EXHIBIT  3.2.2(b)

                                    (CAP 291)

                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                             SOIL BIOGENICS LIMITED


1.   In  these  Articles,  if  not inconsistent with the subject or context, the
     words  and  expressions standing in the first column of the following table
     shall bear the meanings set opposite them respectively in the second column

          WORDS          MEANING
          -----          -------

          CAPITAL        the  sum  of the aggregate par value of all outstanding
                         shares  with  par  value of the Company and shares with
                         par  value  held by the Company as treasury shares plus

                         (a)  the aggregate of the amounts designated as capital
                              of all outstanding shares without par value of the
                              Company  and  shares without par value held by the
                              Company  as  treasury  shares,  and

                         (b)  the  amounts  as are from time to time transferred
                              from  surplus  to  capital  by  a  resolution  of

          MEMBER         a  person  who  holds  shares  in  the  Company.

          PERSON         an  individual, a corporation, a trust, the estate of a
                         deceased individual, a partnership or an unincorporated
                         association of persons.

          RESOLUTION     (a)  a  resolution  approved  at  a  duly  convened and
          DIRECTORS           constituted meeting of directors of the Company or
                              of  a committee of directors of the Company by the
                              affirmative  vote  of  a  simple  majority  of the
                              directors present at the meeting who voted and did
                              not  abstain;  or

                         (b)  a  resolution  consented  to  in  writing  by  all
                              directors  or  of all members of the committee, as
                              the  case  may  be;

                              except  that  where  a director is given more than
                              one  vote,  he  shall  be  counted  by  the


                              number  of  votes  he  casts  for  the  purpose of
                              establishing  a  majority.

          RESOLUTION     (a)  a  resolution  approved  at  a  duly  convened and
          MEMBERS             constituted  meeting of the members of the Company
                              by  the  affirmative  vote  of

                              (i)  a simple majority of the votes  of the shares
                                   entitled  to  vote thereon which were present
                                   at  the  meeting  and  were  voted  and  not
                                   abstained, or

                              (ii) a simple  majority of the votes of each class
                                   or series of shares which were present at the
                                   meeting  and  entitled  to  vote thereon as a
                                   class  or  series  and  were  voted  and  not
                                   abstained  and  of a simple  majority  of the
                                   votes of the  remaining  shares  entitled  to
                                   vote  thereon  which  were  present  at  the
                                   meeting and were voted and not abstained; or

                         (b)  a  resolution  consented  to  in  writing  by

                              (i)  an absolute majority of the votes  of  shares
                                   entitled  to  vote  thereon,  or

                              (ii) an  absolute  majority  of  the votes of each
                                   class  or  series  of shares entitled to vote
                                   thereon as  a  class  or  series  and  of  an
                                   absolute  majority  of  the  votes  of  the
                                   remaining shares entitled to vote thereon;

          SECURITIES     shares and debt obligations of every kind, and options,
                         warrants  and  rights  to  acquire  shares,  or  debt

          SURPLUS        the excess, if any, at the time of the determination of
                         the  total  assets of the Company over the aggregate of
                         its  total  liabilities,  as  shown  in  its  books  of
                         account,  plus  the  Company's  capital.

          THE  ACT       the  International  Business  Companies  Act  (No. 8 of
                         1984)  including  any  modification,  extension,
                         re-enactment  or  renewal  thereof  and any regulations
                         made  thereunder.

          THE MEMORANDUM the  Memorandum  of  Association  of  the  Company  as
                         originally  framed  or  as  from  time to time amended.

          THE  SEAL      any Seal which has been duly adopted as the Seal of the

          THESE ARTICLES these  Articles  of Association as originally framed or
                         as  from  time  to  time  amended.


          TREASURY       shares  in  the Company that were previously issued but
           SHARES        were repurchased, redeemed or otherwise acquired by the
                         Company  and  not  cancelled.

2.   "Written"  or  any term of like import includes words typewritten, printed,
     painted,  engraved, lithographed, photographed or represented or reproduced
     by  any  mode  of  reproducing  words  in  a visible form, including telex,
     facsimile,  telegram, cable or other form of writing produced by electronic

3.   Save  as  aforesaid  any words or expressions defined in the Act shall bear
     the  same  meaning  in  these  Articles.

4.   Whenever  the  singular  or  plural  number,  or the masculine, feminine or
     neuter  gender  is  used  in  these  Articles,  it shall equally, where the
     context  admits,  include  the  others.

5.   A  reference  in  these  Articles  to voting in relation to shares shall be
     construed  as  a  reference  to voting by members holding the shares except
     that  it is the votes allocated to the shares that shall be counted and not
     the  number  of  members who actually voted and a reference to shares being
     present  at  a  meeting  shall  be  given  a  corresponding  construction.

6.   A  reference  to  money  in  these  Articles is, unless otherwise stated, a
     reference  to  the  currency in which shares in the Company shall be issued
     according  to  the  provisions  of  the  Memorandum.

                                REGISTERED SHARES

7.   Every  member holding registered shares in the Company shall be entitled to
     a  certificate signed by a director or officer of the Company and under the
     Seal  specifying  the  share or shares held by him and the signature of the
     director  or  officer  and  the  Seal  may  be  facsimiles.

8.   Any  member  receiving  a  share  certificate  for  registered shares shall
     indemnify and hold the Company and its directors and officers harmless from
     any  loss or liability which it or they may incur by reason of any wrongful
     or  fraudulent  use  or  representation made by any person by virtue of the
     possession  thereof.  If  a share certificate for registered shares is worn
     out  or lost it may be renewed on production of the worn out certificate or
     on  satisfactory  proof  of its loss together with such indemnity as may be
     required  by  a  resolution  of  directors.

9.   If  several  persons are registered as joint holders of any shares, any one
     of  such  persons may give an effectual receipt for any dividend payable in
     respect  of  such  shares.

                                  BEARER SHARES

10.  Subject  to  a request for the issue of bearer shares and to the payment of
     the appropriate consideration for the shares to be issued, the Company may,
     to  the extent authorized by the Memorandum, issue bearer shares to, and at
     the  expense  of,  such person as shall be specified in the request. Bearer
     shares  may  not  be issued for debt obligations, promissory notes or other
     obligations  to  contribute  money or property and registered shares issued
     for  debt  obligations, promissory notes or other obligations to contribute
     money or property shall not be exchanged for bearer shares unless such debt
     obligations,  promissory  notes or other obligations to contribute money or
     property have been satisfied. The Company may also upon receiving a request
     in writing accompanied by the share certificate for the shares in question,
     exchange  registered shares for bearer shares or may exchange bearer shares
     for  registered shares. Such request served on the Company by the holder of
     bearer  shares  shall  specify  the  name  and  address of the person to be
     registered  and  unless  the  request  is delivered in person by the bearer
     shall  be authenticated as hereinafter provided.


     Such  request  served  on  the Company by the holder of bearer shares shall
     also  be  accompanied  by  any  coupons or talons which at the date of such
     delivery  have  not  become  due  for  payment  of  dividends  or any other
     distribution  by  the Company to the holders of such shares. Following such
     exchange  the  share  certificate relating to the exchanged shares shall be
     delivered  as  directed  by  the  member  requesting  the  exchange.

11.  Bearer  share certificates shall be under the Seal and shall state that the
     bearer  is  entitled  to  the  shares therein specified, and may provide by
     coupons,  talons  or otherwise for the payment of dividends or other moneys
     on  the  shares  included  therein.

