lending, credit, and
branch administration. The attainment of exceptional customer service is of
paramount importance to both front-line and support personnel in this area as
they seek to consistently exceed customers' expectations.

Joe Beaman, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer will
continue to serve in the capacity of Corporate Secretary. As Chief
Administrative Officer, he will coordinate all activities surrounding Banking
Support including product development, human resources, marketing, training, and
community and shareholder relations. In today's competitive environment, these
roles operate in an atmosphere of heightened awareness as the Company seeks to
become more proactive in the design, training, and promotion of its products.

Bill Cable was promoted to Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer
where he has assumed responsibility for business systems, network systems, loan
and deposit operations, electronic banking, risk management, and the mail
center. These areas are represented by a group of talented employees who are
committed to providing the level of support that front-line staff and customers
depend upon for the efficient delivery of state-of-the-art technology and

Joe Lampron joined Peoples Bank in the fall of 2001 as Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer where he directs all corporate financial planning,
accounting practices, budgeting, asset-liability management, and treasury
functions. He is a Certified Public Accountant and has served previously as
Chief Financial Officer of another financial institution. Associates in the
finance department provide quality customer service through the timely and
accurate reporting both internally and externally.


[PHOTO - From left to right;
Bill Cable, Tony Wolfe, Lance Sellers,
Joe Beaman, Joe Lampron ]


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2001 was a very trying year for our Company, our area, and our entire country.
However, as we approach our 90th year of service to the citizens, organizations,
and businesses of Catawba and Alexander Counties, the Eastern Catawba Region of
Peoples Bank remains grateful and optimistic. From our origin in Catawba, North
Carolina, we have grown in strength and stability to become the dominant
community bank in our region. Like any other successful business, our ability to
deliver quality service has resulted from the combination of our loyal customers
and experienced staff.

We are proud of our continued growth and traditions, along with the success of
our customers and friends. However, we refuse to rest. The organization's goal
is not simply to deliver financial products and services, but to continually
strive toward our ultimate goal of providing exceptional customer service. To
ensure this result, the Board of Directors, management, and staff have
personally given of their time and energy in 2001, and will continue to do so in
2002 and beyond. The employees of Peoples Bank's Eastern Catawba Region are
actively involved in their communities, churches, schools and civic
organizations, including Relay For Life, United Way, and March of Dimes.

In 2001, the Eastern Catawba Region faced many challenges and witnessed many
changes. While our local economy stumbled, our Company and staff worked
consistently to provide financial stability and sound advice to our customers.

Early in the year, our staff assisted in the relocation efforts to our new
corporate headquarters. We were also proud to open our new Newton Office in
March of 2001. All of our offices in Newton, North Newton, Conover, Claremont,
Catawba, and Hiddenite welcomed new customers during 2001, and grew closer to
our existing customers as events unfolded here and abroad.

Clifton A. Wike, Senior Vice President is a 30-year veteran employee of Peoples
Bank, and Jim Perry, First Vice President and Area Executive for the Eastern
Catawba Region joined the Bank in 1999. Collectively, these individuals
represent 40 years of banking experience and have been instrumental in the
Bank's growth especially in this region. Management and staff of the Eastern
Catawba Region wish to express appreciation to our shareholders and customers
for your support in 2001 and express our desire and intent for a successful



In a year where world events made us all more conscious of the value of human
life, Peoples Bank once again demonstrated its commitment to protecting the most
precious lives of all - our children. The executives, employees, and customers
of Peoples Bank all came together to show their support for the March of Dimes,
which is dedicated to improving the health of babies. All funds raised go
directly to the March of Dimes of Catawba, Lincoln, and Alexander Counties,
which support community programs designed to reduce birth defects, infant
mortality, and low birth weight while promoting prenatal care.

