Exhibit 99.1     Purchase Agreement


     THIS ASSET SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT is made and entered into on April
14, 2004, by and among APA Optics, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Seller"),
and P.N.E., Inc. (d/b/a IRD), a Minnesota corporation (the "Buyer").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, Buyer desires to buy and assume, and the Seller is willing to sell
and assign, certain of the assets, rights and obligations of the Seller's
business division known as "optics manufacturing" free and clear of all liens,
claims and encumbrances whatsoever, for the purchase price and on the terms and
conditions set forth herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in order to consummate the transaction set forth above and
in consideration of the mutual covenants, representations and warranties herein
contained, and subject to the conditions herein contained, the parties hereto
agree as follows:

     1.     Agreement to Purchase and Sell Assets.  On the Closing Date (as
hereinafter defined), Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller and Seller agrees to
sell, assign, transfer, convey and deliver, on the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth in this Agreement, all of the tangible assets specifically
identified on Schedule 1 (collectively, the "Assets").

     2.     Excluded Assets.  Notwithstanding anything contained in the
Agreement to the contrary, Buyer will not purchase, and Seller will not sell,
any of the following assets (the "Excluded Assets"):

          a.   Any assets of Seller not listed on Schedule 1. For clarity, the
               Assets specifically do not include, without limitation, the

               (i)   Solar UV Simulator;

               (ii)  Lap Top Computer Tom Jun;

               (iii) Optics Water Line; and

               (iv)  KO Lee Saw.

          b.   Seller's cash on hand.

          c.   Any tax credits or refunds of Seller in respect of the Assets or

          d.   Any intellectual property or other intangible property (except
     that the Assets shall include processes, drawings, written test procedures
     and other documentation supplied by Honeywell and DSI (customers) in
     connection with products ordered by them and produced using the equipment
     comprising the Assets).

     3.     Escrow Payment.  Buyer will place $15,000.00 in escrow ("Escrow
Payment") with Sunbelt Business Brokers ("Broker") while completing due
diligence.  Due diligence shall be completed on or before April 9, 2004 (the
"Contingency Expiration Date").  The Escrow Payment shall be refunded to the
Buyer upon Buyer's notification to Seller in writing, via Broker, prior to said
date, that Buyer is canceling this Agreement.  The Assets shall remain on the
market until the Escrow Payment becomes non-refundable; however, Buyer may
notify Seller, in writing, via Broker, that the Escrow Payment is non-refundable
prior to the Contingency Expiration Date.  In such event, the Assets shall be
removed from the market until the Contingency Expiration Date after which the
Assets may again be marketed.  If Seller receives an offer to purchase from
another buyer prior to the Escrow Payment becoming non-refundable, and Seller
wishes to accept such offer, Seller shall notify Buyer in writing, via Broker,
of said other bona fide offer.  Buyer shall have until the earlier of three (3)
business days from the date of the notice of the offer or the Contingency
Expiration Date to notify Seller in writing, via Broker, that the Escrow Payment
is non-refundable or this Agreement shall become null and void and Escrow
Payment shall be fully refunded to Buyer.  The Escrow Payment shall be disbursed
to Seller at Closing and credited against the purchase price.  After April 30,
2004, if there has been no Closing and the Escrow Payment has become
nonrefundable in accordance with this paragraph 3, the Escrow Payment shall be
disbursed to Seller upon Seller's demand.

     4.     Purchase Price. The total purchase price (the "Purchase Price") for
the Assets is $220,000 (including the Escrow Payment) payable in cash, by check,
or by wire transfer.

     5.     Occupancy Agreement.  Buyer shall be allowed to store and use the
Assets at Seller's facility located at 2950 Northeast 84th Lane, Blaine,
Minnesota, for a period of up to twelve (12) months following the date of
Closing at a cost of $3,000.00 per month.  During such period, Buyer shall be
entitled to the exclusive use of that portion of Seller's facility that has
historically been used by Seller for its spherical optics business (the
"Premises"), solely for the purpose of operating a similar business by Buyer.
The parties hall execute and deliver an Occupancy Agreement in this regard at

     6.     Allocation of Purchase Price.  The parties shall agree at Closing as
to the content of IRS Form 8594 respecting allocation of the Purchase Price and
Additional Consideration among the Assets.

