
                                  UNITED STATES
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT



          Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): MAY 6, 2002

                          BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          DELAWARE                   000-22433              75-2692967
(State or other jurisdiction       (Commission            (IRS Employer
     of incorporation)             File  Number)        Identification No.)

                            6300 BRIDGEPOINT PARKWAY
                            BUILDING TWO, SUITE 500
                              AUSTIN, TEXAS 78730
          (Address, including zip code, of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (512) 427-3300



     On  May  6,  2002,  the  Registrant issued a press release announcing first
quarter  2002  operational  results.  The  full text of the press release, other
than (a) the fifth sentence of the paragraph labeled Adjacent Fault Blocks under
the  heading  "Gulf  Coast  Vicksburg Trend", which is set forth in Exhibit 99.1
hereto,  is  filed and incorporated in this Report as if fully set forth herein.

     On  May  7,  2002,  the  Registrant issued a press release announcing first
quarter  2002  fiancial results. The full text of the press release which is set
forth  in  Exhibit  99.2  hereto, is filed and incorporated in this Report as if
fully  set  forth  herein.



     (c)  Exhibits

               Item               Exhibit
               ----               -------

               99.1*              Press Release dated
                                  May 6, 2002.

               99.2*              Press Release dated
                                  May 7, 2002.

- ---------------
*   filed herewith.



     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                                           BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

Date:   May 8, 2002                        By:   /s/  Curtis F. Harrell
                                                 Curtis F. Harrell
                                                 Executive Vice President &
                                                 Chief Financial Officer


                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

     Item  Number               Exhibit
     ------------               -------

     99.1*                 Press Release dated
                           May 6, 2002.

     99.2*                 Press Release dated
                           May 7, 2002.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

BRIGHAM EXPLORATION                                                 NEWS RELEASE
EXPLORATION COMPANY                                        FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



Austin,  TX  --  May  6, 2002 -- Brigham Exploration Company (NASDAQ:BEXP) today
announced  two  successful  Vicksburg  completions  and  provided an operational
update  for  the  first  quarter  of  2002.


Triple Crown Field - Brigham recently completed its third well in the field, the
- ------------------
Sullivan  #F-31  (42%  working  interest, 31% net revenue interest), which found
approximately  65  feet  of Upper Vicksburg net pay.  Subsequent to the fracture
stimulation  of three separate pay intervals, the Sullivan #F-31 began producing
to sales in late April at a commingled rate of approximately 8.4 MMcf of natural
gas  and  94 barrels of condensate per day (9.0 MMcfe), or 2.8 MMcfe per day net
to  Brigham's revenue interest.  Brigham currently plans to drill two additional
development  wells  in the field in 2002, the first of which is expected to spud
early  in  the  third  quarter.

Home  Run  Field  -  Brigham  recently  completed  the Sullivan #C-28, its sixth
- ----------------
successful  well  in the field.  The well began producing to sales in January at
9.3  MMcfe  per day, or 2.3 MMcfe per day to Brigham's 25% net revenue interest.
Future development plans include the spud of the Palmer #5R in the next 60 days,
and  the  drilling of another development well later in the year.  The Palmer #5
was  originally  drilled  in  2001,  and  although the well experienced a casing
failure,  the  well  encountered  pay  intervals  comparable  to  that  of  the
successfully  completed  D.J.  Sullivan  #C-25  well.

Adjacent  Fault  Blocks  -  In  the  third  quarter Brigham plans to test one of
- -----------------------
several  adjacent  fault  blocks  structurally  low  to  the  Home Run Field and
structurally  high  to  the  Triple  Crown  Field.  To  date,  three  wells have
penetrated  the  Upper Vicksburg 9800' sand  in the "Floyd" fault block prior to
crossing  a  fault.  All three of these wells have been productive in this Upper
Vicksburg  9800'  sand.  Brigham expects the Floyd well to test additional Upper
Vicksburg  intervals  that  are now producing in the adjacent Triple Crown Field
and  the  Lower Vicksburg intervals that are currently producing in the adjacent
Home  Run  Field.  The  Company  will  retain  a 34% working and 25% net revenue
interest  in  the  Floyd  fault  block  test,  which  has a reserve potential of
approximately  50  Bcfe.


Providence  Field  - During February 2002, Brigham completed the discovery well,
- -----------------
the Staubach #1, which is currently producing approximately 1,600 barrels of oil
and  4.3  MMcf of natural gas per day, or 4.3 MMcfe net to Brigham's 31% revenue
interest.  The  Staubach  #1  is  expected  to  reach payout of its drilling and
completion  costs  in  May, at which time Brigham's working interest will reduce
from  41%  to  approximately  34%.

While  drilling its first offset to the discovery, Brigham experienced a loss of
surface  control  from an unanticipated pay interval at 10,370 feet, causing the
well  to  flow  natural  gas  to  the surface.  Five days later, the Burkhart #1
bridged  off naturally and the well was shut in.  This pay interval is shallower
and  fault  separated  from  the  Lower Frio interval currently producing in the
Staubach  #1.

Brigham  spud  the  Burkhart  #1R replacement/relief well on April 8th, which is
currently  drilling  as  planned  at  a  depth of approximately 9,800 feet.  The
Company plans to intersect and cement the original Burkhart #1 borehole over the
Middle  Frio  interval that generated the uncontrolled flow, and to subsequently
drill  deeper  in  order  to  attempt  to develop the Lower Frio sands currently
producing  in  the  Staubach  #1.  Brigham expects results from drilling of this
relief/replacement  well  by  late  May.