[Photo: From left to right; Jim Perry, Danny Richard, Clifton Wike, Mark Sigmon,
Micah Lee]


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Peoples Bank entered the Hickory market in 1988 with the opening of our Springs
Road Office and became more visible in 1997 with the opening of the Viewmont
Office. Peoples Bank also operates an ATM on Catawba Valley Boulevard where our
third office in the Hickory Region is under construction and scheduled to open
in early 2003. This new office will further enhance Peoples Bank's visibility in
the Hickory market. The location of the Catawba Valley Boulevard Office, a high
traffic area that includes numerous retail establishments as well as new
apartment complexes and housing developments, will enable us to attract new
customers from both the Newton and the Hickory area. We look forward to
providing a full range of products and services to our customers in this
extension of our Hickory Region and continually strive to develop new
relationships in our community.

We are challenged in the Hickory market by significant banking competition from
both local and regional banks in close proximity to our existing branches.
Peoples Bank has been able to establish a strong reputation for lending in both
the commercial and residential construction arenas in the Hickory Region, and,
as such, attracts new customers and continues to grow. We feel this has been due
to our ability to provide high-quality banking service and competitive loan
structures with a personal, community bank touch. As our product mix grows, we
are confident that we will continue to expand existing relationships and attract
new ones to Peoples Bank.

We are also successful in this market because of our talented and dedicated
employees. They are well-trained and represent a total of combined banking
experience in excess of 100 years. Our employees are heavily involved in
community and civic organizations, youth programs, churches, and projects such
as Relay for Life, United Way, and March of Dimes.

We wish to use this opportunity to express appreciation to the Board of
Directors and management of Peoples Bank for recognizing the potential in this
strong and diverse market and for the confidence they have placed in us. We also
thank our shareholders and customers for their support.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Peoples Bank's entry into what is today known as the South Region was initiated
with the opening in 1985 of a full-service office in Maiden. The Denver Office
opened its doors for business in August of 1997 along the busy Highway 16
corridor. Since that time, the South Region has expanded with the opening of the
Triangle and Lincolnton Offices. Our newest location, the Lincolnton Office,
opened for business in January, 2001. Peoples Bank has experienced strong growth
in its loan and deposit base, and we are proud to participate in this process.
Expansion into the Denver, Lincolnton/Lincoln County market has represented a
successful strategy for Peoples Bank to date, and we look forward to additional
opportunities with the opening of an office in West Lincoln in the near future.

The South Region's success is a direct reflection of our dedicated and
well-trained staff. Our employees possess over 100 years of combined banking
experience, and they are dedicated to the service of their customers and the
community-at-large. Employees are involved in numerous worthy causes within the
communities where they live and work. They have chosen to volunteer their time
in many community-enrichment activities including Relay for Life, educational
and recreational projects, youth development, participation in city and county
governmental units, local churches, as well as other civic and public service
organizations. Our employees exemplify the commitment to be active participants
in the improvement of the quality of life in our market area.

On behalf of the South Region of Peoples Bank, we want to thank our customers,
staff, shareholders, and all who have assisted in the success of our
accomplishments. We especially wish to recognize Danny F. Richard, First Vice
President and Business Development Officer for his leadership in our Lincoln
County operations and for his role in helping our customers achieve their
financial goals.



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Employees throughout Peoples Bank represent a pool of talent that we feel is
extraordinary in the field of community banking. Our associates are our
Company's greatest assets. Therefore, in order to attract and retain banking
associates who reflect high-quality standards of commitment to our corporate
mission, it is necessary to review activities associated with the function of
human resources on a consistent basis. To this end, a review and realignment of
corporate benefits was conducted during 2001 to more appropriately meet the
needs of our employee base.

Kim Boyd, Senior Vice President, acknowledged that throughout the year Banking
Support representatives have focused on their initiative to identify, research,
and develop opportunities that generate added value for our customers and the
communities we serve. Administrative efforts during 2001 included the
introduction of an in-branch sales program designed to provide expanded
education regarding the Bank's full line of services while increasing sales
opportunities. Products and services which were introduced included Investment
Checking - a premium rate Now Account that allows unlimited check writing and
complimentary checks. I am pleased to report that volume projections were
exceeded following this product's first year of implementation. The
Tell-A-Friend Campaign has provided an opportunity for us to reward our
customers for engaging in relationship referrals for the Bank.