     7.     Closing.  The closing of the transactions set forth herein (the
"Closing") shall occur at the offices of Moss & Barnett, A Professional
Association, not later than April 30, 2004 (the "Closing Date"), or at such
other time and/or place as the parties hereto may agree.

     8.     Limitation on Assumption of Liabilities.   Seller shall transfer the
Assets to Buyer on the Closing Date free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances, and Buyer shall not, by virtue of its purchase of the Assets,

assume or become responsible for any debts, liabilities or obligations of
Seller, whether fixed, contingent, known, unknown or otherwise.

     9.     Representations and Warranties of Seller.  Seller represents and
warrants as follows:

          a.     Seller  is  a  corporation, existing and in good standing under
     the  laws  of  the  State  of  Minnesota,  and  has the requisite power and
     authority  to  carry  on  its  business  and  enter  into  this  Agreement.

          b.     At  Closing,  Seller  will own all right, title and interest in
     and  to  the Assets to be delivered hereunder, free and clear of all liens,
     encumbrances,  equities  or  claims.

          c.     All  authorizations,  approvals  and consents necessary for the
     execution  and  delivery  by  the  Seller  of  this  Agreement  and for the
     consummation  by  the  Seller  of the transaction contemplated hereby, have
     been  given, and the Seller has full right, power and authority to execute,
     deliver  and  perform  this  Agreement.

          d.     The  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  and  the
     consummation  of  the transactions contemplated hereby will not to the best
     knowledge  of  the Seller materially violate any law, rule or regulation or
     court  or administrative order, or result in a material breach or violation
     of,  or  constitute a material default (or event which with notice or lapse
     of  time, or both, would constitute a default) under any material agreement
     or  instrument  or  any  decree, judgment or order to which the Seller is a
     party  or  by  which  it  or  its  properties  may  be  bound.

          e.     To  Seller's  best  knowledge,  (i) as of the Closing Date, the
     Assets,  normal  wear-and-tear  and  obsolescence  excepted,  are  in  good
     condition  and  working  order and (ii) as of the Closing Date, Seller will
     have  good  and marketable title or good and marketable leasehold interest,
     as  the  case may be, free and clear of all claims, liens and encumbrances,
     to  all Assets, except as set forth on Schedule 9, attached, and except for
     Assets which may be sold or disposed of in the ordinary course of business.

               f.     There  are  no  material  legal  actions,  suits  or
     administrative or governmental proceedings existing or pending which affect
     the  Assets.

     10.     Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Buyer.  Buyer
represents and warrants to Seller that:

          a.     Buyer is a corporation duly organized,  existing  and  in  good
     standing  under  the  laws of the State of Minnesota, and has the requisite
     power and authority to carry on its business and enter into this Agreement.

          b.     All  authorizations,  approvals  and consents necessary for the
     execution  and  delivery  by  the  Buyer  of  this  Agreement  and  for the
     consummation by the Buyer of the transaction contemplated hereby, have been

     given,  and  the  Buyer  has  full  right,  power and authority to execute,
     deliver  and  perform  this  Agreement

          c.     The  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  and  the
     consummation  of  the transactions contemplated hereby will not violate any
     law,  rule  or regulations or court or administrative order, or result in a
     breach or violation of, or constitute a default (or event which with notice
     or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default) under any agreement,
     instrument,  decree,  judgment or order to which the Buyer is a party or by
     which  it  may  be  bound.

     11.     Indemnification and Other Remedies.

          a.    Seller shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless against any loss,
     costs, expense, deficiency, liability or damage incurred by Buyer from:

               (i)     The  material incorrectness of any representation made by
          Seller  in  this  Agreement,  the  material  breach of any warranty of
          Seller contained in this Agreement, or the nonfulfillment by Seller of
          any  material  agreement or covenant made by Seller in this Agreement;

               (ii)     Any  material  liabilities  of  Seller,  not  expressly
          assumed  by  Buyer  for  which  Buyer becomes liable, whether accrued,
          absolute,  contingent  or  otherwise, and whether due or to become due
          and  not  disclosed to Buyer by Seller, unless Seller had no knowledge
          of  such  liabilities;

