WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-QSB
(Mark  One)
     EXCHANGE  ACT  OF  1934
          For  the  quarterly  period  ended:  March 31, 2002

     EXCHANGE  ACT  OF  1934
               For the transition period from _____________ to _____________

                       Commission file number:  000-21898

                            INTERACTIVE GROUP, INC.
        (Exact name of small business issuer as specified in its charter)

                Delaware                                      46-0408024
      -------------------------------                    --------------------
      (state or other jurisdiction of                    (IRS Employer ID No)
      incorporation or organization)

                        204 N. Main, Humboldt, SD  57035
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
                                 (605) 363-5117
                            Issuer's telephone number
   (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

Check  whether  the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by Section
13  or  15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or for such shorter
period  that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes .X . .  No . . .

State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of common
equity, as of the latest practicable date:   5,276,039 shares at May 13, 2002

Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format (Check one):  Yes      No  X
                                                                ---     ---


                                 INTERACTIVE GROUP, INC.
                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

                              PART 1. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements (unaudited)


  Balance Sheets - March 31, 2002 and September 30, 2001                               3

  Statements of Operations - Six and Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001        4

  Statement of Stockholders' Deficit - Six Months Ended March 31, 2002                 5

  Statements of Cash Flows - Six Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001                  6

  Notes to Financial Statements                                                       7-8

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
  Results of Operations                                                              9-10

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities                                              10


                                       INTERACTIVE GROUP, INC.

                                            BALANCE SHEETS

ASSETS                                                                      Unaudited     9/30/2001
                                                                           ------------  ------------
Current Assets
  Cash                                                                     $     2,881   $       271
  Accounts receivable                                                               72           640
  Inventories                                                                    5,850         5,925
  Prepaid expenses and other assets                                                858           628
  Land, building and improvements held for sale                                 38,395        38,395
                                                                           ------------  ------------
          Total current assets                                                  48,056        45,859
                                                                           ------------  ------------

Property and Equipment, at cost
  Equipment, less accumulated depreciation of $10,675 and $10,573
    at March 31, 2002 and September 30, 2001                                     2,019           446
                                                                           ------------  ------------
          Total assets                                                     $    50,075   $    46,305
                                                                           ============  ============

Current Liabilities
  Notes payable, related party                                             $   500,000   $   500,000
  Current maturities of long-term debt                                           6,000        26,000
  Accounts payable                                                              22,394         8,789
  Accounts payable, related parties                                            220,764       171,238
  Accrued expenses                                                              31,914        67,777
  Accrued expenses, related parties                                            616,380       543,975
                                                                           ------------  ------------
          Total current liabilities                                          1,397,452     1,317,779
                                                                           ------------  ------------

  Long-term Debt, less current maturities                                       30,500        33,000
                                                                           ------------  ------------

Stockholders' Deficit
  Series A preferred stock, $.001 par value; authorized 2,000,000 shares;
    issued and outstanding 2,000,000 shares; liquidation preference of
    outstanding shares at March 31, 2002 of $300,000                             2,000         2,000
  Common stock, $.001 par value; authorized 50,000,000 shares;
    issued and outstanding 5,276,039 shares                                      5,276         5,276
  Additional paid-in capital                                                 8,054,967     8,054,967
  Accumulated deficit                                                       (9,440,120)   (9,366,717)
                                                                           ------------  ------------
          Total stockholders' deficit                                       (1,377,877)   (1,304,474)
                                                                           ------------  ------------
          Total liabilities and stockholders' deficit                      $    50,075   $    46,305
                                                                           ============  ============

See  Notes  to  Financial  Statements.


                                     INTERACTIVE GROUP, INC.

                                    STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                       Six and Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                    Six months ended March 31,     Three months ended March 31,
                                       2002            2001            2002            2001
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
Net sales                         $       1,907   $       5,295   $         555   $          95
Cost of goods sold                           75             186              15               6
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
          Gross profit                    1,832           5,109             540              89
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------

Operating expenses
  Selling                                10,770          13,237           7,357           8,299
  General and administrative             39,234          52,756          15,610          17,319
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
                                         50,004          65,993          22,967          25,618
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
          Operating (loss)              (48,172)        (60,884)        (22,427)        (25,529)
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------

Nonoperating income (expense):
  Write off of accounts payable
    and debt, net                        48,856          34,658          48,856           7,411
  Interest expense                      (74,991)        (67,541)        (36,972)        (34,343)
  Other income, net                         904           1,540             390           1,072
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
                                        (25,231)        (31,343)         12,274         (25,860)
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
(Loss) before income taxes              (73,403)        (92,227)        (10,153)        (51,389)
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
  Income tax expense (benefit)                0               0               0               0
                                  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
           Net (loss)             $     (73,403)  $     (92,227)  $     (10,153)  $     (51,389)
                                  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============

Loss per common share             $       (0.01)  $       (0.02)  $        0.00   $       (0.01)
                                  ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============

See Notes to Financial Statements.