Our training department has been successful in offering on-line training in the
areas of compliance and skill-based applications. New efficiencies have been
discovered in this process since training can be accomplished in the branch
location, thereby allowing the employee to remain onsite. Complimenting our
training efforts has been the role that media advertising has played during the
year. "Growing Closer to Our Community" proved to be a successful platform for
many of our initiatives.

Eager and confident best describe our feeling upon entering 2002. Shifting
patterns indicate that our customer base will embrace alternative means with
which to conduct their banking business in the future. In anticipation of such
trends, we will introduce our new website which we invite you to visit at
www.peoplesbanknc.com. The site will provide access to Peoples Bank Online
Banking complete with a bill paying option. To further strengthen the Bank's
array of products and services, we will introduce a new account, Generations
Gold, which will enable us to partner with our account holders and communities
to "Live Better for Less". We anticipate marketing this product by mid-year

Managerial leadership and experienced, well-trained employees will lead us
forward and prepare us to embrace beneficial change for our customers as we
continue our quest in the discovery and implementation of value-added services
for our customers and shareholders. We look forward to new opportunities to make
a positive difference in the communities we serve.




- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Real Estate Advisory Services, Inc. (REAS) operates as a real estate firm
specializing in real estate appraisals, consulting, and property management.
Under the leadership of David E. Reitzel, Senior Vice President of Peoples Bank
and Vice President of REAS, the primary objective for the subsidiary is to
provide quality real estate appraisals in a timely manner. Key factors in the
realization of this objective are seven employees representing 70 years of
expertise in real estate activities who understand the value of customer
response time and quality-oriented appraisals.

Our real estate subsidiary creates a value-added service to the Bank's mortgage
lending area through the use of specialized technology utilized in the appraisal
process. Enhanced appraisal technology has reduced traditional paper-based
processes thereby enabling our customers to experience a beneficial difference
in the time required to respond to their requests. Through our efforts to exceed
customer expectations and working in conjunction with an interest rate climate
conducive to home mortgage-related opportunities during 2001, REAS provided
increased contributions to non-interest income during the year. Future plans for
Real Estate Advisory Services include the REAS website and enhanced real estate
brokerage services.

In addition to providing leadership associated with appraisal and consulting
activities, David Reitzel also coordinates activities associated with our branch
infrastructure. His responsibilities include coordinating the current
construction of two banking offices located in the West Lincoln area and on
Catawba Valley Boulevard in Hickory. Occupancy is anticipated in late 2002 and
early 2003, respectively.



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Since 1996 Peoples Investment Services, Inc. has provided comprehensive
financial services for our clientele. David C. Brown, CFP, First Vice President
of Peoples Bank and Vice President of Peoples Investment Services, Inc. and his
experienced staff work closely with each customer to first understand their
needs and, secondly, to provide individual financial solutions that will help
them achieve their goals.

Our selection of services includes retirement planning, college planning,
investment planning, and estate planning. Through our relationship with Raymond
James Financial Services, Inc. we maintain access to a wide array of financial
services including mutual funds, annuities, IRA's, stocks, bonds, life
insurance, long term care insurance, trust services as well as retirement plan
services for businesses. You may learn more information about Peoples Investment
Services, Inc. at www.peoplesbanknc.com. Securities are offered exclusively
through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member NASD/SIPC, an independent
broker/dealer and are not insured by the FDIC or any other Bank insurance.
Investments are not deposits or obligations of the Bank, are not guaranteed by
the Bank, and are subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal.