               (iii)     Any  and  all  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  demands,
          judgments,  costs  and legal and other expenses incident to any of the
          matters  referred  to  in  this  paragraph, or any claims with respect

          b.     Buyer  agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless against any
     loss,  cost,  expense,  deficiency,  liability or damage incurred by Seller
     arising  from:

               (i)     Debts, liabilities, claims or causes of action concerning
          the Assets incurred or arising after the Closing Date;

               (ii)     The incorrectness of any representation made by Buyer in
          this Agreement, the breach of any representation, warranty or covenant
          of  Buyer  contained in this Agreement, or the nonfulfillment by Buyer
          of  any  agreement  or  covenant  made  by  it  in this Agreement; and

               (iii)     Any  and  all  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  demands,
          judgments,  costs  and legal and other expenses incident to any of the
          matters  referred  to  in  this  paragraph, or any claims with respect

          c.     With respect to matters involving third party claims:

               (i)     If  any  third  party  shall  notify  any  party  (the
          "Indemnified  Party")  with  respect  to  any  matter  (a "Third Party
          Claim")  which  may  give  rise to a claim for indemnification against
          another party (the "Indemnifying Party") under this paragraph II, then
          the  Indemnified  Party  shall  promptly notify the Indemnifying Party
          thereof  in  writing,  provided  that  no  delay  on  the  part of the
          Indemnified  Party  in  notifying the Indemnifying Party shall relieve
          the  Indemnifying Party from any obligation hereunder unless (and then
          solely  to  the  extent)  that  the  Indemnifying  Party  thereby  is

               (ii)     The Indemnifying Party will have the right to defend the
          Indemnified  Party  against  the Third Party Claim with counsel of its
          choice  satisfactory  to  the  Indemnified  Party  so  long as (a) the
          Indemnifying  Party  notifies  the Indemnified Party in writing within
          ten  business days after the Indemnified Party has given notice of the
          Third  Party  Claim  that  the  Indemnifying  Party will indemnify the
          Indemnified Party in accordance with this paragraph 11 with respect to
          the  Third  Party  Claim,  and (b) the Indemnifying Party conducts the
          defense  of  the  Third  Party  Claim  actively  and  diligently.

               (iii)     So  long  as  the  Indemnifying Party is conducting the
          defense  of  the  Third  Party  Claim  in accordance with paragraph 11
          (c)(ii)  above,  (a)  the  Indemnified  Party  may  retain  separate
          co-counsel  at  its  sole  cost and expense, (b) the Indemnified Party
          will  not  consent  to  the  entry  of  any judgment or enter into any
          settlement  with  respect  to  the Third Party Claim without the prior
          written  consent  of  the  Indemnifying  Party  (not  to  be  withheld
          unreasonably),  and (c) the Indemnifying Party will not consent to the
          entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement with respect to the
          Third Party Claim without the prior written consent of the Indemnified
          Party  (not  to  be  withheld  unreasonably).

               (iv)     If the  Indemnifying  Party does not conduct the defense
          of  the  Third  Party  Claim  in  accordance with paragraph 11 (c)(ii)
          above,  then  (a)  the Indemnified Party may assume the defense of the
          Third  Party Claim with counsel which shall be reasonably satisfactory
          to  the  Indemnifying  Party,  (b)  the  Indemnified  Party  shall act
          reasonably and in accordance with its good faith business judgment and
          shall  not  effect  any  settlement  without  the  consent  of  the
          Indemnifying  Party,  which  consent  shall not be withheld or delayed
          unreasonably,  and  (c)  the  Indemnifying  Party shall be entitled to
          participate  in  such  defense  with  its  own  counsel and at its own

          d.     Neither  Buyer nor Seller shall have a right to indemnification
     hereunder  or otherwise unless and until the indemnitee shall have incurred
     on  a  cumulative  basis  since the Closing Date aggregate claims otherwise
     entitled  to indemnification in an amount exceeding $25,000, in which event
     the  right  to  be  so indemnified shall apply only to the extent that such
     losses  exceed  $25,000.  The  sum  of  all  losses  pursuant  to  which
     indemnification  is  payable  by Seller or Buyer shall not exceed $200,000.
     For  purposes hereof, claims shall be determined by deducting therefrom the

     amount of benefits obtained under federal tax laws, amounts recovered under
     insurance  policies  net of deductibles and incidental expenses and premium
     increases  resulting  therefrom,  and  recovery by setoffs or counterclaims
     realized  by Buyer which is measurable in dollars with reasonable certainty
     (net  of  all  costs  and  expenses of recovering such amount) occurring in
     connection  with  such  loss.

