For Immediate Release / Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Contact: Chad Hyslop or Jim Baumgardner (208) 331-8400
info@americanecology.com     www.americanecology.com
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                         AMERICAN ECOLOGY REDEEMS COMMON
                         STOCK WARRANT FOR $5.5 MILLION


     BOISE,  Idaho  - Jim Baumgardner, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of American Ecology Corporation [NASDAQ: ECOL], today announced that the
Company  has redeemed a warrant to purchase 1,349,843 shares of common stock for
$5.5 million or an equivalent of $4.07 per underlying common share. The redeemed
warrant, which represented approximately 8% of the Company's shares outstanding,
has been surrendered and will not be reissued.

     The redemption eliminated the sole outstanding warrant to acquire shares of
the  Company's  common  stock.  Issued  in November 1998, with a strike price of
$1.50  per  share, the warrant was a key element of a multi-part settlement with
the  Company's  prior  bank.

     "Elimination  of  this  warrant's  potentially  dilutive  overhang  is  a
continuation  of  our  long  term  strategy  to  increase  earnings  per share."
Baumgardner  stated,  adding,  "We  were  pleased  to close the transaction at a
discount  from  where  the  stock  has  recently  traded  with  essentially  no
transaction  costs."

     The  terms  of the transaction required the warrant holder to surrender its
warrant  in  exchange  for  $5.5  million in cash paid at closing. Following the
transaction,  the  Company  reported  more  than  $7 million of cash on hand and
access to an $8 million line of credit with its primary bank.

     "American  Ecology  took  advantage  of  a  unique opportunity to invest in
itself  at  a  substantial  discount to market," Baumgardner stated, concluding,
"The  Company  continues  to  possess  sufficient  financial wherewithal to fund
future  business  operations  and  grow  earnings."  On  February  17,  2004 the
Company's  common  stock,  which  is traded on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the
stock  symbol  ECOL,  closed  at  $6.99.

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     The  Company's  2003 investor conference call will be held Friday, February
20,  2004  at  10:00  am  Mountain  Time.  President and Chief Executive Officer
Stephen  Romano,  Senior  Vice  President  and  Chief  Financial  Officer  Jim
Baumgardner,  and  Vice  President  and Controller Michael Gilberg will host the
call  and  answer  questions  regarding  the transaction. Interested parties are
invited  to  submit  questions  in  advance  to  INFO@AMERICANECOLOGY.COM, or by
facsimile to 208-331-7900.  To join the call, dial 1-888-747-3526.  Participants
will be asked to provide their name and affiliation.

     American  Ecology  Corporation,  through  its  subsidiaries,  provides
radioactive,  PCB, hazardous, and non-hazardous waste services to commercial and
government customers throughout the United States, such as nuclear power plants,
steel  mills,  medical  and academic institutions and petro-chemical facilities.
Headquartered  in  Boise,  Idaho,  the  Company  is  the  oldest radioactive and
hazardous waste services company in the United States.

     This  press  release  contains forward-looking statements that are based on
our  current  expectations,  beliefs,  and  assumptions  about  the industry and
markets  in  which  American  Ecology  Corporation and its subsidiaries operate.
Actual  results  may  differ  materially  from  what  is expressed herein and no
assurance  can  be  given  that  the  Company  can  successfully meet its growth
targets,  generate  continued  or  improved  earnings,  dispose of its Oak Ridge
facility  without  incurring additional costs, or prevail in pending litigation.
For  information on other factors that could cause actual results to differ from
expectations,  please refer to American Ecology Corporation's most recent Annual
Report  on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission.