                                                 INTERACTIVE GROUP, INC.

                                           STATEMENT OF STOCKHOLDERS' DEFICIT
                                             Six months ended March 31, 2002

                               Series A Preferred                   Additional Paid-in   Accumulated
                                      Stock         Common Stock         Capital           Deficit        Total
                               -------------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  ------------
Balance, September 30, 2001    $             2,000  $       5,276  $         8,054,967  $ (9,366,717)  $(1,304,474)
  Net loss                                       -              -                    -       (73,403)      (73,403)
                               -------------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  ------------
Balance, March 31, 2002        $             2,000  $       5,276  $         8,054,967  $ (9,440,120)  $(1,377,877)
                               ===================  =============  ===================  =============  ============

See Notes to Financial Statements.


                                       INTERACTIVE GROUP, INC.

                                      STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                              Six Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                                    2002       2001
                                                                  ---------  ---------
  Net (loss)                                                      $(73,403)  $(92,227)
  Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) to net cash
    (used in) operating activities:
    Depreciation                                                       102      4,115
    Write off of accounts payable and debt, net                    (48,856)   (34,658)
    Change in assets and liabilities:
      Decrease in accounts receivable                                  568      1,280
      Decrease in inventories                                           75        186
      (Increase) in prepaid expenses and other assets                 (230)      (429)
      Increase in accounts payable                                     556      1,907
      Increase in accrued expenses                                  78,447     68,075
                                                                  ---------  ---------
        Net cash (used in) operating activities                    (42,741)   (51,751)
                                                                  ---------  ---------

  Purchase of property and equipment                                (1,675)         -
                                                                  ---------  ---------
         Net cash (used in) investing activities                    (1,675)         -

  Advances from related party                                       49,526     51,041
  Principal payments on long-term debt                              (2,500)    (1,000)
                                                                  ---------  ---------
        Net cash provided by financing activities                   47,026     50,041
                                                                  ---------  ---------

          Net increase (decrease) in cash                            2,610     (1,710)

Beginning                                                              271      1,952
                                                                  ---------  ---------

Ending                                                            $  2,881   $    242
                                                                  =========  =========

  Cash payments for:
    Interest                                                      $      -   $      -
    Income tax                                                           -          -

  Issuance of common stock for satisfaction of accounts payable   $      -   $ 10,500

See Notes to Financial Statements.


                             INTERACTIVE GROUP, INC.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


The financial information presented has been prepared from the books and records
without  audit,  but  in  the  opinion  of  management, includes all adjustments
consisting  of  only  normal  recurring  adjustments,  necessary  for  a  fair
presentation  of  the  financial  information  for  the  periods presented.  The
results  of  operations  for  the  six  months  ended  March  31,  2002, are not
necessarily  indicative  of  the  results  expected  for  the  entire  year.


Deferred  taxes  are  provided on an asset and liability method whereby deferred
tax  assets  are  recognized  for deductible temporary differences and operating
loss  and  tax  credit carryforwards and deferred tax liabilities are recognized
for  taxable  temporary  differences.  Temporary differences are the differences
between  the  reported  amounts  of  assets and liabilities and their tax bases.
Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of
management,  it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred
tax  assets  will  not  be  realized.  Deferred  tax  assets and liabilities are
adjusted  for  the  effects  of  changes  in  tax  laws and rates on the date of

At  March  31,  2002,  the  Company has for tax reporting purposes approximately
$15,000  in  unused  research  and  development credits and a net operating loss
carryforward  of  approximately $7,884,000 available to be offset against future
federal taxable income or income tax liabilities.  These carryforwards expire in
varying  amounts  in  years ending September 30, 2008 through 2022.  The Company
has  recorded  a full valuation allowance on the deferred tax assets due to lack
of assurance that the tax benefits can be realized.  Realization of deferred tax
assets is dependent upon sufficient future taxable income during the period that
deductible  temporary differences and carryforwards are expected to be available
to  reduce  taxable  income.