          e.    All of the representations, warranties, covenants and agreements
     contained  in  this Agreement and in any certificate, schedule, document or
     other  writing  delivered  pursuant to this Agreement have been relied upon
     and  shall  survive  the  Closing,  provided  that  any  representation and
     warranty  contained  in paragraphs 9 and 10 hereof shall be fully effective
     and  enforceable  only for a period from the Closing Date through and until
     270  days thereafter and shall thereafter be of no further force or effect,
     except  as  to  claims  for  indemnification  timely  made pursuant to this
     paragraph  11  which shall survive until resolved or judicially determined.

         f.     Seller and Buyer  acknowledge  that any breach or evasion of any
     provisions  of  this  Agreement  will  result  in immediate and irreparable
     injury  and  harm  and  may  cause the aggrieved party to suffer damages in
     amounts  difficult to ascertain. Accordingly, upon any breach which has not
     been  timely cured, an aggrieved party shall be entitled to the remedies of
     injunction and/or specific performance, as well as other legal or equitable
     remedies to which it may be entitled. All such rights and remedies shall be
     cumulative  and the exercise of any one of them shall not be deemed to be a
     waiver  of  any  other.

     12.     Performance by Seller Pending Closing.  Seller shall give Buyer and
Buyer's officers and agents, upon reasonable notice, full access during
reasonable hours to the fiber optics manufacturing business, and all of the
books, records, contracts, commitments and agreements of the APA business
related to the Assets as any of such officers or agents shall reasonably
request.  Any information obtained by Buyer shall be treated by Buyer as
confidential and Buyer will take all necessary steps to ensure that the
information gained by it is restricted to those of its employees that need to
have the information in order to carry out the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement.  In the event that the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is
not completed, Buyer will return to Seller any documents acquired by it from
Seller, together with all copies thereof and notes and memoranda prepared

     13.     Covenants, Agreements and Acknowledgments Concerning
Representations of Seller.  Seller and Buyer hereby covenant, agree and
- -------------------------
acknowledge with respect to the representations and warranties of Seller set
forth herein as follows:

          a.     Notwithstanding anything contained in  this  Agreement  to  the
     contrary,  if  Buyer  has  knowledge  prior  to  Closing  that  any  of the
     representations  and  warranties  of  Seller set forth herein are untrue or
     incorrect  in  any material respect, Buyer may, at its option (i) invoke as
     unsatisfied  the conditions to Closing and may terminate this Agreement, in
     which  event  none  of  the  parties  shall  have  any  further  rights  or
     obligations  hereunder,  or  (ii) Buyer may waive its right with respect to
     such  breach and the failure to satisfy such condition and proceed with the

     transaction  contemplated  hereby, in which event Buyer shall have no claim
     (whether  for  indemnification  or  otherwise)  against  Seller.

          b.    To the extent disclosure made in any one schedule sets forth the
     information  required to be disclosed on another schedule, such information
     shall  be  deemed  to  be  reported  on  such  other  schedule.

          c.     The  representations  and  warranties  of  Seller  set forth in
     paragraph  9  hereof  constitute  all of the representations and warranties
     made  by Seller. Buyer specifically acknowledges and agrees that it has not
     relied  or proceeded upon any other representations or warranties by Seller
     and  that  Seller  is not responsible for any representations or warranties
     made  herein or otherwise by any other persons, or any projection as to the
     future  earnings  potential  or  value  of  the  Assets.

          d.     Whenever  a statement herein is qualified by the phrase "to its
     best  knowledge,"  "to  its  knowledge"  or  by  other words to the same or
     similar  effect,  it is intended to signify that no information has come to
     the attention of Anil K. Jain, the president and chief executive officer of
     Seller,  which  would give him actual knowledge or notice of the inaccuracy
     of  such  statement.