F I N A N C I A L  H I G H L I G H T S
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        2001       2000     Change
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest income                                       $ 41,898   $ 40,859        3%
Interest expense                                        23,027     19,432       19%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net interest income after provision for loan losses     15,326     19,548      -22%
Non-interest income                                      8,263      3,915      111%
Non-interest expense                                    16,752     15,509        8%
Income taxes                                             2,262      2,576      -12%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                            $  4,575   $  5,378      -15%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Per Share*
Net Income                                            $   1.42   $   1.67      -15%
Cash dividends                                            0.40       0.39        3%
Market price at December 31                              14.35      13.50        6%
Book value at December 31                                14.11      13.37        6%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At Year-end
Loans                                                 $489,856   $407,790       20%
Available for sale securities                           84,286     71,565       18%
Assets                                                 619,505    519,002       19%
Deposits                                               490,223    450,073        9%
Shareholders' equity                                    45,401     43,039        5%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Key Performance Ratios
Return on average assets                                  0.80%      1.15%
Return on average shareholders' equity                    9.65%     12.55%
Dividend payout ratio                                    28.14%     23.39%
Average shareholders' equity to total average assets      8.25%      9.13%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Per share amounts have been restated to reflect a 10% stock dividend during
second quarter 2000.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         2001         2000        1999        1998        1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summary of Operations
Interest income                                       $   41,898      40,859      32,302      29,215      23,783
Interest expense                                          23,027      19,432      14,790      14,540      11,179
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net interest income                                       18,871      21,427      17,512      14,675      12,604
Provision for loan losses                                  3,545       1,879         425         445         696
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net interest income after provision for loan losses       15,326      19,548      17,087      14,230      11,908
Non-interest income                                        8,263       3,915       3,380       3,646       2,060
Non-interest expense                                      16,752      15,509      13,832      12,020      10,413
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Income before taxes                                        6,837       7,954       6,635       5,856       3,555
Income taxes                                               2,262       2,576       2,093       1,847       1,149
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                            $    4,575       5,378       4,542       4,009       2,406
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Selected Year-end Balances
Assets                                                $  619,505     519,002     432,435     402,273     326,853
Available for sale securities                             84,286      71,565      62,498      63,228      53,307
Loans                                                    489,856     407,790     336,959     306,748     238,449
Interest-earning assets                                  586,496     490,449     411,734     383,270     308,852
Deposits                                                 490,223     450,073     376,634     350,067     275,393
Interest-bearing liabilities                             515,989     420,594     339,243     315,387     258,685
Shareholders' equity                                  $   45,401      43,039      37,998      35,924      24,930
Shares outstanding*                                    3,218,714   3,218,714   3,218,950   3,219,150   2,808,300
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Selected Average Balances
Assets                                                $  575,142     469,536     417,387     369,864     295,879
Available for sale securities                             84,549      66,218      60,642      59,824      57,508
Loans                                                    454,371     374,226     324,651     271,819     215,789
Interest-earning assets                                  545,945     447,645     396,606     351,730     281,215
Deposits                                                 481,289     408,210     363,637     321,371     252,998
Interest-bearing liabilities                             472,435     373,167     326,164     293,631     233,901
Shareholders' equity                                  $   47,432      42,852      39,348      33,303      24,117
Shares outstanding*                                    3,218,714   3,218,714   3,218,950   3,058,160   2,808,300
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Profitability Ratios
Return on average total assets                              0.80%       1.15%       1.09%       1.08%       0.81%
Return on average shareholders' equity                      9.65%      12.55%      11.54%      12.04%       9.98%
Dividend payout ratio                                      28.14%      23.39%      23.84%      22.61%      33.18%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Liquidity and Capital Ratios (averages)
Loan to deposit                                            94.41%      91.67%      89.28%      84.58%      85.29%
Shareholders' equity to total assets                        8.25%       9.13%       9.43%       9.00%       8.15%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Per Share of Common Stock*
Net income                                            $     1.42        1.67        1.41        1.31        0.86
Cash dividends                                        $     0.40        0.39        0.34        0.28        0.28
Book value                                            $    14.11       13.37       11.81       11.16        8.88
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Shares outstanding and per share computations have been restated to reflect a
10% stock dividend during second quarter 2000, the 3 for 2 stock split during
first quarter 1999 and the 10% stock dividend during second quarter 1997.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders
Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc.
Newton, North Carolina:

We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Peoples Bancorp of North
Carolina, Inc. as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, and the related consolidated
statements of earnings, changes in shareholders' equity, comprehensive income
and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
2001. Such consolidated financial statements and our report thereon dated
January 18, 2002, expressing an unqualified opinion (which are not included
herein), are included in the proxy statement for the 2002 annual meeting of

The accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets and consolidated
statements of earnings are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on such consolidated balance sheets and
consolidated statements of earnings in relation to the complete consolidated
financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth in the
accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2001 and
2000 and the related consolidated statements of earnings for each of the three
years in the period ended December 31, 2001, is fairly stated in all material
respects in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements from which
it has been derived.

