DATED  FEBRUARY  13,  2003

After the Closing, (Allied Waste Landfill Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation
("AWLH"),  and  Allied  Waste  Systems  Holdings,  Inc.,  a Delaware corporation
("AWSH"  and  collectively  with  AWLH,  "Buyers"));  Buyers  shall  cause  the
Partnership  to  pay  to  (American  Ecology  Holdings  Corporation,  a Delaware
corporation  ("AEHC"),  and  American  Ecology  Services Corporation, a Delaware
corporation  ("AESC"  and  collectively with AEHC, "Sellers")) Sellers a royalty
(the  "Royalty")  for  all  volumes of waste (excluding Texas Class I industrial
waste  which,  if  accepted,  shall  be subject to a separate royalty payment as
described  in Section 3.4.2) disposed of at the Landfill after the Closing.  The
Royalty  shall be due throughout the life of the Landfill, and shall survive any
subsequent  transfers of the Landfill or of any ownership interest therein.  The
Royalty  amount  to be paid shall be (a) $1.50 per ton for the first 35,750 tons
delivered  during  each Reporting Quarter, (b) $1.00 per ton for the next 35,750
tons  delivered  during  each  Reporting Quarter, and (c) $2.00 per ton for each
additional  ton  delivered  during  any  Reporting  Quarter.

If, after the Closing, the Partnership or any successor, in its sole discretion,
obtains  a  permit  to accept Texas Class I (also known as "Class 1") industrial
waste  at  the  Landfill,  Buyers  shall  cause the Partnership to pay Sellers a
royalty  payment  of  $15.00  per  ton (the "Class I Royalty") on all such Texas
Class  I  industrial  waste  disposed  of  at the Landfill during each Reporting
Quarter.  The  Class I Royalty shall be due throughout the life of the Landfill,
and  shall  survive  the  transfer  of the Landfill or of any ownership interest
therein.  No  payment  other  than  the Class I Royalty shall be due on any such
Texas  Class  I  industrial  waste.

Notwithstanding  the  actual  volume of waste disposed of at the Landfill during
any  calendar  year,  if  the  total  amount of all Royalty payments and Class I
Royalty  payments  by  the  Partnership to Sellers for any calendar year is less
than $215,000 (the "Minimum Royalty"), Buyers shall cause the Partnership to pay
Sellers an amount such that the total payments to Sellers for such calendar year
equals  $215,000;  provided, however, if the Landfill is unable or restricted in
its  ability to receive waste as the result of legal or regulatory circumstances
beyond  the reasonable control of the Partnership or acts of God ("Acts of Force
Majeure"),  the amount of the Minimum Royalty shall be reduced pro rata for each
day that the Landfill is subject to such limitations.  The obligation to pay the
Minimum  Royalty  shall  terminate  after  the  aggregate  amount of all Royalty
payments,  Class  I  Royalty  payments  and  Minimum  Royalty  payments  equals
$14,000,000.  The  obligation  to  pay  the  Minimum  Royalty  shall survive any
subsequent  transfers of the Landfill or of any ownership interest therein.  The
Minimum  Royalty  shall  be adjusted once annually, commencing on January 1st of
each year, by the percentage increase or decrease, if any, in the consumer price
index  published  by  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics  of  the  United States
Department  of  Labor,  All  Items, for all South urban consumers, 1982-84 = 100
based  on  the  most  recent month for which the index has been published before
such January 1st.  In the event that the specified index ceases to be available,
the parties shall use the most closely comparable index then available.  For the
avoidance  of  doubt,  Buyers  acknowledge  and  agree  that their obligation to
continue  paying  Royalties  under  Section  3.4.1  and  Class I Royalties under
Section  3.4.2 shall not be affected or terminated by the termination of Buyers'
Minimum  Royalty  requirement  once the aggregate amount of all Royalty payments
and  Class  I  Royalty  payments  equals  $14,000,000.

The  parties  acknowledge and agree that from and after the Closing, cubic yards
of  both compacted and uncompacted waste may be received at the Landfill, and it
is  the  intention  of  the parties that all such waste accepted at the Landfill
shall  be  weighed.  If  the  Landfill  scales  are unavailable, Sellers and the
Partnership  shall  use the conversion factor described in this Section 3.4.4 to
convert the volume into tons.  Therefore, the parties agree that for purposes of
computing  the  Royalty  and  the Class I Royalty, waste that is received at the
Landfill  and  not  weighed by the Landfill scales shall be converted to tons by
applying  a conversion factor of 3 to 1 (i.e., 3 cubic yards is equal to 1 ton).

No  Royalty,  Class  I  Royalty  or  other  payment  of any type shall be due on
materials  received  at  the  Landfill  and  diverted  to  another  facility for
disposal,  recycling  or  other  disposition  or  for  materials received at the
Landfill for which the Partnership does not receive a transportation or disposal
fee  to  accept  and  does  not pay any taxes that are used as alternative daily

Sellers  and  Parent acknowledge and agree that:  (a) other than with respect to
the  Minimum  Royalty, the Partnership shall be obligated to pay the Royalty and
Class  I  Royalty  only  if,  as  and when the Landfill accepts for disposal the


applicable  type  of waste after the Closing; and (b) the Partnership shall have
the  sole  and  absolute  discretion  to  operate the Landfill and Assets in any
manner  whatsoever, or not at all, to accept or not accept waste, and shall have
no  obligation to operate the Landfill or Assets in order to maximize the amount
of  any  Royalty,  Class I Royalty or other payment due to Sellers.  Sellers and
Parent  further  acknowledge and agree that the Royalty, the Class I Royalty and
the  Minimum Royalty shall only be payable with respect to the 160 acres of real
property  that  as  of  the Closing constitute the boundary of the Landfill, and
that  no  Royalty,  Class  I  Royalty, Minimum Royalty or other payment shall be
payable  on any future Landfill expansion outside the existing 160 acres of real
property.  Buyers  acknowledge  and agree that any Landfill expansion within the
existing  160  acres  shall  be  subject  to the Royalty and Class I Royalty, as

The  Royalty  and  Class I Royalty shall be paid to Sellers within 45 days after
the  end  of each Reporting Quarter.  Any amount due to meet the Minimum Royalty
shall  be  paid  to  Sellers within 45 days after the end of each calendar year.

From  and after the Closing, Buyers shall cause the Partnership to maintain true
and correct books and records of account in connection with the operation of the
Landfill.  Parent,  at  its  expense (except as hereinafter provided) shall have
the  right  to review or audit (in Parent's discretion) the books and records of
the  Partnership  that  are directly relevant to determining compliance with the
provisions  of this Section 3.4.  Such review or audit shall be upon at least 10
days' prior notice, at reasonable times, and no more than once per calendar year
during  the period when the Partnership's royalty obligations under this Section
3.4 are in effect.  Upon completion of the review or audit, the results shall be
presented  to  Buyers  and Parent, and, subject to the provisions of Article 16,
Buyers shall promptly pay to Sellers the amount of any Royalty payments or Class
I  Royalty  payments  shown to be due.  Subject to the provisions of Article 16,
any  amount as shown by the review or audit by which the total amount of Royalty
payments  and/or  Class I Royalty payments for any period exceeds the amount due
shall  be  promptly  returned to Buyers.  If the review or audit determines that
the shortfall in Royalty payments and/or Class I Royalty payments exceeds by 10%
or  more  the  amount  due,  the  cost of such review or audit shall be borne by