12.  Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these Articles, the bearer of a
     bearer  share certificate shall be deemed to be a member of the Company and
     shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as he would have had if
     his  name  had  been  included  in the share register of the Company as the
     holder  of  the  shares.

13.  Subject  to any specific provisions in these Articles, in order to exercise
     his  rights  as  a  member  of  the  Company,  the bearer of a bearer share
     certificate  shall  produce the bearer share certificate as evidence of his
     membership  of  the  Company.  Without  prejudice  to the generality of the
     foregoing,  the  following rights may be exercised in the following manner:

     (a)  for  the  purpose  of  exercising  his voting rights at a meeting, the
          bearer of a bearer share certificate shall produce such certificate to
          the  chairman  of  the  meeting;

     (b)  for the purpose of exercising his vote on a resolution in writing, the
          bearer  of a bearer share certificate shall cause his signature to any
          such  resolution  to  be  authenticated  as  hereinafter  set  forth;

     (c)  for  the purpose of requisitioning a meeting of members, the bearer of
          a  bearer  share  certificate  shall  address  his  requisition to the
          directors  and  his  signature  thereon shall be duly authenticated as
          hereinafter  provided;  and

     (d)  for  the  purpose of receiving dividends, the bearer of a bearer share
          certificate  shall  present at such places as may be designated by the
          directors  any  coupons  or  talons  issued for such purpose, or shall
          present the bearer share certificate to any paying agent authorized to
          pay  dividends.

14.  The  signature  of the bearer of a bearer share certificate shall be deemed
     to  be  duly  authenticated  if  the bearer of the bearer share certificate
     shall  produce  such  certificate to a notary public or a bank manager or a
     director  or  officer  of the Company (herein referred to as an "authorized
     person")  and  the  authorized  person  endorses  the document bearing such
     signature  with  a  statement:

     (a)  identifying the bearer share certificate produced to him by number and
          date  and  specifying the number of shares and the class of shares (if
          appropriate)  comprised  therein;

     (b)  confirming  that  the  signature  of  the  bearer  of the bearer share
          certificate  was  subscribed in his presence and that if the bearer is
          representing  a body corporate he has so acknowledged and has produced
          satisfactory  evidence  thereof;  and

     (c)  specifying  the  capacity  in  which  he is qualified as an authorized
          person  and,  if  a  notary public, affixing his seal thereto or, if a
          bank  manager,  attaching an identifying stamp of the bank of which he
          is  a  manager.

15.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions of these Articles, at any time, the
     bearer  of  a bearer share certificate may deliver the certificate for such
     shares  into the custody of the Company at its registered office, whereupon
     the  Company  shall  issue  a  receipt  therefore


     under  the  Seal  signed  by  a director or officer identifying by name and
     address  the person delivering such certificate and specifying the date and
     number  of  the  bearer  share  certificate  so deposited and the number of
     shares  comprised therein. Any such receipt may be used by the person named
     therein  for  the  purpose  of  exercising  the rights vested in the shares
     represented  by  the  bearer  share  certificate so deposited including the
     right  to  appoint a proxy. Any bearer share certificate so deposited shall
     be  returned  to  the  person  named  in  the  receipt  or  his  personal
     representative  if  such  person  be  dead and thereupon the receipt issued
     therefor  shall be of no further effect whatsoever and shall be returned to
     the  Company  for  cancellation  or,  if  it has been lost or mislaid, such
     indemnity  as  may be required by resolution of directors shall be given to
     the  Company.

16.  The  bearer  of a bearer share certificate shall for all purposes be deemed
     to  be  the  owner  of  the  shares comprised in such certificate and in no
     circumstances  shall  the Company or the chairman of any meeting of members
     or  the  Company's  registrars or any director or officer of the Company or
     any  authorized person be obliged to inquire into the circumstances whereby
     a bearer share certificate came into the hands of the bearer thereof, or to
     question  the validity or authenticity of any action taken by the bearer of
     a  bearer  share  certificate  whose  signature  has  been authenticated as
     provided  herein.

17.  If  the  bearer  of a bearer share certificate shall be a corporation, then
     all  the rights exercisable by virtue of such shareholding may be exercised
     by  an  individual  duly authorized to represent the corporation but unless
     such individual shall acknowledge that he is representing a corporation and
     shall produce upon request satisfactory evidence that he is duly authorized
     to  represent the corporation, the individual shall for all purposes hereof
     be  regarded  as  the  holder of the shares in any bearer share certificate
     held  by  him.

18.  The directors may provide for payment of dividends to the holders of bearer
     shares  by  coupons or talons and in such event the coupons or talons shall
     be in such form and payable at such time and in such place or places as the
     directors  shall  resolve.  The  Company shall be entitled to recognize the
     absolute  right of the bearer of any coupon or talon issued as aforesaid to
     payment  of  the dividend to which it relates and delivery of the coupon or
     talon  to the Company or its agents shall constitute in all respects a good
     discharge  of  the  Company  in  respect  of  such  dividend.

19.  If  any  bearer  share certificate, coupon or talon be worn out or defaced,
     the directors may, upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, issue a new
     one  in  its stead, and if any bearer share certificate, coupon or talon be
     lost  or  destroyed,  the  directors may upon the loss or destruction being
     established  to  their satisfaction, and upon such indemnity being given to
     the  Company  as it shall by resolution of directors determine, issue a new
     bearer  share  certificate  in  its stead, and in either case on payment of
     such  sum  as  the Company may from time to time by resolution of directors
     require.  In case of loss or destruction the person to whom such new bearer
     share certificate, coupon or talon is issued shall also bear and pay to the
     Company  all expenses incidental to the investigation by the Company of the
     evidence  of  such  loss  or  destruction  and  to  such  indemnity.


20.  Subject  to the provisions of these Articles and any resolution of members,
     the  unissued  shares  of  the  Company  shall  be  at  the disposal of the
     directors  who  may,  without  limiting  or affecting any rights previously
     conferred  on  the  holders  of  any  existing shares or class or series of
     shares,  offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of shares to
     such  persons,  at  such  times  and  upon such terms and conditions as the
     Company  may  by  resolution  of  directors  determine.

21.  No  share  in  the Company may be issued until the consideration in respect
     thereof  is fully paid, and when issued the share is for all purposes fully
     paid  and  non-assessable save that


     a  share  issued  for  a  promissory  note  or other written obligation for
     payment  of  a  debt  may  be  issued  subject  to forfeiture in the manner
     prescribed  in  these  Articles.

22.  Shares  in  the  Company  shall  be  issued  for  money, services rendered,
     personal  property,  an estate in real property, a promissory note or other
     binding  obligation  to  contribute money or property or any combination of
     the  foregoing  as  shall  be  determined  by  a  resolution  of directors.

23.  Shares in the Company may be issued for such amount of consideration as the
     directors  may  from  time  to  time  by resolution of directors determine,
     except  that  in the case of shares with par value, the amount shall not be
     less  than  the  par value, and in the absence of fraud the decision of the
     directors  as  to the value of the consideration received by the Company in
     respect  of  the  issue is conclusive unless a question of law is involved.
     The  consideration  in  respect  of  the  shares constitutes capital to the
     extent  of  the  par  value  and  the  excess  constitutes  surplus.

24.  A  share  issued  by  the  Company  upon conversion of, or in exchange for,
     another  share or a debt obligation or other security in the Company, shall
     be  treated  for  all purposes as having been issued for money equal to the
     consideration  received  or  deemed to have been received by the Company in
     respect  of  the  other  share,  debt  obligation  or  security.

25.  Treasury  shares  may  be  disposed  of  by  the  Company on such terms and
     conditions  (not otherwise inconsistent with these Articles) as the Company
     may  by  resolution  of  directors  determine.