                                                /s/ Porter Keadle Moore, LLP

Atlanta, Georgia
January 18, 2002


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

                                                                    2001          2000
                                                                ------------   -----------
Cash and due from banks                                         $ 13,042,320    13,619,197
Federal funds sold                                                 2,261,000     5,020,000
                                                                ------------   -----------
     Cash and cash equivalents                                    15,303,320    18,639,197

Investment securities available for sale                          84,286,037    71,564,844
Other investments                                                  4,602,773     2,398,873
Mortgage loans held for sale                                       5,338,931     1,563,700
Loans, net                                                       484,517,151   406,226,100
Premises and equipment, net                                       14,679,191    12,907,968
Cash surrender value of life insurance                             4,583,000             -
Accrued interest receivable and other assets                       6,194,301     5,701,105
                                                                ------------   -----------
      Total assets                                              $619,504,704   519,001,787
                                                                ============   ===========

      Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
  Noninterest-bearing                                           $ 56,826,130    52,793,390
  Interest-bearing                                               433,397,059   397,279,952
                                                                ------------   -----------
     Total deposits                                              490,223,189   450,073,342

Demand notes payable to U. S. Treasury                               117,987     1,600,000
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities                     1,548,139     2,932,284
Federal Home Loan Bank advances                                   68,214,286    21,357,142
Guaranteed preferred beneficial interests in Company's junior
  subordinated debentures (Trust Preferred Securities)            14,000,000             -
                                                                ------------   -----------
      Total liabilities                                          574,103,601   475,962,768
                                                                ------------   -----------

Shareholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, no par value; authorized 5,000,000 shares;
    no shares issued and outstanding - -
  Common stock, no par value; authorized 20,000,000 shares;
    3,218,714 shares issued and outstanding                       36,407,798    36,407,798
  Retained earnings                                                9,915,399     6,627,533
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                     (922,094)        3,688
                                                                ------------   -----------
      Total shareholders' equity                                  45,401,103    43,039,019
                                                                ------------   -----------
      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                $619,504,704   519,001,787
                                                                ============   ===========

Refer to Appendix A to the Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. Proxy
Statement, dated April 3, 2002, for a complete set of Consolidated Financial


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              2001         2000         1999
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
Interest income:
  Interest and fees on loans                               $36,512,395  36,423,973   28,375,391
  Interest on federal funds sold                               126,791     281,659      338,941
  Interest and dividends on securities:
    U. S. Treasuries                                                 -      16,572       50,221
    U. S. Government agencies                                3,918,551   2,977,459    2,297,645
    State and political subdivisions                           911,707     988,020      973,744
    Other                                                      428,157     171,600      266,097
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Total interest income                                 41,897,601  40,859,283   32,302,039
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------

Interest expense:
  Deposits                                                  20,790,136  18,326,359   14,009,018
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances                            2,118,511     974,036      735,752
  Other                                                        117,849     131,705       45,501
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Total interest expense                                23,026,496  19,432,100   14,790,271
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Net interest income                                   18,871,105  21,427,183   17,511,768

Provision for loan losses                                    3,545,322   1,879,100      425,000
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Net interest income after provision for loan losses   15,325,783  19,548,083   17,086,768
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------

Other income:
  Service charges on deposit accounts                        2,805,492   1,588,390    1,326,810
  Other service charges and fees                               471,998     367,352      298,454
  Gain (loss) on sale of securities                          1,613,992    (483,472)     (34,824)
  Mortgage banking income                                    1,014,043     241,007      740,031
  Insurance and brokerage commissions                          348,582     168,557      129,786
  Miscellaneous                                              2,008,797   2,033,930      919,804
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Total other income                                     8,262,904   3,915,764    3,380,061
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------