     14.     Documents to be Delivered by Seller and Certain Persons at Closing.
At the Closing, Seller and certain other persons, identified below, shall
execute, where necessary or appropriate, and deliver to Buyer each of the

          a.     A  certificate  signed  by a duly authorized officer of Seller,
     dated  as  of  the  Closing  Date,  to  the  effect  that  (i)  all  of the
     representations  and warranties made by Seller in this Agreement are to the
     best  of Seller's knowledge true and correct at and as of the Closing Date,
     and  (ii) confirming that Seller has approved this Agreement and authorized
     the  execution  and  delivery  of  this Agreement and any other document or
     instrument  executed  in  connection  herewith;

          b.     A  Bill  of  Sale  duly  executed  by  Seller;

          c.     Evidence  of  satisfaction of any lien or encumbrance on any of
     the Assets not expressly being assumed by Buyer;

          d.     Occupancy  Agreement  for  the  Premises;  and

          e.     All consents, releases, assignments and permissions of any kind
     or  nature which reasonably may be required to effectively sell, assign and
     transfer  the  Assets  to  the  Buyer,  consistent  with  the terms of this

     15.     Documents to be Delivered by Buyer at Closing.  At the Closing,
Buyer shall execute and deliver each of the following:

          a.    A certified or bank cashier's check or checks, or wire transfer,
     payable  to  Seller  in  the  amounts  provided  for in paragraph 4 of this

          b.     A  certified  copy  of  resolutions adopted by Buyer's Board of
     Directors  authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
     other  documents  and  instruments  executed  in  connection  herewith;

          c.     Occupancy  Agreement  for  the  Premises;  and

          d.     A  certified or bank cashier's check, or wire transfer, payable
     to  Seller,  for  (i)  one-half  of  the  legal  fees incurred by Seller in
     connection  with  preparation  of  the  documents  for this transaction and
     Closing,  or  (ii)  $1,000,  whichever  is  less.

     16.     Notices.  All notices and other communications from any of the
parties to the other shall be in writing and shall be considered to have been
duly given or served as sent by reputable overnight carrier or verified
facsimile to the other party at his or their address as provided below, or to
such other address as such party may hereafter designate by written notice to
the other party or parties:

          If to Seller:               APA Optics, Inc.
                                      2950 Northeast 84th Lane
                                      Blaine, MN 55449
                                      Attn:  Anil K. Jain, PhD
                                      Telephone #:  (612) 894-3680
                                      Fax #:  (612) 894-2463

               With a copy to:        Janna R. Severance
                                      Moss & Barnett
                                      4800 Wells Fargo Center
                                      90 South Seventh Street
                                      Minneapolis, MN  55402-4129
                                      Telephone #:  (612) 347-0367
                                      Fax #:  (612) 339-6686

          If to Buyer:                P.N.E., Inc. d/b/a IRD
                                      810 East St. Paul Street
                                      Litchfield, MN 55355
                                      Attn:  Dennis F. Rutledge, President
                                      Telephone #:  (320) 693-7217
                                      Fax #: (320) 693-7216

               With a copy to:        Johnston Law Office
                                      Easton Place
                                      510 22nd Avenue East, Suite 101
                                      Alexandria, MN 56308

     17.     Amendment.  This Agreement may be altered or amended by a writing
signed by all of the parties.

     18.     Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by
the laws of the State of Minnesota.

     19.     Parties in Interest.  This Agreement shall be binding upon the
parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
assigns.  Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations
hereunder shall be assigned or delegated by any of the parties without the prior
written consent of all the other parties.

     20.     Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which
shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     21.     Severability.  The invalidity or partial invalidity of any portions
of this Agreement shall not invalidate the remainder hereof, and said remainder
shall remain in full force and effect.

     22.     Entire Agreement.  This Agreement and its Exhibits constitute the
entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter hereof and supersedes
any prior agreement or understanding between the parties on the subject matter

     23.     Captions.  Captions at the beginning of the paragraphs of this
Agreement are designated for convenience of reference only and are not to be
resorted to for the purpose of interpreting any provisions of this Agreement.

SELLER:                         APA OPTICS, INC.

                                By /s/ Anil K. Jain
                                   Anil K. Jain, PhD
                                   Its President

BUYER:                          P.N.E. INC., (D/B/A IRD)

                                By /s/ Dennis F. Rutledge
                                   Dennis F. Rutledge
                                     Its President

                                SCHEDULE 1 ASSETS