26.  The  Company  may  issue  fractions of a share and a fractional share shall
     have  the  same  corresponding  fractional  liabilities,  limitations,
     preferences,  privileges,  qualifications,  restrictions,  rights and other
     attributes  of  a  whole  share  of  the  same  class  or series of shares.

27.  Upon the issue by the Company of a share without par value, if an amount is
     stated  in  the  Memorandum  to  be  authorized capital represented by such
     shares  then  each  share  shall be issued for no less than the appropriate
     proportion  of  such  amount  which shall constitute capital, otherwise the
     consideration  in  respect  of  the share constitutes capital to the extent
     designated by the directors and the excess constitutes surplus, except that
     the directors must designate as capital an amount of the consideration that
     is  at  least  equal  to  the  amount  that  the  share is entitled to as a
     preference,  if  any,  in the assets of the Company upon liquidation of the

28.  The  Company  may  purchase,  redeem  or otherwise acquire and hold its own
     shares  but  only  out of surplus or in exchange for newly issued shares of
     equal  value.

29.  Subject  to  provisions  to  the  contrary  in

     (a)  the  Memorandum  or  these  Articles;

     (b)  the  designations,  powers,  preferences,  rights,  qualifications,
          limitations  and  restrictions  with  which the shares were issued; or

     (c)  the  subscription  agreement  for  the  issue  of  the  shares,

          the  Company  may  not  purchase,  redeem or otherwise acquire its own
          shares  without  the  consent  of  members  whose  shares  are  to  be
          purchased,  redeemed  or  otherwise  acquired.

30.  No purchase, redemption or other acquisition of shares shall be made unless
     the  directors determine that immediately after the purchase, redemption or
     other  acquisition  the  Company will be able to satisfy its liabilities as
     they  become  due in the ordinary course of


     its business and the realizable value of the assets of the Company will not
     be  less  than the sum of its total liabilities, other than deferred taxes,
     as  shown  in  the books of account, and its capital and, in the absence of
     fraud,  the  decision  of  the  directors as to the realizable value of the
     assets  of the Company is conclusive, unless a question of law is involved.

31.  A  determination  by  the  directors  under the preceding Regulation is not
     required  where  shares  are  purchased,  redeemed  or  otherwise  acquired

     (a)  pursuant to a right of a member to have his shares redeemed or to have
          his  shares  exchanged  for  money  or  other property of the Company;

     (b)  by virtue of a transfer of capital pursuant to Regulation 59;

     (c)  by virtue of the provisions of Section 83 of the Act; or

     (d)  pursuant to an order of the Court.

32.  Shares  that  the Company purchases, redeems or otherwise acquires pursuant
     to  the  preceding  Regulation  may be cancelled or held as treasury shares
     except  to  the  extent that such shares are in excess of 80 percent of the
     issued shares of the Company in which case they shall be cancelled but they
     shall  be  available  for  reissue.

33.  Where  shares  in the Company are held by the Company as treasury shares or
     are  held  by  another  company  of  which  the  Company holds, directly or
     indirectly, shares having more than 50 percent of the votes in the election
     of  directors  of  the  other  company,  such shares of the Company are not
     entitled to vote or to have dividends paid thereon and shall not be treated
     as  outstanding  for  any  purpose  except  for purposes of determining the
     capital  of  the  Company.

34.  The Company may purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire its shares at a price
     lower  than  the  fair  value  if permitted by, and then only in accordance
     with,  the  terms  of

     (a)  the Memorandum or these Articles; or

     (b)  a  written  agreement  for  the  subscription  for  the  shares  to be
          purchased,  redeemed  or  otherwise  acquired.

35.  The  Company may by a resolution of directors include in the computation of
     surplus  for  any  purpose the unrealized appreciation of the assets of the
     Company,  and, in the absence of fraud, the decision of the directors as to
     the  value  of  the  assets  is  conclusive,  unless  a  question of law is


36.  Members  may  mortgage or charge their registered shares in the Company and
     upon  satisfactory  evidence  thereof  the Company shall give effect to the
     terms  of  any  valid  mortgage or charge except insofar as it may conflict
     with  any  requirements  herein  contained  for  consent to the transfer of

37.  In  the  case  of  the mortgage or charge of registered shares there may be
     entered  in  the  share  register  of  the  Company  at  the request of the
     registered  holder  of  such  shares

     (a)  a statement that the shares are mortgaged or charged;

     (b)  the name of the mortgagee or chargee; and

     (c)  the  date  on which the aforesaid particulars are entered in the share


38.  Where  particulars of a mortgage or charge are registered, such particulars
     shall  be  cancelled

     (a)  with the consent of the named mortgagee or chargee oranyone authorized
          to  act  on  his  behalf;  or

     (b)  upon  evidence  satisfactory  to the directors of the discharge of the
          liability  secured  by  the  mortgage  or charge and the issue of such
          indemnities  as  the  directors shall consider necessary or desirable.

39.  Whilst  particulars  of a mortgage or charge are registered, no transfer of
     any  share  comprised therein shall be effected without the written consent
     of  the  named  mortgagee  or  chargee  or  anyone authorized to act on his


40.  When  shares  issued  for a promissory note or other written obligation for
     payment  of  a  debt  have been issued subject to forfeiture, the following
     provisions  shall  apply.

41.  Written  notice  specifying a date for payment to be made and the shares in
     respect  of  which  payment is to be made shall be served on the member who
     defaults  in  making payment pursuant to a promissory note or other written
     obligations  to  pay  a  debt.

42.  The  written  notice  specifying  a  date  for  payment  shall

     (a)  name  a  further  date not earlier than the expiration of 14 days from
          the  date of service of the notice on or before which payment required
          by  the  notice  is  to  be  made;  and

     (b)  contain  a statement that in the event of non-payment at or before the
          time  named  in  the  notice the shares, or any of them, in respect of
          which  payment  is  not  made  will  be  liable  to  be  forfeited.

43.  Where  a  written notice has been issued and the requirements have not been
     complied  with  within  the  prescribed time, the directors may at any time
     before  tender of payment forfeit and cancel the shares to which the notice

44.  The Company is under no obligation to refund any moneys to the member whose
     shares have been forfeited and cancelled pursuant to these provisions. Upon
     forfeiture and cancellation of the shares the member is discharged from any
     further  obligation to the Company with respect to the shares forfeited and


45.  The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share issued for
     a  promissory  note or for any other binding obligation to contribute money
     or  property  or  any  combination  thereof to the Company, and the Company
     shall  also  have  a  first  and  paramount  lien  on  every share standing
     registered  in  the  name  of  a member, whether singly or jointly with any
     other  person  or persons, for all the debts and liabilities of such member
     or  his  estate  to  the Company, whether the same shall have been incurred
     before  or  after notice to the Company of any interest of any person other
     than  such member, and whether the time for the payment or discharge of the
     same  shall have actually arrived or not, and notwithstanding that the same
     are  joint  debts or liabilities of such member or his estate and any other
     person,  whether  a  member  of the Company or not. The Company's lien on a
     share  shall  extend to all dividends payable thereon. The directors may at
     any  time  either generally, or in any particular case, waive any lien that
     has  arisen  or  declare  any share to be wholly or in part exempt from the
     provisions  of  this  Regulation.