Other expenses:
  Salaries and employee benefits                             9,115,496   8,899,285    7,737,404
  Occupancy                                                  2,984,100   2,509,720    2,230,448
  Other operating                                            4,652,197   4,099,972    3,863,652
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Total other expenses                                  16,751,793  15,508,977   13,831,504
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Earnings before income taxes                           6,836,894   7,954,870    6,635,325

Income tax expense                                           2,261,542   2,576,400    2,093,380
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Net earnings                                         $ 4,575,352   5,378,470    4,541,945
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------
      Net earnings per share                               $      1.42        1.67         1.41
                                                           -----------  -----------  -----------

Refer to Appendix A to the Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. Proxy
Statement, dated April 3, 2002, for a complete set of Consolidated Financial



The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Peoples Bancorp will be held at 11:00 am,
on Thursday, May 2, 2002, at the Catawba Country Club located at 1154 Country
Club Road, Newton, North Carolina.

Shareholders in attendance at the Annual Meeting are cordially invited to remain
for a luncheon to be served immediately upon adjournment.

Peoples Bancorp common stock is traded on the over-the-counter (OTC) market and
quoted in the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
Quotations) National Market System, where our symbol is PEBK. Price and volume
information is contained in the Wall Street Journal and most major daily
newspapers in the "Over-the-Counter Markets" section under the National Market
System listing. Peoples Bancorp stock is marketed by Scott & Stringfellow, Inc.,
Ryan, Beck & Company, and Trident Securities, Inc.

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Peoples Bancorp offers a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan for the
benefit of the Corporation's shareholders. The Plan provides for the full or
partial reinvestment of cash dividends, optional cash purchases of the
Corporation's stock, safekeeping of the share certificates, liquidation of
shares, and gifting of shares and enrollment of the designated recipients.

Registrar and Transfer Company, Cranford, New Jersey is the Plan Administrator.
For more information one may call the Investor Relations Department at Peoples
Bancorp at 828-464-5620 or 800-948-7195 or contact the Plan Administrator at

Shareholders of Peoples Bancorp are entitled to recieve dividends when and as
declared by the Board of Directors out of funds legally available therefore.

Such dividend payments are declared based upon the guidelines of North Carolina
and federal banking law.

As of March 1, 2002, the Company had 670 shareholders of record, not including
the number of persons or entities whose stock is held in nominee or street name
through various brokerage firms or banks.

Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc.
518 West C Street
P.O. Box 467
Newton, NC 28658

Registrar and Transfer Company
10 Commerce Drive
Cranford, NJ 07016-3572

Porter Keadle Moore, LLP
235 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 1800
Atlanta, GA 30303

Please visit Peoples Bank at their website:


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Robert C. Abernethy
Chairman of the Board, Peoples Bancorp
of North Carolina, Inc. and Peoples Bank
President, Secretary and Treasurer
Carolina Glove Company, Inc.

James S. Abernethy
President and Assistant Secretary
Midstate Contractors, Inc.

Bruce R. Eckard
Eckard Vending Company, Inc.

John H. Elmore, Jr.
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive
Officer and Treasurer
Elmore Construction Company, Inc.

Gary E. Matthews
Matthews Construction Company, Inc.

Charles F. Murray
Murray's Hatchery, Inc.

Larry E. Robinson
President and Chief Executive Officer
Blue Ridge Distributing Company, Inc. &
President and Chief Executive Officer
Associated Brands, Inc.

Fred L. Sherrill, Jr.
Retired Furniture Manufacturer

Dan Ray Timmerman, Sr.
Timmerman Manufacturing, Inc.

