WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): April 15, 2004

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                    0-21898                   46-0408024
          --------                    -------                   ----------
(State or other jurisdiction        (Commission              (I.R.S. Employer
      of incorporation)             File Number)            Identification No.)

          150 S. Los Robles, Ste. 480, Pasadena, CA                91101
          -----------------------------------------                -----
          (Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip Code)

Registrant's  telephone  number,  including  area  code:  (626)  792-5549

                                 Not Applicable
          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)


Nanokinetics, Inc.
- -----------------

     On  April  21, 2004, Arrowhead Research Corporation, a Delaware corporation
("Arrowhead  Research"),  entered  into an agreement with Dr. Michael Roukes and
the  California  Institute of Technology ("Caltech"), to form a new corporation,
Nanokinetics,  Inc.,  that  will  focus  on the development of the processes and
devices  needed  to commercialize various nanotechnology applications.  Pursuant
to  this agreement, Caltech would grant to Nanokinetics a fully-paid, worldwide,
exclusive license to use for commercial purposes certain technology developed by
Dr.  Roukes  and  his  research  group  at  Caltech.  As payment in full for the
technology license, Caltech will be granted a warrant to purchase, for a nominal
consideration,  shares  of  the  new  company's  common  stock.

     Dr.  Roukes  is  a California Institute of Technology physics professor who
has gained worldwide recognition through his work on the physics and fabrication
of  nanoscale  electronic  devices.  He  is the newly named founding Director of
Caltech's  Kavli  Nanoscience  Institute, which recently received a $7.5 million
grant  to  foster  innovative research at the frontiers of nanoscale science and

     To  date,  nanoscience has focused on the development of individual devices
at  research  universities  like  Caltech,  and elsewhere. Nanokinetics has been
formed to build upon intellectual property developed by Dr. Roukes and his group
that  focuses on the incorporation of various nanoscience discoveries to produce
integrated systems of nanotech devices that can provide the basis of products to
be  manufactured  in  commercial  quantities.  Within  a period of approximately
twelve  months,  Nanokinetics  intends  to  implement this technological base by
establishing  the  facilities, processes, and techniques required for commercial
production  of one or more nanotech products to be developed by Nanokinetics for
target  markets. For example, one application under development by Dr Roukes and
his  team  is  a  microfluidic-based  electronic  biosensor  based  upon BioNEMS
(biofunctionalized nanoelectromechanical systems). In the near term, nanosystems
such  as  this,  with  nanoscale  sensor  elements numbering in the hundreds and
thousands,  are  expected  to  provide  powerful  new  approaches  to bio-threat
detection,  drug  screening,  and  medical  diagnostics  --  with  sensitivity
approaching  the  single  molecule  level.

     Arrowhead  Research  has agreed to provide $2,000,000 of initial funding to
the  new  company to purchase shares of preferred stock, and to contribute up to
$18,000,000  of  additional  capital as certain milestones in the development of
its business are met. For its investment, Arrowhead Research will own 80% of the
voting securities of the new company, with the balance to be owned by Dr. Roukes
and his mutually acceptable designees, including a chief executive officer to be
subsequently identified. Options will be granted to Dr. Roukes and his designees
that  will  vest over a 4-year period. Dr. Roukes will also be granted an option
to purchase, at $1.00 per share, 200,000 shares of the Common Stock of Arrowhead

     In  the event that all of the outstanding options and warrants fully vested
and  were exercised, along with additional options that are available for future
grant  under a stock option plan, the ownership of Arrowhead Research in the new
company  would be reduced, to approximately 45.5% of the then outstanding voting
securities.  However,  as  owner  of  all outstanding preferred stock, Arrowhead
Research  at all times will have the right to elect a majority of the members of
the new company's Board of Directors, with the remaining directors to be elected
by  Dr.  Roukes  and  the  other  holders of the new company's common stock. The
initial  Board  of  Directors  of  the  new  company  will  be  comprised  of  3
representatives  of  Arrowhead  Research and two designees of Dr. Roukes and his


     Execution  of  the  agreement  to  form  Nanokinetics,  Inc.  was  publicly
announced  by Arrowhead Research on April 22, 2004, by means of a Press Release,
a  copy  of  which  is  filed  as  an  exhibit  hereto.