46.  In  the absence of express provisions regarding sale in the promissory note
     or  other  binding  obligation to contribute money or property, the Company
     may  sell,  in  such manner as the directors may by resolution of directors
     determine,  any share on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be
     made  unless  some  sum  in  respect  of which the lien exists is presently
     payable  nor  until  the  expiration  of  twenty-one days after a notice in
     writing,  stating  and  demanding  payment of the sum presently payable and
     giving notice of the intention to sell in default of such payment, has been
     served  on  the  holder  for  the  time  being  of  the  share.

47.  The net proceeds of the sale by the Company of any shares on which it has a
     lien  shall be applied in or towards payment of discharge of the promissory
     note  or  other  binding  obligation to contribute money or property or any
     combination  thereof in respect of which the lien exists so far as the same
     is  presently  payable  and  any  residue shall (subject to a like lien for
     debts  or liabilities not presently payable as existed upon the share prior
     to  the  sale)  be  paid to the holder of the share immediately before such
     sale.  For  giving effect to any such sale the directors may authorize some
     person  to  transfer the share sold to the purchaser thereof. The purchaser
     shall be registered as the holder of the share and he shall not be bound to
     see  to  the  application of the purchase money, nor shall his title to the
     share  be  affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings in
     reference  to  the  sale.

                               TRANSFER OF SHARES

48.  Subject  to  any  limitations  in  the Memorandum, registered shares in the
     Company  may  be  transferred by a written instrument of transfer signed by
     the  transferor  and containing the name and address of the transferee, but
     in  the  absence  of  such written instrument of transfer the directors may
     accept  such evidence of a transfer of shares as they consider appropriate.

49.  The  Company  shall  not  be required to treat a transferee of a registered
     share  in  the  Company  as  a  member until the transferee's name has been
     entered  in  the  share  register.

50.  Subject  to  any  limitations  in  the  Memorandum, the Company must on the
     application  of  the  transferor or transferee of a registered share in the
     Company enter in the share register the name of the transferee of the share
     save  that  the  registration  of  transfers may be suspended and the share
     register  closed at such times and for such periods as the Company may from
     time to time by resolution of directors determine provided always that such
     registration  shall not be suspended and the share register closed for more
     than  60  days  in  any  period  of  12  months.

                             TRANSMISSION OF SHARES

5l.  The  executor  or  administrator  of  a deceased member, the guardian of an
     incompetent  member  or  the trustee of a bankrupt member shall be the only
     person  recognized by the Company as having any title to his share but they
     shall  not  be  entitled  to exercise any rights as a member of the Company
     until  they  have  proceeded  as  set  forth  in  the  next following three

52.  The  production to the Company of any document which is evidence of probate
     of the will, or letters of administration of the estate, or confirmation as
     executor,  of  a  deceased member or of the appointment of a guardian of an
     incompetent member or the trustee of a bankrupt member shall be accepted by
     the  Company  even  if  the  deceased,  incompetent  or  bankrupt member is
     domiciled outside the British Virgin Islands if the document evidencing the
     grant  of  probate  or letters of administration, confirmation as executor,
     appointment  as  guardian  or  trustee in bankruptcy is issued by a foreign
     court  which  had  competent jurisdiction in the matter. For the purpose of
     establishing  whether  or not a foreign court had competent jurisdiction in
     such  a  matter  the  directors  may  obtain


     appropriate legal advice. The directors may also require an indemnity to be
     given  by  the  executor, administrator, guardian or trustee in bankruptcy.

53.  Any person becoming entitled by operation of law or otherwise to a share or
     shares  in  consequence  of  the  death,  incompetence or bankruptcy of any
     member  may  be registered as a member upon such evidence being produced as
     may  reasonably  be  required  by the directors. An application by any such
     person  to be registered as a member shall for all purposes be deemed to be
     a  transfer  of  shares of the deceased, incompetent or bankrupt member and
     the  directors  shall  treat  it  as  such.

54.  Any  person  who has become entitled to a share or shares in consequence of
     the  death,  incompetence or bankruptcy of any member may, instead of being
     registered  himself, request in writing that some person to be named by him
     be  registered  as  the transferee of such share or shares and such request
     shall  likewise  be  treated  as  if  it  were  a  transfer.

55.  What  amounts  to  incompetence  on  the part of a person is a matter to be
     determined  by the court having regard to all the relevant evidence and the
     circumstances  of  the  case.


56.  The  Company  may  by  a  resolution  of  directors amend the Memorandum to
     increase  or  reduce its authorized capital and in connection therewith the
     Company may in respect of any unissued shares increase or reduce the number
     of  such  shares,  increase  or  reduce the par value of any such shares or
     effect  any  combination  of  the  foregoing.

57.  The  Company  may  amend  the  Memorandum  to

     (a)  divide  the shares, including issued shares, of a class or series into
          a  larger  number  of  shares  of  the  same  class  or  series;  or

     (b)  combine the shares, including issued shares, of a class or series into
          a  smaller  number  of  shares  of  the  same  class  or  series,

     provided,  however,  that where shares are divided or combined under (a) or
          (b) of this Regulation, the aggregate par value of the new shares must
          be  equal  to  the  aggregate  par  value  of  the  original  shares.

58.  The capital of the Company may by a resolution of directors be increased by
     transferring  an  amount  of  the  surplus  of  the  Company  to  capital.

59.  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  two next succeeding Regulations, the
     capital  of  the  Company  may  by  resolution  of  directors be reduced by
     transferring  an  amount  of  the  capital  of  the  Company  to  surplus.

60.  No  reduction  of capital shall be effected that reduces the capital of the
     Company  to an amount that immediately after the reduction is less than the
     aggregate par value of all outstanding shares with par value and all shares
     with  par value held by the Company as treasury shares and the aggregate of
     the  amounts  designated  as  capital of all outstanding shares without par
     value  and  all  shares  without  par value held by the Company as treasury
     shares  that  are  entitled  to  a preference, if any, in the assets of the
     Company  upon  liquidation  of  the  Company.

61.  No  reduction  of  capital shall be effected unless the directors determine
     that  immediately  after  the reduction the Company will be able to satisfy
     its  liabilities  as they become due in the ordinary course of its business
     and  that  the  realizable  assets of the Company will not be less than its
     total  liabilities, other than deferred taxes, as shown in the books of the
     Company  and  its  remaining  capital,  and,  in  the absence of fraud, the
     decision  of  the


     directors  as  to  the  realizable  value  of  the assets of the Company is
     conclusive,  unless  a  question  of  law  is  involved.

                        MEETINGS AND CONSENTS OF MEMBERS

62.  The  directors  of  the  Company may convene meetings of the members of the
     Company  at  such times and in such manner and places within or outside the
     British  Virgin  Islands  as the directors consider necessary or desirable.

63.  Upon  the  written  request  of  members  holding 10 percent or more of the
     outstanding  voting  shares  in  the  Company the directors shall convene a
     meeting  of  members.

64.  The directors shall give not less than 7 days notice of meetings of members
     to  those  persons  whose  names  on the date the notice is given appear as
     members  in  the  share register of the Company and are entitled to vote at
     the  meeting.

65.  The  directors  may fix the date notice is given of a meeting of members as
     the  record  date for determining those shares that are entitled to vote at
     the  meeting.

66.  A  meeting  of  members  may  be  called  on  short  notice:

     (a)  if  members  holding  not  less than 90 percent of the total number of
          shares  entitled  to  vote  on  all  matters  to  be considered at the
          meeting,  or 90 percent of the votes of each class or series of shares
          where  members  are  entitled  to  vote  thereon  as a class or series
          together  with  not  less  than a 90 percent majority of the remaining
          votes,  have  agreed  to  short  notice  of  the  meeting,  or

     (b)  if  all  members holding shares entitled to vote on all or any matters
          to  be considered at the meeting have waived notice of the meeting and
          for this purpose presence at the meeting shall be deemed to constitute

67.  The  inadvertent  failure of the directors to give notice of a meeting to a
     member,  or  the  fact  that  a  member  has  not received notice, does not
     invalidate  the  meeting.

