United States
                       Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): January 29, 2003

                          HOUSTON AMERICAN ENERGY CORP.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

            000-33027                             76-0675953
     (Commission File Number)           (IRS Employer Identification No.)

   801 Travis, Suite 2020, Houston, Texas                   77002
   (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

                                 (713) 222-6966
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)



     1. On January 15, 2003, the Registrant and Rio Exploration Company, a Texas
corporation  ("Rio"), executed an agreement whereby the Registrant acquired from
Rio  a  12.5  percent  interest of 100 percent interest in Hupecol, LLC, a Texas
limited  liability  company,  and  the Tambaqui Association Contract composed of
36,000  hectares,  more  or  less,  and  to be known as the Tambaqui Association
Contract  issued  by  ECOPETROL  and  the State of Casanare, Columbia. The total
consideration  for  the agreement was $312,500, which was paid by the Registrant
on  January  29, 2003. The source of the funds used to pay the consideration for
the  agreement  was  corporate  funds.  The purchase price for the agreement was
arrived  by  arms-length  negotiations  between  the  Registrant  and  Rio.

     2.  Although  the agreement closed on January 29, 2003, it became effective
from  and  after  January  1,  2003. It is important to note that the Registrant
acquired  the  subject interest through ownership in Hupecol, LLC. The effect is
the  same  as if the Registrant owns beneficially a 12.5 percent interest in the
subject  interest.

     3.  It was understood by the parties that Hupecol, LLC is in the process of
forming  a  new  limited  liability company, which will be the sole owner of the
Tambaqui  Association  Contract, of which Rio will be assigned, and be the owner
of  a  16.38102  percent  of  100  percent  share  of  the new "Tambaqui Limited
Liability  Company."  Upon  assignment to Rio of the "Tambaqui Limited Liability
Company,"  Rio  agrees to assign to the Registrant a 12.5 percent of 100 percent
interest  in Tambaqui LLC, within five working days of the date assigned to Rio.

     4.  In  addition  to  the  consideration  for  the  purchase of the subject
interest,  the  Registrant  has  agreed  to  send  to Hupecol, LLC the amount of
$168,579.38  upon  a  cash  call  from  Hupecol,  LLC.

     5.  Rio  has  agreed  to  furnish  the  Registrant  with copies of all data
pertinent  to  the  Tambaqui  Block,  including,  but not limited to, contracts,
geophysical  data,  log  data,  or  data  requested  by  the  Registrant that is
currently available to Rio and Hupecol, LLC, or generated for the benefit of the
parties and shall be owned by the parties in proportion to their interest in the
contract  and  any  such party shall be entitled to copy such data. The party or
parties  requesting  such  data shall pay all cost of reproduction of such data.

     6.  The  agreement  shall  be  supplemented by a (mutually agreeable by all
parties  subject to the contract) Joint Development and Operating Agreement that
will  be  attached to the new "Tambaqui Limited Liability Company" incorporating
the  principal  terms, conditions, and provisions set forth in the agreement and
such  other  provisions  as are essential to the management and operation of the
proposed  LLC  and  Association  Contract.

     7.  Nothing contained in the agreement shall be deemed in any way or manner
to  prohibit or restrict in any way the right or freedom of any party thereto to
engage  in  oil and gas activities outside the Tambaqui Block in Colombia, South
America. However, if either party thereto enters into a geological project, such
as  geological  mapping  or other oil and gas activity and decides to go forward


with  an  oil  and  gas  project  and  enters into an association contract, both
parties  to the agreement agree to offer each other the right to participate for
a  12.5  percent  working  interest  on or at cost basis, whether it be with the
companies that are subject to the agreement or their principles or assigns for a
period  of  five  years  from  the  date  of  the  agreement.


     (a)       Financial  Statements.

          None.  Financial  statements  with  respect  to  Hupecol, LLC, a Texas
          limited  liability company, and the Tambaqui Association Contract will
          be  filed  within  the  time  permitted  by  the  regulations  of  the
          Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  inasmuch  as  such  financial
          statements  have  not  been  completed  as  of  the  date  hereof.

     (b)       Exhibits.

          The following exhibit is filed herewith:

          Exhibit  10.1.  Letter  Agreement  with  Rio  Exploration Company with
          respect Hupecol, LLC and the Tambaqui Association Contract.


     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

Date: February 11, 2003                    HOUSTON AMERICAN ENERGY CORP.

                                           By  /s/ John F. Terwilliger
                                             John F. Terwilliger, President
