[GRAPHIC  OMITTED]

                                                                    NEWS RELEASE
                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE



     Austin,  TX  --  May  6,  2003 -- Brigham Exploration Company (NASDAQ:BEXP)
today  announced  record financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2003.
Highlights  of  Brigham's  financial  performance for the first quarter include:

- -    Production  volumes  increased for the sixth consecutive quarter to average
     31.2  MMcfed,  up 23% relative to 25.3 MMcfed in the first quarter 2002 and
     up  5%  relative  to  29.6  MMcfed  in  the  fourth  quarter  of  2002;

- -    172%  increase in EBITDA (see reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures
     in  tables)  to $11.6 million in the first quarter 2003 due to the combined
     effects  of  increased production volumes and improved realized prices; and

- -    356%  increase  in  discretionary cash flow (see reconciliation of non-GAAP
     financial  measures  in  tables)  to $9.6 million in the first quarter 2003
     from  $2.1  million  in  the  first  quarter  last  year.


     Gene  Shepherd,  Brigham's Chief Financial Officer, commented, "We are very
pleased  with  the  record  financial performance achieved by the Company in the
first  quarter  of  2003.  We  are  benefiting not only from the strong industry
conditions, with record commodity prices and low service costs, but also from an
acceleration  of  our  drilling activity beginning in the fourth quarter of 2002
that  contributed  to our record first quarter production volumes.  Importantly,
due  to  declining  unit  costs and improving realizations, our per unit margins
grew  in  each of the last four years and averaged $1.57 per Mcfe in 2002.  This
growth  in  profitability  has  accelerated thus far in 2003.  Our first quarter
margins  expanded  dramatically  to  $3.50  per Mcfe, demonstrating the powerful
financial  impact  provided  by the combination of high commodity prices and our
organic  drilling-driven  growth  in  production  volumes.  Given  our large and
growing  inventory  of  exploration  and  development prospects and our enhanced
financial flexibility, by virtue of our fourth quarter equity financings and our
substantial  growth  in  cash flow, we are very excited about the opportunity we
have  to  compound  value  for  our  shareholders  in  2003."


     Average  daily  production  volumes  for  the  first quarter 2003 were 31.2
MMcfed,  an  increase of 23% when compared to the first quarter 2002 and 5% when
compared  to  the  fourth  quarter  2002.  This represents the sixth consecutive
quarterly  increase  in  Brigham's  average  daily  production  volumes.

     Revenues  from  the  sale  of  oil  and  natural gas were $14.6 million and
increased  128%  when  compared  to  revenue  in  last  year's  first  quarter.
Approximately 80% of the increase was due to an increase in Brigham's post hedge
average  realized  sales price for oil and gas and 20% was due to an increase in
production  volumes.

     Lease  operating  expenses  for the first quarter of 2003 were $974,000 and
decreased  8%  to  $0.35  per  Mcfe on a per unit of equivalent production basis
relative  to  the first quarter last year. The decrease in Brigham's total lease
operating  expense  per  unit  of  production  is primarily due to a decrease in
Brigham's lease operating expense excluding ad valorem taxes. A 137% increase in
Brigham's  pre-hedge  oil  and  gas  sales  price resulted in a 166% increase in
production  taxes.  Production taxes for the first quarter 2003 represented 5.2%
of  total  revenue  before  hedging  compared to 5.7 % in the first quarter last

     General  and  administrative  expenses for the first quarter 2003 were $1.1
million  and  decreased  2%  to  $0.41  per  Mcfe  on  a  per unit of equivalent
production  basis  relative  to  the first quarter 2002. Depletion expenses were
$4.1 million, up 31% compared to depletion expenses last year. Approximately 77%
of  the  increase  in  depletion expenses was due to a 23% increase in Brigham's
production  volumes,  while  23%  of  the  increase  was due to a 6% increase in
Brigham's  depletion  rate.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

     Interest  expense for the first quarter 2003 was $1.3 million and decreased
10%  relative to the first quarter 2002, due to a decrease in Brigham's weighted
average  debt  outstanding for the first quarter 2003. The average interest rate
on  Brigham's  outstanding  indebtedness for the first quarter 2003 was 6.1% and
was  unchanged  from  the  first  quarter  last  year.

