EXHIBIT 3.1.1 Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation STATE OF WASHINGTON 3/16/2004 374150 SECRETARY OF STATE $60.00 Check #1640 Tracking ID 688471 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT WASHINGTON FILED PROFIT CORPORATION SECRETARY OF STATE SAM REED FEE: $30 MARCH 16, 2004 STATE OF WASHINGTON (illegible) ------------------------- - - Please PRINT or TYPE in black ink For office use only - - Sign, date and return original AND ONE COPY to: FILED / / ------------------------- COPORATIONS DIVISION 801 CAPITOL WAY SOUTH - PO BOX 40234 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-0234 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT! Person to contact about this filing Daytime Phone Number Joel Seidner, Esq. (with area code) (713)461-2627 ext.210 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF CORPORATION (As currently recorded with the Office of the Secretary of State) BENTLEYCAPITALCORP.COM INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USI NUMBER | CORPORATION NUMBER (if known) | AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES OF 602 021 123 | | INCORPORATION WERE ADOPTED ON | | Date: February 27, 2004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFFECTIVE DATE (Specified effective date may be up to 30 days AFTER receipt OF ARTICLES OF of the document by the Secretary of State) AMENDMENT [_] Specific Date: _____ [X] Upon filing by the Secretary of State - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT WERE ADOPTED BY (Please check ONE of the following) [_] Incorporators. Shareholders action was not required [_] Board of Directors. Shareholders action was not required [X] Duly approved shareholder action in accordance with Chapter 238.10 RCW - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARE AS FOLLOWS If amendment provides for an exchange, reclassification, or ____(illegible)____ Implementing the amendment must be included. If necessary, attach additional amendments or information. ARTICLE I The name of the corporation is: Proton Laboratories, Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNATURE OF OFFICER This document is hereby executed under penalties of perjury, and is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. /s/ Edward Alexander Edward Alexander, President March 2, 2004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printed Name Date