The  loss  per  common  and  common equivalent share has been computed using the
weighted  average  of  the  number  of  shares outstanding for the six and three
months  ended March 31, 2002 and 2001.  Securities that could potentially dilute
basic earnings per share in the future that were not included in the computation
of  diluted  earnings  per share for the six month and three month periods ended
March  31,  2002,  because to do so would have been antidilutive are as follows:
20,000,000  shares  of  common  stock  issuable  upon the conversion of Series A
preferred  stock,  44,834  shares  of common stock issuable upon the exercise of
options,  and  1,000,000  shares  of  common stock issuable upon the exercise of
stock  warrants.  Securities  that  could  potentially dilute basic earnings per
share  in  the  future  that  were  not  included  in the computation of diluted
earnings  per  share  for  the six month and three month periods ended March 31,
2001,  because to do so would have been antidilutive are as follows:  20,000,000
shares of common stock issuable upon the conversion of Series A preferred stock,
83,834  shares  of  common  stock  issuable  upon  the  exercise of options, and
1,000,000  shares  of common stock issuable upon the exercise of stock warrants.
All  references  to  (loss)  per  share in the financial statements are to basic
(loss)  per  share.  Diluted  (loss)  per  share is the same as basic (loss) per
share  for  all  per share amounts presented.  The weighted number of common and
common  equivalent  shares  outstanding for the six and three months ended March
31, 2002 are 5,276,039 and for the six and three months ended March 31, 2001 are
5,198,407  and  5,253,259  respectively.



At  March  31,  2002  and  September  30,  2001, the Company had a $500,000 note
payable  to  Old  TPR,  Inc. (TPR), a related party, that is due on demand.  The
note was originally to a bank and was assumed by TPR on behalf of the Company as
a  result  of  its guarantee of the loan.  The note to TPR bears interest at the
rate of 13.6% and is secured by substantially all the assets of the Company.  In
connection  with  the  assumption of the loan, TPR received 1,000,000 restricted
common  stock  warrants  that  each represent the right to purchase one share of
common  stock  at  $.50.  The warrants expire one year following satisfaction of
the  note.


The  Company  has  sustained  operating losses for several years and its current
liabilities  exceeded current assets at March 31, 2002.  Continued operations of
the  Company  are dependent upon the Company's ability to meet its existing debt
requirements  on  a  continuing basis.  Management's plans in this regard are to
increase  its  revenues  by  developing  a  security  products division with the
assistance  of  TPR  Group  (TPRG), a related party.  In April 2002, the Company
announced  that  it  has  created  a Carlsbad Security Products Division (CSPD).
This  division  was  formed to develop, market and sell networked monitoring and
security  systems.  These  systems  will  incorporate  third  party  security
components, such as digital video recorders and video cameras, together with the
Company's  SoundXchange  products  and  proprietary  software.  The  Company has
signed  agreements  with three independent sales consultants, which are expected
to  assist  the  Company  in  exchange for stock options of the Company to build
sales  and  support  capabilities  for  InterActive's  networked  monitoring and
security systems.   Additionally, the Company has entered into an agreement with
Bluestem  Capital  Partners III Limited Partnership (Bluestem), a related party.
Under  the terms of a subordinated convertible note, Bluestem loaned the Company
the  sum  of  $100,000 with interest to accrue at the rate of 10% per year.  The
note  matures  April  20,  2003,  unless  previously  converted.  At the time of
conversion,  the  loan  would  be  converted  into Company stock, at a number of
shares  agreed  upon  by  the  parties.  Repayment  of  the  loan  is  expressly
subordinated  to  payment in full of any and all Senior Indebtedness (as defined
in the convertible note) of the Company.  The Company will also continue efforts
to  generate  cash  through  private  investments  or  loans.




     Revenue.  Net sales were $555 and $1,907 for the three and six months ended
March  31,  2002  compared  to $95 and $5,295 for the three and six month period
ended March 31, 2001.  The Company's decrease in sales is attributable mainly to
less  demand  for  its  SoundXchange  Model  K.

     Gross  Profit.  Gross  profit  increased  506% to $540 for the three months
ended  March 31, 2002 from $89 for the three months ended March 31, 2001.  Gross
profit  decreased  64%  to  $1,832  for the six months ended March 31, 2002 from
$5,109 for the six months ended March 31, 2001.  The increase in the three month
period  ended  March  31,  2002  was  due to an increase in sales of the Model K
product  with  its  higher gross profit margin and the overall decrease in gross
profit  for  the  six  month period was due to the sales of product with a lower
gross  profit  margin.

     Selling  expenses.  Selling  expenses  decreased  to  $7,357  for the three
months  ended  March  31,  2002 from $8,299 for the three months ended March 31,
2001.  Selling  expenses decreased to $10,770 for the six months ended March 31,
2002  from  $13,237  for the six months ended March 31, 2001.  This decrease was
primarily  due  to  less  emphasis  on  sales  of  the  SoundXchange  product.

     General  and  administrative.  General  and  administrative  expenses  were
$15,610  and  $39,234  for  the  three  and  six months ended March 31, 2002 and
$17,319  and  $52,756  for  the  three and six months ended March 31, 2001.  The
decrease  from  the  previous periods is primarily due to an increased effort on
the  Company's  behalf  to  decrease  expenses.