     Brigham's earnings before interest expense, taxes, depreciation, depletion,
amortization and other non-cash charges (EBITDA - see reconciliation of non-GAAP
financial  measures  in  tables)  for  the first quarter 2003 was a record $11.6
million.  EBITDA  for  the  first quarter 2003 increased 172% over EBITDA in the
first  quarter  2002.  Discretionary  cash  flow (see reconciliation of non-GAAP
financial  measures in tables) for the first quarter 2003 increased 356% to $9.6
million  relative  to  $2.1  million  in  the first quarter 2002.  Net income to
common  for  the  first  quarter 2003 was $5.5 million compared to a net loss to
common of $1.3 million in the first quarter last year.  Net income to common for
the  first quarter 2003 included a cumulative $268,000 ($0.01 per diluted share)
non-cash  gain  related  to  the  adoption  of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards  No.  143  relating  to  asset  retirement  obligations of oil and gas
properties.  Net  income  to  common  per  diluted share was $0.20 for the first
quarter 2003, compared to a loss of $(0.08) per diluted share last year.

     Brigham's  net capital expenditures for oil and gas activities in the first
quarter 2003 totaled $8.0 million and included $5.2 million related to drilling,
$1.1  million  for  land  and  G&G  activities  and $1.7 million for capitalized
general and administrative costs and capitalized interest.


     The  following  forecasts  and  estimates  of Brigham's second quarter 2003
results  are  forward  looking statements subject to the risks and uncertainties
identified  in  the  "Forward  Looking Statements Disclosure" at the end of this

     Brigham currently expects second quarter 2003 production volumes to average
between  28  and  32  MMcfed,  61%  of which consists of natural gas. Forecasted
production  volumes  for  second  quarter  exclude any impact that the Palmer #7
development  well  would  have  provided  were it not for the well head failure.
Lease  operating  expenses  are projected to be $0.39 per Mcfe, production taxes
are  projected to be 5.5% of pre-hedge oil and gas revenues, and net general and
administrative  expenses  are  projected  to be $1.2 million ($0.42 to $0.48 per

     Based  on these production and cost estimates, assumed average NYMEX prices
of  $5.15  per  MMBtu  for natural gas and $26.75 per barrel for oil, and taking
into account current hedging contracts outstanding, Brigham forecasts revenue of
between  $10.8 and $12.8 million and EBITDA of between $8.0 and $9.7 million for
the  second  quarter  2003.


     Brigham  management  will  host  a conference call to discuss the Company's
first  quarter  2003  operational and financial results with investors, analysts
and  other  interested  parties  on  Wednesday,  May  7th,  at 9:00 a.m. CDT. To
participate  in  the  call,  please  dial  800-915-4836  and ask for the Brigham
Exploration  conference call.  A telephone recording of the conference call will
be  available  to  interested  parties approximately two hours after the call is
completed  through  11:59  p.m.  CDT  on  Wednesday,  May  21st.  To  access the
recording,  domestic  callers should dial 800-428-6051 and international callers
should  dial  973-709-2089.  The  passcode  I.D.  for the conference playback is
292538. In addition, a live and archived web cast of the conference call will be
available  over  the  Internet at either www.bexp3d.com or www.streetevents.com.


     Brigham  Exploration  Company  is an independent exploration and production
company  that  applies  3-D  seismic  imaging and other advanced technologies to
systematically  explore  and  develop  onshore  domestic  natural  gas  and  oil
provinces.  For  more  information  about  Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website  at  www.bexp3d.com  or  contact  Investor  Relations  at  512-427-3444.


     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  the  matters
discussed in this news release are forward looking statements within the meaning
of  the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 that are based upon
current  expectations.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

Important  factors  that  could  cause  actual results to differ materially from
those  in  the  forward looking statements include risks inherent in exploratory
drilling  activities,  the  timing  and  extent  of changes in commodity prices,
unforeseen  engineering and mechanical or technological difficulties in drilling
wells,  availability of drilling rigs, land issues, federal and state regulatory
developments  and other risks more fully described in the company's filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward looking statements contained
in  this  release,  including  any  forecasts  and  estimates,  are  based  on
management's  outlook  only  as of the date of this release, and we undertake no
obligation  to  update  or revise these forward looking statements, whether as a
result  of  subsequent  developments  or  otherwise.

Contact:     John Turner, Manager - Finance & Investor Relations
             (512) 427-3300

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

                              BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                    (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited)

                                                                 THREE MONTHS
                                                                ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                                2002      2003
                                                              --------  --------
  Oil and natural gas sales                                   $ 6,434   $14,639
  Other                                                            10        38
                                                              --------  --------
                                                              $ 6,444   $14,677
  Costs and expenses:
  Lease operating                                                 871       974
  Production taxes                                                353       938
  General and administrative                                      964     1,139
  Depletion of natural gas and oil properties                   3,137     4,102
  Depreciation and amortization                                   103        97
  Accretion of asset retirement obligation                          -        34
                                                              --------  --------
                                                              $ 5,428   $ 7,284
                                                              --------  --------
      Operating income                                        $ 1,016   $ 7,393