In  June, Brigham plans to spud the Heubner #1, which is an additional offset to
the  Staubach  #1.  This  well  will  be  operated  by  Carrizo  Oil & Gas, Inc.
(NASDAQ:CRZO),  and Brigham will retain a working interest of approximately 34%.
This  well  will  test the northern end of the approximately 800 acre structure,
and  results  are  expected  by  late  August.  With continued drilling success,
Brigham expects to spud an additional development well during the fourth quarter


                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1


Dinn  Ranch Field Discovery - As reported by EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE:EOG) in a
- ---------------------------
press  release  issued  on  April  29, 2002 and EEX Corporation (NYSE: EEX) in a
release  dated  May  1,  2002,  the  two  operators are developing a potentially
substantial  field  discovery  in the deep Wilcox trend.  As a result, two wells
were  reportedly  producing  to  sales  at  a  combined  34 MMcfe of natural gas
equivalent  per  day  at the end of the first quarter, two additional Dinn Ranch
development  wells  were  completing  and a third well was drilling.  One of the
wells currently completing, the EEX operated Lopez Mineral Trust #1, encountered
approximately  300  feet  of  apparent  pay.  Brigham  retained  a 2% overriding
royalty  interest  in  the  discovery,  which converts at 100% payout to a 12.5%
working  interest  with  a  1%  overriding  royalty  interest.  At  200% payout,
Brigham's  interest  converts  to a 25% working interest.  Completion operations
are  expected  to  conclude  in  late  May,  and  production  should go to sales
beginning  in  June.

Brigham  anticipates  that  an  additional  development well will be spud in the
third  quarter,  in  which  Brigham  will  retain  the same reversionary working
interests  as  the  Lopez  Mineral Trust #1.  If successful, a third development
well  could  be  drilled late in the year, and Brigham would retain a 25% ground
floor  working  interest  in  this  test.


In  March,  Brigham  spud  the  first of four successive Springer channel tests.
Brigham  retained a 33% working interest in the first test, which is expected to
reach total depth by late May.  The Company's working interest in this four well
program  is  expected to range between 24% and 69%, and several of the wells are
intended  to  further  delineate  a  Springer channel trend Brigham successfully
discovered  in  2001.  Brigham  continues to add to its substantial inventory of
drilling  locations  in  the Springer Trend, including the recent acquisition of
approximately 14,000 gross acres (4,600 net) over various prospects and leads in
the  area.


Exploration  Drilling  -  In 2001, Brigham completed four consecutive West Texas
- ---------------------
wells  that are currently producing approximately 850 barrels of oil per day, or
over  600  barrels of oil per day net to Brigham's revenue interest.  Seeking to
capitalize  on  this  recent  success,  the  Company  has  commenced a five well
drilling program.  Brigham will retain working interests ranging from 35% to 50%
in  these  wells,  in  which  the majority of the Company's costs are carried to
casing  point  by  industry  participants.  Three  of  these wells are currently
drilling,  the  first of which should reach its total depth by late May. Brigham
continues  to generate and lease 3-D delineated drilling locations utilizing its
inventory  of  over  2,000  square  miles  of  3-D  seismic  data in West Texas.


Brigham  spud  5  wells during the first quarter in which it retained an average
working  interest  of  26%. Two of these wells have been completed and three are
currently drilling. Brigham has achieved a 100% average gross and net completion
rate thus far in its 2002 drilling program.  Since the end of the quarter, three
additional wells have been spud.  Production volumes averaged 25.3 MMcfe per day
for  the  first  quarter  2002,  and  the Company exited the first quarter at an
estimated  30  MMcfe  per  day.


Bud  Brigham,  the Company's Chairman, CEO and President, stated, "We're pleased
with  our  drilling  results thus far in 2002.  We continue to capitalize on our
drilling successes in our five focus plays, where we've completed 26 wells in 29
recent  attempts.  In  addition,  our  carried interest in the Dinn Ranch Wilcox
Field development drilling provides additional production and reserve upside for
our  Company.

Mr. Brigham further stated, "Due to our recent drilling successes, our growth in
production  volumes  and the improvement in commodity prices, we have elected to
accelerate  our  drilling  program and now anticipate spending approximately $21
million  on drilling in 2002, up from our original budget of $16 million.  Given
our  current  activity,  in which we have six wells drilling, we look forward to
reporting  on  what  should  be  a  very  exciting  second  quarter  for  our


                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1


Brigham  Exploration Company is a leading independent exploration and production
company  that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging and other advanced technologies to
systematically  explore  and  develop  onshore  domestic  natural  gas  and  oil
provinces.  For  more  information  about  Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or  contact  Investor  Relations  at  512-427-3444.


Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in
this  news  release  are  forward looking statements that are based upon current
expectations.  Important  factors  that  could  cause  actual  results to differ
materially  from  those in the forward looking statements include risks inherent
in  exploratory  drilling  activities,  the  timing  and  extent  of  changes in
commodity  prices,  unforeseen  engineering  and  mechanical  or  technological
difficulties  in  drilling  wells,  availability  of drilling rigs, land issues,
federal  and  state regulatory developments and other risks more fully described
in  the  company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.

Contact:     John Turner, Manager of Finance and Investor Relations
             (512) 427-3300 / investor@bexp3d.com