Insert Therapeutics, Inc.
- -------------------------

     On April 15, 2004, Arrowhead Research agreed to acquire a majority position
in  Insert  Therapeutics,  Inc.,  a Pasadena-based company focused on designing,
developing and commercializing delivery-enhanced therapeutics using its patented
class  of  polymeric  delivery  systems.

     With  research  being  led  by  Dr.  Mark  Davis,  a  professor of chemical
engineering  at  the  California Institute of Technology, Insert Therapeutics is
currently  expanding  and  leveraging  its  platform  technology, Cyclosert(TM),
through  an  internal  small-molecule  drug  development program, a gene-therapy
collaboration with San Diego-based Canji, Inc., a subsidiary of Schering-Plough.

     The  founder  of Insert Therapeutics, Dr. Davis is a Member of the National
Academy  of  Engineering  and  a  recipient  of  numerous  awards  including the
prestigious  Alan  T.  Waterman  Award, given by the National Science Foundation
annually  to only one scientist in the United States across all disciplines. Dr.
Davis  was  the  first  engineer  to  win  this award for his work in rationally
designed  materials.  Dr.  Davis  earned  his  B.S.,  M.S.  and Ph.D. degrees in
Chemical  Engineering, holds over 30 patents, has published more than 300 papers
and  has  presented  over  450  seminars  throughout  the  world.

     Insert  has  designed  a  novel  class  of  "intelligent"  polymers  that
incorporate properties for the intracellular, systemic delivery of a broad range
of therapeutics. The polymer-therapeutic composites form nanoparticles that have
designable  size  and  functions.  These  "smart"  nanoparticles  can  deliver
therapeutics  ranging  from  small  molecules  to  genes and their combinations.
Unlike  passive  drug  carriers,  Cyclosert  polymers  respond  to  biological
mechanisms  and  micro-environmental  conditions  enabling the active release of
their  therapeutic  payload into tumor cells or other selected tissues, that can
be  targeted  with  the  attachment  of  various  cell surface receptor ligands.

     Cyclosert's  linear  cyclodextrin-containing polymers can be designed to be
neutral,  positively  charged  or  negatively charged. This feature is unique to
Cyclosert  technology  and  provides  great  flexibility  for  formulation  and
delivery.  Cyclosert  has  been  synthesized at molecular weights high enough to
provide  for  to  slowed renal clearance, enhanced circulation time and improved
accumulation  of  active  drug  at  the  target  tissue. Using Cyclosert, Insert
expects to be able to significantly improve the solubility, stability, toxicity,
efficacy  and  pharmacokinetic  characteristics  of  anticancer  drugs.


     Arrowhead  Research  has agreed to provide $2,000,000 of initial capital to
Insert Therapeutics, to purchase shares of preferred stock, and to contribute up
to  $3,000,000  of  additional  capital  as  certain  milestones  in the further
development  of  its  business  are met.  For its investment, Arrowhead Research
will  acquire approximately 64% of the voting securities of Insert Therapeutics,
with  the  balance  to  be  owned  by management and existing shareholders.  The
agreement  provides  that  the  Board  of  Directors of Insert Therapeutics will
consist  of  three  individuals,  the  current  Chief  Executive Officer and two
designees  of  Arrowhead Research.  An option pool has been established pursuant
to which options to purchase additional shares of common stock may be granted by
the  Board of Directors to employees and officers of, and consultants to, Insert
Therapeutics. In the event that all of these options were granted and exercised,
the  ownership of Arrowhead Research in the Inert Therapeutics would be reduced,
but  not  below  50%  of  the  then  outstanding  voting  securities.

     Execution  of  the  agreement  to  acquire a controlling interest in Insert
Therapeutics,  Inc.  was  publicly  announced by Arrowhead Research on April 22,
2004,  by  means  of  a  Press Release, a copy of which is filed as an amendment

Aonexx Technologies, Inc.
- ------------------------

     Previously,  by  a  press  release  dated March 9, 2004, Arrowhead Research
announced  an  agreement  to form its first nanotech subsidiary with Dr. Harry A
Atwater  and  his  research  group at the California Institute of Technology. On
April 20, 2004 a second press release was issued to announce the name of the new
corporation,  Aonexx Technologies, Inc. ("Aonexx"), and that Sean Olson has been
named  as  the  President  of  Aonexx.  On  April  20,  2004,  the formation and
organization  of  Aonexx  was  completed,  with  Arrowhead  Research  making its
contribution  of  $2,000,000  to the capital of Aonexx in exchange for preferred
stock  representing  80%  of  the  voting  securities  of  the  company,  with a
commitment  to  inject  an  additional $3,000,000 if certain milestones are met.