Benjamin I. Zachary
General Manager, Treasurer, Secretary
and Member of the Board of Directors
Alexander Railroad Company


B. E. Matthews
Chief Executive Officer
Matthews Construction Company, Inc.


Tony W. Wolfe*
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.*
Executive Vice President,
Chief Administrative Officer, and
Corporate Secretary

A. Joseph Lampron*
Executive Vice President
Chief Financial Officer

Lance A. Sellers*
Executive Vice President
Chief Banking Officer

William D. Cable*
Executive Vice President
Chief Operations Officer

Kimberly L. Boyd
Senior Vice President
Banking Support

David E. Reitzel
Senior Vice President
Real Estate Administration

Clifton A. Wike
Senior Vice President
Senior Lender

Kimberly D. Bazzle
First Vice President
Marketing and Training

Brenda B. Beam
First Vice President
Human Resources

David C. Brown
First Vice President
Certified Financial Planner

Steven F. Cloninger
First Vice President
Credit Administration

George S. Earp
First Vice President

S. Micah Lee
First Vice President
Area Executive

V. Dean Norman
First Vice President
Network Systems

James O. Perry
First Vice President
Area Executive

Daniel F. Richard
First Vice President
Business Development Officer

Kyle E. Sigmon
First Vice President
Mortgage Loans

Mark W. Sigmon
First Vice President
Area Executive

Brenda L. Terrell
First Vice President
Application Operations Manager

Nancy A. Anderson
Vice President
Mortgage Loan Originator

Patsy D. Black
Vice President
Branch Manager,
Triangle Crossing

Kay F. Deal
Vice President
Branch Manager, Conover

John R. Duncan, Jr.
Vice President
Problem Asset Manager

Barbara K. Farnsworth
Vice President
Branch Manager, Lincolnton

J. Louis Fletcher
Vice President
Business Development Officer

Ken R. Gibson
Vice President
Business Development Officer

Mark W. Gustafson
Vice President
Investment Account Executive

Leslie R. Howard
Vice President
Branch Manager, Denver

N. Michael Hamra
Vice President
Risk Management

M. Beth LaBarbera
Vice President
Branch Manager, Springs Road

E. Dean Lawing
Vice President
Mortgage Loan Underwriter

Tommy C. McNeely
Vice President
Business Development Officer

Cynthia H. McRee
Vice President
Branch Manager, Maiden

Rick D. Moser
Vice President
Branch Manager, Viewmont

Tammy H. Pope
Vice President
Business Systems

Denelda S. Reese
Vice President
Branch Manager, Catawba and

Jeanette R. Ringley
Vice President
Branch Manager, Newton

*Designates an executive officer of the Bank


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Robert C. Abernethy, Chairman
Chairman of the Board, Peoples Bancorp of
North Carolina, Inc. and Peoples Bank;
President, Secretary and Treasurer,
Carolina Glove Company, Inc.

James S. Abernethy
President and Assistant Secretary
Midstate Contractors, Inc.

Bruce R. Eckard
Eckard Vending Company, Inc.

John H. Elmore, Jr.
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive
Officer and Treasurer
Elmore Construction Company, Inc.

Gary E. Matthews
Matthews Construction Company, Inc.

Charles F. Murray
Murray's Hatchery, Inc.

Larry E. Robinson
President and Chief Executive Officer
Blue Ridge Distributing Company, Inc. &
President and Chief Executive Officer,
Associated Brands, Inc.

Fred L. Sherrill, Jr.
Retired Furniture Manufacturer

Dan Ray Timmerman, Sr.
Timmerman Manufacturing, Inc.

Benjamin I. Zachary
General Manager, Treasurer, Secretary and
Member of the Board of Directors
Alexander Railroad Company


B. E. Matthews
Chief Executive Officer
Matthews Construction Company, Inc.


Tony W. Wolfe
President and Chief Executive Officer

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.
Executive Vice President and
Corporate Secretary

A. Joseph Lampron
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer and Corporate Treasurer

Lance A. Sellers
Executive Vice President and
Assistant Corporate Secretary

William D. Cable
Executive Vice President and
Assistant Corporate Treasurer

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Robert C. Abernethy

David C. Brown

Bruce R. Eckard

Larry E. Robinson

Tony W. Wolfe


Tony W. Wolfe

David C. Brown
Vice President and
Assistant Secretary

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.
Secretary and Treasurer



Robert C. Abernethy

Dan Ray Timmerman, Sr.