68.  A  member  may  be  represented  at a meeting of members by a proxy who may
     speak  and  vote  on  behalf  of  the  member.

69.  The  instrument appointing a proxy shall be produced at the place appointed
     for the meeting before the time for holding the meeting at which the person
     named  in  such  instrument  proposes  to  vote.

70.  An  instrument  appointing  a proxy shall be in substantially the following
     form  or  such  other  form  as the Chairman of the meeting shall accept as
     properly  evidencing  the  wishes  of  the  member  appointing  the  proxy.

                                (Name of Company)

     I/We         being a member of the above Company with shares HEREBY APPOINT

of                              or  failing  him
of                              to  be  my/our  proxy  to  vote for me/us at the
meeting of members to be held on the day of      and at any adjournment thereof.

(Any restrictions on voting to be inserted here.)

Signed this    day of

.. . . . . . . . . .


7l.  The  following  shall  apply  in  respect  of  joint  ownership  of shares:

     (a)  if two or more persons hold shares jointly each of them may be present
          in  person  or  by  proxy  at  a meeting of members and may speak as a

     (b)  if  only  one  of the joint owners is present in person or by proxy he
          may  vote  on  behalf  of  all  joint  owners,  and

     (c)  if  two  or more of the joint owners are present in person or by proxy
          they  must  vote  as  one.

72.  A  member  shall  be  deemed  to  be  present at a meeting of members if he
     participates  by  telephone  or  other  electronic  means  and  all members
     participating  in  the  meeting  are  able  to  hear  each  other.

73.  A  meeting  of  members  is duly constituted if, at the commencement of the
     meeting,  there  are present in person or by proxy not less than 50 percent
     of the votes of the shares or class or series of shares entitled to vote on
     resolutions  of  members  to  be  considered at the meeting. If a quorum be
     present,  notwithstanding  the  fact that such quorum may be represented by
     only  one  person then such person may resolve any matter and a certificate
     signed by such person accompanied where such person be a proxy by a copy of
     the  proxy  form  shall  constitute  a  valid  resolution  of  members.

74.  If within two hours from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not
     present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members, shall be
     dissolved;  in any other case it shall stand adjourned to the next business
     day  at  the  same  time  and  place or to such other time and place as the
     directors  may determine, and if at the adjourned meeting there are present
     within  one  hour  from  the time appointed for the meeting in person or by
     proxy  not  less than one third of the votes of the shares or each class or
     series  of  shares  entitled to vote on the resolutions to be considered by
     the  meeting,  those  present  shall  constitute a quorum but otherwise the
     meeting  shall  be  dissolved.

75.  At  every  meeting of members, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall
     preside as chairman of the meeting. If there is no Chairman of the Board of
     Directors  or  if  the Chairman of the Board of Directors is not present at
     the  meeting,  the members present shall choose some one of their number to
     be  the  chairman.  If  the members are unable to choose a chairman for any
     reason,  then  the person representing the greatest number of voting shares
     present  in  person  or  by  prescribed  form of proxy at the meeting shall
     preside  as  chairman  failing  which  the  oldest  individual  member  or
     representative  of  a  member  present  shall  take  the  chair.

76.  The chairman may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any meeting from
     time  to time, and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted
     at  any  adjourned  meeting  other than the business left unfinished at the
     meeting  from  which  the  adjournment  took  place.

77.  At  any  meeting  of  the  members  the  chairman  shall be responsible for
     deciding  in  such  manner  as  he  shall  consider appropriate whether any
     resolution  has been carried or not and the result of his decision shall be
     announced  to  the  meeting  and  recorded  in  the minutes thereof. If the
     chairman  shall  have  any doubt as to the outcome of any resolution put to
     the  vote,  he  shall  cause a poll to be taken of all votes cast upon such
     resolution,  but  if the chairman shall fail to take a poll then any member
     present in person or by proxy who disputes the announcement by the chairman
     of  the  result  of  any  vote  may immediately following such announcement
     demand  that  a poll be taken and the chairman shall thereupon cause a poll
     to be taken. If a poll is taken at any meeting, the result thereof shall be
     duly  recorded  in  the  minutes  of  that  meeting  by  the  chairman.


78.  Any  person  other  than  an individual shall be regarded as one member and
     subject  to  the  specific  provisions  hereinafter  contained  for  the
     appointment  of representatives of such persons the right of any individual
     to speak for or represent such member shall be determined by the law of the
     jurisdiction  where,  and  by  the  documents  by  which,  the  person  is
     constituted  or  derives its existence. In case of doubt, the directors may
     in  good  faith  seek legal advice from any qualified person and unless and
     until a court of competent jurisdiction shall otherwise rule, the directors
     may  rely  and  act upon such advice without incurring any liability to any

79.  Any person other than an individual which is a member of the Company may by
     resolution  of  its directors or other governing body authorize such person
     as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company
     or  of  any  class  of members of the Company, and the person so authorized
     shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the person which
     he represents as that person could exercise if it were an individual member
     of  the  Company.

80.  The  chairman  of any meeting at which a vote is cast by proxy or on behalf
     of  any person other than an individual may call for a notarially certified
     copy  of  such  proxy or authority which shall be produced within 7 days of
     being  so  requested  or  the votes cast by such proxy or on behalf of such
     person  shall  be  disregarded.

81.  Directors  of the Company may attend and speak at any meeting of members of
     the  Company  and  at  any  separate meeting of the holders of any class or
     series  of  shares  in  the  Company.

82.  An  action  that may be taken by the members at a meeting may also be taken
     by  a  resolution of members consented to in writing or by telex, telegram,
     cable,  facsimile  or  other  written electronic communication, without the
     need  for any notice, but if any resolution of members is adopted otherwise
     than  by  the  unanimous  written  consent  of  all members, a copy of such
     resolution  shall  forthwith  be sent to all members not consenting to such
     resolution.  The  consent  may  be  in  the  form  of  counterparts,  each
     counterpart  being  signed  by  one  or  more  members.


83.  The first directors of the Company shall be appointed by the subscribers to
     the  Memorandum;  and  thereafter,  the  directors  shall be elected by the
     members  for  such  term  as  the  members  determine.

84.  The  minimum  number of directors shall be one and the maximum number shall
     be  7.

85.  Each  director  shall hold office for the term, if any, fixed by resolution
     of  members  or  until  his  earlier  death,  resignation  or  removal.

86.  A  director  may  be  removed  from  office,  with  or  without cause, by a
     resolution  of  members  or,  with  cause,  by  a  resolution of directors.

87.  A  director  may  resign  his  office  by  giving  written  notice  of  his
     resignation  to  the Company and the resignation shall have effect from the
     date  the  notice is received by the Company or from such later date as may
     be  specified  in  the  notice.

88.  The directors may at any time appoint any person to be a director either to
     fill  a  vacancy  or  as  an  addition to the existing directors. A vacancy
     occurs  through  the  death,  resignation  or  removal of a director, but a
     vacancy  or  vacancies  shall  not  be  deemed  to  exist where one or more
     directors  shall  resign  after  having appointed his or their successor or


89.  The  Company may determine by resolution of directors to keep a register of
     directors  containing

     (a)  the  names  and  addresses  of  the  persons  who are directors of the

     (b)  the  date  on  which each person whose name is entered in the register
          was  appointed  as  a  director  of  the  Company;  and

     (c)  the  date  on  which  each  person  named as a director ceased to be a
          director  of  the  Company.

