NEWS RELEASE
                            THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2002

Contact:  Chad  Hyslop  (208)  331-8400
chyslop@americanecology.com     www.americanecology.com
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     BOISE,  Idaho  -  Steve  Romano,  President  and Chief Executive Officer of
American  Ecology Corporation [NASDAQ: ECOL], announced that subsidiary American
Ecology  Recycle  Center  (AERC)  of  Oak  Ridge,  Tenn.  has  fully  resolved a
longstanding  investigation  by  the  United  States  Attorney's  Office for the
Eastern  District  of  Tennessee  and  other federal agencies.  Today, attorneys
representing  AERC entered a guilty plea in United States District Court for the
Eastern  District  of  Tennessee  to  a single felony count of storing hazardous
waste  without  the necessary permit at the subsidiary's Oak Ridge facility from
1997 to 2000.  AERC also paid a $10,000 fine.  The plea agreement recognizes the
company's  recent,  voluntary contributions of $12,500 to the Tennessee Wildlife
Resources Agency and $12,500 to the Tennessee Valley Authority Police to support
environmental  training  and  enforcement.

     "The  past,  improper  management  of  these  materials was an unacceptable
departure  from  American  Ecology's  commitment  to  the  highest  standards of
compliance  with environmental regulations," Romano stated, adding "Today's plea
agreement  resolves  all  outstanding  matters  regarding these past practices."

     AERC  purchased the Oak Ridge facility from Quadrex Corporation in 1994. In
the  months  previous  to purchasing the facility, a fire in a treatment process
area  at  the  facility  resulted  in the creation of contaminated liquid, which
became  AERC's  responsibility  with  the  acquisition.  In 2000, AERC entered a
Consent  Agreement,  paid  a  related  $100,000  civil  penalty


to  the  U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency  for storing hazardous material
without  a  permit,  and  obtained  the  required permit. The waste was properly
removed  and  disposed  of  in  December  2000.

     "The  senior  managers  responsible  for the Oak Ridge subsidiary when this
problem  arose are no longer employed by the company," Romano added, concluding,
"The  final  resolution  of  this  long-standing  legal  matter demonstrates the
Company's  commitment  to  addressing  environmental  and regulatory issues in a
responsible  fashion."

     American  Ecology  Corporation,  through  its  subsidiaries,  provides
radioactive,  PCB,  hazardous and non-hazardous waste services to commercial and
government customers throughout the United States, such as nuclear power plants,
steel  mills,  medical  and academic institutions and petro-chemical facilities.

     This  press  release  contains  forward-looking statements based on current
expectations,  beliefs,  and assumptions. Actual results and outcomes may differ
materially  from  what  is  expressed  herein and no assurance can be given that
resolution  of  this  or  any  legal  matter  will  result in improved financial
performance  at  the  Oak  Ridge  facility. For information on risk factors that
could cause actual results to differ from expectations or could adversely impact
operations,  please refer to American Ecology Corporation's Report on Form 10-K,
and  most  recent  Form  10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