  Interest expense                                             (1,421)   (1,282)
  Interest income                                                  19        21
  Other income (expense) (a)                                     (248)      111
                                                              --------  --------
    Income (loss) before income taxes and accounting change   $  (634)  $ 6,243
  Income tax expense                                                -         -
                                                              --------  --------
    Net income (loss) before accounting change                $  (634)  $ 6,243
  Cumulative effect of adoption of accounting principle             -       268
                                                              --------  --------
    Net income (loss)                                         $  (634)  $ 6,511
  Preferred stock dividend & accretion                            698       995
                                                              --------  --------
    Net income (loss) to common                               $(1,332)  $ 5,516
                                                              ========  ========

Net income (loss) to common per share:
  Basic                                                       $ (0.08)  $  0.28
  Diluted                                                       (0.08)     0.20

Wt. avg. common shares outstanding:
  Basic                                                        16,016    19,707
  Diluted                                                      16,016    32,111

(a)  Includes non-cash income (expenses) related to
     changes in the fair market value of certain
     hedging contracts of:                                    $  (251)  $   111

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

                             BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

                                                            THREE MONTHS
                                                           ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                           2002      2003
                                                          -------  --------
  Natural gas (MMcf)                                        14.9      16.4
  Oil (Bbls)                                               1,720     2,475
    Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                    25.3      31.2
  Natural gas (MMcf)                                       1,344     1,472
  Oil (MBbls)                                                155       223
    Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                   2,273     2,808
    % Natural gas                                             59%       52%
  Natural gas ($/Mcf) (a)                                 $ 2.49   $  5.53
  Oil ($/Bbl) (a)                                          19.93     29.16
    Equivalent natural gas (MMcfe) (6:1)                    2.83      5.21
  EBITDA ($000) (b)                                       $4,278   $11,647
  Discretionary cash flow ($000) (b)                       2,099     9,570

(a) Includes the effects of hedging gains (losses) of:
    Natural gas ($/Mcf)                                   $ 0.25   $ (1.71)
    Oil ($/Bbl)                                            (0.32)    (3.72)

(b) See reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures in tables.

                           (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                    12/31/2002   03/31/2003
                                                    -----------  -----------
  Current assets                                    $    33,322  $    37,246
  Oil and gas properties, at cost, net                  164,980      171,119
  Other property and equipment, at cost, net              1,234        1,245
  Other non-current assets                                2,523        3,733
                                                    -----------  -----------
    Total assets                                    $   202,059  $   213,343
                                                    ===========  ===========

  Current liabilities                               $    34,010  $    39,981
  Notes payable                                          60,000       56,000
  Senior subordinated notes, net                         21,797       22,093
  Other non-current liabilities                             186        2,223
                                                    -----------  -----------
    Total liabilities                               $   115,993  $   120,297
  Series A Preferred Stock, mandatorily redeemable       19,540       20,329
  Series B Preferred Stock, mandatorily redeemable        4,777        4,983
  Stockholders' equity                                   61,749       67,734
                                                    -----------  -----------
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity      $   202,059  $   213,343
                                                    ===========  ===========

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

                              BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                               (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                                                  THREE MONTHS
                                                                 ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                                 2002      2003
                                                               --------  --------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                           $  (634)  $ 6,511
   Depletion, depreciation and amortization                      3,240     4,199
   Accretion of asset retirement obligation                          -        34
   Interest paid through issuance of add'l senior sub. Notes       227       296
   Cumulative effect of adoption of accounting principle             -      (268)
   Amortization of deferred loan fees and debt issuance cost       286       253
   Market value adjustment for derivatives instruments             251      (111)
                                                               --------  --------
      Operating cash flow                                      $ 3,370   $10,914
   Changes in working capital and other items                      661     4,148
                                                               --------  --------
      Cash flows provided (used) by operating activities       $ 4,031   $15,062

Cash flows (used) provided by investing activities              (5,000)   (9,339)
Cash flows (used) provided by financing activities               3,677    (4,556)
                                                               --------  --------
   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        $ 2,708   $ 1,167
                                                               ========  ========

                              SUMMARY PER MCFE DATA

                                                               THREE MONTHS
                                                              ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                              2002     2003
                                                             -------  -------
  Oil and natural gas sales                                  $ 2.83   $ 5.21
  Other                                                        0.00     0.01
                                                             -------  -------
                                                             $ 2.83   $ 5.22
Costs and expenses:
  Lease operating                                              0.38     0.35
  Production taxes                                             0.16     0.33
  General and administrative                                   0.42     0.41
  Depletion of natural gas and oil properties                  1.38     1.46
  Depreciation and amortization                                0.05     0.03
  Accretion of asset retirement obligation                     0.00     0.01
                                                             -------  -------
                                                             $ 2.39   $ 2.59
                                                             -------  -------
    Operating income                                         $ 0.44   $ 2.63