     Aonexx  was  formed  to  commercialize  a  patented method for transferring
nano-layers  of  semiconductor materials (e.g., indium phosphide, germanium, and
gallium arsenide) and oxides (e.g., barium titanate, lithium niobate, and PMNPT)
onto low-cost substrates (e.g., silicon, sapphire, and glass), with no adhesives
and  with  controlled  stress.

     Early  applications  are expected to include the development of inexpensive
laminate  wafers  (e.g.,  indium  phosphide on silicon and germanium on silicon)
that  could  replace  expensive,  homogenous  compound semiconductor substrates.
These  'replacement'  wafers  are  expected  to  reduce  manufacturing costs and
improve  performance  for  devices  such  as LEDs, power amplifiers for wireless
communications,  and high-efficiency solar cells.  Aonexx is currently scheduled
to have limited samples available for evaluation purposes by qualified customers
within  three  months.

     Aonexx  is  also  exploring  the  use  of  the  technology  to  support the
integration of different semiconductor materials onto a single substrate. Such a
technology would enable optical, logical, and high frequency power amplification
devices  to  be  integrated  into  single  dies  -  an  industry  trend


termed  'system  on  a  chip'  (SoC)  -  and  bring  with  it  opportunities for
significant  cost savings and performance improvements.  Ultimately, the company
hopes  to  enable the optical and electrical properties of device active regions
to  be  engineered  independently  of  the  underlying  substrate's  thermal,
dielectric,  and  mechanical  properties.

     Mr.  Olson,  age 33, joins Aonexx with four years of technical and business
experience  in  the semiconductor industry and three years of experience working
with  new ventures as a management consultant and venture capitalist.  He served
in  engineering  and  management  positions  at Silicon Valley Group Lithography
(acquired by ASML), and supported technology and business development efforts at
Oraxion  Diagnostics, a start-up in the metrology space.  He was also a strategy
consultant  for  The Boston Consulting Group.  Mr. Olson received his bachelor's
and  master's  degrees  in  engineering  from  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of
Technology  and  a  master's  degree in Business Administration from the Harvard
Business  School.

     The  press release dated March 9, 2004 announcing the agreement to form the
new  company  now  known  as  Aonexx  was  previously filed as an exhibit to the
Current  Report on Form 10-K filed by Arrowhead Research with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  on March 10, 2004. A copy of the press release dated April
20,  2004,  regarding the appointment of Mr. Olson as the President of Aonexx is
filed  herewith  as  an  exhibit  hereto.



  (c)  Exhibits.

       Exhibit No.                   Description                    Page No.
       -----------  ----------------------------------------------  --------
           A   -    Press Release dated April 22, 2004, regarding       5
                    Nanokinetics, Inc.

           B   -    Press Release dated April 22, 2004, regarding       6
                    Insert Therapeutics, Inc.

           C   -    Press Release dated April 20, 2004, regarding       7
                    the appointment of Sean Olson as the President
                    of Aonexx Technologies, Inc.


     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

Date:     April 22, 2004
                                      ARROWHEAD  RESEARCH  CORPORATION

                                      By: /s/  R. Bruce Stewart
                                         R. Bruce Stewart, President


Arrowhead Research

                                                                   PRESS RELEASE
                                                         Tuesday, April 20, 2004
                                                                     7:00 am EDT

                                 NAMES PRESIDENT

Pasadena,  California  -  (PR  Newswire)  -  April 20, 2004 - Arrowhead Research
Corporation  (OTCBB:  ARWR)  announced  today  that  its  newly-formed  nanotech
subsidiary,  Aonexx  Technologies,  Inc., has named Mr. Sean Olson as President.
Aonexx  Technologies is developing patented nano-layer transfer technologies and
system  integration  solutions  for  the  compound  semiconductor  industry.