     Depreciation.  Depreciation  expense  for  the three months ended March 31,
2002  and  2001  was $65 and $1,774, respectively.  Depreciation expense for the
six months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001 was $102 and $4,115, respectively.  The
decrease in depreciation expense was mainly due to reclassifying land, building,
and  improvements  as  held  for sale during fiscal year 2001 and the ceasing of
depreciation  on  such  assets  at  that  time.

     Nonoperating income (expense).  Nonoperating income (expense) for the three
months  ended  March  31,  2002  and  March  31, 2001 was $12,274 and ($25,860),
respectively.  Nonoperating  (expense)  for  the six months ended March 31, 2002
and  2001  was  ($25,231)  and  ($31,343),  respectively.  The  decrease  in
nonoperating  expense  is  mainly due to a write off of a convertible note.  Any
action  to  enforce the payment of the convertible note must have been commenced
prior  to  December  1,  2001.

     Net  Loss.  Net  loss for the three months ended March 31, 2002 was $10,153
or  $0.00  per share compared to a net loss for the three months ended March 31,
2001  of  $51,389 or ($0.01) per share.  Net loss for the six months ended March
31,  2002  was  $73,403  or ($0.01) per share compared to a net loss for the six
months  ended  March  31, 2001 of $92,227 or ($0.02) per share.  The decrease in
losses  was  due  largely  to a write off of a convertible note payable which is
included  in  non-operating  income.



     The  Company  has  sustained  operating  losses  for  several years and its
current  liabilities  exceeded  current  assets  at  March  31, 2002.  Continued
operations  of  the Company are dependent upon the Company's ability to meet its
existing  debt  requirements  on a continuing basis.  Management's plans in this
regard  are  to increase its revenues by developing a security products division
with  the  assistance of TPRG.  In April 2002, the Company announced that it has
created  CSPD.  This  division  was formed to develop, market and sell networked
monitoring  and  security  systems.  These  systems will incorporate third party
security components, such as digital video recorders and video cameras, together
with  the Company's SoundXchange products and proprietary software.  The Company
has  signed  agreements  with  three  independent  sales  consultants, which are
expected  to  assist the Company in exchange for stock options of the Company to
build  sales and support capabilities for InterActive's networked monitoring and
security  systems.  Additionally, the Company has entered into an agreement with
Bluestem,  a  related  party.  Under  the  terms of the subordinated convertible
note, Bluestem loaned the Company the sum of $100,000 with interest to accrue at
the  rate  of  10% per year.  The note matures April 20, 2003, unless previously
converted.  At  that  time, the loan would be converted into Company stock, at a
number  of  shares  agreed upon by the parties.  Repayment of the bridge loan is
expressly subordinated to payment in full of any and all Senior Indebtedness (as
defined in the convertible note) of the Company.  The Company will also continue
efforts  to  generate  cash  through  private  investments  or  loans.

     The  Company  has  approximately  $14,000 in past due accounts payable with
judgments  against  these amounts.  The Company is in the process of negotiating
to try to resolve these debts and corresponding judgments.  The Company has also
been  notified  of  the expiration of right of redemption effective June 4, 2002
for  non-payment  of property taxes on its real estate in the approximate amount
of  $9,500.  The  Company  intends to exercise it's right of redemption prior to
the  expiration  date.

     Management  believes  that  the  largest  challenges  that the Company will
confront  are  in its attempt to achieve increases in revenues and profitability
in  the  future.  While  the  Company is optimistic about the possibility of its
overcoming  these  challenges and achieving its goals, there can be no assurance
that  it  will  be  able  to  achieve  any  or  all  of  its  objectives.

                         PART II.     OTHER INFORMATION


     The Company had at December 31, 2001 a note in the amount of $20,000, which
was  due  to  an  individual  on  November  30,  1995  and was collateralized by
substantially  all  assets  of  the  Company  and subordinated to certain senior
secured  debt.  The  note  bore  interest  at  the  rate  of 15% and had accrued
interest  of  $41,905  at December 31, 2001.  At March 31, 2002, the Company has
written off this note and related accrued interest, as the note can no longer be
enforced.  Any  action  to  enforce  the  payment  of  the  note  must have been
commenced  prior  to  December  1,  2001.  The amount written off is included in
non-operating  income  at  March  31,  2002.



     In  accordance  with  the  requirements of the Exchange Act, the registrant
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly

     Dated:  May 14, 2002                 INTERACTIVE  INC.

                                          /s/  Robert  Stahl
                                          Robert  Stahl
                                          President  and  Secretary