90.  If  the  directors  determine  to  maintain a register of directors, a copy
     thereof  shall  be  kept  at  the  registered office of the Company and the
     Company  may determine by resolution of directors to register a copy of the
     register  with  the  Registrar  of  Companies.

9l.  With  the  prior  or  subsequent  approval  by a resolution of members, the
     directors  may,  by  a  resolution  of  directors,  fix  the  emoluments of
     directors  with  respect  to services to be rendered in any capacity to the

92.  A director shall not require a share qualification and may be an individual
     or  a  company.

                               POWERS OF DIRECTORS

93.  The  business  and affairs of the Company shall be managed by the directors
     who may pay all expenses incurred preliminary to and in connection with the
     formation  and registration of the Company and may exercise all such powers
     of the Company as are not by the Act or by the Memorandum or these Articles
     required  to  be  exercised  by  the members of the Company, subject to any
     delegation  of  such  powers  as may be authorized by these Articles and to
     such  requirements  as may be prescribed by a resolution of members; but no
     requirement  made  by  a  resolution  of  members  shall  prevail  if it be
     inconsistent  with these Articles nor shall such requirement invalidate any
     prior  act of the directors which would have been valid if such requirement
     had  not  been  made.

94.  The  directors  may,  by  a  resolution  of  directors, appoint any person,
     including  a  person  who  is  a director, to be an officer or agent of the
     Company.  The resolution of directors appointing an agent may authorize the
     agent  to  appoint one or more substitutes or delegates to exercise some or
     all  of  the  powers  conferred  on  the  agent  by  the  Company.

95.  Every  officer or agent of the Company has such powers and authority of the
     directors,  including the power and authority to affix the Seal, as are set
     forth  in  these  Articles or in the resolution of directors appointing the
     officer  or  agent,  except  that  no  officer  or  agent  has any power or
     authority  with  respect to the matters requiring a resolution of directors
     under  the  Act.

96.  Any  director  which  is  a  body corporate may appoint any person its duly
     authorized representative for the purpose of representing it at meetings of
     the  Board  of  Directors  or  with  respect to unanimous written consents.

97.  The continuing directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body,
     save  that  if  their number is reduced to their knowledge below the number
     fixed  by  or  pursuant  to  these  Articles  as the necessary quorum for a
     meeting of directors, the continuing directors or director may act only for
     the  purpose of appointing directors to fill any vacancy that has arisen or
     for  summoning  a  meeting  of  members.

98.  The directors may by resolution of directors exercise all the powers of the
     Company  to  borrow  money  and  to mortgage or charge its undertakings and
     property  or  any  part  thereof,  to issue debentures, debenture stock and
     other  securities  whenever  money is


     borrowed  or  as  security  for  any  debt,  liability or obligation of the
     Company  or  of  any  third  party.

99.  All  cheques,  promissory  notes,  drafts,  bills  of  exchange  and  other
     negotiable  instruments  and  all  receipts for moneys paid to the Company,
     shall  be  signed,  drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the
     case  may  be,  in  such manner as shall from time to time be determined by
     resolution  of  directors.

l00. The  Company  may  determine  by resolution of directors to maintain at its
     registered  office  a register of mortgages, charges and other encumbrances
     in  which  there  shall be entered the following particulars regarding each
     mortgage,  charge  and  other  encumbrance:

     (a)  the  sum  secured;

     (b)  the  assets  secured;

     (c)  the  name and address of the mortgagee, chargee or other encumbrancer;

     (d)  the date of creation of the mortgage, charge or other encumbrance; and

     (e)  the  date  on  which the particulars specified above in respect of the
          mortgage,  charge  or  other  encumbrance are entered in the register.

l0l. The  Company may further determine by a resolution of directors to register
     a copy of the register of mortgages, charges or other encumbrances with the
     Registrar  of  Companies.

                            PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS

102. The  directors  of  the  Company  or any committee thereof may meet at such
     times  and  in  such manner and places within or outside the British Virgin
     Islands  as  the  directors  may  determine  to  be necessary or desirable.

103. A  director  shall  be deemed to be present at a meeting of directors if he
     participates  by  telephone  or  other  electronic  means and all directors
     participating  in  the  meeting  are  able  to  hear  each  other.

104. A  director  shall  be  given  not  less  than 3 days notice of meetings of
     directors,  but  a  meeting  of directors held without 3 days notice having
     been given to all directors shall be valid if all the directors entitled to
     vote  at the meeting who do not attend, waive notice of the meeting and for
     this  purpose,  the  presence  of  a director at a meeting shall constitute
     waiver  on his part. The inadvertent failure to give notice of a meeting to
     a  director,  or the fact that a director has not received the notice, does
     not  invalidate  the  meeting.

105. A director may by a written instrument appoint an alternate who need not be
     a  director  and an alternate is entitled to attend meetings in the absence
     of  the  director  who appointed him and to vote or consent in place of the

106. A  meeting  of  directors  is  duly  constituted for all purposes if at the
     commencement of the meeting there are present in person or by alternate not
     less  than one-half of the total number of directors, unless there are only
     2  directors  in  which  case  the  quorum  shall  be  2.

107. If the Company shall have only one director the provisions herein contained
     for  meetings of the directors shall not apply but such sole director shall
     have  full power to represent and act for the Company in all matters as are
     not by the Act or the Memorandum or these Articles required to be exercised
     by  the  members  of  the Company and in lieu of minutes of a meeting shall
     record  in  writing  and  sign  a  note  or  memorandum  of  all  matters


     requiring  a  resolution  of  directors.  Such  a  note or memorandum shall
     constitute  sufficient  evidence  of  such  resolution  for  all  purposes.

108. At  every  meeting  of the directors the Chairman of the Board of Directors
     shall  preside  as  chairman of the meeting. If there is no Chairman of the
     Board  of  Directors  or  if  the Chairman of the Board of Directors is not
     present  at  the  meeting the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors shall
     preside.  If  there is no Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors or if the
     Vice-Chairman  of  the Board of Directors is not present at the meeting the
     directors  present  shall choose some one of their number to be chairman of
     the  meeting.

109. An action that may be taken by the directors or a committee of directors at
     a  meeting may also be taken by a resolution of directors or a committee of
     directors  consented  to in writing or by telex, telegram, cable, facsimile
     or  other  written electronic communication by all directors or all members
     of  the  committee as the case may be, without the need for any notice. The
     consent  may  be in the form of counterparts, each counterpart being signed
     by  one  or  more  directors.

110. The  directors  shall  cause  the  following  corporate records to be kept:

     (a)  minutes  of  all  meetings  of  directors,  members,  committees  of
          directors,  committees  of  officers  and  committees  of  members;

     (b)  copies  of  all  resolutions  consented  to  by  directors,  members,
          committees  of  directors,  committees  of  officers and committees of
          members;  and

     (c)  such  other  accounts  and  records  as the directors by resolution of
          directors  consider  necessary  or  desirable  in order to reflect the
          financial  position  of  the  Company.

111. The  books,  records  and minutes shall be kept at the registered office of
     the  Company, its principal place of business or at such other place as the
     directors  determine.

112. The  directors  may,  by  resolution  of  directors,  designate one or more
     committees,  each  consisting  of  one  or  more  directors.