  Interest expense, net of interest income                    (0.62)   (0.45)
  Other income (expense) (a)                                   0.00     0.00
                                                             -------  -------
    Net income before preferred stock dividend & accretion   $(0.18)  $ 2.18
                                                             =======  =======

(a)  Adjusted  to  exclude  non-cash  income (expense) related to changes in the
     fair  market  value of certain hedge contracts and non-cash expense related
     to  charges  for  ineffective  hedges.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

                                         BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

                                          Q2 2003   Q3 2003   Q4 2003   Q1 2004   Q2 2004   Q3 2004   Q4 2004
                                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Natural Gas Swaps:    MMBtud                 9,000     6,500     4,500     3,250     2,500     1,500     1,000
                      $/MMBtu             $  3.846  $  3.867  $  4.039  $  4.963  $  4.252  $  4.180  $  4.360

Natural Gas Collars:  MMBtu/d                 -  -      -  -      -  -     3,000     2,000     1,500     1,000
                      Floor - $/MMbtu         -  -      -  -      -  -  $  4.000  $  4.000  $  4.000  $  4.000
                      Ceiling - $/MMbtu       -  -      -  -      -  -  $  9.900  $  5.450  $  5.390  $  5.620

Natural Gas Floors:   MMBtu/d                1,648     5,000     5,000      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -
                      $/MMBtu             $  4.500  $  4.500  $  4.500      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -

Crude Oil Swaps:      Bbls/d                   675       600       450       325       225       150       100
                      $/Bbl               $  25.22  $  23.77  $  23.21  $  25.35  $  24.52  $  23.91  $  23.80

Crude Oil Collars:    Cap - Bbls/d             250      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -
                      Floor - $/Bbl       $  18.00      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -
                      Ceiling - $/Bbl     $  22.56      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -      -  -

Note:  Hedged  volumes  and  prices  reflected  in  this table represent average
contract  amounts  for the quarterly periods presented; natural gas hedge prices
and  crude  oil  hedge  contract  prices  are  based  on  NYMEX  pricing.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1


     To  fully  assess  Brigham's  operating  results, management believes that,
although not prescribed under generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"),
discretionary cash flow and EBITDA are appropriate measures of Brigham's ability
to  satisfy  capital  expenditure  obligations and working capital requirements.
Discretionary  cash  flow  and  EBITDA are non-GAAP financial measure as defined
under  SEC  rules.  Brigham's  discretionary  cash flow and EBITDA should not be
considered  in  isolation  or  as  a substitute for other financial measurements
prepared  in accordance with GAAP or as a measure of the Company's profitability
or  liquidity.  As discretionary cash flow and EBITDA exclude some, but not all,
items  that  affect  net  income and may vary among companies, the discretionary
cash  flow  and EBITDA presented below may not be comparable to similarly titled
measures  of  other companies.  Management believes that operating income (loss)
calculated  in  accordance  with  "GAAP" is the most directly comparable measure
most  similar  to  discretionary  cash  flow  and  EBITDA.

     Discretionary  cash  flow  is  defined  as  operating  income  (loss)  plus
depletion,  depreciation  and  amortization  expense,  interest income, non-cash
expenses,  cash  gains  (losses)  on the settlement of non-hedge derivatives and
cash  portion  of  other  income  (expense)  less  capitalized  general  and
administrative  cost  and  cash  interest.  The  following  table  provides  a
reconciliation  of  discretionary  cash  flow to operating income (loss) for the
periods  presented.

                                                              THREE MONTHS
                                                             ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                             2002      2003
                                                           --------  --------

   Operating income (loss)                                 $ 1,016   $ 7,393
   Depletion, depreciation and amortization                  3,240     4,199
   Accretion of asset retirement obligation                      -        34
   Interest income                                              19        21
   Cash portion of other income (expense)                        3         -
   Capitalized general and administrative cost                (999)   (1,131)
   Cash interest                                            (1,180)     (947)
                                                           --------  --------
      Discretionary cash flow                              $ 2,099   $ 9,570
                                                           ========  ========

     EBITDA  is  defined  as net income (loss) plus interest expense, depletion,
depreciation and amortization expenses, deferred income taxes and other non-cash
items.  The  following  table  provides  a reconciliation of EBITDA to operating
income  (loss)  for  the  periods  presented.

                                                                 THREE MONTHS
                                                                ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                                 2002     2003
                                                               --------  -------

   Operating income (loss)                                       $1,016  $ 7,393
   Depletion, depreciation and amortization                       3,240    4,199
   Accretion of asset retirement obligation                           -       34
   Interest income                                                   19       21
   Cash portion of other income (expense)                             3        -
                                                               --------  -------
      EBITDA                                                     $4,278  $11,647
                                                               ========  =======