"Sean  has  a  wealth  of  experience,  strong  leadership  skills,  and a clear
strategic  vision  for the Company.  He is also deeply knowledgeable on both the
business  principles  and  technologies  that drive the semiconductor industry,"
said  Harry  Atwater,  the  Caltech  Professor  who developed the technology and
co-founded  the  Company  with Arrowhead Research.  "We are very pleased to have
him  on  the  team."

Mr.  Olson  joins  Aonexx  with  technical  and  business  experience  in  the
semiconductor  industry.  He  served  in engineering and management positions at
Silicon  Valley  Group  Lithography (acquired by ASML), and supported technology
and  business  development  efforts  at  Oraxion  Diagnostics, a start-up in the
metrology  space.  He  was  also a strategy consultant for The Boston Consulting
Group.  Mr.  Olson  received  his bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a master's degree in Business
Administration  from  the  Harvard  Business  School.

Aonexx  Technologies  was  formed  to  commercialize  a  patented  method  for
transferring  nano-layers  of  semiconductor  materials (e.g., indium phosphide,
germanium,  and  gallium  arsenide)  and  oxides (e.g., barium titanate, lithium
niobate,  and  PMNPT)  onto  low-cost  substrates  (e.g., silicon, sapphire, and
glass),  with  no  adhesives  and  with  controlled  stress.

Early  applications  are  expected  to  include  the  development of inexpensive
laminate  wafers  (e.g.,  indium  phosphide on silicon and germanium on silicon)
that  could  replace  expensive,  homogenous  compound semiconductor substrates.
These  'replacement'  wafers  are  expected  to  reduce  manufacturing costs and
improve  performance  for  devices  such  as LEDs, power amplifiers for wireless
communications,  and high-efficiency solar cells.  Aonexx is currently scheduled
to have limited samples available for evaluation purposes by qualified customers
within  three  months.

The  Company  is  also  exploring  the  use  of  the  technology  to support the
integration  of different semiconductor materials onto a single substrate.  Such
a  technology  would  enable  optical,  logical,  and  high  frequency  power
amplification  devices  to  be  integrated  into single dies - an industry trend
termed  'system  on  a  chip'  (SoC)  -  and  bring  with  it  opportunities for
significant  cost savings and performance improvements.  Ultimately, the company
hopes  to  enable the optical and electrical properties of device active regions

to  be  engineered  independently  of  the  underlying  substrate's  thermal,
dielectric,  and  mechanical  properties.


Arrowhead  Research  Corporation  funds  research  at universities in pioneering
scientific  areas,  primarily  nanotechnology, in return for exclusive rights to
commercialize  technologies  and  associated  intellectual  property and patents
developed  as  a  result  of this research. The Company has already entered into
agreements with the California Institute of Technology and three of its faculty,
and  is  actively pursuing other potential partners at Caltech and other leading
research  institutions  and  universities.

Commercial applications that arise from Company-sponsored research projects will
be  developed and marketed by Arrowhead Research through a series of diversified
subsidiaries  representing  each  product or application, or through third-party
licensing.  The first majority-owned subsidiary, Aonexx Technologies, was formed
to  commercialize  an  ultrathin  crystal  film  (nanofilm)  technology that was
developed  at  Caltech.


This  news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
"safe  harbor"  provisions  of  the  Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. These statements are based upon our current expectations and speak only as
of  the date hereof. Our actual results may differ materially and adversely from
those expressed in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors
and  uncertainties,  including the recent economic slowdown affecting technology
companies,  our  ability  to  successfully develop products, rapid technological
change  in  our markets, changes in demand for our future products, legislative,
regulatory  and  competitive  developments  and general economic conditions. Our
Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K, recent and forthcoming Quarterly Reports on Form
10-Q,  recent  Current  Reports  on  Forms  8-K and 8-K/A, and other SEC filings
discuss some of the important risk factors that may affect our business, results
of  operations  and financial condition. We undertake no obligation to revise or
update  publicly  any  forward-looking  statements  for  any  reason.