Tony W. Wolfe


Tony W. Wolfe

Christopher L. Brookshire
Vice President

David E. Reitzel
Vice President

Joseph F. Beaman, Jr.

Clifton A. Wike

Kyle E. Sigmon
Assistant Secretary


                                                            PEOPLES BANCORP
BANK LOCATIONS                                              NORTH CAROLINA, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Peoples Bancorp Center
518 West C Street
PO Box 467
Newton, NC 28658

106 North Main Street
Catawba, NC 28609

3261 East Main Street
Claremont, NC 28610

213 1st Street West
Conover, NC 28613

6125 Hwy 16 South
Denver, NC 28037

Hickory/Springs Road
3310 Springs Road NE
Hickory, NC 28602

1333 2nd Street NE
Hickory, NC 28601

5133 NC Hwy 90 E
Hiddenite, NC 28636

1910 E Main Street
Lincolnton, NC 28092

200 Island Ford Road
Maiden, NC 28650

420 West A Street
Newton, NC 28658

North Newton
2619 North Main Avenue
Newton, NC 28658

Triangle Crossing
142 South Hwy 16
Denver, NC 28037

Off-Site Automated Teller
Machine Locations

Catawba Valley Boulevard
2052 Catawba Valley Blvd SE
Hickory, NC 28602

The General Store of Denver, Inc.
6360 E NC Hwy 150
Sherrills Ford, NC 28673

Future Locations

Catawba Valley Boulevard
2052 Catawba Valley Blvd SE
Hickory, NC 28602

West Lincoln
Highway 27 West
Lincolnton, NC 28092





Annual Meeting of Shareholders
May 2, 2002 - 11:00 a.m.
(Solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors)
The undersigned holder of Common Stock of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina,
Inc. (the "Company"), revoking all proxies heretofore given, hereby constitutes
and appoints the official proxy committee of the Company, comprised of all of
the members of the Board of Directors of the Company, each with full power of
substitution, for the undersigned and in the name, place and stead of the
undersigned to vote all of the undersigned's shares of said stock, according to
the number of votes and with all the powers the undersigned would possess if
personally present, at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Peoples
Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. (the "Meeting") to be held at the Catawba
Country Club, 1154 Country Club Road, Newton, North Carolina, on May 2, 2002 at
11:00 A.M., Eastern Time, and at any adjournments or postponements thereof.

1. The approval of the election of the
following named directors:
John H. Elmore, Jr., Charles F. Murray and Fred L. Sherrill, Jr. will serve as
directors until the 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until their
successors are duly elected and qualified.

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark "For
All Except" and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.

2. The ratification and approval of the appointment of Porter Keadle Moore, LLP
as the Company's independent auditor for the fiscal year ending December 31,
3. The Proxies are authorized to vote in their discretion upon such other
matters as may properly come before the Meeting.

The shares represented by this Proxy will be voted in the manner directed. In
the absence of any direction, the shares will be voted FOR each nominee listed
above, FOR the ratification and approval of the appointment of Porter Keadle
Moore, LLP as the Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2002, and in accordance with their discretion on such other matters
as may properly come before the Meeting. If instructions are given with respect
to one but not all proposals, such instructions as are given will be followed
and the proxy will be voted as indicated above on the proposal(s) for which no
instructions are given.
Signature(s) should conform to names as registered. For jointly owned shares,
each owner should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
trustee, guardian or officer of a corporation, please give full title.

The above signed hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Meeting and Proxy
Statement each dated April 3, 2002, relating to the Meeting and hereby revokes
any proxy or proxies heretofore given.

Each properly executed Proxy will be voted in accordance with the specifications
made above and in the discretion of the Proxies on any other matter that may
come before the Meeting. Where no choice is specified, this Proxy will be voted
(i) FOR all voted nominees to serve as directors and (ii) FOR the ratification
and approval of the appointment of Porter Keadle Moore, LLP as the Company's
independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002 and in
accordance with their discretion on such other matters as may properly come
before the Meeting.