113. Each  committee  of  directors  has  such  powers  and  authorities  of the
     directors,  including the power and authority to affix the Seal, as are set
     forth  in  the  resolution  of directors establishing the committee, except
     that  no  committee  has  any power or authority to amend the Memorandum or
     these Articles, to appoint directors or fix their emoluments, or to appoint
     officers  or  agents  of  the  Company.

114. The meetings and proceedings of each committee of directors consisting of 2
     or  more  directors shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the provisions of
     these  Articles  regulating the proceedings of directors so far as the same
     are  not  superseded  by  any provisions in the resolution establishing the


115. The  Company may by resolution of directors appoint officers of the Company
     at  such times as shall be considered necessary or expedient. Such officers
     may consist of a Chairman of the Board of Directors, a Vice-Chairman of the
     Board  of  Directors,  a  President  and  one  or  more  Vice-Presidents,
     Secretaries and Treasurers and such other officers as may from time to time
     be  deemed desirable. Any number of offices may be held by the same person.

116. The  officers  shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed at the time
     of  their  appointment subject to any modification in such duties as may be
     prescribed  thereafter by resolution of directors or resolution of members,
     but  in  the  absence  of any specific


     allocation  of duties it shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the
     Board  of  Directors  to  preside at meetings of directors and members, the
     Vice-Chairman  to  act  in  the  absence  of the Chairman, the President to
     manage the day to day affairs of the Company, the Vice-Presidents to act in
     order of seniority in the absence of the President but otherwise to perform
     such  duties  as may be delegated to them by the President, the Secretaries
     to  maintain  the  share  register,  minute  books  and records (other than
     financial  records)  of  the  Company  and  to  ensure  compliance with all
     procedural  requirements  imposed on the Company by applicable law, and the
     Treasurer  to  be  responsible  for  the  financial affairs of the Company.

117. The  emoluments  of all officers shall be fixed by resolution of directors.

118. The  officers  of  the Company shall hold office until their successors are
     duly  elected  and  qualified,  but any officer elected or appointed by the
     directors  may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by resolution
     of  directors.  Any  vacancy  occurring in any office of the Company may be
     filled  by  resolution  of  directors.

                              CONFLICT OF INTERESTS

119. No  agreement  or  transaction  between  the Company and one or more of its
     directors  or  any person in which any director has a financial interest or
     to  whom  any  director  is  related, including as a director of that other
     person, is void or voidable for this reason only or by reason only that the
     director  is  present  at the meeting of directors or at the meeting of the
     committee  of  directors that approves the agreement or transaction or that
     the  vote  or  consent  of  the director is counted for that purpose if the
     material  facts  of  the  interest  of  each  director  in the agreement or
     transaction  and  his interest in or relationship to any other party to the
     agreement  or  transaction  are disclosed in good faith or are known by the
     other  directors.

l20. A  director who has an interest in any particular business to be considered
     at  a  meeting  of  directors  or  members  may  be counted for purposes of
     determining  whether  the  meeting  is  duly  constituted.


l2l. Subject  to  the limitations hereinafter provided the Company may indemnify
     against  all  expenses,  including  legal  fees, and against all judgments,
     fines  and amounts paid in settlement and reasonably incurred in connection
     with  legal,  administrative  or  investigative  proceedings any person who

     (a)  is  or  was  a  party  or  is  threatened  to  be  made a party to any
          threatened, pending or completed proceedings, whether civil, criminal,
          administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that the person
          is  or  was  a director, an officer or a liquidator of the Company; or

     (b)  is  or  was,  at  the  request  of the Company, serving as a director,
          officer  or  liquidator  of, or in any other capacity is or was acting
          for,  another  company or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other

122. The Company may only indemnify a person if the person acted honestly and in
     good  faith  with  a  view to the best interests of the Company and, in the
     case of criminal proceedings, the person had no reasonable cause to believe
     that  his  conduct  was  unlawful.

123. The  decision  of the directors as to whether the person acted honestly and
     in  good  faith and with a view to the best interests of the Company and as
     to  whether  the person had no reasonable cause to believe that his conduct
     was  unlawful  is,  in the absence of fraud, sufficient for the purposes of
     these  Articles,  unless  a  question  of  law  is  involved.


124. The  termination  of  any  proceedings  by any judgment, order, settlement,
     conviction  or the entering of a nolle prosequi does not, by itself, create
     a  presumption  that  the person did not act honestly and in good faith and
     with  a  view  to  the best interests of the Company or that the person had
     reasonable  cause  to  believe  that  his  conduct  was  unlawful.

125. If  a  person  to  be  indemnified  has  been  successful in defence of any
     proceedings  referred  to  above  the  person is entitled to be indemnified
     against  all  expenses,  including  legal  fees, and against all judgments,
     fines  and amounts paid in settlement and reasonably incurred by the person
     in  connection  with  the  proceedings.

126. The  Company  may purchase and maintain insurance in relation to any person
     who is or was a director, an officer or a liquidator of the Company, or who
     at  the  request of the Company is or was serving as a director, an officer
     or  a liquidator of, or in any other capacity is or was acting for, another
     company or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against
     any  liability  asserted  against  the person and incurred by the person in
     that  capacity,  whether or not the Company has or would have had the power
     to  indemnify  the  person  against  the  liability  as  provided  in these


127. The  Company  may have more than one Seal and references herein to the Seal
     shall  be  references  to  every Seal which shall have been duly adopted by
     resolution  of  directors. The directors shall provide for the safe custody
     of the Seal and for an imprint thereof to be kept at the Registered Office.
     Except  as otherwise expressly provided herein the Seal when affixed to any
     written instrument shall be witnessed and attested to by the signature of a
     director  or any other person so authorized from time to time by resolution
     of  directors.  Such  authorization  may  be  before  or  after the Seal is
     affixed,  may  be  general  or  specific  and  may  refer  to any number of
     sealings.  The Directors may provide for a facsimile of the Seal and of the
     signature  of  any director or authorized person which may be reproduced by
     printing  or other means on any instrument and it shall have the same force
     and  validity  as  if  the Seal had been affixed to such instrument and the
     same  had  been  signed  as  hereinbefore  described.


128. The  Company  may by a resolution of directors declare and pay dividends in
     money,  shares, or other property, but dividends shall only be declared and
     paid  out  of  surplus.  In the event that dividends are paid in specie the
     directors  shall  have responsibility for establishing and recording in the
     resolution  of directors authorizing the dividends, a fair and proper value
     for  the  assets  to  be  so  distributed.

129. The  directors  may  from  time  to  time  pay  to the members such interim
     dividends  as appear to the directors to be justified by the profits of the

130. The  directors  may,  before  declaring  any dividend, set aside out of the
     profits of the Company such sum as they think proper as a reserve fund, and
     may  invest  the sum so set aside as a reserve fund upon such securities as
     they  may  select.

131. No  dividend shall be declared and paid unless the directors determine that
     immediately  after  the payment of the dividend the Company will be able to
     satisfy  its  liabilities  as they become due in the ordinary course of its
     business  and the realizable value of the assets of the Company will not be
     less  than  the sum of its total liabilities, other than deferred taxes, as
     shown  in  its  books of account, and its capital. In the absence of fraud,
     the  decision  of the directors as to the realizable value of the assets of
     the  Company  is  conclusive,  unless  a  question  of  law  is  involved.


132. Notice  of  any dividend that may have been declared shall be given to each
     member  in  manner  hereinafter mentioned and all dividends unclaimed for 3
     years  after  having  been  declared  may  be  forfeited  by  resolution of
     directors  for  the  benefit  of  the  Company.