R. Bruce Stewart, President
Telephone:     626.792.5549
Email:  bruce@arrowres.com

Arrowhead Research

                                                                   PRESS RELEASE
                                                        Thursday, April 22, 2004
                                                                     7:00 am EDT



Pasadena,  California  -  (PR  Newswire)  -  April 22, 2004 - Arrowhead Research
Corporation  (OTCBB:  ARWR), an emerging company in the field of nanotechnology,
announced  today  that  it  has  agreed  to  take  a majority position in Insert
Therapeutics,  Inc.,  a  Pasadena-based company focused on designing, developing
and  commercializing  delivery-enhanced therapeutics using its patented class of

With  research  being led by Dr. Mark Davis, a professor of chemical engineering
at  the  California  Institute  of  Technology, Insert Therapeutics is currently
expanding  and  leveraging  its  platform  technology, Cyclosert(TM), through an
internal  small-molecule  drug development program, a gene-therapy collaboration
with  San  Diego-based  Canji,  Inc.,  a  subsidiary  of  Schering-Plough.

The  founder  of  Insert  Therapeutics,  Dr.  Davis  is a Member of the National
Academy  of  Engineering  and  a  recipient  of  numerous  awards  including the
prestigious  Alan  T.  Waterman  Award, given by the National Science Foundation
annually  to only one scientist in the United States across all disciplines. Dr.
Davis  was  the  first  engineer  to  win  this award for his work in rationally
designed  materials.  Dr.  Davis  earned  his  B.S.,  M.S.  and Ph.D. degrees in
Chemical  Engineering, holds over 30 patents, has published more than 300 papers
and  has  presented  over  450  seminars  throughout  the  world.

Insert  has  designed  a  novel class of "intelligent" polymers that incorporate
properties  for  the  intracellular,  systemic  delivery  of  a  broad  range of
therapeutics.  The  polymer-therapeutic  composites form nanoparticles that have
designable  size  and  functions.  These  "smart"  nanoparticles  can  deliver
therapeutics  ranging  from  small  molecules  to  genes and their combinations.
Unlike  passive  drug  carriers,  Cyclosert  polymers  respond  to  biological
mechanisms  and  micro-environmental  conditions  enabling the active release of
their  therapeutic  payload into tumor cells or other selected tissues, that can
be  targeted  with  the  attachment  of  various  cell surface receptor ligands.

Cyclosert's  linear  cyclodextrin-containing  polymers  can  be  designed  to be
neutral,  positively  charged  or  negatively charged. This feature is unique to
Cyclosert  technology  and  provides  great  flexibility  for  formulation  and
delivery.  Cyclosert  has  been  synthesized at molecular weights high enough to
provide  for  to  slowed renal clearance, enhanced circulation time and improved
accumulation  of  active drug at the target tissue.  Using Cyclosert, Insert has
significantly  improved  the  solubility,  stability,  toxicity,  efficacy  and
pharmacokinetic  characteristics  of  anticancer  drugs.


Arrowhead  Research  Corporation  funds  research  at universities in pioneering
scientific  areas,  primarily  nanotechnology, in return for exclusive rights to
commercialize  technologies  and  associated  intellectual  property and patents
developed  as  a  result  of this research. The Company has already entered into
agreements with the California Institute of Technology and three of its faculty,
and  is  actively pursuing other potential partners at Caltech and other leading
research  institutions  and  universities.

Commercial applications that arise from Company-sponsored research projects will
be  developed and marketed by Arrowhead Research through a series of diversified
subsidiaries  representing  each  product or application, or through third-party
licensing.  The first majority-owned subsidiary, Aonexx Technologies, was formed
to  commercialize  an  ultrathin  crystal  film  (nanofilm)  technology that was
developed  at  Caltech.


This  news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
"safe  harbor"  provisions  of  the  Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. These statements are based upon our current expectations and speak only as
of  the date hereof. Our actual results may differ materially and adversely from
those expressed in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors
and  uncertainties,  including the recent economic slowdown affecting technology
companies,  our  ability  to  successfully develop products, rapid technological
change  in  our markets, changes in demand for our future products, legislative,
regulatory  and  competitive  developments  and general economic conditions. Our
Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K, recent and forthcoming Quarterly Reports on Form
10-Q,  recent  Current  Reports  on  Forms  8-K and 8-K/A, and other SEC filings
discuss some of the important risk factors that may affect our business, results
of  operations  and financial condition. We undertake no obligation to revise or
update  publicly  any  forward-looking  statements  for  any  reason.


R. Bruce Stewart, President
Telephone:     626.792.5549
Email:   bruce@arrowres.com

Arrowhead Research

                                                                   PRESS RELEASE
                                                        Thursday, April 22, 2004
                                                                     7:01 am EDT



Pasadena,  California  -  (PR  Newswire)  -  April 22, 2004 - Arrowhead Research
Corporation  (OTCBB:  ARWR), an emerging company in the field of nanotechnology,
announced  today  that  it  has  reached  an  agreement with Dr. Michael Roukes,
California  Institute  of  Technology  Professor of Physics, Applied Physics and
Bioengineering,  and  Caltech  itself,  to form a new corporation, Nanokinetics,
that  will  focus  on  the  development  of  the processes and devices needed to
commercialize  various  nanotechnology  applications.  Nanokinetics  will be the
third  majority-owned  subsidiary  formed  by  Arrowhead  Research.

Dr.  Roukes has gained worldwide recognition through his work on the physics and
fabrication  of  nanoscale  electronic  devices.  He is the newly named founding
Director  of  Caltech's  Kavli  Nanoscience Institute, which recently received a
$7.5  million  grant to foster innovative research at the frontiers of nanoscale
science  and  engineering.

Nanokinetics  plans  to  focus  upon building the technological base required to
transition  today's  academic  "nanoscience  of  the  individual  device" to the
integration  and mass production required for these market-ready products.  With
this  process-oriented  focus,  Nanokinetics  hopes  to  jumpstart  the
commercialization  of  many of the nanotech applications already available.  Dr.
Roukes  stated,  "It  is becoming clearer every day that the companies that make
early  and decisive investments to establish capabilities for complex nanodevice
production will dominate the broader realm of commercial nanotechnology that lie
beyond  first-generation  applications."

One  application  being  developed  by  Dr.  Roukes  and  his  team  is  a
microfluidic-based  electronic  biosensor  based upon BioNEMS (biofunctionalized
nanoelectromechanical  systems).  In  the  near term, nanosystems such as these,
with  nanoscale  sensor  elements  numbering  in the hundreds and thousands, can
provide  powerful  new  approaches  to bio-threat detection, drug screening, and
medical  diagnostics  -  with sensitivity approaching the single molecule level.

Commenting  on  this  latest  addition, R. Bruce Stewart, President of Arrowhead
Research,  said, "We are obviously very pleased to add the world-class scientist
Michael  Roukes to our team.  In addition to bringing a wide array of experience
and  knowledge to the Arrowhead Research umbrella, we believe that the formation
of  Nanokinetics  with Dr. Roukes will significantly increase the probability of
more  rapid  commercialization  of nanotech products and applications, including
those  in  which our sponsored researchers and other subsidiaries are involved."


Arrowhead  Research  Corporation  funds  research  at universities in pioneering
scientific  areas,  primarily  nanotechnology, in return for exclusive rights to
commercialize  technologies  and  associated  intellectual  property and patents
developed  as  a  result  of this research. The Company has already entered into
agreements with the California Institute of Technology and three of its faculty,
and  is  actively pursuing other potential partners at Caltech and other leading
research  institutions  and  universities.
Commercial applications that arise from Company-sponsored research projects will
be  developed and marketed by Arrowhead Research through a series of diversified
subsidiaries  representing  each  product or application, or through third-party
licensing.  The  Company's  majority-owned subsidiaries are Aonexx Technologies,
Inc. was formed to commercialize an ultrathin crystal film (nanofilm) technology
and  Insert  Therapeutics,  Inc. which is developing a proprietary drug delivery


This  news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
"safe  harbor"  provisions  of  the  Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. These statements are based upon our current expectations and speak only as
of  the date hereof. Our actual results may differ materially and adversely from
those expressed in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors
and  uncertainties,  including the recent economic slowdown affecting technology
companies,  our  ability  to  successfully develop products, rapid technological
change  in  our markets, changes in demand for our future products, legislative,
regulatory  and  competitive  developments  and general economic conditions. Our
Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K, recent and forthcoming Quarterly Reports on Form
10-Q,  recent  Current  Reports  on  Forms  8-K and 8-K/A, and other SEC filings
discuss some of the important risk factors that may affect our business, results
of  operations  and financial condition. We undertake no obligation to revise or
update  publicly  any  forward-looking  statements  for  any  reason.


R. Bruce Stewart, President
Telephone:   626.792.5549
Email:  bruce@arrowres.com