133. No  dividend  shall  bear  interest  as against the Company and no dividend
     shall be paid on treasury shares or shares held by another company of which
     the  Company  holds,  directly  or  indirectly,  shares having more than 50
     percent  of  the  vote  in  electing  directors.

134. A  share  issued  as  a  dividend  by  the Company shall be treated for all
     purposes  as  having  been  issued  for  money equal to the surplus that is
     transferred  to  capital  upon  the  issue  of  the  share.

135. In the case of a dividend of authorized but unissued shares with par value,
     an  amount  equal  to  the  aggregate  par  value  of  the  shares shall be
     transferred  from  surplus  to  capital  at  the  time of the distribution.

136. In  the  case  of  a dividend of authorized but unissued shares without par
     value,  the  amount  designated  by the directors shall be transferred from
     surplus  to  capital  at  the  time  of  the  distribution, except that the
     directors must designate as capital an amount that is at least equal to the
     amount  that  the  shares  are  entitled to as a preference, if any, in the
     assets  of  the  Company  upon  liquidation  of  the  Company.

137. A  division  of  the  issued and outstanding shares of a class or series of
     shares  into a larger number of shares of the same class or series having a
     proportionately smaller par value does not constitute a dividend of shares.

                               ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT

138. The  Company may by resolution of members call for the directors to prepare
     periodically  a profit and loss account and a balance sheet. The profit and
     loss account and balance sheet shall be drawn up so as to give respectively
     a  true  and  fair  view  of  the  profit  and  loss of the Company for the
     financial  period  and  a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
     Company  as  at  the  end  of  the  financial  period.

139. The  Company  may  by  resolution  of  members  call for the accounts to be
     examined  by  auditors.

140. The  first  auditors  shall  be  appointed  by  resolution  of  directors;
     subsequent  auditors  shall  be  appointed  by  a  resolution  of  members.

141. The auditors may be members of the Company but no director or other officer
     shall be eligible to be an auditor of the Company during his continuance in

142. The  remuneration  of  the  auditors  of  the  Company

     (a)  in  the  case  of auditors appointed by the directors, may be fixed by
          resolution  of  directors;  and

     (b)  subject  to  the foregoing, shall be fixed by resolution of members or
          in  such manner as the Company may by resolution of members determine.

143. The  auditors  shall examine each profit and loss account and balance sheet
     required  to  be  served  on  every  member of the Company or laid before a
     meeting  of  the members of the Company and shall state in a written report
     whether  or  not

     (a)  in  their opinion the profit and loss account and balance sheet give a
          true  and fair view respectively of the profit and loss for the period
          covered by the accounts, and of the state of affairs of the Company at
          the  end  of  that  period;  and


     (b)  all  the  information  and  explanations required by the auditors have
          been  obtained.

144. The  report  of  the auditors shall be annexed to the accounts and shall be
     read  at  the  meeting of members at which the accounts are laid before the
     Company  or  shall  be  served  on  the  members.

145. Every  auditor  of the Company shall have a right of access at all times to
     the  books of account and vouchers of the Company, and shall be entitled to
     require from the directors and officers of the Company such information and
     explanations  as  he  thinks necessary for the performance of the duties of
     the  auditors.

146. The  auditors of the Company shall be entitled to receive notice of, and to
     attend any meetings of members of the Company at which the Company's profit
     and  loss  account  and  balance  sheet  are  to  be  presented.


147  Any  notice, information or written statement to be given by the Company to
     members  may  be served in the case of members holding registered shares in
     any  way  by which it can reasonably be expected to reach each member or by
     mail  addressed  to  each member at the address shown in the share register
     and  in  the case of members holding shares issued to bearer, in the manner
     provided  in  the  Memorandum.

148. Any  summons,  notice,  order,  document,  process,  information or written
     statement  to  be  served on the Company may be served by leaving it, or by
     sending  it  by registered mail addressed to the Company, at its registered
     office,  or by leaving it with, or by sending it by registered mail to, the
     registered  agent  of  the  Company.

149. Service  of  any  summons, notice, order, document, process, information or
     written statement to be served on the Company may be proved by showing that
     the  summons,  notice,  order,  document,  process,  information or written
     statement was delivered to the registered office or the registered agent of
     the  Company  or  that  it was mailed in such time as to admit to its being
     delivered  to  the registered office or the registered agent of the Company
     in  the  normal course of delivery within the period prescribed for service
     and  was  correctly  addressed  and  the  postage  was  prepaid.


150. The  directors  may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and
     maintenance  of  any  non-contributory  or  contributory  pension  or
     superannuation  funds for the benefit of, and give or procure the giving of
     donations,  gratuities,  pensions, allowances or emoluments to, any persons
     who  are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company or
     any  company  which  is  a  subsidiary  of  the  Company or is allied to or
     associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary, or who are or were
     at  any  time  directors  or  officers  of the Company or of any such other
     company  as aforesaid or who hold or held any salaried employment or office
     in  the  Company or such other company, or any persons in whose welfare the
     Company  or  any such other company as aforesaid is or has been at any time
     interested,  and  to the wives, widows, families and dependents of any such
     person,  and  may  make  payments  for or towards the insurance of any such
     persons  as aforesaid, and may do any of the matters aforesaid either alone
     or  in conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid. Subject always
     to the proposal being approved by resolution of members, a director holding
     any  such  employment  or  office  shall  be entitled to participate in and
     retain  for  his own benefit any such donation, gratuity, pension allowance
     or  emolument.



151. Whenever  any difference arises between the Company on the one hand and any
     of  the  members or their executors, administrators or assigns on the other
     hand,  touching  the  true  intent  and  construction  or  the incidence or
     consequences  of  these  Articles  or of the Act, touching anything done or
     executed,  omitted  or  suffered  in  pursuance  of the Act or touching any
     breach  or alleged breach or otherwise relating to the premises or to these
     Articles, or to any Act or Ordinance affecting the Company or to any of the
     affairs  of  the Company such difference shall, unless the parties agree to
     refer  the same to a single arbitrator, be referred to 2 arbitrators one to
     be  chosen  by  each  of  the parties to the difference and the arbitrators
     shall  before  entering  on  the  reference  appoint  an  umpire.

152. If  either party to the reference makes default in appointing an arbitrator
     either originally or by way of substitution (in the event that an appointed
     arbitrator  shall die, be incapable of acting or refuse to act) for 10 days
     after  the other party has given him notice to appoint the same, such other
     party  may  appoint  an arbitrator to act in the place of the arbitrator of
     the  defaulting  party.


153. The  Company  may  voluntarily  commence  to  wind  up  and  dissolve  by a
     resolution  of  members  but  if the Company has never issued shares it may
     voluntarily  commence  to  wind  up and dissolve by resolution of director.


154. The  Company  may  by  resolution  of  members  or  by  a resolution passed
     unanimously  by  all  directors  of  the  Company  continue  as  a  company
     incorporated  under  the  laws of a jurisdiction outside the British Virgin
     Islands  in  the  manner  provided  under  those  laws.

We,  HWR  SERVICES  LIMITED,  of Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British
Virgin  Islands  for  the  purpose  of  incorporating  an International Business
Company  under  the laws of the British Virgin Islands hereby subscribe our name
to  these  Articles  of Association the 23rd day of August, 2002 in the presence

Witness                                    Subscriber

SGD: Simone I. Syfox                       SGD. Andrew B. Swapp

.. . . . . . . . . .                        . . . . . . . . . .
Simone  I.  Syfox                          Andrew  B.  Swapp
Craigmuir  Chambers                        Authorized  Signatory
Road  Town,  Tortola                       HWR  Services  Limited
